Domestic land snails: Achatina. Snail at home, what it needs

Breeding domestic land snails in our time is available to both people who professionally deal with mollusks and beginners.

True, in pet stores you can rarely find a consultant who can provide qualified assistance in this matter.

In our article we will look at how to properly keep snails at home.

Brief description

Giant African snail, or Achatina- this is a new hobby for fans of shellfish, large ones ten times larger than usual (you can compare them in the photo), which can be grown at home.

These snails belong to the Achatinidae family, which includes several genera and more than 60 species of these mollusks.

Achatina snails have an elongated and pointed crown of the shell, which distinguishes them from their counterparts of other subspecies. They are highly fertile; one clutch can contain up to 500 eggs, similar to tiny chicken eggs.
Achatina is considered the largest land snail, has a yellow-brown shell, and a zigzag pattern on the shell. The mollusk has a soft body, black or gray in color with small white tubercles.

Did you know? It is known that the largest specimen of a land snail weighed 450 g, and the length of its shell was about 37 cm.

Benefits of keeping Achatina

The Achatina snail, according to mollusk breeders, is an ideal pet. Let's look at the main advantages of snails as pets:

  1. These creatures are easy to care for and do not create noise.
  2. They're not intrusive, and you don't have to ask people you know to babysit when you're away.
  3. Achatina can live without you for two weeks.
  4. They reproduce successfully in captivity.
  5. With good care, snails can live up to 10 years.

Choosing and arranging housing

Will serve as a home for a snail container-terrarium made from plastic or plexiglass. You can also use regular glass for. For a medium-sized snail to feel comfortable, you need a terrarium with a volume of at least 3 liters. Therefore, if you are planning to start a family of Achatina, take a larger container.

Or the terrarium should be equipped with special lids that have small holes. This is done so that Achatina does not escape, and at the same time there is access to air.


The bottom of the terrarium in which the snail will live must be lined with a layer of substrate. For these purposes, you need to take flower compost without adding fertilizers or pure peat (but it can create a very acidic environment).

The soil is necessary so that your snail can burrow into it during the day. It is necessary to ensure that the substrate is constantly moist, and wet it with water from a spray bottle at least twice a day. If the substrate is very dry, the snail will smear it with its mucus and get dirty, and the glass of the terrarium will also get dirty.

It is not recommended to use clay and fatty loams as a substrate; there is no need to add pieces of wood and bark to the soil. It is allowed to sprinkle a little loose sand or hazelnut shells, or the core of a walnut. Walnut shells are more convenient than regular soil; they do not get dirty, so you will need to clean the container less often.
However, in such a substrate flies can appear, which are harmless to the pet, but will fly throughout the house.

Important! Regardless of the type of substrate, its thickness at the bottom of the container should be at least 4 cm.


A terrarium with this mollusk does not require any additional lighting fixtures. The light intensity does not in any way affect the life activity of mollusks. For them, the regular alternation of day and night is more important, since their main activity occurs at night, while during the day they like to hide in a layer of soil away from prying eyes and rest. Lighting of the terrarium is needed more by the owner than by the mollusk.

Important!If you decide to illuminate your pet’s house, take the lighting device outside the aquarium, because if the lamp is inside, a snail may crawl onto it and damage the system, a short circuit may also occur and your pet may die.


Since this species of snail is a tropical animal, it is accustomed to living at high temperatures. The air in your terrarium will need to be warmed up to 20-28 °C. At this temperature, Achatina feels normal and is active.
But you should not try to heat the terrarium from direct sunlight or room heaters, as this will not end well - the clam may suffer from the temperature contrast in the room.


Snails prefer a humid environment, so the air humidity level should be at least 70%, but not more than 90%. When the air temperature is sufficient, the moisture in the substrate evaporates and additionally humidifies the air; this must be taken into account. To increase humidity, use a regular household spray bottle. Humidity will be sufficient if you regularly spray the terrarium with water. You can also keep a container of water in the terrarium.

Additional accessories

In order to entertain Achatina, they use decorations for the terrarium. These can be pieces of wood, moss, or non-sharp fragments of clay pots that will serve as a shelter for your pet and as a decoration for the landscape. You need to make sure that all these decorations are clean and safe.

Sometimes Achatina owners plant living plants in terrariums. They look beautiful and unusual in the snail's house. However, when watering plants, you need to make sure that the substrate is not over-moistened. If you are going to plant plants in a container, give preference to those with small fibers. Try not to plant ferns and ivy; although these plants look beautiful, they will be quickly eaten by Achatina.

