When can you conceive a boy after menstruation? How to conceive a boy by 100% ovulation: methods and tips

When planning a new addition to the family, parents want a child of a certain gender to be born. This article will tell you how to conceive a boy by ovulation. There are a number of ways and methods by which you can achieve the desired result.

To conceive a boy by ovulation, you must follow certain methods. The first of them is calendar. It is based on a well-known scientific fact, which says that Y-sperm are considered less active and tenacious. According to this method, you need to try to get pregnant on the day of ovulation.

A woman who is thinking about how to get pregnant with a boy due to ovulation should record observations of her health. For ease of control, an ovulation table is used to conceive a boy. It is important to measure basal temperature daily, do pharmacy tests that show whether the egg is ripe, and also monitor the formation of the follicle using computer studies. All these methods will help you learn how to calculate ovulation. In addition, you can safely navigate by the nature of the discharge. As the eggs mature, they become whiter and very viscous in structure. In order for the number of penetrating sperm to increase and their activity to become higher, experts recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse several days before the release of the egg.

Scientists also shared their thoughts on this topic. According to experts from Italy, in order to become pregnant with a boy, a woman needs to weigh at least 54-55 kilograms. Research by scientists from Tokyo proves that smoking before intimate relations reduces the likelihood of the birth of a future man. According to official statistics, boys are often born to parents without bad habits. German researchers concluded that the likelihood of conception increases if you are less nervous.

If the girl is already pregnant, then you can use it, which will accurately calculate the period she is in pregnancy.

Tables for calculating the sex of a child

You can get pregnant with a boy, including using tables. They come in the following types:

  • Japanese;
  • Chinese;
  • conception by blood type.

The Japanese table is based on a comparison of the months of future parents. Using this method is not difficult. Vertically you need to find the month of birth of the future woman in labor, and horizontally - her sexual partner. At the intersection of two lines there is a number. It, in turn, must be looked for in table No. 2. Below it, months are listed in a column, and opposite them there are crosses. The more marks, the more favorable the period of conception of a boy.

Table 1
Table 2

If we talk about the Chinese method of predicting the sex of a baby, it also answers the question of how to get pregnant with a boy. The vertical axis indicates the age of the expectant mother, and the horizontal axis indicates the period. The intersection will show the best month to conceive a son.

Table 3

A method based on comparing the Rh factor of the blood of future parents will also help predict the gender of the child. By the way, if they have different blood groups, then the chance of having a boy increases significantly.

Table 4

Blood renewal

The theory of blood renewal suggests that in men this process occurs every four years, and in women the frequency is three years. The couple in whom this process last took place with the father will be able to conceive a boy. To determine this indicator, it is necessary to understand which parent has “younger” blood. The count must be made from birth or from the day of injury, childbirth, abortion or surgery, when a person loses a large amount of liquid connective tissue. The diagram in this method is as follows:

  • the father's age must be divided by four;
  • The mother's age is usually divided by three;
  • compare balances. If a man’s indicator is 1, and a woman’s is 2, then the father’s blood is “younger”.

Poses for conceiving a boy

You can conceive a boy in those positions in which the deepest penetration of the male reproductive organ into the vagina occurs. It must be remembered that sperm with male chromosomes are less tenacious, so in order for a boy to be born after 9 months, two conditions must be met. It's about stimulation and depth.

Sometimes the efforts of future parents are so persistent that twins will be born. The “man from behind” and “general” positions will help a married couple conceive a boy, suggesting that the woman’s legs should be on the shoulders of the sexual partner.

After completing sexual intercourse, a woman needs to lie on her back for several minutes so that the sperm are fixed in the uterus and begin to perform the function of fertilization.

Diet for conceiving a boy

To successfully conceive a boy, both partners need to adhere to a certain diet. Expectant parents are recommended to consume the following products:

  • sausages, any types of meat, smoked meats;
  • fish;
  • egg white;
  • tea, coffee, water, beer;
  • porridge and release;
  • potatoes, beans, mushrooms, lentils, peas;
  • all fruits;
  • prunes, dates, dried apricots.

You should avoid dairy products, mineral water, rich bread, salad, dill and nuts.

Folk signs

There are many ways to conceive a boy, based on folk superstitions. It is believed that before sexual contact, so-called “male objects” should be placed in the bed. They can be an ax or a knife. It is recommended to postpone conception to the morning or afternoon. It is worth giving preference to the beginning of the week or the weekend.

If we talk about the time of year, in most cases you get a boy if you try to conceive him in the summer. During this period, young parents have the opportunity to walk barefoot more often - on the beach, in the country, at home, and this factor is favorable for achieving the goal.

A woman should also prepare to conceive a son. 5 days before an intimate relationship, you need to drink 200 milligrams of cranberry jelly before bed. Before sex, you should wrap a regular thread around the little finger of your left hand, and for a man, around your left testicle.

