When the climatic period begins, women have signs. The first signs of menopause in women

Knowing how menopause begins, you can prepare in advance and recognize its onset in time. Throughout life, a woman's body undergoes significant hormonal changes.

What is it


This process of change in the female body is inevitable. It's quite long. The main signs of its onset:

  1. Dryness of the skin, vagina and eyeball.
  2. Difficulty sleeping (difficulty falling asleep, waking up early, inability to fall back to sleep if you had to wake up in the middle of the night due to noise).
  3. Urinary incontinence when sneezing or coughing.
  4. Increased sweating.

Several years before menopause in women. Discharges can be either or. In order not to miss the onset of any serious disease of the female genital organs, it is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist during this period.

The onset of menopause is indicated by frequent obsessive thoughts about any problems. Many women during this period complain of an increase in heart rate. Due to poor circulation, numbness occurs in the limbs. Most women are plagued by anxiety and irritability, and their mood changes dramatically.

The contours of the female figure change. Weight gain occurs. The most recognizable and characteristic of this stage are heat flushes (sharp sensations of heat spreading throughout the body). At this moment, red spots may appear on the chest, neck, and arms.

The duration of such heat flashes can last from 30 seconds to several hours. Such symptoms indicate a slowdown in ovarian function and subsequent hormonal changes. Hot flashes can bother women for many years, even after menopause.

Unfortunately, at this stage, a woman’s body begins to age dramatically. For some, menopause symptoms can last for months, while for others they can persist for several years afterward.

When to expect?

The following factors may influence the age at which menopause begins in women:

  • bad habits;
  • number of pregnancies and abortions;
  • psycho-emotional state.

When asking how menopause begins and when, you should know that it can begin at the age of 35 or at the age of 50. But often this happens between 48 and 54 years. On average, about 51 years.

Premature menopause is considered to be the period between 40 and 45 years, and late menopause, when a woman continues to menstruate at 55 years of age. This age is primarily determined by genes. In addition, menopause can be caused by surgery to remove the uterus or certain diseases.

Causes of early menopause

The main cause of development is considered to be problems with the ovaries, which are affected by autoimmune processes, the presence of tumors, smoking, trauma, genital tract infections, radiation exposure and chronic diseases. Hereditary factors also influence the onset of menopause.

Often the cause of early menopause is a malfunction of the endocrine system due to a disorder in the functioning of the thyroid gland, ovaries and pituitary gland, which work together. Early onset of menopause occurs in 1% of women.

This process is not physiological. The cessation of egg production in women before the age of 40 is not a normal process. As a result, the woman becomes infertile. Against this background, osteoporosis may also begin, thyroid function may deteriorate, and other autoimmune diseases may occur.

Early menopause can begin even in adolescence. The age of 40 symbolizes only a conditional distinction. The onset of early menopause can be indicated by a blood test that determines hormonal levels. In addition, during this period a woman experiences a high level of FSH, which stimulates the production of estrogen.

If a woman does not stop menstruating at the age of 55, then this is considered late menopause. It occurs in 5% of women. The main reasons for this condition are considered to be:

  1. Heredity. In this case there is no reason to worry. In this case, there is no threat to the woman’s health.
  2. Tumors affecting the formation of estrogen. If the level of these hormones is too high, this may indicate the presence of a tumor in the breast or reproductive organs of the woman.
  3. Medicines. Some drugs can have this effect, for example, drugs used to treat cancer.
  4. Radiation exposure.

If, with late menopause caused by hereditary factors, a woman feels well, and the examination does not confirm the presence of factors that threaten health, then this has many positive aspects. Bone tissue remains strong for a longer time. A woman has a more stable mental state, good sleep, good thinking and memory.

Externally, the woman shows less pronounced aging, her hair does not lose collagen and practically does not turn grey. The weight remains normal, and the heart works in a normal rhythm. The likelihood of stroke and heart attack is reduced. Reproductive function is also preserved.

Video about the symptoms of menopause in women

Knowing the main symptoms of menopause, you can detect them in time and, possibly, delay its onset, as well as ease its course. When the first symptoms appear, do not postpone a visit to the gynecologist. He will recommend contraception to reduce the risk.

Once you reach menopause, you can consult a doctor to decide on the use of hormone therapy to maintain the correct balance in the body. There is no need to be afraid of this treatment method. It allows you to replenish the missing amount of estrogen, which the body can no longer produce in sufficient quantities, and improve the overall well-being of a woman.

You can also use drugs based on medicinal herbs, including biological supplements with phytoestrogens, mineral complexes and vitamins.

Additional sources of phytoestrogens entering the body can be foods rich in such compounds: flax seeds, legumes, barley, soy, as well as apples, carrots and grant.

How to eliminate unpleasant manifestations

You can try the following ways to relieve menopause symptoms:

  1. During high tides, it is recommended to wear lighter clothing appropriate for the season. At the moment they begin, you should inhale slowly and deeply.
  2. You can use practiced relaxation techniques, such as yoga.
  3. Watch your diet. You should increase the consumption of dairy products and milk in your diet, and reduce or completely eliminate alcohol and coffee.

