Clematis is a representative of perennial plants on the balcony. Planting and care

To grow clematis on the balcony, you need a wooden box 60*60*60cm (size and shape can be slightly changed).

To aerate the roots, it is recommended to make holes in the walls and bottom of the container. Drainage is made at the bottom of the box, and the box is filled with a loose fertile mixture (deciduous soil, sand, humus, peat). The ground level is 5 cm below the edge of the box. One specimen of clematis is planted in a container according to all the rules for planting clematis with a depth of 10 cm. On the balcony, it is better to place the box near the back or side wall. The seedling must have a good root system.

It is preferable to choose clematis that blooms on the shoots of the current year, which simplifies preparation for wintering, and it is better to plant it in the spring. We mulch the soil. Immediately after planting, before growth begins, make a support. It is necessary to regularly guide the vines in the desired direction and secure them to the supports with a garter. Neglecting this leads to a deterioration in the decorative effect of the entire composition. To prolong flowering, it is necessary to cut off several branches during budding and flowering will occur later on newly grown shoots.

Flowering on balconies and loggias occurs two to three weeks earlier than in open ground.

Caring for vines is no different from caring for them in the open ground. As the substrate dries out, the container with the seedling is watered. Feed with complete mineral fertilizer or mullein infusion (1:10). With high agricultural cultivation techniques, clematis can be cultivated in a container for 5-7 years, after which the decorative value of the bush decreases. To improve the growth of clematis and improve the structure of the soil, we make holes, stepping back from the edge of the tub, and then fill them with a mixture of humus, black soil and crushed twigs. Watering and fertilizing with fertilizers is also carried out through these holes, which allows you to evenly distribute moisture in the container. In the future, these specimens can be planted in the garden, and a new seedling can be planted in the box.

For winter, vines are cut to 1-2 buds from the ground surface.
On the balcony, it is better to place a box with a seedling against the wall under the window, which is a source of additional heat. The container with the seedling must be raised 5-10 cm from the floor, the resulting space must be filled with any insulation so that the soil in the container does not freeze in the winter.

The container must be carefully covered with an old blanket or other insulating material on all sides so that the soil does not freeze. To protect against precipitation in the form of rain, which is dangerous in winter, if the balcony or loggia is not glazed, it is necessary to make a shelter from plastic film. In winter, a container with clematis can also be stored in the basement, cellar, and in the spring it can be placed on the balcony again (March-April). If there is a threat of frost, the plant should be covered with insulating material overnight.

In spring, clematis is gradually opened, taking into account weather conditions.
If the balcony or loggia is glazed, then it is necessary to monitor ventilation, as clematis suffer from overheating and drying out. In a box under the clematis you can plant annuals, which are traditionally grown on the balcony. They will provide the shadow the clematis roots need, and the whole composition will look even more attractive.

Nedyalkov S.F.

Nowadays, flower growers have a great interest in growing garden plants in containers for home decoration. Clematis can easily grow on a window, as well as on an open terrace, balcony or loggia as a potted crop.

Growing clematis on a window

For window forcing, clematis varieties that bloom on the previous year's shoots that do not produce too long shoots are suitable (for example, varieties Jeanne d'Arc, The President, Mrs. Cholmondeley etc.). Seedlings with a well-developed root system, obtained either by dividing an adult plant or specially grown for 2-3 years, are selected for planting in a container.

Start planting clematis in a container in the spring, using a tall pot (at least 30 centimeters in diameter) or a wooden box. The container is filled with drainage (for example, gravel) to 1/8 of the height. The following is used as a substrate for clematis: turf or garden soil - 4 parts, compost or humus - 2 parts (humus can be replaced with 1 part of humus from California worms), sand - 1 part, peat - 1 part. Add half a glass of superphosphate and a glass of chalk or dolomite flour to this mixture; the neutralizing material can be replaced with 0.5 cups of slaked lime. Simultaneously with planting the clematis in a pot, a support is installed (in the form of a ladder, a trapezoid 1-1.5 meters high), on which the growing shoots will need to be secured every 15-20 centimeters.

