What to eat for heartburn to go away. How to quickly get rid of severe heartburn

Severe heartburn is a pronounced burning sensation behind the sternum that spreads along the esophagus. It occurs spontaneously, usually some time after eating, especially when eating spicy foods. Less commonly, heartburn occurs after physical work, bending, or staying in a horizontal position. To quickly get rid of heartburn, you need to drink water or take an antacid. However, attacks can occur again, worsening a person's quality of life.

Unpleasant sensations that occur more than 3 times a week indicate the presence of gastric diseases. Heartburn may be accompanied by hyperacid gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis, diaphragmatic hernia and toxicosis of pregnancy. If it is combined with belching, we are talking about a peptic ulcer or erosive inflammation of the walls of the stomach. If the pain becomes stronger when taking a horizontal position, the patient may have diseases of the esophagus.

What causes heartburn?

The main causes of discomfort are increased sensitivity of the mucous membranes of the esophagus and impaired secretory function of the stomach. Heartburn often indicates a dysfunction of the digestive system, but in some cases mental disorders contribute to its occurrence. No less common causes of pain are unbalanced diet and bad habits. Consumption of carbonated drinks, alcohol and hot spices leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes, which increases acid production and disrupts valve function.

Heartburn can occur when eating sour fruits, tomatoes, yeast bread, marinades and fried foods. Overeating stretches the organ and provokes acid production. The pH of gastric juice may change when taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Heartburn is caused by acidic contents entering the esophagus. Wearing tight clothing, pregnancy, and being overweight increases intra-abdominal pressure, which causes a burning sensation in the esophagus. Heartburn can plague those people who lie down immediately after eating food.

Persistent heartburn

The regular occurrence of unpleasant symptoms is not considered an independent disease. It is one of the signs of diseases of the digestive tract. The main causes of persistent heartburn:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • duodenitis;
  • cholecystitis.

A burning sensation behind the sternum often occurs in the presence of a diaphragmatic hernia, in which the antrum of the stomach prolapses into the chest cavity through the esophageal opening. Hyperacid gastritis may also be accompanied by persistent heartburn.

Reflux syndrome is characterized by dysfunction of the esophageal sphincter, due to which gastric contents constantly enter the esophagus. Heartburn can occur after cholecystectomy and. Excess weight and pregnancy contribute to increased pressure in the abdominal cavity. Hormonal imbalance can also negatively affect the digestive system. Angina pectoris leads to pain, which is often mistaken for heartburn. The frequent occurrence of this symptom should be a reason to visit a gastroenterologist. Self-medication is not only ineffective, but also dangerous.

Abdominal pain, accompanied by a burning sensation behind the sternum, often occurs in young people. The main reasons for their appearance are the production of increased amounts of stomach acid and increased contraction of the gallbladder walls.

Burning feeling in the throat

This symptom occurs due to the entry of gastric contents into the esophagus when the functions of the duodenum are impaired. The mucous membranes have a neutral pH level, so the acid burns and injures them. The inflammatory process ends with the formation of erosion and ulcers of the esophagus. The most dangerous complications of this disease are bleeding and organ ruptures. Healing of the ulcer is accompanied by stenosis of the organ, due to which the patient feels a lump in the throat and pain when passing food. This condition not only worsens the quality of life, but also becomes an indication for surgery and increases the risk of malignant tumors.

Severe heartburn can occur in a completely healthy person. However, attacks occur less frequently. Women in late pregnancy also constantly experience a burning sensation in their throat. The growing uterus displaces the esophageal sphincter, causing it to open.

How to cope with a heartburn attack?

Folk remedies can be used to eliminate unpleasant sensations. However, they cannot replace traditional therapy. Treatment should begin with organizing a proper diet. The condition is alleviated by decoctions of medicinal plants that help reduce acidity and restore the functions of the digestive system. To prepare chamomile infusion 2 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, filter and take before eating. You can also use simple chamomile tea.

1 tsp. flaxseed is brewed in 100 ml of hot water. It is recommended to prepare the infusion in the evening; the drug can be used in the morning. Before taking it, it is diluted with warm boiled water. You need to drink the infusion on an empty stomach for 2 weeks. Flax seeds can be ground, pour the resulting powder with warm water and drink in small sips. Dried angelica leaves are crushed and poured with 1 glass of boiling water, left for 20 minutes and taken several times a day. Anise, dill and fennel seeds are taken in equal parts. 1 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of hot water into the mixture. Take 1 tsp. and get rid of heartburn. The product cannot be used for longer than 14 days.

Potato juice is highly effective for heartburn. The course of treatment is recommended to be carried out during the harvest of a new harvest. The potatoes are grated and the resulting juice is drunk on an empty stomach. You can start eating after half an hour. The course of treatment lasts 10 days, after which a break is taken. To treat diseases of the digestive system, an infusion of birch mushroom is used. The drug Befungin is produced on its basis.

Severe heartburn and stomach pain subsides when using oatmeal decoction. The washed grains are crushed together with the skin. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with 300 ml of boiling water, left in a thermos for 8 hours, and then passed through cheesecloth. The resulting liquid is drunk 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals.

