What is oncology afraid of? Folk remedies against cancer

When the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded last year for the creation of molecular machines, many thought that they were some kind of mental toys. And they will remain so for a long time. Although it was already noted that such a technique could be used for targeted delivery of drugs into the body. But it will still be exotic for many years: too complicated and expensive.

And now an international group of researchers has developed a new type of molecular machines that could become a universal tool in the fight against any type of cancer. Such “omnivorousness” is inherent in the specifics of this technique. The fact is that almost all known types of treatment are quite selective; they work effectively against certain types of tumors, but may be less effective against others.

The molecular machine is free of these disadvantages. It is capable of destroying cancer cells by drilling through holes in their membranes. The tools are molecules several nanometers in size. They rotate under the influence of ultraviolet light at a speed of 2-3 million revolutions per second. The machines are introduced into the patient’s body using any of the available methods. Moreover, due to special chemical properties, the molecules themselves detect cancer cells and attach to their surface. And ultraviolet light supplied from outside activates the “drill” of the molecular machine, it bites into the tumor, makes a through hole in the cell membrane, thereby killing the cell. Experiments showed that, for example, prostate cancer cells were destroyed in just three minutes.

Molecular machines could become a universal means of fighting all types of cancer

Compared to other existing methods of fighting cancer, this one works much faster and does not have the negative side effects that chemotherapy and radiotherapy methods are so rich in. It is enough to configure the molecules of nanomachines to fight only cells of a strictly specific type, for example, breast cancer or melanoma. In addition to ultraviolet light, in the future it will be possible to use radiofrequency radiation or other “triggers” to activate molecular machines.

Recently, doctors are increasingly recording cases of cancer formations that are resistant to drugs used in chemotherapy. Fortunately, the cells of even such formations are defenseless against molecular nanomachines, which makes them an ideal means of combating any type of cancer. It is likely that the use of molecular nanomachines is not without some disadvantages, which will be revealed later. But at the moment, all known problems caused by nanomachines are temporary.

In the near future, researchers are going to test the capabilities of such “nanodrills” on laboratory rodents. Scientists need to make sure that such motors can be directed precisely to the address and that they will not take liberties and start drilling into things that are not needed.

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The first molecular machines began to be created almost 30 years ago, and in 1999 the first molecular motor in history appeared. This large molecule moved under the influence of a beam of light. Then, based on such a motor, a four-wheeled “nanocar” was built. Moreover, he could carry a load that was 10 thousand times the mass of the molecule itself.

When my father was diagnosed with cancer, our family experienced real grief. When I first crossed the threshold of the hematology department of the oncology dispensary in Simferopol (patients with blood and lymph cancer lie there), it seemed to me that this was the most terrible place on earth. There, people fought an invisible enemy every day. And this struggle is not easy. This was visible not only in their emaciated bodies, bald heads, bloodless white skin and sores on their hands and lips (this is how the lack of immunity affects them). My dad is lucky: he has the first stage. Despite all the hardships of undergoing 8 chemo treatments, he carried on well: hope shone in his eyes, and there was a smile on his lips. This is, of course, thanks to the doctors. Almost 4 years have passed, he continues to work and live a full life, although he is a disabled person of the second group. One more year - and he will be considered conditionally cured. Sergei MOROZOV, acting deputy chief physician for the medical unit of the Crimean Republican Oncology Clinical Dispensary named after V. M. Efetov, the chief freelance oncologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea, spoke about what “five-year survival rate” is, about the causes, symptoms and methods of treating cancer in Russia. .

Let's start with a banal, general, but important question, Sergei Vladimirovich. What is cancer?

Cancer is a malignant neoplasm that arises from epithelial cells. These cells make up the skin, mucous membranes, and are present in the endocrine and exocrine glands. There is an even larger group of malignant neoplasms - sarcomas. They grow from other types of tissue: bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves, adipose tissue. According to the prognosis, sarcoma is worse than cancer.

Firstly, there are much fewer special ways to influence this type of tumor. Often, such neoplasms are insensitive to radiation and chemotherapy treatments. Secondly, this is especially dangerous; they primarily metastasize through the blood, that is, directly to distant organs (most often the lungs).

How does cancer manifest itself?

It all depends on where the process takes place. There are visual localizations, many of them: lip, skin, oral cavity, mammary gland, cervix, anal canal, etc. Depending on the location of the tumor, it manifests itself in its own way.
For example, skin cancer is the “leader” among other forms of this disease among Crimeans (18.2%, a fifth of those diagnosed with malignant neoplasms in the Republic of Crimea in 2014). The first place, of course, was ensured by both the location of the peninsula and the long exposure of its inhabitants to the sun.