The container with planted clematis is completely dug into the ground in open ground. During the season, the clematis seedling takes root well in the container and forms developed shoots. In late autumn, the pot with the plant is dug up and the upper part of the shoots is cut off. The lashes where the flowers were are left tied to the support. The pot with clematis is placed in the cellar at a temperature of 0...+2 degrees.

At the beginning of January, the container with the plant is transferred to a glazed veranda or loggia and placed in a bright place. Here, at a temperature of + 8 - + 12°, clematis budding takes place. If the temperature of the plant is higher, the buds may not appear. But as soon as the buds have formed, the temperature is raised to 15-18° or the clematis is transferred to a room with the same temperature. It blooms at the end of February and beginning of March.

Clematis growing in a container is watered moderately (from a tray) and systematically fed with mineral and organic fertilizers diluted in water. Lack of light during budding and flowering can change the color of clematis flowers. For example, instead of lilac-pink flowers, white-green or milky pink flowers will suddenly bloom. Additional lighting and fertilizing of the plant with calcium nitrate will correct this deficiency.

The same clematis seedling can be used for forcing for no more than two years in a row, after which the plant is severely depleted. Then at the beginning of summer it is again moved to the garden, where clematis will grow for several years in natural conditions, with good care. When the plant recovers and begins to bloom intensively again, it can again be used for forcing.

Growing clematis on a balcony or loggia

The south side is ideal for growing clematis; possible south-east or south-west side. An indispensable condition for growing is to protect the vines on the balcony or loggia from strong drafts.

To plant clematis, knock down a wooden box with a height of at least 65 cm, with sides of at least 30 centimeters. Along the entire length of the bottom of the box, two bars (3x5 cm) are nailed, raising the box above the floor so that water does not accumulate at the bottom. A pallet must be placed under the box.

Boxes with clematis are placed at the back or side walls of the loggia, and small containers with plants are hung on the walls or placed on shelves. In this case, the sun should not fall on the surface of the earth in the container.

The greatest difficulty is the construction of a support system for clematis shoots, because at the beginning of summer, even on a balcony, the daily growth of the vine can be 10 cm or more. It is advisable to install such a structure as a support so that shoots can be easily removed from it in the fall. To support clematis shoots, you can use a fishing net (with 10x10 cm cells), placed 15-20 cm from the ceiling. But in the fall it will be difficult to cut out the clematis shoots clinging to it from the net; the often used net is simply thrown away along with the cut shoots.

For planting on a balcony or loggia, medium-sized and low-growing varieties of clematis belonging to the groups C. lanuginosa, C. v iticela, C. jackmanii, C. patens are suitable. Place next to several varieties of clematis with flowers of different colors (pink, deep crimson, lilac, violet), then the spectacle will be especially colorful. Moreover, plant varieties in the neighborhood so that their flowers are located at approximately the same height.

For planting on a balcony or loggia, use clematis varieties that have the highest flowering coefficient - the most intensely flowering varieties that form flowers as close to the root system as possible. These are, for example, the following varieties:

  • Jacmanii, Comtesse de Bouchaud, Hegley Hybrid, Star of India, Rouge Cardinal, Kosmicheskaya Melodiya, Lyuter Berbank, Nelli Mozer, Yubileinyi - 70(C. jackmanii group);
  • Aleksandrit, Ville de Lyon, Huldine(C. viticela group);
  • Madame Van Houtte, Nelli Mozer, Bal Tsvetov(C. lanuginosa group);
  • Jeanne d'Arc, Mrs. Cholmondeley(group S. Florida).

Although the variety Rouge Cardinal After dividing the bush, it requires growing in a large pot for 2-3 years, but it is worth it: its color is extraordinary - velvety, cherry-purple.

Of course, other varieties of clematis can be used for growing in containers.

