Black pimple on intimate. How to get rid of acne in the intimate area (groin)

Pimple on an intimate place in women is a fairly common problem that is always a sign of poor health.

The rash can occur both in the pubic area and on the labia.

Types of acne

Pimples in the intimate area can be completely different: white and watery, subcutaneous and inflamed. A common problem among women is irritation and rashes after waxing.

These are the so-called "harmless" pimples. Accumulations of white liquid appear at the site of the hair follicle, and if a woman takes care of her hygiene, they disappear in a couple of days.

Such rashes should not be a cause for panic. But to ensure that the problem does not arise again, we advise you to change the method of depilation.

Do not cause harm to health and small black pimples. They appear on oily skin due to bacteria entering an open pore. Rashes of this kind disappear on their own within 3-5 days.

Purulent pimple- this is a more serious problem. It is painful and quite large, and the site of its origin often becomes swollen.

Also common subcutaneous acne. They are not visible, but are noticeable only to the touch; are formed in place of the sebaceous gland and often develop into fatty cysts.

Bright red pimples on the genitals- evidence of overwork or disease of the endocrine system. It's another matter if they spread not only in the groin area. Such rashes often indicate hormonal changes in the body.

Hard watery pimple- This is most likely a manifestation of the human papillomavirus or herpes. Perhaps the most unpleasant are acne in the intimate area on the mucous membrane.

Boils are especially dangerous: If you do not see a doctor in time, they can cause an abscess and blood poisoning.

Causes of acne

If a woman has a pimple in an intimate place - you don’t need to immediately look for a dangerous sexually transmitted disease! Most often, such an unpleasant situation arises due to basic lack of personal hygiene.

Another most common cause of acne is decreased immunity and hormone imbalance.

you constantly wear tight synthetic underwear? Then the appearance of irritation and rash in the groin area is quite natural. Give preference to soft bikinis that contain more than 70% cotton.

If the pimple does not go away within a few days and you are confident in your cleanliness, Please note the following list of reasons which may cause rashes:

  1. Hypothermia or overheating. A sharp change in temperature leads to disruption of blood circulation, which often results in redness and pimples.
  2. Disruption of the sebaceous glands. If they begin to function incorrectly, excess fat does not come out, but accumulates under the skin, forming fat plugs.
  3. Reaction to medications. If you start taking a new drug and notice a rash, be sure to tell your doctor.
  4. Stress and lack of sleep weaken our body, exposing it to pathogenic flora.

Diseases that cause acne

If the rash does not go away on its own, it may indicate the presence of a sexually transmitted disease. In this case, you need to go to a gynecologist-venereologist, who will tell you what to do if a pimple pops up in an intimate place.

The most common disease is genital herpes. The defeat occurs in just a few hours; its peculiarity is small blisters and severe itching.

Severe venereal disease, the symptom of which is a rash - syphilis. In addition to purulent acne, high fever and weakness appear.

Minor rash in the bikini area may indicate about the presence of pubic lice. In this case, you need to remove hair from the affected area and treat the surface with an antiseptic.

Hard pimples with purulent content- signs of molluscum contagiosum. This “infection” is transmitted both sexually and through household contacts.

Treatment of acne in intimate areas

The affected area should always be kept clean. Before applying the following tips, Wash your skin with warm water and soap and pat dry with a soft towel..

If acne does not hurt, there is no fever or weakness, try:

  • Apply aloe pulp to a purulent pimple. It is best to do this at night and secure it with a woven bandage;
  • use iodine to speed up ripening. Apply a cotton pad soaked in iodine to the skin for a few minutes twice a day;
  • Apply Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekol to the pimple.

If the rash does not go away for more than a week, you should contact an antenatal clinic. Self-medication is a big mistake.

Only a qualified doctor can correctly determine the causes and treatment of acne in intimate places!

Practically For all sexually transmitted diseases, a course of antibiotics is prescribed and antiviral drugs. And in some cases it is impossible to do without the intervention of a surgeon.

