How do people fly airplanes? Reading Statistics Before Flight

Even the bravest people sometimes feel uncomfortable at the sight of an airplane in which they need to fly. It becomes especially scary when climbing a ladder, when a person realizes that there is no more ground under his feet, and his safety depends on fortune.

“What if the plane breaks down or is struck by lightning? What will happen then? – such questions arise in everyone’s head. For many, this is just a philosophical quibble. But there are also those who, when having such thoughts, begin to panic and cannot cope with it. Such people become afraid to fly; they constantly think that something will happen to the plane while in the air. The presence of such fear can significantly spoil life, because flying is part of the life of many people. On airplanes a person flies on a business trip, on vacation, or to visit relatives. How to stop being afraid of flying?
First of all, you need to understand whether a person has a fear of flying or is it just excessive emotionality. Feelings of mild discomfort or anxiety are common to almost all people. Real fear makes a person give up flying completely. If he still has to fly, the flight will become hard labor for him.
In addition, some people mistake fear of closed spaces or heights for aerophobia. There are such complex cases of this phenomenon that a person cannot do without the help of a psychologist. But if the phobia is not so strong, you can cope with it on your own.

What not to do if you are afraid of airplanes?

A person who is afraid of flying should not drink alcohol before flying. At first, of course, it will become easier for him. He will forget for a while that he has to fly, but later the anxiety will intensify even more. Moreover, in a dry room, at low atmospheric pressure, alcohol has a stronger effect. Even 50-100 grams of wine can cause intoxication, which will quickly give way to hangover symptoms.
There is no need to show special interest in airplanes and search the Internet for articles about aircraft crashes of the exact model you are supposed to fly. While climbing the ladder, do not forget that nowadays air transport is the safest. Naturally, anything happens, and even planes sometimes crash. This happens no more than twice a year. If you look at the statistics on the number of flights, it becomes clear that planes crash extremely rarely. Think about it: there are at least 10,000 flights every day. About ten thousand aircraft are in flight every second. They transport approximately 5 billion people every year. Of these, 300-400 people die. That is, one person out of 12 million does not return from thin air. This is an insignificant number. On the roads that everyone travels every day, hundreds of times more people die.

The most common stereotypes

When studying the fear of flying on an airplane, scientists found that 65% of people suffering from aerophobia are afraid of entering turbulent zones, and think that at this moment the plane may fall.
Another misconception is that people think that airlines use old planes that often break down. This is a myth. All planes of Russian airlines are completely safe and they have the appropriate certificates.
There is no need to worry if the aircraft you need to fly on is more than 10 years old. The world's largest airline, Delta Air Lines, has 50% of its aircraft over 20 years old. And this does not mean that they have defects in technical terms. The service life of aircraft is at least 30 years.

  1. First tip. Prepare for your flight. Thorough preparation helps reduce anxiety. It is due to the fact that in almost all people anxiety is caused not by being on an airplane, but by new surroundings or unusual events. When planning and thoughtfully gathering, a feeling of control of the situation appears and a person understands that he makes all decisions himself. A week before your flight, you should think about what things you need to take with you and write them down on a piece of paper. When packing, place all items exactly as listed. You also need to make a list of things to do before departure. As you pack each item, cross it off the list. This will act like meditation and will help reduce your fear of flying.
  2. Second tip. Don't think about it before the flight. Think about something positive. Being fixated on an airplane makes a person even more afraid of flying. He thinks: “Now I will need to be at high altitude for several hours.” Repeating such a thought can shake your nerves even before you get into the aircraft. While waiting for your flight, listen to music, watch a movie, chat with relatives, read a book. All this will suppress panic and help dull the feeling of fear of flying.
  3. Third tip. To avoid being afraid of airplanes, always think positive thoughts before flying. Never pay attention to your premonitions. This will only make the situation worse. Think about the purpose of your flight, where you are flying, to whom and who will meet you after landing. Come up with several reasons why you should fly. Repeat this thought in your head before getting off the plane.
  4. Fourth tip. Focus not only on yourself, but also on other people. Understand that you are not the only one concerned about airplane safety. Millions of people fly every day and they don’t really like it either, but they can’t do anything because there is no other option. Look at those who will be flying on the same plane with you. If there are elderly people among the passengers, help one of them carry the suitcase. This will distract you, and the feeling of being “in the same boat” will dull the fear of flying. You understand that in this case you have the same fate with them.
  5. Fifth tip. Say your prayers. This will help you relieve anxiety and gain peace of mind. Accordingly, thoughts about the plane will be in the background.
  6. Sixth tip. While waiting at the airport, treat yourself to something unusual. Buy a book or magazine that you would never normally buy, or eat a specific food. This will help calm your nerves.
  7. Seventh tip. Be confident in yourself, regardless of your inner feelings. When you sit down in an airplane seat, smile at your neighbor, even if at that moment you are literally shaking. Who knows, maybe an interesting conversation with a new acquaintance will distract you. Then the flight will be more enjoyable and faster.