Is treatment required?

You should regularly visit a doctor during menopause, first of all, so as not to miss the onset of a serious illness. To help relieve hot flashes, your doctor may prescribe estrogen or progesterone. It also helps cope with the symptoms of osteoporosis. If a woman has had her uterus removed, then in this case treatment is carried out only with estrogen.

Hormone therapy is contraindicated in women who have breast or uterine cancer, bleeding disorders, stroke, or liver disease.

You should not use hormonal treatment if you have vaginal bleeding.

To help manage hot flashes or mood swings, other medications may replace hormone therapy:

  • antidepressants;
  • antiseptics;
  • medications for the treatment of blood pressure.

Don't panic about the onset of menopause. You should learn to live and enjoy life. If you have any health problems, you should consult a doctor. No matter what age menopause begins, it is better to be under the supervision of experienced doctors during this period.

All information is provided for informational purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

With age, the female body undergoes hormonal changes inherent in nature. But many women are frightened by the menopause, because there is an opinion that menopause is always malaise, hot flashes, and loss of emotions from intimate relationships. Is this true? Or is menopause just the next stage in a woman’s life and development? What is a woman’s menopause, when does it occur and how does it manifest itself, what treatment is indicated during menopause, read below.

What is menopause in women

Menopause is a woman's natural state when she reaches a certain age. Each woman has a certain formed reserve of eggs in the ovaries. The ovaries produce female hormones - estrogen and progesterone, which regulate female reproductive function, and as a result, ovulation and menstruation occur cyclically every month. When the supply of eggs is used up, menstruation stops, hormone production decreases significantly, and menopause occurs.


A woman should know information about how the menopause manifests itself, what hot flashes are. It is important to be able to get rid of hot flashes quickly so as not to feel discomfort in public, in the office, etc. As a rule, they manifest themselves in a feeling of unexpected heat, which lasts several minutes and is replaced by a feeling of cold; perspiration appears on the woman’s body - this is a reaction of the nervous system to a decrease in hormone production. Washing with cold water helps relieve a hot flash; if this does not help, you need to find a medicine with the help of a doctor.

Other possible signs of the onset of menopause:

  • irregular menstruation;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • sudden mood changes;
  • heart rate increases;
  • pressure surges;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • fatigue;
  • sleep disorder;
  • neurosis;
  • Depression may develop.

When it comes

At what age and how does menopause begin? After 40 years, women enter premenopause: rare or frequent menstruation is observed, dysfunctional bleeding is possible, the development of menopausal cardiopathy is possible, and spotting is possible between menstruation. It is important to know why this period is dangerous: changes in the body can be symptoms of gynecological diseases, for example, uterine fibroids. A menopause test can help confirm the onset of perimenopause. A stable basal temperature also indicates the onset of menopause.

Still, there is no definite answer to the question at what age does a woman begin menopause, because the onset of menopause is influenced by genetic factors, working conditions, climate, lifestyle, and the presence of bad habits. But for most women, menopausal changes begin after 45 years, if after 50 years it is a late menopause. Today, many specialists in gynecology are inclined to believe that late menopause should be called its onset after 55 years.

A common occurrence these days is early menopause. The causes of early menopause, which can begin at the age of 30, are heredity, immune disorders or the results of medical intervention. In exceptional cases, premature menopause can occur even at 25 years of age as a result of damage to the ovaries after chemotherapy or surgical removal of the ovaries for medical reasons. But such menopause is pathological and necessarily requires treatment in order to even out the hormonal imbalance of the female body at a young age.

How long does menopause last?

The menopausal period is divided into the phases of premenopause, menopause and postmenopause. How long does hormonal change in the body last?

  • Perimenopause lasts 2-10 years, until menstruation stops.
  • Menopause occurs 1 year after the cessation of menstruation.
  • The postmenopausal period begins with the onset of menopause and lasts 6-8 years, during which time the symptoms of menopause - for example, hot flashes - may persist, but pass more easily.

Treatment for menopausal syndrome

To alleviate the symptoms of menopause, you need to know what to take when you have a headache, how to relieve hot flashes or other unpleasant symptoms, and stop uterine bleeding. One of the frequently used drugs in the treatment of menopausal syndrome is homeopathic tablets "Remens". A woman, after consulting a doctor, will be able to choose which means are best for her to use.