In this article we will talk about the problem of an intimate pimple or a purulent pimple on an intimate place.

Having discovered a pimple in such an intimate place as the groin, just in case, you should seek advice from specialists about “happiness that has fallen in.” It is possible that the origin of acne is of a harmless “nature”, but the possibility cannot be ruled out that this is an alarming signal that the body has been damaged by a serious illness.

What Causes Pimples in Private Parts

The most common reasons for the formation of pimples in intimate places are:

  • hormonal imbalance that accompanies adolescence, as well as caused by menopause and pregnancy;
  • “side effects” of depilation – skin inflammation, “ingrown hairs”;
  • non-compliance with diet and the negative consequences of excess stressful situations in life;
  • accumulation of “impurities” in the groin and, as a result, the creation of favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria due, for example, to reluctance to visit the shower stall again;
  • allergies after taking medications;
  • difficult “breathing” of the skin due to tight-fitting underwear;
  • manifestation of sexually transmitted infections.

Non-troubling acne in the intimate area

Sometimes, acne is confused with hair follicles - white dots of a dense structure. These natural “objects” of further hair growth are not worth close study and concern.

Similarly, sebaceous glands are sometimes mistaken for acne, which are confusing with their hypertrophied appearance in intimate areas, where the skin is much thinner compared to other areas of the skin of the body. Therefore, the glands, standing out strongly, are “conspicuous”.

If these “innocent” pimples still “get in the way of life,” then it is worth getting rid of them with the help of antibacterial treatment, maintaining hygiene and taking appropriate vitamins. The main thing is not to squeeze out intimate pimples!

The result of inflammation of the sebaceous glands - dense ulcers, with color variations from light shades of red to dark, are treated with fairly simple methods. You should first clean the unfavorable area of ​​the skin with a soap and water solution, let the skin dry, and then proceed to one of the following procedures:

  1. Aloe juice has the ability to heal purulent formations within 3-4 days. The opened leaf of the plant is attached to the problem area with a bandage for this period. The result will not be long in coming - soon, under the healing effect of aloe, the skin will get rid of the annoying abscess and be completely restored.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide and Levomekol ointment are excellent means of getting rid of ulcers. It is necessary to treat the pimple with one of these compounds twice a day until it completely disappears. Vishnevsky and ichthyol ointments also cope effectively with the task. As a rule, they are applied at night.
  3. Iodine promotes intensive maturation of the abscess. To achieve this goal, apply cotton wool soaked in iodine to the pimple for 5-10 minutes.

Fat cysts

Fat cysts appear as small lumps under the skin, usually white in color. Their occurrence occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous gland by skin growths. As a result, the fatty consistency is forced to accumulate and harden, forming hard lumps. Cysts do not cause pain-related discomfort and are removed with a short and simple surgical operation.

Sexually transmitted diseases

The triumph of “sexual freedom”, which began a quarter of a century ago, brought with it an intensive spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Moreover, despite the already “rich” range of infections that enter the body through sexual relations, according to statistics, it is expanding every day.

The pubis, perineum, labia - these intimate places are covered with pimples, as indicators of possible infection with such an infection. If acne is also accompanied by fever, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin, burning and itching in the genital area, then you should “sound the alarm” and consult a venereologist without delay.


Syphilis is one of the most serious sexually transmitted diseases, which can be “caught” both during sexual intercourse and through innocent everyday means.

The danger of syphilis lies in the manifestation of its signs, for example, pustular formations and ulcers on the mucous membrane, labia (maybe around the anus), only a month and a half after infection. Therefore, at first you may not even suspect that you are infected with syphilis, which in the future, without treatment at first, leads to an exacerbation of the disease. Sore throat, weakness, temperature fluctuations, the aforementioned purulent pimples and ulcers “attack” the body more and more.

The fight against syphilis is carried out with antibiotics. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the “advanced” state of the infectious disease.

