How should basal temperature change? Basal temperature

A characteristic feature of basal body temperature is its independence from external influences. This method was first used by the English doctor Marshall, who thought about the dependence of hormonal effects on thermoregulatory processes.

What is the purpose of measuring basal temperature?

The basal temperature chart serves as an important indicator of ovarian function. The norm of basal temperature during a certain period of the menstrual cycle can serve as an indicator of women’s health, and deviations from it in the constructed graph will help to clarify the diagnosis and cause of the pathology.

Knowing the norms of basal temperature, you can confidently determine:

  • the onset of ovulation,
  • infertility,
  • days when conception is impossible,
  • early pregnancy,
  • hormone imbalance.
A correctly constructed graph of basal temperature will give you confidence to accurately name the day of ovulation and find out at what stage the process of egg maturation is on a particular day. The schedule will allow the doctor to understand whether the endocrine system is functioning correctly, as well as when the next menstruation day will arrive, the functioning of the ovaries, etc.

How to measure BT correctly?

To obtain reliable information, basal temperature is measured daily for at least three monthly cycles. When measuring, the data is immediately recorded, and factors influencing its change on a certain day are also recorded: alcohol intake, medications, sexual relations, time deviations, etc.

BT measurements are carried out daily at the same hour with a difference of no more than half an hour - this is the only way to build the correct graph that will help analyze the functioning of the reproductive system and predict conception.

Is there a normal basal temperature?

The first, follicular phase of the monthly cycle is characterized by the development of the follicle when the temperature on the graph is below 37. And then, when the egg is released from the mature follicle, this is the period of ovulation, the temperature rises, its indicators can increase to five tenths of a degree. This indicates that ovulation has occurred. The second phase lasts for about two weeks and ends with menstruation, from which the new cycle begins. Before menstruation, you can record a decrease in basal temperature by three tenths of a degree on average. And again the whole process happens again.

The temperature norm for an individual woman is different, it depends on the characteristics of the body, but the schedule must certainly be two-phase, separated by ovulation. If there are no peaks on the graph, this may be a consequence of infertility.

What can cause deviations from the norm?

  1. Endometritis is inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus.
    If the temperature graph shows an increase in temperature from the very beginning of menstruation, and after that the temperature curve does not go down, then this may indicate that there is a possibility of endometritis. However, high temperatures over 18 days may also indicate a possible pregnancy.

  2. Insufficient production of estrogen.
    Estrogen, available in the right amount in the first phase of the monthly cycle, keeps the basal temperature at 36.3-36.5 degrees. If the BT data is higher than indicated, then it can be assumed that there is insufficient estrogen production. A gynecologist can regulate hormone imbalance by prescribing special hormone-containing medications. In the second phase, the lack of estrogen increases the temperature readings above 37, the increase lasts for several days.

  3. Inflammation of the appendages.
    If during the second phase the temperature is above 37, this may signal an inflammatory process.

  4. Pathology of the corpus luteum.
    The second phase is characterized by the production of progesterone. The increase in basal temperature is due to the influence of progesterone. If there is a deficiency of progesterone in the body, then a gradual increase in temperature occurs, and no further decrease occurs. A blood test for the quantitative composition of progesterone can confirm the diagnosis of hormone deficiency. The doctor prescribes hormonal medications for regulation, which should be taken after ovulation.

  5. Hyperprolactinemia.
    The pituitary gland produces prolactin, which supports the body during pregnancy and lactation production. High levels of this hormone are reflected in a graph that becomes similar to the graph during pregnancy.

Previously, it was believed that it was possible to determine a possible pregnancy, ovulation or gynecological disease only after passing a huge number of tests.

Today, such a myth will help dispel a simple basal temperature chart that any woman can independently draw up. He will not give an exact answer, like a doctor, but he will show him and you what is happening to the female body. This article will provide graphs of basal temperature with examples and explanations, as well as why basal temperature is needed and what it means.

  • when you can’t get pregnant for many months;
  • risk of possible infertility;
  • hormonal disorders.

In addition, measuring BT helps increase the chances of successful conception and the ability to plan the sex of the child. A template or sample basal temperature chart can be downloaded online.