If severe heartburn suddenly begins, what should you do? In this case, there is no time left to prepare the decoction, and it is also impossible to see a doctor immediately. You can use almonds to neutralize the acid. The nuts are chewed thoroughly, having previously been treated with boiling water. After some time, the heartburn goes away. Barley or oat grains are considered no less effective. They need to be chewed for 5 minutes, constantly swallowing saliva.

Do not use soda or milk. The effect of these products occurs almost instantly, as the acidity drops. However, after some time, the stomach begins to produce acid in even larger quantities, and an attack of heartburn occurs with renewed vigor. Long-term use of soda can contribute to alkalization of the blood and the development of stomach ulcers. Milk contains proteins that stimulate the secretion of gastric juice.

If you cannot get rid of severe heartburn using folk remedies, the use of antacids is recommended. The most commonly used are: Almagel, Rennie, Gaviscon, Phosphalugel. Do not forget that taking medications can cause diarrhea, constipation and bloating. In addition, they interfere with the absorption of calcium, which negatively affects bone health. You should not prescribe medications yourself. If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should undergo a diagnosis and begin proper treatment.

Diet for heartburn

It is recommended to eat steamed dishes. Vegetables need to be boiled or baked. Healthy: potatoes, beets, beans, lentils. You need to add foods that contain complex carbohydrates to your diet: pasta, bran bread, dark rice. Allowed for consumption: low-fat cheeses, kefir, cottage cheese, lean meat, fish, boiled eggs, apples, bananas, still mineral water, dried fruit compotes, green tea.

You will have to give up fried, spicy, salty and fatty foods. It is recommended to limit the consumption of sausages and smoked meats. You should not eat fatty dairy products. Sour fruits lead to a significant increase in the acidity of gastric contents, which can cause heartburn. The secretory functions of the digestive system may be disrupted by consuming confectionery, cocoa, spices, fried eggs, tomato paste, black coffee, and carbonated water. You need to remove fast food and processed foods from your diet.

A normal diet alone is not enough for heartburn. Unpleasant symptoms may occur due to overeating. You need to eat in small portions, 4-5 times a day. You can’t rush and snack on the go; food should be chewed thoroughly. Dinner should be finished no later than 3 hours before bedtime. It is not recommended to lie down for 30 minutes; you need to walk slowly or sit quietly. You can't bend over. The amount of water consumed per day is adjusted to 2 liters, evenly distributing this volume.

Following these rules will help you avoid heartburn. During meals you need to drink non-carbonated mineral water. It cleanses the walls of the esophagus from acid. Medicines should be taken in doses prescribed by your doctor. If you need to lie down after eating, you need to place a high pillow under your head. If the causes of heartburn lie in mental disorders, consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist is indicated. If there is a constant burning sensation behind the sternum, it is necessary to undergo fibrogastroduodenoscopy. A person should be attentive to his body; heartburn can signal the development of dangerous diseases.

As is known, Heartburn manifests itself as a burning sensation and discomfort in the sternum. According to statistics, from 20 to 50% of the population of developed countries experience heartburn at least once a week.

During pregnancy, periodic burning in the esophagus occurs due to physiological changes in the woman’s body and does not require treatment. In other cases, doctors recommend undergoing a full medical examination to identify the causes of heartburn.

Those suffering from chest discomfort after eating need to know how to relieve heartburn at home.

The main principle that should be followed when using any medications for heartburn is to carefully monitor the body’s reaction to the drug taken, know the specific contraindications for its use, take into account the presence of allergies, blood pressure readings and general health.

When taking any remedy, it is necessary to take into account past illnesses and previous operations.

Home remedies to relieve heartburn at home

Heartburn occurs due to increased acidity in the stomach Therefore, all heartburn remedies are aimed at reducing the level of acid in the digestive tract.

Important! Each anti-heartburn remedy has a contraindication. Since the human body can react differently to food and folk remedies, you need to be attentive to the remedies you take.

How to eliminate heartburn with warm or mineral water

Mineral water is a storehouse of nutrients. It can be consumed by children and adults and drunk in unlimited quantities.

Mineral water can quench thirst and increase appetite. Doctors recommend consuming it warm, in portions.

Water eliminates inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, has a beneficial effect on the liver and pancreas, restores intestinal motor function, and normalizes the exchange of water-salt processes.

Important to know! Mineral water should not be heated too much. It should be drunk slightly warm. Should be stored at room temperature, but not in the refrigerator.

It is best to use mineral water without gases, and if this is not available, you must release the gases before use by slightly opening the bottle cap.

Experts recommend giving preference to sodium bicarbonate mineral water.

1 glass of mineral water per day, drink after meals. Do not drink any liquids.

Contraindications for using mineral water to relieve heartburn:

  1. You should not drink water if you have acute intestinal diseases, vomiting, or bleeding.
  2. For diarrhea, take in small doses.
  3. It is prohibited for liver colic, complications after stomach surgery, jaundice of any form, because instead of relieving heartburn at home, you can aggravate your health condition, which will cause new problems.

How to fight heartburn with dairy products

Milk and most dairy products saturate the human body with essential amino acids, vitamins, proteins and microelements.

Kefir, light yoghurts and cottage cheese are quickly absorbed by the body and contain bifidobacteria, which helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipe for taking milk for heartburn: drink 1-2 glasses of milk in small sips. It doesn’t really matter whether you drink warm, hot or cold milk. The result for eliminating heartburn should be the same.


