Glutamic acid tablets. Why does the body need glutamic acid?

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dyucha speech: 1 tablet of L-glutamic acid 250 mg;

additional speeches: potato starch, povidone, stearic acid, calcium stearate;

coating: tsukor, light magnesium carbonate, povidone, anhydrous silica dioxide, talc, titanium dioxide (E 171), patent blue V (E 131), yellow wax, light mineral oil.

Medicine form

Tablets, sealed with film.

Main physical and chemical properties: round tablets with a biconvex surface, covered with a black-colored coating. The cross section shows two balls. Sprinkles are allowed on the surface of the tablets.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Know what it does to the nervous system. ATX code N07X X.

Pharmacological authorities


A replacement amino acid that takes part in the processes of amino acid conversion in the body, in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates oxidation processes, absorbs excretion and excretion of ammonia from the body, feels the body's resistance to hypoxia. It promotes the synthesis of acetylcholine and ATP, the transfer of potassium ions, plays an important role in the activity of skeletal muscles. Glutamic acid is connected to neurotransmitter amino acids, which stimulate the transmission of excitement at the synapses of the central nervous system .


Glutamic acid absorbs well when taken internally. The liquid is eliminated from the blood, accumulating mainly in the ulcer and nerve tissues, liver and urine, penetrates the blood-brain barrier and cell membranes. Often, glutamic acid is converted to alanine after an hour of soaking. When infused, the enzyme glutamate decarboxylase is converted in the brain into a mediator - gamma-aminobutyric acid.

About 4-7% of it is excreted unchanged and is disposed of during metabolic processes.


Treatment of epilepsy, mainly minor attacks with equivalents, somatogenic, involutional, intoxicating psychoses, reactive states with signs of depression, seizures; with delayed mental development in children, Down syndrome, with childhood cerebral palsy, polyomyelitis (acute and recent periods), with progressive myopathy, for the reduction and prevention of neurotoxic effects, They may disappear when treated with isoniazid and other drugs of the isonicotinic acid hydrazide group.


Fever, increased restlessness, severe psychotic reactions, liver and/or nitric deficiency, nephrotic syndrome, virulent disease of the duodenum, disease of the hematopoietic organs, anemia, eniya.

Interactions with other medicinal drugs and other types of interactions

Together with thiamine and pyridoxine (drugs of group B vitamins), glutamic acid can be combined for the prevention and treatment of neurotoxic effects caused by patients taking drugs of the GINK group (hydrazide Isonicotinic acid, for example, ftivazide, isoniazid).

In case of myopathy and ulcerative dystrophy, glutamic acid is effective when taken with pachycarpine or glycol.

Features of stastosuvannya

During the hour of bathing, it is necessary to systematically monitor the cut and blood. If side effects occur, it is recommended to change the dosage of the drug. Glutamic acid can also be taken to relieve neurotoxic effects associated with the use of other drugs.

After taking glutamic acid, rinse your mouth with a mild solution of sodium bicarbonate.

The doctor's task is to take revenge on the tsukor, so that we may suffer from blood diabetes.

Suspension during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

This medical treatment should not be stopped during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

This is due to the fluidity of the reaction during treatment with vehicles or other mechanisms.

Physicians may infuse the drug into the nervous system, and use caution when administering the drug when using vehicles or robots with other mechanisms.

Method of congestion and dosage

As adults, take a single dose of 1 g 2-3 times per dose.

For children, single doses are given: 3-6 years of age – 250 mg, 7-9 years of age – 0.5-1 g; 10 days a week – 1 g each.

The frequency of intake is 2-3 times per dose.

For oligophrenia - 100-200 mg per 1 kg of patient body weight for several months.

Take 15-30 minutes before eating, if dyspeptic symptoms develop - before or after eating.

Treatment course – from 1-2 to 6-12 months.


Medical treatment is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.


It is possible to reduce adverse reactions.

Likuvannya: Therapy is symptomatic, rinsing the plug, stagnating with enterosorbents.

Adverse reactions

On the side of the blood and lymphatic system: decreased hemoglobin, leukopenia.

On the side of the scolio-intestinal tract: vomiting, diarrhea.

On the side of the nervous system: headache, increased fatigue, insomnia.

On the side of the immune system: allergic reactions, including dry skin, itching, hyperemia.

Term of attribution

Umovi sberіgannya

Store in original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 ºС.

Keep out of the reach of children.


