What to take for an adult who has poor sleep. Experience of Fighting Insomnia - what to do if there is no sleep

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 7 minutes

Sleep disturbance in adults is the scourge of our time. Often problems with night rest, insomnia and other disorders cause serious illnesses. Why do they appear and how to get rid of them?

Sound, healthy sleep allows a person to rest and recharge with energy for the whole day. The modern rhythm of life and constant stress lead to the fact that about a third of the population suffers from insomnia, or insomnia. Defective night rest leads to a deterioration in the quality of life and increases the likelihood of developing dangerous diseases. Therefore, it is important to identify the cause of the problem in time and begin treatment.

Types and symptoms of sleep disorders (insomnia)

Rest needs vary from person to person. For some, six hours is enough to fully restore strength, while others need to sleep at least eight to nine. Problems due to lack of sleep at night can occur periodically or be chronic. There are several types of deviations with different symptoms:

  1. Presomnia disorder, or difficulty falling asleep. A person may toss and turn in bed for hours trying to fall asleep. This is usually accompanied by obsessive thoughts and anxiety.
  2. Intrasomnic. A person wakes up many times a night without obvious reason, after which it is difficult for him to fall asleep again. Sleep is often accompanied by nightmares.
  3. Post-somnia – short nap, early awakening. Many people dream of learning to get up early, but in this case the person does not feel that he got enough sleep because the amount of rest was insufficient. This is a reason to think about your health and eliminate sleep disturbances.

Another sign of somnological problems is constant feeling that night rest, even with normal duration, does not give the required effect. The person feels “broken” and tired.

If these symptoms do not go away long time, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist. Frequent awakenings at night may have serious consequences for health: immunity decreases, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, breast cancer, obesity.

How would you characterize the sleep disorder that is bothering you?

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    Difficulty falling asleep: I can toss and turn in bed for several hours. 39%, 361 voice

    I constantly wake up in the middle of the night, and then it is difficult to fall back to sleep. 31%, 285 votes

    Sleep does not bring a feeling of rest, regardless of the number of hours spent in bed. I always want to sleep! 17%, 156 votes

    I wake up too early in the morning, regardless of my bedtime. 13%, 125 votes


Throughout life, exposed a large number stress and anxiety. In such conditions, the need to relax becomes especially acute for a person, and the simplest way to relax, known since ancient times, is a sound and healthy sleep. But, unfortunately, in lately A huge number of people have difficulty sleeping. When about 15% of the population of developed countries experience systematic difficulties associated with nightmares or insomnia, another 11% already resort to the help of various sleeping pills. More and more more people They type “bad sleep, what to do” into Google, trying to somehow normalize their nightlife. And before we talk about what to do if you can’t sleep or have insomnia, you should understand the reasons. What can cause this condition?

Sleep disturbance. Causes in adults. Symptoms

What should you do if your sleep suddenly becomes too light, nightmares begin to torment you, and falling asleep becomes more and more difficult every day? First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes, which can be very different. Modern scientists identify more than 70 possible life situations that cause sleep-related problems.

Among the most common reasons are psychological anxiety, hormonal imbalance, excessive physical or emotional stress, or even overeating.

Symptoms of sleep disorders depend on the type of deviation and are also very diverse. The main ones are insomnia (insomnia) and hypersomnia (excessive sleepiness), which will be discussed below.


With this disorder, you have difficulty falling asleep, often wake up and cannot fall asleep again. There are usually two reasons that cause insomnia.

If this deviation is caused by a psychological state (the first case), then such insomnia is called psychosomatic. It can be permanent, caused by any psychological disorders or breathing disorders, or temporary (situational).

Temporary insomnia lasts no more than three weeks. Constantly feeling sleep-deprived, people become irritable and emotionally unstable, so excessive, unusual aggression is often considered one of the first symptoms of insomnia. Over time, some people begin to anxiously wait for the night to fall, as they are very worried about sleep disturbances, which only worsens their psychological state.

Often, after the stress factor disappears, insomnia stops. However, sometimes difficulties falling asleep and waking up at night become habitual for a person, and the fear of insomnia aggravates the situation, which leads to the development of chronic insomnia.

Insomnia can also be caused by alcohol consumption (the second case), which primarily concerns people suffering from chronic alcoholism. Sleep disturbance can also occur under the influence of various medications(for example, drugs that activate or depress the central nervous system). In this case, the phase is shortened REM sleep, as a result of which the patient often wakes up at night. Once you stop taking alcohol or medications, this insomnia usually goes away within two weeks.

Insomnia can also be a consequence of abrupt cessation of taking sleeping pills, sedatives and other drugs.

How to deal with insomnia?

What to do if you have sleep disturbances (insomnia)? If you are sure that insomnia is caused psychological reasons, then first of all you need to learn to relax. Take relaxing baths with aromatic oils and sea salt before bed. Make an appointment with a massage therapist. Prepare for bed in advance by turning off bright lights and the TV two hours before. You can also drink a few drops of valerian before going to bed. If insomnia is caused by any other reasons, you should consult your doctor.

What to do if you can't sleep? Sometimes it happens that there are no particular problems with sleep, but it is difficult to fall asleep. In this case, first of all, you should ventilate the room, straighten the sheets and turn on relaxing music. The daily routine is also important. It’s not easy to train your body to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, but the results will be worth it. We should not forget about standard, well-known methods, such as, for example, counting sheep.

Hypersomnia (excessive sleepiness)

The primary cause of increased sleepiness is chronic fatigue caused, for example, by decreased immunity after illness and fatigue. Other causes include psychological and respiratory disorders, the use of certain medications, alcohol and drugs.

What to do? First of all, go to the hospital and check your body for hidden inflammations and infections. If nothing like this is found, take a course of vitamins and sign up for fitness, visit often fresh air, that is, to tone your body.