For even greater confidence, you need to lie with your head to the north side.

With the help you can determine the date of conception of the child.


To conceive a boy, many factors must be taken into account. There are ways to help you achieve your goal. However, none of them gives 100% results. If a woman is interested in how to conceive a boy by ovulation, then she needs to calculate the exact day the egg is formed and build on that.

Expecting a child is always considered a happy event; new sensations and emotions appear in a woman’s life. The news of an imminent replenishment evokes a lot of different feelings; one of the main worries for many parents is related to the gender of the unborn child. It is so inherent in nature that it is impossible to immediately find out this information. For this reason, there are many methods, technologies, tables and signs designed to calculate the sex of a child. After all, one of the first questions that acquaintances and friends ask a pregnant woman is: “Who are you expecting – a boy or a girl?”

Online calculator for calculating the sex of a child

Today there is a popular method of determination - ultrasound. But this method shows reliable data only from the second trimester and only on high-quality equipment. An old device sometimes reflects inaccurate information, and the doctor’s experience must also be taken into account.

You can use folk signs, for example, using a ring over the stomach. Sometimes a woman relies only on her feelings, knowing for sure that she will have a daughter or son. But signs and one’s own intuition are not always reliable. You cannot rely on them to determine the sex of the baby.

What does our site offer? We can have a baby using a universal calculator for calculating the gender of the child. Why is it so unique? Using it, you can calculate the gender of the child and determine the likelihood of having a boy or a girl.

The calculator has collected several popular methods; gender calculation is based on technologies that are the most well-known and have already proven themselves among women.

January February March April May June July August September October November December

O(I) Rh− O(I) Rh+ A(II) Rh− A(II) Rh+ B(III) Rh− B(III) Rh+ AB(IV) Rh− AB(IV) Rh+

How to use the baby gender calculator

For an accurate forecast, you need to enter the month in which conception occurred and enter the birth dates of the father and mother. And, importantly, the blood type of the parents is entered into the columns of the online calculator.

After this, the forecast result is displayed on the screen. If all methods showed the same information, then the probability of having a boy or girl is 100%. If the results of the methods differ, the percentage probability of sex is reported. For example, 75% - a boy will be born or 50% - a little princess may appear in the family.

Important: on our website you can check information about the future field for each specific technique individually.

Calculator efficiency

Calculation of gender using a calculator is trusted by people whose calculations matched, and it turned out to be a 100% hit. Some women had a vague result, but it is worth taking into account the small statistical error in the calculations.

Whether or not to trust the method is up to everyone to decide for themselves. The influence of a genetic factor on the formation of sex cannot be ruled out. Thus, deviations in the health and genetic information of one of the parents can affect the gender of the little person. There are families in which only boys are born or, conversely, only girls are born to a couple. Surely everyone is familiar with such examples.

It is understandable that parents want to quickly find out the sex of the baby; sometimes women are interested in this question already at the first ultrasound at 12 weeks. But sometimes there is no need to rush into discovery; in some cases, it is better to focus on pregnancy in order to give birth to a healthy baby. Treat your unborn child with love; an important event will soon happen in his and his parent’s life - birth. The calculator on our website predicts the result; treat calculations as a game and entertainment during pregnancy.

The article describes the principles of the main methods of planning a boy, contains relevant tables for determining favorable dates for conceiving a boy, provides useful tips and recommendations for predicting the gender of the baby

The motives for searching for a reliable way to conceive a baby of a particular sex can be completely different: cultural and religious considerations, objective fear of inheriting genetic abnormalities associated with sex chromosomes, the presence of one or more children of the same sex in the family, or desire driven by other reasons. Be that as it may, if you are serious about predicting pregnancy with a boy, then you will find all the possible ways to turn the goal into a result.

How to conceive a boy 100 percent?

In order to increase your chances as close as possible to the coveted 100 percent, you will have to put in a little effort and time. Unfortunately, a simple way to guarantee the birth of a boy has not yet been invented. By the way, the process of conception, embryo development and the birth of a baby is still equated to a miracle, many aspects of which science cannot explain, and therefore cannot control and predetermine. But some steps have been taken, and among the methods that allow you to become pregnant with a certain sex of a child, there are both folk ones, based on the experience of several generations of the human race, and medical ones, which have a scientific basis:

  1. by ovulation
  2. by parents' age
  3. by month, days of conception
  4. by blood
  5. artificial insemination (IVF)
  6. psychological attitude

The first four methods are discussed in more detail below. As for IVF, this is perhaps the most reliable way to choose the gender of the child. However, there are a number of “buts”:

  • the procedure requires a diagnosis of infertility
  • the woman first undergoes hormonal therapy and undergoes a large number of preparatory measures
  • the service is expensive
  • Russia has adopted a law according to which the gender of a child can be chosen only if there is a risk of certain genetic diseases

Therefore, couples who have been unsuccessfully trying to conceive a baby for a long time take this step, and for them the issue of choosing gender is usually not a fundamental one.

