High-quality medicine from Russian manufacturers. Furamag and analogue Furagin

We present to you ten Russian pharmaceutical manufacturers of low-quality drugs with the largest volume of products rejected by Roszdravnadzor.

Claims were made against the medicines produced by the Tula pharmaceutical company on the following points: weight of the package contents, description and pH. Roszdravnadzor rejected 5 episodes for 3 trade names.

9. JSC "Vifitech"

The company, founded in 1992, produces both finished dosage forms and substances plant origin(“Mukaltin”, “Dry aloe extract” and others). The violations identified during the inspection of its products related to the weight of the contents in the packaging, weight loss during drying and quantitative determination. 6 series of 2 trade names are defective.

8. JSC "Biosintez"

This Russian enterprise is one of the largest drug manufacturing companies. Complaints about the drugs produced by Biosintez related to the uniformity of dosing, dissolution and quantitative determination. Based on the results of the inspection, 7 series 3 were rejected trade names.

7. OJSC "Tatkhimfarmpreparaty"

Roszdravnadzor was dissatisfied with: incorrect description of some drugs produced by Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, their labeling, quantification and packaging, as well as the average weight of tablets. In total, 7 defective series of 4 trade names were found at this OJSC.

6. LLC "Lekar"

9 series of 1 trade name were rejected. The reasons are the discrepancy between the authenticity and volume of the contents of the package and the declared parameters.

5. JSC NPK "Eskom"

This research and production concern is one of the main Russian manufacturers infusion solutions. Mechanical inclusions were found in the company's products, and there are complaints about the labeling and packaging. Roszdravnadzor rejected 9 episodes of 5 trade names.

4. JSC NPC "Biogen"

The microbiological purity and authenticity of some drugs produced by Biogen did not meet the standards. Based on the results of the inspection, Roszdravnadzor considered 10 series of 2 trade names to be defective.

3. OJSC "Tver Pharmaceutical Factory"

The company entered the top 3 Russian producers of low-quality medicines due to inaccurate description various medications, the mass of the contents of the package and the package itself. 11 series of drugs of 4 trade names turned out to be of poor quality.

2. Ozon LLC

One of the leaders Russian market for the production of generics - “copies” of original patented drugs. The rejected products of Ozon LLC included 14 series of 3 trade names. They were found to have dissolution problems and found dosing inconsistencies.

1. JSC "Murom Instrument-Making Plant"

Medicines are produced under our own brand “VerbaPharm”. The company became the leader in the rating of the worst manufacturers medicines due to 29 rejected episodes of two titles. Audits reveal deficiencies in quantification pharmaceuticals, produced at the Murom Instrument-Making Plant.

I.V.Sudarev, V.G.Gandel, Department of Industrial Pharmacy, State Educational Institution MARTIT

Recent pharmaceutical terminology is replete with a number of interesting innovations that force you to strain your brain and try to somehow understand their meaning and content in categories familiar to a specialist. For example, the term “pharmaceutics”, introduced into circulation mainly by representatives of the media, who for the most part still pronounce, understand (and often write!) the word “pharmacy” as “formation” or “pharmacy” with an emphasis in the first case on the second syllable, and in the second – on the penultimate one, and for which the term “pharmaceuticals” is socially closer. What this term is supposed to mean is unclear. A journalist I know once said that “... it’s all about drugs.” That's it, simple and pleasant. The term “cosmeceuticals” is already on its way, and “products” may soon follow... Or another pearl - “pharmacological industry”. Who will explain what this is?

All this could be calmly experienced, understanding that it is not so easy for non-specialists to understand these complex pharmaceutical (and pharmacological!) intricacies. But not so long ago, a term was introduced into circulation that cannot be attributed to this casuistry, and it was introduced by specialists. This term is called “domestic medicines”. The term is not simple and by no means safe. Let's figure it out.

In the USSR, domestic medicines (medicines, drugs) were called everything that was developed, researched and produced by domestic researchers and production workers from domestic raw materials on predominantly domestic equipment and on the territory, of course, of the USSR. This was clear and no one raised any questions. Today, many people interpret the term “domestic medicines” in their own way, putting very diverse content into it.