There is another problem that often occurs that cannot be attributed to the first two sleep disorders. A person has bad dreams. What to do? There is a sleep disorder called parosomnia. These include sleepwalking (sleepwalking), bedwetting, and nightmares. The latter usually indicate severe exhaustion of the nervous system caused by fatigue or severe emotional stress. Other reasons could be eating right before bed (this leads to increased activity brain), excessive drinking, side effects of certain medications, sleep apnea syndrome, and fever.

So what should you do if you have a bad dream? Currently, there are certain techniques that help get rid of nightmares, which will be outlined below.

Ways to deal with nightmares

  • Remember your dream and come up with another, happier ending.
  • Don't keep a bad dream to yourself, discuss it with your friends and family.
  • If you don’t want to tell anyone about your nightmares, write down your dreams in a special notebook or simply draw them.
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep at least 6-8 hours a day, and also learn to fully relax.

It should be noted that in most cases, all these procedures are not necessary, and nightmares go away on their own after about two weeks.

The benefits of nightmares

When you have a very bad dream, what to do is the first question that arises in your head after waking up. After all, the residual negative emotions, such as fear, anger, emptiness and sadness can be very strong. However, as surprising as it may sound, nightmares can also have their own benefits.

According to scientists, nightmares, being a product of the activity of the human subconscious, personify our unpleasant emotions, impressions, as well as internal conflicts. Thus, all negative situations from our present are processed by the brain and neutralized at night. If nightmares with the same plot are repeated, you should take note that there is some kind of problem that requires an immediate solution.

When are nightmares useful?

Of course, nightmares are not always useful, but only at certain stages of life. There are two specific periods of life when the influence of nightmares is especially effective.

Firstly, during turning points in a person’s life. At this time, nightmares usually end happily, that is, you manage to escape from bandits, defeat monsters, or find a way out of a tunnel. Such nightmares indicate a person's personal growth.

Secondly, after any tragic incident in a person’s life: loss of loved ones, natural disaster, war. Such nightmares help a person to throw out his grief in a dream and subsequently gain peace of mind.

If you had a bad dream, what should you do? Regardless of whether you recognized yourself in the first or second situation, just move on with your life. Such nightmares will definitely pass on their own.

However, you should not forget that nightmares can also indicate a certain psychological problem that you may not be aware of or acknowledge in the present.

I had a bad dream. What to do? Mystical aspect

Superstitious people believe that nightmares do not just happen, but carry a warning about certain events in life. Such possible events are listed below.

First of all, nightmares promise failure in business and a quarrel with loved ones. If you are a young woman, then disappointment and undeserved neglect await you in the near future. After a bad sleep, a girl should take care of her health and, perhaps, go on a diet.

Nightmares can also mean that you are a puppet in the hands of stupid people and you should take a closer look at your surroundings.

In conclusion, I would like to note: it is not without reason that they say that all problems are within us. The main cause of any sleep-related illnesses is a psychological state: emotional and physical overload, internal worries and dissatisfaction with something. The inability to cope with daily stress results in insomnia and nightmares. Therefore, you should take care of yourself, avoid unnecessary stress and overexertion, systematically relax and exercise. Still, money can’t buy health - it’s one thing!

Reasons for not getting a good night's rest. Symptoms and treatment methods. Peaceful, healthy sleep is a vital function human body, during which psychological processing of daily activities occurs, internal metabolic processes are launched, and organs self-heal after a hard day of work. Poor sleep at night in an adult person is alarm signal, which should not be neglected in the interests of one’s own health.

Sleep disturbances are a common phenomenon that occurs in at different ages, while each age category has its own reasons.

Pathological drowsiness can be a manifestation of hormonal abnormalities, a consequence of somatic diseases, in which a sick person is prevented from sleeping peacefully by an attack of asthma, itching, angina pectoris or increased urination. There can be a huge number of causes for sleep disorders.

What prevents a person from getting enough sleep?

What are the causes of poor sleep in adults? What factors influence restless, sleepless nights? The main causes of restless night sleep:

  • external factors: phone calls, noise from neighbors, light from a street lamp;
  • increased emotional background, irritability, outbursts of anger, experiencing difficult life situations (divorce, dismissal, betrayal of friends) - greatly depress the nervous system and provoke sleep problems;
  • uncontrolled use of psychotropic stimulants, dietary supplements, hormonal medications;
  • poor sleep is guaranteed after alcohol, drugs;
  • information boom: modern media and the Internet are replete with an uncontrollable flow of information - nightmares seen the day before can be projected in a dream;
  • poor nutrition: in the evening, biorhythms slow down and the gastrointestinal tract finds it difficult to digest heavy foods;
  • 24-hour working day, change of time zones;
  • poor sleep after training: do not abuse strength training late in the evening, everything should be in moderation, give the body the opportunity to recover.

Forward: How to deal with insomnia

To fall asleep and wake up easily, take care of your comfortable conditions By eliminating the irritant, you are guaranteed to have a restful sleep.

What are the dangers of poor sleep? Consequences

The causes of sleep disorders may be temporary. Lack of sleep can occur over three days and is episodic. If sleep disturbance bothers you for more than three weeks, insomnia becomes chronic. Possible consequences:

  • the risk of accidents increases;
  • appearance deteriorates;
  • are decreasing protective functions body;
  • irritability and depression appear (how ladies can cope with depression - read the article on how a woman can get out of depression on her own);
  • there are problems with memory and concentration;
  • the risk of heart disease increases.

A person cannot exist without sleep just like without food, water and oxygen. People who say they don't sleep are mistaken. There is sleep, but it is anxious, intermittent, and there is no charge of vigor after waking up.

How to break the vicious circle and give yourself a relaxing night's rest?

Against the backdrop of health problems, stressful condition, physical and emotional fatigue, abuse of bad habits - each of us asks ourselves the question: “Why do I have bad sleep, why do I often wake up at night? How to enjoy your sleep, waking up rested, full of strength and energy?