These simple tips will help you relax and reduce anxiety before flying. Of course, miracles do not happen and it is impossible to completely stop being afraid of flying. However, you can improve your well-being while flying.

If you experience random feelings of dread when you board a plane, you're not alone. “This is a fear that is especially difficult to overcome because it requires constant training,” says Reid Wilson, Ph.D., a psychologist in Chapel Hill. He worked with American Airlines to develop a program for those who are afraid of flying.

In his opinion, training is most valuable before the flight itself, since most people do not fly often enough. That's why doctors often work with patients to understand what it is they're afraid of, whether it's a fear of heights or closed spaces, and then target their attention specifically to those issues.

But what to do if you have not yet gotten rid of these problems, and you have a flight next week? We asked Dr. Wilson and other experts for some advice.

The odds of dying in a car crash are 1 in 112, according to the National Safety Council. The odds of dying from an "air and space transportation accident," which includes flying in an airplane, are 1 in 8,357.
The problem with this statistic, of course, is that it contains the number "one," says Tom Bunn, a former Pan Am pilot who is now a licensed therapist. So knowing how an airplane works and how reliable it is is of great benefit.

Most aircraft can withstand turbulence up to 5G, and absolutely all feel great up to 2.5G loads. With light turbulence, G-forces vary, as in a moving elevator, from 0.8 to 1.2 G. Moderate degree of turbulence - from 0.6 to 1.4 G; heavy - from 0.4 to 1.6G.

If you want to check the severity of turbulence during your flight, download the SOAR app. Among other instruments it has a G-Force meter. The next time you find yourself in an area of ​​turbulence, you can use the G-Force meter, see how much G it is and make sure there is no reason to worry.

The amygdala is the emotional part of the brain that responds to stressful situations. Try the following exercise before you fly: ask a friend to climb the first step of the stairs with you; turn around so that you can both see the floor and put your arms around each other. Now jump down to the floor together. You have just experienced the feeling of free falling, exactly what you fear when flying on an airplane. Ideally, your brain will associate flying, albeit to a lesser extent, with the positive experience of jumping.

Traveling is not just about being on a plane for three hours. This is the anticipation of getting to know a new culture or meeting a loved one. Put a photo of your destination or your loved one on your smartphone screen. Pay attention to details, including faces, shape, light, colors and other striking features. Remember how these details motivated you to take this trip and remind yourself what the trip is about.

“Focusing on the main purpose of your trip puts fear into the background,” says Jonathan Bricker, Ph.D., R.F., professor of psychology at the University of Washington in Seattle.

"The more you try not to feel anxious, the more likely it is to come back," Bricker says.
So, be open-minded. Notice the sensations in your stomach and other parts of your body. Let them come and go. Don't judge your anxiety. Just watch him.