Many women do not take basal temperature measurement seriously, believing that it is a mere formality that is of no benefit. However, this is far from the case. Thanks to the BT readings, the doctor can determine the following points:

  • establish how the egg matures;
  • determine the ovulatory period;
  • approximate date of next menstruation;
  • It is not uncommon for BT readings to determine possible endometritis.

It is necessary to measure BT over 3 cycles, this will provide more accurate information about the date of favorable conception. An experienced gynecologist will help you decipher the graph readings. You can also see an example of basal temperature graphs on the Internet online.

Thermometer for measuring BT

For measurements, one type of thermometer is used; it is not changed during the measurement. Thus, it will be possible to see the norm or deviations on the basal temperature graph.

A mercury thermometer measures the temperature within 4-5 minutes, and an electronic one 2 times faster. Do not forget to wipe the device with an antiseptic before and after each measurement and let it dry before use.

Correct BT measurement

Accurate and effective plotting requires compliance with certain rules:

  • BT measurement should be daily, if possible, during menstruation or at the time of respiratory illness;
  • Temperature measurements are taken in the rectum, mouth or vagina. The main rule is that the measurement location does not change throughout the entire cycle. Doctors still strongly recommend measuring vaginal temperature. If BT is measured rectally or vaginally, then the narrow part of the device is carefully inserted into the desired location for 3-4 minutes;
  • You need to measure BT immediately in the morning after waking up without getting up, this is a strict rule, and at the same time. Measuring basal temperature an hour after sleep or during the day may not give accurate results;
  • The measurement is carried out only in a lying position. Therefore, you will need to prepare your thermometer in the evening and place it next to your bed. If you need to go to the toilet, you will also have to wait a couple of minutes here. Excessive activity will give unreliable results;
  • After measuring BT, readings are taken immediately. If this was done after 2-5 minutes, then the result is considered invalid;
  • keep in mind that intimate relationships in the evening or in the morning, as well as flights, too active sports and colds may incorrectly affect the correctness of the basal temperature result;
  • BT must also be measured after 4 hours of continuous sleep.

BT information table

The table for determining BT should include the following items:

  • day of the month, year;
  • cycle day;
  • measurement result;
  • additionally: here you need to indicate all the parameters that can affect BT. These include: vaginal discharge, having sex the day before, allergic reactions, viral diseases, taking medications, etc.

A detailed description of these factors will help the doctor most accurately determine the time of conception. If desired, a basal temperature chart can be downloaded from any medical website related to gynecology.

Changes in BT relative to the cycle

Note that BT changes depending on the cycle, or rather its time.

So, during the first phase of the cycle, when only the maturation of the egg occurs, BT is low, gradually dropping to a minimum, then it rises again. The difference between the highest and lowest BT is from 04 to 0.8 degrees.

If measured at the time of menstruation, the temperature will be exactly 37 degrees, and after ovulation ends it rises to 37.1-37.1 under the influence of progesterone.

If the graph showed that BT in the first phase is much higher than in the second, then there is a clear lack of estrogen. You may need to take hormonal medications. In the case when the second phase is characterized by a low temperature in relation to the first, then we are talking about low progesterone.

When both cycles are persistent, this indicates ovulation has occurred. If in the second phase there is no increase in BT, then most likely there was no ovulation, i.e. the egg did not come out.

The BT chart is a fairly convenient and modern way to determine ovulation, which is an integral part of planning a successful pregnancy. The results of basal temperature will also be useful before going to the gynecologist.

Explanation and examples of BT charts

When the graph is constructed correctly and the woman followed all the recommendations in its preparation, it allows not only to determine the presence of ovulation, but also possible pathologies of the genital area.

On the graph you can see an overlapping line, which is drawn on top of six temperature values, precisely in the first phase. This is what a normal basal temperature graph looks like, without pathologies or deviations. We do not take into account only those days where the result could be distorted under the influence of taking medications, viral diseases, sexual contact the day before, etc.

Effects of ovulation

To determine ovulation, you need to use standard rules:

pay attention to the midline and 3 BT results; the difference in two out of three cases should be at least 0.1 degrees. If these are the results in the table, then after 1-2 days you will be able to observe a clear ovulation line.