One should also not underestimate the importance of the psychological component when planning a child. There are many examples when, thanks to the power of thought and the right attitudes, people achieved and received what they really wanted. Therefore, think more often about a boy, look at photos of male children, tune in to a positive outcome of your desire, and your thoughts will definitely materialize.

How to conceive a boy by ovulation?

Before turning to the description of the essence of this method, let us recall from the school biology course that the female genotype is determined by XX chromosomes, and the male genotype by XY. In other words, whether you have a boy or a girl is determined by the presence or absence of the sex chromosome Y. Due to the fact that a woman is a carrier of only the X chromosome, and a man is a carrier of both X and Y, it is of great importance which male sperm will fertilize the female egg: with the chromosome X or with chromosome Y.

In order to produce a boy, sperm Y must first meet and fertilize the egg. To fulfill this condition, the following must be taken into account:

  • the speed of movement of sperm carrying the Y chromosome is higher than with the X chromosome
  • Y sperm are less hardy and die quickly, unlike X sperm, which are quite tenacious (several days)
  • sperm lose strength in an acidic environment, and vice versa, they move well in the alkaline environment of the vagina
  • the egg is ready for fertilization once a month on average within 16-48 hours, when ovulation occurs (cases of several ovulations per month are possible, but this is rather rare)

Given these facts, when planning a boy you should:

  1. Determine the day of ovulation with maximum accuracy. To do this, you can use special ovulation tests, measure basal temperature or do an ultrasound scan during the cycle. Which of these methods to choose is a matter of personal preference and capabilities. In any case, you will be required to carry out a number of manipulations, monitoring and a thorough study of your cycle
  2. Sexual intercourse should occur on the day of ovulation. Due to the fact that Y sperm are not very tenacious, the egg must already be waiting for them, or be released within the next few hours after sexual intercourse. Considering that sperm Y moves faster, the chances that they will reach the egg first are very high
  3. It is advisable to avoid sexual intercourse two to three days before ovulation. Otherwise, there is a possibility that sperm X, which retain the ability to fertilize for several days, will already be waiting for the egg at the time of its release, and sperm Y from the second sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation simply will not have time to get to it
  4. Choose positions for deep penetration. For example, the “man behind” position helps to shorten the distance that sperm need to overcome. This is exactly what you need to increase the chances of less hardy sperm Y
  5. Do not practice long-term abstinence until ovulation. Otherwise, long-lived sperm X will predominate in a man’s sperm, and the concentration of Y will decrease significantly
  6. Maintain optimal acid-base balance. Only the hardiest sperm can make it through the acidic environment of the vagina, and given the lack of a pronounced ability of survival in Y sperm, their chances are sharply reduced if the pH level is too low. You can find out about the acidity of the vagina from a gynecologist, who will determine this with a smear and tell you whether you need treatment

It should be noted that during ovulation the pH level naturally increases to a more alkaline state.

Additionally, if you want to get pregnant with a boy, make adjustments to your diet (preferably a few weeks in advance) to include foods that increase alkalinity. For example:

  • broccoli
  • spinach
  • peaches
  • lemons
  • almond
  • zucchini
  • pumpkin
  • legumes
  • onion, garlic

Calculate the sex of the child by date of conception

Of course, I would like there to be specific days on which conception guarantees the birth of a boy or girl. But this is impossible due to objective reasons: the individuality of the onset and duration of ovulation, which can shift from cycle to cycle, different life expectancies of sperm, which in turn are influenced by the habitat, ratio, type and speed of sperm. And yet it is considered:

  • the closer intercourse is to ovulation, the higher the likelihood of having a boy
  • the further away (within reasonable limits, taking into account fertile days), the higher the chance of giving birth to a girl

Taking into account the fact that ovulation occurs on average 14 days before the end of the cycle, the best choice of days for conceiving a boy would be the period 14,13, 12 or 11 days before the end of the cycle. With an average duration of 28 days, as in the example below, the period from days 14 to 17 is designated as men's days.

For owners of a regular standard cycle of 28 days, there is an interesting method for sex planning, named after the inventors of the Budyansky couple.

Principle: depending on the cycle in which the woman was conceived by her parents: even or odd, the expectant mother is capable of conceiving a boy or a girl also in certain even or odd months

  • if in an even cycle: a girl will be born during intercourse in an even month and a boy - in an odd month
  • if in an odd cycle: a girl will be born during intercourse in an odd month and a boy - in an even month

The sequence of actions for applying this method to plan a boy:

  • you need to find out the woman’s date of conception: subtract 266 days (38 weeks) from the date of birth
  • determine whether the expectant mother’s year of conception is even or odd
  • use the table to determine which type you are: “even” or “odd”

For example, the woman's date of birth is August 10, 1987, i.e. the date of her conception was approximately November 15, 1986 (an even year). We look at the table below, at the intersection of the line with the cycle in which the specified date falls, and the column of the even year, we get the type of woman - “odd”.

  • To plan a boy, use the table to find even cycles for conception if your type is “odd,” and odd months if your type is “even.” Select the required column based on the parity of the planned year of conception

For example, For the birth of a boy conceived in 2016, an “odd” woman should pay attention to the coming April, June, August, October, December.

This method will not provide reliable data:

  • if the date of conception of a woman is incorrectly determined (post-term or premature pregnancy)
  • when the average cycle length of a woman or her mother is significantly exceeded

You can also determine the best months for trying to conceive a boy using popular Chinese and Japanese methods.

How to conceive a boy: calendar

  • If you respect and trust Eastern wisdom, their traditions and the belief in the strong influence of the moon on all areas of human life, pay more attention to the following method for predicting the birth of a boy
  • A table for the favorable conception of a child of one gender or another, found in Ancient China, is still used not only in China, but everywhere among future parents who are purposeful in this matter. The principle of determining gender, according to the Chinese, is based on the woman’s age and the lunar month of conception. The discrepancy with the scientific fact that the carrier of the chromosome responsible for the sex of the baby is a man can only be explained by the assumption that the female egg ultimately selects and releases a certain sperm
  • Before finding the cherished month for conceiving a boy, you should correctly determine your lunar age. Not everything is so simple here, since the age calculation system differs significantly from the one we are used to

A newly born child in the east is considered already one year old, since the time of his life in the womb is taken into account


  1. age is calculated from the date of conception, not from the date of birth
  2. a year is added to the age not after the birthday, but with the onset of the Chinese New Year according to the lunar calendar

Example for calculating the lunar age of a mother born in August 1987:

  • month of conception: December 1986 – 0 years
  • Chinese New Year 1987: January 29 – 1 year and 1 month
  • month of birth: August 1987 – 1 year and 9 months (for convenience, months are rounded to the whole year, i.e. at the time of birth you are already 2 years old)
  • Chinese New Year 1988: February 17 – 3 years
  • Chinese New Year 2016: February 8 – 31 years

Thus, as of March 2016, according to the passport, the expectant mother is 28 years old, and her lunar age is 31 years.

Using the table above, we determine that the 1st, 3rd and 12th lunar months are favorable for conceiving a boy. Do not also forget that this is not necessarily January, March and December. To determine the beginning and end of a particular month in a particular year, you should refer to the Chinese calendar for the corresponding year. For example, in 2016, the 1st month begins on February 8, respectively, the 3rd falls in April, and the twelfth in January.

On what days can you conceive a boy?

The Chinese sages had a simpler method in their arsenal, also based on the woman’s age and month of conception. To plan gender, you need to start from whether the mother’s age is even or odd.

For example:

  1. The woman is 28 years old - an even age. Therefore, odd-numbered conception months will be favorable for the birth of a boy: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11
  2. The woman is 31 years old - an odd age. For the birth of a boy, choose even months: 2,4,6,8,10 and 12

For accuracy, it is better to use the Chinese lunar calendar to calculate the month of the year corresponding to the usual Gregorian calendar.

How to conceive a boy: table of conception and determination of the sex of the child

Another eastern country that actively applies the secrets of numerology and the mysteries of astrology in practical life, Japan also offers a number of tables for determining and predicting the gender of a baby before birth. Unlike the method of their neighbors, the Japanese involve the future father in the process. Depending on the birth months of the parents, they determine the best time to conceive a girl or boy, when the concentration of a certain type of sperm (X or Y) in the future dad is especially high, and the woman is ready for fertilization with this type of sperm.

To plan for a boy:

  • Find in the table the number corresponding to the birth months of the parents, it is at the intersection

Example: the woman was born in August, the man in September

  • find the column with the corresponding number in the following table and determine the successful months for conceiving a boy

Example: in this case, the greatest probability of having a boy is when conceived in March, slightly less - in July, there is a good chance in September-October

How to conceive a boy by blood?

One of the methods for determining and planning the sex of a baby, which was used in ancient times, is based on calculating the parent who has newer blood at the time of conception. It is believed that the gender of the child will match the gender of the parent. A person’s blood changes completely with a certain cyclicity: in females - every three years, in males - every four. In order for a boy to be born, it is necessary that the blood of the future father be renewed later than the blood of the future mother. The table below shows the age of the fertile period at which a new circulatory cycle begins for a woman and a man. With its help, you can determine the last time your and your spouse’s blood changed and select the required time to conceive a boy.