10 tablets in blisters.

10 tablets per blister, 3 blisters per pack.

Release category

Over the counter.



Location of the distributor and addresses of the location of its activities

04073, Ukraine, m. Kiev, st. Kopylivska, 38.



on medical use of the drug




active substance: 1 tablet contains L-glutamic acid 250 mg;

excipients: potato starch, povidone, stearic acid, calcium stearate;

shell: sugar, light magnesium carbonate, povidone, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, talc, titanium dioxide (E 171), proprietary blue V dye (E 131), yellow wax, light mineral oil.

Dosage form. Film-coated tablets.

Basic physical and chemical properties: pills round shape with a biconvex surface, covered with a shell blue color. The cross section shows two layers. Blotches are allowed on the surface of the tablets.

Pharmacotherapeutic group. Means acting on nervous system.

ATX code N07X X.

Pharmacological properties


A non-essential amino acid that is involved in the processes of transamination of amino acids in the body, in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates oxidative processes, promotes the neutralization and removal of ammonia from the body, and increases the body's resistance to hypoxia. Promotes the synthesis of acetylcholine and ATP, the transfer of potassium ions, plays important role in activities skeletal muscles. Glutamic acid belongs to the neurotransmitter amino acids that stimulate the transmission of excitation at the synapses of the central nervous system.


Glutamic acid is well absorbed when taken orally. It is quickly eliminated from the blood, accumulating mainly in muscle and nervous tissues, in the liver and kidneys, penetrates the blood-brain barrier and cell membranes. During absorption, glutamic acid is partially transaminated to form alanine. Under the influence of the enzyme glutamate decarboxylase, it is converted in the brain into a mediator - gamma-aminobutyric acid.

About 4-7% of it is excreted unchanged in the urine, the rest is utilized in the process of metabolic transformations.

Clinical characteristics.


Treatment of epilepsy, mainly minor seizures with equivalents, somatogenic, involutional, intoxication psychoses, reactive states with symptoms of depression, exhaustion; with mental retardation in children, Down's disease, with cerebral palsy, polio (acute and recovery periods), with progressive myopathy, to eliminate and prevent neurotoxic phenomena that may occur when using isoniazid and other drugs of the isonicotinic acid hydrazide group.


Feverish conditions, increased excitability, severe psychotic reactions, liver and/or renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, gastric ulcer and duodenum, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, anemia, leukopenia.

Interaction with other drugs and other types of interactions.

Together with thiamine and pyridoxine (preparations of B vitamins), glutamic acid can be used for the prevention and treatment of neurotoxic effects caused by patient consumption medicines GINK groups (isonicotinic acid hydrazide, for example, ftivazide, isoniazid).

For myopathy and muscular dystrophy Glutamic acid is effective in combination with pachycarpine or glycol.

Features of application

During treatment, it is necessary to systematically conduct urine and blood tests. If side effects occur, it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug.

Glutamic acid can also be used to relieve neurotoxic effects associated with taking other drugs.

After taking Glutamic acid, you should rinse your mouth weak solution sodium bicarbonate.

The medicine contains sugar, which must be taken into account by patients with diabetes.

Use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Given medicine Do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or other mechanisms.

Considering possible impact drug on the nervous system, the drug should be used with caution when driving vehicles or operating other mechanisms.

Directions for use and doses

For adults, prescribe a single dose of 1 g 2-3 times a day.

For children single doses are: 3-6 years – 250 mg, 7-9 years – 0.5-1 g; from 10 years – 1 year

The frequency of administration is 2-3 times a day.

For oligophrenia - 100-200 mg per 1 kg of the patient’s body weight for several months.

Take 15-30 minutes before meals, if dyspeptic symptoms develop - during or after meals.

The course of treatment is from 1-2 to 6-12 months.


The medicine should not be used in children under 3 years of age.


Possible increased manifestations of adverse reactions.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy, gastric lavage, use of enterosorbents.

Adverse reactions

From the side of blood and lymphatic system: decreased hemoglobin content, leukopenia. From the outside gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, diarrhea.

From the nervous system: headache, increased irritability, insomnia. From the outside immune system: allergic reactions, including rash, itching, hyperemia.

Best before date

Storage conditions

Store in original packaging at a temperature not higher than 25 ºС.

Keep out of the reach of children.


10 tablets in blisters.

10 tablets per blister, 3 blisters per pack.