Care and feeding

The larger the Achatina, the less often it can be fed, for example, once every few days. Small snails need to be fed once a day. These mollusks are vegetarians, for this reason they need to be provided with as much green plant food as possible. They should be fed only with approved foods, combining them with foods that your particular Achatina loves.


Let's look at what to feed Achatina snails at home.

The following foods can be included in their diet:

  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • apples;
  • spinach;
  • corn;
  • lettuce and tree leaves (not bitter);
  • berries;
  • mango;
  • banana pulp.
A snail can love something, but refuse something completely. If you need to fill your diet with carbohydrates, add oatmeal, dry unleavened cookies, durum wheat bread, and bran to your food.

What not to feed

  • sharp;
  • salty;
  • sweet;
  • smoked;
  • fried;
  • pasta;
  • potato eyes;
  • citrus fruits.


Achatina not only eats, but also drinks water, so always keep a container of clean water in a container. This container should not be very large, since Achatina can fall into it and drown. When your pet grows up, you can put a small pool in the terrarium, as snails love water, which they need to secrete mucus.

Nutritional supplements

For rapid growth and development of mollusks, they need a source of calcium carbonate and vitamins. You can put a piece of chalk in the terrarium and sprinkle some eggshells. The chalk in the terrarium should be natural, since factory-made, chemically produced chalk will be ignored by the mollusk. You can purchase vitamin and mineral mixtures at pet stores; complexes made for reptiles are suitable.

Cleaning the terrarium

The procedure for cleaning the terrarium, depending on its filler, is carried out several times every three months. Cleaning the container consists of completely washing it (but do not use chemicals, use baking soda instead of powder) and replacing the substrate. Carry out unscheduled cleaning of the container if its walls are covered with mucus or an unpleasant odor emanates from it.

The snails themselves don’t mind taking a swim either. This should be done with warm boiled water, carefully, under a gentle stream and without completely immersing the animal in the water.
Thus, caring for Achatina snails at home does not require much effort.

Did you know?Snails can carry a load on their shell that is 10 times their own weight.

Diseases: prevention and treatment

Snails are very tenacious, but in any case you need to know how to help them. If a piece of your pet's shell breaks off, this is not a reason to panic. Lubricate the edges of the broken part of the sink with an antiseptic, make sure that the pet is in a clean and comfortable place. The regeneration processes in your pet’s body should begin on their own, so the mollusk will survive if the infection does not enter the body. New fabrics will heal the chipped sink over time.

Another problem with these animals is that Achatina likes to scratch its shell with its radula, which can cause a hole to wear through it. In order to wean your pet from this activity, lubricate the sink with something that tastes unpleasant, but is safe.

How long do they live at home?

Is it possible to pick it up?

For the safety of the shellfish it is better don't pick him up especially for the vulnerable parts of his body. But if you really want to take your pet in your arms, before doing this, wet his leg with water, then stick your finger under it, and carefully hold the heavy shell with your other hand.

African giant snails are an ideal pet for busy or lazy people who may forget about yt for a while. They are quite unpretentious in care and maintenance. You can leave them unattended for a couple of weeks without worrying about them. And if you keep them well, Achatina will be your pet for many years.

Caring for Achatina snails at home is very simple and does not require significant expenses. You will be interested in reading the article if you want to have a pet and don’t know where to choose, how to care for and feed it.

Such a pet will not create much trouble for the owner

Who would have thought that a French delicacy or field pest would become a pet. Achatina are smart mollusks that can remember their owners and are harmless in communication with small children and adults. Thanks to its simple and easy care, minimal costs, and the ability to go without feeding for a long time, Achatina is an ideal pet. More details in our article.

Most lovers of this type of mollusk are convinced that their pets are very loyal to their owners and do not like to communicate with strangers again. Keeping and caring for Achatina snails is quite simple; they do not require a lot of time, effort and, most importantly, money. African snails belong to the Archatina family; there are many varieties of them. In their homeland, they are considered pests; in a short period of time, one large individual can destroy a reed bush. In our area, “huge” snails are a variety of pets.

Achitins are one of the quietest and calmest household residents.

Before purchasing an Achatina, you should prepare all the “conveniences” for it; there are not so many of them. Only special conditions will help the land mollusk lead an active way of life, for such creatures.