“Now mentally pack it into an imaginary carry-on that can be stored above or below you—the idea is that 'the anxiety is with me, but I carry it with me and travel wherever I want,'” says Bricker, who uses this concept within taking mandatory therapy, a program whose goal is to cope with anxiety rather than fight it.

Wilson suggests this breathing exercise: Fill the bottom of your respiratory system, then the top of your lungs with air; relax the muscles of your face, jaw, shoulders and abdomen and then exhale slowly. Pay attention to the sound of your breathing; If worry interrupts your attention, watch it come and go, and then return to focusing on your breath.

Wilson also suggests the "10-second squeeze": Squeeze your armrests while contracting your upper and lower muscles, stomach, and legs. Hold for 10 seconds and then release as with normal breathing and exhale. Repeat. “If you can relax the muscles in your body, anxiety will automatically decrease,” says Wilson.

What could be worse than feeling anxious? Feeling dehydrated, nauseous, drunk and anxious. Additionally, alcohol props up your anxiety rather than taking control of it. If you do need chemical intervention, talk to your doctor about getting an appropriate prescription for the medication you will use before boarding or during the flight.

While there's no scientific evidence that natural remedies will help, it might be a good idea to try calming herbal tea rather than coffee (which can make nervousness worse).

Oxytocin is a hormone released during breastfeeding when you see a baby, an animal, or experience romantic excitement. Bunn notes that when your body secretes this “love hormone,” problems arise with the secretion of the stress hormone. So try this next time you feel anxious on board: imagine feeding a baby, a kitten in your arms, or cuddling with your partner while the airplane cabin is the stage. By doing this, you stimulate the flow of oxytocin into the blood as a counteract to cortisone. This pre-flight practice will slowly nudge your brain to associate warm feelings with air travel.

When the pilot announces the flight time, write it down. Find a map in your journal and draw a line between the departure city and the arrival city. Then divide the line into the number of segments equal to how many hours your flight is. Set a reminder in your phone to mark every hour. Bunn says, “In Alcoholics Anonymous, you are told to take one day at a time. Here you can take one hour in one day.

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“A plane is the safest way to travel. The fatality rate on airplanes is significantly lower than on trains or cars.” You can repeat to yourself these phrases you read in magazines or on Internet resources as much as you like, but for some reason this does not make your fear of flying any less.

How not to be afraid of flying on an airplane and what to do to reduce fear? Read about it below.

So, here is a short list of reasons against fear of flying:

  1. Remember that the aircraft is designed in such a way that even in the event of some kind of malfunction or breakdown, it has every chance of landing successfully and safely.
  2. Almost all systems on the aircraft are duplicated, and some have 2-3 duplicates in case the first ones malfunction.
  3. The crew of any airliner is well trained and knows perfectly well what to do in case of any emergency.
  4. Any aircraft is perfectly equipped with the latest technology.
  5. Believe me, any airline is also interested in ensuring that all its planes fly properly and without failures. After all, the plane costs many millions of dollars, and compensation will also have to be paid to the families of the deceased passengers. Not to mention the fact that few people will want to fly with these airlines later. Therefore, every plane is carefully monitored.
  6. Before each flight, the aircraft is carefully checked by the mechanics, and then by the first pilot himself.
  7. The plane has at least two engines. Even if one of them fails, it will be able to land safely. You can learn how an airplane takes off and flies
  8. The cost of one engine is about 10 million dollars, so they take care of it almost like a small child. The likelihood of it breaking is negligible. Engine failure can occur at 2 million flight hours.
  9. 1 person in 12 million does not return from flights, and there are tens of thousands of such flights a year.

Even with some problems, the plane can land successfully.

You are not convinced by these arguments, and you are still thinking: “I’m afraid to fly on an airplane. What to do?" Then read on.


Almost all passengers experience discomfort and discomfort before and during the flight. But this is not aerophobia yet.

Many passengers are afraid to fly. Fear is a natural reaction of our body!

