How to trim a man's groin. How to shave your genitals (for men)

It was an exclusively female prerogative, but today men also remove excess hair from the skin. One of the most pressing questions is how to shave a man’s groin, and whether it’s worth doing it at all. Women's opinions on this matter differ greatly, as do men's. Some young ladies believe that the lack of hair in the genital area deprives men of attractiveness and masculinity. Other women, on the contrary, claim that a shaved groin area is a sign of well-groomed behavior.

Whether it is worth shaving the groin, each man must decide for himself, based on his own preferences and comfort.

But if a man has never removed hair before, it’s still worth shaving at least once. This will help you evaluate all the advantages of the presence and absence of vegetation and make the best decision.

As practice shows, more than 25% of the stronger sex, who have always been opponents of depilation, having tried shaving, then choose this option.

You can also consult with your beloved woman about this issue. Some young ladies urge their partners to take up the razor, as hairs can cause discomfort during intimacy.

When shaving is necessary

In some cases, shaving the groin of men is a mandatory procedure. Most often, people involved in professional sports and representatives of the stronger sex, whose activities involve showing off their bodies, face the need to remove hair. Most often, depilation is carried out:

  • athletes. Professional swimmers often resort to hair removal in the intimate area and other parts of the body. Numerous studies and experiments have proven that the presence of hair on the body can negatively affect the speed of an athlete, since the hairs prevent sliding;
  • bodybuilders. The question of whether it is necessary to shave the groin does not arise in this case, since depilation is a prerequisite for performing;
  • strippers. People in this profession should also have a smooth body.

Depilation of the intimate area in men is a mandatory step before certain types of surgery. Doctors always need to get rid of hair if appendicitis is removed.


Before you take action, you need to figure out how to properly shave your groin. The final effect of the procedure depends on the preparatory stage, the choice of means and compliance with the algorithm of actions. In addition, strict adherence to all recommendations will help prevent and prolong the smoothness of the skin for as long as possible.


In order for shaving to go properly and not cause complications, the first thing you need to do is stock up on everything you need. Many men make a common mistake - they refuse to use special shaving gels and foams, which causes irritation.

Some razor manufacturers claim that their products are so sharp and high quality that shaving can be done without the use of additional products. You shouldn't take this at its word, because no gel strip will provide the necessary glide.

As for ordinary soap foam, it will only partially soften the skin, but cannot replace special shaving foam.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to take a hot shower, this will help open the pores and make the hairs more pliable. Next, a small amount of shaving gel is applied to the epidermis and the product is left to act for several minutes.

After this, the machine is rinsed in hot water and processing begins. You need to move the razor in the direction of hair growth, while slightly stretching the skin. For men, this treatment should be carried out with extreme caution and avoid applying strong pressure, as this can lead to injury to the epidermis.

Reference! Many representatives of the stronger sex experience irritation on their skin after using soap, which persists for several days.

How to get a haircut

Some representatives of the stronger sex do not dare to remove all hairs in the intimate area and prefer to have an intimate haircut. You can do it at home; you don’t have to visit a specialist. First of all, a man needs to decide on a design and think about how it is more convenient to complete it: by hand or using a stencil. Also, before creating a hairstyle, you need to stock up on everything you need. To do this you will need scissors, a trimmer, a razor, an antiseptic and shaving foam.

Beginners are recommended to use a stencil, as such a device will simplify the work as much as possible.

The stencil must be applied to the pubis and the drawing must be outlined with a special cosmetic pencil. Next, vegetation located outside the picture is removed. This can be done either with a razor or with. After the bulk of the hair has been removed, the edges of the pattern are smoothed using a trimmer with a narrow nozzle. When the work is completed, the skin is treated with an antiseptic.

No trimmer - what to do

How to shave a man's groin and give him an original intimate haircut if he doesn't have a trimmer at hand? In this case, ordinary nail scissors will help. Using scissors you can also achieve good results, the main thing is that they are sharp. The only downside to this tool is that it will take longer to process.

