Oregano tea beneficial properties. What are the benefits of Oregano herb and how to use it? Benefits for women in gynecology

Oregano is used in medicine, cooking, and cosmetology. It is used as an additive in various dishes to improve taste. You can make a restorative tea from the dried plant.

Benefits of oregano tea

Oregano contains large number vitamins, various essential oils and ascorbic acid. It has restorative, restorative and relaxing properties. Tea with oregano is very popular among many people. He has a diaphoretic and choleretic effect. It is useful to drink for diseases:

  • loss of appetite;
  • nervous excitability;
  • cold;
  • urolithiasis;
  • diseases in the field of gynecology;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • weak immunity;
  • headache, toothache or muscle pain;
  • hypertension;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

Oregano tea is very effective when taken for preventive purposes. It will prevent colds, help stabilize blood pressure and strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Oregano contains organic acids that inhibit bacterial activity and promote the removal of phlegm.


Like other plants, oregano can cause harm to the body. You can't take it:

  • pregnant women, because taking it causes contraction of the uterus, which can cause miscarriage;
  • people with heart disease;
  • for renal and intestinal colic;
  • for stomach ulcers;
  • children;
  • at individual intolerance herbs.

Also observed negative influence on male strengthsexual desire weakens.

IN medicinal purposes You should use oregano purchased at a pharmacy, or herbs grown in the garden. In general, when used in moderation, the herb is not harmful to health, but you should consult a specialist before taking it.

How to brew tea?

To receive aromatic tea, you need 1 tsp. Pour 0.25 liters of boiling water over the oregano, let it brew for 5-7 minutes, and the tea is ready. You can add some ingredients to enhance the properties, for example:

  • cream - to improve taste;
  • to improve sleep, you can add a little honey;
  • To eliminate headaches, add mint.

Oregano is also added to green or black teas. It will help calm your nerves and relax.

It must be remembered that each organism has a different reaction to a particular product. Therefore, each remedy requires individual approach. At correct use, oregano will help cope with many diseases. This herb has healing properties and is easy to use.

Residents ancient Rus' They did not know tea leaves and coffee; they prepared drinks from herbs growing in their area. Oregano was often included in infusions and decoctions, beneficial properties which were known to every family. Wild grass grows throughout the country; for your garden you can buy varietal seeds called “Oregano”. Don’t be scared by the unfamiliar name; you don’t have to spend money on the purchase. This is our native oregano, which grows in a clearing not far from your city.

What does oregano look like?

Walking through a meadow, many indifferently pass by a tall grassy bush that reaches a person’s waist. Someone will bypass the plant because it purple flowers bees and bumblebees attacked. Do not be afraid of stinging insects, they are busy collecting nectar, which large quantities oregano is released. Come, sniff the tart aroma and take home a few branches. You can throw them in a saucepan with soup - and the dish will acquire a piquant taste; you can put them in a teapot - and regular tea enriched with new shades of taste and aroma.

Remember the location of the plant, come to this place in the fall and collect seeds or dig up part of the bush to plant oregano on summer cottage. Anyone who has traveled to Mexico or the Mediterranean will definitely remember the special flavor of national dishes. The secret is that the chefs of these countries can’t even imagine how they can prepare delicious food without oregano. Include this herb in your seasoning set and your diet will become tastier and healthier.

If you decide to stock up medicinal herb, do not do this work near highways, industrial enterprises and cities. Take the time to turn onto a side road where cars rarely drive, and get to a clean lawn. Find tall plant with a tetrahedral stem and purple inflorescences. Do not pull out bushes by the roots, next year you will still need them. Cut it off top part, leaving the rod about 30 cm from the ground surface. It is better to do preparations in the morning during the flowering period.

Composition and beneficial properties of oregano

Official medicine is not very kind medicinal herbs And traditional methods treatment, but scientists included oregano in the list useful plants. When examining flowers and leaves, they were found to be rich in vitamin K, which is essential for normal exchange substances, bone tissue renewal, proper blood clotting, work excretory organs: liver, kidneys.

The herb also contains:

  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • trace elements and minerals;
  • coumarin;
  • phenols;
  • essential oils.