Duration of the second phase

As we found out, the BT graph is divided into two phases, we can see this in the photo above, where the vertical line is located. The normal cycle in the second phase is from 12 to 17 days, but most often 15.

As practice shows, quite often there is a deficiency in phase 2. If you note that this phase is 8-10 days shorter, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

If we talk about the BT norm, then its difference between the first and second phases is about 0.4-0.5 degrees, but no more.

Two-phase cycle and its norm (normal two-phase schedule)

On this graph, it is necessary to note an increase in BT by no more than 0.4 degrees.

If you look at the example graph above, you can see that 2 days before ovulation BT decreases.

Hormonal deficiency: progesterone estrogen

With this deficiency, you will notice a significantly weak rise in BT, and the difference in the first and second phases will be no more than 0.2 degrees. When a similar phenomenon is observed for more than three cycles in a row, then we can talk about serious hormonal imbalances. As for pregnancy itself, it can occur, but at the same time there is a high risk of miscarriage.

Also, do not forget about anovulatory cycles. This can happen in a woman’s life up to three times a year. However, if the number of such cycles exceeds 3-4, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

In the graph below you can clearly see the absence of ovulation:

Hormonal deficiency: estrogens

If at the end of the graph, a woman observes large differences in BT, and the line itself is in a chaotic state, then we can talk about a lack of estrogen.

A deficiency of this hormone can also be noticed by an increase in temperature in the second phase to 37.2, sometimes to 37.3.

Note that the increase in temperature is very slow and can last up to 5 days. In this case, it cannot be said that this basal temperature will be perceived by the doctor as the norm.

Below in the graph you can see how estrogen deficiency manifests itself.

Not all women manage to get pregnant quickly after getting married. And the test cannot always show the fact of conception in the early stages. One hundred percent readings can be obtained almost immediately by measuring the temperature in a certain way. How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy will be discussed today.

For the sake of the effectiveness of the indicators, you will have to spend time creating a specific schedule. Basal temperature (BT) also indicates the onset of ovulation and various hormonal changes. It is measured at rest using methods such as rectal, vaginal or oral.

First you need to understand the mechanism of the graph (scale with temperature indicators).

These numbers are influenced by many factors, such as sudden changes in diet or lifestyle, and more:

  • deviations in hormonal levels;
  • if you smoke or abuse alcohol;
  • being under constant stress;
  • change of place of residence or change of climate zone;
  • pathologies of internal organs and colds.

Important: by constantly measuring temperature, it is possible to detect a problem at the level of hormones that interfere with getting pregnant, and accordingly, promptly take measures to restore it.

To obtain the most reliable indicators, it is necessary to measure correctly - in the morning immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Every day these manipulations should be carried out at the same time - the permissible error is 30 minutes. And one more rule - take measurements in one of the three selected ways, that is, if you did it orally on the first day, then all subsequent days should be carried out only this way.

Which thermometer to use

If we talk about a thermometer for such measurements, then any one will do - digital or mercury. If we compare them, a mercury thermometer provides more accurate information, but a digital one (the error is 0.2-0.3 degrees) is more convenient to use.

You will receive complete information by measuring basal temperature over 3-4 cycles.

How long to measure

It is not advisable to get out of bed at night for any needs - the measurement is taken after you wake up and immediately. If this happened at night, then you are measuring at this moment. But remember that the next day you will need to wake up around the same time, otherwise the information will be distorted.

The measurement time depends on the selected measurement method:

  • for oral administration, 4 to 5 minutes under the tongue;
  • rectal for up to 8 minutes, inserting the thermometer into the rectum 5 cm;
  • vaginal mercury lasts up to 8 minutes;
  • electronic 10-15 seconds or until the signal, inserting halfway into the vagina.

You may be wondering: is it possible to measure basal temperature in the evening? It is better not to do this, since at this time of day the indicators are always higher than in the morning. If you are constantly awake at night, measure BT during the day immediately after waking up, but sleep should last at least 5 hours in a row.

What the measured indicators show

Regularly measured BT lets you know how hormone levels fluctuate throughout the cycle, how they deviate, and indicate the day of ovulation and conception. A basal temperature chart also helps to identify the cause of a missed period.