Forward: This is how much sleep an adult needs per day

If you suffer from sleep disorders, analyze your daily routine, lifestyle, check what you eat, how healthy the foods are for the body, how often you eat hiking in the fresh air. Excessive anxieties and worries do not allow you to relax even during sleep - try to reduce them yourself or by seeking advice from a specialist.

Modern medications are not addictive and normalize the process of falling asleep. Gentle medications stabilize sleep rhythms at night and allow an adult to forget about insomnia. Often the doctor prescribes in combination homeopathic treatment, infusions soothing herbs and general recommendations - everything is individual, depending on the causes of the failure and personal symptoms.

Poor sleep at night can debilitate an adult; our advice will tell you what to do. General recommendations, which will help you wake up as an energetic and rested person.

Sleep is rightfully considered the most important part of human life - during a night's rest our psycho-emotional and physical condition, and the brain processes and assimilates the information received during the day.

Insomnia (insomnia) recognized medical illness, but it is almost impossible to overcome it with the help of drugs - that’s all sleeping pills addictive.

Therefore, if you enter into a search engine the query “bad sleep at night in an adult, what to do with folk remedies,” you will find on the right track– only alternative medicine can effectively cure insomnia.

Why does insomnia occur?

All sleep disorders are associated with deviations in the activity of the central nervous system, and therefore the lack of a good night's rest can be caused by any problem that causes a person to worry - financial difficulties, personal conflicts, separation from a loved one, sexual difficulties.

Although stress is considered the main cause of restless sleep, there are other common sources of insomnia.

The main causes of poor sleep in adults

Manifestations of insomnia

In order not to miss the early symptoms of the disease and start treatment on time, pay attention to the following signs (in the first stages they may appear periodically):

Traditional medicine is the best remedy for poor sleep

Home remedies for treating insomnia are simple and varied - they help restore peace of mind without much expense or hassle.

Benefits of use natural remedies:

  1. They have a milder effect - they are non-toxic and, unlike antidepressants, do not have a suppressive effect on the nervous system.
  2. They are not addictive - it is impossible to “get hooked” on them, like on a drug, which usually occurs as a result of prolonged use of sleeping pills.
  3. Have fewer side effects.
  4. They have practically no contraindications - after a short consultation with a doctor, everyone can take them.
  5. Folk remedies can be used in parallel with any other medications - they strengthen and support therapeutic effect.
  6. A skillfully selected herbal mixture treats not only insomnia, but also other concomitant diseases.
  7. Every woman knows that taking sedative medications during pregnancy is categorically not recommended - with insomnia caused by hormonal changes, it is best to fight with natural remedies.

Folk remedies for insomnia that everyone should know

  1. Chamomile tea. This is the most famous and simple method of dealing with stress - it calms the nervous system and normalizes work digestive system. Tea is being brewed traditional way, but if desired, you can add honey, cinnamon and warm milk.
  2. Milk with honey. You need to dissolve one spoon of honey in a glass of warm milk - this pleasant and mild-tasting drink is taken immediately before bed.
  3. Herbal pouch. You need to sew a small handbag from cotton or flannelette fabric and fill it with a variety of medicinal herbs, improving the quality of sleep - oregano, valerian, lavender, St. John's wort or other plants that are at hand that exude a pleasant aroma (fresh hop cones are perfect for these purposes). The bag should be kept at the head of the head or under the pillow, then the smell of meadow herbs will help you forget about all the stress and set your body up for a sound sleep.
  4. Baths with medicinal herbs. Any water procedures perfectly help to cope with insomnia, and at home before bed you can take relaxing baths - they add all sorts of medicinal decoctions. It is best to brew linden and valerian - the herbal solution is brought to a boil, cooled and strained, poured into the bath. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, and swimming itself usually lasts no more than 30 minutes. Carry out the procedure 2-3 hours before going to bed and always make sure that the water does not cover your chest in the heart area, otherwise blood circulation may, on the contrary, worsen.

The most effective remedies for insomnia

Many traditional healers and some doctors recommend drinking a small amount of red wine before bed or even preparing a special homemade tincture on alcohol to take at night to relax and calm the nerves.

Indeed, sometimes so-called healthy strong drinks (balms, special liqueurs and wines) in small doses help you fall asleep faster, but you will very soon realize that this is just an imaginary improvement.

Your poor sleep after alcohol will become even worse over time - consciousness will turn off only superficially, and the amount of alcohol will have to be constantly increased.

You will experience fragmented, shallow sleep and frequent awakenings at night, which will ultimately cause morning headaches, a general feeling of fatigue and decreased performance. Feeling unwell during the day will only make your insomnia worse.

For relief from insomnia and recovery normal sleep alone folk remedies, of course, will not be enough - to ensure that your pleasure from a night's rest is as maximum as possible, learn to follow some rules:

Every time you go to bed in the evening, try to forget about all your unresolved problems and think about something pleasant - don’t rush to accept potent drugs, a person is always stronger than circumstances.

Stop your choice on folk medicine– home remedies will not only improve your restless sleep, but also strengthen the immune system of the entire body as a whole.

Follow the simplest recommendations - relax more, walk in the fresh air, use all the methods of evening relaxation available to you. Healthy night sleep will be restored, and with it a good mood and desire to enjoy life will return.

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Bad sleep: a comprehensive solution to the problem

People call healthy sleep sound, peaceful, sweet. After such a dream, a person will wake up energetic, in good mood, ready to move mountains.

Sound sleep speaks of healthy body And in the right way life. Shallow sleep, and even interrupted by frequent waking up, signals like a flashing light that not everything is in order in the body and help is needed. Since you are reading this article, it means that you are worried about the question “why can’t I fall asleep and often wake up at night?” Let's figure out what a bad dream tells us. What to do to restore falling asleep quickly without frequent waking up.