Do not rush to diagnose it in yourself without having objective evidence. Aerophobia is already a mental disorder, which is characterized by the presence of the following characteristics:

  • on an airplane you grip the armrests tightly and your hands become sweaty;
  • during the flight you peer into the faces of the flight attendants;
  • you listen to the noise of the engines and other sounds made by the aircraft;
  • you experience fear, panic, internal discomfort before and during the flight;
  • you can't bring yourself to look out the window;
  • you are afraid of the confined space on the plane;
  • rapid, uneven breathing;
  • increased heart rate;
  • during turbulence you experience an acute attack of panic, which is difficult for you to control;
  • before the flight you must drink alcohol or sedative pills;
  • you have completely given up traveling by plane.

It can be combined with other phobias - claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces) and acrophobia (fear of heights).

In this case, you need to comprehensively and gradually get rid of such fears. Between 15% and 30% of the world's population suffer from this disorder.

Main! In the acute stage of aerophobia, be sure to consult a specialist. Don't be shy and don't be afraid of judgment from other people. Do you go to the doctor if you have a stomach or throat pain? So it is here. You need to pay as much attention to your mental health as you do to your physical health. Otherwise, without proper treatment, your disease will only progress.

Below are some simple tips to improve your emotional state before and during your flight.

Don't read about plane crashes before flying.

Remember that, as with any other disease, it takes time and patience, as well as faith in your own strength and the success of treatment. You need to start with small steps and gradually increase them.

What to do before the flight

Before the flight:

Try to keep yourself busy with something during the flight.

If you are flying on an airplane for the first time, then you can find some useful tips

What to do during the flight

During the flight itself:

  • If your fear of flying is combined with claustrophobia, then you don’t need to sit at the window. If you end up with such a place, then close it and don’t look there. Don't know which seat to choose on the plane? Then read;
  • Divide the entire flight time into different intervals– takeoff, serving drinks, lunch/dinner/breakfast, landing. And so move along the list. This will make it easier for you to endure the flight time, and it will not drag on slowly;
  • Keep yourself busy. Ideally, it is better to try to sleep. If that doesn't work, then read a book, watch a movie on your laptop/tablet, listen to music, play some stupid game on your phone. Anything goes;
  • Drive away negative thoughts! Try to think about what you will do when you arrive. If you are going on vacation, then think about the sea, the beach, delicious food on the buffet, how you will spend your time there. If you went for work, then work through in your head the stages of your speech at a conference or negotiations with a partner;
  • Act confident, and as if you are not afraid to fly at all. Gradually, the confidence instilled will become real;
  • Think about other passengers. Watch them, imagine why they fly and what they are like. This will not only help you kill time, but will also help you realize that you are not alone, but are among the same people;
  • Bring candy or chewing gum. Fear causes muscle stiffness, sometimes numbness in the arms or legs. When you chew chewing gum or candy, your body, absorbed in one action and pleasant emotions, will no longer respond to another, negative one;
  • Drink more fluids, but not alcohol! Fear causes dehydration, so be sure to drink more juice or water;
  • Do not drink coffee under any circumstances! It will only further overstimulate your nervous system, which is already on edge;
  • Unfasten your seat belt, recline the seat a little. In general, take the most comfortable position. Let your body relax. Then it will be easier for your nervous system to return to normal.

During turbulence

Many passengers do not endure the flight itself so much as the turbulence. Although, when you are driving a car and the road gets rough, you don’t start worrying about getting into a fatal accident.

You try to double your vigilance. It's the same with an airplane. He simply ends up in air pockets that he couldn’t get around. The plane itself will not fly into the area of ​​thunderclouds, but will try to miss it.

The aircraft is not afraid of turbulence due to its perfect design.

Any aircraft is thoroughly tested before it is sent into service, so that it can withstand very heavy loads. What can we say about some thunderclouds or wind?