The location of the manufacturer and the address of the place of its activities.

04073, Ukraine, Kyiv, st. Kopylovskaya, 38.


Glutamic acid is a nootropic and detoxifying agent that affects protein metabolism, as well as brain metabolism. Available in the form of granules for preparing a solution for internal reception and enteric-coated tablets.

Pharmacological action of Glutamic acid

Glutamic acid is a drug from a group of non-essential amino acids. It can be synthesized by the human body. Its synthesis takes place in the kidneys, liver, lungs and brain. In order for the glutamine molecule to be formulated, two other amino acids must be present: isoleucine and valine.

This remedy takes active participation in the regulation of metabolic processes in the central nervous system, helps bind ammonia. Glutamic acid is also an amino acid that plays the role of a neurotransmitter that has high metabolic activity in the brain. It stimulates all redox processes and the metabolism of brain proteins, normalizes the metabolic process by changing the functional state of the endocrine and nervous systems.

The use of Glutamic acid affects the strength of the excitation process in the synapses of the central nervous system and removes excess ammonia. Active components The drug is contained in myofibrils and takes part in the synthesis of acetylcholine, other amino acids, adenosine triphosphate and urea. Taking the drug promotes the transfer and maintenance of calcium in the brain in the required concentration, stimulates the normalization of the redox potential. Glutamic acid increases the body's resistance to hypoxia, connects the metabolism of carbohydrates and nucleic acids, and normalizes the content of glycolysis in tissues and blood.

According to the instructions, Glutamic acid has a hepatoprotective effect on the body, inhibiting the ability of the stomach to secrete secretions.

Indications for use of Glutamic acid

The drug is recommended for use as part of complex therapy for epilepsy (presence of small seizures with equivalents), psychoses (somatogenic, involutional, intoxication), schizophrenia, mental exhaustion, reactive depressive state, consequences of encephalitis and meningitis, insomnia, progressive myopathy and depression.

The instructions for Glutamic acid also indicate that the drug is useful in diagnosing mental retardation various etiologies, cerebral palsy, with the consequences of intracranial birth injuries, polio in any period, Down's disease.

The drug is indicated for use in the presence of symptoms of toxic neuropathy when taking isonicotinic acid hydrazines.

Directions for use and dosage

Glutamic acid is taken orally 1 g two to three times a day.

The dosage of the medicine for children depends on age:

  • Up to 1 year – 100 mg;
  • From 1 to 3 years – 150 mg;
  • 3-4 years – 250 mg;
  • 5-6 years – 400 mg;
  • 7-9 years – 750 mg;
  • Over 10 years – 1 year.

For diagnosed oligophrenia – 150-200 mg. The course of treatment is from one to twelve months.

Glutamic acid should be taken 30 minutes before meals. When symptoms of dyspepsia develop - after or during meals.

Side effects of Glutamic acid

In reviews of Glutamic acid, there are reports that during or after taking the drug, allergic reactions, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, intestinal pain, and increased excitability may occur. At long-term use medications possible anemia, irritation of the mucous membrane oral cavity, leukopenia, cracked lips, drop in hemoglobin content in the body.

Contraindications to the use of Glutamic acid

Therapy with the drug is prohibited in the presence of such indicators as febrile syndrome, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, renal and liver failure, leukopenia, anemia, various psychotic reactions, depressed bone marrow hematopoiesis, obesity, nephrotic syndrome.


Among the reviews of Glutamic acid there is no information about an overdose of the drug.

Conditions and shelf life

The medication should be stored in a dry, cool, dark place out of reach of children. optimal temperature– no more than 25⁰С. The shelf life of Glutamic acid is 4 years from the date of release.

During therapy it is necessary to carry out regular general clinical tests blood and urine.

Glutamic acid can also be used to reduce neurotoxic effects after taking other drugs.

Glutamic acid is an active substance represented by a white powder. crystal structure, it tastes sour. Poorly soluble in cold water, as well as in alcohol, is included in some medications.

What is the effect of the substance Glutamic acid?

Participates in carbohydrate and protein metabolism, is involved in stimulating oxidative processes, increases the human body’s resistance to hypoxic conditions. Normalizes metabolism in general, in addition, changes functional state endocrine and nervous system.

This amino acid is involved in stimulating the transmission of excitation directly at the synapses of the central nervous system. Glutamic acid takes part in the synthesis of other important amino acids, in addition, acetylcholine and ATP, transports potassium ions, and improves muscle activity.