Oregano gives dishes and drinks a spicy taste and aroma. When consumed, the body receives a lot of vitamin C. It also contains rosmarinic acid, which inhibits the development malignant tumors. Essential oils destroy pathogens; some bacteria are more afraid of grass than antibiotics.

Decoctions and infusions have been used for a long time to treat the following pathologies:

  • seizures;
  • allergic reactions.
  • digestive system disorders;
  • flu;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • bronchitis;
  • liver problems;
  • insomnia, illness nervous system;
  • skin diseases.

To kill moths in an apartment, place oregano leaves and seeds in places where insects can live.

Use oregano seeds as a seasoning for meat or fish. The compounds they contain are useful for diabetes mellitus. If your child comes back from a walk all wet in winter, do not feed him chemicals. medicines, it’s better to brew oregano tea with honey - the next day there will be no cold. To avoid getting nervous and tossing around at night from insomnia, drink healing drink together with your baby, it will calm your nerves.

Many people suffer from various types allergies. Try drinking a glass of decoction every day, the body will stop reacting so violently to unfavorable factors. Oregano helps best against intolerance to dust and animal hair. If you react poorly to plant pollen, while taking the decoction orally, wipe your hands and face with it.

Contraindications and side effects

Oregano has a strong health-improving effect, but this quality has another side. For some diseases, use potent drugs may cause aggravation.

Doctors warn that oregano is dangerous to use for the following pathologies:

  • ulcers of the stomach and intestines;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Oregano infusions help improve irregular menstrual cycle. If a woman is not pregnant, monthly bleeding relieves reproductive organs from exfoliated mucosa and prepares the walls of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg. Expectant mothers do not need such a process, and taking oregano while pregnant can cause a miscarriage. If pregnant, avoid this herb.

Oregano reduces the risk of allergies, but no one knows how the body will react to the herb itself. When oregano is used for medicinal purposes, contraindications can be taken into account, but the person suddenly develops a rash or shortness of breath. Taste the composition and apply a little on your skin to make sure that this herb will not harm you.

Recipes for medications and medical procedures

Our distant ancestors used herbs for food. They often knew nothing about healing effects or useful compounds plants, it’s just that tea had not yet been brought to Russia, and in winter hot drinks were needed. Place a head of onion in the teapot to kill infections, a little honey for taste, brew oregano like tea, and drink to your health! Especially this infusion will help restore strength after a hard day at work. The benefits and harms of this herb were known to ancient healers.

Healthy people can add dry herbs to tea, use the seeds to improve the taste of dishes, add fresh leaves in salads. If you want to carry out a course of treatment, purchase medications at the pharmacy or make your own.

  1. Soothing bath. Pour 200 g of dry oregano into 3 liters of boiling water, let it brew for about an hour. Pour into a bathtub filled with water at room temperature and soak for 30 minutes.
  2. Decoction. For a glass of boiling water you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of dried oregano, let it brew for 3-4 hours.
  3. Alcohol infusion. Pour 10 g of dry raw material with 150 ml of alcohol. Leave in a dark place for 10 days, shake occasionally.
  4. Oil. In a glass of castor or olive oil add 50 g of fresh herbs. Leave for 7 days.

Decoctions can be taken orally and used as compresses for skin diseases. Young girls and boys suffer from acne. Give them an infusion or decoction of oregano to wash so that the skin gradually recovers. Add some oregano oil to your cream or lotion for clear, fresh skin.

External use of oregano

Newborns often have diathesis. Pour a glass of oregano infusion into the bath in which you bathe the baby, and his skin will become clean. This procedure helps not only with problems with the epidermis - our great-grandmothers also bathed their children in herbal decoction from rickets. The complex of vitamins is absorbed into the body through the skin, and the child will forget about diseases associated with vitamin deficiency and mineral deficiency.

For adults, this procedure will help against rashes or redness that appear for unknown reasons. If a teenager comes back from a walk with scratches and abrasions, put him in a bath with oregano infusion. A compress made from oregano infusion helps with eczema and furunculosis. Even when there are no problems with the epidermis, it is useful to wash your face in the morning with an infusion of medicinal herbs for prevention. skin diseases and signs of aging.