Let us then once again remind our readers about the time of safe exposure to the sun in summer and autumn.

Previously, it was believed that you should not sunbathe from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Now I would expand this period of time to the period from 10 to 16 hours. This is due to the fact that the sun's rays have become harsher. Remember the old children's drawings - we always drew the sun in orange. Now it's white. This indicates a thinning of the ozone layer, which blocks ultraviolet radiation. This is what causes the reduction in the limits of safe time spent under the sun.
In May and September, the angle of the sun above the horizon changes, so during these months you should not sunbathe from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

OK, thank you. Let's go back to the signs of skin cancer.

So, skin cancer can be basal cell or squamous cell. They differ in the type of cells from which the malignant tumor grows. Squamous cell skin cancer can be recognized by ulcers whose edges protrude above the skin. The bottom of such an ulcer is always represented by necrotic, that is, dead tissue. Basal cell carcinoma is a “kinder” manifestation of the malignant process. This is the only type of disease that is devoid of the most formidable property of the malignant process - this tumor does not metastasize. It manifests itself in the form of an ulcer, or a transparent nodule, or a flat pinkish formation, reminiscent of lichen, with peeling.
One of the most “evil” tumors that occurs in humans, melanoma, may appear on the skin. If this tumor accumulates melanin, it looks like a black formation of various shapes. Flat contours most often resemble a contour map, but can also be quite smooth. The nodular form of melanoma is a dark nodule protruding above the surface of the skin. Sometimes it is surrounded by a red stripe, “speaking” of the activity of the process. Nodular forms of melanoma can ulcerate and become ulcerated. The non-pigmented form of melanoma (this is when the tumor does not accumulate melanin) is easily confused with other formations on the skin. In connection with the appearance of such symptoms, you should contact a dermatologist or oncologist.

Are you talking about moles and papillomas?

Yes, both are benign changes of a different nature. These also include borderline pigmented nevi, resembling a dark freckle.

It's clear. How can other forms of cancer be detected?

Breast tumors (10.4% of those diagnosed with malignant neoplasms in the Republic of Kazakhstan last year) are most often identified by the presence of lumps in it. Therefore, every woman once a cycle after the end of menstruation should conduct a self-examination of the mammary glands (during this period they are most accessible by palpation). Additional examination methods are ultrasound - for young girls, for women over 39 years old - mammography. Until the age of 50, this study should be done once every 2-3 years, after that - annually.
Lung cancer (9.4%) is divided into central (affects the main bronchi) and peripheral (develops from small bronchi). The first is clinically manifested by the presence of streaks of blood in the sputum when coughing, a dry cough that irritates a person. The second form of the disease in the early stages, unfortunately, is practically asymptomatic. Therefore, it is not for nothing that fluorography is recommended once a year. A more informative method is lung x-ray, and even more so - computed tomography.
Stomach cancer (5.4%), depending on the location of the tumor, can manifest itself as discomfort in the upper half of the abdomen, congestion in the stomach, up to a complete block of food exiting it. The same is typical for a tumor of the esophagus. Belching rotten food, unpleasant sensations such as heaviness in the stomach, a change in attitude towards meat foods, weakness, fatigue also indicate intoxication syndrome due to the tumor process.
4.9% of Crimean residents who became ill with cancer last year were diagnosed with rectal cancer. Depending on the level of the tumor, signs of this disease may include the appearance of a large amount of mucus and streaks of blood in the stool, and the inability to empty the rectum. By the way, the mandatory examination during medical examination includes a digital examination of the rectum. A competent gynecologist should also look there.

What role does heredity play in the occurrence of cancer?

Inheritance can be traced to cancer of the breast, colon (both types are characterized by cross inheritance), and female genitalia (ovaries). Research on this subject at the genetic level is now available. Let's remember the well-known Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie. She lost her healthy mammary glands, and then wanted to have her ovaries removed because of the positive results of a gene mutation test. In the Russian Federation, treatment protocols include the removal of a healthy mammary gland for prophylactic purposes in the presence of a malignant tumor in the second mammary gland and mutations of the same genes that were found in it.
In the United States of America, it is customary: if a woman is diagnosed with a malignant process of the mammary gland or genital area, she takes all her female relatives and takes them to a genetic laboratory. When determining the possibility of disease even in healthy women, they are offered to perform operations in advance.