Preparations containing this active substance have a detoxifying effect, promote the removal of ammonia and its neutralization. Normalizes the processes of glycolysis, has a hepatoprotective effect, in addition, has a depressing effect on the secretory function of the stomach.

When taken orally, glutamic acid is well absorbed and freely penetrates the BBB. It is utilized through metabolism and excreted unchanged through the kidneys.

What are the indications for use of the substance Glutamic acid?

There are a number of conditions when glutamic acid preparations are indicated for use:

If you have epilepsy with petit mal seizures;
For schizophrenia and psychosis of different origins, as for example, with somatogenic, involutional, and also with intoxication;
In reactive states that occur with symptoms of severe exhaustion;
At hepatic coma;
If the patient is depressed;
The drug is prescribed for the consequences of encephalitis, as well as meningitis;
For toxic neuropathy;
Use the product in pediatric practice, in particular in case of delayed mental development of the child, in the presence of cerebral palsy, in addition, with Down's disease, as well as in negative consequences intracranial birth trauma.

In addition to the listed conditions, glutamic acid is effective in the presence of polio, which occurs in acute stage, and the medicine is also indicated during the recovery period.

What are the contraindications for use of the substance Glutamic acid?

Among the contraindications to the use of products containing glutamic acid, one can note increased sensitivity to it, you cannot use drugs in the presence of fever, obesity, hepatic and renal failure, in addition, with leukopenia, with nephrotic syndrome, with anemia, with peptic ulcer, with some pathology hematopoietic organs, as well as with increased excitability and severe psychotic reactions.

What are the uses and dosage of the substance Glutamic acid?

It is recommended to take the drug orally about twenty minutes before meals, the dosage is usually one gram, the frequency of use is two or three times. In pediatric practice, the dosage is selected depending on the age of the child. The course of treatment can range from one month to a year.

During the period of therapeutic activities, regular laboratory tests urine and blood. When unwanted effects You should temporarily stop taking the medication and consult a qualified doctor.

What are the side effects of the substance Glutamic acid?

There are some unwanted manifestations When using glutamic acid preparations, in particular, increased excitability occurs, insomnia, nausea and vomiting are noted, abdominal pain, loose stools are possible, allergic reactions, hyperthermia and chills occur.

If the medicine will be used long time, then laboratory changes are possible, in particular anemia, leukopenia, in addition, irritation of the oral mucosa develops, and cracks appear on the lips.

Overdose of the substance Glutamic acid

In case overuse drug based on glutamic acid, it is recommended to start gastric lavage. After which you can consult a doctor.

Special instructions

Preparations containing glutamic acid (analogs)

The active substance glutamic acid is contained in the drug of the same name; it is produced in small granules, from which it is recommended to prepare a suspension for internal use; in addition, there is dosage form in the form of tablets that are enteric-coated.

In addition, glutamic acid is found in medication Epilapton, it is also produced in granules and tablet form. It is recommended to store the listed drugs in a protected place from small children; use the product before its expiration date.


The use of the drug must be approved by a qualified doctor.

Glutamic acid is a nootropic drug prescribed for depressive and psychotic disorders of a non-organic nature. The nootropic is available from pharmacies without a prescription, but taking it without the recommendation of your doctor can be dangerous. The drug has contraindications that may occur side effects. The instructions for using glutamic acid will help you learn more about this.

The nootropic drug allows you to regulate metabolic processes occurring in the nervous system. Works as a neurotransmitter for the brain, stimulating the restoration of protein metabolism, being a link in carbohydrate-acid metabolism. In addition, it protects the liver and increases resistance to hypoxia, but can negatively affect the gastrointestinal system. It tends to accumulate in tissues, liver, and kidneys. Only 4-7% is excreted in the urine; mainly the chemical components of the substance are absorbed by the body and take an active part in metabolic processes.

The medication is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Epilepsy.
  • Mental disorders caused by brain damage.
  • Non-organic psychotic disorders.
  • Depressive episodes, including unspecified episodes.
  • Reactive states with depressive episodes.
  • Recurrent depression.
  • Mental retardation.
  • Down syndrome.
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Poliomyelitis (both in acute and recovery periods of the disease).
  • Elimination of neurotoxic effects.
  • Intoxication psychoses.

Glutamic acid is not usually prescribed as independent drug. It is necessary for complex therapy.