For example, at the moment the woman is 26 years old, and the man is 30 years old.

  1. First, using the table, we find the figure on the left closest to the current age, i.e. less
    • In the example: for a woman it is 24, for a man it is 28
  2. Determine the difference between the current age and the number found in the table
    • IN example: for a woman the difference is 2 (=26-24), and for a man – 2 (=30-28). This means that both the woman and the man's blood changed two years ago
  3. Whoever has the smaller difference determines the sex of the child at the moment. If, as in the example, the result is the same, also take into account the exact number of months and determine whose blood was renewed later
    • In the example: The woman is now 26 years and 3 months old, the man is 30 years and 11 months old. Accordingly, the woman’s blood was renewed later (2 years and 3 months ago), and the man’s blood was renewed earlier (2 years and 11 months). The likely gender of the child is girl
  4. If, as of now, the woman’s blood is newer, postpone conceiving a boy until the next blood renewal cycle of the future dad begins.
    • In the example: Based on this method, in order to get pregnant with a boy, you will have to wait 2 years, when the man turns 32 and his blood is renewed

There are a number of caveats to this method:

  • The table is applicable in the case of counting blood renewal from the moment of birth. If there has been significant blood loss (donation, surgery, childbirth, miscarriage), counting should be carried out from this moment
  • In the case of a negative Rh factor in a woman’s blood, the principle of determining sex is the opposite: whoever’s blood was renewed earlier determines the sex of the child
  • If the blood renewal time coincides for both parents, there is a possibility of twins

There is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of the method, supported by relevant studies. However, the practical experience of a number of couples who have used this method, judging by their reviews, allows us to judge that there is a certain probability that it works.

How to conceive a boy: calculator

You can find a large number of online calculators that will ask you to fill in information about your date of birth, blood type, cycle length or other parameters and give you suitable days to conceive a boy. It's convenient and very simple if you don't want to do the calculations yourself.

However, these calculators do not contain any new principles for planning the sex of a baby. All the same techniques described above are only presented in an automated form.

In addition to the voiced methods of predicting pregnancy with a boy, there are a number of folk observations and signs that can also be taken into account if we undertake a comprehensive study of the issue. Among the curious:

  • there must be a new moon in the sky (not a full moon)
  • the room should be cool
  • it’s good if sexual intercourse happens on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday
  • a woman should lie with her head facing north
  • a man should be more active
  • the day before, eat meat, potatoes, mushrooms, dates, as well as foods rich in potassium, avoid dairy products

Remember that if you really want something, it will definitely come true. And if, after the preparatory measures taken, a girl was born, it’s not just like that. Life persistently tries to show that your family happiness lies in a little princess or gives you an incentive to think about another child.

Video: How to conceive a boy 100 percent?

Video: What to do to have a boy?

Many couples dreaming of a child have their own vision of whether a boy or girl would fit more harmoniously into their family. Some people dream of braiding their hair, others dream of taking their son fishing. Maybe there are already one or two girls in the family, so the parents are looking forward to the arrival of a boy. How to plan the sex of the child in advance? We bring to your attention a selection of recommendations that are most often used to conceive a boy. Followers of these methods claim that they are effective. In any case, you do not lose anything by following them, but you get a chance to make your dream come true.

Conceiving a boy: what science says

The only answer that scientists consider proven is that the sex of the child is determined by the genes of the father. Let's start with the basics. Some sperm carry the X chromosome and, after fertilization, will give birth to a girl in the future, while others carry the Y chromosome - the beginning of the beginning for a boy. Evolves faster By the way, the male Y chromosome evolves the fastest. Scientist Corrie Gellatli from the University of Newcastle (UK) proved that certain genes in the fathers are responsible for the production of sperm X and Y. Mothers also have these genes, but they are not active and therefore do not determine the sex of the child. That is, it is more likely that a boy will appear in a couple in which many men were born on the father’s side. In this situation, the likelihood that the future dad will produce more sperm with a Y chromosome is higher.

In fact, at the level of genetics, fathers can be divided into three groups: those who are more likely to give birth to a son (the majority of Y-sperm), those who are more likely to have daughters (the majority of X-sperm), and those who have equal chances (equal number of sperm X and Y).

A computer model creating a 500-generation family tree confirmed this hypothesis. They checked it in real life: they analyzed the family tree of more than 900 families (over 500,000 people), starting from the 17th century. We counted the number of blood relatives: in addition to parents, these are brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters of grandparents. The trend was confirmed for men, but the number of male relatives women had did not affect the gender of the unborn child.