The best razors

To achieve the desired result and prevent complications, the procedure must be carried out with a high-quality razor.

  1. The following machines have the greatest number of positive reviews: Bic Flex & Easy
  2. . Despite the excellent quality, the machine has a more than affordable price. Gillette Fusion ProGlide
  3. . This machine is the most popular. Most men prefer it. Schick Hydro 5 Power Select

. This razor will provide a perfect shave. Important!

You should not use a disposable machine to remove vegetation in the groin. These razors are not sharp enough, which can cause injury to the skin.

Where special care is required

  • Whether a man should shave his groin is something everyone decides for themselves. But if a guy decides to undergo depilation, it must be carried out with extreme caution, paying special attention to the following areas:
  • lower part of the pubis. This area should be treated with smooth movements, from bottom to top;

scrotum. The skin in this area is the most delicate; you need to shave it in very small portions.

Since the epidermis in the intimate area is characterized by increased sensitivity and receptivity, hair removal in any case must be done with the utmost care. After depilation is completed, it is recommended to treat the skin with a soothing lotion; no additional products are required.

Even if the algorithm of actions is followed, the possibility of complications cannot be excluded. Irritation and redness may occur due to the use of inappropriate products that cause allergies. In addition, itching in the bikini area often appears if, after depilation, a person wears tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics. Most often, representatives of the stronger sex encounter the following side effects:

  • You must use a special shaving gel or foam;
  • it is necessary to study the direction of hair growth and shave hairs only according to growth;
  • Before shaving, the skin needs to be steamed, so the hairs will become softer and more pliable;
  • the machine can only be used on stretched skin, otherwise there is an increased likelihood of cuts;
  • During depilation, it is forbidden to put pressure on the razor.

These simple tips will help you avoid complications during and after the procedure.


Whether or not a man should shave in the groin area, everyone must decide for themselves. But even if a man does not want to follow modern standards, it is still worth experimenting at least once.

In contact with

How to shave a man's groin is of interest to many representatives of the stronger sex, but the depilation process will not cause any particular difficulties if you pay enough attention to it and practice a little. It is best for a man to do his first shave in the bathroom to make it easier to get rid of long hair. Subsequent shaving is best done in bed, lying on your back. A man needs to repeat the procedure several times a week.

Before you start studying the instructions on how to shave a man’s groin, you need to make a list of what you will need for this. So, men remove long hair from the groin area using scissors, a beard trimmer or a hair clipper. For shaving short stubble, simple razors with several blades are perfect. You will also need shaving cream and aftershave lotion.

If you want to try removing hair using a depilatory product, you should first apply a little of the mixture to the skin of the inside of your elbow.

If the epithelium does not begin to itch and irritation does not occur, apply the depilator to the groin area. They do this carefully. When applying the cream, men need to be careful not to get it on the head of the penis.

How to shave your groin correctly: step-by-step instructions

Using a trimmer, it is necessary to trim hair in the groin that is more than 5 mm in length. This is the first stage of shaving for men, making the further procedure easier. If you try to start shaving right away, the hair will simply clog the blades of the machine. A hair clipper will also work for this task. You just need to make sure that its nozzle is set to the “0” position. This will allow the blades of the clipper to cut the hair as short as possible.

Men can use scissors only if they do not have a trimmer or clipper at hand. After all, the result will not be of such quality, and the process itself will be more dangerous. It is not recommended for men to use an electric razor in the groin. Cosmetologists argue for this rule by saying that when shaving the scrotum, there is a risk of cutting yourself, since the skin there is thin and uneven.

If, nevertheless, the decision was made to use an electric razor, then a man should not shave the area under the penis and scrotum with it, otherwise cuts cannot be avoided. It is better to use scissors to trim this area.

