Emotional changes during puberty. How does a woman’s egg mature day by day? Waiting for puberty

Maria Soboleva

Puberty. Puberty problems

Every child goes through puberty - the time of puberty. During this difficult period of life, a teenager faces many problems. What do parents need to know to help their son or daughter grow up correctly?

What is puberty?

An important step on the path to growing up, a difficult period of life, a transitional age - this is how the puberty period can be characterized.

Girls acquire more feminine forms, boys gradually turn into young men and acquire purely masculine features.

The result of puberty with all its biological transformations and changes in psycho-emotional behavior is the onset of puberty.

On average, puberty for girls lasts from 9 to 14 years, boys begin to mature later - from 11 to 16 years.

But there is no clear framework for puberty; it happens earlier or late onset puberty. It depends on hereditary factors, ethnicity, child’s weight, nutrition, constitution.

Puberty - problems of puberty

Problems of puberty include the so-called adolescent complex.

Both boys and girls during this period can behave contradictoryly: on the one hand, they are extremely sensitive to the assessment of their appearance and abilities by others, and on the other, they can be arrogant and express harsh judgments about others.

Teenagers are sometimes painfully shy, sometimes deliberately cheeky, they can rebel and deny any authority, but at the same time literally create idols for themselves, be fans of a musical group or the leader of some informal movement.

The problem of puberty among adolescents themselves and their loved ones is emotional instability; both girls and boys are characterized by sudden mood swings - from enthusiastic to depressive.

It is important for parents and teachers to understand these characteristics, which are caused by puberty. Any attempts to hurt pride can cause a violent reaction.

Emotional instability reaches its peak in girls at 13-15 years old, and in boys from 11 to 13 years old.

The puberty period of adolescents is characterized by the fact that they are already actively striving for independence and independence, but in difficult everyday situations they are waiting for help from adults and do not dare to take responsibility.

When considering the problems of puberty, it is necessary to note the influence on the teenager of his environment, the environment of peers with whom he communicates.

The opinion of the team, the very belonging to a certain group, is extremely important to the guys. This gives them self-confidence, but isolation can provoke complexes, anxiety, and sometimes aggressive behavior.

Physiological problems of puberty

During puberty it happens rapid growth adolescents, which is provoked by hormones produced in the body.

Some girls can gain from 6 to 9 cm in a year, and boys - up to 12 cm. This is fraught with deterioration in well-being.

Bone mass growth occurs faster than internal organs, children experience dizziness, heart pain, weakness, and muscle cramps.

Often, adolescents during puberty develop scoliosis, a curvature of the spine. During adolescence, the risk of injury is increased musculoskeletal system.

Problems of puberty concern the appearance of teenagers - they are dissatisfied with their angularity, clumsiness, disproportionate growth, and sometimes obesity (this applies more to girls - watch their diet).

Hormonal changes in the body of both girls and boys lead to the appearance acne(acne). Teenagers are especially worried about pimples and blackheads on the face, which becomes a reason for suffering and tears.

Consult a doctor in a timely manner - these are not only aesthetic problems, but also medical ones.

It is important for parents to explain to their girl that puberty will soon pass, you will become beautiful and slim. Update your daughter’s wardrobe, help her learn to dress fashionably and beautifully.

And boys suffer because of their appearance, they also need to be shown attention and sympathy. It’s good to get boys involved in sports activities.

Communicate with your children more often, convince them of your love, and emphasize their strengths.

Modern children grow up faster than we would sometimes like. Don’t put off until later conversations about the dangers of early sexual activity, the dangers of promiscuity, and what means of contraception exist.

Teenagers who become sexually active during puberty are at risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections such as the papilloma virus.

Puberty problems for boys

It is important for parents to know the stages of their son's puberty in order to prepare him for changes and correct attitude to processes occurring in the body.

During puberty, the boy's body begins to produce large quantities sex hormones, the main of which is testosterone.

Excess hormones cause excessive sweating in boys, especially in the armpits and groin area.

Teach your son the rules of hygiene - regular showering, use of antiperspirants. The boy may not feel unpleasant odor, but peers (especially girls) will feel it immediately.

At 11-12 years old, adolescents' testicles enlarge, then hair appears in the pubic area.

Armpit hair usually begins at age 14, and by age 15 a mustache appears.

Boys grow up in different ways - your son may seem “small” compared to his taller classmates, and then suddenly grow taller.