Homeopathic medicines

Homeopathy for menopause offers remedies in the form of tablets or drops. During the menopause, a whole range of health problems appear, based on vegetative-vascular symptoms - hot flashes, increased sweating, rapid heartbeat, and psycho-emotional - irritability, insomnia, increased fatigue. A complex of problems during menopause can be solved using the natural components in the composition of the drug Klimaktoplan. The action of the drug is aimed at eliminating two main problems: manifestations of autonomic dysfunction and neuro-emotional discomfort. The drug is of European quality, does not contain hormones, is available without a prescription, is well tolerated, and is produced in Germany.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes are often shared among women based on their experience. To maintain physical tone and good mood, water treatments are good - soothing herbal baths (cinquefoil root, lovage). To prevent general health, teas and decoctions from medicinal plants are used: chamomile, mint, hogweed, nettle, hawthorn. For optimal well-being during this transition period, you need to plan your daily routine, eat right, and get proper rest.

Hormonal drugs

Hormonal therapy is used only after a medical examination of a woman and as prescribed by a doctor, since it has a number of contraindications. But if complications such as obesity, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases occur during menopause, additional hormone intake is necessary. The doses of hormones contained in the preparations “Klimonorm”, “Femoston”, “Cliogest” replace the missing production of the body’s own hormones.

Herbal medicines

During menopause, herbal-based medicines are also used, for example, Inoklim, Klimadinon, Feminal, and in addition, vitamin-mineral complexes can be used independently or as part of hormonal therapy. The composition includes phytoestrogens - substances similar in structure and functions to female sex hormones, but phytohormones have a much less pronounced effect on the female body. Vitamins and microelements have a strengthening function and help relieve the negative manifestations of age-related metabolic disorders.


A woman is always pleased to know that she is taken care of. It's even more pleasant to feel it. In the field of caring for women’s well-being, Lady’s Formula Menopause Strengthened Formula has proven itself to be ideal. A well-known complex of traditional vitamins, the most important minerals and extracts of rare medicinal plants effectively helps women cope with the problems that arise during menopause. Thanks to an integrated approach to eliminating the symptoms of menopause, gentle effects and the absence of side effects, the biocomplex Lady’s Formula Menopause Strengthened Formula has become the drug of choice for many women to maintain a high quality of life during this period.

When taking Lady’s Formula Menopause Enhanced Formula, you will no longer be bothered by hot flashes, tachycardia, irritability, insomnia, you will say “no” to excess weight and frequent urge to urinate. In addition, you will enjoy a healthy, fresh complexion and skin elasticity, hair shine and strength.

Lady's Formula Menopause Enhanced Formula will step by step restore high vitality, good health and excellent appearance.

What is perimenopause

The premenopausal period is a transitional period to menopause, during which a woman's level of estrogen produced by the ovaries decreases over several years. Harbingers of perimenopause:

  • delayed menstruation;
  • exacerbation of premenstrual syndrome, sudden mood changes;
  • painful sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • itching and dryness of the vagina, discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • frequent urination;
  • urinary incontinence when sneezing or coughing.

Doctors diagnose the premenopausal period based on the symptoms that a woman exhibits and on the basis of a blood test for hormone levels, which must be taken several times due to unstable hormonal levels during this period. Perimenopause is a natural state for women aged 40-50, lasting until menopause, when the ovaries stop producing eggs.

Pregnancy during menopause

Is it possible to get pregnant during menopause? Yes, it's possible. A woman's reproductive function during premenopause is significantly reduced, but there is a chance of pregnancy. If such a turn of fate is undesirable, it is necessary to continue using contraceptives for 12 months after the last menstrual period. But sex after menopause can still bring bright colors to a woman’s life, and sexual life should under no circumstances end in the postmenopausal period.

Minasyan Margarita

Any age-related changes in the body cause anxiety and alertness. With regard to menopause, this statement is even more true, because, unfortunately, its arrival is accompanied by not the most pleasant manifestations. Many representatives of the fair sex who have already walked this path talk about how difficult it was for them. Therefore, associations with the onset of menopause are often more than negative. Like any action conceived by nature, it does not begin suddenly. The main signs of the premenopausal period begin long before the full onset of menopause; if you properly prepare for them, you can significantly reduce the risks of adverse manifestations and maintain a high quality of life.

Features of premenopause

The essence of menopause is a reduction in the production of female sex hormones by the ovaries, the cessation of ovulation processes, which leads to the gradual disappearance of menstruation, and, consequently, the completion of reproductive function.
Menostasis itself is natural, but under the influence of certain factors its symptoms can become excessively severe, significantly darkening life.
Menopause does not come in one day; its onset can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Perimenopause begins several years before the complete cessation of monthly bleeding. This is the initial stage in which negative manifestations may already begin to make themselves felt. Conventionally, we can call the age of 45-47 years the most characteristic for the onset of this phenomenon
  2. Menopause is characterized by the complete cessation of menstruation and the end of reproductive function. Its onset is natural at the age of 50-52 years.
  3. Postmenopause is a time that lasts until the end of life. As a rule, all the symptoms characteristic of the first two stages recede, but if the negative phenomena managed to cause significant harm to health, then the consequences remain with the woman for the rest of her life.