How to keep Achatina snails at home

Achatina are the largest land mollusks and can grow up to 30 cm in length. With proper handling and care they can live up to 9 years, the average life cycle is about 6 years. They are quite funny creatures, despite their pedigree, they are smart, they remember the situation and their owners. They often give preference to their favorite corner in the terrarium, which they choose independently.

Large snails do not create noise or unpleasant odor

In order for the Achatina snail to live well and long, its maintenance at home should be as follows::

  • Choosing a terrarium. You need to decide on the volume and material from which the new house will be made before you purchase the mollusk. One individual should require from 10 to 20 liters, so the “housing” should be spacious, preferably transparent with ventilation and a heavy lid. The terrarium should be closed at all times, as your pet may crawl out and it will not be easy to find it.
  • Lighting is an equally important detail; it should not be very bright, as Achatina can go blind. Her visual apparatus is very sensitive, because located on the antennae.
  • The soil for Achatina snails is selected to be soft and loose, without sharp and small particles that can injure the pet’s delicate body or damage the shell. It is best to use coconut shavings, and soil is prohibited as it contains fertilizer and sawdust, which have sharp edges. The thickness of the flooring should be the size of a snail’s house so that it can freely burrow into it.
  • An important point is the temperature, both in the room and in the house itself. African Achatina love a warm climate in which they actively move; if the temperature drops below 24 degrees, they may hibernate or slow down when moving, become lethargic and apathetic.
  • Although these snails are not aquatic creatures, the humidity in their home must be constant. You can place a small container of water in the terrarium, which should be heavy so that Achatina cannot turn it over. Or you can constantly wet the walls of the house and the soil, and also bathe the pet itself. When the air is dry, the snail will often hide in its shell.
  • You need to clean the terrarium weekly, but change the substrate as it gets dirty.

A glass aquarium or a plastic box can become a home for snails

Proper care will ensure your pets have a long life and create comfortable conditions for reproduction or solitary existence. A livestock specialist can tell you in more detail how to keep Achatina snails at home.

How long do Achatina snails live at home?

With the correct content of Achatina, their life expectancy can be 6 years. If you look after them more carefully, constantly feed them, treat them, give them vitamins, maintain the temperature and cleanliness in the terrarium, you can live up to 9 years. In captivity, their lifespan is about 5 years, or maybe less, since these land animals are considered terrible pests and easily destroy entire fields with crops, so in many countries they are actively exterminated.

It is necessary to place soil at the bottom

Now you know how long Achatina snails live at home, everything directly depends on the quality of their maintenance, i.e. it's completely up to you.

What do Achatina snails eat at home?

Achatina must be fed strictly with products from the permissible list

Many lovers of exotic animals, including land mollusks, are interested in the question of what do Achatina snails eat at home? You don’t have to worry too much about this, since they are quite omnivorous. Young animals should be fed daily, but individuals older than 6 months should be fed at intervals of several days.

Pet owners are given the following in their diet:

  • Fruits and vegetables, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, lettuce and cabbage leaves, apples, bananas and even watermelon rinds are suitable.
  • It is imperative to give crushed chalk and egg shells, which are rich in calcium, which is necessary for the strength and growth of the shell.
  • Protein foods, any boiled meat, egg whites or even mushrooms.

Types of snails Achatina

There are several types of giant snails, they differ in the size and color of the house

The species of Achatina snails are diverse; in the wild there are about one hundred varieties. Their differences are in the color scheme of the shell, ranging from light tones to dark brown stripes and stains. The body itself is also of different colors from light milky to dark brown.

Let's look at the most popular and favorite types:

  • Achatina fulica is an unpretentious giant snail with a variegated color. They are calm, unpretentious and like to rest a lot in secluded dark places.
  • Achatina reticulata - also in great demand for home breeding; they are often colored in the form of stripes or spots of different colors. She is much more active, smarter and more mobile.

The conditions for their reproduction and living are practically the same. Exotic lovers are mainly interested in their sizes and colors.

African Achatina snails care and maintenance

Cardboard houses are not suitable for such snails, because they can escape from them

To breed African Achatina snails, care and maintenance are not considered difficult; even a cracked aquarium is enough for them, since there is no need to fill it with water. In addition to such houses, you can also take plastic containers, but due to the cloudy walls, the pet will be difficult to see, and it will be more difficult to monitor its movements. It is better to immediately discard cardboard products; thin walls are not a barrier for them; they can gnaw a hole.