On September 1, classmates did not recognize Ivan - a tall guy came to the 9th grade, although a cheerful, nimble, but short boy was leaving for the holidays.

It is important to reassure the teenager by explaining that growing up does not happen according to a clear schedule - it is individual for everyone. And in order to catch up with your peers in your physical development, it is useful to exercise physically and eliminate bad habits.

During puberty, libido awakens in adolescents - sexual desire. A growing boy experiences erotic desires and fantasizes.

In order for him to develop the correct orientation, communication with the opposite sex is important. It is also necessary to protect the child from outside influences that promote non-traditional sexual attitudes.

The boy needs to be explained what a wet dream is - involuntary ejaculation during sleep. On average, they occur at the age of 14 years and are a sign of the normal development of the future man.

Almost all teenagers go through masturbation during puberty. Do not make a tragedy out of this - this is how sexual tension is relieved.

In addition, the teenager studies the technical side of sexual relations, as if training sexual function body.

Today sex life young men start everything earlier, even before puberty ends, the guy can already become sexually mature.

But the ability to have sexual intercourse and psychological readiness To serious relationship- far from the same thing.

We need to explain to our son about his responsibility for possible consequences sexual contacts - girl’s pregnancy.

A trusting relationship with your son is especially important during his puberty - be a friend to your growing boy.

Puberty problems for girls

Puberty in some girls can begin as early as 9 years of age with rapid growth.

By the age of 11, many teenagers notice an increase in mammary glands, then the appearance of pubic hair is observed, at the same time or a little later hair begins to grow in armpits.

Today, the so-called menarche - the first menstruation occurs in girls at 11.5-13 years old, 2 years after the first noticeable changes development of the mammary glands.

The onset of menstruation - important event in life future woman, the body of a growing girl is already capable of pregnancy.

On the eve of menarche, a teenager experiences problems with well-being - weakness, headaches, nausea, attacks of depression or increased excitability, pain in the lower abdomen.

The girl needs to be prepared for such sensations by talking about the features critical days, proper hygiene.

Also, the mother should teach her daughter to keep a menstruation calendar, which they take with them when visiting the clinic (if various examinations information about the date of the last menstrual period is often required).

The cycle in the first year of menstruation may be irregular.

But it is important to monitor its duration (no more than 7 days), the abundance of menstruation (no more than 4 pads are used per day), and the girl’s well-being these days.

Problems of puberty in almost 75% of all cases are the presence inflammatory processes external genitalia: vulvitis, vulvovaginitis. During puberty, girls still have low estrogen levels and protective functions the epithelium of the genital organs is weak.

The puberty period in a girl’s life requires parents to be especially attentive to their daughter.

Physiological processes in the body of adolescents of different sexes differ, but psychological development personality during this period is equally important for both girls and boys.

Let your children grow up surrounded by loving and understanding loved ones, in a strong, friendly family.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Puberty usually starts at adolescence. During this period, the child's body will go through a series of biological changes: rapid growth, weight gain, development of genital organs, growth of body hair.

These changes mean that yesterday's child is gradually turning into an adult.

What is puberty?

These are consistent biological and physical changes V children's body, which lead to the development of secondary sexual characteristics and the possibility of conceiving and having children.

Adult conversation

When does puberty begin?

Puberty begins for everyone different times. As a rule, in girls it occurs between the ages of 10 and 14, and in boys from 12 to 16.

Nowadays, teenage girls develop faster than boys. So, middle age the appearance of the first menstruation in 1900 was 15 years. In 1990 – already 12.5 years.

Scientists believe that factors such as overnutrition and obesity cause early puberty in girls.

According to some studies, too early start hormonal changes in a child's body may increase the risk oncological diseases at an older age.

What physical changes occur during puberty?

Development of secondary sexual characteristics

The first sign of the onset of puberty in girls is breast development. It begins at about 11 years of age, along with the beginning of the production of female sex hormones - estrogens. Then it usually happens hair growth on the pubis and armpits.

The next stage is the beginning of ovulation (maturation of eggs ready for fertilization in the ovaries) and the beginning of menstruation.

The main sign of the onset of puberty in boys is increase in testicular size. It begins at about 11 years of age and lasts about six months. Then, in adolescents, the penis increases in size, and pubic and armpit hair appears.