Do you think such radical measures are right?

You see, malignant processes are not as well and easily treated as, say, colds.
In this case, I always give the example of the American singer Linda McCartney. Her husband, Sir Paul McCartney, a wealthy man, even with the capabilities of medicine in the UK and the USA, could not save her from breast cancer. Therefore, if we approach it from this point of view, then in the presence of gene mutations and diseases in relatives, I consider preventive removal of organs in people genetically predisposed to cancer to be quite reasonable.
I had patients who clearly had genetic breast cancer, and the daughter got sick before the mother. That is, the further a genetic mutation is inherited, the earlier it can cause changes.

In this regard, please tell me what the dynamics of cancer diseases in Crimea indicate?

The incidence is definitely increasing. If the number of patients registered with us 30 years ago was about 20-odd thousand, now the contingent has grown to 57 thousand. This is due to the increasing life expectancy of people and the ever-increasing capabilities of medicine. That is, these figures indicate the number of people treated by us who continue to live, but remain registered. In oncology there is such a thing as “five-year survival”: if within five years after treatment the patient’s disease does not return, then the possibility of this in the future is minimal; we conditionally consider such people cured. The cancer incidence rate in Crimea in 2014 was 391.6 per 100 thousand population, the average for Russia was 388.9 per 100 thousand population.

It used to be that cancer was a disease of older people. Is this still the case?

On average, the pole of occurrence of malignant processes has shifted closer to middle age, over 40 years. But it still affects older people to a greater extent, although the percentage of younger patients is now greater than 10-15 years ago.

What is this connected with?

With the environment, emotions (stress), food (the presence of substances in them that are undesirable to enter the body), household intoxications (smoking, alcoholism).

The time factor is the main one in the treatment of cancer. What work do you do on early cancer detection?

For example, on September 18, we held a campaign for early diagnosis of head and neck cancer. Three doctors - ENT, dentist and oncologist - examined 167 Crimeans. It was revealed: cancer of the skin of the face and scalp - 4 cases, melanoma of the skin of the face - 1 case, cancer of the larynx - 3 cases, thyroid cancer according to ultrasound - 3 cases, that is, we diagnosed 11 residents of the republic with malignant diseases that day . We found precancerous conditions in another 29 people. In addition to such actions, high-quality medical examinations and public awareness should really help in the early diagnosis of cancer.

How is cancer treated in Russia?

Cancer treatment methods are the same in approximately every country. The only question is the availability of technical and medical means. The latter are the same all over the world, plus or minus. We now have a full range of medications available. In Ukraine, they were provided free of charge in small quantities; in Russia, the share of free drugs practically covers the total need of patients for them. In addition, in the Russian Federation there are two benefits for outpatient drugs - regional and federal.
We perform the entire range of surgical operations that are necessary to treat cancer patients at the dispensary. Unfortunately, we do not yet have the ability to fully carry out endoscopic operations. We are waiting for endoscopic stands as part of the modernization program. We have specialists to carry out such operations; they have already been trained in training centers of the Russian Federation.

Is it still possible to create a cure for cancer?

Malignant tumors are so different in their biological properties that it is impossible to come up with one pill for everything.

Then can cancer be prevented? Or is there at least a way to prevent it?

Funny question. Cancer can be diagnosed at an early stage; this is achieved through medical examinations and public awareness of this problem. Cancer prevention is a healthy lifestyle, so to speak. Although it is not a panacea. Professor Vladimir Mikhailovich Efetov, after whom our oncology clinic is named, gave lectures to students at the Medical Institute (now the Medical Academy named after S. I. Georgievsky), said the following phrase: “When medicine reaches such heights, when it can treat absolutely all diseases, every person will live to your cancer." Our task is to make this period of life as long and happy as possible.

Our reader shared her story of fighting cancer, which has been going on for five years. She did not lose heart and found the strength to resist the bad and, importantly, erroneous forecasts from doctors.

I am 41, I have a husband and a son, we lead an active life and always strive to communicate and travel. That fall we were busy building our house: purchasing materials, hiring builders. I had to do a lot on my own, which made me constantly tired.

I had symptoms of an intestinal infection, but I chalked it up to the usual story for residents of the south - poisoning is not uncommon in September when there is an abundance of fresh fruit. It’s just that there are no more sick people around, and it’s become really hard for me. A high temperature rose, weakness appeared, and after a few more days my husband and I went to a paid clinic.

I had an ultrasound - it immediately showed a large tumor on the ovary, and even then the specialist said that it was almost certainly cancer.