If you are tormented by caries or tartar, chew fresh grass, it will improve your oral health. If you want to have smooth, silky hair, do not use plain water to wash your hair, add oregano infusion to it. In baths with healing infusion They even bathe the paralyzed. They are first rubbed with oregano oil and then placed in water with oregano.

Oregano – female herb

During adolescence, girls worry that their breasts are too small. Give them tea with oregano - it is believed that this herb can enlarge a woman's bust. The decoction will relieve pain during menstruation and regulate the bleeding cycle. Proper metabolism will help solve problems excess weight and teenage acne.

During pregnancy, it is better to avoid oregano: it can cause a miscarriage. This herb is designed to cause bleeding at the right moments, it will help with irregular menstrual cycles, but the plant acts without taking into account the fact that during pregnancy everything should be different. But during lactation, the grass will help return the uterus to normal condition, will increase the quantity and quality breast milk. During menopause, oregano will reduce painful symptoms, will calm the nervous system.

Men are not recommended to drink such decoctions. Oregano is believed to reduce cravings for alcohol. This is actually true, but along with the desire to drink, a man’s sex drive will also decrease. An absolutely sober representative of the stronger sex will be ready to caress the woman he loves, but will not be able to do this or the process will be too fast. Decide for yourself whether you need a husband who drinks but is active in bed, or a man who avoids both alcohol and sexual relations.

Oregano grows throughout Russia. Pharmacies sell both dry grass and compressed briquettes, but you don’t know where the raw materials were collected - in a clean clearing or at a nuclear waste repository. It’s better to pick the grass yourself or grow it at your dacha. You can make medicinal potions or simply brew tea to improve your health. It is better not to offer such a drink to your husband, so that after a while you do not have to look for a substitute for sexual matters. But for women, if they are not pregnant, girls and teenage sons whose hormones are playing, such a drink will not harm.

Oregano is a plant that has tetrahedral stems with a reddish tip. It reaches 80 cm in length and has oblong leaves located opposite each other. The flowers have a pink tint and are collected in inflorescences.

Did you know? Dried oregano herb is used in beekeeping. It is used to combat ants and wax moths.

Since this plant is not whimsical, it is quite common in nature and grows in various climatic zones. The homeland is considered North Africa and South-West Asia. It grows throughout the territory from the Mediterranean to Central Asia, namely in Europe and Russia (except for the Far North), as well as in the USA and France, in particular on the slopes of ravines and forest edges, near vegetable gardens and on the roadsides. Some plant species are found in North America and from the Azores to Taiwan.

Chemical composition

This plant contains about 1.2%, which includes phenol (up to 44%), thymol, carvacrol and alcohol (up to 15%). This composition explains pleasant smell plants. Found in oregano tannins, polyphenolic compounds, as well. Note that up to 565 mg of the substance is contained in the leaves of the plant.

What are the benefits of oregano?

For humans, this plant has beneficial properties, regardless of gender and age. It contains not only essential oils, but also, It can soothe, relieve cramps and, as well as eliminate.
Oregano has a beneficial effect on internal organs human and normalizes activity.

In addition, the plant is used as an expectorant. By killing microbes, it has a beneficial effect on. Through a compress, it can eliminate eczema, gum inflammation and purulent diseases epidermis.

For men

Oregano is one of the effective ways treatment and normalization. In addition, it is used in treatment. Thus, drinking tea helps reduce cravings for the “green snake”. Possessing calming effect, it will help you relax after a busy day.

For women

To understand how a plant is useful for, you need to familiarize yourself with its medicinal properties. So, during menopause and during menopause, it not only relieves painful hot flashes, but also helps to calm the nervous system and eliminate.
Oregano has a beneficial effect on. During the period, it is able to increase milk levels and restore the uterus.

Another area of ​​use of oregano is the treatment of anorexia accompanied by. Thanks to its chemical composition, the herb normalizes gastrosecretory activity and eliminates feelings and symptoms. If there are no contraindications to its use, then you can drink soothing tea made from this plant.

Application in various fields

Oregano is used in various fields, such as cosmetology, landscape design, chemistry, . She is providing therapeutic effect on, and also restores root bulbs.