Small-flowered clematis are also suitable for this. Of particular interest is a very winter-hardy variety Fargesioides, which blooms all summer and does not require special pruning knowledge, as it is pruned freely. True, over the summer it grows very long shoots. When growing clematis of this variety, a larger box is used to accommodate its root system (it is not the same as that of ordinary clematis, but more reminiscent of the root system of a shrub).

Clematis planted in a container require moderate but more frequent (than in open ground) watering and fertilizing, careful and timely staking of shoots, mandatory mulching and loosening of the soil. The soil in containers with clematis should not dry out. If the soil is dry, water is not absorbed into it - this indicates that the clematis is watered too infrequently. When watering, one plant usually uses 3-5 liters of water. You can dig three small pots into the soil of a container with clematis, fill them 2/3 with gravel - then watering and fertilizing are carried out through them.

When the clematis vines along the ceiling reach the edge of the loggia, it is advisable to turn them back and tie them up so that the clematis flowers are grouped at the top of the wall or hanging from the ceiling.

On the glazed southern loggia, where in early spring the temperature in the sun can reach 30-40°, ventilation is necessary. Air stagnation, elevated temperature and humidity in a confined space contribute to the appearance of pests and the development of diseases in clematis.

Already in April, clematis of the C. lanuginosa, C. patens, and C. Florida groups will bloom on the glassed-in loggia, and by mid-May, varieties that bloom on the shoots of the current year will bloom.

Clematis are replanted every 2-3 years, usually in the spring (April - May), replacing “tired” bushes in pots with new ones dug up from the garden.

Covering a container with clematis for the winter

If the temperature on a glassed-in loggia is negative in winter, then the clematis shoots are cut off (according to the group to which the variety belongs), removed from the supports and the vine is laid on a box, covered with peat or dry sawdust. Cover the top of the box (with an old blanket, coat, newspapers) and place the wrapped clematis in a large plastic bag, be sure to remove it from the floor of the loggia and place it on a raised platform (on a shelf or box). It is important that the soil in the box with clematis roots does not freeze too much in winter. Therefore, this method of wintering is not guaranteed if it is not possible to regulate the temperature; and wrapped clematis takes up a lot of space.

It is quite difficult to reliably cover clematis on an open loggia or balcony, so the container with the plant is put away for the winter in the basement (in an underground, unheated greenhouse) or buried in the ground until next spring (covered like other clematis in the garden). If you decide to bury clematis in the ground, then you need to make sure that shoots from varieties of the C. lanuginosa and C. Florida groups are not eaten by mice. Clematis requires shelter for the winter so that the ground in the container does not freeze.

To protect clematis from frost, an air-dry shelter is used, which allows you to keep the plant itself dry and eliminate large temperature fluctuations and freezing. To cover clematis, it is best to take dry large leaves and cover the top with any frame (for example, an inverted box). An indispensable condition for such shelter is an air gap between the frame and the leaves. To prevent moisture from penetrating inside the frame, the top of the frame is covered with undamaged plastic film. Among the clematis shoots you need to lay out any mouse repellent products. Compacting snow in winter on paths around sheltered plants prevents them from being damaged by mice.

As soon as the severe frosts are over, peas with clematis can be taken out of the shelter and placed on a glassed-in loggia or balcony. This can also happen at the beginning of March - provided that frost does not penetrate to the place of keeping the plants removed from the shelter and starting to grow. A short-term decrease in temperature (down to –3 degrees below zero) does not harm clematis at the beginning of their growth.

Stefan Fedorovich Nedyalkov (Belarus)
[email protected]

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Please tell me how to grow clematis on the balcony? and got the best answer