Before waxing, a man needs to take a comfortable position. You can lie down in a bath with hot water. Warm liquid will prepare the skin for further shaving. In addition, you can constantly rinse your razor in water. The man should take a stable position that will provide comfortable access to the groin area.

You don't have to be in the bathroom for the procedure.

You can simply make yourself comfortable by sitting on the floor, a chair, or the edge of the toilet. The men begin shaving while standing in the shower. But during the process of removing excess vegetation, it is better to get out of the running water so as not to wash off the foam.

The next step is to apply shaving foam. It is better for a man to choose a product that is intended for sensitive skin. It is not recommended to use creams with menthol or other strong flavors, as they often cause irritation.

Antibacterial creams are well suited for depilation with a razor; they will not only minimize irritation in a man’s groin, but will also prevent inflammation of the hair follicles. It is worth looking for a clear shaving product so that you can see the surface of the skin.

After all the preparations, you can proceed directly to shaving. For groin hair removal, men are recommended to use machines with two to four blades. The blade must be sharp, as sensitive skin can be damaged by dull blades. Hair should be shaved in short, light strokes.

In order for shaving to be as good as possible and without unpleasant cuts, men need to follow the rules. Firstly, the skin at the shaving site should always be taut. Otherwise, it will wrinkle and move with the blades, which will lead to numerous cuts. Secondly, after each movement the razor must be rinsed in water. Sometimes long hairs will get stuck between the blades and will have to be removed by hand.

Do not press too hard on the machine, as this will cause cuts.

First, you need to shave the hair in the direction of hair growth to get rid of most of it. After this, you should shave against their growth. This will give the smoothest result possible. If, as a result of the procedure, a man experiences irritation or a lot of ingrown hairs, shaving against the hair growth will have to be abandoned.

Skin care after the procedure

Immediately after shaving, a man should rinse the groin area with warm water. To prevent the intimate area from itching, it is recommended to use soap without strong fragrances. It is advisable to clean the bathtub or area where shaving was done so that accidentally found pubic hair does not embarrass any of the residents of the house.

After shaving, a man needs to gently wipe his groin area dry. This should be done extremely carefully so as not to increase irritation. It is best to use a soft towel with a lot of lint. During the first few shaves, irritated areas of men's skin become very itchy. In addition, the epithelium becomes itchy and itchy as the hair grows back. Irritation and discomfort will go away in a few days, and with regular shaving such problems will completely disappear.

The areas of skin on the inner thighs are the most itchy. To prevent the spread of irritation and relieve discomfort, men can use baby powder. Applying an antiseptic cream helps a lot.

After a few days, you can perform a light peeling. An exfoliation routine will reduce discomfort and minimize the number of ingrown hairs.

Men can moisturize their intimate area with special lotions or ointments. Unflavored Vaseline and baby oil are suitable for these purposes. Apply shaving foam to the shaved surface and massage it with a pumice stone. This smooths out the sharp ends of the stubble left after shaving. As a result of this procedure, the itching should disappear and hair will not grow ingrown.

If a cut occurs, the wound must be washed and thoroughly treated with an antiseptic.

Do I need to shave?

Every man decides for himself whether to shave his hair or not. You can always try other sensations and then compare them with the previous ones. Many girls appreciate it when their man pays attention to his own intimate area.

There is an opinion that the absence of hair around the penis makes it visually larger, which gives the stronger sex confidence in themselves and their sexual capabilities.

But you need to understand that men’s hair grows quickly and to maintain the effect, the shaving procedure will have to be repeated every few days.

Guys first develop pubic hair during puberty. Thick hair is associated with masculinity and sexuality, so representatives of the stronger sex answer the question whether a man should shave his groin in the negative. But one day they have to say goodbye to their hair for the sake of the woman they love or because of an upcoming surgical intervention. How to do this quickly and accurately?