It can be prescribed to both adult patients and children with mental development disorders (retardation, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and other diseases).

Release forms

Glutamic acid is available in tablets. They are biconvex, covered with a membrane that dissolves after ingestion. The color of the tablets is white or with a yellowish tint. The composition of the drug includes:

  • Glutamic acid (in one tablet 250 mg).
  • Starch.
  • Talc.
  • Gelatin.
  • Cellulose.

The tablets are packaged in plastic blisters, 10 pieces each. One cardboard package contains 4 blisters and detailed instructions. It is possible to dispense in separate blisters with paper instructions attached to each.

A suspension can be used to treat children with developmental problems. Glutamic acid is available on sale in the form of capsules with a suspension for oral administration.

The drug is a nootropic drug and should be stored at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees in places where children do not have access. The shelf life is three years; you cannot take the nootropic after that. Available from pharmacies without a prescription.

Instructions for use

Glutamic acid is used in complex therapy mental illness and developmental delays. The tablets are taken 15-20 minutes before meals. The average course of treatment is from 1 to 12 months, depending on the reason for prescribing the drug. If no changes are noted during the prescribed course (or even deterioration is noted), the doctor should reconsider the therapeutic regimen. Throughout therapy, patients periodically undergo general tests blood and urine.

In different therapeutic regimens, acid is combined with:

  • thiamine;
  • pyridoxine;
  • pachycarpine hydroiodide;
  • glycine.

Self-appointment is prohibited. A specialist approves the regimen and dosage. The instructions for use indicate approximate doses and recommendations.

You will receive exact treatment instructions from your doctor. They may differ significantly from the instructions depending on concomitant medications, use of other medications, with fever and diseases of internal systems.


The leaflet for the drug indicates a number of contraindications, in the presence of which use is prohibited. These contraindications include:

  • Liver failure.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Duodenal ulcer.
  • Feverish conditions.
  • Anemia.
  • Obesity.
  • Depressed bone marrow hematopoiesis.
  • Age up to 3 years.

In the presence of these contraindications, the use of the drug is absolutely prohibited. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation in women (during treatment breast-feeding will need to stop completely).

Can only be used in cases where potential positive effects outweigh from therapy possible harm, applied to the organisms of mother and child.


The exact dosage will depend on the condition for which glutamic acid tablets were prescribed. Approximate single doses:

  • 3-4 years: 250 mg.
  • 5-6 years: 400 mg.
  • from 7 years and older: 1 year.

The drug is taken before meals (15-20 minutes) 2-3 times a day. In some cases it is used during meals, but since this applies to special instructions, the attending physician will definitely inform you.

Side effects

The following side effects may occur when consuming glutamic acid:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Painful sensations in the abdominal area.
  • Increased nervous excitability.
  • Decreased hemoglobin levels in the blood.
  • Leukopenia.
  • Irritation of the oral mucosa.
  • Dry lips, cracks.
  • Allergy to components of the drug.

“Mild” side effects are observed within a short time from the start of treatment. Leukopenia, decreased hemoglobin and irritation of the mucous membrane occur during a long therapeutic course.

Appearance side effects from the drug does not always become a significant reason for discontinuation and revision of the therapeutic regimen.

You cannot refuse to take medications on your own; this decision should be made exclusively by the attending physician.


Glutamic acid is cheap. A blister of ten tablets can be purchased for 25-30 rubles. But there are also much more expensive options: in different pharmacies the cost per package can reach up to 200 rubles. It is easy to find the product in online and offline pharmacies; it is almost always on sale.


Glutamic acid has drugs with similar effects, which in some cases can be used to replace it (as prescribed). Among them:

  • Glycine. Improves brain activity, prescribed for depressive episodes and nervous disorders. The active ingredient in the composition is glycine. One package costs around 30 rubles and is available without a prescription.
  • Cortexin. Normalizes blood circulation in the brain, has nootropic and neuroprotective effects. Cortexin is the active ingredient of the composition. But the drug costs a lot more expensive than analogues, one package will cost 650-700 rubles.
  • Cytoflavin. A nootropic that improves metabolism in the brain. Complex drug With succinic acid, riboxin, nicotinamide and riboflavin in the composition. Prices vary across different pharmacies, the cost of a package ranges from 400-100 rubles.