Answer from ANGELA*****[guru]
Growing clematis on a balcony or loggia
The south side is ideal for growing clematis; possible south-east or south-west side. An indispensable condition for growing is to protect the vines on the balcony or loggia from strong drafts.
To plant clematis, knock down a wooden box with a height of at least 65 cm, with sides of at least 30 centimeters. Along the entire length of the bottom of the box, two bars (3x5 cm) are nailed, raising the box above the floor so that water does not accumulate at the bottom. A pallet must be placed under the box.
Boxes with clematis are placed at the back or side walls of the loggia, and small containers with plants are hung on the walls or placed on shelves. In this case, the sun should not fall on the surface of the earth in the container.
The greatest difficulty is the construction of a support system for clematis shoots, because at the beginning of summer, even on a balcony, the daily growth of the vine can be 10 cm or more. It is advisable to install such a structure as a support so that shoots can be easily removed from it in the fall. To support clematis shoots, you can use a fishing net (with 10x10 cm cells), placed 15-20 cm from the ceiling. But in the fall it will be difficult to cut out the clematis shoots clinging to it from the net; the often used net is simply thrown away along with the cut shoots.
For planting on a balcony or loggia, medium-sized and low-growing varieties of clematis belonging to the groups C. lanuginosa, C. v iticela, C. jackmanii, C. patens are suitable. Place nearby several varieties of clematis with flowers of different colors (pink, deep crimson, lilac, violet), then the spectacle will be especially colorful. Moreover, plant varieties in the neighborhood so that their flowers are located at approximately the same height.
For planting on a balcony or loggia, use clematis varieties that have the highest flowering coefficient - the most intensely flowering varieties that form flowers as close to the root system as possible. These are, for example, the following varieties:
Jacmanii, Comtesse de Bouchaud, Hegley Hybrid, Star of India, Rouge Cardinal, Kosmicheskaya Melodiya, Lyuter Berbank, Nelli Mozer, Yubileinyi - 70 (C. jackmanii group); Aleksandrit, Ville de Lyon, Huldine (C. viticela group); Madame Van Houtte, Nelli Mozer, Bal Tsvetov (C. lanuginosa group); Jeanne d'Arc, Mrs. holmondeley (group S. Florida).

Reply from Zoya Alexandrovna[guru]
There are varieties that can be grown in containers, for example - Ashwa, Blue Angel

Reply from Victoria Tchaikovskaya[guru]
go to my blog and look for “clematis” by the tags, the topic is “Jacmant’s Clematis - potted crop.”

Reply from Gena Abonos[guru]
Can. But only those varieties that bloom on the current year’s growth. Because for the winter you will have to bring it indoors. This is true, of course, for cold winters. If it is warm or relatively warm on your balcony, then things change for the better for clematis.
Good luck to you.
Try gardening with peas. The British are simply crazy about him. An incredible variety of varieties have been bred. If your summer isn't too hot, peas are great.

Reply from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Please tell me how to grow clematis on the balcony?

Huge flowers of bright colors or many small delicate inflorescences of pastel colors - all varieties of clematis are unusually spectacular and elegant. Plants are used to create vertical compositions; clematis look especially impressive on decorative arches and pergolas, planted in pairs with climbing roses. In order to admire the amazing flowering perennials for many years, it is necessary to carry out all agrotechnical measures when planting and growing the crop. This article is all about growing clematis and caring for charming flowering vines.

Clematis: choosing a place to plant

To grow graceful vines with original bright flowers, it is worth choosing the right site, because clematis are notoriously whimsical and will not grow and bloom in inappropriate conditions.

  1. Lighting - you can plant clematis in the sun, but in hot, sultry summer conditions, the plants often burn, even the brightest petals burn almost to white, so in the south, areas in partial shade are allocated for planting clematis.
  2. Soil - to plant this plant, the soil must be prepared very carefully. Low-lying areas, especially those with excessively wet, salty or acidic soil, are absolutely not suitable for planting crops.

The plant develops poorly on clay and dense soils, as well as on peat bogs and sandy areas.

The ideal soil composition for growing original colorful vines is nutrient-enriched loam. The soil is prepared in advance, deep digging is carried out with thorough loosening.

For clematis, good drainage capacity of the soil at the planting site is of great importance. When planting bushes in open ground in the spring, work to improve the soil is carried out in the fall; when planting is planned in autumn, soil preparation begins a month before the work is completed.

