Effective means of increasing appetite. How to increase appetite in an adult using folk remedies

Sometimes it’s enough just to hear the sound of a knife and catch the delicious smell coming from the kitchen, and you start salivating. The olfactory and oral receptors send impulses to the brain, which (in turn) tells the stomach to secrete the juices needed for digestion. And the process began. Is it possible to resist him? How to dull the insatiable hunger? Turning to specialists, we decided to list the most common appetite provocateurs. After all, before defeating an enemy, you need to know him by sight. So, appetite is affected by:

Stress. The classic statement that all diseases are caused by nerves, is directly related to gluttons and fat people. As a rule, in response to strong excitement, a large amount of adrenaline is released in our body, which inhibits the secretion of gastric juice and sharply reduces the activity of the brain center that regulates appetite. If for any reason this system malfunctions and weakens, the exact opposite happens: the slightest excitement only stimulates a person’s already good appetite. Therefore, stress is strictly contraindicated for subjects who are immoderate in their diet.

Seasonings and pickles. Among the appetite provocateurs are horseradish, mustard, vinegar, mayonnaise, as well as “complex” seasonings popular among housewives. Especially those that contain monosodium glutamate. By irritating the gastric mucosa, these and similar substances cause significant production of hydrochloric acid, which increases appetite. For those who want to lose weight, it is better to limit and even eliminate the use of seasonings. The same applies to herring, canned food, sour fruits and vegetable salads that aggravate the desire to eat. It’s better to start your meal not with them, but with the main dish and only then move on to appetizers.

Carbonated drinks. The carbon dioxide contained in these drinks irritates the receptors in the stomach and mouth and only inflames our appetite. In addition, sweet soda is very high in calories. One jar can contain up to 8 pieces of sugar. Therefore, passion for such drinks is fraught with obesity and diabetes. In addition, carbon dioxide stimulates gastric secretion, increases the acidity of gastric juice, provokes flatulence and can even cause exacerbation of gastritis.

Alcohol. It’s not for nothing that savvy restaurateurs add a hefty portion of alcohol to their signature and regular dishes. After such a “warm-up”, any snack goes with a bang. Beer and vermouth are considered the most powerful provocateurs in this sense (bitterness increases appetite). If you have problems with your weight, it is better to drink these drinks cold and in small doses.

Night meals. It is no coincidence that all nutritionists in the world advise “giving dinner to the enemy”: on the one hand, in the evening all processes (including digestive) in our body slow down. What you eat before bedtime will lie like a stone in your stomach. And it will be put aside in reserve. On the other hand, with the onset of dusk, somatotropic hormone (growth hormone) is released into the blood, which stimulates appetite. This is why many people who are awake at this time feel hungry. Try to go to the kingdom of Morpheus no later than 23 hours.

Insomnia. French scientists say: lack of sleep can lead to gaining extra pounds. The point is in two hormones that regulate appetite and are produced during sleep. These are ghrelin, which is responsible for hunger and fat burning, and leptin, which regulates body fat and reduces appetite. Researchers found that a person who gets four hours of sleep two nights in a row increases ghrelin production by 28% and decreases leptin production by 18%. That is, lack of sleep increases the level of hormones that affect appetite, due to which we can gain weight.

Fatty foods. By eating fatty foods, we not only replenish our fat reserves, but also... provoke an increase in appetite. Recent animal tests have shown that when fat enters the body, a special enzyme is produced that activates the hunger hormone.

Medicines. Appetite triggers include some psychotropic substances (including antidepressants), insulin (hunger provokes a decrease in blood glucose), neurotropic antihypertensive drugs, and anabolic steroids.

By the way

Sometimes increased appetite is a consequence of the peculiarities of our metabolism. The worst situation is for those who have good lipoprotein lipase enzymes, which break down fats and send them to the fat depot. The more of this enzyme, the more active it is, the faster the processed fat is distributed and deposited throughout the tissues and the faster the body requires a new portion of calories.