The diagnosis was clarified at the oncology clinic in the next three days - urgent surgery was required. I began to develop ascites, called dropsy, a situation in which excess fluid accumulates in the abdomen. Now I think that the realization was inhibited - my physical condition was very bad, and there was simply no time or energy left for any kind of reflection. The husband and son were nearby all the time, and probably prayed to all the gods that everything would be successful.

The operation was scheduled immediately - they removed both ovaries and the uterus, as well as part of the intestines, since there were metastases there.

Surprisingly, a histology analysis to make an accurate diagnosis and establish a stage takes a painfully long time, and even in another city. Based on this analysis, I was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. As they explained to me, the disease is quite advanced, but this is not uncommon; in 70-80% of women with ovarian cancer, the diagnosis is made at stage 3. Doctors call this type of cancer the “silent killer”, since it practically does not manifest itself in any way until the onset of the 3rd stage, and women ignore those subtle symptoms that occur earlier.

I got a consultation with a specialist who warned me against unconditionally believing that medical care under the compulsory medical insurance policy would be free and effective. Unfortunately, very often cancer patients are prescribed chemotherapy drugs that are not what they really need, and those that the hospital has in stock may underestimate doses or interrupt courses, not wanting to take on extra responsibility. He made it clear to me that my life is in my hands, I myself must control the entire treatment process. On the one hand, he shocked and fairly frightened me, and on the other, he explained that many people live with such a diagnosis, are constantly being treated and live, raise children, work and travel. So, despite all my violent emotional reactions, I did not fall into depression, I decided not to give up, but to act and fight for myself, for my family, for the opportunity to see how my 10-year-old son will grow up.

Removal of the uterus and ovaries affected my hormonal levels - I went into menopause. I can’t say that this was the most terrible thing in my situation; the chemotherapy overshadowed the other symptoms.

Then my body adapted, and now I can say that I don’t feel anything special in connection with this operation: my weight has not increased, and outwardly I still look younger than my age. It seemed unthinkable that all female organs would be removed, because my husband and I really wanted another child, but death from cancer was completely illusory, and there was simply no other way to survive.

On social networks I posted my photographs, a medical report and a request for help. Friends and relatives, classmates and simply acquaintances responded and quite quickly we managed to collect enough money for a trip to Israel.

Before the New Year, I flew to Jerusalem. This was my first trip abroad. I didn’t think I would “travel” like this. I had to go without my husband; he was not even allowed to get a foreign passport using the accelerated procedure.

There should be no more than three weeks between surgery and chemotherapy, but I had to wait more than a month. I wanted to be sure that the prescribed treatment was correct. In a large, well-equipped clinic, I was given a full examination in just 3 days and prescribed medications.

On New Year's Eve in Russia they drink champagne, eat Olivier and set off firecrackers. And in Israel, December 31 is an ordinary date, unremarkable, so on that day I was lying under a drip, and poison was slowly poured into me, which destroys cancer cells, and at the same time kills my other completely healthy cells.

Chemotherapy felt terrible, but the knowledge that I was already getting treatment and would soon be healthy helped me deal with it. I returned from Israel in a kind of foggy, nauseous state; I don’t even know how I even managed to get home, taking into account all the transport changes.

The first line of chemotherapy usually involves 6 courses: 1 dropper every three weeks. Doctors then evaluate the effect and decide what to do next. I personally encountered the fact that after 6 courses they tried to send me to “rest and recover,” although the desired result was not achieved, and this was confirmed by the results of tests and computed tomography.

I insisted that I would continue chemotherapy until results were achieved. Although my body “missed” the cancer cells, it is otherwise quite strong, tolerates chemotherapy quite well and then recovers quite quickly. As a result, I completed 11 courses in the first line of chemotherapy, which led to 11 months of remission.

I work full time, and the management of the company met me halfway; during the treatment they let me go for three days so that I could come to my senses a little.

After the third drip, I went from an attractive brown-haired woman to bald as a knee.

Here, my hidden advantages for the time being really came to light - it turned out that I had an ideal skull shape and a beautiful profile. Sometimes my exotic appearance at work created funny situations - scandalous clients were sent to me who demanded their money back, and they instantly calmed down and became decent people.

Each hospital visit cost me many, many hours in line. I talked with other patients and repeatedly came across a situation where people, less cautious, more trusting, agreed with the doctors and went to rest and recover, as they were persistently advised to do. Then they quickly died, since chemotherapy was clearly completed earlier than required.
I constantly monitored my condition, as if I had turned on an “internal scanner.” If earlier I could simply ignore some symptoms and work no matter what, now I have become very attentive to my body. This is what allows me not to relax and control all the processes happening inside.