Cheap analogues of glutamic acid are rare; they can only include drugs with the same active ingredient in the composition (but different trade name) and Glycine. Other analogs are much more expensive. But it is worth remembering that any nootropic drugs must be prescribed by a specialist, despite the fact that they are dispensed from a pharmacy without a prescription.


An overdose may occur during treatment with glutamic acid. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Stomach ache.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.

In case of overdose, severe poisoning of the body occurs. Therefore, the patient’s first aid should be gastric lavage. To do this you will need to drink a lot of water or do enemas. After gastric lavage, the patient takes activated charcoal or other enterosorbents that do not allow hazardous substances absorbed into the intestinal walls. In case of severe poisoning, it is imperative to call a doctor. And stop treatment (until appropriate instructions).


(3 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Most professional athletes come across the concept of “glutamic acid” and know what it is. But this amino acid is useful not only during physical activity, but also for proper operation body, to preserve women's reproductive health and prevent a number of diseases.

According to scientists, the content of this acid is about 25% of all amino acids contained in the human body.

In all living beings, glutamine, respectively, and glutamic acid are found in proteins, low-molecular substances and in a free state. Represents organic compound, which has two acid groups, belongs to the conditionally replaceable amino acids.

Glutamic acid, or rather its synthetic analogue, is found in many foods and acts as flavoring additives, has a “meaty” taste.

When reading the composition of any product, you can pay attention to the following additives:

  • Neurotransmitter E620;
  • E624;
  • E622;
  • E621;
  • E625.

All of these are glutamates, that is, substances obtained from glutamine combined with magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc. If such “E”s are present, then this is all synthetic glutamic acid. But also in natural form Glutamine is present in foods in quantities sufficient for humans.

What foods contain glutamic acid?

According to doctors, it is very difficult to eliminate glutamine from the diet 100%, since it is found in sufficient quantity the products we consume. They include:

  • hard varieties of cheese;
  • cow's milk;
  • eggs;
  • duck meat, young chicken;
  • pork;
  • beef;
  • fish and seafood;
  • vegetables: carrots, beets, green peas, corn, onions, tomatoes, peppers;
  • mushrooms;
  • walnuts;
  • soy sauce.

Products with high content glutamine

One way or another, glutamate is present in the diet of any person. The only difference is the amount of glutamic acid consumed. What does this give? The amount of amino acid consumed affects the nervous system, skin cell regeneration, as well as the energy produced by a person.

Glutamic acid is found in free or bound form in all of the foods listed above. Sometimes during the process of heat or other cooking, glutamate changes from bound to free form, which is why there is a change in taste.

The largest amounts of glutamic acid are found in Kombu and Nori seaweeds.

It is no coincidence that the discovery of this amino acid occurred in Japan, where these products are abundant.

Glutamic acid as a drug

It is well known that glutamic acid is a substance that can have not only natural, but also synthetic origin. In other words, if you lack glutamine, you can take special drugs to replenish its deficiency in the body.

It is worth noting that the synthetic form is in no way inferior to naturally obtained glutamine, has the same effect on the body and is just as easily absorbed.

Most pharmaceutical companies represented on Russian market, produce glutamine-containing preparations. The amount of amino acid in different products varies.

Thus, we can distinguish:

  • single-component preparations containing only glutamic acid;
  • multicomponent drugs that contain other components.

The pharmacological effect of glutamic acid is nootropic. That is, drugs with a high content of artificial glutamine affect the brain, stimulating the functioning of certain of its functions.

Glutamic acid belongs to the following pharmacological groups:

  • Detoxifying agents;
  • Proteins, amino acids;
  • Other neurotropic drugs.

Release form, composition, active substance

The most common form of release is coated tablets. The main active component is glutamic acid itself; other auxiliary substances may also be present, but their dosage is minimal.

They are needed so that this amino acid is absorbed quickly and completely in the body. Also, excipients help maintain the specific form in which glutamine is released.

There are other release options: powdered and in the form of granules to obtain a suspension. Each dosage form is developed by specialists to active substances began their action in the body as quickly as possible.

Speaking about a one-component drug, we can highlight the main active ingredient - glutamic acid, and auxiliary components. They are often presented potato starch, gelatin, talc and calcium.

Their variability is possible due to changes in the form of the drug, or at the discretion of the drug manufacturer.

Why does the body need glutamic acid?

Scientists have proven the fact that this amino acid is one of the 20 most important for the human body.