Premenopause begins at a time when the production of female sex hormones gradually decreases, this is especially true for estrogens, since they are responsible for regulating many important physiological processes in the female body. In particular, they are responsible for:

  • stable menstrual cycle;
  • metabolism;
  • formation of a figure according to the female type;
  • sexual desire;
  • maintaining timely renewal and moisture levels of mucous membranes;
  • emotional stability;
  • for complete absorption of calcium;
  • preservation of youth, since estrogens are involved in the synthesis of collagen fibers;
  • stimulating metabolic processes in the brain, maintaining memory, the ability to concentrate and perceive new information.

The premenopausal period is very important; it provides a kind of respite, time to prepare for the upcoming global changes. Its duration is on average 4 years, but individual deviations from this indicator are possible. One thing remains unchanged: at this time you need to pay maximum attention to your well-being and not let the situation take its course.

Main signs of premenopausal changes

It should be noted that not every woman acutely feels the approach of menopause. Each organism is individual, and its reactions to any internal vibrations are also different. To find out whether the symptoms refer to the beginning of menopause, you can go through.

However, in medical practice, the following symptoms are identified that distinguish the premenopausal period:

  • One of the most significant external manifestations is a change in the nature of menstruation. If previously they were regular, now characteristic disruptions in cyclicity may be observed. The essence can also change, they can become more scarce, then again take on their usual character. Premenopause is characterized by persistence of bleeding, but there is a tendency for it to stop.
  • One of the most pronounced and most dangerous manifestations that mark this syndrome are disruptions in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. This should include the appearance of hot flashes, attacks of rapid heartbeat, the development of coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, and the diagnosis of frequent attacks of high blood pressure. Often, even with the slightest exertion and emotional stress, shortness of breath occurs. It is when all these signs of trouble are just beginning that timely treatment should begin and the achieved result should be maintained.
  • Also, sometimes excessive sensitivity of the mammary glands appears if such a disease already exists. It is worth keeping in mind that many tumor diseases in this area are often hormone-dependent. Therefore, with the onset of menostasis, the number of cancer diseases increases sharply. Breast cancer is the leader among all types of oncology.
  • Increased fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and memory loss may occur.
  • Against the backdrop of changing hormonal levels, difficulties may arise. A decrease in estrogen concentration can significantly reduce libido and provoke discomfort in intimate relationships. Find out which women use.
  • This syndrome does not bypass the emotional state. Sometimes even the most balanced women begin to notice increased emotionality, unjustified outbursts of anger, and loss of interest in previously favorite activities and things. This is easily explained by the fact that hormonal changes are invariably associated with the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • The premenopausal period may be accompanied by the appearance of sleep disturbances. They appear, sleep becomes shallow, sometimes sweating and anxiety occur. These phenomena appear sporadically, but may already be the first “bells” of a future deterioration of the situation.
  • Under the influence of hormonal changes, the manifestation of PMS may worsen, especially in those women who regularly suffer from this disease.
  • Episodes often intensify during the premenopausal period.

Prevention of premenopause

May play a predominant role even before treatment. After all, the symptoms of trouble are not yet so pronounced, so there is time to influence their dynamics in more loyal and safe ways.

Perimenopause syndrome requires responsible preparation for it. Yes, there are hereditary factors that are very difficult to influence. If all the representatives of the fairer sex in the family had a hard time with the onset of menopause, then there is a certain risk of repeating this path. However, one should not attribute everything to a fatal coincidence. The development of pathological menopause is influenced by the lifestyle that accompanied the woman throughout her life until she entered premenopause. Therefore, preparations for the onset of this stage should begin by making adjustments in this direction. Ideally, of course, a healthy lifestyle should remain a faithful companion from childhood, but, as a rule, while a person is healthy, he aimlessly wastes his health reserves, and then tries to reverse the changes that have taken place. However, it is never too late to change circumstances towards positive dynamics.

Complete rest

One of the most important factors for the successful development of the scenario is maintaining a balanced work and rest regime. There is a clear relationship between cause and effect here. As an example: systematic lack of sleep causes a feeling of depression, provokes attacks of irritability, as a result of which blood pressure rises, anxiety about one’s health, and suspiciousness appear. And this whole chain of negative dynamics is complicated by the hormonal “swings” that begin at this time. Therefore, for the normal functioning of all body systems, it is very important to get quality rest.


The importance of physical activity should not be underestimated. Over the years, metabolic processes slow down, stagnant processes form in the body, muscle tone decreases, significantly affecting the shape of the body and the attractive appearance of the body. To counteract these unpleasant manifestations, you should include physical activity in your life. This will not only help prolong vigor and external beauty, but will also serve as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases and excess weight gain.

Proper nutrition

A balanced diet can also be an excellent help at the stage when it begins to manifest itself. Regular consumption of plant foods, lean meats, sea fish, and dairy products is the basis of a healthy diet. To improve your well-being, you should reduce your intake of sugar, salt, fatty and fried foods, and “bad” carbohydrates.

It would be justified to take additional sources of vitamins and microelements in order to maintain the activity and resistance of the body to various negative factors.