A man will need:

  • trimmer or sharp scissors
  • shaving foam or gel
  • machine
  • soothing cream or lotion

Do not use an old razor intended for the face. Dead skin accumulates on the blades and allows bacteria to grow. There is a high probability that when shaving for the first time a man will cut himself and germs will get into the wounds. They will cause irritation and inflammation. The razor must be new and disposable. The single-blade option is less likely to clog. The instrument is doused with boiling water before use.

The most convenient way to shave your penis is in the bath or shower. Water washes away hairs and remaining foam. You can do the procedure in a bowl or sink, but then you will have to spend more time cleaning your legs and scrotum.

How does this happen

In adult men, the hair is dense and long. A regular razor won't cut it, so the first step is an intimate haircut. Before taking a shower, you need to take scissors and trim the pubic and genital hair to about 5 mm. This can also be done with a trimmer. The main thing is to thoroughly disinfect the machine after the procedure.

The main task is how to shave a man’s groin efficiently and accurately. To successfully perform it, you need to turn on the shower and wash your penis. Shaving cream is then applied to the genitals. Can be replaced with foamed gel or soap. The machine moves against hair growth. The blades are washed regularly under warm or hot water to prevent them from clogging.

It is better to start from the pubis and slowly move down to the penis. Use one hand to stretch the skin and testicles to make it more comfortable. It is not necessary to shave the hair around the anus. After the procedure, the man takes a shower. A clean groin should not be rubbed with a towel; it is better to gently blot it. Be sure to rub cream or lotion into the skin to prevent irritation.

Pros of the procedure

  • Droplets of sweat, urine, lubricant and sperm constantly accumulate in the hairs. Even if all hygiene rules are followed, an unpleasant odor appears, which causes women to refuse oral sex. A clean-shaven man is more likely to get a blowjob from his beloved wife or girlfriend
  • Dense hair visually shortens the penis by 2–3 cm. After shaving, guys notice that the erect penis looks longer and more impressive
  • The hairy scrotum constantly overheats in the summer, which can lead to poor circulation and problems with reproductive function.

It is not necessary to refine the groin yourself, because a partner can also shave a man’s balls. She will do it much more carefully and turn the hygiene procedure into an erotic game with a pleasant continuation.

A rather sensitive topic for men is shaving hair in intimate places. Moreover, as it turned out, the issue of shaving male genitals is of interest not only to boys, but also to girls.

Most of all, people are concerned about the correct shaving technique in intimate places, the safety of the procedure, as well as more philosophical questions: should a real man shave his groin, does a shaved crotch make a man less brutal and masculine, and are also interested in women’s opinions on this issue.

Today we will talk about how to properly shave the groin of men, whether it is necessary to do it, and find out how girls feel about it.

Do men shave their groins?

In order to answer the question of whether men shave their groins, let’s take a short excursion into history.

The practice of removing pubic hair for men dates back to the beginning of our society. The procedure was accomplished in a variety of ways, including the first razors made of silicon and shells, and later of metals.

For example, in Ancient Egypt, it was customary for people from high circles to remove hair from the entire body, including intimate places. To do this, the Egyptians used razors made of bronze and precious metals, and also carried out depilation using wax, resin and other means, or simply pulled out hair in unwanted places.

Also in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, having hair on the body was considered the prerogative of the lower classes; the nobility preferred to get rid of vegetation using razors made of copper or bronze, or with the help of special tweezers, and hair in the intimate area was considered a carrier of diseases, so they even preferred to remove it with the help of a servant, so as not to touch with your own hands.

In ancient India, it was also customary for the upper classes to carefully monitor hygiene and remove hair on the body and face.

In Islam, for both men and women, removing hair from intimate areas is mandatory to maintain hygiene and health.

As you can see, from time immemorial, shaving the pubis has been a completely natural thing for men, so we think you will no longer have any questions about whether it is normal for a man to shave his groin. Normal and more than that, the men of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and other ancient civilizations will confirm.

How many men shave their groins?

