What can be seen with colposcopy. Colposcopy: which day of the cycle is best to do?

One of instrumental methods diagnostics in gynecology is called colposcopy. This is an examination of the external part of the cervix and vaginal walls, which is carried out using a special device - an optical colposcope or its modernized version - a video colposcope. To understand whether colposcopy is painful, you need to find out what the essence of the procedure is and how it goes.

Purpose of the procedure

Colposcopic examination is carried out for preventive purposes or prescribed by a gynecologist according to indications. Colposcopy is done in the following cases:

  • suspected cervical erosion or other pathological changes in the mucous membrane when examining a woman at a doctor’s appointment;
  • symptomatic complaints of the patient (painful sensations, mucous, bloody and other vaginal discharge);
  • the results of a previous cytological analysis that do not meet the standards;
  • chronic gynecological diseases to monitor therapy;
  • tissue sampling for further research (biopsy).

There are temporary contraindications to the procedure:

  • postpartum period (2 months);
  • period after medical or conventional artificial termination of pregnancy (1 month).

The procedure is not performed during menstruation or other bleeding of any etiology.

How to prepare to reduce pain?

There are no special preparatory measures for the examination of the cervix and vaginal walls. The woman is recommended to refrain from intimate relationships, and do not use sprays for genital hygiene. This is necessary so that the real picture of the health of the mucous membranes is not distorted.

Gynecologists advise undergoing a colposcopic examination within a week after the end of menstruation. Before the procedure, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about the presence of an allergic reaction to acetic acid and iodine, since one of the examination options is carried out with the participation of these ingredients.

Examination using a conventional colcoscope - mandatory stage medical examination of the female population

Progress of the process and possible sensations

Colposcopy is performed in gynecological chair. The doctor inserts ordinary speculum into the vagina and produces visual inspection, and cleansing the walls of the mucous membrane. Afterwards, an examination is carried out using a colcoscope equipped with optics to increase visibility and a lighting system. In the case of video colposcopy, the device is equipped with a digital video camera, which transmits the image to the monitor.

The inspection process takes about a quarter of an hour, sometimes a little more. Since the speculum is located in the vagina throughout the entire period, the walls are periodically irrigated with saline solution.

Extended colposcopy may cause some discomfort. With this option, in addition to the standard examination, the woman’s mucous membrane is treated with a solution of vinegar and Lugol’s.

This manipulation is carried out for a more detailed study. The applied composition will color healthy tissues, while the affected areas will not be pigmented.

According to indications, a biopsy is performed - taking a couple of millimeters of tissue with a special instrument for further research. The moment is unpleasant, but one cannot say that it hurts. Colposcopy with biopsy allows you to find out the nature pathological changes on the cervix, and diagnose the disease at an early stage. At high pain threshold or strong fear, you should contact your doctor and ask for local anesthesia at the time of sampling the material.

After a colposcopic examination with a biopsy, a small wound appears at the site where the tissue sample was removed. This may cause short-term and minor bleeding. A woman is advised to use only a sanitary pad, not a tampon, and not have sexual intercourse until the mechanical damage has completely healed.

In case heavy bleeding And pain, be sure to visit the doctor. Based on the results of colposcopy, therapy is prescribed or additional examination and analyses. If the doctor does not make any prescriptions, it means that there are no abnormal changes in the cervix and vaginal walls.

The level of pain also depends on how carefully the procedure is performed.

Possible deviations

When examined using a colposcope, the doctor identifies most diseases affecting the cervix and vaginal walls. The main ones are: erosive changes, malignant and benign neoplasms, inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis). Reviews from most women about the procedure are positive. Many serious illnesses It can be stopped at an early stage thanks to a timely examination.

Like many other diseases of the genital organs, pathologies of the cervix often do not manifest themselves with any symptoms. However, some of them have serious consequences and can sometimes lead to cancer. Therefore, for a thorough examination and diagnosis, doctors prescribe colposcopy of the cervix.

Many women, not knowing the specifics of the study, ask questions such as why to perform colposcopy of the cervix, when is the best time to make a diagnosis, what does the doctor study during the procedure and how long does it take. However, you should not be afraid of the procedure itself, since most often it is not painful and physical sensations not much different from a regular inspection.