They affect appetite and... the size of the stomach. For those who love to eat, it will simply be overstretched (up to 10 liters or more!). And a large stomach, as you know, requires an appropriate amount of food. You can force him to “shrink” even a little only through incredible efforts of will. Or through surgery to reduce the volume of the stomach.

Perhaps soon not only self-hypnosis and giving up your favorite seasonings will help quell your ravenous appetite, but also... a special medicine. Scottish scientists are working on the creation of such a tool. The miracle drug contains a hormone that is produced in one of the parts of the brain - the hypothalamus. The first tests of the new drug on female monkeys brought encouraging results: after taking the hormone, the animals reduced their food intake by about a third. The new medicine also has another, very pleasant “side” effect - it increases sexual desire in women, so it will primarily be intended for women suffering from obesity and decreased libido.

Personal opinion

Elena Temnikova and Olga Seryabkina:

E.T.: For me it is better to starve than to eat anything. As for controlling my appetite, I try not to overeat. I know that otherwise I will feel bad.

O.S.: I love to eat delicious food. For me, this is a ritual: in addition to pleasant communication with a friend or girlfriend, have a delicious dinner. But if I know that I’m about to have a photo shoot, filming, or some other equally important event, then I control myself and don’t allow too much at the table. Well, there are days when you can relax. The main thing is not to eat at night.

"AiF Health" advises

In order not to provoke your insatiable stomach and reduce the secretion of digestive enzymes that convert food into subcutaneous fat deposits:

>> Eat little and often.

>> Many people often confuse thirst with hunger. If you have an appetite after school hours, drink a glass of water and the desire to snack will disappear.

>> Don’t eat in a hurry, on the go. Food swallowed hastily does not fill you up. Spread out the pleasure and you'll feel full much faster.

>> Try to eat at the same time every day. Such punctuality will teach your stomach to work like a clock, secreting gastric juice only when it is really needed.

>> When eating, try not to be distracted by anything. Whether you're reading or watching TV, it's easy to lose control of what—and most importantly, how much—you eat.

>> Do not exhaust yourself with strict diets and fasting. Severe dietary restrictions will only whet your appetite.

>> You can deceive the feeling of hunger by chewing a sprig of dill, brushing your teeth with toothpaste before eating, or... choosing the right color scheme when decorating the kitchen and dining room. Thus, blue, green and white colors reduce appetite, red – increases.

>> Do not overuse appetite suppressants such as coffee, nicotine and sweets. This way of fighting appetite is a double-edged sword.

Good appetite- this is a sign of health and complete order in the metabolic processes of the human body. In old age, cases are not uncommon reducing the need for food. This condition requires control, since the causes and consequences can be quite serious.

Causes of decreased appetite

Apathy for food occurs in the following cases:
  • if there are diseases of the internal organs (liver, intestines, kidneys, stomach);
  • with disruptions in the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus, decreased thyroid function;
  • with the development of cancer;
  • with senile dementia;
  • with helminthic infestation;
  • with some mental disorders, a decrease in the general emotional state;
  • after taking certain medications or chemotherapy;
  • against the background of bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol;
Poor appetite can also occur with problems with the cardiovascular system, during colds and autoimmune diseases.

Consequences of long-term loss of appetite

If old man eats poorly for a long time due to lack of appetite, then he experiences weight loss, loss of strength, general weakness. The functioning of all body systems and its individual organs is disrupted. Particularly serious consequences arise in the functioning of the brain, which does not receive the necessary nutrients and microelements from food.

May occur muscle atrophy, problems with the musculoskeletal system. These are the signs of anorexia, a fairly common disease that also occurs among older people. Patients do not complain about anything, but continue to lose weight and do not feel like eating. If this disease is not treated, it will inevitably lead to a sad outcome. Only an integrated approach to treatment with the help of specialists such as an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and psychotherapist will help here.

Ways to improve appetite

If the decrease in the need for food is short-term, then no measures need to be taken. Perhaps the reason lies in overwork, stress or some other external influences. If you have a long-term loss of appetite, you should undergo medical examination and find out the reason.