Glutamic acid - what is it, a necessity for the body

Glutamine has the following abilities:

  • regulate acid-base balance;
  • deliver quickly essential microelements;
  • stimulate the growth of new skin cells;
  • slow down skin aging processes;
  • increase nitrogen levels in the body;
  • build immunity;
  • neutralize ammonia formed in the body;
  • synthesize folic acid;
  • help the body endure physical and psychological stress;
  • establish metabolic processes;
  • increase mental abilities.

This is how glutamic acid works. Right balanced diet With high content glutamine will be the main condition for tight and healthy skin. If a person eats “haphazardly,” then the balance is lost and destruction of cells and then tissue occurs.

And this applies not only skin. Nerve cells are destroyed, connections between other amino acids are lost, etc.

Glutamine amino acid, obtained from food or special medications, has a wide range of actions, but self-appointment drugs are not recommended, only after consulting a specialist.

Instructions for use. Indications for use

Having found wide application in medicine, glutamic acid helps cope with many ailments, having a positive effect on the human nervous system.

This is the most prescribed drug for:

  • epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia;
  • severe mental disorders, psychosis;
  • prolonged depression;
  • polio;
  • child development delay;
  • suffered consequences of encephalitis, meningitis.

Glutamic acid is prescribed in combination with other medications. It becomes clear that this amino acid helps improve the patient’s condition in many disorders, both physical and psychological.

Therefore, hearing the question “Glutamic acid – what is it?” any doctor will explain to the patient about the clear benefits of the drug used.

Contraindications for use

There are also some conditions when taking this drug is prohibited:

The doctor prescribes the dosage depending on the complexity and nature of the disease. The course is at least 1-2 months, but can be up to 6-12 months. Also, while taking the medication, it is necessary to undergo regular tests to monitor the patient’s condition.

It is always necessary to remember: from an excess of glutamic acid, excess glutamine may accumulate in the intercellular space, which leads to death nerve cells, obesity, disorder metabolic processes and even the work of the heart.

What is glutamic acid used for in sports?

In addition to the benefits with medical point However, glutamic acid has other advantages: it is not so expensive and is an integral part of the life of professional athletes.

Manufacturers sports nutrition They produce about 3.5 million tons of pure amino acids per year, as well as many drugs with various additives. In this form, it can be bought both in pharmacies and in specialized stores.

The benefits of this amino acid are obvious. Glutamine mainly synthesizes various amino acids in the body (its work accounts for about 50% of all such processes).

Yes, when large quantities glutamine, muscle performance and endurance increase significantly. The time required for the athlete to recover muscles after physical activity.

If there is enough glutamine in the body, then potassium ions are freely distributed in muscle cells. Thanks to this process, the muscles begin to contract better, therefore, their functionality increases.

Some athletes use glutamic acid for purposes other than pure form, and in conjunction with substances such as glycine, cystine. These combinations help increase the endurance of all muscles, as well as normalize work cardiovascular system.

But despite all the factors positive impact glutamic acid on the body, experts warn: you should not expect stunning results from the drug, since this amino acid is not an anabolic steroid.

Although most athletes who consume glutamine report improvement general condition, quick recovery after training, better job muscles.

How glutamic acid is used in bodybuilding

Glutamic acid helps bodybuilders significantly. If you know what it is and apply it correctly, you can improve not only the quality of your skin, but also gain the necessary weight.

Although the drug itself does not affect weight gain, it indirectly contributes to it:

  • Firstly, When gaining weight, proper metabolism is important. With the modern rhythm of life and the consumption of “artificial” food, this process is disrupted in the majority of our compatriots. To resume metabolic processes, many amino acids are needed. Glutamic acid, when broken down, turns very quickly into exactly what the body needs;
  • Secondly, good immunity helps speed up the recruiting process muscle mass, which glutamine promotes;
  • Thirdly, this acid is a conductor of nitrogen in human body. It is no secret that, thanks to nitrogen metabolism, they grow at an accelerated pace. muscle cells;
  • Fourth, for professional athletes who use steroids, glutamine is necessary in order not to undermine their health, as its vulnerability becomes higher.

It is also important for athletes beautiful body. And here glutamic acid - indispensable assistant. The amino acid acts in such a way that the cell regeneration process accelerates, the skin itself becomes softer and looks radiant.

Dosage regimens, dosage

For each organism, for each disease or its prevention, an appropriate regimen for taking glutamic acid is prescribed. But there are also universal tips on how to do this. They can be read in the instructions for the drug.