Quitting bad habits

It is very important to eliminate bad habits, if any. Nicotine and alcohol addiction are destructive for any period of life, but during premenopause they can become provocateurs of heart disease, oncology, thyroid diseases and other dangerous ailments.


Control of the psycho-emotional state is also an equally important factor. After all, the premenopausal period is characterized by a large number of vasovegetative symptoms, the formation of which is inextricably linked with the activity of the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, emotional well-being helps support the functioning of the central nervous system and slows down the development of unfavorable tendencies. To achieve a positive attitude, you should protect yourself as much as possible from stress, emotional and physical fatigue; if this is not possible, then try to change your attitude towards current events and, perhaps, resort to drug support for the functioning of the nervous system.

Sexual activity

Having a full sex life during premenopause has a positive effect on your general condition. Sexual energy has a beneficial effect on the production of hormones, the amount of which has tended to decrease. In addition, blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves, stagnant processes are eliminated, and emotional manifestations are stabilized.

Therapy of premenopausal disorders

If the combination of preventive methods taken during premenopause does not bring a stable result, and pathological symptoms continue to progress, treatment should be supplemented with special drugs.

The first step towards developing the correct treatment tactics is contacting a specialist. Ideally, it is he who should control the passage of the entire period of menopause.

Based on the collected medical history, the doctor will prescribe the necessary diagnostics, including:

  • direct examination by a therapist, gynecologist, mammologist;
  • taking urine and blood tests to assess the patient’s general condition;
  • blood sampling for analysis of hormone levels in order to determine the extent of changes occurring and select reasonable treatment;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and mammary glands;
  • mammography;
  • taking smears for infections;
  • conducting a cytological examination of the cervix;

Additional diagnostics are carried out based on the patient’s specific complaints. If there are any, the patient is referred to a specialized specialist and undergoes appropriate diagnostics.

After collecting all the necessary information, treatment tactics are prescribed, taking into account all contraindications and features of the course that distinguish the premenopausal period.

In premenopause, the most important direction of therapy is stabilization of hormonal levels. The most significant effect on a woman’s condition is the decrease in the amount of estrogen. Therefore, effective treatment should be based on compensating for the decrease in the production of these hormones.


In order to prevent a sharp reduction in estrogen levels, they turn to pharmaceuticals containing phytoestrogens.

Phytoestrogens are non-steroidal hormone-like substances, similar in structure to one of the subtypes of natural estrogens - estradiol.

Taking plant estrogens has a positive effect on:

  1. Activity of the cardiovascular system. Phytohormones strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity, provide adequate nutrition to the myocardium, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, thereby helping to avoid the development of hypertension, coronary artery disease, and also prevent heart attacks and strokes;
  2. The work of the central nervous system. Estrogens enhance the adaptive ability of the central nervous system to various stressful situations, mental and emotional stress. In addition, they help regulate the interaction of the parasympathetic and sympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system, allowing you to streamline the change in the processes of activity and rest. Due to this, sleep is normalized, efficiency increases, which is replaced by the natural onset of fatigue after completing labor-intensive processes, and overexcitation is prevented, which does not allow a person to relax and fully rest;
  3. External attractiveness. The action of natural estrogens is aimed not only at eliminating internal ailments, but also at maintaining the natural beauty of a woman. A decrease in the production of natural hormones leads to the launch of the aging process: the condition of the skin, hair, and nails sharply deteriorates, the figure changes to a male type, and excess weight appears. Taking phytoestrogens helps to resist the occurrence of these manifestations and postpone them to a later date.
  4. Absorption of calcium by the body. Phytoestrogens, together with vitamin D, help to fully absorb this microelement from food and vitamin-mineral complexes, counteracting the development of a disease characteristic of this time - osteoporosis, which manifests itself in increased fragility of bone tissue.

Vitamin and mineral preparations supplemented with these plant substances are most often used as a source of phytoestrogens. Examples of such complexes are:

  • Qi-Clim;
  • Klimadinon;
  • Estrovel;
  • Menopace;
  • Remens;
  • Mense.


Hormone replacement therapy can be justified only if the syndrome develops too rapidly and the woman’s health is extremely adversely affected by hormonal imbalances. In this case, delay can be dangerous and becomes less effective.

It is important to remember that HRT is a last resort, the use of which should be limited in time, and treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist. Unfortunately, long-term treatment with hormonal drugs causes an increased risk of cancer, for example, various types of cancer of the female genital organs and mammary glands.

Premenopause is an important preparatory stage in the restructuring of the female body. And although this phenomenon is exciting and, moreover, it is often accompanied by negative symptoms, it is important to consider it not only from a negative perspective, but also from the perspective of opportunities. As a rule, by this time, children no longer require as much attention as before, the woman has time to care for herself and arrange her own leisure time, her sexuality reaches its peak, and the need to worry about the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy disappears. Menopause is not the end of life, but a phenomenon provided for by nature itself, the course of which largely depends on the correct attitude and preventive measures taken.