Giant Achatina snails

Giant Achatina snails do not need a special approach. Humidification remains important; for this you can place a container of water in the aquarium and constantly change it.

These pets love bathing in water; it is necessary to wash their legs regularly

You should also clean the terrarium once a week, and change the soil at least once a year. You should not forget to feed them, sometimes you should wash them under warm running water and make sure that when crawling around the house the snail does not run into sharp small objects.

How do Achatina snails reproduce?

Beginners in breeding land mollusks need to know how Achatina snails reproduce. According to their reproductive system, they are hermaphrodites, that is, they have no sexual differences. They prefer to produce eggs in pairs, especially after cleaning the soil in a practically sterile terrarium. Therefore, if you do not want to add to the family, it is better to keep one individual. An older snail is suitable for the female role, but a young representative of the Achatina can also play the male role.

Achatina snails: reproduction and egg care

Giant snails become sexually mature around 6 months of life, although many factors depend on the conditions of detention; the worse they are, the longer and slower the individual develops. Fertilization in this species is internal, and the brood appears from eggs; one female can bear about two hundred.

They reproduce with white eggs that look like capsules.

Clutches of eggs are often placed in groups at the bottom of the aquarium, so that all the offspring are preserved, they should be given due attention in a timely manner. First of all, make sure that the bottom is not too wet or, conversely, dry. Many snail keepers recommend separating the young from the adults once every couple of months, selecting the largest ones; the parents, as a rule, do not harm their offspring.

How long does it take for Achatina snail eggs to hatch?

An equally important and interesting question is, how long does it take for Achatina snail eggs to hatch? Individuals often lay eggs for about two days, scattering them along the bottom of the house or grouping them in dark corners. Pecking begins at 1-3 weeks, it all depends on the ambient temperature; the babies that appear are very tiny, only about 5 mm in size. To prevent the offspring from dying, you should monitor the humidity and cleanliness in the place where the eggs are laid.

Achatina snails: benefits and harm to humans

Getting used to people, these pets stop being afraid of them

Achatina snails: benefits and harm - two sides of the same coin. The thing is that these creatures produce mucus, which is very useful for the human body, for sliding. It quickly heals wounds, smooths out scars, and also fights expression lines. If you want to apply the healing properties on yourself, you should first of all wash your pet thoroughly and only then use its saliva for cosmetic purposes.

The mollusk can also be dangerous, because... it is a carrier of various bacteria and if washed poorly, it can cause infection in wounds on the skin. If ingested, an allergic reaction may develop.

Garden snails are one of the easiest and cheapest pets to keep at home because they often live in large numbers in the garden, eating plants. Although snails need to be fed and watered at least once every two days, they are easy to care for once you understand what they need. A snail can live for several years in a container with a constantly maintained environment.


Making a house for snails

    If the snail will not live with you for a long time, take any container with holes for ventilation. If you are going to watch the snails for several days and then release them back into the garden, then it makes no difference what container you take, as long as the snail has access to oxygen. A plastic container or a jar with holes in the lid will work well. Instead of a lid, you can use a piece of gauze, wrap it around the rim of the container and secure it with an elastic bandage.

    • Remember that snails can climb onto vertical surfaces and may escape if the container does not have a lid.
  1. If you are leaving the snail for a long time, purchase a larger terrarium or aquarium. If you are going to keep the snail for longer than a few days, use a container that will provide the snail with enough space for its size. Only baby snails or tiny adults can stay in a plastic container for a long time. Most snails need an aquarium to keep them clean and healthy. At the pet store you can buy a terrarium designed specifically for snails.

    • Use a 5 gallon (19 L) or larger aquarium to give the snail room to move around. If you have several snails or are going to take care of the young ones or the adults are breeding, buy a larger aquarium.
  2. Make sure there is free flow of air into the terrarium. Just like humans, snails breathe air using oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Your terrarium definitely needs holes for air to pass through, preferably on different sides to improve air circulation. Some snail owners have noticed that they are more active when there is a tiny hole in the bottom of the terrarium for air to escape.

    Keep the terrarium at room temperature. As long as the terrarium is humid, most snails will not be particularly affected by temperature. On the other hand, they will be most active and feel safe at room temperature. Keep snails in cool shade during hot weather and avoid exposure to frost.

    Buy soil or soil for your terrarium. To reduce the likelihood of harmful bacteria, pesticides and other hazards, purchase soil for your terrarium from a pet store. Another good option is to take natural soil from a garden that has not been treated with pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Place a layer of soil on the bottom of the terrarium, completely covering the glass or plastic.

