Disabled war veterans will receive free cars. The bill on cars for disabled war veterans has been submitted to the State Duma Cars for disabled combat veterans 05/28

People with disabilities have the right to count on comprehensive assistance from the state. The task of every highly developed society is to make people with disabilities feel comfortable and can easily socialize, participate in public life, and work. One of the forms of government support for such citizens is the provision of a special car for moving around the city. A car for disabled people is not just a means of transportation. This is an opportunity not to experience restrictions and be the same as everyone else. Let's consider how a similar social measure to protect people with disabilities operates in Russia.

Legislative regulation of the issue

The main legislative act on the basis of which free cars are issued for disabled people is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 244 of March 1995. In addition, people with disabilities are entitled to the following benefits:

  • acquisition of special means of transportation from the budget of the Social Insurance Fund;
  • carrying out complex technical repairs of the provided vehicle;
  • compensation for expenses for the purchase of gasoline or other fuels and lubricants provided for by the vehicle operating rules;
  • Cars for disabled people undergo maintenance and minor repairs free of charge.

In 2004, this resolution was repealed by Federal Law No. 122-FZ. Obtaining a car with manual control for disabled people became available only to those citizens who joined the queue before 2005 inclusive. For other individuals with 1st or 2nd disability group of the corresponding profile (wheelchair users), the benefit is monetized.

Conditions for people with disabilities to receive a free/preferential car from the state in 2019

In 2019, cars for disabled people are available only to those who joined the waiting list before 2005. To exercise your right to receive special transport for a disabled person, a citizen needs to have certain medical certificates and papers in hand:

  • confirming the presence of disability of the relevant group;
  • the conclusion of a medical and social examination determining the need to provide a wheelchair user or a patient with a prosthetic and orthopedic profile with a budget car;
  • medical examination confirming the ability to drive a special vehicle (driver’s certificate).

Also, a citizen with a certain disability group or his legal representative (guardian, parent, etc.) must have a valid driver's license.

In addition, an individual applying for a passenger car or other manually operated vehicle must belong to one of the preferential categories:

  • veterans and participants of the Second World War, as well as citizens equivalent to them;
  • prisoners of concentration camps who were under 18 years of age at the time of their stay in them;
  • disabled children with congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • citizens who have become disabled due to radiation exposure.

What should a car be like for disabled people?

A car for disabled people with problems with independent movement must meet two basic requirements:

  1. Safety - the use of special vehicles cannot pose any danger to all road users. This means that the car should be as comfortable and convenient to drive as possible for a person with disabilities.
  2. Convenience - disabled people with mobility problems should be able to easily fit in the car, as well as be comfortable in it.

The legal and material basis for this social assistance to disabled people was laid back during the USSR, therefore, unfortunately, the implementation of the above points did not take place. Citizens were given cars of the Tavria or Oka brands, converted for the needs of people with disabilities, or manually operated motorized wheelchairs. This transport was neither safe nor comfortable for the driver and/or passenger. Therefore, after the introduction of legislation on the possibility of receiving monetary compensation, many disabled people chose to purchase a car of a different level. The obtained foreign cars had to be specially equipped with a mounted control unit. Then they had to obtain a certificate for their purchase and installation of equipment and register changes with the traffic police. Despite all the difficulties, such cars could become an excellent means of transportation and transportation for the disabled. In addition, such cars do not need to be returned to social security authorities after the allotted period of operation. They can be sold or transferred to a close relative.

The procedure for people with disabilities to receive a car in 2019

To answer a question that concerns many citizens: which disabled people are entitled to a car in 2019? - for now we can give a disappointing answer: only to those who stood in line to receive this social benefit before 2005. Despite the fact that for several years now legislators have been actively discussing the possibility of returning preferences for the issuance of special cars for people with disabilities, there is no money in the budget for these purposes. If for some reason a disabled person has not yet received the required monetary compensation or benefit in kind, he needs to exercise his right.