Genital herpes

More quickly, compared to syphilis, symptoms of another representative of the “family” of sexually transmitted diseases are detected -. The characteristic rash of “bubbles” on the genitals and pubis appears after being affected by the “infection” for a week. In addition to intimate places, such blistering formations are also located on the lips (a well-known “cold”).

Blisters cause itching, burning and swelling of the skin. Their internal consistency of purulent origin is sooner or later squeezed out - and the blister turns into an ulcer, which over time “heals” and heals.

Exacerbation of genital herpes can be caused by factors such as concomitant colds, nervous tension and pregnancy.

This disease can only be suppressed by antiviral drugs. It is not yet possible for medicine to rid people who regularly suffer from herpes from this scourge forever.

Bartholin gland cyst

Problems with the normal functioning of the excretory duct can cause the formation of a Bartholin gland cyst. Unable to be eliminated from the body in the usual way, the gland fluid accumulates under the surface of the skin and hardens. Such tubercles can be seriously disturbing and cause discomfort during sex and walking if the cyst is severely inflamed or the gland becomes infected. The “culprits” of the disease are E. coli, staphylococcus, gonococcal or chlamydial infections.

When suffering from infectious bartholinitis, the labia minora in the area of ​​the cyst that appears swells significantly, an increased body temperature and pain are observed.

Treatment of the cyst is accompanied by the use of antibiotics and is carried out by installing a Word catheter on the sore spot, or using the marsupilization procedure.

Pubic lice usually “settle” in the hair covering the genital area. It is also possible that they will seize the “territories” of the armpits, eyebrows and eyelashes. The transition of lice to “new victims” most often occurs during intimate intimacy, but infection is possible without it. Insects suck blood, irritating the skin, which causes scabies and acne formation.

Symptoms of molluscum contagiosum include unusually shaped pimples. They look like hard pink cones with a cheesy consistency inside. The “infection” is transmitted both through household and sexual contact.

In the absence of problems with the immune system, acne will disappear naturally over time. If the body cannot overcome the disease on its own, then specialists can prescribe a course of medication or intervene surgically.

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    Pimple in the groin - what kind of disease?

    There are several main reasons why acne appears in the intimate area in women and men:

    • lack of personal hygiene;
    • changes in hormonal levels during puberty in girls and boys;
    • diseases and disruptions of the endocrine system during menopause;
    • blockage of the Bartholin gland in women;
    • irritation after shaving;
    • allergic reaction to intimate and general hygiene products;
    • lice pubis;
    • rash as a result of infectious and sexually transmitted diseases (herpes, syphilis and others).

    Irritation after shaving

    The provoking factors for the formation of acne in the perineum are the following:

    • tight underwear or clothes that rub the skin;
    • injury to the skin during shaving, epilation of the bikini area or combing;
    • increased humidity or temperature;
    • weakened immune system;
    • the presence of foci of infection in other parts of the body, colds;
    • the use of underwear made from synthetic fabrics, which leads to diaper rash and the appearance of small cracks and wounds.

    Most often, acne in the intimate area occurs as a result of blockage of the gland ducts and represents several types of skin formations:

    • furuncle;
    • acne (acne);
    • Bartholin gland cyst.

    Purulent formations in the groin are very painful, since this area experiences constant abrasive loads when walking. An opened abscess or pimple causes pain when urinating and there is a risk of infection with pathogenic bacteria and viruses. An abscess can form on both the female labia and the male penis.

    If the following symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor:

    • acne does not go away within a week;
    • severe itching and soreness in the perineum;
    • swelling of the genitals;
    • numerous red rashes with peeling skin;
    • acne appeared after sexual intercourse;
    • increased temperature and enlarged lymph nodes;
    • the appearance of open wounds that do not heal for more than 5 days.

    Acne that is not accompanied by pain and the above symptoms can be treated independently at home using antiseptics. To treat inflammation from shaving, you can use lotions made from herbal decoctions: chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. If the formation of a pimple is accompanied by the fourth and fifth symptoms, then this indicates an infectious, allergic or venereal disease that must be correctly diagnosed and treated according to the doctor’s instructions.