Conceiving a boy by ovulation

Don't give up. Dr. Landrum Shettles says that no matter how many Y sperm are produced, they can be influenced to reach the egg first. Scientists, by the way, have not yet fully figured it out. A reproductive specialist believes that the types of sperm (those carrying X, so to speak “female”, and those carrying Y, “male”) differ in their characteristics. After conducting research, he discovered that “male” sperm are weaker, smaller and faster than others. In addition, they are less viable and cannot survive for a long time inside the female body. That is why it is possible to influence the situation by providing these more vulnerable sperm with especially comfortable conditions. These methods can be divided into the following:

  • help Y-sperm reach the egg as quickly as possible,
  • make the sperm of the future father even more mobile and of high quality,
  • provide an alkaline environment that Y sperm prefer,

Conception by ovulation: algorithm of actions

Your task is to have intercourse as close to ovulation as possible. If this is done earlier, the “male” sperm will not survive until the moment of conception, but the “female” ones will survive. ?

  • Learn to determine the approach of ovulation by cervical mucus. Practice 1-2 months before the planned conception on how to accurately maintain a calendar. Just before ovulation, the mucus should be elastic and watery, similar in consistency to raw egg white. A lot is changing: at least it is known.
  • You can also predict ovulation by charting your cycle. Take your basal temperature every morning before you get out of bed. Immediately after ovulation, your temperature will rise and in the second phase of the cycle the readings will be steadily higher. It's useful to study.
  • You can also use an ovulation test kit. These are kits that are available at most pharmacies or through online suppliers. Tests detect when luteinizing hormone (LH) levels in the urine increase. To get the most accurate results, it is recommended to test twice a day. At this time, it is not recommended to drink a lot of fluids, because this will reduce the concentration of urine and the level of hormones will be low.
  • To increase your chances of conceiving a boy, it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse at least 4-5 days before ovulation. This is due to the fact that it is during this period that “female” sperm remain viable. “Male sperm” will still have to compete with “female” ones, which entered the vagina at the same time as them; there is no need to complicate the situation and add to the “competitors” “female” sperm that have survived from previous sexual intercourse. For the same reason, it is reasonable to abstain for a couple of days after ovulation. As a last resort, sexual intercourse using condoms is acceptable.

Correct positions for conceiving a boy

You can help sperm reach the egg as easily as possible by using the correct position during sex. What options are acceptable?

Doggy style

The position when a man penetrates from behind is considered optimal for conceiving a boy. It provides depth of penetration and during ejaculation, sperm are immediately closer to the cervix. And the less distance they have to travel, the better! It is also important that from the acidic environment of the vagina, the “live ones” quickly enter the alkaline environment of the cervix. It is not necessary to repeat the same thing. There are various variations of this position: vertical, kneeling, the woman on all fours on the bed and the man standing, the woman leaning on the bed on her forearms and the man holding her hips.

Sex standing

Such positions also provide deep penetration. Some people even believe that this is the easiest way to conceive a boy. Although “male sperm” can “get lost” if the path is not too simple, they are more mobile and faster than “female” ones. Therefore, when they have to move against gravity - to rise to the egg, they arrive at the goal first.

There are also many variations for this position: “Dance” (the partners stand facing each other, the man, slightly squatting, places his knees between the woman’s legs), the man stands, lifting the woman, who wraps her legs around his pelvis. If this is physically tiring, she may prop her feet up on the sofa or bed. He can also hold a woman by leaning her against a wall and transferring some of her weight to the wall, holding only her hips. There is one more bonus: this .


The position in which the woman is on top allows her to control the depth of penetration. The man lies down, and the woman can kneel over him or squat, facing her partner or with her back to her.


The woman lies down and throws her legs over her partner's shoulders (as if on an officer's shoulder straps - hence the name). In this position there is a special angle of inclination at which sperm are retained as deeply as possible.

Conceiving a boy: how to improve sperm quality

Men, drink coffee before sex

Coffee and a cigarette after sex? Everything is wrong here! It is better for both partners to give up smoking - at least for the time when they are trying to conceive a boy. But some reproductive specialists actively recommend coffee, but not after, but before - about half an hour before sexual intercourse. Moreover, a large cup with caffeine. And not necessarily for both partners, but only for the man - this will give additional activity to the “male” sperm. Or you can drink together, but... it's cold - .

Women, drink... cough syrup

Some women swear that taking a cough medicine containing the ingredient guaifenesin the night before sex helps them conceive a boy. This method has not been scientifically confirmed, and doctors do not advise experimenting: in large doses, this substance can be addictive, like a drug, and give side effects. However, the logic is clear: guaifenesin thins the secretions in the respiratory tract, and in the same way it acts on the mucus in the cervix. If a woman has difficulty conceiving due to excessively thick cervical mucus, then this drug is recommended to her in the West. Studies have shown that 200 mg of a similar cough medicine three times a day (from the fifth day of the cycle until ovulation) increases female fertility. But thick mucus primarily “rejects” X-sperm. Therefore, in order to conceive a boy, some women take drugs with guaifenzine: this allows the more nimble “male” sperm to reach the goal first.