Where to contact

From time to time, rumors circulate in society that people with disabilities may be given free cars from January 1, 2017. This is not true. Only those citizens who joined the waiting list before 2005 are entitled to receive cars. At the same time, the partial benefit in kind was replaced by monetary compensation (100,000 rubles). However, there is an objective opinion of experts that the state’s past obligations have long been fulfilled in full.

Currently, people with disabilities can only rely on the provision of the “Social Taxi” service. To use it, you must:

If manually controlled cars are again added to the list of technical means of rehabilitation for the disabled, a body responsible for accepting applications and distributing preferences in order of priority will be appointed. And all interested parties will receive notifications from social protection authorities.

Required documents

As a basis for connecting a specific citizen with disabilities to the “Social Taxi” service, it is necessary to provide the following documents to the society for the disabled:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS;
  • certificate of assignment of a disability group;
  • bank account (social card) details.

Receipt times

When all the necessary documents are provided and the formalities are completed, registration of a disabled person on the list of beneficiaries for a social taxi occurs quickly. A few days after registration, a citizen will be able to use preferential transport.

Other transport preferences for car owners

A manually operated car for disabled people is not the only benefit that citizens of this category could count on. Currently, it is impossible to receive a car or monetary compensation for it, but it is realistic to expect privileges in the following areas:

  1. . Regional and municipal authorities are in charge of budget collection; decisions are made at the level of regions, administrations and municipalities to reduce or cancel the tax on car use. Disabled people who bought cars on their own or received them from the state are entitled to a 50% discount when paying transport tax. An important condition is that the engine power of special vehicles is no more than 100 horsepower. In financially prosperous regions of Russia, the authorities are canceling the transport tax for WWII veterans with disabilities, as well as disabled people of the first and second groups.
  2. Social taxi. To transport sedentary citizens (subject to medical indications) in Russian cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.) “Social Taxi” operates. Citizens pay for trips around the city and suburbs by taxi on preferential terms (hourly pay at a reduced rate). The service is provided to both disabled people and accompanying persons.
  3. Maintenance. If a disabled person has his own car (issued by social security authorities or purchased for cash), an extraordinary inspection is required.

Important! Transport preferences apply to people with disabilities of any age. If a child with physical disabilities lives in a family, parents receive the right to use existing transport benefits.

Is the group and other nuances of getting a car important?

In 2019, it is expected to consider the issue of improving the mobility of citizens with physical disabilities. Two options for solving the problem have been identified.

Many people are interested in whether they can count on transport benefits and whether they are entitled to a car. Let's try to figure out how things stand with this issue today. It is worth noting that in recent years the legislative framework regarding social support for disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War has changed a lot. Getting a car has become much more difficult since most benefits have been cancelled.

But for this category of the population preferential taxation is provided due to disability. Participation in hostilities, injuries and other reasons may become a legal reason for applying for a preferential duty/exemption from transport tax.

Who are disabled people?

Disabled people are a category of citizens who have serious injuries, health problems that interfere with employment, self-care and self-control. Because of such problems, they cannot provide for themselves financially or cope in everyday life without outside help. These include disabled people from childhood and the Great Patriotic War, as well as participants in groups 1-3.

In order to confirm disability and guarantee the right to benefits, applicants must confirm their disability with a certificate from a medical and social institution. The corresponding conclusion is issued after a thorough inspection. As part of the survey, it is possible to identify the degree of violations in order to determine the difficulty of carrying out everyday activities for self-care.

Participants of the first group are persons who have lost at least one of the following abilities:

  • self-care in everyday life;
  • orientation in space;
  • movement;
  • control of one's own actions;
  • communication.

By the end of the year, more than 17 thousand disabled people will receive free cars. Who will get them? Is financial compensation provided if a person does not want to take a car? Will I have to pay taxes on this money? Olga Samarina, director of the social protection department of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, answered these and many other questions from our readers.

Car listings are closed

- Hello, Olga Viktorovna, this is a disabled person of the first group, Rubtsov. I'm not a walker. How can I get a car?

This year, the cars will be received by participants of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of the Great Patriotic War and categories of citizens equivalent to them. And most importantly, these people had to stand in line to receive a car before January 1, 2005.

