Antipsychotics or neuroleptics. Modern therapy of schizophrenia and affective disorders Neuroleptics cause

Neuroleptics are representatives of a large class of psychotropic drugs. The latter have a selective effect on the human psyche, i.e. on his thinking and emotions. Neuroleptics, in turn, slow down neuropsychic processes and calm the person.

However, if these antipsychotic drugs are prescribed to a healthy person, the condition of neurolepsy develops. It is characterized by the fact that any emotions are suppressed, both positive (joy, love) and negative (fear, anxiety), but the ability to think normally is preserved. Therefore, if antipsychotics are prescribed incorrectly, they turn a healthy person into a soulless and indifferent person.

Neuroleptics - what class of drugs?

These drugs exert their effect by blocking nerve receptors of different classes. The blockade of dopamine and serotonin receptors is most pronounced. This leads to the manifestation of an antipsychotic effect. Histamine, adrenergic and cholinergic are inhibited to a lesser extent. This complex receptor effect causes a number of positive effects on the patient:

  • Uniform suppression of symptoms of psychosis
  • Elimination of delusions, hallucinations, disrupted behavior and thinking
  • Suppression of pathological disinhibition of drives, incl. and sexy
  • Activation of mental processes if they are suppressed (for example, with depression)
  • Improved thinking ability
  • General calming and normalization of sleep in cases of severe insomnia.

Neuroleptics have not only antipsychotic effects. They also have other therapeutic effects.

Some of them can be used in medicine to treat diseases not related to the mental sphere. And others may cause adverse reactions when using antipsychotics. These drugs:

  • Strengthen the effect of painkillers, especially from the group of narcotic analgesics, and deepen anesthesia
  • Have an antiemetic effect and also suppress hiccups
  • Reduce the manifestations of allergic reactions by blocking histamine receptors
  • Increase the likelihood of convulsive syndrome, because reduce the minimum threshold of excitation
  • Can lead to tremor (hand trembling) due to the effect on dopamine receptors
  • They increase the secretion of prolactin, leading to the appearance of colostrum when pressing on the nipples, incl. and in men
  • In women, these drugs can cause menstrual irregularities, because... reduce the production of FSH and LH and, accordingly, estrogen and progesterone
  • They lower body temperature, bringing it closer to the ambient temperature (this condition is called poikilothermia). This effect is successfully used during surgical interventions on the heart and brain.

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Situations when antipsychotics are indispensable

Neuroleptics, as drugs that interfere with the functioning of the brain, are prescribed by doctors only if there are special indications. These include:

  • Psychoses
  • Schizophrenia
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Psychomotor agitation, when a person’s irritation is accompanied by strong gesticulation and unmotivated movements
  • Manic states (this can be delusions of grandeur, delusions of persecution, etc.)
  • Depression accompanied by obsessive delusions
  • Diseases in which involuntary muscle contractions and grimacing are observed
  • Insomnia not responding to other treatments
  • Vomiting of central origin, which cannot be dealt with by other methods
  • Persistent hiccups
  • Severe anxiety
  • Stroke (neuroleptics are good at protecting nerve tissue from progressive damage).

In addition, a person may encounter antipsychotic medications before surgery or other intervention accompanied by pain. They are used for induction of anesthesia and for neuroleptanalgesia (switching off pain sensitivity with muted consciousness).

Side effects of antipsychotics - what to fear when taking them and what to do

The use of antipsychotic drugs is a serious treatment. It may be accompanied by various adverse reactions. Therefore, while taking them, it is necessary to periodically visit a doctor to identify possible side effects and eliminate them in a timely manner. They can be varied:

  • Acutely developing muscular dystonia (manifested by spasms of the muscles of the face, tongue, back and neck, reminiscent of an epileptic seizure)
  • Motor restlessness (unreasonable movements), when it occurs, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug
  • Parkinson-like symptoms - mask-like face, trembling hands, shuffling when walking, muscle stiffness. These signs require the use of antiparkinsonian drugs.
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Pressure drop when moving from horizontal to vertical position
  • Weight gain
  • Decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood (a general clinical blood test is recommended every week)
  • Jaundice due to bile stagnation
  • Hyperprolactinemia, leading to impotence in men and to menstrual irregularities and infertility in women
  • Pupil dilation and increased sensitivity to light
  • Skin rashes.

In some cases, these drugs can cause depression. Therefore, some patients may need to be prescribed tranquilizers at the first stage, and antipsychotics at the second stage.

Is it possible to stop taking an antipsychotic medication on your own?

Long-term use of antipsychotic drugs leads to mental and physical addiction of the body. It can be especially severe if the drug is discontinued quickly. This leads to aggressiveness, depression, pathological agitation, emotional lability (unreasonable tearfulness), etc. Abrupt withdrawal is fraught with aggravation of the underlying disease. All these symptoms are very reminiscent of drug withdrawal.