Poor sleep may be caused by various factors

Types of night rest disturbances

Sleep disturbance is manifested by difficulty falling asleep and frequent waking up or, conversely, drowsiness. Types of sleep disorders:

  1. Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep or waking up frequently.
  2. Hypersomnia – increased sleepiness.
  3. Parasomnia is a malfunction of organs and systems associated with sleep.

The most common sleep disorder is insomnia. In everyday life it is simply called insomnia. All types of sleep disorders require treatment after examination using polysomnography.

Causes of insomnia

With insomnia, the question often arises: “why do I often wake up at night?” The most common cause of insomnia is a nocturnal lifestyle, in which a person works or has fun at night and then sleeps all day. The change from night to day is unnatural for humans. Biological rhythms Owls and predatory animals are adapted to hunting at night and are conditioned by the natural laws of survival and continuation of life. The functions of their organs are tuned to a nocturnal lifestyle - acute night vision. Human biological rhythms are genetically tuned to active life during the day and rest at night. The human brain produces the sleep hormone melatonin at night. With insomnia, the hormone decreases to critical level, and thus, insomnia becomes chronic.

The main hormone of the pineal gland is melatonin.

Insomnia can also be caused by short-term or permanent conditions or diseases.

Most common factors that lead to insomnia:

Elderly people quite often complain to the doctor, “I wake up at night, prescribe a remedy for good sleep.” In old age, disruption of night rest is natural. Get rid of light sleeper Elderly people benefit from herbal medicines. When treating sensitive sleep in older people, taking a vasodilator (for example, vinpocetine) is also recommended.

What diseases interfere with sleep?

If a person says, “I wake up often,” then he should think about what causes sensitive night rest. The causes of frequent waking up and poor sleep are the following somatic diseases:

Sleep apnea disease

  • enuresis (bedwetting).

At cardiopulmonary failure The reason for sensitive night rest is oxygen starvation - hypoxia, which forces you to take an elevated position of the body to facilitate breathing.

The problem of “waking up often at night” occurs with restless legs syndrome. Very often varicose veins manifests itself vascular insufficiency legs If blood circulation in the legs is impaired, the need to move the lower extremities reflexively arises to restore it. It is this unconscious desire that causes restless legs syndrome. If during the day a person moves his legs without noticing it, then at night involuntary movements cause a person to wake up frequently. During measures taken for treating legs, will help get rid of insomnia.

One of the serious reasons for a sensitive night's rest is obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) in people who snore. It is caused by dangerous stoppages of breathing at night due to diseases of the nasopharynx. A person wakes up from suffocation due to the cessation or restriction of air flow through the nasopharynx. The causes and treatment of sleep disturbances due to snoring are dealt with by somnologists and neurologists. If you are concerned about the problem of “I often wake up at night,” you should contact these specialists. Treating snoring will relieve you of insomnia.

Treatment with prepared drugs

Ready-made remedies for insomnia in drops, tablets, capsules and solutions are very popular. The following medications will help get rid of insomnia or light sleep:

  • Novo-passit is a combined mixture of medicinal herbs and guaifenesin. This remedy not only soothes, but also relieves anxiety, which will make it easier to fall asleep. Novo-passit is often used to treat insomnia.
  • Phytosed has a calming effect and makes it easier to fall asleep.
  • Corvalol and Valocordin drops also soothe and help get rid of anxiety, thus improving the quality of night's rest.
  • Motherwort Forte tablets contain not only the plant, but also magnesium and vitamin B6. This composition of the drug relieves irritability and will help get rid of the problem of difficulty falling asleep. Treatment with motherwort is effective with light night rest.
  • Donormil tablets speed up falling asleep and increase sleep duration. They should be taken 15–30 minutes before going to bed for two weeks.
  • Valocordin-doxylamine has proven itself well as a mild sleeping pill. Its use is indicated for situational sleep disturbance after nervous tension.
  • Melatonin is a hormone-like drug. Just like a natural hormone, it regulates sleep. Its use is recommended at the very beginning of treatment for insomnia in order to start the correct rhythm of life - work during the day, rest at night. It is recommended to take the drug together with medications, preferably of herbal origin.

Ready-made products for good sleep can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Using herbs for insomnia

Sedative herbs

For mild cases of sleep disturbances, herbal remedies are very effective. They can be prepared at home in the form of a decoction or infusion. The following popular herbs are used to treat insomnia:

  • valerian root;
  • Melissa;
  • motherwort;
  • lavender and oregano;
  • peppermint.

The pharmacy has ready fees herbs for treating insomnia. To prepare the infusion, you should brew 2 tbsp. l. dry collection with a glass of boiling water, place in a water bath for 15–30 minutes, then leave for 45 minutes. The product should be taken strained 3 times a day. Take the last dose of infusion 40 minutes earlier before going to bed. Infusions help deepen shallow and sensitive sleep.

Use of synthetic sleeping pills

In the treatment of insomnia, drugs of the benzodiazepine group are used. We give preference to the following medications:

  • Triazolam and Midazolam are recommended for difficulty falling asleep. These sleeping pills short acting.
  • Relanium, Elenium and Flurazepam differ more long-term action. It is recommended to take them when waking up in the early morning hours. However, they cause drowsiness in daytime.
  • Sleeping pills average duration actions: Imovan and Zolpidem. These drugs are addictive.

Sleeping pills

  • Amitriptyline and doxemine belong to the group of antidepressants. They are prescribed by neurologists for depression.

The disadvantage of this group of funds is that they are addictive. If the medication is discontinued after prolonged use, insomnia may develop.

As a result, we considered the most common reasons sleep disorders in people. We learned how to get rid of bad unproductive sleep with the help of herbs and ready-made pharmaceutical drugs. Remember, chronic insomnia needs to be treated, and for this you should consult a neurologist.


Experience of Fighting Insomnia - what to do if there is no sleep

In this publication I decided to collect and summarize all the material on traditional treatment insomnia, which he published on his website. Well, I also made some additives. Taking into account new information. The world does not stand still. People share their work, and this, in turn, helps everyone a lot.

Now briefly about what insomnia is and how it manifests itself.

This is a condition in which a person cannot fall asleep at night; it is also possible that awakenings occur in the middle of the night. frequent character. The sleep is shallow and does not bring any rest.

Insomnia happens randomly

That is, some event provoked a temporary disturbance in the rhythm of sleep. For example, an upcoming trip, or an important meeting. It happens that even a cup of coffee after three o'clock in the afternoon causes persistent insomnia at night. Tea has the same effect on some people. I had such a case. Friends came, and I gave them good green tea at 7 pm. The next day they complained to me that they couldn’t sleep at night until two o’clock.

Particular attention is paid to chronic insomnia

A person can suffer for many years. And it is not necessarily cured. Most often he somehow adapts to sleeping in fits and starts. This is influenced by stress, constant worries, and even nutrition. In addition to the lack of a clear sleep pattern, chronic insomnia can cause heart palpitations and trembling hands. Nerves are on edge and are not resting properly.

Of course, constant lack of sleep negatively affects the daytime well-being of such people. They are often irritated, tired, and suffer from loss of attention and memory. Old people often have morning insomnia. They wake up at four in the morning and that’s it! No sleep. If that's just the case, it's not scary. The main thing is to get at least 6 hours of sleep. Then there is no reason to worry.

How to treat a sleep disorder? First, I will give options for herbal remedies.

Collection No. 1

3 table. spoons pharmaceutical chamomile, 3 table. spoons of valerian roots, 2 tablespoons. spoons of motherwort grass, 1 table. spoon of hawthorn berries. Per liter of water. Grind everything in a coffee grinder or through a meat grinder. Brew 4 tablespoons at a time. spoons of mixture. It is best to infuse in a thermos. Leave for six hours, then express and drink warm, half a glass of infusion three times a day before meals. After draining, do not pour into the thermos. Warm before use. Keep refrigerated.

Collection No. 2

3 table. spoons of lemon balm flowers, 2 tablespoons. spoons of calendula flowers, 2 table. spoons of yarrow flowers, 1 table. spoon of oregano flowers. Per liter of water. We also chop herbs, 3 table. Fill spoons of the mixture with boiling water and simmer for 20 minutes on low gas. Next, filter and cool. Take half a glass before each meal.

What juices should I drink?

A mixture of carrot and grapefruit juice has a good effect on sleep.

Take two carrots and one grapefruit. Squeeze the juice out of them and drink a glass every evening half an hour before bed. You should stop eating at least two hours before bedtime.

Celery, beets and cucumber

Take two celery roots, one beet and one cucumber. Squeeze the juice and also drink a glass half an hour before bed.

Milk for insomnia

A glass of warm milk per table is very conducive to good quality sleep. spoon of linden or flower honey. You should also drink it about half an hour before bedtime. The drink calms the nerves, relieves stress and tension.

Bath with herbal decoction

Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of motherwort herb, 2 tablespoons. spoons of peppermint, 2 tablespoons. spoons of chamomile flowers. Take 2 liters of boiling water. Pour and leave for 6 hours in a dark place or covered with a lid. It is better to wrap yourself in a fur coat or coat. Before going to bed, take a bath and pour the infusion into it. Lie down for twenty minutes and then go straight to bed. Course 10 baths. But you can do it at least every evening. If only for the benefit!

A bath with the addition of essential oil frankincense, lavender, bergamot, lemon balm or ylang-ylang. Add 7 drops of aromatic oil to the bath and lie in it for about twenty minutes before bed.


Typically massage the scalp. Stroking with fingers in the form of a rake is used, and rubbing is also used in the same way. Movements during a massage should be measured, gentle, and soothing.

Hop cones

For insomnia, pour two teaspoons of ground hop cones with a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for four hours. Then strain and drink the entire infusion in one go. Drink before bed.

Dill seeds

Pour one teaspoon of dill seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave for one hour in a thermos, then strain and drink the entire infusion in one go. I recommend adding another teaspoon of honey to it for taste and also good for calming. You need to drink the infusion before going to bed.

Soothing tea

Buy oregano, St. John's wort, valerian, mint, motherwort at the pharmacy. Pour two tablespoons of all the herbs into a liter jar and brew with hot water. Brew simply like tea. There, in the jar a little later, put three tablespoons of honey. But add honey when the infusion is no longer hot. Otherwise everything useful substances honey will kill you. Before going to bed, drink the entire can within three hours before bed. And you will sleep soundly, deeply and without nightmare experiences.

I believe that these herbs, along with honey, soften the thoughts and mind. They make him calm and peaceful. Headaches and neuroses also disappear. The course of drinking this infusion is fourteen evenings. I think that you will really like it and you will not regret that you started drinking it. I wish you strong and good dreams!

Let's also look at remedies for insomnia without the use of sleeping pills. You can fall asleep. And you don't have to drink at all chemical tablets.

Take in a one to one ratio: marshweed, heather, motherwort and valerian. Mix the herbs thoroughly and brew one tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for about half an hour. then strain. A glass of infusion should be drunk four times. Moreover, it is advisable to leave the largest part for the evening. This infusion remarkably normalizes sleep and calms the nervous system.

Dandelion root drink

Dandelion roots are dug up in spring or autumn, dried, fried until golden brown and ground in a coffee grinder. The powder is brewed like instant coffee.

Drink made from cattail rhizomes

Dry rhizomes are broken and fried until brown in a dry frying pan. Then it is ground in a coffee grinder and brewed like instant coffee.

Infusion of salad overnight

Pour 1 tablespoon of finely chopped lettuce leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave until it cools. Take 1 hour before bedtime for insomnia.

Treatment of sleep disorders, especially the phase of falling asleep, due to increased nervous excitability

Collection infusion: take 1 part of valerian officinalis root, angelica officinalis root, peppermint leaves. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day.

Infusion of the collection: take 2 parts of motherwort pentaloba herb and 1 part each of peppermint leaves, valerian root, and common hop cones. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day.

Sleep disturbance due to nervous excitement and rapid heartbeat

Infusion of the collection: take 1 part of valerian officinalis root, motherwort herb pentaloba, caraway fruit, fennel fruit. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The last dose is 1 hour before bedtime.

Sleep disorder associated with headaches

Infusion of the collection: take 2 parts of angustifolia fireweed herb and blood-red hawthorn fruit, 1 part each of peppermint leaves and motherwort leaves. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day, the last dose 30 minutes before bedtime.

Infusions are being prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes on the stove (do not boil), then strain.

Herbal pillow

Even kings suffered from insomnia. For example, King George III of England often could not sleep at night. He took a special pillow, which was stuffed with medicinal herbs.

I will now declassify the composition of such a pillow. We will fight the tormenting scourge with soporific herbs. These are hawthorn, valerian, pine needles, mint, rosehip or rose petals, blackcurrant and cherry leaves. I also recommend adding yellow and white sweet clover to your anti-insomnia pillow. This plant, among other things, also helps with headaches. You will wake up refreshed and well-rested in the morning.

Treatment with honey

* 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of honey and 30 g of lard well and dissolve in a glass of hot cow's (or better yet, goat's) milk. Take orally 2-3 times a day for insomnia.

* For insomnia, it is recommended to drink a glass of honey water before bed (1 tablespoon of honey per 1 glass of boiling water) and apply fresh gruel of finely chopped fresh or pickled cucumbers, rye or wheat bread, sour milk and clay. Honey water drink warm, and keep the pulp on your forehead for 15-20 minutes.

* For insomnia (a faithful companion of hypertension) or restless, disturbing dream take a glass of pumpkin broth with honey at night. To do this, cut 200 g of pumpkin into pieces, cook over low heat until soft, place on a sieve and cool, then add honey.

* For insomnia, grate horseradish and apply a compress to the calves for 15-20 minutes before bed, at the same time drink pickled cucumber brine with honey: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey per glass of brine.

History of insomnia treatment

My sister began to get sick often, and mountains of medicine appeared in the house. But apparently they didn’t help much, because there were more and more of them. All diseases are caused by nerves. The nervous system, especially in women, becomes more vulnerable over the years.

Women generally tend to create problems out of nowhere. Then they themselves suffer because of this. My sister started having insomnia about three years ago. As a result - headaches, pressure surges. Naturally, all this alarmed me, and I decided to find out the reason.

I didn’t succeed right away, but then it just became funny. I don’t want to go into the details of her family life, I’ll just say that ridiculous thoughts were constantly spinning in her head about her relationship with her husband.

Women! You can’t remain silent for years if something is bothering you! This leads to insomnia, migraines, hypertension, and neuralgia and other diseases. And besides, it does not improve relationships with loved ones at all. It is harmful to keep negative emotions within yourself, accumulating year after year: sooner or later they will manifest themselves on the physical plane.

In general, they were able to sort out the misunderstandings, but the health problems still remained. I started looking for recipes for insomnia with herbs and natural remedies, but it was too late: my sister was thoroughly accustomed to sleeping pills. And they were already ineffective: sleep came for 3-4 hours, and the doses of sleeping pills had to be increased all the time.

Then the doctor prescribed a stronger drug. And then what - drugs?!

I started reading serious literature on medicine and learned a lot of interesting things. It turns out that if a doctor gives the patient the most regular syrup or, for example, a lollipop and says what it is strong medicine from his illness, the patient often recovers.

I bought multivitamins at the pharmacy (the bright ones, different colors) and poured them into an empty bottle with a foreign inscription. He gave it to my sister and said that a sleeping pill stronger than this had not yet been invented, and that an acquaintance brought it to me from America. They say that you must take the blue pill in the morning, the red pill in the afternoon, and the yellow pill in the evening. I believed it!

When the vitamins ran out, I began to sleep like the dead, and my blood pressure returned to normal, and the neuralgia went away. My husband, of course, tried all this time to be more attentive and responsive, and is still trying. After all, this is a person who is very dear to him! But the fact remains: the treatment of any disease should begin with the head. As they say, according to thoughts and illness.

A woman's life contains much more trials, stress and troubles. Insomnia is especially difficult. Only a woman can understand when these intrusive thoughts in your head and can't sleep. They press until the morning, cutting your soul into pieces. What kind of dream is this?

All these chemicals don't help. They only give me a headache. In the morning, feeling overwhelmed and empty after them.

Video about the experience of fighting insomnia:


Why might an adult have poor sleep at night? What to do in this case?

Do you know how important proper rest is for the body? Sleep prepares a person for next day. It fills the body with strength and energy, allows you to concentrate well and think clearly. A person who has slept well feels in shape all day long. And of course, a completely opposite feeling is caused by poor sleep at night in an adult. What to do in such a situation? How to restore the normal rhythm of life?

Common reasons

We can talk for a long time about what can interfere with normal rest and why an adult has poor sleep at night, since there are many reasons for this phenomenon.