Using such measurements, it is possible to identify disturbances in the body due to a malfunction in the hormonal system. If you are protected by the calendar method, then this method is also indicated. It is also possible to plan the gender of the unborn child if you use BT data. If you are unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant and if you suspect infertility, a similar method can help.

How to chart your basal temperature

Basal temperature is an indicator recorded at rest, which is not affected by external factors, heat, stress, and so on. The results are taken every day in the morning after at least 6 hours of sleep. It is best to do this rectally, which will give the most reliable indicators.

Lower the thermometer to 34-35 degrees and insert it into the anus to the required distance. After the specified time has passed, remove it and write the result in a notebook, making notes about existing violations, for example, alcohol taken the day before, poor sleep, and so on. And so every morning.

In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature will be from 36.4 to 36.6 degrees. Ovulation raises this level to 36.9-37.1. The day of ovulation or when the temperature drops is the most favorable for conception. If the temperature is too high or low, we can talk about existing disorders, for the identification of which it is necessary to contact a gynecologist.

It will be possible to talk about accurate diagnostics after measuring the temperature for three cycles in a row.

Important: taking it in the evening before measuring alcohol affects the results. Certain medications work the same way.

And if you take hormonal contraceptives, then such manipulations are generally pointless, since any useful information will be missing.

Indications and definitions in the early stages

An important hormone for the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus is progesterone, and it is most abundant during the period of ovulation. It is thanks to this process that BT in the early stages of pregnancy reaches values ​​from 37 to 37.3 degrees.

BT during pregnancy: norm and deviations

The above figures will indicate the normal development of the process. Although it happens that the temperature reaches 38 degrees, which is explained by the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. But just in case, with such indicators, you need to visit a doctor.

BT is also determined in the morning after waking up at the same time. Eating, emotional or physical, greatly affects basal temperature, which is why there is no point in doing it during the day or evening.

If there is a low temperature in phase 2, then there is a risk of miscarriage. Similar indicators in a non-pregnant woman will indicate possible infertility.

You will need to contact a specialist if the numbers are less than 37 degrees or more than 38. In the first case, this is a lack of progesterone, which is dangerous for the baby, and in the second, the development of some kind of inflammatory process.

Diagnosis of pathologies using BT

There are a number of diseases that directly affect the BT schedule, for example, with endometritis, the temperature rises to 37 degrees, remaining this way even when menstruation occurs.

Adnexitis will also show an elevated temperature for several days in a row, then returning to normal values. The same result indicates the inability of the egg to fertilize.

Jumps in indicators when measuring BT will indicate the death of the egg due to stress, the use of pharmaceutical drugs or other factors.

If your periods do not come on time and your BBT is reduced, then most likely this is ovarian dysfunction, to confirm which you will need to visit a gynecologist and undergo additional examinations.

Elevated temperatures in the proliferative phase mean a lack of estrogen, and low levels of progesterone and the corpus luteum.

Indicators for frozen pregnancy

Unfortunately, pregnancy does not always end in childbirth; miscarriages, premature births and frozen pregnancies occur. This happens in 15% of women, which is difficult to determine. This can happen at any stage of pregnancy, but most often in the initial period, up to 13 weeks.

And it is the measurement of basal temperature (low readings) that helps to see this process in a timely manner, when it can still be prevented. The causes of this condition may be infectious diseases and the endocrine system, disruptions in hormonal levels, alcohol and nicotine abuse, as well as age after 30 years.

It happens that the basal temperature remains 37 degrees, and the development of a frozen pregnancy has begun. This can then be judged by the sudden disappearance of all symptoms - suddenly toxicosis disappeared, your chest does not hurt, you began to look at any food normally without any special changes. In this case, the lower abdomen may begin to hurt and blood may appear in the discharge. All this should make you see a doctor immediately.

If nothing can be done and the pregnancy has stopped, then the only treatment is abortion, but if the pregnancy is long term, then curettage. Before the next fertilization after such procedures, you must wait six months, which will allow you to fully recover and conceive safely.

Regular and correct measurement of basal temperature will not only help you get pregnant, but also identify various abnormalities in your body. Health to you and your loved ones!