In medicine and gynecology

Oregano can normalize irregular menstrual cycles, and also helps normalize the nervous system during critical days. At the pharmacy you can buy ready-made dry herbs and use it to prepare an infusion, decoction or tea.

In cosmetology and perfumery

Excellent for itching and rashes on the skin, heat rash in newborns. The plant is added to toothpaste because it removes inflammatory processes from the gums, and also relieves toothache. In addition, it is used in the manufacture of toilet soap and perfume.

In cooking

Oregano has several names. One of them is oregano. Being a spice, the plant imparts a refined and piquant taste. culinary dish. As a rule, it is used for cooking meat or. You can also add oregano to pickles and.

This plant goes well with many food products. It can be added to vegetable and meat soup and salad, as well as baked buns and gingerbread cookies. In addition, oregano leaves are used in the production of sausage and.

If you add oregano leaves to the peeled and crushed leaves and season with dill or, you can get an excellent one.

Folk recipes

It is better to use oregano by adding it to, which will perfectly reveal all its beneficial properties, and there are practically no contraindications to its use. Tea will strengthen the immune system and prevent infections. Having a relaxing effect, it will help avoid insomnia.
Girls aged 14–16 years are recommended to drink tea with oregano in case of delayed puberty.

In addition, it will help reduce and remove painful sensations in the stomach. This drink is easy to prepare, so in order to brew it, you just need to pour boiling water over the dried oregano leaves. After this, cover the kettle with a towel and give the tea time to brew.

If you wish, you can add a slice to it, as well as any other herb that you like.


To cook medicinal infusion, you will need 2 tablespoons of dry crushed oregano herb and 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse them for 30 minutes, then after squeezing and straining, drink the cooled drink 15 minutes before taking. It is advisable to follow the following dosage: 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

If the motor function of the stomach is impaired, it is necessary to drink an infusion of 30 g of oregano per 1 liter of boiling water. After squeezing and straining, consume daily before meals.


To prepare the decoction, you need to take 2 tablespoons of the herb and pour a glass of boiling water over them. After holding for 15 minutes in a water bath, remove from heat, then leave for 45 minutes. Then, after straining and squeezing out the remainder, add boiled water and drink a third of a glass twice a day until taken. This will eliminate the unpleasant and normalize intestinal function.

Medicinal fee

Despite their medicinal properties, oregano can be harmful to the potency of men. Since the plant contains a phytohormone, which is an analogue of estrogen, this causes negative dynamics of testosterone growth, therefore representatives of the stronger sex are advised to refrain from overuse this grass.

Oregano is abundant and widespread in nature, and in addition, it has a pleasant aroma and will add a unique taste to many dishes. These reasons are already enough for you to add it to your home herbalist’s collection without hesitation.

Fragrant oregano flowers are a great find for those who like to enjoy a hot cup of tea. Drink with flowers of this plant not only has pleasant taste and smell, it will help get rid of many diseases and improve health.

How to prepare oregano for tea drinking

The collection of oregano, also known as oregano, is carried out during mass flowering, which begins in early July and continues until August. This grass grows throughout Russia, with the exception of the Far North.

Procurement procedure herbal collection does not require much effort and is quite simple:

  • Carefully collect the tops of the plant using scissors (the cut should be at a height of 15-20 cm from the soil surface).
  • Spread the collection in the attic or in a well-ventilated area thin layer– no more than 5 cm. The room temperature should be no more than 40 degrees.
  • Dry the plant, periodically stirring and shaking the flowers to better circulation air.
  • The grass is considered dried if the stems break easily rather than bend.
  • Use your hands to separate the dried flowers of the plant from the stem.
  • Fold into glass jar with a tight lid.
  • Place in a dark place.

You can buy ready collection oregano, but making your own will make the drink much healthier and tastier.

How to brew tea

The process of brewing oregano is no different from preparing a drink from ordinary tea or other herbs:

  • Pour boiling water into a ceramic mug (or teapot) and drain it. It is better to brew tea in a hot container.
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of dry mixture into a mug. Distribute it over the bottom of the mug, do not leave it in a mound.
  • Add a glass of boiling water (temperature 95-100 degrees).
  • Cover the mug with a napkin and leave for no more than 5 minutes to preserve the beneficial properties and aroma.
  • Strain and enjoy your tea.