Sometimes the turbulence can be very strong. In this case, things fall from the shelves above, and the plane can even shake. This is no reason to panic!

What to do in case of turbulence

When turbulence begins, you need to do the following:

  • follow the instructions of the flight attendants and fasten your seat belt;
  • don't get up from your chair until the plane leaves the turbulence zone;
  • follow the instructions on the board;
  • you can do any breathing exercises - it can calm you down;
  • If things fall from shelves, cover your head first;
  • if something falls, even if it’s yours, do not get up from your place;
  • Repeat to yourself that everything will be fine and you will land safely. Self-hypnosis is an excellent opportunity to calm your tense nerves.

Take the example of flight attendants - they remain calm in any flight conditions.

And finally, think about it. They fly almost every day. Even during turbulence, they continue to do their job and smile at passengers. Perhaps their example will give you courage.

Good luck with your flights!

There are a lot of people in the world who dream of traveling around the world, visiting distant continents and islands lost in the ocean, but their dreams remain dreams - because of the fear of flying on an airplane. They would be happy to overcome this fear, but they don’t know how to do it or where to start. And here, in the newspapers and on TV, there is information about plane crashes with numerous casualties, about emergency landings of planes. How can you stop being afraid of flying? How to visit distant countries and see the limitless world? We answer: almost anyone can get rid of aerophobia on their own. And knowledge about physical laws, about airplanes and the ability to relax at the right moment will help him.

Fear is normal, with the help of it, a person becomes more careful, and, moreover, thanks to it, people were able to survive to this day. Not afraid, only a man without a brain. But excessive fear, turning into panic attacks, is already a diagnosis that requires treatment from a special doctor. So, you have to see this fine line.

The most important fact that speaks in favor of choosing an airplane as a means of transportation is statistics that stubbornly say that the probability of death in a plane crash is equal to one in eleven million. That is, in comparison with the probability of getting into an accident on another land or water transport, it is minimal. You are much more likely to die on the way to the airport than on board the plane. Let this statement alone fill you with optimism.

Many people's fears arise due to ignorance of the reasons for what sometimes happens during a flight: it could be blocked ears, a suddenly alarming sign asking you to fasten your seat belts, without explanation, or a change in the configuration of the wing. If you understand what these moments are connected with, your fear will disappear. A person who knows little about the intricacies of air travel and airplanes, in principle, finding himself in an unusual situation, without any information, instinctively thinks that the worst thing that can happen has happened. Therefore, here is an explanation of some of the above-mentioned sources of your fears. In order for a plane to take off from the ground, it needs to gain a certain speed. With its sharp acceleration, it seems that we are being pressed into the seat and it even seems that the plane is taking off with too much of an inclination, and then our ears are blocked. All these sensations are caused by the unusual position of our body in space, coupled with acceleration. Ears get blocked during takeoff and landing due to pressure changes. As for the movement of wing parts during flight: calm down - they do not come off due to old age, this is a necessity, according to the law of aerodynamics. That's how it should be. All modern aircraft have wings with several elements: if the main part of the wing is fixed, then there are small additional flaps on the trailing edge. If during flight they are a continuation of the wing profile, then during takeoff, landing or during maneuvers, they deviate downward, increasing the lift of the wing.