On the Mean’s Heals magazine website, a survey was conducted jointly with the website on the topic of body hair removal in men and attitudes towards this in men and women. The survey results turned out to be very interesting.

Men's opinion:

68% of men somehow get rid of hair on their bodies. In fact, 7 out of 10 men regularly trim or shave their private hair. I think now you shouldn’t be afraid of disapproval from men.

Should a man shave his groin - women's opinion:

And the opinion of women on this issue is even more radical: 66% believe that a man should shave his pubic area clean, 25% are convinced that he should at least trim it regularly. So, 91% of women, counting 9 out of 10 potential partners, will be only happy if you have a shaved face. And perhaps only one in ten will not approve. Well, is it worth listening to her, you have 9 more who like you without hair.

Why do men shave their intimate area?

We seem to have sorted out the question of whether men shave their intimate areas. But at the same time, people are concerned about why men should shave their pubic area; this question is asked quite often on the Internet. Let's figure this out too. The reasons here are the most natural:

1. Hygiene - we all sweat, including in intimate places. Groin hair absorbs sweat and odors, which is not very good from a hygiene point of view. Of course, no one has canceled the daily shower, but if you want to better maintain personal hygiene, you can start removing excess hair.

2. Personal convenience - someone is simply bothered by the abundance of pubic hair and is more comfortable either completely without it or with hair of minimal length.

3. Convenience of the partner - as we have already learned, most girls only welcome it if a man takes care of himself and shaves in the right places. Think for yourself, a girl will be pleased to stumble upon an impenetrable jungle, untouched by a razor, in which Tarzan is hiding somewhere deep in the thickets? We think that your attitude towards female stubble is definitely negative, and the opinions of girls regarding men on this issue are quite similar.

4. Size - the fourth reason quite fully answers the question why men shave their groin. As the proverb says: the shorter the bush, the larger the tree appears. And this is true, abundant vegetation in the groin visually steals extra centimeters of your dignity, and there cannot be extra centimeters here. Therefore, fight mercilessly with hair in intimate places, you can’t lose this fight!

Can men shave their groin?

We have already examined society’s attitude towards shaving men’s intimate parts in sufficient detail and it seems that we have not found a single argument against it; on the contrary, we even learned that most men take care of their hair there in one way or another, and most women only support this. Therefore, the answer to the question “Can men shave their hair in the intimate area” is unequivocal - yes. But whether a man needs to shave his groin and whether it is necessary to do so is, of course, not necessary and only you can decide; in this you should rely only on personal preferences.

At the same time, it is worth raising the issue of safety: is it harmful for men to shave their intimate area? The answer is no, if you follow the basic rules.

First, maintain hygiene:

Ideally, always use a separate, clean razor for shaving your groin area. If you have one razor for the face, for the armpits and for intimate places, then at least before and after each shave, wash the razor with any antiseptic

Never shave in unsanitary conditions. We hope that the idea of ​​shaving your groin while hiking in the forest near a stream is unlikely to occur to you, but you never know... If this happens, then remember our advice - postpone shaving for a more favorable environment until you return home, where there is shower, hot running water and all necessary shaving products.

Secondly, be careful, take your time:

When shaving your genitals, you can accidentally injure yourself. In these places the skin is quite delicate, and the slightest wrong movement can lead to a cut. If this happens, don't worry, wash the wound with warm water and soap, then treat it with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

How often should you shave your intimate area?

The answer to this question is very simple - shave your groin as necessary. But it is still not recommended to do this every day. As we have already said, the skin on the genitals is very sensitive, and shaving too often can negatively affect the epidermis. After you go over the skin with blades, it needs some time to recover, otherwise irritation may occur, turning into inflammation.

Should a teenager shave his groin?

On the Internet you can also often come across the question “Is it possible to shave the groin of a 14-year-old?” (and also 15, 16, 17, they don’t ask about 18 anymore, apparently by this age they can either decide for themselves or ask questions without reference to age). Here everything again remains at the discretion of the young man: if there is a desire, let him shave; if there is no desire, then don’t. The main thing is to remember our safety tips. We'll look at how to properly shave a guy's groin below.