In order for the tea ceremony to bring maximum pleasure, the quality of the water is important. It should be soft, with a minimum content of salts, impurities and chlorine. Use cleaning filters to achieve required quality water, or buy non-mineralized water in the store.

Benefits of oregano and contraindications

Oregano-based tea has a beneficial effect on the entire human body. This herb is rich essential oil, vitamin C, tannins and dyes, has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and diaphoretic effect.

Oregano helps cure the following diseases:

  • illnesses gastrointestinal tract;
  • rheumatism;
  • epilepsy;
  • paralysis;
  • disorders reproductive function in women;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases, runny nose;
  • headaches, migraine;
  • cold;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

A drink with oregano has a relaxing, calming effect, relieves stress and muscle tone, helps with insomnia, and improves digestion. Oregano-based tea is well suited for men with increased sexual activity. The drink does not affect potency in any way, but can reduce excess excitability and help you gain physical and peace of mind. Drinking tea with oregano has a positive effect on increasing lactation in nursing women, helping to normalize breast milk production and shorten periods of lactation crisis.

But there are situations when oregano tea is contraindicated:

  • period of bearing a child;
  • heart failure;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • increased acidity or stomach ulcers;
  • hypertension.

Drinking tea with oregano has a general health effect on the body of both women and men. This great option for spending time with your family every night. This drink will relieve the stress of the working day and promote good sleep. But do not forget about contraindications; during pregnancy and in the presence of certain diseases, it is better to avoid using oregano infusion.

One of the people’s favorite herbs is oregano. It helps relieve symptoms infectious inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, as well as to alleviate the patient’s condition with dry or wet cough. Decoctions and tinctures of oregano are used for expectorant action. In addition, drinks based medicinal plant have anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic and anticonvulsant effects.

In addition, the herb can be used as sedative, as well as in case of severe pain, when the patient is exhausted from prolonged coughing. However, not many people know how to properly brew oregano for coughs. If prepared incorrectly, there may be a risk of increased blood pressure and the formation of other adverse symptoms.

Oregano is an expectorant, sedative and anti-inflammatory agent that helps with severe attacks cough In addition, decoctions and teas are prepared from the ingredient to reduce pain in the sternum, to improve digestion, or as a sleeping pill.

Oregano contains a record amount of vitamin C. This ingredient is considered the most powerful natural antibiotic.

The medicinal herb is used to treat colds, in case of acute or chronic bronchitis, and also as adjuvant therapy for tuberculosis. In addition, oregano is useful in treating the following ailments:

  • to enhance the work of the bronchial glands;
  • with an infectious cough;
  • for acute or chronic sinusitis;
  • on initial stage tonsillitis;
  • in case acute inflammation respiratory organs;
  • when coughing due to a cold or flu;
  • in the treatment of pneumonia.

Treatment of cough with oregano should be as follows: additional method therapy. Remember that the herb cannot replace some medications, and also relieve the patient from coughing. acute stage. Oregano helps soften attacks and relieve symptoms, and also promotes speedy recovery at the initial stage of development of infectious inflammation.

To brew a plant, it is important to know several nuances. Below we list the most popular recipes for treating coughs and find out how to take oregano herb.

Ready briquettes

Oregano herb has been used to reduce symptoms of tumors and cancer.

To make tea from oregano, you should purchase ready-made grass briquettes. Mass of one finished product is seventy grams. As a rule, the bags are divided into equal parts. To prepare one serving of the drink, break off one slice and pour it into a glass. hot water.

The product must be infused for thirty minutes. After which the drink should be filtered and boiled again.

Drink the prepared decoction throughout the day in small sips.

To improve the taste, you can add oregano to drinks. St. John's wort, rose hips, propolis, essential oils.

Loose view

If you purchase grass in loose form, you must adhere to the following algorithm for preparing the drink:

  1. One tablespoon of the plant must be filled with 500 milliliters of hot water.
  2. Wrap the saucer with the drink in a towel.
  3. Leave the tincture in a dark and dry place for forty minutes.
  4. After a while, strain the tincture and take the decoction one glass three times a day.
  5. The decoction should be drunk thirty minutes before eating or one hour after.