If there is no appetite due to any disease, then it must be eliminated with appropriate treatment. So, for endocrine disorders that cause loss of appetite, hormonal therapy is prescribed. Infectious diseases require treatment with antibiotics. It is possible that there is a lack of appetite due to helminthic diseases, especially if there is a cat or dog in the house. A person needs to be tested and undergo appropriate treatment.

There are many ways to improve appetite at home X. In pharmacies you can buy herbal tea that stimulates the appetite. You can buy herbs separately, prepare decoctions and drink them half an hour before meals. So, it is good to use a decoction of lemon balm, dill and mint. It not only improves digestion, but also calms the nervous system.

Citrus fruits, green vegetables, onions, and garlic perfectly stimulate the appetite. You can also use radish juice. However, we should not forget that to increase appetite it is very important to be in the fresh air every day and engage in feasible physical labor. The body will lose energy, and there will be an incentive to replenish it.

I should eat, but I don’t feel like it... Lack of appetite is also not good, but if you want to gain weight is a problem.

There can be many reasons for decreased appetite, for example:

  1. Various diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis).
  2. Liver disorders.
  3. Depression and other emotional and mental disorders.
  4. Lack of vitamins.
  5. Infectious diseases, etc.
In addition to a proper diet and the principle of “eating small portions often,” there are tricks that provoke appetite. These are what we will talk about in this article.

So, how can you increase your appetite to gain weight?

The diet should be varied. Even if you like a particular dish, don't eat it too often. Do not bring yourself to the point of disgust for a certain dish or product.

When cooking use a little more spices than usual. The spicy aroma of a freshly prepared dish will increase the sensitivity of food receptors, which will provoke appetite.

Drink a glass of juice before meals(sour, for example cabbage). An acidic environment automatically stimulates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. And a small amount of sugar raises insulin levels, which, in turn, stimulates appetite. A piece of lemon or ascorbic acid will cause the same reaction.

Don't forget about aesthetics. In stimulating the appetite, an important role is played by the reaction to table setting, to beautifully decorated and aromatic dishes. Looking at the “beauty on the table” you immediately want to take part in such a pleasant meal.

Good for increasing appetite rest and walks in the fresh air. Don't "canned" indoors. If possible, take walks in the park, go out into nature, and if you can walk a couple of stops, do not use transport.

Bitterness to increase appetite

This includes bitter-tasting herbal extracts. The principle is that some time after consuming them, the secretion of gastrointestinal juice increases, since bitterness irritates the receptors of the tongue and, at the reflex level, increases the excitability of the digestive tract. Herbal extracts that increase appetite are used 15-20 minutes before meals. Bitters are absolutely safe for human health, have no side effects and are available without a doctor’s prescription.

These herbs include:

  • Calamus (in the form of powder, decoction, tincture, extract, which contain essential oil, tannins, ascorbic acid, glycosides, alkaloids, mucus, phytoncides, starch);
  • Wachta trifolia (water infusion of leaves (1: 10) and alcohol tincture, which contain bitter glycosides, dyes, alkaloid, gentianine, rutin, tanned substances, hyperosides);
  • Gentian yellow (contains two important glycosides: amarogentin and gentiopicrin, as well as special sugars - gentianose and gentiobiose);
  • Centaury (alcohol tincture, infusion and decoction, which contains a large number of various elements, acids and alkaloids, as well as tin, sulfur, iron, essential oils and resins)
  • Dandelion root (contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, up to 10% bitter substance: taraxacin, triterpene compounds, sterols, flavonoids, tannins, traces of essential oil, organic acids, resins and fatty oil);
  • Wormwood (contains essential oils, bitter substances (anabsitin glycoside), vitamin C, resinous, protein and starchy substances; the leaves also contain phytoncides).
* The effectiveness of the use of bitter herb extracts is moderate.