How to shave your intimate area correctly

Let's look at simple rules that will help men shave their groin correctly, even if you are doing it for the first time:

Shave your groin in the bathroom

It is better to do shaving the groin in the shower. Hot water will steam and soften the skin, preventing hair from getting tangled and caught on the razor blades, preventing the possibility of individual hairs being pulled out during shaving. Also, the hair in the groin is coarser and curly, moistening it with water will soften it and make shaving easier.


We think you are already quite reasonable, but just in case, we’ll say it out loud: don’t even think about shaving your groin with a straight razor! And forget about the T-shaped machine, and you can easily cut yourself with it too.

Use a regular modern safety razor.

Take a look at our section, we can recommend you the Gillette Mach 3Gillette attachments. For an intimate shave, it is advisable to use a separate attachment, which will be stored in sterile conditions; before each use, treat the blades with any antiseptic that you have on hand. If your pubic hair is longer than 0.5 cm, you must first trim it with a trimmer before shaving.


Also treat the trimmer head with an antiseptic before use. Do not try to shave your private hair clean with a trimmer, as this may damage your skin. Go through your hair as short as possible and finish the rest with a razor. Also, do not try to shave the hair on the scrotum with a trimmer - the skin on it is very thin and in folds that the trimmer knives can easily touch. Leave all the work to the razor.

Is it possible to shave the groin with an electric razor?

As we have already said, the skin in the groin area is particularly delicate, so we definitely do not advise you to shave your scrotum with an electric razor. Decide for yourself whether to shave your pubic area with an electric razor, but at a minimum, the hair there should be as short as possible. In addition, you need to take into account that electric razor knives are designed specifically for the face and the structure of the hair growing on the face. If you weigh all the pros and cons, a razor still turns out to be more optimal for shaving the groin.

What shaving products to use

Soap or shaving gel

You should not use regular soap for shaving your intimate area. Hand soap tightens delicate skin and does not provide enough slip for the machine. Use shaving gel or cream, they moisturize the skin better; by the way, there is a good selection of creams in our section. Just make sure that your product does not contain alcohol or menthol, otherwise you will feel a burning sensation at the end of the procedure.

Is it possible not to use the funds

Is it possible to shave the groin without foam? We definitely do not advise you to do this. Without shaving products, the razor blade, due to insufficient sliding, can injure the skin, which at a minimum will lead to severe irritation or cuts. Also, shaving without lather will cause the hair to be pulled out along with the follicle from the skin, which can cause ingrown hairs to form. Shaving without foam will definitely lead to irritation and ingrown hair cuts.

Shaving technique

How to properly shave a man's intimate area with a razor, step-by-step instructions

1. Go through your pubic hair with a trimmer and shorten it as much as possible. Do not touch the scrotum with the trimmer.

2. Take a shower, the water will steam your skin and soften your hair.

3. Apply shaving gel to the area you are going to go over with the machine. Add new portions as needed

4. On the pubic area, shave the hair according to its growth using smooth movements. This will allow you to shave the groin without irritation. When you run the machine against hair growth, you pull it in an unusual direction, which can cause ingrown hairs and irritation on the skin.

5. Rinse the machine frequently, clearing the blades of cut hair.

6. Be as careful as possible with the skin at the base of the penis and on the scrotum. Due to the fact that the skin there is very thin and forms folds, there is a high risk of cutting yourself. Pull the skin in one place, carefully go over it with a razor, then pull the skin off in a new area and go over it.

7. If you accidentally cut yourself, wash the cut with soap and water, then treat the wound with an antiseptic. Alcohol or hydrogen peroxide are fine.