    Atheroma and lipoma

    As in other parts of the body, fatty cysts (lipomas) or atheromas (epidermal cysts) can form in the groin area in men and on the outer side of the labia under the skin in women, but this occurs in rare cases. A lipoma is a lump consisting of adipose tissue. This is a benign tumor. Atheroma appears as a result of blockage of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland in the dermis or in the hair follicle. After blockage, the iron continues to work, and sebum accumulates in the capsule of the neoplasm. Sometimes atheromas and lipomas reach significant sizes, causing discomfort when walking.

    Lipoma and atheroma are painless bumps, the color of which is the same as on healthy skin. But when pathogenic bacteria penetrate these subcutaneous formations, an inflammatory process begins, hyperemia and soreness appear. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. Treatment is by surgical removal of the lumps.

    There are also traditional methods of combating lipomas and atheromas. Most of them are based on irritation of the skin over the lump with the aim of its independent resolution (opening). But since men and women have sensitive skin in the groin, this can lead to additional tissue inflammation. If part of the atheroma capsule remains in the skin, it will re-form in the same place. When a lump appears on the inside of the labia in women, it is necessary to carry out a differentiated diagnosis with a more dangerous disease - bartholinitis.


    The formation of a boil (boil) in the intimate area begins with hyperemia and inflammation. First, a small red spot appears that grows quickly. After 2-3 days, a purulent spot appears in the center of the dense tubercle - this is the core of the boil, and the boil itself becomes very painful. The pimple becomes bluish or even black, and pus gradually accumulates in it. This process may be accompanied by fever and general weakness. Swelling appears on the labia or penis, and itching occurs. Tissue suppuration occurs due to the addition of a bacterial infection. The most common pathogenic microorganism that causes inflammation and necrosis is Staphylococcus aureus (less commonly streptococci and intestinal bacteria).

    The appearance of a boil occurs under the influence of many factors:

    • metabolic diseases, including diabetes mellitus;
    • avitaminosis;
    • immunodeficiency states;
    • diseases of internal organs and systems, especially those associated with the causative agent of furunculosis;
    • other skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatosis);
    • minor abrasions and cuts on the skin in the groin.

    A mature boil should open on its own. If this does not happen, the inflammatory process intensifies and blood poisoning can begin - sepsis. To treat a boil, you first need to identify the degree of its maturity. If it has not yet opened, it is treated with salicylic alcohol or Vishnevsky ointment is applied. After opening, it is lubricated with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and Levomekol ointment. The skin around the boil is disinfected with boric, salicylic, ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. After applying the ointments, the affected area should be left open for 2-3 hours, as the underwear will absorb the medicine.

    It is necessary to completely remove the purulent contents of the boil by carefully squeezing it out using a sterile cotton swab. Extrusion is carried out in the direction from the base of the boil to its top. When the boil does not open, ichthyol ointment can be applied to it.

    If, when using conservative treatment methods, the abscess still does not resolve, then you need to contact a surgeon to remove it. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and the wound is then treated with antiseptic agents. If symptoms of body intoxication appear, the doctor will prescribe systemic antibiotics. For faster healing of boils, physiotherapy is used - UHF, infrared irradiation.


    Bartholinitis is a common disease among women aged 20-40 years. Bartholin's glands are located on the inside of the labia near the vagina and serve to secrete lubricating secretions during sexual intercourse. The inflammatory process occurs as a result of blockage of the gland ducts. The following symptoms appear:

    • In the initial stage - redness on the labia.
    • Itching in the vagina.
    • Swelling of the tissues of the labia minora and majora. If the outflow of purulent contents is disrupted, an abscess forms in the form of a hard lump.
    • Pain when inserting sanitary tampons, sexual intercourse and walking. As the abscess grows, the pain is constant.
    • Fever, chills.
    • Enlarged lymph nodes.