    • Do not take soil from flower pots; there may be substances harmful to snails.
  3. Add a layer of natural matter on top of the soil. Place a layer of sphagnum moss, peat, compost, or vermiculite on top of the ground. This will retain moisture within the soil, creating favorable conditions for snails.

    Decorate the snail house. Place objects in the terrarium that the snails can hide under or climb on. This will make their home more comfortable, and it will be more interesting for you to watch them. Most pet stores sell artificial logs that small animals can crawl through, or short tubes for hamsters that are also suitable for snails. You can find interesting materials to use in your garden too! Stones are a great addition to a terrarium. The bark and branches usually fall off after a couple of weeks, so you will have to replace them.

    • Cardboard toilet paper rolls are also great for climbing on top.
  4. Attach a heavy or snap-on lid. Snails are extremely strong relative to their size, and can climb to the top of almost any aquarium. A lockable lid that is secured with a latch can prevent them from escaping. If the lid of your terrarium does not have a latch, weigh the lid down with a stack of books or another heavy object.

    Feed your snails clean food every day. Most snails are not picky eaters and will happily eat almost all fresh fruits and vegetables. Wash all food thoroughly with clean water before feeding it to your snails, and cut large vegetables into chunks or chunks. Some foods, such as potatoes or carrots, need to be boiled for a couple of minutes to soften the vegetables a little. Always cool cooked food before feeding it to your snails.

  5. Find out what foods can harm snails. The nutritional diet of snails has not been studied much by scientists, so there is disagreement among snail owners about which foods are harmful to snails and which are not. Below is a list of types of food that are harmful to snails, from the most dangerous food to the least dangerous:

    • Salty food can kill your snails. Completely avoid anything with salt crystals.
    • Do not feed pasta, rice or millet. This starchy food can cause a blockage in the snails digestive tract. Do not feed snails these foods.
    • Plants grown at home may be exposed to exhaust fumes from cars and can therefore be dangerous.
    • Acidic foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes and kiwis can harm snails. Or maybe it won't hurt them. Use this food in small quantities, adding it to your main meal.
  6. Clean the terrarium once a month or whenever it gets dirty. Gently pick up the snails, beckoning them under your head with your finger, and transfer them onto a towel into a temporary container. Remove old soil by pouring it into the garden. Use a damp sponge with a little soap to scrub the walls and bottom of the aquarium to get rid of snail slime and waste. Rinse the terrarium thoroughly to remove any traces of soap, as it is harmful to the snails.

    • If the temporary container is small, do not leave the snails unattended.
    • Do not close the snails in a container without air access.
    • When replacing soil and other materials in the aquarium, follow all the steps described above in the section Making a home for snails
  • To pick up a snail from the surface of the terrarium, gently wiggle your finger under its head. If the snail tries to hide, place a piece of food to lure it onto your finger. Place your finger and entire hand under the snail's body so that it does not fall before you pick it up.


  • Do not attempt to decorate a live snail's shell with glue or other art supplies. These substances can kill the snail.
  • While giant African snails and apple snails love saucers of water, garden snails can drown in them. Use a spray bottle or spray bottle to moisten the terrarium, but do not place a saucer of water.
  • Supervise small children to ensure they do not eat the snail as it may cause serious illness.

Those people who want to have a problem-free pet at home get Achatina snails. They are creatures that are friendly, but do not require care. The main thing that should be provided for them is conditions of high humidity and a diet that should consist of minerals and nutrients.

If all this is present, then the snails will grow well and reproduce well, laying clutches of eggs. These pets really enjoy the company of their relatives, so if you decide to keep snails at home, then you should buy not one, but several individuals.

Brief characteristics of Achatina snails

These creatures, which reproduce by eggs, live in Africa in tropical and subtropical climates. Scientists have so far identified 60 varieties of these mollusks. Domestic species include the fulica and reticulata snails. Achatina snails have a rather soft body, and the shell has a pointed shape. In some mollusks it can reach 30 cm in length. Representatives of this species may have the following colors:

  • black;
  • brown;
  • swamp;
  • brown with a predominance of dark stripes.

In addition to the listed colors, albino snails are also found in nature, a characteristic feature of which is their white color. However, their size is smaller than that of snails with other colors. What color the shell of the mollusks will be depends largely on the diet that the owner provides to the pets. Adults have a shell with a greenish tint.

The peculiarity of these creatures is that they have visual organs on their horns. The Achatina snail does not see further than 1 cm. However, even from a distance of 1.5 m, she can smell her favorite cabbage or salad.

Weight for each individual is 0.3-0.45 kg. These creatures are quite funny and are particularly observant. They remember their owner quite quickly and in the future can distinguish him from other people. Usually people buy Achatina snails for their home from breeders. They are less often purchased in pet stores. One of the characteristics of these mollusks is that they lay a lot of eggs. Due to their high fertility, owners quite often give these mollusks away for free.

Snail at home: how to keep it?

In nature, the main habitat of these creatures is: Asian countries, Tanzania and Kenya. In these countries, the temperature regime is at a comfortable level for shellfish. At the same time, the local flora acts as an excellent base for feeding these snails.

If you have an Achatina snail at home, then you need to create comfortable conditions for it so that it develops well. To do this, you will have to fulfill the following conditions:

  • you should purchase a terrarium;
  • fill it with high-quality substrate;
  • give the snails suitable food;
  • observe all hygiene rules.

In some cases, Achatina snails can even be released for a walk around your own home. However, before you allow your pet to do this, you need to carefully examine the area where he will be walking. There should be no obstacles or dirt in the walking area. Other points that can harm the skin of the mollusk should also be absent.


For Achatina, the hot tropics are their homeland, so when caring for them, it is necessary to provide the pets with a suitable temperature in the terrarium. It should constantly be in the range from 20 to 28 C . To achieve the desired temperature, you should not place the terrarium directly next to a radiator or heater. This can lead to overdrying of the substrate. You also need to pay attention to ensure that the individuals are not exposed to sunlight, as this can lead to a temperature contrast that is undesirable for these creatures.

If we talk about the winter period, then to maintain the desired temperature in the terrarium, you should use special heating lamps, which are used to care for reptiles.

Light is not particularly important for these mollusks, so there is no need to extend daylight hours for them. However, you should definitely remove light sources outside the terrarium to prevent your pets from crawling on the lamps.

Humidity level

These creatures are in nature They live in equatorial jungles, so the humid environment along with the temperature must be suitable. In order to ensure this, it is necessary to spray the walls of the terrarium several times a day, and also moisten the litter using water from a spray bottle. For the normal existence of mollusks, the humidity in the terrarium should be at the level of 75-85%. In some cases, such as if you are keeping an albopictu snail, the humidity level should not fall below 90%. What humidity will be most suitable for your pet largely depends on what type of snail lives in your home.

In an effort to provide the humidity necessary for pets, it is necessary not to overdo it with spraying moisture, since in this case there is a high risk of turning the animals’ habitat into a swamp. In order to understand Whether the existing humidity level is suitable for shellfish, it is necessary to pay attention to their behavior. If Achatina begins to climb higher on the walls of the terrarium and is constantly on them, then this is a signal to the owner that the environment in the terrarium is very humid. If they burrow into the ground or hide under lids, this indicates that the humidity level is very low and should be increased.

For mollusks of this species there is no need to create any special structure. You just need to use an aquarium without water or take a container made of transparent plastic. If you plan to place 4 individuals in your terrarium, then you need to prepare an aquarium with a capacity of 20 liters or a special box for them. Since snails have the ability to crawl on absolutely any surface, you must remember to cover their home with a lid. Should be done in advance holes to ensure that pets have good air circulation in the terrarium.

To make their stay in a new home comfortable, it is necessary to lay soil at the bottom, in which they can burrow if necessary. The ideal bedding for Achatina snails is a coconut or orchid substrate. If you have adult specimens in your terrarium, then you can sprinkle the substrate in a layer of 5 cm. For young mollusks, 2-3 cm will be enough. The combination of coarse loose sand with non-acidic soil is the best bedding option for snails.

If you want In order for the terrarium in which the snails are kept to look attractive to your guests, it is necessary to apply it inside the plants. The choice should be made in favor of fern or ivy. You can also use:

  • non-rotting wood pieces;
  • terracotta shards.

In this case, your pets’ habitat will acquire sophistication and look original. In addition, such a design of the terrarium will be useful for the creatures themselves, since the air in the terrarium will be saturated with oxygen, and their diet will be more varied.

Keeping Achatina snails at home: feeding

At this point you should pay attention special attention. There is no need to worry about food for shellfish, since these creatures are absolutely not picky about it. It should be noted that there are three main products that are the most favorite for these mollusks: apples, fresh cucumbers and lettuce.