If the mainland soil is not suitable for growing clematis, it is worth improving it:

  1. Peat, sand and nutritious leaf humus are added to clay soil in equal parts.
  2. Peat bogs are improved by adding sand and fertile soil in equal proportions.
  3. Add loam or clay to sandy soil.
  4. Soil with excessive acidity is first limed by adding lime (chalk, dolomite flour) in an amount of 300 g per 1 m2.

Provide protection from the wind - clematis plantings should be placed in places protected from the wind; large, numerous flowers are severely damaged by gusts of strong wind, which significantly reduces the decorative value of the flowers.

The distance between individual plants is about 1-1.3 m.

Planting clematis in open ground

Clematis can be planted in the garden in spring and autumn. When planting in spring, taking into account the previously carried out digging of the site, which was carried out in the autumn, it is necessary to prepare planting holes. If preliminary preparation was not carried out in the fall, the area is cleared of debris, dug up, the soil is renewed, and then the preparation of the pits begins.

Depending on the size of the root system of seedlings, two types of planting pits are prepared:

  1. Light soil - 50x50x50 cm.
  2. Dense soil - 70x70x70 cm.

In damp soil, it is necessary to make drains from broken bricks or pebbles in the planting holes. After laying the drainage, fill the holes with fertile soil with the addition of superphosphate, ash, rotted manure or mature compost.

Important! It is worth providing a slope for drainage of rainwater from tree trunks or taking other measures to reduce excessive soil moisture.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, it is worth inspecting the root system and removing dried and damaged roots. If necessary, the roots of seedlings are soaked in water or biological products before planting.

Clematis seedlings are planted in calm, windless weather.

Prepared soil is poured into the planting holes, forming a cone. A seedling is installed on the top of the mound, spreading the roots along the sides of the soil cone. Sprinkle the roots with soil, while the root collar should be slightly buried:

  1. Seedlings up to a year old - deepening by 5-10 cm.
  2. Adult plants - the root collar can be buried 10-12 cm.

Simultaneously with planting the seedlings, a strong support of small diameter is installed. Plants are watered and mulched, or annual flowers are planted: calendula, low-growing phlox, tagetes. For plant growth, it is necessary to provide support in the form of trellises and arches. To distribute the weight of the plant on the supports and prevent tangling of the shoots, clematis must be tied up, guiding the stems along the support, achieving a harmonious shape of the plant.

Caring for clematis in open ground

In order for clematis to please with its appearance and bloom luxuriantly, it is important to correctly follow the care requirements, especially with regard to watering, fertilizing and pruning bushes.

A very important aspect in organizing the care of clematis seedlings planted in open ground is proper watering. After planting, young plants are watered once a week; in hot weather, watering is increased to 2 times a week. It is not recommended to water the plant with a stream; inaccurate watering may expose the roots.

Important! Plants require abundant watering, moisture must penetrate to a depth of 70 cm, so it is very convenient to dig plastic pipes in tree trunk circles at some distance from the plants and fill them with water, observing the established watering schedule.

If nutrients were added to the soil when planting seedlings in open ground, fertilizing should begin in the summer. In other cases, fertilization is carried out at the following times:

  1. Spring, the period of shoot regrowth - plants are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, you can use an infusion of chicken manure, mullein or ammonium nitrate.
  2. Budding period - combine feeding with mineral and organic compounds.
  3. In summer - every month it is necessary to carry out foliar feeding by spraying the green mass with a urea solution diluted with 1 tsp. per 10 liters of water, water the plant root with a solution of potassium permanganate (2-3 g per bucket) and boric acid (1-2 g per 10 liters of water).
  4. After flowering, superphosphate, potassium sulfate and specialized autumn fertilizer are added to the soil, for example, Kemira Autumn. It is useful to add a handful of ash under each plant.

Ignorance of the group affiliation of clematis leads to the fact that the plants do not bloom after pruning. Seedlings of the charming liana should be purchased only from specialized companies, where the botanical affiliation of the variety to a certain group is clearly indicated. A wide selection of varietal clematis in the Becker online store, where each seedling is provided with full characteristics.