Therefore, it is necessary to stop treatment with psychoactive substances only under the supervision of a doctor, following his recommendations. The dose reduction should be gradual while reducing the frequency of administration. After this, antidepressants are prescribed to help overcome the formed neuroleptic dependence.

Despite the presence of side effects and addiction, antipsychotics are effective drugs in the treatment of many mental disorders. They help a person return to their usual (normal) lifestyle. And this is worth enduring unpleasant symptoms, the severity of which the doctor can minimize by making the correct prescription and withdrawal.

Carefully! Neuroleptics!

An antipsychotic is a special drug that is used for various mental disorders. As a rule, such drugs are used to treat neurotic syndromes, psychoses, and the medication can also be used for hallucinations. In addition, antipsychotic drugs are prescribed to prevent the main manifestations of human mental illness.

The main effects of the drugs in question

The effects of antipsychotics are multifaceted. The main pharmacological feature is a kind of calming effect, which is characterized by a decrease in the reaction to external stimuli, a weakening of affective tension and psychomotor agitation, suppression of feelings of fear, and a decrease in aggressiveness. Antipsychotic drugs can suppress hallucinations, delusions and other psychopathological symptoms, and provide a therapeutic effect in patients suffering from schizophrenia and other psychosomatic illnesses.

Certain drugs in this group have antiemetic activity; this effect of neuroleptics is achieved through selective inhibition of the chemoreceptor trigger areas of the medulla oblongata. Some antipsychotics may have a sedative or activating (energizing) effect. A number of these drugs are characterized by elements of normotimic and antidepressant action.

The pharmacological properties of various antipsychotic drugs are expressed to varying degrees. The combination of the main antipsychotic effect and other properties determines the profile of their effect and indications for use.

How do antipsychotics work?

Neuroleptics are drugs that depress the brain. The effect of these medications is also associated with the influence on the occurrence and conduction of excitation in various parts of the central and peripheral nervous system. Today, the most studied effect of antipsychotics is their influence on neurotransmitter processes in the brain. Scientists have accumulated sufficient data on the effects of these drugs on adrenergic, serotonergic, dopaminergic, cholinergic, GABAergic and other neurotransmitter processes, which include the effect on the neuropeptide systems of the brain. Particularly much attention has recently been paid to the process of interaction between dopamine structures of the brain and neuroleptics. When the mediator activity of dopamine is suppressed, the main side effect of these drugs appears, the so-called neuroleptic syndrome develops, which is characterized by extrapyramidal disorders, for example, involuntary muscle contractions, akathisia (restlessness), parkinsonism (tremor, muscle stiffness), motor restlessness, increased body temperature . This effect is achieved due to the blocking effect of antipsychotics on the subcortical formations of the brain, where a large number of receptors that are sensitive to dopamine are localized.

The emerging side effects of neuroleptics are a reason for adjusting treatment and prescribing special correctors (drugs “Akineton”, “Cyclodol”).


An antipsychotic is a drug that, by acting on central dopamine receptors, provokes some endocrine disorders, including stimulation of lactation under their influence. When neuroleptics block dopamine receptors of the pituitary gland, the secretion of prolactin increases. By acting on the hypothalamus, these drugs prevent the secretion of growth hormone and corticotropin.

Neuroleptics are drugs that have a relatively short half-life in the body and after a single administration they have a short-lived effect. Scientists have created special drugs that have a longer effect (“Moditen-depot”, “Geloperidol decanoate”, “Piportil L4”, “Clopixol-depot”). Neuroleptics are often combined with each other: a stimulant drug is taken in the first half of the day, and a sedative drug in the second. In order to relieve affective-delusional syndrome, it is recommended to take a combination of antidepressants and antipsychotics.

Indications for use

Antipsychotics are prescribed primarily for the treatment of nosogenic paranoid reactions (sensitive reactions) and chronic somatoform pain disorder.

Rules for prescribing these drugs

Treatment with antipsychotics begins with the appointment of an average therapeutic dose, then the effect is assessed and a decision is made on the need to change the dose. The dosage of antipsychotics is quickly increased to a certain value, which is subsequently gradually reduced by 3-5 times, and the therapy takes on an anti-relapse, supportive nature. Change the prescribed amount of the drug strictly on an individual basis. Maintenance doses are switched to after the desired therapeutic effect is achieved. It is more advisable to carry out anti-relapse therapy with drugs that have a prolonged effect. The method of administration of psychotropic drugs is of great importance. At the initial stage of treatment, parenteral administration is recommended, in which relief of symptoms occurs faster (intravenous jet, intravenous drip, intramuscular). Further, it is preferable to take antipsychotics orally. A list of the most effective drugs will be given below.