If you can’t drink the decoction all day, you should only brew ten grams of dry grass. To do this, stir a teaspoon of dry oregano in a glass of boiling water. Allow the product to sit for thirty minutes, and then strain the drink.

Compressed tablets

Pharmacies may offer you oregano in the form of compressed tablets. As a rule, the grass in this form is highly crushed. To treat dryness, itching and irritation in the throat, it is enough to brew one tablet of dry herb.

To do this, pour the product with two glasses of hot water. The product should sit for fifteen minutes., after which the drink should be drunk immediately.

There is no need to strain the tablets, since the sediment from the grass is only will enhance the therapeutic effect.

Other folk methods for treating cough in adults are described.

Features of therapy

Oregano has a rich chemical composition, which explains healing properties plants. Despite this, it is not always possible to use teas and decoctions based on the plant. The plant contains a large amount vitamins, phytohormones, carquarol and thymol. The combination of these ingredients allows you to replace some drugs wide range actions.

Besides this, The structure of oregano includes essential oil and geranyl acetate. These components have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. In addition, decoctions based on the plant are known for their powerful anthelmintic and antimicrobial effects.

At home, a decoction or tincture is most often prepared from oregano. In addition, the herb can be used as an ingredient for compresses.

  1. The decoction works best for coughs due to colds, flu, pneumonia, bronchitis or laryngitis.
  2. Drinking infusions is recommended in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as nervous diseases. In addition, the product helps eliminate symptoms of pharyngitis and cough due to laryngitis.
  3. Tinctures are recommended for gargling the throat and nasopharynx during the development of acute respiratory disease, as well as for coughs of a viral nature.
  4. Oregano at wet cough helps improve mucus flow and normalize breathing.

The dosage form in the form of decoctions or tinctures helps soften cough, relieve attacks of non-productive inflammation, improve thinning of thick mucus. In addition, drinks based healing herb improve sleep, increase appetite. To others useful actions include a choleretic effect and a sedative effect.

For reference! Decoctions help reduce pain in the sternum.

What is the pain associated with? chest or lungs you can find out.

In addition to the main action, drinks based medicinal plant enhance functions immune system the patient's body. When combining drinks with honey or ginger, it is possible to increase protective functions.

Oregano herb extract helps relieve symptoms bacterial inflammation and destroy even those resistant to chemicals pathogenic microorganisms.


Despite wide list beneficial components, you should take tea or oregano-based decoction carefully. In addition to the benefits, drinks can harm your health.

Main contraindications:

  1. Medicinal infusions are prohibited for gastric secretory activity.
  2. Oregano is prohibited if there is a problem with the heart.
  3. You should not drink decoctions if you have high blood pressure.
  4. Oregano herb is prohibited for frequent nosebleeds.
    You should not take herbal drinks if you have tachycardia.
  5. Tinctures are prohibited for treating children under two years of age.
  6. You should not drink plant-based drinks if you have vascular dysfunction.
  7. The grass can cause the development of severe hypertension.

Oregano for cough during pregnancy

It is not recommended to carry out steam procedures from oregano in the first trimester of pregnancy. Use of the plant as inhalation in more late dates not prohibited, however, you should consult your doctor.

Using oregano as an ingredient for tea or decoction during pregnancy categoricallyforbidden. Because phytohormones can trigger uterine contractions, there is a risk of miscarriage.

For reference! Pediatricians believe that oregano is one of the the best means to stabilize the menstrual cycle.

Treatment of children

You can use the product from the age of two. Drinking drinks earlier can cause a deterioration in the baby’s well-being.

The herb of the plant can be used not only to treat children, but also for prevention purposes. To prepare a drink for these purposes, you need to pour one teaspoon of the dry plant with a glass of hot water. Brew the drink as a tea and drink it in combination with honey throughout the day.

Regardless of the goals and type of treatment, it is recommended to take drinks based on oregano no more than three weeks. In the future, you should take a break for ten days and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment.


The product should be stored in a dark and dry place, although the plant is not afraid of the sun or cold. For frequent inflammations respiratory system you can grow oregano at home on your windowsill. It is best to harvest the plant for treatment during the flowering period. Cut stems at least ten centimeters long.



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