So, how to prune clematis in winter. The thing is that these plants are conventionally divided into 3 groups according to the method of pruning:

  1. Flowers appear on last year's shoots - plants of this group bloom in early spring; pruning is contraindicated for them, since otherwise it will not be possible to obtain full flowering. This group of clematis includes varieties Malysh, AlbinaPlena, Jeanne d'Arc, Rubens, Montana Grandiflora, Pamela Jackman.
  2. Clematis blooming on new and last year's shoots - the bush is covered with flowers from spring to late summer. This group includes the varieties Multi Blue, Joan Picton, Lawsoniana, Madame leCoultre. The shoots of plants of this group are slightly shortened in the fall, only the dried ones are removed, and they are laid for the winter like grapevines.
  3. Specimens that bloom exclusively on new shoots - flowering lasts from mid-summer to September; shoots require radical pruning in autumn. This group includes the varieties Rouge Cardinal, Star of India, Durana, Memory of the Heart, Viola, and Tangutika.

Important! If you don’t know which group your plant belongs to, watch the timing of the vine’s flowering, so you can with a high degree of probability classify the plant growing in your flower garden as one of three groups.

How to grow clematis in containers

In addition to open ground, you can grow princelings in a container. An original flowering wall will decorate the balcony and garden patio, a plant in a container will delight with bright flowers in the greenhouse.

The container can be made of ceramics, wood, or breathable plastic. Dimensions - 60x60 cm, height from 50 cm. Drainage made of expanded clay or pebbles is placed at the bottom of the container, then filled with a mixture of leaf soil, humus, peat and sand. The plant is planted in the same way as in open ground. It is important to choose a place for the plant - it should not be in full sun. To prevent overheating of the earth, annuals are sown into the pot to form a thick carpet: iberis, alyssum, arabis, lobelia or small-flowered petunia.

To support the plant, ladders or trellises are installed. The shoots are carefully tied to the supports. After 2-3 years, the plant requires transplantation into open ground. Pruning for the winter is carried out in accordance with the group affiliation of the variety.

The plant is cared for using the same agricultural techniques as for clematis planted in open ground.

Clematis is such a charming flower that even those gardeners who live in areas with short summers want to have it in their garden. What should they do if summer lasts 2 months and winter comes without warning? There is a solution - clematis in containers. When it gets colder, you can bring beautiful plants into a greenhouse or greenhouse without them being exposed to frost.

But sometimes you want to admire a clematis bush growing directly in the ground. In this case, pay attention to hybrids created specifically for problematic climates. Do not buy southern varieties of the plant; they are unlikely to be able to adapt to harsh conditions.

The best varieties of princelings for growing in conditions of short summers and cold, long winters: Comtes de Boucho; Joan of Arc; Pourpois Plena Elegance; Miss Beyman; Hope; Luther Burbank. Every year, breeders develop new frost-resistant varieties of clematis - stay tuned for new products from the Becker online store.

Many garden crops grow great in pots and tubs. Clematis is a great example of this. In addition, pots, unlike flower beds, are mobile; they can be moved at the owner’s request to the garden, to the terrace, near the entrance to the house or to the balcony.

What varieties grow best in containers?

The most successful cultivation is of miniature clematis, which have a compact shape, and their stems are no more than two meters long. We are talking about such varieties as “Joan of Arc”, “President”, “Mrs. Cholmondeley” and others. They bloom for a long time and profusely, in addition, they have a large number of colors, colors and textures of flowers. For example, the Angela variety blooms with striped, bright, catchy flowers, and the dwarf Piilu first produces abundant double flowers, and then begins to bloom with stripes.

You can also plant medium-sized varieties, but it is better to place them not in hanging pots, but in floor ones. Dwarf clematis will feel great in hanging flower pots or long boxes, sending shoots down to the ground.

A seedling for planting in a container must have a well-developed root system, obtained either as a result of dividing an adult plant, or grown for two or three years.