A very unpleasant moment in flight, not necessary, but often occurring, is turbulence that occurs when the plane crosses the border of low and high pressure areas. The feeling is as if you are falling into a hole. It is similar to driving a car on a broken road, if you don’t imagine that there are ten thousand meters of emptiness under you. Pilots, over the years of their work, accustomed to this phenomenon, call it “bumpiness”. Turbulence does not pose a threat to passengers and crew members, or to the aircraft: these chaotic air vortices that cause shaking and swaying, encountered along the path of many flights, are just “games” of air flows. While small vortices sometimes go completely unnoticed, large ones make themselves known quite noticeably. Sometimes they occur not only in cloudy weather, but also in clear skies at high altitudes, as well as over the ocean or sea. Don’t worry about this, your plane is designed taking into account this phenomenon and will successfully withstand any air shocks and dips: it will not fall apart in the air, nothing will fall off of it, since it is designed for enormous loads and has a large margin of safety. But passengers often get injured due to turbulence: many do not fasten their seat belts, despite the warning, go to the toilet when they shouldn’t and everyone should be seated, leave overhead luggage compartments open and something falls on them. This is why you are strongly advised to buckle up and stay seated, not because the flight attendant is an evil witch who dislikes you. And yet, in order to feel less turbulence, choose seats in the first half or on the wings in the middle of the cabin, because the shaking is strongest in the tail.

Many are afraid that if the pilot suddenly becomes ill and lets go of the helm, the plane will plummet down from a height of ten kilometers. This is simply physically impossible. The fact is that during flight, very strong pressure is created under the wings of an airplane, so the air holds it no worse than the ground of a car. Even if the plane stands on its tail and turns around its axis, it will simply sway in the air, like a raft on the waves. And there are two pilots on the plane. And also, all the aircraft’s systems are duplicated several times. Every airplane has at least two engines, which cannot fail simultaneously unless each engine has flown for two million hours, which equates to almost two hundred and thirty years without landing. Even if one engine of the airliner fails, then under normal weather conditions and overloads, it continues its flight without descending and lands completely safely. The most common aircraft used by Russian airlines is the Boeing 737, which can safely fly for two hours in emergency mode. Such requirements are already included in the world standards for the creation of passenger airliners, and they fully comply with them. In addition, at all airports, aircraft undergo technical inspection before departure by a whole team of professionals. When disasters occur, a series of unfavorable circumstances occur. After this, everything is carefully studied and eliminated to prevent recurrence. Aircraft repairs and inspections are carried out in accordance with an approved plan, which stipulates that for every hour an aircraft is in the air, there are eleven hours of maintenance. That is, if your plane takes four hours to get to its destination, it has undergone forty-four hours of maintenance.

Many people are afraid to fly on an airplane because they understand that they do not control this process and decision-making does not depend on them. And this inability to control the situation causes them stress. Such people need to learn to control themselves and calm down, with the help of yoga and meditation, as well as switching to a positive way. Sometimes this can be difficult, but with the help of special classes that help overcome the fear of flying, it is easier to do. We currently have the only clinic in Russia that treats aerophobia; it is located in Moscow and its name is “Fly Without Fear.” The course of treatment there is two days, the price is several thousand rubles. For people who are unable to attend in person, there are online courses that can be paid for online. That is, if you are not present there in person, you will be offered a certain selection of videos to watch, as well as reading specialized literature and communicating with a psychologist. As part of personal attendance at the lessons, a visit to the airport is provided, the opportunity to visit a flight simulator, simulating various situations that can occur in the air, and finally, a flight analysis with a teacher. These courses are attended by pilots and flight attendants. If your city has a similar flight simulator, you can also sign up for training, there, with a patient instructor, you will be able to understand that flying is not scary and even fall in love with this process.

If you have a flight planned, then in order to maintain peace of mind, do not watch disaster films the day before, do not look up the details of plane crashes on the Internet, this will only increase your fear. If you are afraid of flying, then look for direct flights so that you can be in the air for as little time as possible. Ask for a seat on the wing, in the most stable part of the plane, where it shakes the least. If you suffer from claustrophobia, ask for a seat near the aisle or near the emergency exit. If you are worried that the plane will get into turbulence, take a closer look at larger planes, they shake much less. A priori: the larger the aircraft, the smoother the flight. For peace of mind, fly during daylight hours. Perhaps you will be reassured by the fact that there is a blue sky around, and not pitch darkness and uncertainty. Try to overcome your fear: this can be done by being a fatalist - if it’s destined, death will be found everywhere, or by being an optimist - everything will be fine with me. Start flying as often as possible: if flying becomes a regular and everyday occurrence for you, it will become a habit and fear will disappear. If you have a choice between traveling by land or flying by plane, feel free to choose the plane, because flying is safer than driving in a car!