Under the influence male hormone testosterone, which begins to be produced in the body in boys the voice becomes rougher And muscle mass increases. At the same time, boys begin to produce sperm capable of fertilization.

The last stage of puberty is appearance of facial hair.

Growth spurt

Puberty in both sexes is usually accompanied by rapid growth in body height. During this period it increases by an average of 17-18 percent.

In girls, the growth spurt begins on average two years earlier - about six months before the first menstruation.

Skeletal growth

Puberty is characterized by growth and increased bone mass density in adolescents. In girls and boys, this process reaches its peak immediately after the growth spurt.

Important! Bones first grow in length, and only then does bone density increase. Because of this, adolescents are susceptible to high risk of fractures.

Weight change

During puberty, girls begin to actively form adipose tissue in the body, mainly on the hips and buttocks.

Boys also begin to deposit fat, but outwardly this is not so noticeable, since at the same time increased growth occurs muscle tissue. By the end of puberty, its mass in a male teenager becomes one and a half times greater than in a girl of the same height and weight.

Other changes

Along with puberty in adolescents, the final formation of cardiovascular system and lungs. This leads to an increase in the performance of these organs. This process is especially effective if the teenager plays sports.

The most important thing

Puberty is not just about the appearance of menstruation in girls or facial hair in boys. This is also a period active growth and development of the entire adolescent body.

Both teenagers and their parents are interested in nutrition issues during puberty. Most often, this is explained by the desire of the former to get rid of figure problems that may arise during this period, and the desire of the latter to sincerely help their children get through it painlessly.

What is puberty

Puberty, or puberty- this is a natural process as a result of which changes occur in the body of a teenager that make him an adult capable of procreation. It is launched using signals that come from brain to the gonads. In response to them, they develop certain hormones, stimulating the growth and development of the brain, skin, bones, muscles, hair, breasts, and reproductive organs.

For girls puberty usually occurs between the ages of 9 and 14 and is controlled primarily by hormones such as estrogen and estradiol, in boys– at the age of 10 – 17 years. Accordingly, testosterone and androgen take the “reins of power” for them.

All these changes are often visible to others with the naked eye. And it’s not even about enhanced growth and development individual organs and systems. And in mood swings, irritability, and sometimes aggressiveness that are associated with puberty. During this same period, many teenagers experience low self-esteem, self-doubt and dissatisfaction with themselves.

IN lately scientists are talking about premature puberty, which can begin in girls at an earlier age. Various factors can provoke it, as well as delay it:

  1. 1 Genes– in 2013, scientists from the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, together with their Boston colleagues, published a sensational article in the New England Journal of Medicine. As a result of research, they discovered a new gene - MKRN3, which in some cases provokes the development of premature puberty. In addition, it is a well-known fact that 46% of girls begin puberty at the same age as their mothers.
  2. 2 Environment– there is an opinion that phthalates are chemicals which are used in the production of toys, plastic products or cosmetics, as well as waste pharmaceutical companies, specializing in the production of sex steroids, undergoing incomplete processing and end up in the environment. And even in low concentrations they can provoke the onset of early puberty (at 7 years of age and earlier).
  3. 3 Racial or national differences: the beginning of menstruation in girls different nations varies between 12 – 18 years. Representatives of the Negroid race experience menarche earlier than others, while representatives of the Asian race who live in mountainous regions experience menarche later than others.
  4. 4 Diseases– some of them can provoke a hormonal surge and, as a result, the onset of early puberty.
  5. 5 Nutrition.

The influence of food on puberty

Diet has a tremendous impact on the process of sexual development, especially in girls. Excessively oily and high-calorie food, which brings additional energy that is not used by the body, subsequently accumulates in it in the form of subcutaneous fat. And, as you know, it is responsible for bearing and feeding offspring and, at some point, signals that its quantity is already sufficient and the body is ready for procreation. This is confirmed by the results of research conducted at the University of Michigan and published in 2007 in the journal " Pediatrics».

All types of fish - they contain protein, healthy fats, polyunsaturated acids omega-3 and omega-6, which are responsible for brain function, as well as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

Apples are a source of iron and boron, which strengthens bones. In addition, they improve digestion, effectively cleanse the body and prevent excess weight.

Peaches – they enrich the body with potassium, iron and phosphorus. They also improve the functioning of the brain and heart, relieve nervous and emotional tension.