Take laptops off your laps

You may have heard that it is dangerous for men to overheat the scrotum, and even more so when a couple is trying to conceive a boy. After all, additional heat is better for the survival of “female” sperm. For sperm to be of high quality, the testicles must be slightly cooler than the rest of the body. But have you thought of everything? Much has been written about the fact that hot baths and tight underwear (swimming trunks) increase the temperature of the testicles (by the way, this reduces the likelihood of conceiving a child of any gender). So “boxers” and a cool shower will come to the rescue. But, unfortunately, rarely anyone is alarmed by the habit of modern men to keep laptops on their laps. Overheating from work, they release increased heat into the groin area. If you want to conceive a boy, a man should definitely use a laptop stand or mini-table. If you want to become a father, remove the laptop from your lap.

Conceiving a boy: provide an alkaline environment

Douching for planning the gender of the child

Another piece of information about the sperm that will give birth to boys: it is easier for them to survive in an alkaline rather than an acidic environment. Which is not surprising: sperm is also a liquid that gives an alkaline reaction.

How can this help in conceiving a boy? First, check for fungal diseases and dysbacteriosis - these diseases can disrupt the acid-base balance. Before planning to conceive a boy, you need to undergo treatment. And if everything is in order with health, use different options for alkalizing the body of the expectant mother.

The first thing that comes to mind: douching with a weak solution of baking soda. This is a folk method that our mothers and grandmothers used. However, doctors now do not recommend douching. Studies show that they can even lead women to infertility.

French diet for conceiving a boy

The second obvious way is to eat something so that there is a preponderance towards an alkaline environment. French researchers studied the eating style in families where only boys or only girls are born. They found that the boys' parents preferred foods rich in sodium and potassium, meaning they received alkalizing minerals in excess. The diet they proposed to expectant mothers and fathers planning to give birth to a boy was called the French diet. Its adherents claim that the effectiveness is 80%. It should be followed two to three months before the planned conception. Basic food: seafood, fish, red meat, pickles, dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots), nuts, bananas. For breakfast, buckwheat and oatmeal are strongly recommended, and for drinks - black tea, carbonated mineral water, and in small quantities - cola and sweet soda. All dairy and fermented milk products should be avoided. Just don’t confuse it with the new French diet for weight loss. The new French diet helps not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also not to gain them again.

There is another explanation for the need for a diet: the abundance of some foods and the lack of others affects the hormonal balance. In addition, you need to eat more densely. Experts from the University of Exeter (UK) say that expectant mothers need to eat 400 calories a day more than usual before conceiving. However, it is imperative to gain them through protein, and not carbohydrate or fatty foods.

Forget about lubricants during the period of conceiving a boy

Sexual lubricants contain substances that can disrupt the acid-base balance. Therefore, at the time when you are planning to conceive a son, this is a taboo. But what to do if natural lubrication is not enough? Indeed, for some couples, this condition can make sexual intercourse completely difficult. In this case, it is better to use chicken egg white. It does not interfere with the movement of sperm and does not threaten their destruction. It is only important that you do not have a severe food allergy (protein is a strong allergen).

Orgasm... to create an alkaline environment

It turns out that orgasm in the expectant mother also creates an alkaline environment in the vagina, because the accompanying secretions change the pH. This gives Y sperm an increased chance of survival. To have an effect, the woman must reach orgasm before the man, or they can “finish” at the same time. Another possibility is that orgasmic contractions may push sperm into the cervix faster. Worth exploring.

Important! If this rule is not easy to follow, it is better to forget about it. Just without fanaticism, so as not to harm the conception in principle . Research has shown that trying to achieve simultaneous orgasm to conceive a boy can make your sex life more difficult and reduce your chances of conceiving someone in the first place.

Using the Chinese Lunar Calendar

What is the influence of the moon on the conception of a child of a certain gender? Some will say that this is a common superstition. And someone will take this carefully, because many people nowadays are interested in astrology, they think in its ideas about the influence of heavenly bodies on the character of a newborn. Ancient recipes recommend paying attention to the phases of the moon on the night of conception. For example, avoid the new moon and give preference to the nights of the lunar quarters: when the month looks like half a circle. You can check the phases of the moon using the lunar calendar and select the appropriate dates. Popular superstitions say that the couple who has sex on a clear moonlit night will have a boy, when the moon shines through the window and preferably even illuminates the bed. But regarding conception on a full moon, “testimonies differ.” In some traditions it is believed that this day is bad for female fertility, and in others - that it is only bad for the birth of girls, but the conception of boys can easily happen.