Drugs that increase appetite

Pernexin- a drug that helps increase appetite. It contains components of natural origin: liver extract, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, iron gluconate, sodium glycerophosphate.
* The effectiveness of pernexin is moderate.

Peritol- a drug that blocks the actions of serotonin and histamine, mediators that suppress appetite.
* The effectiveness of using peritol is high.

Insulin- an injection that significantly increases appetite (within 20 minutes after administration). The use of insulin has gained wide popularity in bodybuilding due to its pronounced anabolic effect.
! .
* Efficiency of application - very high.

Peptides GHRP (GHRP-6 and GHRP-2) are stimulants of growth hormone secretion. During various scientific studies, a pronounced increase in appetite was revealed. Although there is a lot of controversy about this. According to reviews from athletes, the effect of GHRP peptide on appetite weakens already in the second week of the course.
! Consultation with a specialist is required before use.

Other appetite stimulants

Vitamins. Since one of the reasons for lack of appetite is a lack of vitamins, to increase it, start taking complex vitamins, especially B12 (Cyanocobalamin) and C ( ascorbic acid).
* .

Preparations containing iron. As practice shows, drugs containing iron (for example, Sorbifer, Ferrum Lek, Fenyuls, etc.), which are taken during meals, can increase appetite.
! There are side effects - may cause intestinal upset.
*Efficiency of application - moderate.

This article is for informational purposes only, please consult with a specialist before use!

There are a large number of mental and physiological factors that can have a negative impact on appetite. If this condition lasts more than two days, it leads to a deficiency of essential nutrients and weight loss. To restore your appetite, you can use natural methods, various medications, sports nutrition, folk recipes, and also adjust your diet.

  • Show all

    Natural Methods to Increase Appetite

    There are several simple ways to increase appetite in adults naturally:

    Elderly people need to identify possible diseases in time, since quite often their presence reduces appetite and, accordingly, weight.


    • dairy products;
    • whole wheat bread;
    • various spices, mustard;
    • sweet fruits and berries;
    • confectionery;
    • sweet and sour drinks;
    • sour apples, citrus fruits;
    • cabbage juice;
    • pickled vegetables;
    • fresh vegetable salad;
    • green.

    Herbs and fees

    Among folk remedies, there are herbs with a bitter taste that irritate the mucous membranes, which increases appetite. They are safe at the recommended dosage and have no side effects. All herbs should be drunk as a decoction 30 minutes before meals.

    Medicines and vitamins

    Vitamin deficiency often leads to weight loss. To restore your appetite, it is recommended to start taking a vitamin-mineral complex that contains vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid.

    Any medications can be taken only after consulting a doctor.

    Brewer's yeast

    Brewer's yeast contains active substances that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, remove excess cholesterol, and increase appetite. In order for this product to help you gain weight, you must follow the following rules:

    • Avoid fatty, fried and floury foods.
    • Consume honey, dried fruits, protein products.
    • Always have breakfast. Breakfast should be the largest and most calorie-dense meal of the day.
    • By evening, the number of calories consumed should decrease.

    Thanks to brewer's yeast, proteins are better absorbed without fat accumulation.

    Take 8-16 tablets per day before meals.

    Pernexin elixir

    This is a complex drug that helps increase appetite. It contains:

    • liver extract;
    • all B vitamins;
    • iron gluconate;
    • sodium glycerophosphate.

    Iron supplements

    It has been proven that Ferrum Lek, Sorbifer and other iron-containing medications help improve appetite. It is recommended to take them with meals. Sometimes after taking it, indigestion occurs.

A good appetite means good health and well-being. and food taken on time is a source of minerals, vitamins, a producer of energy for the growth of the body and ensures vital functions.

When your appetite is good, you don’t think about it. Emerging problems with appetite or lack of it, apathy, can be a signal of imbalance, imbalance in the body, and sometimes the development of serious diseases and complications. For some, excess weight is a problem, for others, thinness is a problem. Therefore, it is also important for them to normalize weight, restore appetite and stabilize the process of food digestion.