Citrus fruits are a source of vitamin C and antioxidants, which boost immunity and help the body fight stress.

Carrots - they contain potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron, as well as vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, K. Regular consumption of carrots improves vision and the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevents depression and excess weight.


Puberty crisis. Psychophysiological development of a teenager.

Important task growing up of a teenager - psychological coping with one’s own physical and sexual maturation. The teenager for the first time realizes his limited ability to control and regulate what is happening in him physiological changes(body growth, weight gain, appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, etc.). The close relationship between biological and psychological changes largely determines the specifics of a given age period. Explanation of many psychological problems and the difficulties that a teenager faces are impossible without knowledge of the physiological and biological changes occurring in his body.

The pubertal crisis that occurs during adolescence implies biological and physiological changes associated with the development of somatic and sexual functions. It is evidenced by the first menstruation (menarche) or, accordingly, ejaculation. True, the borderline nature of these signs is relative, since the changes characteristic of puberty begin even before their appearance.

The biological changes associated with puberty lay the foundation for all subsequent developmental processes. The most obvious shifts are in height and body proportions. The changes that occur are regulated hormonally. Endocrine restructuring, on the one hand, prepares the transition to puberty, and on the other, provides significant functional and morphological changes a variety of organ systems.

External signs puberty are important landmarks for assessing its progress, although the influence various factors can lead to noticeable discrepancies in external indicators.

Five stages of puberty.

One of the characteristics of adolescence is rapid biological maturation, which is characterized by rapid physical development, coinciding with puberty.

There are five stages in the process of puberty, characteristic of both boys and girls (Martsinkovskaya T.D. et al., 2001; Physiology of growth and development of children and adolescents, 2000).

First stage– childhood (infantilism). At this stage, the reproductive stage develops slowly and virtually unnoticed. Development is regulated by hormones thyroid gland And somatotropic hormones pituitary gland The genitals undergo slow changes at this time, secondary signs sexes do not develop.

The first stage ends in girls at 8-10 years old, and in boys at 10-13 years old.

Second stage– the actual onset of puberty – is associated with an increase in the activity of the pituitary gland. Secretion increases pituitary hormones(somatotropin and follitropin), which determine the acceleration of tissue growth and the appearance initial signs puberty.

The stage ends in girls at 9-12 years old, in boys at 12-14 years old.

Third stage– the stage of activation of the gonads, which secrete steroid hormones(androgens and estrogens), the functioning of other glands is enhanced internal secretion(thyroid gland, adrenal glands).

This is expressed in the so-called “growth spurts” (accelerated increase in height and weight), which is a significant indicator of the onset of adolescence.

IN adolescence children grow 5-8 cm per year.

Girls grow more actively at 11-12 years old (height increases to 10 cm per year). Boys gain height at the age of 13-14, and after 15 years they overtake girls in height.

The increase in growth occurs mainly due to tubular bones limbs, bones chest They grow more slowly, which causes changes in the posture of adolescents - flat, narrow or even sunken chests, making breathing difficult.

Along with growth, body weight also increases. Girls gain 4-8 kg per year, especially intensively at the age of 14-15, boys - 7-8 kg per year.

The rate of body weight growth lags behind the rate of skeletal fasting, which determines appearance teenager: bony, elongated figure.

The discrepancy between the size of the skeleton and body weight leads to insufficient coordination of movements, general awkwardness, angularity, and an abundance of unnecessary movements. However, at the same time, adolescence is optimal for mastering complex motor skills. This paradoxical situation of a combination of awkwardness and sensitivity in mastering complex movements is explained by the fact that the gradual development of precise functioning occurs sequentially: first muscle growth, then muscle strength, and then coordination. An unformed system in movement control has the greatest plasticity and readiness for learning, so training plays a significant role in the formation of coordinated movements.

During adolescence, the lungs grow, breathing improves (although its rhythm remains rapid), and lung capacity increases. The type of breathing is finally formed: for boys - abdominal, for girls - chest.

Enhanced growth presents organs and tissues special requirements to the activity of the heart. It grows rapidly at this age, but the growth of blood vessels lags behind the growth of the heart. Therefore, adolescents often experience increased blood pressure, there is a disturbance in the heartbeat rhythm. This causes teenagers to get tired quickly. Insufficient blood supply to the brain can lead to oxygen starvation, which leads to a decrease functionality brain activity, and this manifests itself in a decrease in attention, memory, and perception.