The drug "Propazin"

This remedy has sedative effects, reduces anxiety and motor activity. The medication is used for borderline disorders in patients with anxiety, phobic disorders, and obsession. Take the medicine orally 2-3 times a day, 25 mg; if necessary, the dose can be increased to 100-150 mg per day. When using small doses, the development of manifestations of parkinsonism, as a rule, is not observed.

The drug "Etaperazine"

The medication has an antipsychotic activating effect and affects syndromes characterized by lethargy, lethargy, and apathy. In addition, the drug "Etaperazine" is used to treat neuroses accompanied by tension, fear, and anxiety. The daily dose of the drug is 20 mg.

Triftazin product

The drug has a noticeable anti-delusional effect and relieves hallucinatory disorders. The medication has a moderate stimulating (energizing) effect. It can be used in the treatment of atypical depressive states with the phenomenon of obsession. For the treatment of somatoform disorders, the drug Triftazin is combined with antidepressants and tranquilizers. The dosage of the medication is 20-25 mg per day.

The drug "Teralen"

The medication has antihistamine and neuroleptic activity. The drug "Teralen" is a mild sedative and has a positive effect on synestopathic-hypochondriacal symptoms of the borderline register, with psychosomatic symptoms that develop against the background of infectious, somatogenic, vascular manifestations, and with neurovegetative pathologies. Widely used in gerontological practice and pediatrics. Recommended for use for allergic diseases and itchy skin. The drug is taken orally at 10-40 mg per day, intramuscularly used in the form of a 0.5% solution.

Means "Tiridazine"

The drug has an antipsychotic effect with a calming effect, without causing lethargy and lethargy. The medication also has a moderate thymoleptic effect. The medicine is most effective for emotional disorders, which are characterized by tension, fear, and excitement. When treating borderline conditions, 40-100 mg of the drug per day is used. For such phenomena as neurasthenia, increased irritability, anxiety, neurogenic functional gastrointestinal and cardiovascular disorders, take the medicine 2-3 times a day, 5-10-25 mg. For premenstrual nervous disorder - 25 mg 1-2 times a day.

The drug "Chlorprothixene"

The medicine has an antipsychotic and sedative effect, enhances the effect of sleeping pills. The medication is used for psychoneurotic conditions characterized by fears and anxieties. The use of the drug is indicated for neuroses, including against the background of various somatic ailments, sleep disturbances, skin itching, and subdepressive conditions. The dose of the drug is 5-10-15 mg, take the medicine after meals, 3-4 times a day.

The drug "Flyuanxol"

This drug has an antidepressant, activating, anxiolytic effect. When treating depressive and apathetic conditions, take 0.5-3 mg of medication per day. For the treatment of psychosomatic disorders with subdepression, asthenia, hypochondriacal manifestations, the daily dose is 3 mg. The drug "Flyuanxol" does not cause daytime sleepiness and does not affect attention.

Means "Eglonil"

The drug has a regulatory effect on the central nervous system and has moderate antipsychotic activity, which is combined with some stimulating and antidepressant effects. It is used for conditions characterized by lethargy, lethargy, and anergy. It is used in patients with somatoform, somatization disorders against a background of subdepressive mood and for skin ailments accompanied by itching. This medication is especially indicated for use in patients who have a latent form of depression and senestopathic disorders. It is also recommended to use the drug "Eglonil" for depression with pronounced sensations such as dizziness and migraines. The drug also has a cytoprotective effect on the gastric mucosa, so it is used to treat conditions such as gastritis, duodenal and gastric ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, and Crohn's disease. The recommended dose of the drug is 50-100 mg per day; the daily dose, if necessary, can be increased to 150-200 mg. The medication can be taken in combination with sedative antidepressants.

Side effects of neuroleptics

Like any other medication, neuroleptics also have negative aspects; reviews from those who have used such drugs indicate the possible development of undesirable effects. Long-term or improper use of these drugs can provoke the following phenomena:

    All movements accelerate, the person moves in different directions for no reason, usually at high speed. You can get rid of calmness and find a comfortable position only after taking psychotropic drugs.

    There is constant movement of the eyeballs, facial muscles and various parts of the body, grimacing.

    Due to damage to the facial muscles, its features change. A “distorted” face may never return to normal and may remain with the person for the rest of his life.

    Due to intensive therapy with antipsychotics and depression of the nervous system, severe depression develops, which significantly affects the effectiveness of treatment.

    An antipsychotic is a drug that has a direct effect on the gastrointestinal tract, so when treated with this medication you may experience discomfort in the stomach and dry mouth.

    Substances included in antipsychotics, such as thioxanthene and phenothiazine, negatively affect human vision.

Atypical antipsychotics

Such drugs act more on serotonin receptors than on dopamine receptors. Therefore, their anti-anxiety and calming effect is more pronounced than their antipsychotic effect. Unlike typical antipsychotics, they have less effect on brain function.

Let's look at the main atypical antipsychotics.

Medicine "Sulpiride"

This drug is used to treat conditions such as somatized mental disorders, hypochondriacal, and senestopathic syndromes. The medication has an activating effect.

The drug "Solian"

The action of this drug is similar to the previous drug. It is used in conditions with hypobulia, apathetic manifestations, in order to relieve

The drug "Clozapine"

The drug has a pronounced sedative effect, but does not cause depression. The medication is used in the treatment of catatonic and hallucinatory-delusional syndromes.

Olanzalin product

The drug is used for psychotic disorders and catatonic syndrome. With prolonged use of this medication, obesity may develop.

The drug "Risperidone"

This atypical remedy is used most widely. The drug has a selective effect in relation to hallucinatory-delusional symptoms, catatonic symptoms, and obsessive states.

“Rispolept-konsta” product

This is a long-acting medication that stabilizes the well-being of patients. The product also shows high effectiveness against acute endrogen genesis.

Medication "Quetiapine"

This drug, like other atypical antipsychotics, acts on both dopamine and seratonin receptors. Used for paranoid, manic agitation. The medication has an antidepressant and moderately pronounced stimulating effect.

The drug "Ziprasidone"

The drug affects dopamine D-2 receptors, 5-HT-2 receptors, and also blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin. This determines its effectiveness in the treatment of acute hallucinatory-delusional, as well as affective disorders. The use of the drug is contraindicated in case of arrhythmia and the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

The drug "Aripiprazole"

The medicine is used for all types of psychotic disorders. The drug helps restore cognitive functions in the treatment of schizophrenia.

Means "Sertindol"

The medication is used for sluggish-apathetic states; the drug improves cognitive functions and has antidepressant activity. The drug "Sertindole" is used with caution for cardiovascular pathologies - it can provoke arrhythmia.

The drug "Invega"

The medicine prevents the exacerbation of catatonic, hallucinatory-delusional, psychotic symptoms in patients suffering from schizophrenia.

Side effects of atypical antipsychotics

The effect of drugs such as Clozapine, Olanzapine, Risperidone, Ariprazole is accompanied by the phenomenon of neurolepsy and significant changes in the endocrine system, which can cause weight gain, the development of bulimia, and an increase in the level of certain hormones (prolactin). When treated with Clozapine, agranulocytosis may also occur. Taking Quetiapine often causes drowsiness, headaches, increased levels of liver transaminases, and weight gain.

It is worth noting that today scientists have accumulated enough information indicating that the superiority of atypical antipsychotics over typical ones is not so significant. And they are prescribed when using typical antipsychotics does not significantly improve the patient’s condition.

Neuroleptic withdrawal syndrome

Like any other drug with psychoactive properties, antipsychotic drugs cause severe psychological and physical dependence. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug can provoke the development of severe aggression and depression. The person becomes overly impatient and whiny. Signs of a disease for which antipsychotics were used may also appear.

From a physiological point of view, the symptoms of withdrawal from antipsychotics are similar to those of drug withdrawal: a person is tormented by painful sensations in the bones, he suffers from headaches and insomnia. Nausea, diarrhea and other intestinal disorders may develop.

Psychological dependence does not allow a person to refuse to use these means, because he is tormented by the fear of returning to a gloomy, depressive life.

How can you stop taking antipsychotics without affecting your normal well-being? First of all, you should know that using antipsychotics without a doctor's prescription is contraindicated. Only an experienced specialist is able to adequately assess the patient’s condition and prescribe the necessary treatment. The doctor will also give recommendations regarding reducing the dose of the medication consumed. The dosage of the drug should be reduced gradually, without causing a strong feeling of discomfort. Next, the specialist prescribes antidepressants that will support the patient’s emotional state and prevent the development of depression.

An antipsychotic is a medication that helps normalize a person’s mental state. However, to avoid the development of side effects, be sure to follow your doctor’s recommendations and do not self-medicate. Be healthy!

Also, in small quantities, drugs of this class are prescribed for neuroses.

Drugs in this group are a rather controversial method of treatment, as they entail many side effects, although in our time there are already so-called new generation atypical neuroleptics that are practically safe. Let's figure out what's going on here.

Modern antipsychotics have the following properties:

  • sedative;
  • relieve tension and muscle spasms;
  • hypnotic;
  • reduction of neuralgia;
  • clarification of the thought process.

This therapeutic effect is due to the fact that they contain ingredients from Phenotaisine, Thioxanthene and Butyrophenone. It is these medicinal substances that have a similar effect on the human body.

Two generations - two results

Antipsychotics are potent drugs for the treatment of neuralgic, psychological disorders and psychosis (schizophrenia, delusions, hallucinations, etc.).

There are 2 generations of antipsychotics: the first was discovered in the 50s (Aminazine and others) and was used to treat schizophrenia, thought disorders and bipolar deviation. But, this group of drugs had many side effects.

The second, more advanced group was introduced in the 60s (it began to be used in psychiatry only 10 years later) and was used for the same purposes, but at the same time, brain activity did not suffer and every year the drugs belonging to this group were improved and improved.

About opening a group and starting to use it

As mentioned above, the first antipsychotic was developed back in the 50s, but it was discovered by accident, since Aminazine was originally invented for surgical anesthesia, but after seeing the effect it has on the human body, it was decided to change the scope of its application and in 1952, Aminazine was first used in psychiatry as a potent sedative.

A few years later, Aminazine was replaced by the more improved drug Alkaloid, but it did not stay long on the pharmaceutical market and already in the early 60s, second-generation antipsychotics began to appear, which had fewer side effects. This group includes Triftazin and Haloperidol, which are still used today.

Pharmaceutical properties and mechanism of action of antipsychotics

Most antipsychotic drugs have one antipsychological effect, but this is achieved in different ways, since each drug affects a specific part of the brain:

  1. The mesolimbic method reduces the transmission of nerve impulses when taking drugs and relieves such pronounced symptoms as hallucinations and delusions.
  2. A mesocortical method aimed at reducing the transmission of brain impulses that lead to schizophrenia. Although this method is effective, it is used in exceptional cases, since affecting the brain in this way leads to disruption of its functioning. In addition, it should be taken into account that this process is irreversible and the abolition of antipsychotics will not affect the situation in any way.
  3. The nigrostriate method blocks some receptors to prevent or stop dystonia and akathisia.
  4. The tuberoinfundibular method leads to the activation of impulses through the limbic pathway, which, in turn, can unblock some receptors for the treatment of sexual dysfunction, neuralgia and pathological infertility caused by nervousness.

As for the pharmacological action, most antipsychotics have an irritating effect on brain tissue. Also, taking antipsychotics of various groups has a negative effect on the skin and manifests itself externally, causing skin dermatitis in the patient.

When taking antipsychotics, the doctor and the patient expect significant relief, there is a decrease in the manifestations of mental or neuralgic disease, but at the same time the patient is exposed to many side effects that should be taken into account.

The main active ingredients of the drugs of the group

The main active ingredients on which almost all antipsychotic drugs are based are:

TOP 20 famous antipsychotics

Neuroleptics are represented by a very broad group of drugs; we have selected a list of twenty drugs that are mentioned most often (not to be confused with the best and most popular, they are discussed below!):

  1. Aminazine is the main antipsychotic that has a calming effect on the central nervous system.
  2. Tizercin is an antipsychotic that can slow down brain activity during violent behavior of the patient.
  3. Leponex is an antipsychotic drug that is somewhat different from standard antidepressants and is used in the treatment of schizophrenia.
  4. Melleril is one of the few sedatives that acts gently and does not cause much harm to the nervous system.
  5. Truxal - due to blocking some receptors, the substance has an analgesic effect.
  6. Neuleptil - by inhibiting the reticular formation, this antipsychotic has a sedative effect.
  7. Clopixol is a substance that blocks most nerve endings and can fight schizophrenia.
  8. Seroquel – thanks to the quetiapene contained in this antipsychotic, the drug is able to relieve the symptoms of bipolar disorder.
  9. Etaperazine is a neuroleptic drug that has an inhibitory effect on the patient’s nervous system.
  10. Triftazin is a substance that has an active effect and can have a strong sedative effect.
  11. Haloperidol is one of the first antipsychotics, which is a derivative of butyrophenone.
  12. Fluanxol is a drug that has an antipsychotic effect on the patient’s body (prescribed for schizophrenia and hallucinations).
  13. Olanzapine is a drug similar in action to Fluanxol.
  14. Ziprasidone - this drug has a calming effect on particularly violent patients.
  15. Rispolept is an atypical antipsychotic, a derivative of benzisoxazole, which has a sedative effect.
  16. Moditene is a drug that is characterized by antipsychotic effects.
  17. Pipothiazine is a neuroleptic substance in its structure and effect on the human body similar to Triftazine.
  18. Majeptil is a drug with a weak sedative effect.
  19. Eglonil is a drug with a moderate antipsychotic effect that can act as an antidepressant. Eglonil also has a moderate sedative effect.
  20. Amisulpride is an antipsychotic similar in action to Aminazine.

Other funds not included in the TOP 20

There are also additional antipsychotics that are not included in the main classification due to the fact that they are an addition to a particular drug. So, for example, Propazine is a drug intended to eliminate the mental depressing effect of Aminazine (a similar effect is achieved by eliminating the chlorine atom).

Well, taking Tizercin increases the anti-inflammatory effect of Aminazine. This medicinal tandem is suitable for the treatment of delusional disorders obtained in a state of passion and in small doses, and has a sedative and hypnotic effect.

In addition, there are Russian-made antipsychotic drugs on the pharmaceutical market. Tizercin (aka Levomepromazine) has a mild sedative and vegetative effect. Designed to block causeless fear, anxiety and neuralgic disorders.

The drug is not able to reduce the manifestation of delirium and psychosis.

Indications and contraindications for use

  • individual intolerance to drugs of this group;
  • presence of glaucoma;
  • defective liver and/or kidney function;
  • pregnancy and active lactation period;
  • chronic heart disease;
  • coma;
  • fever.

Side effects and overdose

Side effects of antipsychotics are as follows:

  • neuroleptic syndrome is an increase in muscle tone, but the patient experiences a slowdown in movements and other responses;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • excessive sleepiness;
  • changes in standard appetite and body weight (increase or decrease in these indicators).

In case of an overdose of antipsychotics, extrapyramidal disorders develop, blood pressure drops, drowsiness, lethargy occurs, and a coma with suppression of respiratory function is possible. In this case, symptomatic treatment is carried out with the possible connection of the patient to mechanical ventilation.

Atypical antipsychotics

Typical antipsychotics include drugs with a fairly wide spectrum of action that can affect the structure of the brain responsible for the production of adrenaline and dopamine. Typical antipsychotics were first used in the 50s and had the following effects:

Atypical antipsychotics appeared in the early 70s and were characterized by having far fewer side effects than typical antipsychotics.

Atypicals have the following effects:

  • antipsychotic effect;
  • positive effect on neuroses;
  • improvement of cognitive functions;
  • hypnotic;
  • reduction of relapses;
  • increased production of prolactin;
  • fight obesity and digestive disorders.

The most popular atypical neuroleptics of the new generation, which have virtually no side effects:

What is popular today?

TOP 10 most popular antipsychotics at this time:

Also, many are looking for antipsychotics that are available without prescriptions; they are few in number, but they still exist:

Doctor Review

Today, it is impossible to imagine the treatment of mental disorders without antipsychotics, since they have the necessary medicinal effect (sedative, relaxing, etc.).

I would also like to note that you should not be afraid that such drugs will negatively affect brain activity, since these times have passed, after all, typical antipsychotics have been replaced by atypical ones of a new generation, which are easy to use and have no side effects.

Alina Ulakhly, neurologist, 30 years old

Patients' opinions

Reviews from people who once took a course of antipsychotics.

Neuroleptics are a rare nasty thing, invented by psychiatrists; they do not help you recover, your thinking is unrealistically slowed down, when you stop taking them, severe exacerbations occur, they have a lot of side effects, which subsequently, after long-term use, lead to quite serious diseases.

I drank it myself for 8 years (Truxal), and I won’t touch it at all again.

I took the mild neuroleptic Flupenthixol for neuralgia, and I was also diagnosed with weakness of the nervous system and causeless fear. After six months of taking it, not a trace of my illness remained.

This section was created to take care of those who need a qualified specialist, without disturbing the usual rhythm of their own lives.

I took Abilify for about 7 years, 40 kg plus, sick stomach, tried to switch to Serdolect, heart complication.. think of something that will help..

RLS 20 years. I take clonazepam 2 mg. It doesn't help anymore. I am 69 years old. Last year I had to quit. Help.

Forum - online psychiatrist consultations, drug reviews

The most powerful tranquilizer

Slon 17 Feb 2015

DmitryFebruary 2015

Electron 1 18 Feb 2015

Which trunk has the strongest anti-anxiety, sedative and relaxing effects?

DmitryFebruary 2015

Which trunk has the strongest anti-anxiety, sedative and relaxing effects?

Yah? Diazepam will be stronger, in my opinion.

Attached images

Alex DeLarge 19 Feb 2015

Which trunk has the strongest anti-anxiety, sedative and relaxing effects?

Yah? Diazepam will be stronger, in my opinion.

sibazon - diazepam who doesn’t understand.

According to your criteria, phenazepam is ideal.

Alex DeLarge 19 Feb 2015

Russian psychiatrists, candidates of science at the Serbskovo Institute, recently read a study, and phenotropil, it turns out, has a neuroleptic effect. Psychostimulant-nootropic-anxiolytic-antidepressant-neuroleptic. That's it, we've arrived. How can you trust Russian research after this? They are ALL paid for by pharmaceutical companies. For our Russian psychiatrists, haloperidol in low doses has an activating effect. And even the instructions with these words were approved. In the USA, the FDA, having seen such an annotation, would have sent the manufacturer to hell, and the drug would not have been approved. And we have Noopepts, Semax.

DmitryFebruary 2015

Which trunk has the strongest anti-anxiety, sedative and relaxing effects?

Yah? Diazepam will be stronger, in my opinion.

sibazon - diazepam who doesn’t understand.

According to your criteria, phenazepam is ideal.

Well, this is nonsense, complete nonsense. I am 100% sure that this table was taken from domestic research or some monograph. Diazepam has a stimulating effect. Elenium is the same. That's it, we've arrived.

In terms of anxiolytic effect, the strongest are Clonazepam, Lorazepam, Alprazolam and Phenazepam, the latter in 2.5 mg tablets, not a single one.

In terms of anticonvulsant effect, the strongest is, of course, Clonazepam.

Classical stimulant benzodiazepine tranquilizers do not exist in nature. There is a paradoxical reaction when several tablets cause euphoria and stimulation, but this is taxi addiction.

The table indicates both a stimulating effect and a sedative effect, that is, in essence, diazepam should not, in theory, cause drowsiness, but there should be no stimulation either. This is all in theory, I didn’t use anything other than phenazepam from trunks, I just shared the information.

Alex DeLarge 20 Feb 2015

causes. And among the indications is insomnia.

paco Feb 20, 2015

I haven't tried either, but I've heard that clonazepam

ILI 20 Feb 2015

Rohypnol (aka flunitrazepam, (but it’s for sleep, there was nothing better for this.), then nitrazepam (aka radedorm, berlidorm), then merlit, frisium. And only then, of course (you think sibazon, but no) first Signopam, and then the rest.

Let me note that freesium worked great (for me) both for anxiety and fears and for insomnia. And already on the 2nd day of admission.

New generation neuroleptics

Treatment of psychoses of various etiologies, neurotic and psychopathic conditions is successfully carried out with the help of antipsychotics, but the range of side effects of drugs in this group is quite wide. However, there are new generation atypical antipsychotics without side effects, their effectiveness is higher.

Types of atypical antipsychotics

Atypical antipsychotic medications have their own classification depending on the following characteristics:

  • according to the duration of the expressed effect;
  • according to the severity of the clinical effect;
  • according to the mechanism of action on dopamine receptors;
  • according to chemical structure.

Thanks to the classification according to the mechanism of action on dopamine receptors, it is possible to select a drug that the patient’s body will perceive most favorably. Grouping by chemical structure is necessary to predict adverse reactions and drug action. Despite the extreme conventionality of these classifications, doctors have the opportunity to select an individual treatment regimen for each patient.

The effectiveness of new generation neuroleptics

The mechanism of action and structure of typical antipsychotics and drugs of the new generation are different, but despite this, absolutely all antipsychotics affect the receptors of the systems that are responsible for the formation of psychopathic symptoms.

Modern medicine also classifies powerful medicinal tranquilizers as antipsychotics due to a similar effect.

What effect can atypical antipsychotics have?

  1. The antipsychotic effect is common to all groups and its action is aimed at relieving the symptoms of the pathology. There is also a prevention of further development of mental disorder.
  2. Perception, thinking, ability to concentrate and memory are subject to the cognitotropic effect.

The wider the spectrum of action of a medicine, the more harm it can cause, which is why, when developing a new generation of nootropics, special attention was paid to the narrow focus of a particular medicine.

Benefits of atypical antipsychotics

Despite the effectiveness of conventional antipsychotics in the treatment of mental disorders, it is their negative effect on the body that has led to the search for new drugs. It is difficult to get off such medications, they can negatively affect potency, prolactin production, and the restoration of optimal brain activity after them is also questioned.

Third generation nootropics are fundamentally different from traditional medications and have the following advantages.

  • motor impairments are not manifested or manifested to a minimum;
  • minimal likelihood of developing concomitant pathologies;
  • high efficiency in eliminating cognitive impairment and the main symptoms of the disease;
  • prolactin levels do not change or change in minimal quantities;
  • almost no effect on dopamine metabolism;
  • there are medications developed specifically for treating children;
  • easily excreted by the body’s excretory systems;
  • active influence on the metabolism of neurotransmitters, for example, serotonin;

Since the group of drugs in question binds only to dopamine receptors, the number of undesirable consequences is reduced several times.

Antipsychotics without side effects

Among all the existing new generation antipsychotics, only a few are used most actively in medical practice due to the combination of high efficiency and minimal side effects.


The main active ingredient is aripiprazole. The relevance of taking tablets is observed in the following cases:

  • during acute attacks of schizophrenia;
  • for maintenance treatment of schizophrenia of any kind;
  • during acute manic episodes due to bipolar disorder type 1;
  • for maintenance therapy after a manic or mixed episode due to bipolar disorder.

Administration is carried out orally and eating does not affect the effectiveness of the medicine. The determination of dosage is influenced by factors such as the nature of the therapy, the presence of concomitant pathologies and the nature of the underlying disease. Dose adjustment is not carried out if kidney and liver function are impaired, as well as after the age of 65 years.