Colposcopy is a diagnostic method gynecological pathologies using a microscope (colposcope). A colposcope is a device that allows you to examine the patient’s cervical canal under magnification. During a colposcopic examination, the doctor pays attention to:

  • dimensions of internal organs;
  • condition of the mucosal surface;
  • number, location, color and shape of foci of infection.

Diagnostics allows you to identify the smallest deviations of the vaginal epithelium from the norm. So, during the colposcopy process, the doctor pays attention to:

  • mucous color;
  • uneven surface of the vagina;
  • condition and location of blood vessels;
  • the presence, number, size and condition of the affected areas of the vaginal cervix;
  • presence and condition of glands.

The colposcopic examination of the cervix itself lasts up to 30 minutes. It is recommended to undergo diagnostics on days 3-5 of the cycle, since then the uterus begins to actively secrete mucus, which complicates the procedure.

Colposcopy is not performed during menstruation, as well as in the first 4-8 weeks after childbirth, to avoid damage to unhealed vaginal tissue. If there are inflammations and ulcers in the vagina, the procedure is also contraindicated.

There are no contraindications to colposcopy of the vaginal part of the cervix during pregnancy, but you should be especially careful when choosing a specialist. During pregnancy, the cervical canal expectant mother covered a large number mucus to protect the baby from infections. Since mucus makes it impossible to examine tissues, the doctor must be very careful when removing this protective layer with a cotton swab and during the procedure so as not to harm the expectant mother and the fetus.

If, during a standard preventive gynecological examination, the doctor notices damaged areas on the surface of the vaginal walls, he prescribes colposcopy, indications for which may include:

  • itching and pain in the genitourinary system;
  • atypical discharge (sometimes mixed with blood);
  • painful sensations during and after sexual relations;
  • constant pain and heaviness in lower area belly;
  • the presence of atypical cells in the smear.

However, if you notice one or more of these symptoms, you should not immediately run to a colposcopy specialist. The first thing you should do is see your attending gynecologist, who will determine possible reasons discomfort, prescribe treatment or additional examinations.

Preparing for diagnosis

Before undergoing colposcopy, the patient must follow some hygiene rules in order to maintain natural balance vaginal microflora, so the doctor should warn her about the examination in advance.

So, in order to prepare for the procedure, a week before diagnosis, a woman should stop using intravaginal medications. For two days before the examination, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse, and on the eve of the diagnosis, douching, the use of tampons and baths are not recommended, as this leads to a disruption of the composition of the natural flora of the vagina.

Also, before conducting the examination, the doctor must make sure that the patient is not allergic to the substances used during the examination. Most commonly used aqueous solutions iodine and acetic acid.

As a result of the use of solutions, a slight tingling or burning sensation may be felt, but usually this does not cause much discomfort or pain, since ordinary gynecological speculums are used in the diagnosis, and the colposcope is located outside. However, if the patient is particularly sensitive, it is recommended to take a painkiller tablet before the examination.

Carrying out the procedure

When diagnosing, the doctor examines the condition of the mucous membranes, notes the location, number and size of the affected areas, and preliminarily assesses the nature of the disease. If necessary, the doctor can take an oncocytology test for a detailed study to rule out suspicion of cancer.

Depending on what pathologies need to be identified, the doctor may use different examination methods. Thus, there are three types of colposcopy:

  • simple (survey): the doctor performs an examination vaginal area cervix under magnification, without using chemical reagents;
  • extended: the doctor performs some tests to check the reaction of the mucous membrane acetic acid or iodine solution, as well as using color filters, which makes it possible to identify pathologies on initial stage developments that are indistinguishable during a survey diagnosis;
  • colpomicroscopy: the doctor examines under multiple magnification (over 300 times), which allows you to evaluate the features internal structure cells.

Patients are usually prescribed an extended colposcopy. This diagnosis consists of 5 stages:

Throughout the examination, the doctor examines the organs on the computer monitor, indicating and commenting on his observations to the patient.

In a healthy state, the surface of the cervical tissue is smooth and even, predominantly pink in color, and the vessels evenly cover the surface of the vagina. The results of the examination may indicate the presence of the following pathologies in the patient:

The results of cervical colposcopy with interpretation are given to the patient immediately after the procedure. So, upon completion of the diagnosis, the patient can receive examination data in the form of:

  • text with a verbal description of deviations;
  • a schematic map indicating the locations of the affected areas and their sizes;
  • photo or video colposcopy of the cervix.

Colposcopy of the cervix during pregnancy has no contraindications. On the contrary, a sharp change hormonal levels And physiological changes a woman’s body during this period can lead to the development of pathologies, which can have a significant negative impact on the condition and health of the baby. Therefore, regular monitoring is often required reproductive organs. In case severe damage uterine canals a woman in labor is punished to give birth by method caesarean section. If changes in organs are not significant, then childbirth can occur naturally, and treatment is prescribed for the period after childbirth.

Even after examination by himself qualified specialist the possibility of manifestation cannot be excluded various complications. In addition to the negligence of the doctor, discomfort after colposcopy may be associated with physiological structure organs, with overstrain or non-compliance with doctor’s recommendations.

Various complications as a result of colposcopic examination rarely occur. However, in cases where there are ulcers or other wounds on the vaginal mucosa, or as a result of a biopsy, the patient may experience brown, pinkish-red or bloody discharge within 24 hours after the examination. Also, the consequences of the procedure may be manifestations of painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

Despite the fact that the appearance of these signs is normal, if they last more than 3 days, as well as in the case elevated temperature, bleeding or when there is a change in character menstrual cycle You must immediately seek advice and help from a specialist.

It is also possible infectious infection patient due improper hygiene doctor, as well as due to the presence of open wounds on the surface of the cervical mucosa.

To avoid various complications, a woman must follow certain rules for some time after the procedure. Doctors usually recommend avoiding elevated levels for several days. physical activity, douching and sexual intercourse, do not take a bath and hot shower, and also do not take blood thinning medications for a week.

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The widespread prevalence of diseases of the female reproductive system leads to the use of various diagnostic procedures, one of which is colposcopy. Why is colposcopy needed? This is a minimally invasive method of examining the cervix and vaginal part of the uterus, allowing one to identify diseases in this localization. The procedure is performed using a special colposcope in outpatient setting or in medical hospital. Colposcopy is prescribed for suspected cervical disease, as well as for monitoring the condition of the mucous membrane during treatment.

Regular colposcopy allows you to detect pathology at an early stage

General description of the method

A similar procedure can detect various lesions of the cervix and vaginal part of the uterus in women. Hysteroscopy is performed using a special optical system called a colposcope. The hysteroscope is a special binocular with interchangeable eyepieces varying degrees increase. In addition, there is a built-in lighting device that allows you to illuminate the mucous membrane during the examination process.

What is colposcopy in gynecology? This is a modern and highly effective way to diagnose diseases of the female genital organs.

Similar optical system allows the gynecologist to conduct a visual examination of the condition of the mucous membrane and diagnose wide range diseases without serious invasive interventions. The resulting image can be displayed on a computer screen and also be recorded in its memory for subsequent study or for analyzing the effectiveness of treatment.

Indications for examination

Colposcopic examination is performed only if women have appropriate indications for the procedure and there are no contraindications. Indications include the following situations:

  • Suspicions of benign or malignant neoplasms in the vagina and cervix, as well as precancerous processes.
  • Identification of ectocervix foci and their nature.
  • The need for a biopsy for subsequent morphological analysis and selection of treatment.
  • The need to choose treatment tactics and additional diagnostic procedures.

In all these cases, colposcopy provides important information for the gynecologist and can be recommended for wide application. However, it is always necessary to remember about contraindications that limit the use of this diagnostic method. In what cases from this method Should I refuse the examination?

  • Recent history of childbirth (less than 4-10 weeks ago).
  • If a woman has undergone destructive or surgical treatment for cervical erosion, etc.
  • Based on previous studies, intolerance to a solution of iodine and acetic acid was revealed.

If a woman has indications for colposcopy, but there are also contraindications, then the method should be abandoned, choosing other methods of examination.

Types of colposcopy and their implementation

Colposcopy can be simple or extended

It is very important that the patient knows the answer to the question, how is colposcopy done and why is it necessary to undergo it? This allows you to properly organize preparation for colposcopy, as well as reduce the level of stress during it.

If a woman has female complaints and has never undergone any examinations or tests, then colposcopy is the method of choice for diagnosing diseases.

All types of colposcopy can be divided into two large groups: diagnostic and therapeutic. However, during execution diagnostic examination, doctor:

  • visually examines the condition of the cervix;
  • evaluates its surface;
  • external os;
  • border between epithelia;
  • and also studies secretions from cervical canal if available.

The examination does not go deeper than the external os of the cervix. After such an external examination, it is necessary to do an extended colposcopy.

Colposcopy is a completely painless procedure

The procedure takes place as follows: the cervix is ​​treated weak solution acetic acid (no more than 3%) and evaluate changes in the epithelium. This solution leads to a slight swelling of cells in the mucous membrane and swelling of the epithelium, which reduces blood flow in the submucosal vessels. After this, a Schiller test should be performed using Lugol's solution, which is applied to the surface of the cervix using a cotton-gauze swab. Identified cells with glycogen in their composition can serve as an indicator of affected areas and serve as a guide for a biopsy.

If necessary, vital microscopic examination Using a colposcope, preliminary staining of the cervical epithelium with a hematoxylin solution is prescribed, which makes it possible to identify individual cells and their structures. What does colposcopy show in this case? The gynecologist has the opportunity to evaluate individual cells and identify signs of atypia (increased nuclear size, pathological mitoses, etc.), which may indicate the onset of malignant growth.

Colposcopy is highly informative. The coincidence of such an examination with the subsequent histological examination observed in more than 98% of cases, which is very high rate accuracy of diagnosis. To increase the specificity and sensitivity of this method, special yellow and green filters can be used to improve the resulting image.

Results obtained

Ectopic columnar epithelium

After a woman has received an answer to the question of how colposcopy is performed, it is very important to understand how to correctly interpret the results and who can do it.

Compliance with the rules and technique of performing the procedure allows you to prevent the development of complications and significantly increase the information content.

This method of examining the female reproductive system allows you to quickly identify endometriosis, endocervicitis, precancerous and oncological lesions cervix, as well as polyps and warts on the surface of its epithelium. If the epithelium has a normal structure, then this area is externally distinguished by a light pink tint of color, smoothness and shiny surface. When carrying out Lugol's staining, all cells acquire a brown color, which is associated with the deposition of glycogen in them.

Among the pathological processes, leukoplakia can be identified (the appearance of areas of keratinization epithelial cells), atypical blood vessels, areas of tumor and precancerous cell transformation. Such findings serve as an indication for biopsy and other additional methods diagnostics

Upon completion of colposcopy

Discomfort in the lower abdomen after colposcopy

Immediately after the end of the diagnosis, a woman may continue to feel discomfort, pain and slight bleeding from the vagina for one to two days, which is associated with minor damage mucous membrane. During this period, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse, douching and tampons. If symptoms do not go away within 2-3 days or become severe, you should immediately seek medical help.

What is colposcopy and how is it done? This is a highly informative, minimally invasive method of examining the cervix, widely used in gynecology to identify diseases at the most early stages their development. Such a study should always be carried out after consultation with the attending physician, defining indications and contraindications, and only in a special office.

Not everyone understands why colposcopy is performed. So, such a diagnosis is necessary in order to carefully examine the condition of the cervix and vagina. After all, with the help of a simple gynecological examination in the mirror, the doctor cannot determine many criteria. This procedure can be completed in a clinic setting. The procedure is painless, but causes a feeling of fear in many women. In order to get rid of fear, you need to understand what this procedure is and how to prepare for it.

Colposcopy - what is it?

Using this diagnostic method, you can more carefully examine the mucous membrane, the cavity itself female vagina. In most cases, colposcopy is performed when cytological methods do not show the presence of atypical cells in women.

A colposcope is a medical device that provides optical magnification of 2 to 40 times. With the help this method examinations can quickly identify the disease at the initial stage of its development.

Types of research

IN medical practice There are only two types of diagnostic testing. The first type is called simple colposcopy. In this case, the surface of the mucosa is examined under uniform and sufficiently strong lighting. It should be noted that using a simple diagnostic method, you can also take a closer look at the structure and condition of the blood vessels.

The second type is called extended colposcopy. It is carried out to determine the size and boundaries of pathological areas. In this case, 3% Lugol's solution or a slight concentrate of acetic acid are used for treatment. After which swelling occurs directly on the surface of the mucous membrane, thereby reducing the blood supply to the tissues.

To take a closer look vascular wall cervix, doctors resort to color colposcopy.

There is another type of procedure called luminescent. Using this examination method, it is possible to identify whether a woman has cancer cells. During the procedure, the doctor treats the pharynx with fluorochromes, and then an examination is carried out using a special ultraviolet ray.

Indications for the study

The main objective of this examination method is to identify lesions, as well as carry out general analysis mucosal conditions.

As mentioned above, some types of colposcopy help identify malignant, including benign, formations in reproductive organs.

Indications for the procedure:

  1. It is carried out in case of complaints, for example, if a woman experiences bleeding, which in turn is not associated with the menstrual cycle.
  2. If present in a woman pain syndrome during sexual intercourse. The procedure is also performed if there is pain in the lower abdomen, which periodically worsens.
  3. With itching and severe burning in the vagina.
  4. If there is allergic reaction, directly on the external genitalia.

In addition to these indications, colposcopy can quickly determine dysplasia or leukoplakia.

Dysplasia – precancerous form. On initial stage development of dysplasia, a third of the epithelial layer is detected. At the second degree of severity there are morphological changes, the thickness of the epithelial lining is 2/3. The most severe degree is the third, since pathological cells are detected that have already changed in the thickness of the epithelial layer.

As for leukoplakia, this disease causes damage to the mucous membrane. This leads to keratinization of the epithelium.

Colposcopy also helps to identify:

  1. Erosion various etiologies.
  2. Benign and malignant cells.
  3. The procedure allows you to detect an increase in the number of cells - hyperplasia.
  4. Atypical arrangement of cuboidal epithelium. In medical practice this state called ectopia.
  5. Colposcopy also helps to quickly identify polyps. The monitor displays a round formation, in in rare cases lobular. The formations are located in the area of ​​the external pharynx. After dyeing, they acquire a rich red tint.
  6. It is carried out during pregnancy.
  7. Helps detect eroded ectropion. In this case, the monitor reveals a deformation of the cervix. With this course, growth of scar tissue is also noted. With more severe course illness, doctors detect swelling, and the affected area is unevenly stained with iodine.
  8. Condylomas are small growths directly above the mucous membrane. Most often, condylomas are found in women when they are infected with the papilloma virus.
  9. Cervicitis is quickly detected by colposcopy. Species fuzzy outlines, closed glands and large Nabothian cysts are noted.

Every woman should understand that the procedure is harmless, so there is no need to be afraid of it. The most important thing is to properly prepare for the procedure.

How to prepare?

There is no special preparation, but the woman needs to exclude sexual contact the day before the examination.

Give up two days in advance:

  1. From tampons.
  2. Do not douche with drugs and folk decoctions.
  3. Do not use vaginal suppositories and a variety of cream gels.

Before performing the procedure, mandatory take a shower or bath. Please note that during toileting of the genital organs, under no circumstances should toileting be carried out inside the vaginal cavity, especially with hygienic detergents. Otherwise, this may cause severe irritation, thereby distorting the results of the diagnostic examination.

On what day is colposcopy done?

Optimal time for the examination - the first half of the menstrual cycle itself. Note that the procedure is carried out only after the end of bleeding, as a rule, this is for 2-3 days.

In some cases, doctors perform diagnostic testing outside of menstrual phase.

After a diagnostic examination, a woman may experience minor spotting and discomfort in the lower or upper abdomen. Such signs arise due to the fact that before the procedure the doctor treats the vaginal os.

After colposcopy, you must refrain from close contact with your sexual partner for 7 days, and also not visit the bathhouse or lift heavy objects.

With strong bloody discharge, it is better not to use tampons so as not to injure the mucous membrane. Therefore, doctors recommend using pads.

How is a colposcopy done?

The device itself is located a few centimeters from the vaginal cavity. After the device is turned on, the uterine os is treated with a special vinegar solution. During primary processing you can notice that healthy tissue begins to narrow, and pathological areas remain unchanged.

Simply, the gynecologist treats the uterus with the above-described means or treats it with iodine. In this case, doctors notice that the tissues gradually begin to become saturated dark brown color. In the place where the cells are damaged, the staining becomes pink.

Thanks to optical magnification, you can more carefully examine the nature of the damage, as well as determine its boundaries.

Then a swab is taken from the vaginal cavity. If during the diagnostic examination dubious, small neoplasms are identified, then in this case an additional biopsy is performed.

It should be noted that to determine tumor formations, the cervix is ​​treated with green or blue dye; this procedure is called color colposcopy.

Interpretation of cervical colposcopy

If a woman is completely healthy and there are no diseases or pathologies, then at the time of the diagnostic examination a shiny surface is detected. However, it should be noted that in the first half of the menstrual cycle, the mucous membrane acquires a pale pink tint, and this is considered normal.

At the time of colposcopy, the shape is determined; it may be conical or the uterus has irregular shape.

Main indicator criteria:

  1. Size is taken into account: noted when in good condition, non-hypertrophied or hypertrophied cervix. If the cervix is ​​hypertrophied, it increases in volume.
  2. The transformation zone is assessed. Under normal conditions, these indicators are not detected. If there are pathological abnormalities, then the transformation zone is more extensive and open glands are detected.
  3. The border is determined directly between the flat and cylindrical epithelium. Normally there is a clear junction, but if there are minor deviations from the norm, then it is blurred.
  4. With a healthy mucous membrane, glands are not detected; if they are abnormal, they can be open or closed.
  5. Acytowhite epithelium. In a healthy state, when the cervical pharynx is treated with 3% acetic acid, the cervical canal becomes white shade.
  6. A vascular examination is carried out. In a normal course, the vessels are typical. If there are any deviations, then in this case it detects atypical vessels. On the monitor screen they are presented in the form of short tortuous connections in which there are no anastomoses.
  7. The criterion of mosaic and punctuation is noted, which help determine the condition of the vessels, thereby identifying abnormalities in the cervix. If noted mild degree two indicators, this indicates a healthy state.
  8. Hyperkeratosis is determined. When detected, a change in the structure of the cervix is ​​noted. Therefore, doctors additionally take a biopsy sample.
  9. Cystic dilated glands, the second name for CRC of the cervix.
  10. Iodine-negative areas. It can be detected only with an expanded examination method, through the Schiller test. If there is no gynecological disease, then a dark brown tint is noted.

Additional evaluation criteria include: the boundaries of abnormal epithelium and atrophy are determined. There is or is no exit of columnar epithelium directly onto the vaginal surface.

In the photo you can additionally familiarize yourself with the classification of colposcopic terms.

As you can see, this is not a simple procedure; the doctor needs to evaluate many indicators to identify pathology.


As a rule, there are not many direct contraindications for the examination. This diagnostic method is not carried out for the first 4 weeks, immediately after childbirth, and also if the woman has recently had surgery.

It is also not carried out when individual intolerance medications used during the procedure. For example: allergy to iodine or acetic acid.

Colposcopy during pregnancy

Before planning a pregnancy, every woman should undergo a comprehensive diagnostic examination.

During pregnancy, the procedure can be performed at any stage. At the time of inspection, the condition is determined vaginal microflora, as well as to determine pathology.

In women during pregnancy, the cervix is ​​covered with a fairly dense layer, which in turn consists not only of cells, but also of mucus.

Indications for the procedure during pregnancy:

  1. Uncharacteristic discharge from the genitals.
  2. Discharges acquire bad smell.
  3. Impurities of blood or pus are found in the discharge.
  4. A sign of pain in the uterine area, which can also radiate to the lumbosacral area.

Defined by:

  1. In pathology, changes are observed not only in cellular, but also tissue structures. As a rule, this indicates the presence oncological process.
  2. Inflammation is detected.
  3. Cervical erosion. During pregnancy with this course of the disease, doctors prescribe gentle treatment methods so that natural childbirth do not infect the child.
  4. Dysplasia can be detected.

Before the procedure, a woman must abstain from sexual intercourse for 48 hours and not use vaginal suppositories or other medicines.

It should be noted that on early pregnancy, it is best to conduct a simple examination in the mirrors. If after examination problems are discovered, then in this case they resort to colposcopy.


If a woman had a simple colposcopy, in which various tests were not used and no additional biopsy was taken, then no complications arise.

But, in rare cases, after a simple colposcopy, slight pain is observed in the lower abdomen.

In the event that an extensive colposcopy was performed, the woman may have discharge from the genitals. dark brown discharge. The main reason for these discharges is that the pharynx was stained with iodine or Lugol during the procedure. As a rule, dark brown discharge disappears on the 2nd or 3rd day after the diagnostic examination. If the discharge does not go away, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause; perhaps an inflammatory process is occurring.

In rare cases, after colposcopy a woman may experience bloody discharge, which will go away on its own on the 2nd day.

Important! If the procedure was carried out during pregnancy, then if strong bloody discharge You must immediately contact a gynecologist.

Now you know why colposcopy is performed. Remember that the examination is carried out only if indicated. The procedure is not carried out as preventive examination. But before planning a pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend undergoing colposcopy.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor does not always have enough patient complaints and examination data; in most cases, it is impossible to do without special diagnostic procedures, which exist in a wide variety. Colposcopy is a research method necessary in medical diagnostics some gynecological diseases, which can essentially be compared to an examination with a biopsy. The process of collecting biological material has a lot of features, as well as preparation for the procedure itself, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with all aspects in more detail.

Why is colposcopy needed and what does it show?

It would be more correct to call this procedure colposcopy of the cervix, since during this procedure a part of the mucous membrane of the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​taken from the woman for examination. During the manipulation, using a special colposcope device, the mucous membranes of the genital organs as a whole are examined, but this highly informative method is primarily used to diagnose pathologies of the cervix.

The colposcope consists of an optical and lighting system, and with its help all tissues are carefully illuminated, the relief is examined and vascular formations. The real magnification of the image using the device is usually forty times, which allows you to objectively assess whether there are pathological processes. If the doctor notices any deviation from the norm, he can immediately take necessary analysis– a smear or biopsy directly from the source of the problem. Colposcopic examination allows even early stages identify atypical changes in epithelial cells. Today, photo and video colposcopy is increasingly being performed, which makes it possible to retain reliable information and compare the results before and after therapy.

Indications for the procedure

Some women seek a colposcopic examination for preventive purposes annually, every time they visit a gynecologist, but this is not a mandatory prescribed norm. However, there are a number of situations in which carrying out such diagnostic measure is mandatory:

  • when examined in a gynecological chair by a specialist, they were noticed visible to the eye changes in the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, in particular if erosion is suspected;
  • the patient complains of a burning sensation in the vagina, discharge that does not correspond to the cycle, pain during sexual intercourse;
  • a cytology smear showed the presence of atypical cells;
  • This event is mandatory for women who are registered with antenatal clinic on the issue of cervical diseases;
  • the presence of inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  • the need for tissue biopsy;
  • control after treatment of gynecological diseases.

Preparation for cervical colposcopy

Many patients are concerned about the question of how to prepare for the event? The procedure does not require particularly complex preparation; the main task that lies with the woman before upcoming research– do not disturb the natural microflora of the vagina. To do this, 1-2 days before colposcopy, you should refuse sexual intercourse, postpone the appointment vaginal suppositories and performing douching, also do not forget about simple methods hygiene. In the morning, before going to the doctor, you should perform hygiene of the external genitalia with safe soap and put on clean underwear.

On what day of the cycle should the test be done?

In general, this method does not imply any restrictions on the period of the study, and in theory, colposcopy can be performed absolutely on any day of the cycle. However, in some periods the effectiveness of the event will be lower due to technical difficulties in its implementation.

Based on this, the question arises: is it possible to do colposcopy during menstruation? Usually when menstrual bleeding from carrying out diagnostic procedure refuse, as well as during ovulation - at this time changes occur in the woman’s body, and it can interfere with the assessment of the condition of the cervix copious amounts discharge (during ovulation this is a large amount of mucus).

Also, if a biopsy is required, then during menstruation the damage to the mucosa will take longer to heal. Thus, if there is no indication for urgent examination, perfect time to carry it out will be after menstruation and at the end of the cycle, before the start of new ones.

How to do colposcopy of the cervix: description

Typically, the research is carried out in several successive stages. The woman is placed in comfortable position in a gynecological chair, and the doctor moves a speculum into the vagina, having previously cleaned the walls of the mucous membrane to obtain a clear picture. Afterwards, the specialist turns on the device and begins a detailed examination of the cervix, assessing its general condition.

In some cases, an extended colposcopy is performed - in addition to the standard stages simple research, the mucous membrane is additionally treated with Lugol's solution and acetic acid, which allows the tissue to be stained - a healthy mucous membrane will become brown, and the affected tissue is whitish.

Next, the doctor can perform a biopsy, that is, plucking an area of ​​mucous membrane for further examination in the laboratory for pathologies. Tissue is collected using special forceps, which may cause some discomfort. Remains at the fence site small wound, but it heals quickly. On average, the procedure takes from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the volume of the examination performed.


A correctly performed procedure does not pose any threat to the patient, since, in fact, it is longer gynecological examination with insertion of a speculum into the vagina. Strict contraindications there is no need to implement this method, but doctors try not to resort to it for the first time after childbirth, an abortion, recent surgery, or during an actively ongoing inflammatory process. In the case of extended colposcopy, an allergic reaction to acetic acid, iodine and other substances that are commonly used is also a contraindication.

Colposcopy results and interpretation

To assess the condition of the examined area, the doctor must record the following parameters:

  • condition and color of the surface of the mucous lining;
  • condition and presence of changes in the vascular pattern;
  • shape of glands;
  • results of tests performed with acetic acid and iodine;
  • in the presence of pathological formations, their nature and boundaries are described.

If the examination results are normal, then it will be described as follows: the epithelium has a smooth surface, a calm pink color, uniform staining with drugs, glands and vasculature, including at the junction of epithelium in a normal state, without pathological changes.

Signs of a problem will be the following descriptions:

  • areas of epithelial damage were detected;
  • the vascular pattern is changed;
  • tests with drugs revealed areas of whitish color;
  • some areas of tissue are not stained brown with iodine;
  • atypical vessels were found;
  • ulcerations and an uneven, bumpy surface of the mucous membrane were detected.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Such a diagnostic event often raises a number of questions among patients, especially if they have to go through this for the first time. A clear understanding of what will happen during the examination allows you to escape from worries and relax, which will create the most favorable conditions for comfortable implementation of the process.

Is it possible to have a colposcopy during pregnancy?

The procedure is considered absolutely safe for the fetus at any stage of pregnancy. Only a doctor can prescribe such a diagnosis, based on clinical picture and the nature of the pregnancy, this kind of diagnosis is not carried out unless necessary. After delivery, it will be possible to resort to this type of examination only after one and a half to two months.

Is it painful to do research?

A simple colposcopy is an absolutely painless procedure; it feels no different from a regular examination using a gynecological speculum - if the woman is relaxed, then the discomfort will be minimal. If an extensive examination is carried out, iodine will be applied to the mucous membranes, which may cause a slight burning sensation. Also, minor pain will occur at the time the biopsy is taken.

Is it possible to have sex after the procedure?

Just like a couple of days before and 1-2 days after colposcopy, you need to provide for yourself minimum quantity effects on the genital organs, therefore, after the diagnostic procedure, you should not immediately engage in sexual intercourse.

Video: why colposcopy is prescribed and how it is performed

Colposcopy how diagnostic method in gynecology allows you to identify many hazardous processes, localized in the cervical area. How exactly the procedure is carried out and how to prepare for it - you will find answers to these questions in this video.



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