  • It is forbidden to take dairy products if you have lactase deficiency;
  • Drink with caution and in minimal quantities if you are allergic to fermented milk products.

Before relieving heartburn at home using dairy products, do not eat foods that are incompatible with them.

Treating heartburn with gentle soda

Soda is used to rinse the mouth, get rid of thrush, strengthen tooth enamel, as well as to get rid of heartburn and treat the digestive system. The main function of soda is to normalize the acid-base balance in the body.

There are several proven folk recipes for using soda to relieve heartburn:

  1. Aqueous solution. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water with a volume of 250-270 ml. drink slowly, in small sips. After the solution, do not eat or drink other liquids.
  2. Fizzybrew with citric acid. Take 100 ml of warm water, dilute 1 teaspoon of soda, 1 teaspoon of citric acid in a glass. Place and drink. Use no more than twice a day.


  1. It is necessary to use soda with caution for gastritis, stomach ulcers, and constipation.
  2. Prohibited for gastric obstruction and diabetes.

How to relieve heartburn with chewing gum

Chewing gum suppresses appetite, prepares the stomach for food, causes the formation of saliva, and increases acidity in the stomach.

The recipe is simple: take chewing gum and chew it. It is advisable not to choose chewing gum with mint, eucalyptus and other nuclear flavors. You should not get carried away with prolonged chewing - as soon as the gum has lost its taste, throw it away.

There are no contraindications, but it is worth remembering acceptable doses.

Interesting fact! A large number of people prefer to get rid of burning and discomfort using folk remedies. These are products that any person always has at home, are also available in any grocery store, and are inexpensive.

Since Traditional medicine has long been a competitor to drug treatment, it’s worth finding out what else you can do to relieve heartburn at home.

Folk remedies: how to relieve heartburn at home

To get rid of heartburn using home remedies, try one of the following recipes.

Soda solution for heartburn

Soda solution helps normalize the balance of acid and alkali, thereby normalizing the functioning of all body systems.

The recipe for preparing a water-soda solution is simple: you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda in 1 glass of warm water with a volume of 250-270 ml. Drink immediately, in small sips and slowly.

Do not eat food or drink other liquids for the near future.

Attention! The solution may cause bloating and increased gas formation with prolonged use.

When choosing how to relieve heartburn at home, you can opt for home recipes or medications.

Citric acid for heartburn

Citric acid can normalize the alkaline-acid balance in the stomach, thereby eliminating heartburn.

Recipe for fizzybrew with citric acid: take 100 ml of warm water, dilute 1 teaspoon of soda, 1 teaspoon of citric acid in a glass. Place and drink. Use no more than twice a day.

This drink can be taken up to 1 glass per day in case of infrequent heartburn. If the burning sensation in the chest is regular, you should consult a doctor and stop taking traditional methods.

Citric acid should not be used for ulcers, gastritis and after operations on the digestive organs.

Vinegar water will relieve heartburn

Vinegar is used for many purposes, including to relieve heartburn. The recipe is quite simple to prepare.

Mix a teaspoon of 3% vinegar, soda and sugar with a glass of boiled water. When all the ingredients react and the liquid begins to foam and bubbles appear in the glass, you need to start drinking vinegar water in slow sips.

Carefully! Prohibited for kidney disease, serious gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, hypertension and obesity. If consumed frequently in large quantities, vinegar can cause colitis, liver cirrhosis, and gastritis.

Potato juice is a useful remedy for heartburn

Contains starch, which envelops the intestinal walls, protecting them from the influence of an acidic environment.

Potato juice can be prepared in different ways: squeeze in a juicer, or grate large potatoes and squeeze out the juice with your hands. To get rid of heartburn you will need 2-3 teaspoons.

Important to remember! Consumption is prohibited for peptic ulcers with high acidity, gastritis. People with obesity and diabetes should definitely discuss the issue of drinking potato juice with their doctor.

Vegetable oil for heartburn

Stops all inflammatory processes in the body and also removes excess hydrochloric acid. Aloe juice has the same properties.

How to take: pour vegetable oil into a teaspoon, dissolve in your mouth for a couple of minutes. Be sure to spit it into the sink or toilet. Reusing used oil is prohibited.


  • diarrhea;
  • asthenia;
  • psychosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis.

Use with caution for stomach ulcers.

Table salt is a safe remedy for heartburn

When consumed separately from other products, it causes the formation of acidic enzymes in the human oral cavity. Enzymes eliminate bile from the body.

When preparing a remedy for heartburn, there is no need to dilute the salt or mix it with anything else. Place a pinch on the tongue and dissolve until completely dissolved. This method will quickly help neutralize the burning sensation and discomfort caused by heartburn.

Salt should not be used in its pure form for:

  • renal failure;
  • disorders of the heart and blood vessels;
  • aggravated inflammatory processes.

Honey will help with heartburn

A useful remedy used for many diseases and as a preventive measure against various ailments. Honey can regulate acidity in the stomach when used correctly and in limited doses.

Recipe for heartburn: honey can be dissolved in water, sucked, or just eaten a couple of spoons. Any method will help get rid of the problem and supply the body with a huge amount of useful vitamins.