Several more years and several courses of chemotherapy have passed since then. I no longer traveled to Israel, since it is quite expensive, and my husband and I already have to buy some of the medications for treatment exclusively with our own money. I went several times for a consultation to Moscow, to a leading oncology center. In the fifth year of my illness, the doctor unexpectedly prescribed me a test for genetic mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, popularly known as the Angelina Jolie genes. I have one of these mutations. This means that my disease is genetic, and if this had been known immediately, then perhaps a different treatment tactic should have been chosen, and also that the risk of the disease is inherited by all my close blood relatives, including my son. At least now this is known in advance.

A person gets used to everything, and I got used to my illness. I learned to quite deftly adjust all my plans to accommodate chemotherapy courses. My family and I went on a wonderful trip to Istanbul and every year we try to go to the Black Sea, at least for a short time. I’m used to restrictions - I can’t be in the sun, I can’t eat certain foods, I need to constantly undergo tests and have tomography done. My body has gotten used to chemotherapy, and now practically no drugs lead to baldness, so I regularly go to the hairdresser, change my hairstyles and hair color. I still work full time despite being classified as a non-work class disability. However, disability payments do not allow me not only to receive treatment, but also to simply live, and I still have many grandiose plans ahead.

I still find it difficult to overcome some aspects when communicating with medical staff. Among them there are both wonderful, friendly people who are professionals in their field, and notorious bastards who are trying to instill such forecasts that they can only be called a curse. One of the doctors, who held a non-ordinary position in the oncology clinic, told me that my bone marrow was killed.

You will never have normal platelet levels, and you should never have chemo again!

Sometimes I want to meet her on the street and stick the test results on her forehead, where the blood counts are absolutely normal.

I believe in myself and hope in modern science, which can create a drug that will cure cancer patients. And I'm going to wait for this moment, because I've been waiting for 5 whole years. I still want to see how my son grows up. Now he is already 15, and our family remains just as strong.

If you have been correctly diagnosed and have started treatment, I recommend doing the following, regardless of the treatment method:

Keep a notebook or diary. Write down every day of your fight against disease. Describe in detail what medicine you took (in what doses and time) to fight cancer, what you drank, ate and how you felt throughout the day, and so on every day. After some time, you will see the overall picture of your treatment. If there are no positive results within 2-3 months, then this treatment method is not effective for you and it needs to be radically changed or combined with another treatment or medication to improve the result.

Example: Some people are effectively helped by an infusion of aconite, others by an infusion of potato flowers, a third by nut tincture, a fourth by hemlock, and so on. You need to not give up and try different options and techniques. YOU must choose the most effective treatment method yourself, you just need to listen wisely and choose it for treatment individual.

The best results are obtained from treatment from two or three flanks of the fight against cancer, for example:

WITH on one side we hit the cancer cells with nut tincture oraconiteor potato, and on the other hand we finish off cancer cells with apricot kernels with vitamin B17, on the third side we strike cancer cells with propolis, while strengthening the immune system, we restore normal functioning of the body. Don't forget about proper nutrition, filled with plant foods as much as possible.

What cannot be done if you are ill or undergoing treatment:

1. You cannot sunbathe in the sun, take hot baths, avoid saunas and baths altogether, avoid anything that is associated with overheating of the body.

2. Avoid heavy physical activity, do not injure the cancerous area under any circumstances, do not overload yourself with work, and rest as much as possible. You can listen to pleasant music for you, this also helps in treatment.

3.Do not oppress yourself with bad thoughts and representations O

gloomy future, don't even think about death, forget about it.

4.By According to many, cancer does not like light, this leads to aggression and progression.

All the above factors can lead to progression cancer

Proper nutrition is very important.

IN first of all clean filtered water .

Remove from food sugar and sweets, even if you really want it. Eliminate smoked meats, canned food, and anything fried from your diet. Eat plant proteins. Include rice, buckwheat and oatmeal porridges in your diet, season them with olive oil. Soups made from cereals and vegetables, soups made from beans and mushrooms are very good for the body. Preferably naturally grown mushrooms, they contain a high percentage of selenium. Eat only black bread. Drink green teas with raisins instead of sugar 3-4 times a day (Example: elderberry tea). Fill your diet with plant foods as much as possible to fight disease.

It is very useful to drink natural juices from vegetables: cabbage, beets (red beets), carrots, about 0.5 liters throughout the day. Fill your daily diet as much as possible with: onions, garlic, cabbage, carrots, parsley.

Example: Juice from freshly squeezed cabbage should be drunk 1 glass half an hour before meals and 3 times a day. In addition to cancer, you have a guarantee of getting rid of stomach ulcers, completely cleansing the entire intestines of accumulated deposits of feces, which poison your body with toxins every second. This process is accompanied by a large release of gases; you will need to take this factor into account when taking it.

WITH You also need to fight alcohol and nicotine, it only brings harm to an already unhealthy body. Remember, the fight is for life.

Do not lose heart and do not lose hope, you will succeed, you will defeat the disease, psychologically prepare yourself for recovery and victory, this will help you and your body fight the disease even more.

Prayer helps many. Read prayers and set yourself up only positively for recovery:

"My heavenly angel, please protect me!
In the desert of life, without blaming strangers,
I’m burning with a candle, I’m melting from a severe illness,
And I don’t know where the soul can find salvation.
The abyss opens its black arms to me,
I'm desperately struggling, but I don't have enough strength.
Bright Savior, provide your wing!
Let me lean on if I'm unlucky
Give me strength! Hope for you
Please save and save me!"

Fight for life.

Fight for life so that it doesn't cost you.

Life is a struggle and you need to fight for it.

Fight to the bitter end, even if the disease is staring you straight in the eye.

You are stronger in spirit and hope than your enemy in the form of illness, you will definitely overcome it.

Don't give up, the fight for life is always a duel.

You will overcome all difficulties and defeat the disease.

Learn to believe in victory every minute and you will succeed.

This strength helps you fight the disease even more.

Take care of your health, that of your family and friends.

Cancer treatment in folk medicine has long been carried out with medicinal plants, bee products, unique infusions and tinctures. They are good for prevention.

In this article we will talk about methods of treating and preventing cancer, about food that helps cope with the most dangerous enemy of health.

Cancer is a serious disease that puts a person in a state of panic. Medicinal plants, anti-cancer methods of traditional medicine, cleansing the body and thoughts of dirt and filth, and therapeutic nutrition come to the rescue. Here are original techniques that help in the treatment of cancer, in particular, medicinal plants.

Hemlock helps in the treatment of oncology

The grass is also popularly called bugela. It grows in damp places. You can find hemlocks along forest belts and fences. Let's say right away that the plant is poisonous and large doses are fatal. However, if you use the drugs strictly according to the prescription, it gets along with healthy cells and destroys sick ones.

Preparation of a healing remedy from hemlock

  1. Collect hemlock blossoms.
  2. Grind fresh and pour into a dark glass bottle to the top.
  3. Fill with high-quality vodka of at least 40 degrees.
  4. Seal the container hermetically and put it in a dark place for 18 days. Be sure to write down the date on a piece of paper.

Take the finished medicine according to the scheme:

Day 1 - in the morning on an empty stomach (an hour before meals) with 0.5 glasses of water - 1 drop of extract.
Day 2 – in the morning on an empty stomach (an hour before meals) – add 1 more drop to half a glass of water.

Over the next few days, add 1 drop of tincture and increase to 40 drops. After which the dose is reduced one drop at a time.

Treatment lasts 80 days. After 5 days of rest, repeat the healing course again until complete recovery. There are cases where hemlock has overcome severe forms of cancer.

Please note that and .

Bolotova's kvass in the treatment of cancer

Take fresh or dry 0.5 cup celandine grass and tie it in a gauze knot, a sewn bag with a washed weight in the form of a pebble.

3 liters of whey is prepared and poured into a jar. 1 glass of sugar is poured there and celandine is placed. The drink is infused for 14 days. Take 1 glass daily.

Bolotov's kvass for cancer helps remove radionuclides from the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore cleanses and heals the entire body.

If a diagnosis of cancer has been established, you can use this effective remedy with medical prescriptions.

Before starting treatment with folk remedies, clarify the diagnosis and consult a doctor.

Healing infusion will help the body fight cancer

To prepare the medicinal composition, prepare the products that need to be collected in the quantities indicated in the recipe.

Composition of the infusion against cancer

Such a healing balm will not only help cure cancer, but also give strength, longevity, youth and overall health of the body.