Usually the drug is taken 2-3 times a day, in the morning and afternoon, every day. Glutamic acid is not a pill fast action, therefore it is very important to take the medicine in a course, every day.

Athletes can add glutamine to protein or gainer, or dilute it with water. Important! If there was a workout on the day you took glutamic acid, it is better to take the tablet in the morning and immediately after finishing it.

If the drug is taken for prevention, then you can start taking it in the autumn or spring, when the immune system needs support more than ever. It is recommended to take the tablets 10 minutes before meals or during meals.

The dosage is calculated depending on gender, age and weight. To increase muscle functionality, girls need about 5 grams 2 times a day, men – 5-10 grams 2 times a day.

Doctors still insist on preliminary consultation so that the patient does not receive unexpected effects from taking the drug or an overdose of glutamine.

Glutamic acid for children

Children may also suffer from some mental disorders, congenital abnormalities or acquired neurological ailments. In such cases, specialists prescribe glutamine, which is one of the links in maintenance therapy.

There are not many medications approved for children under one year of age, but glutamic acid is one of them. A doctor may prescribe a course of tablets for:

  • postnatal injuries,
  • polio and its consequences,
  • oligophrenia,

Also for childhood There are dosages (for a single dose of the drug):

  • for babies of the first year of life – no more than 100 mg;
  • children 1-2 years old - no more than 150 mg;
  • children 3-4 years old - no more than 250 mg;
  • children 5-6 years old - no more than 400 mg;
  • children 7-9 years old – no more than 500 mg;
  • from 10 years – 1000 mg.

These dosages can be increased at the discretion of the attending physician; the number of doses per day can also vary: 1 or 2 per day.

Glutamic acid in gynecology

Known fact: To give birth to healthy children, you need to pay attention to the period of pregnancy planning. But it is not always possible for a woman to get pregnant quickly. Some diseases can be treated with glutamic acid.

By stimulating blood circulation, glutamine helps rapid recovery reproductive system after surgical interventions. Hormonal disorders traditionally treated with hormone therapy, but the glutamine amino acid also plays an important role here.

At irregular cycle or rare ovulation may also be prescribed this drug, because with such diagnoses it is very difficult to get pregnant.

The treatment regimen is prescribed according to the woman’s cycle:

  • In the first half, the doctor prescribes drinking vitamin E (prepares the endometrium for the attachment of a fertilized egg) and folic acid (prevention of abnormalities in the development of the embryo);
  • In the second half of the cycle, the woman is also recommended to take vitamin E, but now in triple dosage, as well as glutamic acid, which speeds up metabolism and improves blood circulation.

Any disruption of the female reproductive system is treated exclusively by professionals, and many of them are supporters of taking glutamic acid even during pregnancy.

Possible side effects

Uncontrolled intake of acid may result in:

If the drug is taken for too long a period of time, it accumulates in the body and the following are possible:

  • Low hemoglobin,
  • Leukopenia,
  • Cracks around the mouth and lips
  • Irritation in the mouth.

Interaction with other drugs

Glutamic acid is used together with thiamine and pyridoxine in the treatment and prevention of neurotoxic phenomena caused by drugs such as ftivazide, isoniazid, etc.

If muscle tissue dystrophy is observed, the effectiveness of glutamic acid increases with sharing with glycol and pachycarpine.


Excessive use of the drug contributes to the development of abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Treatment - drinking plenty of fluids, gastric lavage, taking absorbents (For example, activated carbon).

Where to buy, price, storage conditions, expiration date

In its pure form, a drug called “Glutamic acid” is very easy to find; it can be the nearest pharmacy or a specialized sports nutrition store. The amino acid costs on average from 17 to 85 rubles per package (10 tablets of 250 mg). Regarding sports supplements with glutamine, the price per jar will be much higher.

The tablets are available without a prescription, the shelf life is 3 years when stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. Not only athletes who use glutamic acid know what it is, but also many parents of children with disabilities, women reproductive age and simply people who are attentive to their health.

Possessing a large number useful properties, glutamic acid is available to everyone. Deficiency of this amino acid leads to various unpleasant processes in the body, which is why its replenishment is so important all year round.

Useful videos about glutamic (glutamic) acid:

Glutamine - what is it?

Glutamic acid and glutamine:

Glutamic acid: doping without cuts:




2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs