Absence of menstruation disease. Delayed menstruation

Menstruation should normally come regularly every month; this process indicates a woman’s ability to conceive. Abnormal periods, that is, scanty or heavy, painful menstrual bleeding, indicate the presence of any abnormalities in reproductive function or the presence of certain diseases. That is why women should monitor their menstrual cycle extremely carefully, note not only the regularity of menstrual bleeding, but also its nature, and also monitor their well-being during menstruation.

Lack of menstruation is one of the main signs of pregnancy. It is also considered normal if menstruation does not come in girls before puberty and in women after menopause. In other cases, a long absence of menstruation, for 3-4 months or more, is considered a pathology. As a rule, this phenomenon is caused by various gynecological diseases and disruptions in a woman’s hormonal background, which requires immediate treatment under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

The absence of menstruation in gynecology is called amenorrhea.

There are two types of disease:

  1. Primary, when you have never had a period in your life.
  2. Secondary, when menstruation does not come in women of reproductive age for several cycles.

Why can menstruation be absent if the test is negative and pregnancy is completely excluded? Let's try to understand this issue in as much detail as possible and find out the main causes of amenorrhea in women.

Possible reasons for the absence of menstruation and their diagnosis

A woman’s body is very fragile, which is why, as a result of emotional experiences and physical overload, the menstrual cycle may fail, which in turn leads to the absence of menstruation.

The most common reasons for the absence of menstruation in women, besides pregnancy, are:

  • infectious diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • pituitary tumor;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • menopause;
  • drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • abortion.

Various pathologies can also provoke amenorrhea, such as:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • prolactinoma;
  • anorexia;
  • bulimia and so on.

Delayed menstruation, its complete absence, as well as scanty periods are signs of the development of amenorrhea and require an immediate visit to the gynecologist.

To establish the reasons for the absence of menstruation, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary; only a specialist can prescribe the necessary examinations and, based on their results, prescribe appropriate treatment.

Typically, to diagnose amenorrhea it is necessary to:

  1. Get an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  2. Get tested for hormones.
  3. Consult a neurologist.
  4. For polycystic ovary syndrome, laparoscopy is recommended.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor determines the cause of the disease and prescribes the necessary medications.

When taking hormonal contraceptives, for example, Zoely, Qlaira, Jess, a reduction in menstrual flow is possible, but its complete absence is unacceptable. If there is no menstruation while taking OCs, you must first rule out pregnancy by taking a pregnancy test or donating blood for hCG. If your periods do not come during the break between taking pills, you should discuss changing your oral contraceptive to a more suitable one with your doctor.

After childbirth

One of the most important questions that interests young mothers was and remains the question of the resumption of menstruation. It is worth noting that no gynecologist can accurately answer when your period will come after childbirth.

Firstly, this is a purely individual process, because each body needs a certain time to recover in the postpartum period.

Secondly, breastfeeding has a great influence on the menstrual cycle. Thus, women who breastfeed their babies may not wait for menstruation during the first year of the baby’s life, and with artificial feeding, menstruation should normally begin 2-3 months after delivery.

If a woman does not breastfeed and her period does not come, this is a good reason to contact a gynecologist.

After 45 years

At the age of 45-55 years, women enter menopause, at which time amenorrhea is a physiological process. The absence of menstruation after 45 years of age usually does not require treatment, but in this case the situation should not be neglected. A woman needs to consult a gynecologist and undergo the necessary tests. In some cases, a gynecologist may prescribe hormone therapy to normalize the general condition of a woman’s body during menopause.

Possible consequences of lack of menstruation

Often, many ladies do not attach much importance to the absence of menstruation with a negative pregnancy test and the absence of any painful sensations. This is fundamentally wrong. The absence of menstruation for a long time is dangerous for a woman’s health, as it can provoke disruptions in the functioning of systems and organs, as well as cause many complications, among others:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • osteoparosis;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • oncological diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • early miscarriages;
  • infertility.

Advanced amenorrhea is difficult to diagnose and practically untreatable, which is why you should not delay visiting a gynecologist if you have not had your period for more than four months.

Is pregnancy possible with amenorrhea?

As is already clear from the above, the absence of menstruation is not a disease, but rather a clear symptom of disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system of the female body. With pathological amenorrhea, the ovulation process does not occur, therefore, it is not possible to conceive a child in this case. In order for pregnancy to occur, it is necessary to establish the reason for the absence of menstruation, undergo treatment and wait for the menstrual cycle to normalize. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, and pregnancy occurs, but, unfortunately, ends in miscarriage.

With physiological amenorrhea During breastfeeding, pregnancy can occur even before the arrival of the first menstruation, but this is extremely undesirable for the female body, so it is worth paying great attention to the issue of contraception during this period.

The absence of menstruation in a woman of childbearing age caused by pathology requires careful examination and qualified treatment, only in this case there is a chance of normalizing the condition and restoring the cycle.

In order to avoid amenorrhea and complications caused by this disease, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid sudden weight loss and gain, eat properly and nutritiously, and refuse promiscuity. And of course, you need to regularly visit a gynecologist, take tests and smears to be confident in your own health!


Perhaps nothing takes women by surprise more than a missed period. After all, if “these days” are delayed, it means that for some reason there was a disruption in the menstrual cycle. Every woman of reproductive age has encountered such a problem at least once in her life. And the first thing that comes to the mind of a woman living a normal sex life is pregnancy. Of course, but pregnancy is far from the only reason. There are at least 9 more main and common reasons, which we will consider below in the article.


Very often, sexually active women associate delayed menstruation with pregnancy. Of course, the easiest way to check whether you are pregnant or not is to simply buy a pregnancy test. If the test shows two lines, then everything is clear, but if the pregnancy test is negative and you still don’t get your period, then you should seriously think about what is the reason for the delay. But the only correct decision will still be examination by a gynecologist and further treatment of the cause of menstrual irregularities.


It’s not for nothing that they say that all diseases are caused by nerves. Any, including even a woman’s menstrual cycle. The fact is that during stress, the body reduces the quantitative production of luteinizing hormone (LH), which in turn affects ovulation. Lack of LH provokes a delay in the onset of menstruation or amenorrhea. In general, stress can safely be called the number 1 reason during the delay in the arrival of the “red days of the calendar”, so dear girls, girls, women, be always happy and cheerful. Try to always find only good things in life!


Illness, such as a bad cold, as well as stress can cause a delay in menstruation. After all, illness is the same stress for the body, only physical, therefore, if you get sick by the time the ovulation process should begin, then most likely your menstrual cycle will be disrupted this month. As a rule, such a failure is temporary and if you recover from the disease completely, then there should be no problems in the future. In order not to deal with this and just kill two birds with one stone.

Biological clock failure.

A change in climate, daily routine and everything that significantly changes your usual way of life forces your biological clock to “reset” its previous mode and begin to work in a new rhythm. This failure is more common among business women who work in offices. Let's consider, for example, a case when there is a lot of work to do at work, and the deadline is very pressing, then you have to stay late at work, sometimes work at night, eat poorly, do not get enough sleep, and get nervous. All this leads to the body experiencing severe stress and the biological clock being disrupted. After all this shake-up of the body, any woman, of course, will have an interruption in her menstrual cycle.


You may be surprised, but medications can also cause a delay in menstruation. Most often, this is to blame for this, which young girls swallow without thinking and in large quantities, for example, in order to. Of course, in addition to emergency contraception, there are other medications that can usually cause a slight delay of 5 to 10 days.

Therefore, always ask about the side effects of the medications that your doctor prescribes, so as not to panic later and not think about the reasons for the menstrual cycle failure

Overweight or underweight.

A woman’s body weight also has a great influence on the menstrual cycle. Excess weight can change a woman's hormonal levels, which can subsequently affect menstruation.

The fact is that subcutaneous fat produces small amounts of female hormones - estrogens, which regulate a large number of processes in the body, including the menstrual cycle. Accordingly, the larger this layer, the more hormones are produced.

The reason for a delay in menstruation can also be a woman’s insufficient weight. Some women who are low weight suffer from this problem and are unable to conceive a child for a long time.

In medicine, there is such a term as “menstrual mass,” which is at least 45-47 kg.

If a girl’s weight does not reach this minimum, then various problems with menstruation begin to appear. That is why it is not recommended for a woman to go on strict diets and perform excessive physical activity (very common among professional athletes). In this case, normal nutrition and taking vitamins will help normalize the monthly cycle.


Perimenopause is a period that occurs in a woman several years before menopause. During this period, a smooth restructuring of the body is already underway, and therefore various changes in the reproductive system can be observed. During the premenopausal period, a woman’s ovaries begin to produce less of the hormone estrogen, as a result of which the woman experiences various abnormalities in the menstrual cycle, including delayed menstruation.

Gynecological, endocrine and infectious diseases.

If a woman is delayed in “these” days by even 5 or 10 days, and the pregnancy test is negative, then gynecologists immediately diagnose ovarian dysfunction. Actually, if you look at it in more detail, ovarian dysfunction is a medical synonym for the phrase delayed menstruation. This term describes any atypical dysfunctional uterine bleeding, which can be caused by many different diseases and external factors.

For example, with polycystic ovary syndrome, a periodic absence of menstrual bleeding on time is characteristic. The disease is associated with hormonal imbalances, which... Polycystic ovary syndrome is associated primarily with the fact that dysfunctions of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid gland and adrenal glands occur. In addition to delays in polycystic ovary syndrome, it is observed due to the production of a large amount of male hormones - androgens.

Delayed menstruation in teenage girls.

Delayed menstruation in a teenage girl during the first or second year from the start of her first menstruation (menarche) is considered normal. It is very rare to observe a regular cycle in young girls. At this age, a girl becomes a woman, and various serious changes occur in her body. The fact is that in the first two years, a growing girl’s hormonal levels are unstable, and the level of hormones in the blood rises and falls. As soon as the hormones stop raging, the cycle returns to normal.

Tell your friends.

Delayed menstruation is a menstrual disorder characterized by the absence of menstruation for more than 35 days. The reason for this may be physiological factors, for example, pregnancy or the imminent onset of menopause, as well as pathologies in the female body. Delayed menstruation occurs at any age. You should consult a doctor if there is no menstrual bleeding more than 5 days after the due date. The gynecologist will help find the cause in order to determine further treatment.

Menstrual cycle

The female body of reproductive age functions cyclically. The final stage of such a cycle is monthly bleeding. They indicate that the egg is not fertilized and pregnancy has not occurred. A regular menstrual cycle indicates coherence in the functioning of the female body. A delay in menstruation is an indicator of some kind of failure.

A girl's first menstruation occurs between the ages of 11 and 15 years. At first there may be delays that are not related to pathology. The cycle normalizes after 1-1.5 years. Pathology includes the onset of menstruation at the age of less than 11 years, as well as if it did not begin at 17 years of age. If this age is 18-20 years, then there are problems that may be associated with impaired physical development, underdevelopment of the ovaries, malfunction of the pituitary gland, and others.

Normally, the cycle should be regular: menstruation begins and ends after a certain time. For most women, the cycle is 28 days, which is equal to the length of the lunar month. For about a third of women it is shorter - 21 days, and for 10% it is 30-35 days. Menstruation usually lasts from 3 to 7 days, during which 50 to 150 ml of blood is lost. After 40-55 years, menstruation stops altogether, and this period is called menopause.

Serious women's health problems include:

  • irregular cycle;
  • hormonal disorders
  • frequent delays of menstruation from 5 to 10 days;
  • alternating scanty and heavy bleeding.

A woman needs to get a menstrual calendar, which will indicate the onset and duration of bleeding. In this case, it is easy to notice a delay in menstruation.

The problem of delayed menstruation in girls and women

A delay in menstruation is considered to be a disruption in the menstrual cycle when the next bleeding does not occur at the right time. The absence of menstruation for 5 to 7 days is not considered pathological. This phenomenon occurs at any age: adolescence, childbearing and premenopause. The reasons for a delay in menstruation can be both physiological and abnormal reasons.

Natural causes during puberty include irregular menstruation for 1-1.5 years during the formation of the cycle. During childbearing years, the physiological causes of delayed menstruation are pregnancy and breastfeeding. During premenopause, the menstrual cycle gradually decreases, frequent delays turn into complete extinction of reproductive function in the female body. Other reasons for delayed periods are not physiological and require consultation with a gynecologist.

Reasons for missed periods

Most often, a delay in menstruation among representatives of the fair sex who are sexually active is associated with pregnancy. Also, in the short term, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands, drowsiness, changes in taste preferences, morning sickness, and fatigue may occur. Rarely, spotting brownish discharge appears.

Pregnancy can be determined using a pharmacy test or a blood test for hCG. If pregnancy is not confirmed, then a delay in menstruation could be caused by other reasons:

  1. Stress. Every stressful situation, for example related to conflicts, work problems, worries about school, can cause a delay in menstruation by 5-10 days or even longer.
  2. Overwork, which is often combined with a stressful situation. Physical activity is, of course, good for the body, but if it is excessive, it can affect the regularity of menstruation. Overwork, especially in combination with an exhausting diet, negatively affects estrogen synthesis, which can cause a delay in menstruation. Signs of overwork also include migraines, rapid weight loss, and deterioration in performance. If your period is delayed due to physical fatigue, this means that the body is signaling the need for a break. A delay in menstruation is observed in women who work at night or with a flexible work schedule, which involves overtime on days when it is necessary. The cycle normalizes on its own when the balance between diet and physical activity is restored.
  3. Underweight or, conversely, overweight. For normal functioning of the endocrine system, a woman must keep her BMI normal. Delayed menstruation is often associated with underweight or excess weight. At the same time, the cycle is restored after normalization of body weight. In women suffering from anorexia, menstruation may disappear forever.
  4. Change of usual living environment. The fact is that the body's biological clock is very important for the normal regulation of the menstrual cycle. If they change, for example, as a result of flying to a country with a different climate or starting work at night, a delay in menstruation may occur. If a change in the rhythm of life causes a delay in menstruation, it will normalize on its own within a couple of months.
  5. Colds or inflammatory diseases can also affect menstruation. Each disease can negatively affect the regularity of the cycle and cause a delay in menstruation. This could be an acute course of chronic diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, or any other health problems in the previous month. The regularity of the cycle will be restored within a couple of months.
  6. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a disease accompanied by hormonal imbalance, which causes irregular menstrual bleeding. Signs of polycystic disease also include excessive hair growth in the face and body, problematic skin (acne, oiliness), excess weight and difficulty with fertilization. If the gynecologist determines polycystic ovary syndrome as the cause of the delay in menstruation, he will prescribe a course of oral hormonal contraceptives, which helps regulate the menstrual cycle.
  7. Any inflammatory or tumor disease of the genital organs. In addition to delayed menstruation, inflammatory processes are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and uncharacteristic discharge. They must be treated without fail: such diseases are fraught with complications and even the development of infertility.
  8. Corpus luteum cyst of the ovary. To get rid of it and restore the menstrual cycle, the gynecologist prescribes a course of hormonal medications.
  9. Postpartum period. At this time, the pituitary gland produces the hormone prolactin, which regulates the production of breast milk and inhibits the cyclic functioning of the ovaries. If there is no breastfeeding after childbirth, menstruation should occur in approximately 2 months. If lactation improves, then menstruation, as a rule, returns after its completion.
  10. Artificial termination of pregnancy. In this case, a delay in menstruation is common, but not normal. In addition to a sharp change in hormonal levels, its causes can be mechanical injuries, the presence of which only a doctor can determine.

A malfunction of the thyroid gland also provokes irregular menstruation. This is due to the fact that thyroid hormones affect metabolism. With their excess or deficiency, the menstrual cycle is also disrupted.

Elevated levels of thyroid hormones are characterized by:

  • decrease in body weight;
  • increased heart rate;
  • excessive sweating;
  • unstable emotional background;
  • sleep problems.

With a lack of thyroid hormones, the following symptoms appear:

  • weight gain;
  • the appearance of swelling;
  • constant desire to sleep;
  • causeless hair loss.

If there is a suspicion that a delay in menstruation is caused by a malfunction of the thyroid gland, you should consult an endocrinologist.

Taking certain medications can also cause a delay in menstruation. The main ones:

  1. Oral hormonal contraceptives are the most common drug-related cause of menstrual irregularities. The norm is a delay in menstruation during a break in their use or when taking inactive medications.
  2. Emergency contraceptives can cause absence of menstruation for 5 to 10 days, which is due to the high content of hormones in them.
  3. Chemotherapeutic agents used in the treatment of oncology.
  4. Antidepressants.
  5. Corticosteroid hormones.
  6. Calcium channel blockers prescribed for the treatment of hypertension.
  7. Omeprazole for treating stomach ulcers causes a side effect in the form of a delay in menstruation.

Between the ages of 45 and 55, most women enter menopause. This is evidenced by the absence of menstruation for a year or more. But menopause never occurs suddenly: for several years before this, irregular menstruation and frequent delays are observed.

There are some other signs that menopause is approaching:

  • insomnia;
  • dryness of the vaginal mucosa;
  • increased night sweats;
  • unstable emotional background;
  • hot flashes.

How to normalize the problem with delays in menstruation

To determine the correct treatment for delayed menstruation, you first need to identify its cause, the elimination of which will help normalize the cycle. To treat premenstrual syndrome and normalize hormonal levels, a course of hormonal medications is prescribed, which:

  1. Relieves problems with conception associated with an insufficient luteal phase.
  2. Help restore ovulation.
  3. Reduces some symptoms of PMS: irritability, swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands.

If the delay in menstruation is associated with any disease, then its treatment will help regulate the cycle. Preventive measures include the following:

  • If your period is delayed due to physical fatigue or a stressful situation, you can restore the balance of the body with rest, as well as enough sleep. It is important to maintain a positive mood and be calm about events that can trigger stress. The help of a psychologist will also help.
  • Nutrition should be balanced with the necessary content of vitamins and microelements. You can also take a course of multivitamins.
  • Keeping a menstrual calendar will help you track any changes in your cycle.
  • A preventive visit to a gynecologist can prevent any deviations in women’s health.

A woman of reproductive age must monitor the regularity of her cycle. Any disturbance in the body contributes to the development of various diseases.

Delayed menstruation. When to see a doctor

The delay in menstruation should not exceed 5-7 days. Exceptions are age-related hormonal changes during adolescence and premenopause, as well as during lactation. In all other cases, it is imperative to contact a gynecologist.

When discontinuing hormonal contraceptives, a visit to the doctor is required when the cycle does not return for several months. If menstruation is delayed due to lactation, you should consult a gynecologist if menstruation does not occur a year after birth.

In addition to a gynecological examination, the doctor may prescribe the following examinations:

If non-gynecological diseases are identified that have caused a delay in menstruation, consultations with other specialists are prescribed.

Types of delays in menstruation

Delays in menstruation vary in duration. After taking emergency contraception, your period may be late for 14 days or more. The same period is typical after injections of the hormonal drug Progesterone, the active ingredient of which is synthetic progesterone. It is prescribed for a deficiency of the corpus luteum in the female body. Progesterone helps reduce uterine contractions. When taking it, only the doctor prescribes the dose and determines the rate of menstruation delay.

After stopping taking oral hormonal contraceptives, the restoration of the menstrual cycle lasts from 1 to 3 months. During this period, a delay of a week or more in menstruation is considered the norm: birth control pills change the cyclicity of the uterus and ovaries. To clarify the functioning of the ovaries, the doctor sends the woman for an ultrasound.

When pregnancy occurs, a characteristic sign of delay is. They are necessary to protect the uterus from penetration of various microorganisms. If, in the early stages of pregnancy, brown discharge occurs, accompanied by abdominal pain, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

With diseases of the genitourinary system, which also contribute to a delay in menstruation, the discharge becomes brown in color with a sour odor. They are accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Normally, menstruation may begin with small brownish discharge.

A delay in menstruation may indicate the hidden course of certain diseases of both the genital and internal organs. Gynecological diseases that may not manifest themselves in any way other than a delay in menstruation include: erosion, fibroids, cysts, and inflammatory process.

A long delay of menstruation for a period of 1-2 months can be caused by impaired functioning of the adrenal glands, pancreas, pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Problems with these organs have a direct impact on the maturation of the egg. When they begin to produce insufficient amounts of hormones, it eventually leads to ovarian dysfunction.

Hyperinhibition of the ovaries with the absence of menstruation for several cycles can also be observed when taking or after discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives and drugs for the treatment of endometriosis. The cycle usually recovers on its own after a few months.

Often, menstrual bleeding is accompanied by blood clots. Consultation with a specialist is necessary when this occurs regularly and is accompanied by painful sensations.

Folk remedies for the treatment of delayed menstruation

Traditional methods for effectively treating missed periods are quite unique. The use of such drugs must be agreed with a doctor so as not to harm the body. First of all, you should make sure that you are not pregnant: taking herbal medications can cause a miscarriage.

Popular folk remedies that help induce menstruation:

  • Herbal infusion of nettle, knotweed, rosehip, elecampane, rose radiola root and oregano. All components of the mixture can be purchased at the pharmacy, take 2 tablespoons of each type, pour into a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse overnight, then strain and drink the entire infusion during the day, 0.5 cups at a time.
  • The onion peels are washed under running water, placed in a saucepan and boiled for 15-30 minutes. The decoction is filtered and taken once in the amount of 1 glass.
  • Ginger decoction should be drunk with caution: it can lead to increased restlessness.
  • Angelica infusion has anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects. It improves the functioning of the nervous system and blood circulation.
  • An infusion of black cohosh rhizome relieves headaches and depression during menstruation, and also helps regulate the cycle.
  • Cardiac motherwort improves the functioning of the heart, reduces blood pressure, calms and stimulates the functioning of the uterus.
  • White peony tincture reduces blood pressure, has a calming effect and improves blood circulation.
  • A decoction of elecampane root is one of the most powerful remedies in folk medicine. To prepare it, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of elecampane root, leave for 4 hours, strain and drink a teaspoon several times a day.
  • Eating celery stimulates uterine contractions.
  • Taking a hot bath and applying a heating pad to your lower abdomen. These methods help increase blood flow, but you need to be careful with them. A heating pad should not be used if there are tumors or inflammatory processes.
  • Eating foods rich in vitamin C. It regulates metabolism and is involved in the synthesis of hormones. This vitamin is found in large quantities in citrus fruits, rose hips, currants, peppers, strawberries and sorrel. During pregnancy, its excessive content in the body can cause miscarriage.

Reasons for delayed periods - video:

Faced with a delay in menstruation, every woman begins to worry: whether she is pregnant. Naturally, the first thing she does in this case is run to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test. Let's say the test shows a negative result. First, the woman will calm down: there is no pregnancy. And then? Then, for sure, he will wonder what the reasons for the delay in menstruation are, other than pregnancy.

Before we begin to study the possible causes of the delay, it is worth considering the mechanism of the occurrence of menstruation itself, and also find out what the menstrual cycle is. Unfortunately, many girls and women do not know the structure of their own bodies well enough. We will eliminate illiteracy.

The menstrual cycle is a continuous process in a woman’s body that ensures reproductive functions. This process starts, oddly enough, in the head. The cerebral cortex is responsible for menstruation. Unfortunately, scientists have not yet been able to figure out which part of it controls the process. However, for us now this is not so important. The important thing is that the cerebral cortex transmits information to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Both produce important hormones that regulate the functioning of the uterus and ovaries. In addition, it is the pituitary gland and hypothalamus that are responsible for the work of many other secretion glands, which are also involved in the menstrual cycle.

The cycle traditionally begins to count from the first day of menstruation. Its average duration is 28 days, although, as is known, each organism is individual, and it is considered the norm cycle duration from 21 to 35 days. The most important factor in this matter is, after all, cycle regularity, not its duration. The first half of the cycle is reserved for the maturation of the next egg and preparation of the body for conception: the bursting follicle forms the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. Together with tarragon, progesterone prepares the uterus for implantation of a fertilized egg: the endometrium, the mucous layer of the uterus, thickens.

If fertilization occurs and the fertilized egg is implanted into the mucous layer, completely natural delay of menstruation, which lasts until the end of pregnancy, and if a woman is breastfeeding, then a little longer. And if the egg is not fertilized, then the corpus luteum stops producing progesterone and begins to gradually decrease, the mucous layer of the uterus is rejected and comes out in the form of menstruation. The shedding of excess mucus inevitably damages the blood vessels, which causes bleeding.

The first menstruation - menarche - begins in a girl at about 12-14 years of age. Since hormonal levels have not yet established in adolescents, in the first 1-2 years a girl’s cycle, as a rule, is not regular. However, within 2 years it should be settled, and later, delays in menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, should cause concern in the girl. A delay is considered to be a situation when menstruation is delayed by more than 5 days. Such delays 1-2 times a year are quite normal, but if they bother you more often, then you should consult a doctor and find out what is causing them.

Reasons for delayed menstruation other than pregnancy

Ovarian dysfunction

When a woman comes to the doctor with a complaint about an irregular cycle, many doctors give her a diagnosis - .. However, it is worth understanding that ovarian dysfunction is an irregular cycle and a constant delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy. That is, with this diagnosis the doctor only states the current situation. And the causes of dysfunction can be very different, and it is very important to determine the specific cause of the delays.

Stress and physical activity

The most common causes of missed periods, besides pregnancy, are various nervous tensions, stress, and the like. Difficult work environment, exams, family problems - all this can cause a delay. A woman’s body perceives stress as a difficult life situation in which a woman should not give birth yet. It is worth taking care of changing the situation: contact a family psychologist, change jobs or learn to take a more simpler approach to the situation, and the like. Keep in mind that overwork and lack of sleep are also very stressful for the body.

Excessive exercise also does not contribute to the regularity of the menstrual cycle. It is known that professional athletes often experience problems with delayed periods and even with childbearing. The same problems plague women who take on physically demanding jobs. It's better left to men.

But don’t think that moderate exercise or morning jogging can affect the situation. An active lifestyle has never bothered anyone. We are talking specifically about excessive loads under which the body works for wear and tear.

Climate change

Women who spend their holidays away from home often experience delayed menstruation. A sharp change in climate is also a stressful situation for the body. In addition, the delay may be caused by excessive exposure to the sun or abuse of solariums. By the way, an excessive amount of ultraviolet radiation in a woman’s life can cause much more unpleasant consequences, including skin cancer.

Weight problems

Scientists have long found out that adipose tissue is directly involved in all hormonal processes. In this regard, it is easy to understand that the reasons for a delay in menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, may also lie in weight problems. Moreover, both excess and lack of weight can provoke a delay.

If you are overweight, the fat layer will accumulate estrogen, which negatively affects the regularity of your cycle. With underweight, everything is much more complicated. Prolonged fasting, as well as weight loss below 45 kg, is perceived by the body as an extreme situation. Survival mode turns on, and in this state pregnancy is highly undesirable. In this case, not only a delay in menstruation is possible, but also its complete absence - amenorrhea. Naturally, problems with menstruation disappear with normalization of weight.

That is, plump women need to lose weight, thin women need to gain weight. The main thing is that this must be done extremely carefully. A woman’s diet should be balanced: the food should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and microelements. Any diet should be moderate and not debilitating. It is better to combine them with moderate physical activity.


Acute intoxication of the body also provokes a delay in menstruation. Alcohol, tobacco, drug addiction - all this has an extremely negative effect on the state of the reproductive system. The same reaction of the body can be caused by long-term work in hazardous chemical industries.

If the doctor cites intoxication as the reason for the delay in menstruation, then you will need to give up stimulants, or think about changing jobs.


It makes sense to check with your mother and grandmother if they had similar problems. If there were, then perhaps it was all a matter of heredity. Unfortunately, the exact cause of hereditary problems with the menstrual cycle is not always possible to establish.

Gynecological causes of delayed menstruation

Often, the reasons for late menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, lie in various gynecological diseases. Thus, a delay in menstruation is caused by various tumor formations: uterine fibroids, cysts, cervical cancer. In addition, various enametriosis and endometritis, adenomyosis, infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. An incorrectly installed spiral can also cause a delay.

It is especially important to diagnose tumors, both benign and cancer, in a timely manner, as they require urgent examination and treatment. Otherwise, the outcome could even be fatal. However, inflammatory processes also require timely treatment, since they can also have the most disastrous consequences. Including infertility.

Miscarriages and abortions also affect the menstrual cycle. Firstly, termination of pregnancy causes rapid and dramatic changes in the body, especially in hormonal levels. In addition, curettage inevitably damages the uterine mucosa. Both of these entail a delay in menstruation. Within a few months after an abortion or miscarriage, the menstrual cycle returns to normal. If any strange discharge appears or the cycle does not settle over time, it makes sense to consult a doctor again.

Another factor influencing the menstrual cycle is hormonal contraceptives. Due to the hormones they contain, they regulate the menstrual cycle, subordinating it to the rhythm of taking pills. After a woman stops taking the pills, she may experience some cycle disruptions for several months due to hormonal changes.

Emergency hormonal contraceptives are, as a rule, a necessary measure. However, you should not abuse it either. After all, we are again talking about a sharp change in hormonal levels, which never goes away without leaving a trace.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

In some cases, a pathology such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) may be the cause of a delay in menstruation, in addition to pregnancy. This name hides serious hormonal disorders associated with disruption of the ovaries; the production of tarragon and androgens increases. In addition, the disease is characterized by disruption of the pancreas and adrenal cortex.

Often this diagnosis can be made simply by a woman’s appearance. Due to the increased production of androgens, she is often overweight, she has male-pattern hair growth, that is, on the upper lip, on the legs, excess hair growth in the groin area, and so on. However, appearance is still not a 100% indicator. So, in Eastern women, facial hair is a consequence of their national characteristics, and not of any violations. So, in any case, it is necessary to do tests.

Of course, PCOS can lead to infertility, but there is no need to worry because this condition is quite easily treated with hormonal medications. As a result of taking medications, not only the functioning of the ovaries is restored, but also the appearance of the patient improves. Most often, women with polycystic ovary syndrome are prescribed a course of hormonal contraceptives. They restore the normal amount of female sex hormones in the body, which leads to normalization of the cycle and the disappearance of other symptoms.

Non-gynecological causes of delayed menstruation

The reasons for the delay of menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, may not lie in gynecological diseases. As you remember, the cerebral cortex, pituitary gland and hypothalamus are responsible for regulating the cycle. Thus, brain dysfunction can also affect the menstrual cycle.

In addition, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands and other diseases of the endocrine system. As a rule, in this case, the woman is faced with other unpleasant symptoms, from weight problems to deterioration in well-being.

Taking medications

Many medications, especially anabolic steroids, antidepressants, diuretics, anti-tuberculosis and other drugs. Therefore, if a delay in the menstrual cycle occurs while taking new medications from the ones listed above or any others, it makes sense to consult a doctor. If there is such a possibility, it is worth replacing the drug with another one that will not cause such consequences.


Older women may suspect menopause as a reason for delayed menstruation, other than pregnancy. On average, at the age of about 50, women begin to feel changes in their bodies: periods become irregular, their intensity changes, and much more. All this suggests that the fertile (reproductive) period in a woman’s life is coming to an end. The production of progesterone and other female hormones decreases, which causes all the changes listed above.

Over time, the woman's periods stop altogether. I would like to warn women who suspect the onset of menopause: they should not immediately give up contraception, since before menstruation disappears completely, there is a certain period when women’s cycles are irregular. Sometimes the body skips 1-2 months, after which menstruation resumes. There is a risk of unwanted pregnancy. At this age, it is rare that a woman is ready to give birth, and even now it can be dangerous for both mother and child.

Among other things, due to the fact that menopause is associated with serious changes for women, they often do not recognize the onset of pregnancy, associating all the symptoms with a new period in their life. There have been cases when women found out about their pregnancy directly during childbirth. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to remember that even after a woman begins menopause, she still remains a woman, which means she must be attentive to her body and monitor everything that happens in it.

Why are constant delays in menstruation dangerous?

In itself, a delay in menstruation, other than pregnancy, is not dangerous; the reasons that cause this symptom are much more dangerous. It is very important to monitor at the early stages many of the diseases of which delay may be a symptom. In addition, it is much more convenient for the woman herself when her cycle is regular. This allows you to plan your own life more reliably, and even diagnose pregnancy at an earlier stage. And in some cases this is very, very important.

As you can see, there can be a huge number of reasons for a missed period, besides pregnancy, and you are unlikely to be able to determine for yourself what the actual reason is. It is better to consult a doctor so that he can conduct all the necessary tests and studies and make a diagnosis.

After this, the gynecologist will prescribe the treatment that best suits you or refer you to the appropriate specialist, depending on the causes of the disease: endocrinologist, oncologist, and so on. The main thing is not to worry ahead of time. In most cases, the situation is not that serious.

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The absence of menstruation when it is supposed to begin is called a missed period. If menstruation is absent for more than six months, then doctors talk about amenorrhea.

If you have not had any bleeding for a long time, you should first make sure that you are not pregnant. Conception is the main reason for the absence of regular menstruation.

You can clarify the situation at any time by purchasing a pregnancy test at the pharmacy. If a woman has had unprotected sexual intercourse over the past two months, then the test should be done.

After the first negative test, you can do a second test after waiting a few days. If it also showed a negative result, then you should understand in more detail the reasons that could provoke this condition.

Reasons for missed periods

Failure in the hormonal system is one of the main reasons. The menstrual cycle occurs as a result of complex and interconnected processes. The slightest change in the hormonal system can result in the absence of menstruation. Normally, the cycle should be regular.

Its duration varies, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. A normal cycle lasts about 28 days. The cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation until the date of the next menstrual flow.

If your period does not start at the scheduled time and is absent for more than 5 days, then this is a delay. Experts say that this can happen in healthy women with a regular cycle, but not more than twice a year. If they recur constantly, then you should consult a doctor.

Let's figure out what factors can cause disturbances in the hormonal system

  • stress;
  • underweight or overweight;
  • malnutrition;
  • too much physical activity;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs, poor health, weak immunity;
  • inflammatory diseases and pathologies of female organs (endometritis, adnexitis, dysfunction, etc.);
  • congenital or acquired ovarian defects;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • emergency contraception after sexual intercourse (such methods deal devastating blows to the hormonal system);
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • miscarriages, abortions, disturbances in the position of the intrauterine device (cause changes in hormonal status);
  • heredity;
  • sudden climate change, abuse of sunbathing and solarium;
  • discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives that have been taken for a long time;
  • menopause (after 40 years);
  • various gynecological procedures (colposcopy, cauterization of erosion, etc.);
  • bad habits and chronic intoxication (smoking, alcohol, drugs).

Main symptoms:

  • cycle lengthening;
  • menstruation did not start at the expected time;
  • Several days have passed since the expected date of the onset of menstruation, but there is no menstruation.

Gynecologists believe that a regular cycle should be established within 2 years after the arrival of the first menstruation.

Gynecologists believe that a regular cycle should be established within 2 years after the arrival of the first menstruation

But this statement is controversial, since there are healthy women who have irregular cycles throughout their lives.

But too long and frequent delays should cause concern. In this case, it is necessary to undergo examination by a specialist.

Symptoms that may accompany this phenomenon (brown discharge, etc.)

  • bloody, pinkish spotting from the vagina;
  • aching pain in the lumbar region;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • breast tension, pain and tenderness.

Such signs indicate that menstruation will begin any day now. We just have to wait a little. But for some women, these symptoms accompany the onset of pregnancy. Therefore, you need to take a pregnancy test to confirm your assumptions.

How is diagnostics carried out?

Diagnosis of the reasons for the absence of menstruation is based on studying the patient’s medical history, examination data, blood tests and ultrasound. The doctor determines secondary or primary amenorrhea. In the first case, it rules out pregnancy.

First missed period

The very first menstruation occurs in teenage girls between the ages of 13 and 16 years. Some girls develop them at an earlier age. The first menstruation is irregular. The correct cycle is established only a few months after the appearance of the first menstruation.

The very first periods come at significant intervals. Their duration varies. In such cases, we are not talking about delays. Irregular cycles in teenagers are normal.

Some girls experience a long break after their first menstruation. Your period may start a second time within a few months. In the first year after the start of menstruation, doctors do not talk about this phenomenon.

They are physiological, since the hormonal system is just being formed during this period. Everything will work out later, when the hormonal system reaches a stable state.

If, 2 years after the appearance of the first menstruation, the cycle has not established itself, then you need to contact a gynecologist.

What does white discharge mean?

White curdled discharge is a fairly common symptom in the absence of menstruation for a long time. They may be accompanied by mild itching in the genital area. Discharge may indicate candidiasis (thrush). Sometimes they accompany disorders in the genital organs.

If you notice white discharge, be sure to visit a gynecologist. In case of pregnancy, thrush can cause damage to the fetus.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Thrush is not as safe as it may seem. Sometimes it is practically asymptomatic, becoming chronic.

Discharge may indicate candidiasis (thrush)

Leucorrhoea sometimes occurs during pregnancy in healthy women. They have a dense consistency and are considered normal. The body in this way protects the genitals from the penetration of pathogens.

In some cases, white discharge indicates hormonal imbalances. Then the doctor conducts an examination and prescribes the optimal treatment regimen. Proper hormone therapy allows you to restore normal functions of the hormonal system. The discharge disappears and the menstrual cycle improves.

Another reason for white discharge is inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. If a woman exhibits a complex of symptoms - discharge, retention and abdominal pain, then she needs to be examined by a gynecologist.

The doctor will definitely take a smear to examine the microflora. If problems with the female organs are suspected, an ultrasound is prescribed.

A dangerous sign is the absence of menstruation and brown discharge. If there is pregnancy, then this is a sign of problems (ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption). Therefore, with such a symptom, you should urgently run to the gynecologist.

If you notice signs, do not postpone the examination. By taking timely measures, you can prevent and eliminate disturbances in the reproductive system.

How many days can it last

The menstrual cycle should normally be regular, but even in healthy girls it is not always accurate. Changes in the cycle can be caused by many factors. Therefore, minor deviations from the start date of your period should not bother you.

Thus, doctors consider it normal if a woman’s menstruation begins a little late a couple of times a year (no more than 7 days).

We are talking about a delay in cases where, with a stable cycle, menstruation is absent for several days. There are women whose menstrual cycle is unstable. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to establish the fact. In this case, it is almost impossible to predict the exact date of the onset of menstruation.

What to do if the test is negative

If you have not had your period for a long time, and the test showed a negative result, then it should be repeated in a week. In addition, you should purchase tests from different manufacturers. This will make it possible to accurately verify that there is no pregnancy.

If the test is performed very early, it cannot yet determine the presence of pregnancy. The correct result can be seen 4-5 weeks after conception. It is very rare to come across low-quality tests. This is why it is so important to purchase a second test from a different manufacturer.

If the repeat test is negative, then there is no pregnancy. In this case, the delay is caused by other reasons discussed above.

If the repeat test is negative, then there is no pregnancy.

Most often, disruptions in the menstrual cycle occur due to diseases of the endocrine system or pathologies of the reproductive organs.

If any changes occur in the adrenal glands, thyroid gland or hypothalamic-pituitary sphere, they can lead to ovarian dysfunction.

This leads to cycle disruptions and delays. Often the absence of menstruation occurs due to inflammatory processes in the ovaries.

In this case, the test shows a negative result, but menstrual bleeding does not begin. Very often, pathology is observed in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Such patients have irregular menstrual cycles and suffer from infertility.

Chest pain

Sometimes the disease is accompanied by chest pain. These symptoms may be accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen. There could be many reasons for this. Pregnancy may have such signs. Therefore, you must first exclude its possibility.

If the test shows a negative result, then chest pain, which is accompanied by a delay in menstruation, may indicate a number of diseases. It is necessary to undergo examination by a specialist. A common cause of chest pain is mastopathy. This disease is characterized by changes in breast tissue.

A common cause of chest pain is mastopathy.

The changes are benign. If you find a lump in your breast, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you start a pathological process, you will have to have surgery later.

Chest pain and congestion may occur after following a strict diet for a long time. In this option, it is enough to establish the correct diet to get rid of problems.

If you exercise too much, you may also experience these symptoms. Then you need to determine what is most important for you: sports or maintaining fertility.

What to do

If a delay is observed in a woman who is sexually active, the following measures should be taken:

  1. buy and take a home pregnancy test (if the result is negative, take a repeat test in a week);
  2. calculate which factors could influence changes in the menstrual cycle;
  3. Contact a gynecologist in case of repeated and prolonged delays.

If a woman is not sexually active:

  1. take into account factors that could influence changes in hormonal status;
  2. If menstruation is absent for more than a month, and there are no obvious reasons for this, then you should consult a doctor.

If a delay is observed in a woman after 40 years, this may be a sign of the onset of menopause. In this case, you also need to visit a gynecologist. If there is no blood after an abortion or if there are signs of gynecological diseases (abdominal pain), you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Is treatment required?

If your menstrual cycle is irregular, this does not always indicate the need for treatment. Some women strive to return menstruation by any means necessary to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

This is the wrong approach. If the pathology arose as a result of conception, then it is too late to prevent pregnancy. Indiscriminate use of various drugs leads to complications.

If there is no pregnancy, then you should look for the root cause of this condition. By eliminating the cause, you can restore your normal menstrual cycle.