  • cognac (aged for at least 8 years) – 300 g;
  • juice from aloe leaves - (plant age is at least 3 years, preferably 5 years) - 300 g (The plant is not watered for five days. Then the leaves are cut from it and wrapped in a clean cloth. Kept in the refrigerator for 30 days. Then the leaves are crushed and from them juice is squeezed out);
  • Linden honey – 300 g;
  • dry crushed rose hips – 300 g;
  • pine buds collected from February to March - 300 g;
  • yarrow (herb) – 60 g;
  • wormwood (grass) – 15 g;
  • crushed chaga – 300 g (3 cups);
  • boiled water – 3.5 liters.


  1. Mix wormwood, rose hips, chaga, yarrow and pine cones in an enamel pan and pour boiling water.
  2. Bring to a boil and wrap warm.
  3. Let it sit for a day, strain, and squeeze out the cake thoroughly.
  4. Mix the drug with cognac, aloe juice and honey.
  5. We wrap it up again and keep it in this state for four days.

Treatment course is 6 months. Every day the infusion is taken 30 ml.

Please note, there is more.

Diet during cancer

Today, diet in the treatment of cancer is the main weapon in the fight against malignant neoplasms. After all, about 1/3 of cancers are related to diet. Eating healthy food will reduce your risk of cancer.

Those who prefer vegetables and fruits in their diet are half as likely to suffer from severe illnesses, including smokers.

Beta-carotene is the most potent in protecting against cancer. There is a lot of it in vegetables and fruits of yellow, green, orange color:

  • carrots;
  • spinach;
  • sweet potatoes;
  • dried and canned beans (Turkish peas);
  • beans and lentils;
  • cantaloupe;
  • apricots

These products contain anti-cancer substances. A day, as oncologists advise, you need to eat 375 grams of fruit and 300 grams of vegetables. The vitamins A and C they contain, as well as potassium and calcium, selenium and bioflavoins, will protect the body not only from cancer, but also from atherosclerosis.

The Italian doctor Tullio Simoncini, who was the first to openly declare that cancer is a candida fungus and who successfully treats cancer with soda, advises eating vegetables and fruits containing salvestrol - a natural defense against cancer and fungi:

  • strawberries and blueberries;
  • raspberries and grapes;
  • black and red currants;
  • cranberries and blackberries;
  • peaches and apples;
  • green vegetables, broccoli and any other cabbage;
  • artichokes;
  • yellow and red peppers;
  • asparagus and avocado;
  • eggplants.

The body does not receive any treatment from chemically processed vegetables and fruits. Be sure to check out the article.

Treating cancer with soda and faith in healing

Traditional methods of treating cancer include soda in their list of recipes. The miraculous properties of ordinary soda have been known since ancient times. For example, Egyptian priests took it for health and longevity. It was strictly prohibited for the common people and was valued more than all material treasures.

Much has been written about soda today and hundreds of thousands of people take it, noting improvements in their bodies. To prevent cancer and treat tumors, drink soda only on an empty stomach, when both the stomach and intestines are clean, 2-3 times a day, half an hour before meals. Start with small doses in the form of 1/5 teaspoon and gradually increase to ½ teaspoon, diluting in 1 glass of hot boiled water or hot, unboiled milk.

Video of treating cancer with soda

Recipe for a healing mixture against cancer by the Bulgarian scientist Hristo Mermerski

According to Professor H. Mermerski from Bulgaria, an anti-cancer product prepared at home will help;

  • heal the body;
  • destroy cancer cells;
  • cleanse the vessels;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • heal the heart.

The mixture is recommended for use for liver diseases and kidney diseases. Helps improve memory by restoring brain function. Will prevent stroke. Will restore strength after serious illnesses or operations.

Composition of the mixture against cancer

The composition of the healing remedy for cancer includes accessible and well-known products:

  • sprouted wheat – 400 g;
  • garlic – 12 heads;
  • lemons – 15 pcs.);
  • walnuts – 400 g;
  • honey – 1 kg.

First, we germinate wheat grains, which we place in a glass jar and fill with settled or filtered water. After 12 hours, drain the liquid, rinse the grains and refill with clean water. A day later, they will hatch. Ready wheat has sprouts of 1–2 mm.

How to prepare a healing remedy for cancer

  1. We pass the grains through a meat grinder.
  2. Grind the peeled garlic and nut kernels in a blender.
  3. From lemons with peel (without seeds) we get fresh juice.
  4. Mix everything only with a wooden spoon, adding honey, until smooth.
  5. We keep the medicine in the refrigerator for three days.

How to use home remedy for cancer

To improve general condition: 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals.

For the treatment of cancer: per day, every 2 hours, 1–2 tbsp. spoons.

If you notice the following symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

  1. Over the course of a month, the size and color of birthmarks and moles have changed.
  2. Cracks, thickening and growths began to appear on the tongue, oral mucosa, lips and skin.
  3. Painful belching and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, heaviness and pain in the epigastric region, weakness, decreased appetite, and began to lose weight for no reason.
  4. There was a cough and hemoptysis, a hoarse voice, and chest pain.
  5. A lump in the mammary gland, cracks in the nipples, ulcers, and bloody discharge from the nipples were discovered.

Cancer is an inevitable death for many, but, like any serious disease, it must be dealt with. Only faith and patience will help you survive and defeat the disease. Look for ways to recover, believe and be sure to get well! So be it!

A strong prayer of repentance and petition from cancer to the Lord Savior

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
God, be merciful to me, a sinner. To You, my Lord God and Creator, in the One Holy Trinity, Glorified and Worshiped, Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, I address my prayer in complete repentance for my previous sins, committed by me as a servant of God (him) (name of the person praying (- gosya)) all the days of my life, at every hour, days and nights, in deed, word, thought and my other sins, mental and physical together, in the image of my God and Creator I have angered You and have earned a real serious illness of cancer as punishment from You. Having realized my sins, I have the will to repent: “I repent! I repent! I repent!” In repentance, my insight came about my sinful life and about Your ineffable Mercy, for He did not kill me deservedly, but punished me with the disease of cancer, mercifully, leaving me, a sinful servant of God (the name of the sick one) -him), time for prayer of repentance and correction of my sins. Lord my God, on my knees, with tears, I humbly pray to You: Help me, forgive me my sins with Your mercy, for regretting these sins, I present them to You and pray - forgive me. from all of these, as you are Good and Lover of Mankind. For Heal me invisibly through the Prayers of Your Saints, the servant of God (name of the sick one), from the disease of cancer and all its titles: wormy, oppressive cancer, growing, fungal, poisonous, watery, bloody, prickly, powerful, fiery, fatty, internal, odorous, creeping, poisonous, rotting, granular, ripening, sulfurous, grainy. Merciful Lord, hear the prayer of your servant, praying ( -gosya) To you. You healed the long and fierce illness of Job in the puss and worms of that one who prayed, through the word, O Lord. And now I pray to Thee: for the Good, heal me invisibly, the servant of God (the name of the sick one) from oppressive, growing, wormy, fungal, poisonous, watery, bloody, prickly, powerful, fiery cancer , fatty, internal, odorous, creeping, poisonous, rotting, granular, ripening, scalding, cereal. Weaken, forgive, God forgive, my sins, voluntary and involuntary, I am in word and in deed, I am in knowledge and in ignorance, I am in days and nights, I am in mind and in thought: forgive me everything, as the Good and the Lover of Mankind... The Lord, the Lover of Mankind! Is this cancerous coffin going to be for me, God’s servant (name) (name of the sick woman?) For seven is the grave, for seven is death awaiting. Save, O God, my accursed soul, I fear Thy Judgment, O Lord, and endless torment, but I do not stop doing evil: I am worthy of all condemnation and torment, for I always sing to You the Lord my God, and Your Most Pure Mother, and all the Heavenly powers, and my Holy Guardian Angel. .. Lord, save me, a sinner and unworthy servant of God (name of the sick one): if you save a righteous man, that is nothing great; Even if you have mercy on a pure person, nothing will be wondrous - you are worthy of the essence of Thy mercy. But on me, a sinner, surprise Your mercy: for this, show Your love for mankind, so that the malice of my enemies and my fall into sin will not overcome Your ineffable Goodness and inexhaustible Mercy. Let my enemies not wait for my Death and do not rejoice in their victory and in the victory of the black demonic forces. May I be the protector of my soul, O God! Enlighten my eyes! Save me, a sinner, for I walk in the midst of many snares: deliver me from them, save me, save me, protect me. May I not fall asleep in death from the disease of cancer and all its titles. Punish, but do not kill! I forgive those who hate and offend; Do good to those who do good; grant me to the servant of God (name of the sick woman) salvation and eternal life, visit the infirmities of cancer and grant healing. Most mercifully, I ask for health with tears of repentance to the servant of God (him) (name of the sick one), change from death to the stomach, give comfort to the mourners. To You, Creator, I repent of all my sins, for you sinners do not want death, revive, heal the sick servant of God ( -him) (the name of the sick woman (his), that I may arise and serve You, confessing Your goodness with all the righteous. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.



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