Attention! If you have allergies, take with caution. For those who have diabetes mellitus, take minimal doses of honey only if strictly necessary.

Activated charcoal will help with heartburn

Activated charcoal is known for its absorbent properties and is often used by doctors for food poisoning.

However, charcoal is also an excellent way to get rid of heartburn at home, removing all harmful substances and cleansing the intestines.

A simple recipe for using coal: The best option is 3-4 tablets of activated carbon orally on an empty stomach. The more tablets, the faster the desired effect will be achieved.

Do not overdo it; competent doctors do not recommend taking more than 5 tablets per day.

Coal is prohibited when:

  • duodenal ulcer;
  • colitis in acute form;
  • internal bleeding in the stomach and rectum.

Herbal decoctions will relieve heartburn

Herbal infusions soothe, relax, can cleanse the body, tone and soothe. A good and affordable remedy to combat heartburn.

Herbal decoctions have been known for a long time. You can use a decoction of chamomile, linden, string, as well as other plants that can relieve heartburn.

Recipe for heartburn: brew a tablespoon of dry herb in boiling water, cover with a lid and let stand for up to half an hour. Consume warm in a volume of 0.5 liters per day.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to certain herbs, allergic reactions.

In addition to the listed methods of getting rid of heartburn, pharmacies sell special medications.

In advanced cases of chronic heartburn, doctors independently prescribe medications and give a prescription.

If a burning sensation in the chest occurs frequently, you should definitely visit your doctor.

From this video you will learn how you can relieve heartburn at home and what remedies are best to use.

This video will introduce you to effective home remedy recipes against heartburn.

To fully eliminate heartburn, you should know its cause; examination by a gastroenterologist always takes some time, but there is no need to endure unpleasant sensations for a long time; you can always choose what to drink for heartburn from a huge list of traditional and alternative medicine that will quickly bring relief. The only thing is that while eliminating the symptoms, the remedies given below do not solve the cause of the problem, and, therefore, the symptom will return. Frequent use of heartburn medications is not recommended; this can lead to the development of serious gastrointestinal diseases.


The most common medications for heartburn that can be treated at home are antacid medications. These drugs reduce the acidity of the stomach, while simultaneously enveloping it.

It is an excellent choice for heartburn. Drugs in this group gently reduce the acidity of the stomach and coat its walls, protecting against the negative effects of irritating factors.


Almagel is effective and is used in the treatment of many pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. It has such useful properties as:

  • adsorption of toxins;
  • protection of the walls of the stomach from the negative effects of increased acid content, food, alcohol;
  • enveloping effect.

Additionally, it has a local anesthetic property, which helps eliminate epigastric pain. Improves digestion due to its effect on the processes of bile secretion.

The main advantage of the drug is considered to be a gentle decrease in stomach acidity without the release of carbon dioxide.

Important. The effect of the gel begins a few minutes after administration, the effect will last for several hours.

During pregnancy, Almagel can be taken, but for a short course. The drug cannot be used during breastfeeding.

For children, the dosage does not exceed 1/3 of the adult dosage. After 15 years, you can use the usual dosage according to the instructions.


The drug neutralizes the free acid of gastric juice, actively binds and removes toxins and has enveloping properties, which helps neutralize heartburn and protect the gastric mucosa from the negative influence of various factors.

It is acceptable for use by pregnant and lactating women, but without fanaticism.

The drug is available in various forms, these are: chewable tablets (with or without sugar), a ready-made suspension for oral administration or powder for dilution in sachets.


The therapeutic properties of the drug include: antacid (neutralization of hydrochloric acid), enveloping (creates a protective film on the walls of the stomach and intestines that protects them from hydrochloric acid, bacteria and various toxins), sorbent (binds harmful factors and removes them from the gastrointestinal tract) and analgesic.

Phosphalugel does not have a negative effect on the fetus and can be used to eliminate heartburn in pregnant women and in pediatric practice

Suitable for use by children over 2 months, pregnant and nursing mothers, and the elderly. The drug has a gentle effect on the body and has virtually no contraindications.


Has a gasteroprotective effect. Available in the form of a suspension, it is acceptable to relieve the symptoms of heartburn and heaviness in the abdomen in early childhood and pregnancy. the effect occurs in the first minutes after administration and lasts about 4 hours.


The complex preparation of plant origin is available in the form of drops. The effect of taking it occurs within 60 minutes and lasts up to 6 hours. The composition includes herbal extracts (mint, licorice, lemon balm, celandine and others). It has a protective effect on the stomach from acid, reduces acidity, has antispasmodic properties and tones the sphincter (which prevents the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus).


Rennie is a “hidden aid” drug for heartburn. The safety of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding allows us to classify it as one of the best products that can be easily used anywhere, regardless of time. the drug neutralizes the acidity of the stomach and simultaneously stimulates the secretion of mucus by gastrocytes, which has a protective effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

Among pharmaceutical products you can find a wide variety of drugs that allow you to quickly cope with heartburn, but you should not abuse the availability of various tablets and suspensions; the best treatment is to eliminate the root cause of the syndrome, which is impossible to find out without the help of a specialist

Important. It is not permissible to take any drug for more than 3-45 days without a doctor’s prescription. If the first application does not bring the desired result or the result is short-lived, you cannot do without a gastroenterologist.

Antisecretory agents

Drugs that reduce the secretion of gastric juice are prescribed in case of ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum; they can also help with acute gastritis and erosions, however, the effect of using drugs in this group for heartburn develops slowly.


The drug reduces the formation of hydrochloric acid. Preference should be given to Orthanol only in cases of confirmed stomach disease or chronic heartburn that occurs more than 2 times a week. It is not recommended to treat episodic manifestations of the syndrome with drugs that reduce secretion.


The drug affects the secretion of gastric juice, is effective with long-term use, and is used to treat hypersecretory gastritis and erosions.

In addition to the listed drugs against heartburn, other drugs used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders can help:

  • Smecta;
  • Omeprozole and other drugs.

Everyone chooses what to drink for heartburn at home, focusing on the availability of the drug, taste preferences and the degree of development of the disease. In addition to drugs from the pharmacy chain, there are many traditional medicine recipes for eliminating heartburn.

Traditional medicine

There may be a situation when there are no medications for heartburn in the house, it’s a long walk to the pharmacy or the working day is over, you shouldn’t despair. You can always choose a remedy from food or herbs available at home.

Cabbage juice

Cabbage contains vitamin U, which has a protective effect on the digestive tract from the negative effects of hydrochloric acid. Take 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed juice; if desired, you can simply chew a fresh cabbage leaf.

Potato juice

Freshly squeezed juice allows you to quickly get rid of heartburn and has a beneficial effect on the general condition of gastritis with increased secrecy.

The safety of the product allows this product to be used in pediatrics and obstetrics.

For frequent attacks of heartburn, use potato juice in a course of 10 days, 1 glass on an empty stomach in the morning. To improve the taste, you can mix it with the juices of other vegetables and fruits.

Freshly squeezed vegetable juices are great for heartburn: cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beets, parsley; can be used either independently or in combination with each other

Advice. When treating vegetable juices, use it within 4-5 minutes after squeezing; long-term storage of the finished product is not permissible; oxidation with air leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the product.

Rice congee

To treat heartburn, rice is boiled in its pure form without adding salt or spices. The decoction and the rice itself have a healing effect, so it is the patient’s choice to consume.


Cucumber juice (you can use the cucumber itself or 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed juice) has an alkaline environment, which leads to a decrease in stomach acidity.


The fiber in carrots absorbs excess stomach acid. You can use freshly squeezed juice of raw root vegetables or boiled carrots.

Green tea

To reduce the symptoms of heartburn, you should drink warm tea without sugar, the effect is weak, but occurs immediately.

Contraindicated for people suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure). It is recommended to drink green tea after meals.


Edible chalk is suitable for use and does not have any minor additives. Calcium carbonate neutralizes stomach acid.

If you have heartburn, chew a piece of chalk or crush it into powder.

For severe attacks of heartburn, it is more effective to mix honey with aloe juice. This composition instantly eliminates burning sensation, soothes an irritated stomach and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the affected gastrointestinal mucosa. The mixture should be taken 30 minutes before meals. For long-lasting syndrome, the mixture is used for a course of treatment from 10 to 20 days. Promotes rapid regeneration in gastritis and ulcers.

This remedy allows you to eliminate heartburn and influence the cause of its occurrence in most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Honey can be used in its pure form or mixed with various herbs to prepare a variety of compositions.

The taste and medicinal properties of honey are difficult to overestimate

Herbal decoctions

To combat heartburn at home, you can use various medicinal plants in the form of decoctions, infusions, and tinctures. Let's look at a few recipes.


Chamomile infusion reduces stomach acidity and has an anti-inflammatory therapeutic effect. To prepare the decoction you will need 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials (or a bag if purchased at a pharmacy) and a glass of boiled water. Infuse for 2-10 minutes, consume after meals three times a day for no more than a month.


Peppermint should be consumed regardless of food intake in the form of a warm decoction. Drink in small sips.

Heartburn is an unpleasant ailment that causes a lot of discomfort to a person. You need to understand that a constant symptom indicates problems within the body.

Heartburn can be caused by various gastrointestinal pathologies. If treatment is not started in time, the situation will only worsen.

What is heartburn? Heartburn is a burning sensation in the esophagus caused by stomach secretions. It is necessary to treat not only the symptom itself, but also its root cause.

Constant contact of gastric juice with the mucous membrane of the upper digestive tract causes irritation and deformation of the walls. Long-term exposure may cause cancer.

Treating heartburn at home

Traditional medicine is treatment using natural ingredients and products, without chemical impurities.

Official medicine does not deny the positive effects, but recommends that you first consult a specialist and discuss with him the appropriate dosage and formulation.

You also cannot treat an unconfirmed diagnosis. It is required to undergo special research methods and identify the problem. Only with the help of official medicine can an examination be carried out. This is an important condition!

Incorrect diagnosis and its treatment can lead to serious consequences. In this case, the patient will not only not cope with the problem, but may also develop another one.

Folk remedies for heartburn at home are aimed at eliminating the symptom itself by reducing acidity.

They also have the property of protecting the gastric mucosa, preventing irritation from ingested acids.

Potato juice against heartburn

Potatoes are an effective home remedy for heartburn. What advantages can you highlight?

First of all, it eliminates the burning sensation. Potato juice helps improve the general condition of a person with gastritis with a high level of acidity.

Often, gastritis is the root cause of heartburn. If this is true, then potatoes will cope with heartburn with a bang.

The most important thing about this is that potatoes are a natural product. Its use does not cause side effects, so even pregnant women can drink it for heartburn. And they often have to cope with this symptom.

The juice must be fresh. It is advisable to prepare it before each use, because then the organic compounds in the product begin to oxidize and break down.

Thus, after 10 minutes, the potato juice begins to darken and loses its positive qualities.

There are a variety of variations. You can consume freshly obtained juice in its pure form or dilute it with other products to improve taste.

It is desirable that the additional components not only taste good, but also can help with the problem.

Preparation: Peel 3 large tubers, cut out the eyes and grate. Squeeze the grated potatoes through several layers of potatoes.

Pink, oval-shaped potatoes are most suitable for medicinal purposes. They have an increased level of vitamins and nutrients.

Potato juice should be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning. To do this, prepare 1 glass of juice and drink it 30 minutes before meals. It is advisable to spend this half hour in peace. The course of treatment for heartburn is 10 days.

Contraindications of the drug:

  • Low acidity in the stomach.
  • Diabetes mellitus, especially advanced stages.
  • Long-term use and non-compliance with recommendations also entails consequences. As a result, the person will harm the pancreas.

Important! To prepare heartburn juice, you need to use fresh and young potatoes. The vegetable should not have sprouted eyes.

Old potatoes accumulate a substance that negatively affects the body and can cause poisoning.

How to treat heartburn at home with baking soda

This product should be handled with caution. Not all doctors are supporters of this remedy. And there are reasons for this. Soda has too active an effect on the acidity of gastric juice.

A rapid decrease in acidity levels neutralizes the symptom of heartburn for a while, but then there is a possibility of returning with a new force of influence. Soda is an ambulance, but not a cure.

Baking soda is found in almost every kitchen. Housewives often use this product in their culinary masterpieces. Baking soda also has a scientific name - sodium bicarbonate.

It eliminates heartburn, reduces burning sensation in the esophagus and heat in the chest. There are several cooking options:

Water-soda solution

Dissolve half a teaspoon of the product in a glass of warm water. You need to drink soda water in small portions, but do not allow it to cool. You cannot drink the entire solution. The remaining soda at the bottom must be drained.

After consuming the product during heartburn, relief will occur within the tenth minute. To make the result more effective, it is recommended to take a horizontal position immediately after drinking the dose.

In this case, the headboard should be raised, and clothing should not pull on the abdominal part of the body. You should not take more than 200 grams of this solution per day.

Soda with vinegar for heartburn

To make the effervescent product, it is better to use apple cider vinegar rather than white vinegar. Mix half a teaspoon of soda and vinegar in a glass of water and the finished product is ready.

How to understand that all conditions are met correctly? Of course, this is a sizzling process. When mixing the ingredients, foam will begin to appear and small bubbles will begin to explode.

The person should hear a characteristic hissing sound. You need to drink the mixture immediately and in small sips.

The product copes well with the unpleasant symptom, eliminating heat and burning. This is the first aid for such an illness. Allows you to get rid of heartburn within a few minutes and feel relief.

Soda and citric acid

This tool is an alternative to the previous one. It can be made when vinegar is not on hand. For preparation use: 2/3 cup of water, ½ teaspoon of soda and ¼ teaspoon of citric acid.

The effervescent process occurs in the same way as with vinegar. As soon as the reaction of the components has begun, you need to drink it.

Instead of citric acid, you can use lemon juice. Then mix the ingredients in the following quantities: ½ glass of water and ½ teaspoon of juice and soda.

For those who have a sweet tooth, you can add a little sugar. In this case, the sensation can be compared to soda.

Is soda harmful and what are its contraindications? Disadvantages when using the product:

  • Soda negatively affects the condition of the entire body. Baking soda is sodium. Once ingested, the substance is quickly absorbed into the blood and its concentration increases.
  • A high concentration of sodium affects the circulatory system. Under the influence of the component, they lose their tone and become brittle.
  • The functioning of the kidneys is impaired.
  • Promotes the accumulation of fluid in tissues.
  • Removes potassium from the body.
  • Increases blood pressure.
  • Leads to alkalosis.
  • Increased alkaline levels in the blood.
  • Appetite decreases.
  • Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps appear.
  • Affects the nervous system. Cramps, headaches, anxiety, and nervousness may appear.
  • Abdominal upset may occur.

The list of contraindications is quite long. Therefore, many doctors speak negatively about soda treatment. There really can be no treatment.

Traditional medicine offers a quick remedy for heartburn, but it does not affect the root cause and can only worsen the condition.

In case of severe discomfort, you can use the product for quick relief. And that's all!

Folk remedies - seeds

Heartburn symptoms can be relieved by eating sunflower or pumpkin seeds. If heartburn occurs frequently, they should always be on hand.

They don't take up much space. You can always carry them with you in your pocket and use them at the slightest burning sensation.

Important! During heartburn, eat seeds only in dried or fresh form. Cannot be consumed fried. In this state they lose all their beneficial qualities.

In the morning you need to eat 20 pumpkin or sunflower seeds. You can eat the same amount throughout the day.

Flaxseed is very similar in its qualities. They coat the walls of the esophagus and reduce the reaction to acid, which helps relieve heartburn.

Preparation: 100 grams of flaxseeds are ground and placed in a glass container.

For daily intake you need to take 3 tsp. remedy and pour boiling water over them. It is advisable to prepare the mixture overnight.

So, she will have time to brew better. Overnight you get jelly, which needs to be divided into 2 doses. Drink half in the morning before and after meals, and take the rest before bed.

Flax contraindications:

  • Cholecystitis.
  • Severe diarrhea.
  • Inflammatory process of the cornea of ​​the eye.

Activated carbon

This is a wonderful sorbent with a minimal list of contraindications. He gained his popularity because of his positive qualities.

Activated carbon not only removes toxins from the body, but also absorbs excess stomach acid.

However, it does not have a negative effect on the intestinal mucosa. Its positive properties allow its use even during pregnancy. When a symptom appears, just take 2 tablets and wash it down with plain water.

A good effect can be obtained if 10 tablets of activated carbon are crushed to a powder state and poured into 500 ml of milk. The resulting consistency should be drunk immediately.

You can also prepare a medicinal potion based on this component. To do this, you need to first crush several tablets. For one-time use you will need 16 grams of this powder.

Add 6.5 g to it. ground basil root, calamus root or ginger. The resulting medicine is taken 1 tsp. 3 times a day, with plenty of water.

Side effects:

  • Constipation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Black chair.
  • Changes in the microflora of the intestines and stomach.

It is worth noting that unpleasant symptoms occur only with excessive use or overdose. To prevent this, treatment is carried out in courses and the body is given a break.

You also need to calculate the funds. Do not take more than the prescribed amount - 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.


There is no pure treatment for heartburn. A better effect can be achieved if you combine it with other medicinal products.

Recipe No. 1. This option is provided for mild manifestations of the disease. Dilute 1 tbsp in a glass of warm water. l. honey and drink half an hour before meals in the morning and evening.

Daily continuous use of the medicinal drug will help completely eliminate symptoms within a month.

The healing properties can be increased if, instead of ordinary water, you use mineral water, which has a high level of alkali concentration. At the same time, treating heartburn is not difficult at home.

Recipe No. 2. This option will help with frequent and severe heartburn. To do this, you need to mix 100 grams of aloe juice and honey. Take 40 minutes before meals. The recipe is very effective and will relieve all symptoms in a short time: pain, burning, bitterness.

Recipe No. 3. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of warm milk. honey Take one hour before eating and in case of severe heartburn.

For medicinal purposes, honey from linden, lemon balm and angelica officinalis flowers is better suited.


Almost every home has this product. Very few people know, but this product also has a positive effect on the stomach.

As a preventive measure, as well as treatment, it is recommended to eat more dishes based on this cereal. It is advisable to prepare buckwheat porridge for breakfast.

How to treat at home? For these purposes you will need buckwheat powder. You need to pour the cereal into a dry, hot frying pan and fry until dark, almost black.

After this, grind it in a mortar or using a coffee grinder. You need to take this powder 3 times a day before meals on the tip of a knife, with a sufficient amount of water.


This is an easy way to quickly get rid of heartburn. Fresh or dried peas are suitable for these purposes. No need to use boiled or canned peas.

When the first signs of illness appear, eat 3-4 fresh peas, chewing thoroughly and savoring in the mouth.

Peas purchased dry require additional cooking and processing. Pour boiling water over a handful of the product and leave for several hours until it steams and becomes soft. The consumption procedure is exactly the same as with fresh peas.


Viburnum berries are the best remedy. This tasty berry can eliminate even the most severe and prolonged heartburn. It also has a number of other beneficial qualities, so its use will benefit the entire body.

Recipe No. 1. The crushed viburnum bark is poured with 1 liter of water. What’s interesting is that the recipe requires ordinary water, which will not have any thermal effect. You need to drink 0.125 ml 3 times a day.

Recipe No. 2. A good effect can be obtained with constant use of viburnum jam. It’s better to make it at home, but store-bought will do too.

Preparation: 1 tbsp. Dissolve jam in a glass of boiled water. Reception is possible at any time. There are no restrictions in this case. The more you drink, the faster heartburn will stop manifesting itself.

The recipe for making homemade viburnum jam is quite simple. It is advisable to use berries collected in late autumn. The grapes are thoroughly washed and the seeds are removed.

First you need to soften the product. Place the berries on a baking sheet and place them in the oven for a while.

This procedure will help soften the berries and make it easier to pass through a sieve. Add water and sugar to the resulting berry mixture in a ratio of 1:5.

Boil until ready for 20 minutes. Fresh jam made at home has a much greater effect.

Mineral water

The main task is to cope with heartburn, and it copes with this problem as well as possible. And most importantly, mineral water has no serious contraindications.

The home remedy has a beneficial effect on the esophageal mucosa, protecting it from irritants and lowering the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

For treatment you need to use alkaline or slightly alkaline mineral water. It is recommended to purchase this drink at a pharmacy and immediately place it in a glass jar.