Landing rules

To plant a plant correctly, you need to follow a certain algorithm of actions.

  • Clematis are planted in containers in the spring; tall pots are used for this. Their diameter should not be less than 30 cm. Wooden boxes are also suitable.
  • First, a layer of drainage is laid on the bottom; it should be approximately 1/8 of the height of the wall of the pot. The substrate can be turf or ordinary soil from the garden, mixed with compost or humus, sand and peat. Be sure to add superphosphate - 0.5 cups and chalk - 1 cup.
  • Immediately upon planting, you need to take care of installing a support - install a ladder or trapezoid at least a meter high so that you can secure the growing shoots at intervals of 20 cm.
  • Next, you need to dig the container into the open ground so that it is completely hidden. During the season, clematis will take root well and its shoots will grow well.

At the end of October or beginning of November, you need to dig up the container and cut off the upper parts of the shoots. Those shoots on which flowers bloomed are not removed from the support. The container with the plant should be placed in the basement, the temperature in which will not be lower than 0 degrees and not higher than +2. The clematis will stay there until January. Its maintenance during this period is simple - rare watering, no need to feed.

Then it needs to be moved to a glazed balcony, installed in a sufficiently lit place. The temperature should be + 8-12 degrees, then the budding process will go well. At higher temperatures, not a single bud may appear. As soon as budding has begun, you need to increase the temperature to + 15-18 degrees or simply move the container to a room where it is warm. Around the end of winter and beginning of spring, clematis begins to bloom. It is important to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the ground in the container.

If the bushes grow a lot, then it is best to plant them in open ground and plant young plants in pots.

It is better to choose a larger container, regardless of whether it is a ground-based tub or a hanging planter. The optimal option is 20 liters, but in a fifty-liter container you can create a composition of three lush bushes.

Plant care

Watering clematis growing in a container is carried out from the pan, and not from above. Fertilizing is done regularly; mineral and organic fertilizers are diluted in water for irrigation. If clematis does not receive enough light during bud formation and flowering, it may change the color of the flowers. There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to provide the plant with enough light and feed it with calcium nitrate, then the flowers will regain their proper color.

You cannot use the same clematis seedling for forcing for more than two years in a row. This leads to severe depletion of the plant. Therefore, after two years of forcing, clematis needs to be placed in the garden and left alone for a couple of years, allowing it to recover. Natural conditions and good care will contribute to this. As soon as intensive flowering resumes, you can again use clematis in forcing.

This plant is relatively unpretentious and feels great outdoors. It does not like the bright rays of the sun, but partial shade is the best place for it. It is not difficult to care for it, but it requires regularity in everything - watering, fertilizing, identifying diseases.

Replanting must be done every two to three years without fail.


Clematis are very sensitive to stem injuries; through them, various infections enter the plant, including the most dangerous for them - fungus. This disease leads to drying out of the stem and often death of the entire plant. As soon as you notice signs of fungus, you need to completely prune your clematis.- all the stems are cut to the ground, this is the only way to save it. If you have time, and the fungus has not caused radical damage to the plant, then soon new shoots will appear on the cuts, and the bush will grow again.

Clematis are also susceptible to pests - aphids, mealybugs, leafminers, and snails. Diseases such as powdery mildew, brown leaf spot and rust do not bypass them, although there are varieties that are more resistant to insects and diseases.

Where are clematis used in containers?

These bushes are so beautiful that they are suitable for both home and outdoor decor. Vertical gardening is now used in residential premises and offices, and looks organic everywhere. In the summer, clematis look beautiful in long boxes on the sides of the terrace. This can be used in the decor of a restaurant, a coffee shop, or a country house. The variety of varieties and colors of clematis allows it to fit organically into any interior, giving it Mediterranean colors, relaxation and freshness. This plant purifies the air from various harmful impurities by releasing phytoncides.

You can choose varieties of the same color, or you can create multi-colored compositions that form beautiful combinations.

To learn how to grow clematis in pots, see the following video.



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