- I didn’t stand in line, so I won’t get a car?

Unfortunately, you won't get it.

- How to sign up for this queue?

It is no longer possible to sign up for it, because from January 1, 2005, cars were excluded from the list of technical equipment, and this benefit was monetized. Simply put, instead of a car, people with disabilities were given an increase, which you receive as a monthly cash payment.

- So, I am not entitled to either a car or compensation?

If you didn’t stand in line, you weren’t admitted.

- Hello, my son has been sick since he was 13 years old, he has ankylosing spondylitis. Since his musculoskeletal system was damaged, he was given a car. A few years ago we went to the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute and tried to get on the waiting list. But the commission decided that we were not entitled to a car, since there were few cars and many more severely disabled people also did not have enough...

What year was this?

- About seven years ago.

You weren't put on the waiting list?

- They refused. What should I do to put my child on the waiting list?

The queue was closed on January 1, 2005, and no one has been added to it since then. The only thing you can do... Where do you live?

- In the Moscow region, in Podlipki.

Contact the social security of the Moscow region. Perhaps they will provide you with some assistance in allocating transport, if necessary.

- Okay, but if they refuse us, what can we do?

Nothing. If you really need a car, regional authorities can accommodate you by considering your question individually. This will be the good will of the Moscow region government. You have no legal basis for receiving the car.

No taxes are taken from compensation

- I am entitled to a car by law. Where to go to get it?

Don't worry, all the necessary paperwork has already been completed. The social security authorities have your address. As soon as the cars arrive in the region, they will inform you about it.

- When should they be delivered?

At the end of November. And at the beginning of December we plan to provide everyone who is entitled with cars.

- Until 2005, a disabled person had the right to change his car every seven years. Is the same scheme in effect now?

No, you will immediately receive ownership of the car. You are removed from the queue to receive a car and lose the right to exchange it.

- I’m worried about Vladimir Nikolaevich Bezhaev, Tolyatti. In 1998, I received a car from your organization. At that time, the state replaced cars with new ones every seven years. But when I came to get a new car in 2005, they told me: “Sorry, it’s all over.” Do I have a chance of getting a new car?

- Absolutely right.

The queue is now closed. At the moment, I can’t tell you anything comforting about replacing vehicles.

- This year they promise me compensation of 100 thousand rubles instead of a car. Will I have to pay taxes on this amount?

There is no need to pay any money to the state. This is a compensation payment, and in accordance with the Tax Code, taxes are not taken from it.

- Hello, Anna Alekseevna Porkhaeva is bothering you. My son is a disabled person of the first group. Is he entitled to a car or not?

Was your son in line to get a car?

- We moved to another area. They said that the documents were sent, but we lost all of them.

Try to find documents. If you stood in this line, then next year your son will receive compensation in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. Your task is to restore documents. Contact your local social security department. If they don't tell you anything, then go to the city Department of Social Welfare. Let them sort it out with their structural divisions.


Presidential Decree No. 685 of May 6, 2008 “On some measures of social support for people with disabilities” provides for:

In 2008, provide free cars or pay compensation in the amount of 100 thousand rubles to those registered with the social protection authorities of Russia as of January 1, 2005:

disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;

disabled combatants, participants of the Great Patriotic War from among persons who became disabled due to a general illness, work injury or other reasons;

disabled people from among former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War.

In 2009, provide free cars or pay compensation in the amount of 100 thousand rubles to those registered with the social protection authorities of Russia as of January 1, 2005:

citizens who have become disabled due to exposure to radiation, as well as disabled people from among the rehabilitated citizens.

In 2009, pay compensation in the amount of 100 thousand rubles to those registered with the social protection authorities of Russia as of January 1, 2005:

disabled people due to a general illness, work injury or other reasons, disabled people since childhood and disabled children.


Address for letters to the Ministry of Health and Social Development: 127994, GSP-4, Moscow, Rakhmanovsky per., 3.

Alexander Zyuzyaev



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