Tips for use:

  1. Mineral water must be heated to 40 degrees and placed in a thermos so that it does not lose its beneficial qualities when reheated. This way it will remain at the desired temperature for a long time.
  2. Gases must be removed before use. After purchase, it is poured into a glass container with a wide neck, mixed and left open for a while.
  3. For heartburn, take ¼ cup 3 times a day. You need to drink in small sips for 3-5 minutes. The course of therapy is 3 weeks.
  4. To reduce acidity, use mineral water half an hour after eating food. If you have increased stomach acidity, you should drink mineral water an hour before meals.


To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, you need to dilute 0.2 grams of resin in a tablespoon of honey, milk or water. Drink in 2 sittings: morning and evening.

The course of treatment is 4 weeks. After this, the body needs rest for 14 days and can be repeated.


  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation period.
  • Children under 3 years old.
  • Hemophilia.
  • Heart problems.
  • Bleeding.
  • Oncological diseases.


Any treatment must be agreed with the attending physician. Most recipes help reduce acidity and protect the mucous membranes from irritation, but they do not treat the cause itself.

In any case, folk remedies will not give a positive result if a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle, neglects doctor’s advice and does not follow proper nutrition.

Useful video

To get rid of the symptoms of heartburn, you can use available remedies at home. This statement applies to infrequent, one-time attacks of burning. If attacks become more frequent and uncontrollable, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist (if the condition worsens, an ambulance should be called).

You can quickly eliminate a burning sensation in the stomach using many remedies available at home.

Tools at hand for initial home therapy

The use of primary home therapy with foods and supplements may well replace drug therapy. The methods described below can be taken as preventative measures and used periodically to prevent heartburn.

Water/mineral water

Fluid consumption is the most common and accessible means of combating pathology at home.

Use a glass of purified warm water. It is able to dilute the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, as a result of which the burning sensation will temporarily stop. A few rules for fluid consumption:

  • drink water while standing;
  • the volume of liquid required is 250 ml;
  • drink water slowly, in small sips;
  • for the next 10-15 minutes after drinking water, it is forbidden to take a lying position;
  • It is unacceptable to use sweet, excessively cold/hot, carbonated, or sour liquids;
  • It is permissible to use only non-carbonated mineral water.


First aid for heartburn can be provided using milk. This method is unacceptable for people with lactose intolerance or an individual aversion to the product. To combat heartburn, milk or fermented baked milk (depending on taste preferences) are suitable. The protein contained in the product will “bind” excess hydrochloric acid and ease the burning sensation.

Table salt

Another effective remedy at hand is table salt. Its consumption causes the release of acidic enzymes that neutralize the pathogenic effect of bile on the body. The method of using the product is simple - you should take a pinch of salt, put it on the tongue and begin to slowly dissolve.

The reject saliva will taste salty. Saliva should be constantly swallowed and not kept in the mouth. Once all the salt has been dissolved, stop the procedure.

Vegetable juice

Products that can overcome the symptoms of heartburn:

  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • kale;
  • beet.

The permissible volume of juice is 50 ml. The drink should be consumed a few minutes before eating food. It is acceptable to consume pure juice (from one ingredient) and mixed juice (from several ingredients).

Potato juice is considered the most effective and efficient (if consumption of the potato itself does not cause a burning sensation). To prepare, grate the peeled potatoes and squeeze out the juice through a gauze cloth. The starch contained in potatoes is able to envelop the mucous membranes of internal organs, which will provide them with additional protection.

Freshly squeezed vegetable juices act not only as first aid for a burning sensation in the chest, but also as a preventive measure. Juice consumption is unlimited and is allowed for pregnant/lactating women and small children.

The optimal duration of therapy with vegetable juice is a 10-day course with breaks of 10 days. The total number of courses is 3. The best time to consume juice is in the morning on an empty stomach before meals.

Chewing gum

When chewing gum, a large amount of saliva is released, which, in turn, reduces the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. Choose sweet fruit gums instead of mint ones (relaxes the esophageal sphincter). The effect of such manipulations is short-term.

Aloe juice

To obtain juice, pass aloe leaves through a meat grinder, and strain the resulting porridge through gauze. Aloe juice is bitter and unpleasant in taste. It is permissible to dilute it in 100 ml of purified warm water.

First aid rules for heartburn at home

  • Confirm the quality of your home therapy products.
  • Do not exceed the permissible dosage of food products and conservative medications.
  • If you are caught by heartburn, and you don’t have the required medication or any of the home remedies on hand, start eating. Consumption of foods can normalize the acidity of gastric juice and temporarily relieve the unpleasant burning sensation. It is forbidden to consume fried or canned food.
  • After using one of the methods to combat heartburn (after 10-20 minutes), you should eat a portion of your usual food for a given time period.
  • If the methods presented above are ineffective, seek first aid from a qualified professional. Persistent heartburn may indicate serious damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

Conservative therapy

Conservative therapy includes non-surgical procedures that will help the patient get rid of pathogenic symptoms. The most common is to take 2 main groups of medications to combat heartburn:

  • antacids;
  • alginates.

The use of medications is permissible without consulting a doctor in the event of a one-time burning sensation in the esophagus. Persistent heartburn may indicate serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore requires prompt attention to a specialist.



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