The Chinese lunar conception calendar is also associated with the moon. It uses the mother's age and the month in which she conceives to determine whether the newborn will be a boy or a girl. You can use the calendar to determine in which month you should try to conceive in order to get a son.

Determination by parent's blood type

A method for calculating the sex of an unborn child based on the blood type of the parents. A couple will have a boy if the parents have the following combination of blood types:

Woman (blood type 1) + Man (blood type 2)
Woman (blood type 1) + Man (blood type 4)
Woman (blood type 2) + Man (blood type 1)
Woman (blood type 2) + Man (blood type 3)

Woman (blood type 3) + Man (blood type 2)
Woman (blood type 3) + Man (blood type 3)
Woman (blood type 3) + Man (blood type 4)

Woman (blood type 4) + Man (blood type 1)
Woman (blood type 4) + Man (blood type 3)
Woman (blood type 4) + Man (blood type 4)

At the same time, regardless of the blood type, if one of the partners has a positive Rh factor and the other one is negative, a boy will also be born.

Every woman, especially when the moment of pregnancy approaches, should be attentive to her health. One part of this process is tracking your menstrual cycle and ovulation process. To make the process more efficient, we offer an online calculator that will allow you to determine favorable days for conceiving a child.

We suggest using the service "Calendar of Conception and Contraception" - by indicating the initial data: the first day of the cycle and its duration, you can determine favorable days for conceiving a boy or girl, the beginning of the next cycle, ovulation. The conception calendar cannot guarantee a 100 percent result, since much depends on the body and everything is individual. The work of the calendar is based on average statistical data.

First day of the cycle:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2018 2 019

Your cycle:

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 days

Your calendar

Fill out the form above. Specify the first day of the cycle, the duration of the cycle and click “Calculate”


1 - first day of the cycle;

2 — beginning of the next cycle;

3 - safe sex;

4 — conditionally safe days;

5 - conception of a girl;

6 - conception of a boy;

7 - ovulation;

8 - poor health (PMS).

What is a calendar?

The conception calendar is an online form in which you only need to enter your first period and the duration of your cycle. The program itself will calculate when ovulation occurs, and which days will be the most successful for fertilization (and dangerous for some!).

To make the operation of the program that calculates the date of ovulation and pregnancy clear, we present the main factors that were taken into account when creating it:

  • For many women (although it all depends on the individual factor), ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. The calculator calculates the middle of the time period after the start of menstruation and its end, and also makes calculations taking into account the most dangerous or, conversely, favorable days on which pregnancy may occur
  • Fertilization. Does not occur during menstruation and at the end of the cycle: conception almost does not occur these days

The calendar also calculates relatively safe days when pregnancy is unlikely. These are the days at the beginning and end of the cycle. In the middle of the cycle, the calculator marks the day of ovulation, and can also determine the day the next period begins.

To calculate the days of ovulation, you just need to enter your period data into the online calculator. After that, press the button, and the calculator itself will calculate the day of ovulation and the favorable day for conception. Of course, there is no guarantee that the data provided will be absolutely accurate, but they can roughly indicate to you the dangerous days on which ovulation occurs and the onset of pregnancy.

Calculation of the day of ovulation and potential pregnancy can be done for the whole year. This way you will know in advance when to plan sexual intercourse depending on whether you want to get pregnant or not.

The calendar form is very convenient to use. The required days are marked in different colors, so they are immediately noticeable. The pregnancy calendar will help you speed up the conception of a child and get closer to the long-awaited event.

How to determine the sex of the baby?

Any parent who wants to have a child thinks about how to calculate his gender. Traditional and folk medicine offer different ways for this.

A calculator for determining the sex of a child is another method, although it does not give 100% results. You can create a conception calendar for a girl or boy for yourself if you use the same pregnancy calendar. The conception calendar for a girl or boy is based on the theory that a girl is obtained if sperm enters the woman’s body before ovulation and stays there for several days. If sperm enters the body of the expectant mother immediately after ovulation, the result is a boy.

The calendar for conceiving a boy or girl, of course, also does not provide a 100% guarantee, but it allows you to get closer to the desired result. Doctors have proven that fertilization after ovulation leads to the birth of a boy, and before ovulation - a girl.

After you have found out the favorable days for conceiving a child and determined what gender the baby may turn out to be, it is time to plan your pregnancy.

In order to calculate dangerous or, conversely, favorable days for conception after menstruation or to determine the sex of the child, a woman will have to record some data about herself and her health. This data will help her create her own calendar for conceiving a boy or girl. However, it is worth remembering that the day of ovulation and favorable days for conceiving a child of one gender or another, calculated by an online calculator, are relative. Each woman’s body is individual and unique, and many more factors influence the determination of the child’s sex.



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