Decreased appetite, causes

Overwork causes a decrease in appetite.

Decreased appetite may be caused by the following reasons:

  • bacterial and viral infections. When all the body’s forces are aimed at fighting the source of the disease;
  • inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, such as duodenum, liver. When eating is associated with stomach pain, diarrhea, belching, discomfort;
  • stressful situations, nervous outbursts of emotions, overstrain and overwork;
  • depression, despondency, depressed state when the desire to eat disappears;
  • the desire to lose weight, excessive enthusiasm for various diets can lead to anorexia.

Loss of appetite in older people

Food should be tasty and healthy.

Loss of appetite in adults for a while is a passing phenomenon and you should not focus on it.

It’s another matter if there is a persistent loss of appetite and lack of need to eat food. When aversion to food, reluctance to eat exceeds the instinct of life.

Older people often live alone and lose the pleasure of living. Financial problems force pensioners to limit their food intake or eat cheap, low-quality products. With age, problems appear with the deterioration of taste buds, weakened intestinal function, low acidity, and the inability to properly digest food.

All these reasons influence loss of appetite. To properly perceive food and relieve problems of low appetite, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Food must contain all the vitamins and microelements necessary for old age, since the need for them increases with age.
  2. Increase the amount of easily digestible dishes such as porridge, stewed vegetables, steamed low-fat meats. Avoid fried and fatty ingredients.
  3. It is better to eat in small portions and more often, as there is poor digestion and absorption of food.
  4. If necessary, use food choppers (blenders).

To cope with the problem of decreased appetite, it is necessary to identify the causes of this phenomenon.

If you eat irregularly, the risk of metabolic disorders and metabolic disorders increases.

This video will tell you what food increases your appetite:

Appetite boosters for children

A variety of dishes will help increase your appetite.

Adults often worry about poor appetite in children. To eliminate these points you need to:

  • make the correct one according to age;
  • regular walks, outdoor games, acceptable physical activity;
  • beautiful design of children's dishes;
  • adding fresh fruits to porridge, muesli and other dishes;
  • use beautiful plates with pictures. To see the bottom, you have to eat everything on the plate;
  • eating at certain times of the day, following a diet;
  • the child does not need to be force-fed, as it develops an aversion to food, or even worse, a vomiting reflex;
  • do not feed heavily when the child is sick;
  • stop snacking between meals with cookies, buns, etc.;
  • do not feed the child in a bad mood or when he is naughty;
  • diversify the range of dishes;
  • Do not add large portions.

How to increase appetite in an adult

Small meals will increase the appetite of an adult.

Various life situations cause strong feelings and negative thoughts, negatively affect appetite and the state of the body as a whole.

  1. Eating every day at certain hours promotes the production of saliva and prepares the body for eating;
  2. use beautiful table settings and varied presentation of dishes;
  3. do not snack between meals, eat dry and on the go;
  4. diversify the number of dishes, balance the consumption of proteins;
  5. use fractional nutrition in small portions;
  6. get enough sleep, sleep at least 8 hours, alternate hours of work with rest, do not overwork;
  7. physical activity. With regular exercise, the metabolism in the body proceeds faster, and thereby stimulates the urge to replenish energy reserves;
  8. be able to switch or avoid stressful and conflict situations, negative emotions;
  9. eat foods that stimulate the production of digestive juice, salted and pickled canned foods;
  10. use hot seasonings and spices to increase appetite;
    include bitter and sour berries of rowan, cranberry, barberry, blackberry in the diet;
  11. increase foods high in all vitamin C;
  12. take infusions and decoctions of herbs that stimulate appetite and have a bitter taste. These are mint, calendula, dandelion root.

Drink the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water half an hour before meals. If appetite disturbances are persistent, and the above recommendations are ineffective, it is necessary to consult a doctor, undergo an examination, and find out the true causes of loss of appetite. Thanks to selected treatment methods, you can normalize the body’s condition and ensure a healthy lifestyle.

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