8. Be sure to use after shaving. It will moisturize your skin and relieve irritation.

9. Repeat the next shave as needed, but preferably not earlier than after a couple of days. If you experience irritation, use lotion or moisturizer again. If irritation does not go away for more than 3 days, consult a dermatologist. This, by the way, is universal advice for any shaving.

Shaving intimate parts for men is a rather piquant topic and, as it turns out, very relevant for many. In public, debates often flare up about whether a man should do this at all. At the same time, in a more anonymous environment - in search engines, users most often ask how to do this correctly.

We hope we have helped you understand the question of how many men actually shave their hair in the intimate area and how women feel about it, whether it is worth shaving the groin, and most importantly, how to do it correctly. Now you can draw your own conclusions and not be guided only by rumors and false opinions.

Modern men have ambivalent attitudes towards intimate haircuts. It is better for some not to hint at a shaved groin, so as not to cause negative emotions. Others simply cannot imagine how one can avoid having an intimate haircut. Sometimes men don’t shave their groin because they are afraid of getting irritated.

Features of an intimate haircut

In fact, an intimate haircut is quite simple. The following rules must be followed:

  • Allow about an hour of free time for the manipulation. Once a man gets used to it, this procedure will go faster. To begin with, you will need solitude and practice.
  • Using a trimmer or scissors, you need to cut the hair in the groin to 0.5 cm.
  • Then apply shaving gel to the scrotum and pubis.
  • A new, clean razor should be used.
  • Open hot water. The razor needs to be rinsed periodically. This will avoid discomfort during an intimate haircut.
  • Study the skin texture. Start hair removal with light movements. The skin in the area where the shaving process takes place should be kept taut - this will make it easier to shave. In addition, this will avoid cuts.
  • At the end of shaving, the foam is washed off along with the remaining hair. The skin is wiped dry and a special anti-irritation gel is applied to it.
  • In the future, they try to prevent the growth of dense vegetation. This will allow you to do an intimate haircut without using a trimmer or scissors.

The shaved area will feel itchy at first. But these places should not be scratched to avoid irritation. You need to either re-shave the intimate area or lubricate the genital area with a special cream. After several procedures, the itching goes away and the skin adapts to this procedure.

Nowadays it is also common to remove vegetation using wax or special creams. Each method has its own characteristics. You can remove hair with wax painlessly. But allergic reactions often occur after creams.

Some men prefer beauty salons. In such establishments you can find an experienced hairdresser who can give you the perfect intimate haircut. Before visiting a beauty salon, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse and wash thoroughly.

Benefits of an intimate haircut

Some men wonder if they should shave their groin? In fact, there is no urgent need for such a procedure. This is a personal choice of each person. But an intimate haircut still has a number of significant advantages. These include aesthetic and hygienic factors.

Against the background of a smoothly shaved groin area, as a rule, the genital organ looks larger. On average, vegetation in the intimate area takes about two to three centimeters of penis length. But the intimate area does not necessarily need to be shaved to zero. It is enough to shorten the length of your hair. This will give a certain advantage in the male perception of his own genital organ. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex are very sensitive to this issue. Penis size often gives a man confidence. This is inherent at the genetic level, because there is an opinion that it is the genital organ that indirectly symbolizes true male strength.

An intimate haircut provides a number of positive aspects in terms of hygiene. As you know, there are many sebaceous glands located in the groin area. Therefore, no matter how much a man scratches his penis, drops of urine still remain. Added to this are natural secretions, which simply have nowhere to go. Such components settle on the hair in the intimate area. As a result, under the influence of heat and moisture, bacteria begin to actively develop. This contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Some people have negative reactions when the idea of ​​shaving their groin area is mentioned. But there are a number of statistics to consider. They say that more than seventy percent of modern men pay attention to removing excess hair around the penis. They either completely shave off the hair or cut this intimate area extremely short.

Of course, men are interested in what women think about this. According to statistics, more than ninety percent of the fair sex believe that every modern man should take care of his intimate area. Less than ten percent tolerate densely growing hair in the groin area.



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