At this stage, secondary sexual characteristics appear. Boys' voice breaks, a mustache and beard appear, pubic and armpit hair appears, and wet dreams begin.

Girls develop mammary glands. Fat fiber formed by female type: deposits in the thighs, buttocks, mammary glands, arms. Body shapes are rounded.

Fourth stage– period maximum activity sexual hormones: androgens (male) and estrogens (female).

Male sex hormones are produced by special cells of the testes. The main male sex hormone is testosterone and its derivative androsterone. They determine the development of the reproductive apparatus and the growth of the genital organs, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics: voice, larynx, skeleton and muscles. male type, hair growth on the face and body. Together with follicle-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland, testosterone activates spermatogenesis (sperm maturation).

With hyperfunction of the testes, premature maturation, rapid body growth and the development of secondary sexual characteristics are observed.

Damage to the testes or their removal (castration) in early age leads to the cessation of growth and development of the genital organs, secondary sexual characteristics, while the period of bone growth is prolonged, there is no sexual desire, hair on the face and body does not grow, and there are no changes in the voice (it remains high throughout life). The short torso and long arms and legs give eunuchs a distinctive appearance.

Female sex hormones (estrogens) are produced in the ovaries. They influence the development of the genital organs, the formation of eggs, their readiness for fertilization, the readiness of the uterus for pregnancy, and the readiness of the mammary glands for feeding the child.

In girls, a sharp increase in height precedes the development of secondary sexual characteristics, while in boys, on the contrary, a significant increase in height occurs only after their genitals begin to develop intensively.

The main female sex hormone is estradiol. Progesterone, the pregnancy hormone (corpus luteum hormone), is also a female sex hormone.

Ovarian hyperfunction causes early puberty and early menstruation. Cases of puberty in girls at 4-5 years of age have been described.

At this stage, secondary sexual characteristics are actively developing and can reach completion. Girls sometimes start menstruating.

Fifth stage– completion of formation reproductive system, which means the establishment of regulation between individual parts of the system: pituitary hormones and peripheral glands. Secondary sexual characteristics are fully expressed.

At 16-17 years of age, the formation of the female-type skeleton generally ends. At the age of 19-20, girls undergo their final formation menstrual function, anatomical and physiological maturity begins.

For boys at 15-16 years go by the process of enhanced development of secondary sexual characteristics, involuntary ejaculation of semen begins. However, anatomical and physiological maturation ends by age 24.

Puberty is the time during which growing boys or girls go through the process of puberty. Puberty includes a series of physical stages or steps that lead to the achievement of fertility and the development of so-called secondary sexual characteristics, physical features associated with growing up (for example, growth of pubic hair). While puberty involves a number of biological or physical changes, puberty can also have psychosocial and emotional development teenager

Puberty (puberty) facts

  • Puberty is the period of puberty and the achievement of fertility.
  • The time at which puberty begins varies greatly among adolescents; however, puberty typically occurs in girls between the ages of 10 and 14 years, and in boys between the ages of 12 and 16 years.
  • Both genetic and environmental factors, is probably involved in the timing of puberty.
  • Fat and/or body composition may play a role in regulating the onset of puberty.
  • Puberty is associated with the development of secondary sexual characteristics and rapid growth.
  • Some medical conditions may worsen or become apparent during puberty.
  • Early puberty is puberty that occurs earlier than usual. It is more common in girls than in boys.

When does puberty occur?

The onset of puberty is quite individual. Puberty for girls usually occurs between the ages of 10 and 14, while puberty for boys usually occurs later, between the ages of 12 and 16; In some regions, girls begin puberty earlier, at around 9 years of age, meaning puberty lasts from around 9 to 14 years of age.

Adolescent girls are reaching puberty today at an earlier age than in the past. Nutritional and other factors environment may be responsible for this change in the timing of puberty. For example, the average age for girls to menstruate in 1900 was 15 years old; today it has dropped to 12 and a half years.

What determines when puberty begins? Why does puberty occur?

The time of onset of puberty cannot be predicted down to the day; most likely, it is determined by a number of factors. One theory suggests that reaching a critical body weight may play a role in the onset of puberty. It has been suggested that the increase in childhood obesity may be due to the general early onset of puberty in the general population in recent years.

Leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells (adipocytes) in the body, has been proposed as one possible “mediator” of puberty. In animal studies, artificial leptin deficiency delayed the onset of puberty, but puberty was activated once leptin was administered to the animals. In addition, girls with more high concentrations hormone leptin are known to have an increased percentage of body fat and an earlier onset of puberty than girls with low level leptin. Blood leptin concentrations are known to be associated with puberty in boys and girls.

Leptin, however, is likely only one of several influences on the hypothalamus, an area of ​​the brain that releases a hormone known as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which in turn signals the pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone. hormone (FSH). The secretion of LH and FSH by the pituitary gland is responsible for sexual development.

Genetic factors are likely involved in the timing of puberty. In addition, a gene has been identified that appears to have crucial for normal development of puberty. A gene known as GPR54 encodes a protein that appears to have an effect on the secretion of GnRH by the hypothalamus. Individuals who do not have a working copy of this gene are not able to boast the usual puberty for their age.

What other changes in the body occur during puberty in boys and girls?

Puberty is usually accompanied by a rapid increase in height, known as a growth spurt, which typically lasts for two to three years. About 17%-18% of an adult's height is achieved during puberty. Although height gain affects the trunk and limbs, growth in the limbs usually occurs first. The growth spurt typically occurs earlier in girls than in boys, with them showing their true growth spurt on average about two years before boys. In girls, the growth spurt usually precedes the onset of menstruation by about six months.

Bone growth and mineralization during puberty

Puberty is accompanied by bone growth and increased density bone tissue in boys and girls. In girls, bone mineralization reaches its peak at the beginning of menstruation, after a time peak speed growth (growth spurt). Studies have shown that bone width increases first, then mineral content bones, and finally bone density. Because of the discrepancy between the timing of bone growth and the achievement of full bone density, adolescents may undergo increased risk fractures.

Weight changes during puberty

Changes in weight and body composition occur in both boys and girls. Adolescent girls have a higher percentage of body fat than boys, with a redistribution of fat towards the upper and lower lower parts bodies. While boys, along with an increase in fat, also demonstrate rapid muscle growth. By the end of puberty, boys have muscle mass approximately one and a half times more than girls of comparable height.

Other changes during puberty

Maturation of the cardiovascular system and lungs leads to an increase in the performance of these organs associated with general increase endurance and strength. These changes are more pronounced in boys than in girls.

What medical conditions are associated with early or late puberty?

Precocious puberty

Early puberty is medical term for puberty that occurs earlier than usual. While medical workers are not in complete agreement on the age definition of precocious puberty, many doctors believe that medical examination Precocious puberty should be examined if breast or pubic hair development occurs before the age of 6-7 years. Boys who show signs of developing secondary sexual characteristics before age 9 are also considered to have precocious puberty. Precocious puberty can be associated with psychological difficulties that can affect a child's emotional development.

Precocious puberty is much more common among girls than boys. Many girls experience precocious puberty in the absence of any disease or condition. In boys, however, precocious puberty is more likely to be related to underlying medical problem. While in many cases exact reason Precocious puberty is difficult to determine, a small number of cases are associated with abnormalities of the ovaries or testes, thyroid gland or other hormonal problems, genetic conditions, tumors or injuries and infections of the brain.

Precocious puberty can be treated by treating the underlying condition that is responsible for the condition or by reducing high levels sex hormones with drugs known as GnRH agonists, which block the production of sex hormones to stop sexual development.

Delayed puberty

Delayed puberty is late start puberty. Puberty is generally considered delayed if there is no increase in testicular volume in boys before age 14 and no breast development in girls before age 13½. Sometimes, delayed puberty is usually hereditary trait, and after some delay in adolescents begins normal development. This is sometimes called constitutional delay and is responsible for the vast majority of cases of delayed puberty. Constitutional delay, which affects both growth and the achievement of puberty, is much more common in boys than in girls.

Chronic diseases such as diabetes or cystic fibrosis can also delay puberty. Genetic conditions, pituitary or thyroid problems, ovarian or testicular problems, malnutrition are other causes of delayed puberty. Many girls who have too little body fat also experience a delay in the onset of puberty, as a certain amount of fat appears to be required for the onset of puberty. Female athletes may also experience a delay of up to one year or more in the onset of menstruation compared to average girls.

Disclaimer: The information presented in this article about puberty , is intended for the reader's information only. It cannot be a substitute for consultation with a medical professional



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