So, for example, production workers (mainly the owners and top management of most enterprises) call domestic those medicines that are produced abroad and are simply packaged in consumer packaging in Russia and supplied with an insert in Russian. Moreover, they proudly call the widespread transition to the production of generics after the 1998 crisis “import substitution,” bribing with this term many pharmaceutical officials who joyfully reported to the country’s leadership about the victory over imports. Well, who, tell me, would think of calling a Ford Focus assembled in Vsevolozhsk a domestic car: this can only happen if any serious manufacturing defects are found in it. Few people even called the VAZ “kopek”, assembled almost entirely from domestic parts and components, a domestic car. Domestic ones were “Moskvich”, “Pobeda”, “Volga”, “ZiS”, “ZiL”, “ZiM”, “IzhAvto”, etc.

Developers of original medicines, and there are literally only a few of them left in the country, classify as domestic medicines only those developed by them or their Russian colleagues. But what the population understands by this term is anyone’s guess.

If we turn to the statements of responsible officials in the sphere of drug circulation of the last decade, we will hear many calls to increase the share of “ domestic medicines» on pharmaceutical market. The most ambitious plans were announced recently in Zelenograd, where the prime minister gave an unsatisfactory assessment of the domestic pharmaceutical industry, calling for a radical change in the situation with drug supply to the country's population within a decade in favor of domestic drugs, regaining at least half of the market and ensuring the production of 85% of the most important drugs . It remains, however, not entirely clear how an industry rated as a “two” can cope with such a difficult task.

“The floors are parquet, and the doctors have questionnaires,” they called it, not without humor. medical staff"Kremlin" hospital. But there were also “Kremlin” pharmacists - specialists responsible for supplying the country’s leadership with the necessary drugs. So, these specialists, competent and dear people, constantly strived to reduce the share of domestic drugs in the range of drugs of the “Kremlin pharmacy” towards more modern and effective drugs imports, especially from capitalist countries, and above all the USA, Switzerland, France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Japan, seeking appropriate funding for these purchases from the budget. And there is no need to talk about the drugs from the CMEA countries and Yugoslavia: they have always been a desired and sought-after drug for the Kremlin and the health departments of the union republics. And today, we believe, the same concept is adhered to by those responsible for the health of the nomenklatura. Moreover, there are cases when people from among the nomenklatura, bohemians and business people who have such an opportunity, in principle, give birth, receive treatment and buy medicines exclusively abroad, even if they can be purchased in Russia.

So why is it today that the question of the predominance of “domestic” drugs among drugs is so persistently raised? drug therapy? And is this even possible in principle?

To answer these questions, it is necessary, first of all, to give a clear, unambiguous, different interpretations, definition of what should be understood by domestic medicines. But first, it is necessary to take a short historical excursion to make it more clear what we are actually talking about.

After World War II, the population of the United States experienced an acute allergy to German-made goods, including medicines that were circulated on the American pharmaceutical market, were considered very effective and were characterized by appropriate (German) quality. The population preferred to be treated with “domestic”, American drugs, and pharmaceutical companies, which had already gained capacity, immediately responded to the consumer’s call, which is generally typical for American business, including pharmaceuticals. Large corporations independently, as well as through cooperation with universities and others scientific centers countries have carried out powerful screening of many synthetic and natural chemical compounds, having made a serious scientific, technical and innovative breakthrough and making an active pharmacological foundation for many years to come. This is what allowed the United States to make a real revolution in the pharmaceutical business in the mid-sixties, to attract dozens of outstanding scientists, including Nobel laureates, to the development of new generation drugs, to open a new direction in the development and production of drugs - biopharmacy, which became by main route studying and ensuring bioavailability, without which no drug can enter the market, begin transferring the main stages life cycle creating medicines in the format of good practices - GLP, GCP, GMP, etc. During the same period, the theoretical, scientific and technical prerequisites were laid for the creation of fundamentally new generations of medicines, which were based on the total chemical synthesis of analogues of natural biologically active substances, their derivatives, fundamentally new classes organic compounds, and also advanced technologies isolation and purification of target products. This is how semi-synthetic penicillins, cephalosporin antibiotics, prostaglandin biosynthesis blockers - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cholesterol biosynthesis blockers - statins, and a whole series others chemical structures, many of which are still blockbusters in the pharmaceutical market.

The above can be fully applied to some other developed countries - global manufacturers of medicines. For example, the Japanese, after experiencing a nuclear attack in 1945, refused to use the most effective American drugs, which did not even have close analogues in Japan, only because they were created in the country of the Yankees. Residents of Japan wanted to be treated with “domestic” means: over time, a powerful Japanese pharmaceutical industry and R&D were created with an emphasis on biotechnology and the use of natural organic compounds, especially biologically active substances of aquatic organisms ( marine organisms) as the basis for anticancer drugs, diabetes therapy, cardiovascular pathologies And infectious diseases.

How is an American (or Japanese, German, French, etc.) “domestic” drug created today?

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize that the creation of a truly fundamentally new drug can only be achieved by a powerful, self-sufficient and innovatively motivated structure that has the ability to initiate basic research and enjoy their fruits. This is achieved mainly through the participation of large pharmaceutical companies and transnational corporations in the form of public-private partnerships in financing university science through the provision of national and international grants, the total amount of which reaches tens of billions of dollars. But this is not enough. It is necessary that the process of developing such a drug be led by a recognized scientific school that has proven its leadership in the chosen area of ​​pharmacological research and pharmaceutical production for quite a long time. For example, the “pharmacy of the world,” the German pharmaceutical company Bayer, is a world leader in the development and production of anti-atherosclerotic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs; American Merck (in other countries Merck, Sharp and Dome) - means of combating atherosclerosis and its manifestations based on statins; Ellie Lily, Novo Nordisk and Ayinomoto - human genetically engineered insulin and drugs parenteral nutrition; Pfizer – anti-cancer drugs, e.g. effective means marine origin cytosar (cytarabine, arabinoside cytosine) from sea sponges, etc. etc.

The listed companies also produce a number of others, no less significant drugs: in the period of globalization and harmonization of the world pharmaceutical economy, the explosive development of science and technology, barriers to research and development are being eliminated everywhere. The only effective regulator of the global innovative pharmaceutical expansion of the 21st century is patent law, which reliably protects the intellectual and industrial property of developers.

The creation of a new drug, as a rule, begins with a “design”, which is based on previous accumulated experience in pharmacotherapy of a certain group or groups of diseases. But there are also exceptions. So, for example, Nobel laureate in physics, Linus Pauling proposed to fight viral diseases overdoses ascorbic acid without any previous experience, only on the basis of inferences. But this is the exception rather than the rule. The main path of innovation in drug science is the already accumulated scientific and technological knowledge, as well as deep knowledge international law in the field of drug circulation.

It takes approximately five to seven years to develop an active pharmaceutical ingredient (substance), on the basis of which the corresponding dosage forms are then created, and the same for the GLP and GCP stages. Moreover, the longer the stage of clinical trials, the more information accumulates about long-term consequences and possible side effects of using the developed drug. For example, stage V clinical trials, which accompany the already approved use of a drug, can continue within the framework of pharmacovigilance for 15 years or more.

Further, the substance for which the declared pharmacological activity has been proven must be clothed in such dosage form, which is most suitable for the intended application. This is achieved by using appropriate auxiliary, mainly inert substances, and this is where biopharmacy comes into play - the science of the influence of pharmaceutical factors on pharmacological activity medicinal substances. This is a relatively young section pharmaceutical science, which was introduced into the practice of domestic medicine in the 70s of the last century, not without problems and resistance. By using biopharmaceutical techniques and technologies, a composition of the dosage form (solid, soft, liquid, gaseous, etc.) is achieved in which excipients not only do not interfere, but, on the contrary, contribute to the maximum manifestation therapeutic effect substances with a minimum of unwanted, side effects. With the participation of excipients, you can not only create the dosage form itself, but also give it certain properties: extend (prolong) healing effect, protect a substance from action gastric juice when taking the drug orally, dissolve “insoluble” substances, improve or mask bad taste or the smell of the drug, etc. In other words, the developer (designer) must ensure optimal bioavailability of the drug: make it work where, when and how much it is necessary to have a pharmacotherapeutic effect on the course of the pathological process.

Taking these circumstances into account, international legislation imposes the same requirements on the quality of excipients as on active pharmaceutical ingredients: they must be produced and controlled under the same conditions, i.e. in accordance with the requirements of GMP rules, no more and no less. Therefore, enterprises for the production of substances and the production of excipients must comply with GMP requirements to the same extent as enterprises for the production of finished medicinal products.

So, what is a “domestic” medicine in the understanding of the European, American or Japanese man in the street?

This is undoubtedly a drug developed and produced by “domestic” scientists at a “domestic” company from “domestic” substances using “domestic” excipients and on “domestic” pharmaceutical processing equipment. We believe that a foreign specialist will give a similar or similar explanation. As for the territory in which the drug is produced, today it can be any territory recognized by the global pharmaceutical community as suitable for this type of business.

So what should we, Russians, understand by the term “domestic” medicine?

Domestic substances are practically not produced in the country, and if they are produced anywhere, then, as a rule, using imported chemical components (synthons, catalysts, etc.) and not at all in accordance with GMP standards. The same fully applies to excipients. Validated domestic pharmaceutical technological equipment can be counted on the fingers of one hand. According to our estimates, there are no more than 10 pharmaceutical enterprises that comply with GMP in the country, and these are mainly enterprises with foreign capital. The remaining 340 (no one knows exactly how many drug manufacturers actually operate in Russia) do not meet these requirements. First, the President of the Russian Federation (August 13, 2003), then twice the Chairman of the Government (June 19, 2008 and October 9, 2009) unsuccessfully called for domestic pharmaceutical industry move to GMP standard first from January 1, 2005, then from January 1, 2010 and finally from January 1
2011, but things are still there.

But producing a medicine is not enough: in order for it to reach the market, its quality must be properly controlled. The means of pharmaceutical quality control today are as follows: control, testing, analytical and auxiliary equipment, instruments, materials, reagents, reference samples, standards, columns, media, etc. etc. – this is all, as a rule, imported!

The desire to increase at any cost specific gravity“domestic” drugs, especially those produced at enterprises that do not comply modern requirements, to the detriment of imported funds, is fraught with serious consequences, especially considering the zeal with which the official rushes to carry out the lord’s decree. By cutting imports, the country may one day face a shortage of the most important modern means treatment of diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, infectious diseases. And, in fact, why do we need to produce 85% of the drugs on the Vital and Essential Drugs list? Are we going to long time to be in the blockade as a belligerent party? For consumers, the main thing is that this list contains drugs that are truly modern, truly effective and safe, then the diseases in our country, which are off the charts for almost all serious nosologies, will perhaps begin to decline.

We have already become a “generic” power, i.e. a classic country of the third medicinal world, and generics, as you know, are “old men” and “old ladies” old age and their capabilities are very limited.

Thus, if it turns out that we are not able, as in the automobile industry, to organize modern production on our own, and without such production, the development of medicines does not seem relevant, outsourcing pharmaceutical production should be developed with those who are masters of this matter, i.e. with foreign companies or with the participation of foreign capital, which, in fact, is already happening in fact.

Hence the conclusion follows: medicines registered in Russia, produced in accordance with GOST R 52249-2004 and taxes on which, in accordance with Russian legislation, are paid to our treasury, will have to be called domestic. Then the figure of 85% in the Vital and Essential Drugs list will not cause serious concern. And by default, let’s not forget that substances, excipients, most materials of primary and secondary packaging, process equipment and controls are purchased abroad and what we should support friendly relations with their manufacturers and countries of registration, so that at one point they do not refuse supplies.

We are all accustomed to the fact that every drug has its own analogues or generics. You can often find a replacement for expensive imported drug among the many domestic medicines or medicines manufactured in “third world countries”. Interchangeable drugs (table attached) are, in fact, drugs that are based on one active substance.

Why are originals so expensive?

Often, purchased at a pharmacy common remedy for a cold, you have to spend quite a lot of money. So the question arises: “Are there interchangeable drugs? What do we pay a lot of money for?”

But it's not that simple. There is a fairly convincing justification for the prices set for many drugs. Of course, not all of them are completely effective, but compared to their analogues they deserve preference.

What's the matter? There is a phrase: “Do you want those that exist, or those that cure?” Of course, analogue drugs are not placebos. Many of them improve the quality of life and help improve the health of people who cannot spend a fortune on it. However, it happens that medicines made from cheap raw materials do not bring the expected effect. It all depends on the manufacturer and his integrity.

The principle of pricing of expensive and cheap drugs

If we go into detail, explaining the difference in the action of drugs with the same active substance, then it is worth noting the essence of the analogy. Not every flour can be used to make a loaf! It seems to be wheat flour, but one of them produces only pancakes, and the other produces any kind of baked goods.

Thus, as part of cheap raw materials used for the production of inexpensive drugs manufactured locally (or in third world countries), in addition to the main active substance some impurities are present. Poorly purified chemical raw materials can ultimately produce a slight negative result, which most often manifests itself as a side effect or an allergic reaction.

Expensive purified raw materials are used for the production of medicines with a higher pricing policy.

Import substitution

Nowadays the question of import substitution often arises. However, not every original medicine can be replaced with an analogue one. Alas, a number of drugs have no equal in treatment. For example, drugs to treat oncological diseases, hereditary diseases and joint diseases have no equal among analogues, for example, Alflutop.