And, of course, it is worth coming to terms with the fact that risk is part of our life. Nobody knows what fate has in store for him. While sitting on a plane, do something fun that will prevent your thoughts from building up anxiety and restlessness: watch an exciting movie, read about the places you are flying to, plan your travel route, and if you listen to the sounds of flight and airplane, then wear headphones with exciting music and relax. You can ask your doctor to recommend some herbal sedatives. But we don’t recommend relaxing with the help of alcohol. The fact is that alcohol taken at an altitude of more than three thousand meters, even in an amount of one hundred grams, can reduce the breathing rate and increase oxygen starvation. If a person has a weak heart, and he may not even know it, very bad things can happen. A habitual shot glass, for terrestrial conditions, radically changes the behavior of a person on board at altitude, since due to low pressure and low oxygen levels, euphoria sets in faster, and the person’s behavior gets out of control. That’s why we’ve been talking so much lately about the ugly antics of air rowdies. Therefore, it is better to relax by buying something tasty in duty-free, something that you can chew for a long time: chips, crackers, lollipops. Meet your neighbors, discuss something vital, and the flight time will pass by.

We wish you to overcome yourself and conquer your fear of flying on airplanes. We hope that we were able to convince you that this is not scary, but, on the contrary, allows you to open new horizons and visit different distant corners of the globe.

According to statistics, an airplane is the safest and most comfortable means of transportation. But this statement does not at all reassure those people who suffer from aerophobia (fear of flying). Do you want to get rid of unnecessary fears and learn how not to be afraid to fly on an airplane? We have prepared a special article for you!

It should be noted that absolutely all people who fly on an airplane experience some discomfort. This occurs due to the fact that a slight vacuum is created in the aircraft cabin. Also, all people (even pilots) experience anxiety during a flight - this is a normal condition and does not mean that you are afraid of flying. But if your nerves are on edge long before the flight, you can’t even look at a stationary plane and are afraid to enter it, then you most likely have aerophobia. It can be overcome if you carefully read our article. Severe forms of aerophobia are successfully treated by psychologists.

Fear of flying should be shared with other phobias. For example, some people are afraid of being in a confined space, others are afraid of heights. Aerophobia is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Unreasonable and uncontrollable fear of flying.
  2. You squeeze into your seat during takeoff, your palms sweat a lot, and your hands themselves squeeze the armrests.
  3. You constantly monitor the operation of the engines and panic at the slightest change in sound.
  4. You peer into the faces of the flight attendants, trying to guess their thoughts.
  5. During turbulence, you start to panic.
  6. Before entering the plane, you take sedatives, antidepressants, and alcohol.

If you experience something like this, then it really is a fear of flying.

If you have aerophobia, then:

  1. Forget about alcohol. Firstly, many airlines do not welcome drunk passengers on board and establish a “prohibition” during the flight. Secondly, alcohol often leads to completely the opposite effect. Alcohol, entering the stomach at a high altitude (low blood pressure), is instantly absorbed into the blood and causes severe intoxication. A person experiences increased irritability, anxiety, a drop in mood and a severe loss of strength.
  2. Don't be negative. Do not search the Internet for information about plane crashes, do not look at photographs or read various horror stories. An airplane is the safest transport in the world.

Some statistics

To reassure yourself, study the statistics:

  • Every second there are from 4 to 10 thousand aircraft in the sky;
  • every day planes make more than 50 thousand flights around the world;
  • airplanes transport over five billion people per year;
  • About 300 people die in plane crashes every year;
  • The chance of dying during a flight is 1 in 12 million.

To help you appreciate the scale, imagine that in Moscow (population 12 million) only one person dies a year. These are the chances of dying during a flight.