- a physiological process that every woman from 40 to 60 years old experiences. This range in age is associated with the individual characteristics of the body, living conditions, genetic predisposition and other factors.

A woman’s purpose is procreation, motherhood; it is inherent in nature that at a certain period the reproductive function begins to gradually fade away.

Hormones play a leading role here; it is with a decrease in the production of female sex hormones in the ovaries (estrogens, estradiol) that a radical restructuring of the female body occurs. It is called menopause or menopause and brings a lot of inconvenience and anxiety to the weaker sex. This period is accompanied by certain...

What is menopause and its phases

Menopause is not a disease, but the beginning of the attenuation of characteristic female characteristics, an indicator that the possibility of new motherhood is becoming less and less. Restructuring the body in a new way affects all systems and organs.

This process lasts for more than a year and goes through 3 stages.:

  1. The first is called perimenopause. Around the age of forty, the level of estrogen in the blood begins to decrease. This leads to destabilization of the menstrual cycle: its frequency, duration, and intensity of discharge changes.
  2. Menopause– the second period, it begins with the complete cessation of menstruation, its duration is usually considered to be a year. This is the most difficult time for a woman, when the restructuring is quite intense, and she has to adapt to new sensations.
  3. Postmenopause. It occurs one year after the last menstruation. The level of estrogen at the beginning is half the original level, and their production stops completely. This phase is characterized by a restructuring of the endocrine system, so you should be wary of pathologies of the thyroid gland and associated disorders of the cardiovascular system.

How not to grow old during menopause, read.

When and how does it occur in women?

There are no strict time criteria for, as for any physiological process. For some ladies, the process of restructuring goes almost unnoticed, while others suffer from its painful symptoms. In many ways, the moment of menopause is determined by hereditary factors. It is generally accepted that on average it occurs. But recently there has been a “rejuvenation” of this process, so it is important to know how to determine it.

There is a theory that the onset of menopause is predetermined during fetal development.. A certain number of eggs are laid in the ovaries of a developing girl. They are consumed during her reproductive period. Some, maturing monthly, leave the ovarian follicle, and some die for physiological reasons before reaching maturity. But their numbers are decreasing year by year. And when reserves are depleted, menopause occurs.

The follicle acts as a kind of egg bank. During the reproductive period, it manages to mature 300-500 oocytes ready for fertilization.

Causes of early and late menopause

Among them:

  • Hormonal pathologies of the thyroid gland, metabolic processes (diabetes mellitus, obesity) and others.
  • Gynecological diseases and the consequences of their treatment (chemotherapy, surgery, etc.).
  • Numerous abortions.
  • Unqualified hormonal contraception.
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, etc.).
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Postponed surgeries.
  • Violations of work, rest and nutrition regimes.
  • Unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions.
  • Stress.


As for late menopause (at the age of close to 60 years), in most cases this is a great advantage and delays aging.

It, like early menopause, is often genetically predisposed. But this is not always a good thing for a woman.

Pathological causes of late menopause may be:

  • Gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, ovarian dysfunction).
  • Some types of tumors are characterized by high levels of estrogen in the blood, as a result of which menstruation does not stop for a long time.
  • Previous gynecological operations using chemotherapy or radiation.
  • Long-term treatment with antibiotics or other drugs that affect reproduction.

Nutrition has a significant impact on the sexual sphere. It has been noticed that in Japan, menopause in women occurs late and is painless. This is due to the fact that their diet is dominated by seafood.


The first harbingers of the onset of menopause appear long before its onset. As a rule, women do not notice them. This is especially true for those who at the age of 30-40 suffered gynecological diseases (endometriosis), had problems with conception or pregnancy and childbirth.

The first sign of premenopause - instability of the menstrual cycle - in the modern world is increasingly lost against the background of many years of irregular periods in women of childbearing age. Changes in the duration of menstruation, intensity of bleeding, missed periods, and others characteristic of precursors are difficult to distinguish from signs of dysfunctional disorders occurring in them. They are associated with stress, unfavorable ecology, frequent abortions and the not always justified use of hormonal drugs.

The onset of hormonal changes can be manifested by periods of shortening of the menstrual cycle to two to three weeks. And alternating missed periods result in bleeding. Over time, these pauses become more frequent.

In the early stages of menopause, PMS often worsens due to hormonal imbalance. At the same time, mood swings become more frequent, which can lead to depression.


The earliest signs of menopause are when heat is felt on the face, neck and throughout the entire upper body. This is caused by disturbances in the brain centers that control the body's thermoregulation due to hormonal imbalances.

A decrease in estrogen levels also affects sex life. These ubiquitous hormones also control the hydration of the vaginal mucosa and the production of lubricant to reduce friction during intimacy. When this does not happen in time, discomfort appears in the intimate area and a decrease in interest in intimate relationships.

How to recognize?