There is a so-called Wyshkowski index, which determines the degree of benefit of drugs and its popularity. Guided by this index, you can determine your choice required drug from the entire mass of analogues. It sometimes happens that an analogue is more popular and more effective than its original “brother”.

What is an analog drug?

Analogs or generics are drugs that do not have a patent and do not differ in composition from the patented development. However, all these drugs differ from the original drugs in quality and quantitative composition additional substances.

An analogue is a kind of copy, but not a fake! After the license for original medicines expires, manufacturing companies quickly copy the composition of the drug, replacing some of the ingredients with cheaper ones. As a result, pharmacies offer their clients plenty of cheaper drugs. And the companies that developed the original, and did a lot of work on testing and research, end up losing. Large turnovers from sales of analogues bring fabulous income, but at the same time help people with low incomes survive in cruel market conditions.

It is this fact that forced manufacturers of original medicines to begin producing analogues themselves in countries with low prices. At the same time, companies monitor the quality of all products. Conflict situations the use of analogues should not negatively affect the reputation of the original. Therefore, analogues produced at famous pharmaceutical factories, are preferred.

Copies and fakes

In addition to analogues, there are also copies of drugs that are truly So, in Belarus they tried to launch an analogue of Tamiflu into production, while raw materials of dubious quality were purchased in China. The result was that the produced drug did not have any therapeutic effect.

The most dangerous drugs for health are counterfeits (these are not interchangeable drugs, the table of which is in the article)! These drugs are produced at local pharmaceutical factories, outside normal hours, but more often this is done in unsanitary conditions and without compliance elementary rules hygiene and standards, in basements and sheds. “Medicines” arrive in pharmacies through roundabout routes, reach sick people and cause irreparable harm to health. It is these drugs that threaten a doctor’s reputation and cause enormous damage to the industry.

Below is a table of foreign medicines of original production, taking into account the Vyshkovsky index, in conjunction with their analogue, cheaper “brothers”. These are more than 48 pairs of interchangeable drugs that are frequently prescribed.

Interchangeable drugs

Here are interchangeable medications (table).

Purpose, quantityOriginal

Cost in rubles


Cost in rubles



"TeraFlu"330 0,0331 "Flucomp"195 0,0077


tablets, 10

"Nurofen"109 1,0231 "Ibuprofen"38 0,9


tablets, 6

"Sumamed"500 3,1332 "Z-Factor"228 0,1906


tablets, 10

"Coldrex"150 0,6943


100 0,0065


tablets, 10

"No-shpa"140 2,355 "Drotaverine"40 0,0323


liquid, 15 milliliters

"Exoderil"616 0,625 "Naftifine hydrochloride"330 0,0816


rectal suppositories,

"Panadol"75 0,3476 "Cefekon D"51 0,3897



"Spazmalgon"150 0,6777 "Renalgan"88 0,005



"Spazmalgon"285 0,6777 "Geomag"122 0,044


tablets, 10

"Erius"1000 0,8003 "Desloratadine"330 0,0273



tablets, 1

"Diflucan"500 1,0307 "Fluconazole"130 0,8797


tablets, 10

"Aspirin"139 0,5482 "Acetylsalicylic acid"8 0,0592


"Clotrimazole"72 0,8676 "Kanizon"57 0,391


vaginal tablets

"Candide"85 0,8676 "Clotrimazole"55 0,3489

from diarrhea,

tablets, 6

"Imodium"240 0,3179 "Loperamide"58 0,0102


painkiller tablets, 10

"Movalis"550 1,6515 "Meloxicam"45 0,7007
bone metabolism corrector, 10"DONA"1350 0,9476 "Glucosamine Maximum"470 0,391
enzyme tablets, 20"Mezim forte"270 1,5264 "Pancreatin"28 0,6564
enzyme agent, 10"Festal"107 1,5732 "Normoenzyme"40 0,044
antidiabetic tablets, 30"Diabeton MV"280 0,6647 "Gliclazide MV"128 0,0527
for treatment erectile dysfunction, tablets, 3"Viagra"1500 0,7319 "Dynamiko"395 0,3941


"Immunal"285 0,6658 "Echinacea Vilar"178 0,0109
venoprotective"Detralex"1460 1,7879 "Venarus"650 1,0866
antihistamine tablets, 10"Claritin"188 0,7079 "Loratadine"12 0,1017
antidepressant"Heptral"1800 2,1899 "Heptor"950 0,643



"Zovirax"850 0,7329 "Ciclovir"72 0,1117
antibacterial, tablets, 10"Trichopolus"65 0,7738 "Metronidazole"19 0,7432
tablets, 10"Kapoten"155 1,5296 "Captopril"9 0,5245
PN inhibitor tablets, 30"Omez"200 2,5697 "Omeprozole"55 0,7745
antihistamine, tablets"Zyrtec"236 1,5075 "Cetirizine"80 0,0503
secretolytic, syrup"Lazolvan"230 1,864 "Ambroxol"132 0,0141
anti-inflammatory tablets, 20"Voltaren"320 0,4561 "Ortofen"11 0,0726
contraceptive pills, 21"Janine"870 0,307 "Silhouette"650 0,1476
antiseptic, liquid"Miramistin"330 1,6511 "Hexicon"116 0,9029
B vitamins, injections"Milgamma"1100 2,808 "Trigamma"99 0,0334
antacid, tablets"Zantac"300 0,2345 "Gistak"41 0,0293
antifungal, cream"Lamisil"700 0,7227 "Terbinox"63 0,012
improves blood microcirculation, tablets"Trental"300 1,55 "Pentilin"136 0,0366
hepatoprotector capsules, 30"Essentiale Forte N"555 2,2309 "Fosfontiale"435 0,0943
diuretic tablets, 30"Lasix"50 0,6781 "Furasemide"28 0,0148
antiemetic solution for injection"Cerucal"250 1,1001 "Metocopramide"71 0,2674
antimicrobial antibiotic, ointment"Levomekol"97 0,8167 "Levomitil"45 0,0268
anti-inflammatory pain reliever, gel"Fastum-gel"460 0,2459 "Ketoprofen"97 0,0221
anticoagulant, gel"Lyoton 1000"800 0,2965 "Heparin-Acrigel"210 0,0657
nasal drops"Otrivin"178 0,2831 "Tizin Xylo"111 0,0751
immunomodulators tablets, 20"Groprinosin"1400 0,5692 "Inoprinosine"1200 2,917
tissue regeneration stimulator"Bepanten"370 0,7003 "Pantoderm"240 0,1216
sedative drops"Valocordin"281 0,3382 "Corvaldin"144 0,0318
antibiotic tablets, 16"Flemoxin Salutab"490 3,4917 "Ospamox"200 0,107

This is the so-called list interchangeable drugs. It is not complete, of course, since new analogues are constantly appearing, and old drugs that have become irrelevant disappear. In principle, every major pharmacy has its own table - analogues expensive medicines.

Prescribing medications

When prescribing medications for treatment, the doctor must, first of all, start from social status and patient income. Rich people are used to paying for the speed of results, for the quality of treatment, for the brand. The rest combine the quality of drugs with their cost. You can’t drive the patient into a corner by prescribing an expensive original - he won’t buy it anyway.

The treatment is carried out grandmother's advice"or is not carried out at all. If you prescribe to such a patient inexpensive analogue, there is a possibility that the assignment will be fulfilled. This will happen because the cost of the drugs will not frighten the patient to the same extent as the price of an expensive original will frighten him. That is why the table “Analogues of expensive drugs” will be very useful.

I would like to add to all of the above: never buy medicines from your own hands. In this case, there is no guarantee that this is a medicine and not a poison or a “dummy”. In a pharmacy, to confirm the quality of medications, you can ask the pharmacist to provide accompanying documents if there is doubt about their production, as well as familiarize yourself with available analogues or substitutes. “Interchangeable drugs: table” will come in very handy here.

Roszdravnadzor blacklist

Roszdravnadzor has determined a black list. That is, it is better not to use their interchangeable drugs (table), which are analogues of well-known world brands, in treatment. It has been established by testing methods that those produced at these factories medical supplies are of dubious quality. Among them: “Belmedpreparaty”, “Tatfarmkhimpreparaty”, “Biokhimik”, “Herbion Pakistan”, “Farmak”, “Sagmel Inc”, “Dalkhimpharm”, “Biosintez” and others.

In conclusion, I would like to add that before purchasing a medicine, you should read the instructions supplied with it, which outlines all its advantages in treatment and a number of side effects. There is a table of foreign medicines for this purpose. When choosing an analogue, you should consult your doctor.

The choice of medication is the patient's choice. Be healthy!



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