However, you should not give them only these products. In order for their life to be long and happy, it is necessary to constantly add variety to the menu and give additional carrots, as well as include cabbage leaves in the menu. Snails don't particularly like potatoes. The only exception is boiled vegetables. In the summer, you can give your pets a variety of fruits and berries. These mollusks also do not disdain vegetables. Among other products, Achatinam I like the following:

  • tomatoes;
  • legumes;
  • zucchini;
  • melons;
  • champignons;
  • boiled eggs.

It should be noted that not all foods can be included in the diet of these snails. Shellfish should not be given fried, sweet or spicy foods. Its use will cause the individuals to quickly wither and eventually die.


Achatina snails reproduce by laying eggs. You should know that domesticated individuals reproduce quite well. It should be noted that they are hermaphrodites. This means that they can produce offspring even without a different-sex partner. If you do not want your snail family to be replenished with new individuals, then the eggs that the snails have laid should be washed off. They are chicken eggs in miniature. If you are interested to the reproduction of mollusks, it is necessary to carefully clean the terrarium so as not to inadvertently wash off the eggs. And then there can be no question of increasing the colony of your pets.

In the first days of life, small creatures that are born should be given grated carrots, as well as porridges that contain calcium. In this case, they will grow healthy and their shell will be strong.


When there is a desire to have a pet at home, some people choose a cat, others choose a parrot. And some people buy Achatina snails. These pets, living in an apartment with their owner, do not create noise . They do not require expensive feed, therefore, everyone is capable of keeping Achatina at home. Caring for them involves maintaining optimal temperature and humidity conditions in the terrarium, as well as regular feeding. If all this is provided, then the mollusks will live happily ever after, delighting their owner.

The question that Denis L. asks us is: “What types of snails can be kept at home? What kind of care do they require, what do they eat?”

Today, people are increasingly choosing to keep snails as pets. We will give some important tips that will allow you to provide proper care for such an exotic creature.

Symbol of life

The snail is the embodiment of evolution: this is exactly how our ancestors imagined life, in the form of a spiral twisted like a shell, treating these mollusks with reverence.

Over time, they moved from veneration to domestication of especially noteworthy species, and now snails have completely settled down in city apartments, earning a reputation as the most unpretentious pets.

The soil is changed for them once a week, they are fed three times a week, and the aquarium is cleaned once every two weeks.

If you forget to give it food because you are extremely busy or your own laziness, the snail will calmly go into hibernation.

These land mollusks have a good memory: if you are gentle with them, they will come into your arms like children.

Up to a year, the snail increases in growth: the number of turns on its shell also increases. The lifespan of this leisurely creature is approximately 6 years.

Domestic snails

The larger the mollusk, the more in demand it is in the pet market. And Achatina, African “emigrants”, have no competition here. It is clear that in the Russian climate, accustomed to heat and high humidity, this creature will not survive. But at home he is bred and kept without any problems.

The most famous types of domestic snails:

  • Achatina fulica. Eats everything, is very slow, height - 20 cm. Prefers solitude.
  • Achatina reticulata. More agile, curious and sociable. Rapidly increases in height. He eats what they give him.
  • Achatina immaculata. Captivity “spurs up” the reproductive abilities of this species: individuals regularly reproduce and do not forget to grow themselves.
  • Common Achatina. Because of its orange shell with stripes, this snail is called the “tiger”. In nature it grows up to 30 cm, while at home the shell is more modest - a little more than 20 cm.

Snail care

Usually these gastropods are sent to live in an aquarium, sometimes in a plastic container. The “snail box” is covered tightly to maintain moisture, but does not block the air, leaving holes in the lid. The sun should not shine directly on the mollusk's habitat.

Achatina needs warmth and moisture. The optimal air temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius. Several times a day, the mollusk should be sprayed with warm water (preferably from a spray bottle). Adult Achatina are able to take a bath on their own if you remember to provide them with a container of water.

Snails in our house (video)

What to feed

Your baby's longevity is closely related to nutrition. The right food is plant-based. These can be apples, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini; your pet will also not refuse oatmeal. Fish food is also an option. You can feed your pet dried. The main thing is no pickling or smoking.

And please take care of the sink: add chalk, eggshells, crushed calcium gluconate to your food.

If all conditions are met, Achatina will delight you with a strong shell and longevity.



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