Sometimes it is enough to adjust the nutrition system and reduce physical activity for the delay to stop

If it is caused by any disease of the female genital area, then the doctor draws up a treatment regimen for this pathology. The delay itself cannot be eliminated. It goes away after proper treatment of the underlying disease.

Thus, there are no drugs that would eliminate the absence of menstruation. There are medications that can induce menstruation, but they are used only under medical supervision. Such drugs are taken with the goal of inducing spontaneous abortion. You cannot take this type of medication on your own, as it can cause serious complications.

Minor and rare cycle inconsistencies do not cause concern. They usually go away on their own and do not require any measures.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Lower abdominal pain during menstruation is a common occurrence for many women. But if the pain is accompanied by a lack of blood, then this is a cause for concern. Sometimes mild nagging pain and delay are the first signs of pregnancy. If chest pain is added to them, then many women are almost 100% aware that they are in an interesting position.

In this case, all that remains is to do a test to confirm your guess. But if you did 2 tests that showed negative results, then you should look further for the cause of the abdominal pain. The absence of menstruation can be caused by numerous factors.

Most often, cycle disorders, which are accompanied by aching pain, are observed in those who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome.

Inflammatory diseases of the female genital area are the most likely causes of abdominal pain. If the delay continues for more than a week and the pain does not go away, then you should consult a gynecologist. If you want to preserve reproductive function, then such symptoms must be treated very carefully.

If you start the inflammatory process in the female organs, this will lead to infertility. Frequently missed periods are a bad sign and indicate hormonal problems. If in this condition there is also abdominal pain, then the woman should urgently visit a doctor.

You should not delay the examination, as serious hormonal imbalances result in infertility and miscarriage in the future.

Severe abdominal pain and lack of menstruation are a very dangerous sign. This happens with an ectopic pregnancy. If you do a test, it will show a positive result. But pregnancy develops in the wrong place where it should. Therefore, severe pain occurs.

Sometimes nagging pain in the lower abdomen indicates premenstrual syndrome. It is also manifested by increased irritability, tearfulness, aggressiveness, nervousness, increased appetite, drowsiness, fatigue, and swelling.

If you have a combination of such signs, then wait for your period to arrive. To get rid of pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and eliminate all chronic diseases. Only your gynecologist can give specific recommendations on this issue.

Delay in pregnancy

Any woman who is sexually active and does not menstruate on time immediately thinks about pregnancy. Conception leads to changes in hormonal levels. An embryo appears in the uterus, and the body creates optimal conditions for gestation. Normally, you should not have periods during pregnancy. But there are cases when after conception they do not stop. In this case, you should urgently see a gynecologist.

Immediately after childbirth, the menstrual cycle is unstable. They recover a couple of months after the baby is born. If the mother does not breastfeed the baby, the menstrual cycle returns faster. For breastfeeding women, these periods are individual. Therefore, during this period of life it is very difficult to predict the onset of ovulation.

If you become pregnant, you will notice a delay at least 2 weeks after conception. The development of pregnancy at this stage cannot be stopped using emergency contraception. Folk and home remedies can only do harm. In this option, there is only one procedure that is relatively safe for women - abortion.

You should not try to terminate a pregnancy on your own. This leads to dangerous consequences. Sometimes there are deaths. If you are determined to have an abortion, then you should not delay it. The easiest procedure to tolerate is one done in the early stages of pregnancy.

Medicines that can help you get your period


The drug duphaston is widely used in gynecological practice. It is an analogue of the female sex hormone progesterone. It is this hormone that is responsible for the second phase of the menstrual cycle. The drug acts on the principle of progesterone.

It makes the endometrium thicker, which increases the likelihood of bleeding. Sometimes the endometrium grows too quickly under the influence of duphaston. In this case, a woman may bleed between periods.

Duphaston is prescribed for ovarian dysfunction, painful periods, and also to relieve premenstrual syndrome. Pregnant women take the drug if they have a lack of progesterone. This helps prevent miscarriages.

Duphaston is an irreplaceable medicine in many cases. It is used for replacement therapy, as well as in the treatment of infertility. In the complete absence of menstruation, duphaston is taken together with estrogens. It is also prescribed during menopause.


Duphaston is considered a safe drug. It very rarely causes side effects. If they occur, it is only due to an incorrect dosage regimen. Therefore, this drug can only be prescribed by a gynecologist.

The dose of this medicine is always selected individually. The doctor takes into account the state of the patient’s hormonal system. Usually the daily dose of duphaston is divided into parts, taking them evenly throughout the day.

If a woman does not have menstruation, the drug is prescribed along with estrogens. This combination treatment is carried out for 3 months.


If the menstrual cycle fails, the doctor may prescribe the hormonal drug Pulsatilla. It is considered very effective and is often used in the treatment of such disorders. The medicine is considered homeopathic. At its core, Pulsatilla is a sleep-grass or lumbago. It has been used in homeopathy for about 200 years.

If the menstrual cycle fails, the doctor may prescribe this hormonal drug

The drug helps to establish a normal menstrual cycle. It is taken in the form of granules. The optimal dose is 6–7 granules per dose. But here a lot depends on the characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease. Therefore, only a doctor should select the right dose.

The granules should be placed under the tongue. Pulsatilla can bring positive results after the first use. It has no side effects and does not disturb the general condition of the female body. This medicine is prescribed by a specialist after examination.

Elecampane (instructions)

Elecampane is a powerful herbal remedy from the arsenal of folk healers. It induces menstruation in no time. A few doses of the decoction are enough for a woman to begin menstruation. This remedy is used by many women who want to induce menstruation.

A decoction of elecampane is useful for uterine diseases. It is also drunk when the uterus prolapses. To induce menstruation, you need to drink 50 ml of decoction 2 times a day. It usually helps within the first 24 hours.


Buy elecampane root at the pharmacy. Pour a large spoonful of herb into 200 ml of boiling water. Boil the broth for about 5 minutes. Then it should sit for half an hour. After this, it must be filtered and taken orally. Elecampane decoction has a bitter taste. In pregnant women, it causes spontaneous abortion.


  • pregnancy (abortion occurs a few hours after taking the decoction);
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