Summarizing what was said earlier, we can understand that premenopause is considered the beginning of menopause. This process, which takes more than a year, is characterized by increasing pauses between menstruation, bleeding after them and scanty discharge during menstruation.

This is considered normal. But at the beginning of menopause, pathological disorders are also possible when estrogens, on the contrary, are produced intensively. This anxiety syndrome is called hyperestragenia. In this case, menstruation becomes heavier and longer, and bleeding is also common. The mammary glands enlarge, become denser, and touching them causes pain. During a medical examination, fibroids and thickening of the uterine walls are detected.

The onset of menopause is an individual process. Not all women over 40 have these symptoms indicating its onset. Only a specialist can judge this. Therefore, you should not neglect preventive examinations by a gynecologist.


Signs of menopause are divided into early and late. The earliest of them have already been mentioned.

It is also typical for her:

  • , weakness.
  • , deterioration of skin and nails;
  • The appearance of the body;
  • , anxiety, emotional imbalance. (Hysteria, translated from ancient Greek means “womb”)
  • Drowsiness and depression.

Late manifestations of menopause include various pathologies and diseases due to hormonal disorders. At risk are the cardiovascular, endocrine and skeletal systems, genitals, metabolic processes, skin and other organs and systems.

Is it possible to pause the start and how?

Manifestations of early menopause are a consequence of ovarian dysfunction. If its causes are not hereditary abnormalities that are difficult to correct, then in many cases hormone replacement therapy comes to the rescue. It is also effective for the prevention and suspension of many diseases of the reproductive system.

A rational, healthy and regular diet is very important.


In the east, women are not allowed to use hormonal drugs, including for contraception. Instead, corrective nutrition is practiced with the inclusion of foods with natural phytohormones: avocado, hummus, lentils and others.

We should not neglect proven folk remedies and herbal medicine. So, ginger can delay menopause. Strengthening and physical exercises, regular walking, and walks in the fresh air increase immunity, and therefore help strengthen the body in the fight against premature aging.

From the above, conclusions arise:

  1. Menopause is a physiological process, and there is no need to be afraid of it. It lasts for several years.
  2. The main role in it is played by hormonal changes and a decrease in estrogen production.
  3. The time of its onset and course are always individual, but it is unacceptable to ignore early menopause.
  4. Menopausal manifestations can be recognized by characteristic symptoms.
  5. To avoid early aging, you need to monitor your health, do not neglect physical activity and do not skip preventive examinations with a doctor.

Useful video

From the video you will learn about the first symptoms of menopause:

Over the years, women repeatedly experience hormonal changes. Processes in the reproductive system change, childbearing function ceases. Women often wonder at what age menopause begins and how to ease its course. Knowledge about this period of life will help improve your condition during menopause.

Menopause (menopause) is a stage in a woman’s life associated with the decline of sexual and reproductive function. The ovarian function declines, which leads to an abrupt lack of sex hormones. This is how menopause begins in women. Over time, the changes lead to a complete stop of the reproductive function of the ovaries. This is manifested by the absence of menstruation.

What time does menopause occur? Usually around 50, but this parameter is individual. According to statistics, its onset occurs at the age of 45-55 years. Out of a hundred women, only five have regular periods longer than 55. On the other hand, 8% already begin menopause at the age of 40.

Women often ask: and at what age can it begin? Menopause rarely occurs before age 40, otherwise called premature ovarian failure syndrome.

There are known cases of the earliest menopause, which began at the age of 36, and the latest, at 60.

When menopause occurs, not only does reproductive function cease, but also the natural aging processes of the body begin earlier. A woman becomes susceptible to heart disease, vascular disease, osteoporosis, and pathologies of the central nervous system.

What determines the onset of menopause?

Menopause will not bypass any woman, and you need to accept it calmly, taking care of your health, and finding out what can be done about it.

There are no methods to predict at what age menopause begins in women. We can only guess the approximate time. Let's consider a set of signs on which the onset of menopause depends:

  • heredity;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • operations;
  • bad habits and stress;
  • taking medications with estrogen.

Heredity forms an individual scenario for the course of menopause, similar to the process of stopping the reproductive function of a mother or grandmother. In addition, it is affected by autoimmune changes in the tissues of the ovaries and adrenal glands, as well as autoimmune thyroiditis, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes mellitus, and hormonal imbalance.

Determines the age of menopause and surgical intervention. For example, if part of the ovarian tissue or uterus is removed, the blood supply to the reproductive organs is disrupted, which can lead to the “shutdown” of the ovaries. Stressful situations also provoke the same problem. Infertility is more common in women who smoke; they also experience menopause a year or a year and a half earlier.

Sometimes after operations, women are prescribed medications with estrogen, the level of which must be constantly monitored. It’s bad when there is not enough of it, but excess can lead to serious pathologies.

Stages of menopause development

At what age does menopause occur? This is not one moment, it stretches over several years. Many women have a very difficult time when menopause occurs. This occurs due to hormonal fluctuations, which are minor or avalanche-like in nature. The female body is rebuilt, the childbearing period changes to post-reproductive, that is, the woman loses the ability to give birth.