Please note: In Moscow alone, approximately 30 thousand people die in road accidents per year. The chance of dying in a car or bus is much higher than on board. If you fly every day, then you need to fly away for 21 thousand years for something to happen.

Several stereotypes about flying

According to research, most people who are afraid of flying are at the mercy of prejudices and stereotypes. They do not understand what turbulence is, they think that the plane does not have protective and backup systems, or that it can simply fall from a ten-kilometer altitude. If you want to stop being afraid of flying on airplanes, then be sure to understand what can cause them to shake. Turbulence is a normal state of the atmosphere, because it constantly moves, changes in pressure and humidity. Because of this, the air becomes non-uniform in density, and when an airplane enters it, it begins to vibrate. There is nothing wrong with this - the aircraft is designed for much larger loads. In addition, pilots are aware of turbulence zones and warn passengers in advance so that they do not worry. Over the past 20 years, not a single aircraft has been damaged or fallen due to entering a turbulence zone. This is a completely ordinary situation and you shouldn’t be afraid of it.

The second common myth: Russian airlines use old, falling apart planes with wings falling off, and the pilots fly only drunk. Of course, this is a fairy tale: absolutely all airlines of the Russian Federation operating regular flights have a full set of international quality certificates. The crews also undergo regular courses, and before each flight the pilots are checked by a medical board - no one will ever let a drunkard take the helm, as this threatens with huge fines and loss of licenses. The pilot will not be allowed on the flight, even if he simply has high blood pressure.

Please note: All major Russian air carriers are members of international alliances. For example, Aeroflot is a member of the Sky Team, Utair is a member of the Star Alliance, and S7 is a member of OneWorld. At the same time, Aeroflot has the most modern and youngest air fleet, and Transaero airline has been included in the list of the safest carriers in the world for several years.

You should not be afraid to fly on an airplane that is 10-20 years old. Airplanes are made with such a safety margin that they can fly for more than 25 years, but during this time they simply become obsolete. Russian carriers have fairly young planes - the average age is about 7-10 years, but Delta Air Lines (the largest airline on the planet) has most of its planes already 20 years old. But this does not prevent it from transporting millions of passengers completely safely. Absolutely all aircraft undergo thorough maintenance and a whole bunch of checks - nothing can happen to them in the air!

A few facts

Here are a few more facts that will convince you that flying is safe:

  1. On airplanes, all systems have duplicates. Even if something fails, a second or third duplicate is immediately launched.
  2. The plane cannot fall - it rests on the air like a car on a highway.
  3. A standard aircraft has several fire protection, fuel, control and landing gear systems.
  4. Each aircraft has a minimum of two engines (usually four), although it can fly and land on one. Statistics say that a single engine failure can occur once every 2 million hours (almost 230 flying years).
  5. If a plane crash does occur, then it is a confluence of several circumstances. After each accident, experts analyze in detail the reasons for what happened and make sure that something similar does not happen in the future.

On an airplane, all systems are duplicated—it’s completely safe to fly!

How to overcome your fear?

Do you want to overcome your fear of flying on airplanes? Use the following tips:

  1. Choose your place. If you are afraid of heights, then you should not sit near the “window”. If you are afraid of confined spaces, it is better to sit near the aisle. Are you afraid of shaking? Take a place closer to the nose.
  2. Create comfortable conditions. Change into comfortable slippers and clothes, ask the flight attendant for a pillow and blanket, turn on your favorite music and you will relax.
  3. Bring a handful of fruit-flavored candies or chewing gum with you. Sweets are good for stuffy ears and motion sickness.
  4. If you feel fear creeping in, start breathing deeply. Inhale through your mouth, exhale very slowly through your nose. Concentrate, imagine that all negative emotions and experiences come out along with the air.
  5. Think positively. Don’t think about what might happen, imagine where you are flying, what you will do there, who you will meet and how you will relax.



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