The accuracy of rectal temperature readings depends on many factors. The time of day is perhaps the main one. In the evening, basal temperature will not be informative. The same can be said for daytime and even late morning.

Why do you need to measure your temperature rectally in the morning? And is it possible to do this at other times of the day, but with adjustments?

Basal temperature refers to the heating of internal organs in a state of complete rest. Measurements are taken rectally, that is, in the anus.

All internal changes in temperature indicators are affected by hormonal levels. It is the correct ratio of the required amount of hormones that ensures the natural functioning of a woman’s reproductive system. Using this technique, the moment before, during and after ovulation is traced. With the onset of each period, hormonal levels change. These changes are recorded by basal temperature.

The study is painless and does not require financial costs. To record the results, you only need a thermometer, a piece of paper and a pen. Use both a regular mercury thermometer and an electronic thermometer. With regular, proper research, it is possible to track the presence of inflammatory processes, as well as the best or “safe” days for conception.

Day and evening

When and to track true values?

Research is carried out in the morning, as soon as awakening from sleep occurs. Lying in bed, without making any unnecessary movements, the woman should take a thermometer prepared in advance (just don’t put a mercury thermometer under the pillow, it’s dangerous!) and insert it into the anus. After 7-10 minutes, remove the thermometer. The measurement is considered complete.

Is it possible to measure rectal indicators at other times of the day?

Basal temperature in the evening will not be informative, since many factors influence the body during the day. Natural physical activity, food intake, nervous excitement are not a complete list of reasons why temperature readings will be distorted.

Is it possible to measure rectal temperature during the day? The answer will also be clearly negative. Basal temperature during the day is just as distorted as in the evening. Any physical movements and mental disturbances will increase or decrease the performance.

Some girls measure BT in the afternoon or evening “with correction”, that is, they subtract a few tenths of a degree and enter the figure into the graph. But this is the wrong way. One day you will have a calm one. For example, you will stay at home and take your time doing routine things. Then BT will rise slightly compared to the resting state. Another day you will be rushing around the city, resolving numerous problems, getting nervous and destroying strong coffee in between. And then the temperature will go through the roof. But not under the influence of hormones (and it is precisely their quantity that we want to find out), but due to stress and physical effort.

What factors influence BT

However, morning measurements also do not always guarantee a 100% correct result.

Let's consider the factors that have a direct impact on temperature indicators.

  • Physical activity. The slightest movements cause the breakdown of special energy molecules in the muscles, which provoke an increase in temperature in all organs and tissues.
  • The process of eating. As food enters the esophagus, intestinal motility changes. It affects the overall blood flow and temperature in the intestines. These changes are especially relevant after eating fatty, spicy and salty foods.
  • Alcohol. In the process of splitting the molecules of an alcoholic drink, changes occur in the filling of blood vessels. The blood flow fills faster, and the temperature of the body and internal organs rises.
  • Stress and nervous tension. Any processes in our body are controlled by the brain. Temperature regulators are located very close to the centers that control the emotional state of a person. Therefore, their relationship is obvious.

In addition, any changes in the normal rhythm of a woman’s life, taking medications, moving, and even sexual intercourse can cause a distortion of basal temperature.

What if I'm pregnant?

This technique is often used for early diagnosis of conception. Women who use it know that normal rectal temperature should decrease after ovulation. If she has elevated levels for a long time, this may indicate pregnancy.

Read a detailed article on what it should be. Here we present only the basic facts.

No one can give exact numbers, since the indicators depend on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. However, during pregnancy in the early stages before the delay, the graph will definitely show increased values ​​(from 37 to 38 degrees). Progesterone is to blame for this, which continues to be actively produced for the full development of the fetus.

If pregnancy is confirmed using a special test, doctors recommend continuing measurements. This must be done in order to diagnose possible disorders in the development of the fetus as early as possible.

Thus, a sharp and prolonged decrease in the numbers on the graph most often indicates the cessation of fetal development: the woman is at risk of miscarriage or frozen pregnancy. Too high readings (over 38 degrees) are a sign of inflammation.

In both cases, you need to consult a gynecologist, who, using ultrasound diagnostics and laboratory tests, will identify the cause of the failure. After all, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on basal indicators. These numbers only help to suspect the presence of any deviations. In addition, minor deviations from the norm within 1-2 days are not a signal of any violations. Perhaps this situation arose as a result of errors in the study or due to general health.

During the study during pregnancy, you should adhere to the same recommendations as before. Measurements should be taken only in the morning, since the basal temperature in the evening during early pregnancy will also be distorted.

Is it worth measuring BT?

To summarize, we note that measurements of basal temperature indicators do not guarantee 100% informative numbers on the graph. Too many factors influence them.

Modern obstetricians and gynecologists tend to use more accurate methods - ultrasound and hormonal tests. Many doctors do not advise their patients to schedule BT at all. Or they use this technique as an auxiliary one, because it can be useful to complete the picture. If you take your temperature in the morning, following all the rules and recommendations, you can significantly facilitate the diagnosis of events and serious diseases that are important for a woman’s life.

But on the issue of the measurement regime, doctors are unanimous. It is pointless to conduct research on basal temperature during the day or evening, since the correct numbers will definitely not be in the chart.

The body of a healthy woman works like a well-oiled machine. Knowledge of its physiological processes can be used to improve the quality of life, plan pregnancy and treat certain diseases. And at the same time, detecting failures in these processes can be an excellent method for diagnosing various ailments.

One of the criteria for the health of a woman’s body is the menstrual cycle. It reflects the work of the ovaries: the release of eggs and the production of sex hormones. The normal cycle consists of several successive phases and lasts on average 28-30 days. The first phase begins with menstruation and lasts about 14 days. It is characterized by the production of sex hormones estrogen and the maturation of the follicle in the ovary - the vesicle in which the egg is located. In the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs - the release of an egg ready for fertilization from the ovaries. The second phase also lasts two weeks. At this time, other sex hormones - gestagens - are synthesized in the female body. The body is preparing for pregnancy. And if it does not occur, the entire menstrual cycle repeats again and again. The minimum cycle length is 21 days, and the maximum is 35.

Such cyclic changes form the basis of some functional diagnostic methods. Thanks to them, you can plan a pregnancy, carry out contraception, and monitor the state of a woman’s hormonal levels. These methods include measuring basal temperature, which is widely used in modern gynecology.

Basal temperature is the lowest body temperature reached during a long night's sleep. It shows the degree of heating of the human body only due to the work of internal organs without additional heating due to muscle energy.

How is basal temperature measured?

To minimize the effect of muscle heat on basal temperature, it should be measured immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed with your eyes closed. Its most accurate reading will be in the vagina or rectum. The woman records the data obtained in a special diary, noting it on a graph. In a separate column next to the dates, notes are made about events that may affect the value of basal temperature (for example, drinking alcohol or having sexual intercourse).

How to measure basal temperature correctly?

To accurately measure basal temperature, several rules should be followed:

  • Night sleep should be at least 5-6 hours in a row.
  • It is advisable to sleep in the same pajamas and under the same blanket.
  • The measurement should be daily and taken at the same time, immediately after waking up and before any physical activity.
  • Basal temperature is measured in the rectum or vagina.
  • You should place a thermometer and a clock near the bed in advance to count the time.
  • Measurement time is usually 5-8 minutes.
  • During the period of measuring basal body temperature, the intake of alcoholic beverages and oral contraceptives should be avoided.
  • A prerequisite is the absence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic area.
  • All thermometer readings are recorded in a special diary.

What thermometer is used to measure basal temperature?

Basal temperature can be measured either with a conventional mercury thermometer or with an electronic one. The only difference is that for a mercury thermometer, the measurement time should be at least 5 minutes, and for an electronic one - about 2-3 minutes.
Why does a woman need to measure her basal temperature?

Basal temperature is very sensitive to changes in hormonal levels in a woman’s body. This is explained by the fact that gestagens secreted in the second phase of the menstrual cycle have a stimulating effect on the heat production center, thereby increasing the general and basal temperature. By analyzing basal temperature graphs, one can judge the state of menstrual function, the presence of ovulation and possible pathology.

In what cases can measuring basal temperature be useful?

  • When planning pregnancy in order to determine favorable days for conception.
  • If infertility is suspected, when pregnancy does not occur within a year with regular sexual activity.
  • For the purpose of contraception.
  • In cases of menstrual irregularities, in order to determine the woman’s hormonal levels.

In what cases is measuring basal temperature useless?

  • If it is not possible to carry out measurements regularly and in compliance with all rules.
  • For diseases accompanied by a general rise in temperature.
  • For intestinal infections, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Decoding basal temperature values

A normal menstrual cycle is characterized by a temperature curve, which shows an increase in basal temperature in the second phase by approximately 0.4 degrees. “Preovulatory” and “premenstrual” drops in temperature must also be present.

If in the second phase the rise in temperature is insignificant and does not exceed 0.2 degrees, then this may indicate hormonal deficiency in the woman’s body. In the case where the basal temperature rises shortly before menstruation and there is no “premenstrual drop”, and the second phase lasts no more than 10 days, then insufficiency of the second phase can be suspected. If the curve on the graph is monotonous without clear changes in temperature, they speak of an anovulatory cycle (the egg did not leave the ovary).

What basal temperature should be during menstruation?

On the first day of menstruation, the basal temperature is usually approximately 37.0°C. Since most women have menstruation for 5 days, during this time the temperature drops to 36.4°C.

What basal temperature should be from days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle?

Since estrogens predominate in the female body in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature will be relatively low and fluctuate between 36.4-36.7°C.

What should your basal temperature be during ovulation?

Just before ovulation, there may be a slight drop in temperature on the graph followed by a sharp rise.

What should your basal temperature be after ovulation?

After ovulation, due to an increase in the level of sex hormones gestagens, the basal temperature will remain at a fairly high level, approximately 37.5-37.6 ° C. And only a few days before menstruation it will begin to decrease and by the first day of the next cycle it will reach 37°C.

What basal temperature should be if pregnancy occurs?

If pregnancy occurs, then the graph will not show a “premenstrual drop” in temperature readings. Basal temperature will remain high.

What is the normal basal temperature when taking birth control pills?

When taking birth control pills, a woman’s body blocks the production of its own sex hormones. Therefore, there is no phase change during the menstrual cycle. Basal temperature will not change much and rise above 37°C. The schedule will look monotonous throughout the menstrual cycle. There will be no ups and downs.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

Measuring basal temperature during pregnancy is a fairly important indicator. Using the graph, you can determine both the very fact of pregnancy and various signs indicating pregnancy. However, this technique is quite labor-intensive and requires regular measurement of basal temperature, both before and during pregnancy.

Determining pregnancy by basal temperature

If a woman regularly measures her basal temperature, then her chart can easily determine the onset of pregnancy. If at the end of the second phase there is no usual “premenstrual drop” and when menstruation is delayed, the temperature remains above 37 ° C, then the likelihood that fertilization has occurred is very high.

Another sign of pregnancy is the appearance of another jump in temperature after the second phase. Then the graph takes on a three-phase form.

Basal temperature chart during pregnancy

During a normal pregnancy, the basal temperature is consistently above 37°C. In some cases, due to the individual characteristics of a woman’s body, its value can reach 38°C. A decrease in basal temperature during pregnancy may indicate a threat of miscarriage or a non-developing fertilized egg.
How to use basal temperature measurement for contraception?
Measuring and charting your basal temperature can determine your ovulation date. Based on the data obtained, one can judge the days when the probability of pregnancy will be high and when it is necessary to use additional methods of protection. With a regular menstrual cycle, such days are the interval 6 days before ovulation - 3 days after it.

When should you visit a gynecologist after measuring your basal temperature?

It is necessary to visit a gynecologist in the following cases:

  • There is no ovulation for several cycles according to the charts.
  • Increased basal temperature throughout the menstrual cycle.
  • Low temperature throughout the menstrual cycle.
  • High basal temperature in the second phase for more than 18 days with a negative pregnancy test.
  • If you have cycles shorter than 21 days.
  • If you have cycles longer than 35 days.
  • In the absence of pregnancy for several cycles with clear ovulation and regular sex life.

Today, measuring basal temperature is a simple and accessible method of monitoring the state of your body, which is available to absolutely every woman. Its knowledge and correct use helps to independently solve some gynecological problems.



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