Medicine considers the duration of menopause as three main stages.

  1. Premenopause.
  2. Menopause.
  3. Postmenopause.

Perimenopause lasts from the start of irregular periods until the last menstrual period. Despite the decrease in fertile function, during this period it is still necessary to use protection. The first stage of menopause development begins after 40-50 years. The intervals between menstruation gradually increase and their regularity is lost. The amount of discharge during menstruation is noticeably reduced, and its duration is also reduced.

Premenopause is the longest period, which takes from 1.5 to 10 years.

Menopause is the time when the body stops producing hormones. It begins after 50-53 years and occurs no earlier than a year after the last menstruation. The age at which menopause begins, at what age the ovarian function begins to decline, is determined by chronic diseases, unfavorable external factors, as well as the woman’s health.

- This is the period when the functioning of the ovaries stops. A restructuring of organs and systems occurs, provoked by estrogen deficiency. At the postmenopausal stage, pathological changes such as urogenital disorders and urogenital disorders slowly develop, so every woman should monitor her health and prevent degenerative processes in time.

Women are interested in how long they last and when they can start. You can understand that menopause has arrived by the following set of signs:

When perimenopause begins, all women entering this period complain of hot flashes and night sweats. The onset of a hot flash manifests itself as a feeling of heat, which begins in the face and moves down the body. The skin turns red, the pulse quickens, and the temperature rises. Such an attack lasts up to 5 minutes and is often repeated, and can bother you even at night.

In addition, the woman becomes irritable and gets tired quickly. It happens that blood pressure can rise or fall sharply, and this leads to headaches and dizziness. Periodic heart palpitations are also possible.

All these signs signal that the functions of the ovaries are fading, the body is being rebuilt, and aging is beginning. Existing chronic diseases may worsen, new ones may appear, and the process of treating any pathologies is delayed.

There are symptoms that may not bother all women. Some do not feel them at all, while others suffer from them:

  • mood swings;
  • prolonged depression;
  • memory loss;
  • vaginal dryness and itching;

Some time after the onset of menopause, women experience prolonged depression, anxiety, irritability, frequent mood swings, memory and concentration deteriorate, and sleep suffers.

Against the background of impaired blood circulation, a feeling of tightness in the chest, numbness in the arms or legs, and chills may occur.

A constant decrease in the synthesis of female sex hormones leads to thinning of the vaginal mucosa, loss of its elasticity and density. A decrease in vaginal secretion is a direct path to dryness, which is especially felt during sexual intercourse. Sometimes during menopause there is itching and burning in the vagina.

Urogenital disorders also worsen the quality of life if they coincide with the onset of menopause. Women feel a frequent urge to urinate with urinary incontinence. Its spontaneous release can be influenced by physical stress, as well as stressful situations.

During menopause, libido decreases.

In addition, the skin of the face loses its elasticity, wrinkles appear, as well as various inflammatory processes on the body, and hair begins to turn gray. Due to a lack of sex hormones, calcium absorption is impaired and bones become fragile.

How to reduce the symptoms of menopause

The woman must undergo an examination, and the doctor, depending on her condition, will prescribe. But this treatment has many side effects, so plant phytoestrogens often come to the rescue.

Analogues of the female sex hormone in microdoses act like real ones, improving the condition of the body. Many symptoms of menopause cease to appear, the emotional background stabilizes, and sexual desire appears. A woman stays young and healthy longer.

Your doctor will help you select the necessary replacement therapy drugs, taking into account the stage of menopause and the woman’s general health. The doctor also determines the dosage of the necessary product with phytoestrogens. To ease the course of menopause, the drugs Klimaxan and Klimonorm are often prescribed.


It is available in the form of yellow and brown dragees, which contain the following components:

  • estradiol valerate (2.0 mg) in yellow tablets;
  • estradiol valerate (2.0 mg) and levonorgestrel (0.15 mg) in brown tablets.

The drug contains derivatives of two hormones: estrogen and progestogen. Thanks to the gestagen (levonorgestrel), it is able to restore a regular monthly cycle. The package contains 9 yellow and 12 brown dragees. They start drinking with yellow medicine (from the 5th day of the monthly cycle), and then take brown pills.

To prevent osteoporosis, hyperplasia and endometrial cancer, you need to take Klimonorm (brown pills) regularly every cycle. A positive effect of the drug is also noted on the lipid spectrum of the blood. In addition, Klimonorm prevents vascular disorders, involutional changes in the skin and genitourinary tract. It improves the psycho-emotional state.


Klimaxan are homeopathic tablets containing active ingredients in small doses. The daily norm is 2 tablets per day: one in the morning, the other in the evening. Climaxan can be taken as long as the symptoms of menopausal syndrome last: headache, dizziness, emotional lability, sleep disturbances, palpitations, sweating and hot flashes.



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