The following points most often interfere with proper rest:

  1. Insomnia. The long process of falling asleep and constant awakenings at night leave you feeling tired and exhausted in the morning. Almost every person experiences episodic insomnia. A chronic similar condition is diagnosed in 15% of the population.
  2. Snore. By itself, it does not disturb the rest of a sleeping person. But snoring can lead to the syndrome sleep apnea. This is a condition in which a person stops breathing. This syndrome is serious complication, which has a detrimental effect on the quality of sleep. In addition, it increases the risk of stroke and cardiovascular pathologies several times.
  3. Central sleep apnea syndrome. Patients with this diagnosis suffer from dysfunction of the respiratory center located in the brain. As a result of this pathology, respiratory arrest leads to acute oxygen starvation, which affects all organs.
  4. Restless legs syndrome. This neurological disorder, in which a person calm state feels discomfort in lower limbs. Unpleasant sensations disappear after small movements of the legs.
  5. Circadian disorders. Disturbed sleep is based on non-compliance with the rest-wake regime. Similar conditions occur in people who often work at night. Changing the time zone also causes a crash internal clock in the body.
  6. Narcolepsy. In this case, the patient can fall asleep at any time. Patients note following symptoms. Suddenly appears severe weakness. Hallucinations may occur. They can be observed both during falling asleep and at the moment of awakening. Sleep paralysis follows.
  7. Bruxism. This is a condition in which the jaw clenches involuntarily. Such a person begins to grind his teeth in his sleep. After such a rest, the patient complains of feeling unwell. He has headaches, muscles, teeth, and the temporomandibular joint.

What else has a detrimental effect on sleep?

The above reasons are far from the only ones that have a detrimental effect on the quality of rest. When considering why an adult has poor sleep at night, we should dwell on several more factors that provide a feeling of fatigue and weakness in the morning.

Inadequate night's rest may be dictated by the following reasons:

  1. Misunderstanding. Unfortunately, not all adults understand how important sleep is for the body. They use the time allotted for rest to do any other thing: finish work, watch a movie, play on the computer. Morning fatigue is perceived by such people as a normal condition. As a result, they concentrate less well on their responsibilities, have difficulty waking up, become irritable, and feel lethargic.
  2. Work schedule. Many people are simply overwhelmed with responsibilities. Work often takes up a lot of free time. Some stay in the office until night, others rush there even on weekends. Of course, they have practically no time to fully relax and unwind.
  3. Busy schedule. Modern man constantly strives to do everything. People go to work, visit fitness centers, and participate in various events. In addition, there are household responsibilities: picking up children from the garden, caring for elderly parents, cultivating a vegetable garden. The to-do list can get huge. Obviously, the desire to do everything leads to a significant shift in the time when you can go to bed.
  4. Life changes. Any changes that occur to a person can affect the quality of sleep. Pleasant news provides an excited state in which it is quite difficult to fully relax. Negative changes lead to suffering, which can lead to depression. In this case, the pathology can manifest itself unnoticed and gradually. In such cases, a person is not even always aware of his condition.
  5. Bad habits. Poor sleep can be dictated by smoking, drinking alcohol, and caffeine. For example, the habit of having a heavy dinner right before bed has a detrimental effect on the quality of rest.

Medical reasons

Some diseases can cause poor sleep at night in adults. Treatment of underlying ailments will significantly improve the clinic. Sometimes pathologies that affect the quality of rest are temporary:

  • tendon strain;
  • flu;
  • recently undergone surgical interventions.

But poor sleep can also be caused by diseases that accompany the patient throughout his life:

  • asthma and other respiratory ailments;
  • epilepsy;
  • arthritis;
  • heart diseases.

Inadequate rest may be dictated by taking medications prescribed by a doctor. Some medications cause irritability and have a detrimental effect on sleep. Others can cause drowsiness.

What to do?

So, the picture is observed: an adult has poor sleep at night. What to do in such a situation? After all, inadequate rest can lead to a number of serious pathologies in the future.

Let's start small. Analyze the room in which you sleep. It is possible that external stimuli affect the quality of sleep.

To do this, answer the following questions as honestly as possible:

  1. Is the room well ventilated before bed?
  2. Is there sufficient sound insulation in the room?
  3. Doesn't street light come into your bedroom?
  4. When was the last time you changed your bed?
  5. How comfortable is your pillow?

If you find the problems listed above, try to eliminate them. If, after getting rid of the irritants, your sleep returned to normal, it means that these were the reasons that had a detrimental effect on your rest.

For the future, remember that you are different. high sensitivity. For a good and quality rest, you need a calm and quiet environment.

Effects of caffeine and alcohol

It was indicated above what can cause poor sleep at night in an adult. The reasons for inadequate rest are often hidden in excessive consumption of caffeine or alcohol. Analyze how many cups of coffee you drink per day. Or maybe in the evening you like to sit in front of the TV with a glass of beer?

Each body reacts to these drinks in its own way. It cannot be ruled out that the dose you drink becomes excessive and causes poor sleep.

To be sure to understand whether this is the reason, try to give up such drinks. Observe your condition.

Daily routine

Even from school, a person is taught to maintain a daily routine. Thanks to parents, most students actually go to bed at the same time. But at an older age, people, as a rule, rarely adhere to the regime. By going to bed long after midnight, they themselves reduce the duration of rest, and it is not surprising that in this case they have poor sleep at night.

For an adult, as you know, night's rest should last 7-8 hours. Only in this case the body is able to have quality rest and ensure normal functioning.

Doctors say that sleep disturbance provokes an increase in cortisol levels (this is the death hormone). As a result, the most various diseases. Therefore, you need to start by observing a daily routine in which at least 7 hours are allocated for night rest.

Analyze medications

For therapeutic purposes, people are prescribed various medications. Carefully study the leaflet of these drugs. Please note side effects, since some medications can cause poor sleep at night in an adult.

What to do if the basis for disrupted rest is the medications prescribed by the doctor? Of course, consult a doctor. The specialist will select new medications that will not cause such negative reactions.


If an adult has poor sleep at night, what should he do during the day to get rid of the problem? First of all, provide the body with normal activity. Sports activities are excellent for strengthening and developing endurance. In addition, they perfectly improve the quality of rest. An organism sufficiently saturated with oxygen falls asleep easier and better.

However, do not forget to choose the right time for training. Physical activity should stop completely at least 2 hours before bedtime. Sport provides more than just oxygen saturation. It stimulates the production of adrenaline. And this substance is a bad sleeping pill.

Regular walking before bed is very beneficial. They will significantly improve its quality. Walk down the street or take a stroll in the park. 30 minutes is enough to ensure complete rest.

In addition, it is recommended to practice muscle relaxation. It can also be done in bed. The procedure consists of alternately tensing and relaxing the muscles. For example: tense your leg muscles for 5 seconds. Then relax them completely. Do an exercise for your abdominal muscles.

Proper nutrition

Very often the question arises: if an adult has poor sleep at night, what should he take to improve the quality of rest?

Initially, you should pay attention to your diet and diet. Eating right before bed often causes a restless night's sleep. The body cannot enter the sleep stage while the stomach is digesting food. In addition, at this time energy is produced that is not at all conducive to rest. Taking this into account, you should finish eating 3 hours before bedtime.

Foods rich in magnesium can significantly improve the quality of sleep. The lack of this microelement leads to disturbances in the process of falling asleep. So be sure to include foods that contain magnesium in your diet, such as pumpkin seeds and spinach.

Water treatments

SPA treatments can help an adult overcome a bad night's sleep. The body needs to relax. So before you go to bed, take hot bath or shower. Such simple procedure will relieve you of stress and make you drowsy.

Folk remedies

If an adult has poor sleep at night, folk remedies can also significantly improve rest and help you fall asleep quickly:

  1. Stuff your pillow with herbs. It is recommended to use rose petals, mint leaves, laurel, hazel, oregano, geranium, fern, pine needles. All these components help you fall asleep quickly.
  2. Before going to bed, drink warm water (1 tbsp) with honey (1 tbsp). Best effect will provide warm milk with cinnamon and honey. This remedy allows you to fall asleep even after strong excitement.
  3. A tincture of hop cones is useful. It provides a relaxing and analgesic effect. To prepare the product, you need to grind 2 tbsp. l. cones. Pour boiling water over the raw materials - 0.5 l. The composition should be infused for 1 hour. Be sure to strain it and take ¼ cup 20 minutes before meals. It is recommended to use the infusion three times a day.


Sometimes the recommendations described above do not provide the desired result. Such people should definitely consult a doctor. Because in this case, medications will help normalize poor sleep at night in an adult. But remember that only a specialist should prescribe such drugs.

The following sleeping pills are popular:

  • "Melaxen";
  • "Donormil";
  • "Zopiclone";
  • "Melatonin";
  • "Diphenhydramine";
  • "Imovan";
  • "Somnol";
  • "Ivadal";
  • "Andante";
  • "Sondox."

These drugs can quickly and effectively restore sleep. They reduce the number of night awakenings. Provides excellent health in the morning, after waking up.

But remember that only a specialist can choose the right one medicine and its dosage if an adult has poor sleep at night. The tablets listed above, like any medicine, have contraindications and can provoke quite unpleasant side effects. Therefore, entrust your health and sleep to professionals.

Poor sleep is a problem that every inhabitant of the planet has encountered. Miscellaneous violations Happens at any age, but in children it is night terrors, walking while asleep, urinary incontinence; in adults - chronic insomnia, nightmares or excessive sleepiness. Sleep problems often occur in older people. If unpleasant phenomenon poisons your life and often repeats itself, you should consult a doctor. He will find out the cause and prescribe medicine.

Poor sleep: what to do to get a good night's sleep and the causes of problems

Poor sleep manifests itself in different ways, but the effect of a bad night is always the same: you lack vital energy, cannot concentrate on work, feel weak and tired.

Insomnia, shallow or short sleep, nightmares, frequent awakenings, excessive sleepiness, rhythm disturbances, chronic lack of sleep– phenomena that poison our lives and worsen our well-being, making us nervous and absent-minded.

There are many reasons for insomnia and poor sleep. To improve your condition, you need to figure out why you suffer from the phenomenon in question. Perhaps you went to bed during the day or took alcohol at night; went to bed angry or excited, under strong emotions; drank strong tea or coffee for dinner; engaged in late evening sports or heavy physical work.

In any case, you need to streamline your daily routine and be sure to spend several hours in the fresh air.

If you systematically do not get enough sleep, feel exhausted and tired every morning, and there is a general weakening of the body, then go to an appointment with a neurologist. These symptoms may indicate nervous disorders and psychological problems.

The specialist will prescribe effective therapy, and, if necessary, sedatives and sleeping pills. Psychotherapy and various types of relaxation will also help cope with sleep disorders.

To avoid suffering from poor sleep, you should: simple recommendations, which will have a beneficial effect on overall health:

  • Constantly go to bed and get up at a strictly defined time;
  • Before going to bed, take a walk in the fresh air;
  • Do not drink strong drinks and green tea, coffee at night;
  • Have dinner light food and drink relaxing and soothing drinks (kefir, cocoa, herbal tea) before bed;
  • Be calm and don't get upset over trifles.

Folk remedies for improving sleep

Poor sleep is a nuisance with consequences; you need to know what to do in such cases using folk remedies. Since late at night the problem can only be resolved “ grandma's recipes" Below are several recommendations that will make “Morpheus’s embrace” strong and your sleep healthy and deep.

  • Accept cool shower, drink hot milk with honey and quickly wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
  • Apply lavender essential oil to your temples before falling asleep.
  • Take a pine bath. This procedure will relieve fatigue, relax and calm you down.
  • Listening to soothing music or sounds of nature before bed will help stop the constant flow of unnecessary thoughts.
  • Make a hot foot bath with a few drops of lavender essential oil.
  • Drink herbal tea with lemon balm and calendula.
  • Inhale the aroma of valerian root.
  • Drink peony root tincture.
  • Take an infusion of hop cones and oregano.
  • Take a walk in the fresh air before bed. It will be good if the route runs along park paths, away from the bustle of the city.
  • Fill the bath warm water and add a decoction of calendula and mint.
  • Drink a glass of warm water with natural honey.
  • Sleep on a pillow stuffed with a “soothing potion”: hazel, bay leaves, oregano, fern, mint, geranium, rose petals and pine needles.



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