    With bartholinitis, a unilateral lesion most often occurs, that is, one lump forms on the left or right labia. If the abscess is opened independently, its contents come out, the pain goes away, and the body temperature returns to normal. If there is no autopsy for a long time, then you need to consult a doctor to excise the abscess. In case of multiple relapses, the Bartholin gland is removed. There is also the practice of installing a catheter in the gland duct so that it does not become blocked after excision of the abscess.

    Risk factors for the development of bartholinitis are poor hygiene, promiscuity and frequent douching at home, which causes tissue irritation.


    During puberty in adolescence, the sebaceous glands begin to actively work. This can lead to clogged pores and inflammation in the hair follicle. If the hair cannot germinate (which is also observed after shaving) or a bacterial infection occurs, then a purulent process begins. The pimple increases in size and becomes very painful. It is not recommended to squeeze such pimples, as you can push their contents into the deeper layers of the skin, which will lead to an even wider spread of inflammation. In the process of squeezing, you can also introduce an infection into the wound. Acne can develop into a boil.

    At home, when a purulent pimple forms in an intimate place in men and women, it is recommended to do the following:

    • Regularly, 2-3 times a day, treat the skin around the pimple with brilliant green, iodine or Fukortsin using a cotton swab dipped in these solutions.
    • Apply one of the bactericidal ointments to the top of the pimple - tetracycline, erythromycin, Bactroban and others (twice a day).
    • If the pimple does not open for a long time, apply Ichthyol to it.
    • After opening the abscess, remove its contents with a sterile cotton swab.
    • Treat with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
    • Apply a sterile dry bandage over the wound.

    After a few days, the wound formed at the site of the pimple will heal and heal. If there are a lot of small pimples in the groin that form after shaving, it is recommended to use other methods of depilation - using special creams designed for sensitive skin.

    Prevention of acne formation in the intimate area is as follows:

    • Carry out hygiene procedures regularly.
    • Wear loose underwear made from natural fabrics.
    • Follow a diet - do not abuse spicy, fatty and sweet foods.

    If the appearance of acne is accompanied by profuse acne on other parts of the body (on the chest, face), then you need to consult a dermatologist to identify the cause of the rash and prescribe systemic treatment for acne.

    The pubic louse clings to the hair with its paws, gnaws through the skin and feeds on blood. Traces of their bites appear on the surface - small red or bluish spots. A characteristic symptom of the disease is severe itching in the perineum. Open bite wounds become infected with streptococci, staphylococci and other pathogenic microorganisms, resulting in the formation of small ulcers.

    To treat lice pubis, you must first shave the groin area. Boric acid, streptomycin ointment, Permethrin, Phenothrin, special shampoos, sprays and lotions - Veda, NOC, Itax, Sifax, Parasidosis, Para Plus and other drugs are used as external agents. To prevent a relapse, it is recommended to shave the hair and treat the skin on all parts of the body. An aqueous solution of 9% vinegar (in a 1:1 ratio) is used as a folk remedy. Vinegar is applied to the skin for 40 minutes and then washed off.

The skin in intimate places, namely in the pubic and buttock areas, the mucous membrane of the external genitalia is richly supplied with glands that secrete fat and sweat. Under the influence of unstable hormonal levels, they are especially active in adolescence, youth and early adulthood. Therefore, the intimate area is a favorite place for acne and pimples appear on the labia of women quite often. They are white or red in color, located internally, subcutaneously or externally, they pop up in the groin or on the butt alone or in a group.

What should a girl do if acne regularly appears between her legs or on her buttocks? Do not despair and under no circumstances try to crush them or somehow mechanically influence these formations! They can be easily managed once we understand the reasons for their occurrence.


Just like you get pimples on any other part of your body, you can get them there. This is a blockage of the sebaceous glands that leads to the formation of small lumps called pimples. They appear between the legs of women for several reasons:

  • Humidity in the area;
  • The presence of increased secretion;
  • Friction in this area when moving, especially if you have enlarged genitals;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Consequences of shaving or hair removal;
  • Violation of intimate hygiene rules.

Pimple on the labia minora or majora: types

1. Internal pimple on the labia.

During this process, the sebaceous gland and hair follicle become inflamed. Whitish, purulent formations appear at the base of the labia majora or inside the labia minora. Swelling and itching appear first. The pimple gradually thickens, swells and begins to ache and pulsate. The diameter can reach 3-5 mm. The next stage is characterized by the appearance of a purulent core, body temperature may rise, headaches and enlarged lymph nodes may appear. The final stage - the boil in the intimate area begins to open and the purulent contents of the internal pimple come out. If it does not respond to drug therapy, does not open on its own, hurts and progresses, then you have to operate. Under local anesthesia, a pimple that has matured inside the labia is opened and the accumulated pus is removed. Afterwards, a rubber drainage tube is placed, through which the remaining pus-like contents will be released and the wound will be washed with an antiseptic.

2. Red pimple on the labia.

It is often a manifestation of acne. It is provoked by hormonal imbalance (in adolescence, pregnancy, menopause), diseases of the endocrine system, nervous fatigue and stress. Usually, on the labia minora and majora, pimples caused by acne in a girl are distributed more or less evenly over the surface of the organ, and rarely itch or hurt. If such rashes appear between the legs, you should visit a gynecologist to find out the causes and rule out serious pathology.

3. “Fordyce granules” - white pimples on the labia.

Fordyce granules, or so-called seborrheic cysts, are clogged sebaceous glands. A plug forms in its duct due to a narrowing of the outlet opening. Sooner or later, fat accumulates, which is why the tubercle is clearly visible through the epithelium and appears as white wen. They are found upon examination in the form of light pimples on the skin of intimate areas (penis, lips, etc.), as well as in the groin, near the anus, on the nipples, oral mucosa, etc. These pimples are numerous and can be located on both large and on the labia minora. Their contents are thick and viscoelastic in consistency. It is not an infectious disease and cannot be transmitted to a partner. The cause of the occurrence has not yet been clarified. You should not squeeze them out, as this leads to infection and inflammation, resulting in noticeable scars for life.

Photo of white pimples on the labia

They are considered a variant of the norm and there are no indications for surgical treatment of these labia acne. In most cases, girls and women seek help only if seborrheic cysts grow or represent a cosmetic defect and spoil the aesthetics of the intimate area. In this case, in our clinic, under local anesthesia, a session of radio wave therapy is performed - hardware “evaporation” of these elements (full recovery time is 1-2 weeks). Any other means (ointments, lotions, creams, etc.) cannot get rid of them.

It should be noted that Fordyce granules in women often turn out to be Fox-Fordyce disease (pearly papules). The pathology presumably occurs against the background of hormonal changes in the body. Sometimes accompanied by moderate itching, especially before and during menstruation. Formations are detected in the armpits, on the nipples, in the perineum, in the folds of the anus, on the labia majora and minora.

4. Papillomas and condylomas.

5. Molluscum contagiosum on the labia.

Small pimples of different shapes and in large numbers, upon examination they look like a dense small nodule, which has an inconspicuous depression closer to the center. Transmission is possible through sexual contact and through household items, so both adults and children can get sick. It spreads very quickly, especially when injured and scratched. The incubation period is from two weeks to six months. The ways of infection of the labia with molluscum contagiosum are as follows:

  • If sexual intercourse was not protected, and the partner has molluscum contagiosum on the genitals, then infection of the partner is inevitable.
  • Through household contact, especially with poor hygiene. Riding on public transport, using other people's objects, hugging and shaking hands. After all these actions, if you do not wash your hands and touch your genitals, there is a risk of infection.
  • During water procedures with the patient in the same water: bath, sauna, etc.
  • If you scratch or touch the infected area, and then healthy skin, there is a chance of spreading the infection - pimples from the labia can sometimes be transmitted throughout the body.

Pimples on the labia in girls

A rash on the labia in girls and teenagers is a rather unpleasant symptom, sometimes bringing a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. It may indicate serious pathologies or non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. They can appear periodically, for example, break out in a teenager before the onset of menstruation, they can bother a girl from time to time, or they can exist almost constantly. Dermatologists and gynecologists have noticed that in the presence of vulgar acne on the face, such rashes can often be observed in the deep bikini area and on the buttocks.

Usually, with the end of adolescence, acne in intimate places also goes away. But if such rashes are constant and bother the girl, then it is better to consult a doctor. We invite you to the clinic for an appointment with a pediatric and adolescent gynecologist!

How an intimate pimple grows - stages of the process

  1. Closure of the outlet of the sebaceous or sweat gland.
    The glands are actively involved in all skin functions. If the exit is blocked, then gland secretions begin to accumulate inside. The causes of blockage may be poor hygiene, hormonal changes, trauma, or excessive dryness of the skin of the intimate area. The outside of the pimple will look like a black dot or a whitish irregularity.
  2. Attachment of infection.
    An infectious agent enters the accumulation of sebum and inflammation develops. You may notice a red, painful formation on the skin.
  3. Increase in size.
    A pimple inside the labia, against a background of inflammation, begins to grow rapidly and become red, like a volcano ready to erupt.
  4. Emptying.
    The time comes when the inflammatory focus breaks through. A ripe pimple on the labia minora empties outward and temporary relief occurs. But this is not the end of the process. A pimple between the legs can go through the same stages again, and then spread across the skin to adjacent areas of the perineum.

Thus, in a few words, the process of formation and spread of this skin process on the genitals in women can be described as follows. Under each pore, near the base of the hair follicle, are the sebaceous glands. They produce sebum, an oily substance that moisturizes the skin. Healthy skin produces sebum and gets rid of dead cells. But if dead cells cling to the hair follicles and the sebaceous glands secrete too much sebum, a waxy substance appears on the skin that clogs the pores.

As a result, bacteria begin to multiply on the skin of the labia, inflammation occurs, and then pus appears. In clogged areas of the skin that are not exposed to air, blackheads form inside. An internal pimple on the labia usually looks like millet grains or blackheads, and there are areas of inflamed skin around them. And in places where the wall of the hair follicle ruptures, subcutaneous pimples appear. In the intimate area, they most often jump up on the labia (minor or major)

Factors predisposing to their spread

  • Squeezing pimples;
  • Mechanical impacts on the labia with dirty hands;
  • Poor hygiene in the area;
  • Improper aeration in the groin area due to tight underwear;
  • Ignoring natural cotton linen;.
  • Shaving and hair removal can injure acne on the intimate lips and lead to the spread of infection.


a lump or tiny tumor anywhere on the labia;
Discomfort while walking or other movements;
Education may or may not be painful;
Redness in the area around the pimple.

Why do genital acne increase during menstruation?
This is because during menstruation, vaginal moisture increases, which makes the whole thing more favorable for the formation and growth of acne. Hormonal changes during periods are also one of the factors that cause relapses. Just keep your intimate area clean and dry during this period.

How to treat acne on the labia

Small and painless pimples can be treated with simple hygiene rules. For lumps that are painful and inflamed or too large in size, antibiotics are needed in combination with proper drainage of the pus. To do this, you should visit a gynecologist.


Keep the genital area clean and dry. Wash your genitals every day, while bathing, with plain water. Avoid using soaps or gels. They can make the surface dry and rough.

Never pop or squeeze a pimple on your lips. After shaving and epilating, acne between the legs pops up due to infection. Treat with antiseptics, if there is no effect, visit a doctor.

Wear loose cotton underwear. Tight fitting clothing should be avoided as much as possible, especially on warm days.

A pimple on an intimate place in women is a delicate problem that brings discomfort and discomfort to the fairer sex. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different, and therefore they need to be solved individually for each case.

The reasons why a woman has a pimple in her intimate area vary. Only an experienced dermatologist and gynecologist can diagnose such phenomena, as well as deal with the disease that was the source of purulent formations. The most common causes are hormonal disruptions that occur during adolescence, menopause or pregnancy. Acne can also appear as a result of infection with some viral infections, which often leads to the development of serious sexually transmitted diseases. Often a rash occurs if a woman neglects her own hygiene rules. This can occur on hiking trips or long trips, when there is no way to wash properly.

Small pimples may appear as a result of injury to the bikini area. Sometimes the causes of such formations in intimate places are improper hair removal. This happens if a woman often shaves her bikini area. Regular use of wax or epilator can also cause acne. For this reason, experts recommend using laser hair removal, sugaring or other methods. Often the appearance of acne in intimate areas is associated with the formation of ingrown hairs. Therefore, scrubbing should be done before waxing. This will avoid developing a rash after the procedure.

Sometimes pimples can appear on such a part of the body due to wearing underwear made of synthetic materials. This may lead to allergic reactions. Also, such underwear fits tightly to the body and does not allow the epidermis to breathe. This leads to impaired heat exchange, sweating, irritation and hives. Pimples can also have a cold-like character - they appear during inflammation of genital herpes. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Sometimes a rash is formed as a result of primary syphilis, which also entails a trip to the gynecologist. Quite often, acne occurs as a result of severe stress or constant emotional distress.

How to deal with such formations in the bikini area?

What to do when a pimple pops up in an intimate place? If a woman understands that a painful acne is not infectious, then she can try to remove the formations herself. This is only allowed if the pimple is purulent and the head is visible. Be sure to do this with washed hands, and upon completion of the process, you must treat the affected areas with alcohol. If it was not possible to squeeze it out, then you need to try using traditional medicine or medications.

If there is a hard black pimple in the bikini area, then you can smear it with Vishnevsky or ichthyol ointment. The cream must be applied in a thick layer, and cotton wool must be placed on top, securing it with a band-aid. The compress should remain on the affected area for 12 hours, so it is usually done at night. Applications should be made until the formation is completely gone. You can treat a purulent pimple in an intimate place in women with the help of agave. You need to take a small piece of aloe leaf, cut it, apply it to the inflamed area, wrap it with gauze or bandage. It is recommended to apply the application before bedtime for 3-4 days. After this time, the purulent rash will go away on its own.

You can burn a painful pimple with iodine. To do this, you need to take a cotton swab, moisten it in the preparation and apply it to the inflamed area for 1-2 minutes. A prerequisite is to apply the effect only to the affected area, because contact with healthy skin can cause burns. Acne in the intimate area is often treated with Levomekol ointment. It must be applied locally up to 3 times a day. If the unpleasant sensations are internal, this means that the formation arose in the vaginal perineum. In this case, a decoction of chamomile or calendula flowers will help. You should take one or another component (20 g), pour 250 ml of boiling water, cool to room temperature and use the solution for intimate hygiene. It is recommended to carry out such manipulations up to 4-5 times a day.

To avoid acne, you need to wear cotton or linen underwear. It is also very important to take a lot of vitamins, restorative infusions and decoctions, as well as drugs that strengthen the immune system.

This is especially important for those women who experience relapses of herpes. It is necessary to quit bad habits - smoking or addiction to alcoholic beverages. If you know what acne is like, you can prevent its occurrence. Therefore, normal hygiene of the intimate area should be established. It is allowed to use antihistamines (only if large areas of redness form).

If there is a diseased pimple in an intimate place in men, then the treatment is no different from that used by women. You can prepare one more remedy. To do this, you need to take 2 aspirin tablets, crush them and mix with glycerin until smooth. It is recommended to apply the resulting mass to the groin area 2-3 times a day. You can get rid of irritation in the intimate area with the help of a Rescuer or Healer. When inflammation is very severe, zinc ointment or Zenerite is used.

If you deal with acne in the intimate area correctly, you can quickly and effectively deal with the problem. It is best to contact specialists, because sometimes such formations indicate the emergence of serious diseases.



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