Fluphenazine is one of the best antipsychotics, relieving irritability and having a significant psychoactivating effect. The relevance of use is observed in hallucinatory disorders and neuroses. The neurochemical mechanism of action is due to a moderate effect on noradrenergic receptors and a powerful blocking effect on central dopamine receptors.

The medicine is injected deep into the gluteal muscle in the following dosages:

  • elderly patients - 6.25 mg or 0.25 ml;
  • adult patients - 12.5 mg or 0.5 ml.

Depending on the body’s response to the action of the medication, the dosage regimen is further developed (intervals between administrations and dosage).

Simultaneous use with narcotic analgesics leads to respiratory depression and central nervous system function, hypotension.

Compatibility with other sedatives and alcohol is undesirable, since the active substance of this drug enhances the absorption of muscle relaxants, digoxin, corticosteroids, and increases the effect of quinidine and anticoagulants.


This nootropic belongs to the category of the safest among atypical antipsychotics.

  • weight gain is observed less frequently than with olanzapine and clozapine (after it it is easier to lose weight);
  • hyperprolactinemia does not occur;
  • extrapyramidal disorders occur only at maximum dosages;
  • no anticholinergic side effects.

Side effects occur only with an overdose or at maximum doses and are easily eliminated by reducing the dosage. This may be depression, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, drowsiness.

Quetiapine is effective in schizophrenia, even if there is resistance to other medications. The medicine is also prescribed for the treatment of depressive and manic phases as a good mood stabilizer.

The activity of the main active substance is manifested as follows:

  • pronounced anxiolytic effect;
  • powerful blocking of histamine H1 adrenergic receptors;
  • less pronounced blocking of serotonin receptors 5-HT2A and β1-adrenergic receptors;

A selective decrease in the excitability of mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons is observed, while the activity of the substantia nigra is not impaired.


The drug in question has a pronounced anxiolytic, activating and antipsychotic effect. There is a reduction in the key symptoms of psychosis, including impaired thinking, paranoid delusions and hallucinations. Effective for autism syndrome.

The properties of the drug are as follows:

  • weakening of secondary mood disorders;
  • disinhibiting activating properties;
  • activation of patients with depressive symptoms;
  • facilitating social adaptation and increasing communication skills.

A strong, nonspecific sedative effect occurs only at maximum dosages. Taking 3 mg per day or more can already provide an antipsychotic effect; increasing the dose leads to an increase in the intensity of the effect. A pronounced anxiolytic effect occurs at any dosage.

It is worth noting that Fluanxol in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection lasts significantly longer, which is of great importance in the treatment of patients who tend to not comply with medical prescriptions. Even if the patient stops taking medications, relapse will be prevented. Injections are given every 2-4 weeks.


Triftazine belongs to the category of phenothiazine neuroleptics; the medication is considered the most active after Tioproperazine, Trifluperidol and Haloperidol.

A moderate disinhibitory and stimulating effect complements the antipsychotic effect.

The medicine has a 20 times stronger antiemetic effect compared to aminazine.

The sedative effect occurs in hallucinatory-delusional and hallucinatory states. The effectiveness in terms of stimulating effects is similar to the drug Sonapax. Antiemetic properties are equivalent to Teraligen.


The anti-anxiety effect in this case is clearly pronounced and is more powerful compared to aminazine. The relevance of taking small doses is observed in neuroses to provide a hypnotic effect.

The standard dosage is prescribed for affective-delusional disorders. For oral use, the maximum dose is 300 mg per day. Release form - ampoules for intramuscular injections or tablets of 100, 50 and 25 mg.

Antipsychotics without side effects and without a prescription

The medications under consideration without side effects and, in addition, those available without a prescription from the attending physician are not presented in a long list, so it is worth remembering the names of the following medications.

In medical practice, atypical nootropics are actively replacing traditional first-generation antipsychotics, the effectiveness of which is not commensurate with the number of side effects.

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Neuroleptics: list

These psychotropic drugs are mainly used for the treatment of psychosis; in small doses they are prescribed for non-psychotic (neurotic, psychopathic conditions). All antipsychotics have a side effect due to their effect on the level of dopamine in the brain (decrease, which leads to the phenomena of drug-induced parkinsonism (extrapyramidal symptoms). Patients experience muscle stiffness, tremor of varying severity, hypersalivation, the appearance of oral hyperkinesis, torsion spasm, etc. In this regard, during treatment with neuroleptics, correctors such as cyclodol, artan, PC-merz, etc. are additionally prescribed.

Aminazine (chlorpromazine, largactil) is the first antipsychotic drug, gives a general antipsychotic effect, is capable of stopping delusional and hallucinatory disorders (hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome), as well as manic and, to a lesser extent, catatonic agitation. With prolonged use, it can cause depression and Parkinson-like disorders. The strength of the antipsychotic effect of aminazine in the conditional scale for assessing neuroleptics is taken as one point (1.0). This allows it to be compared with other antipsychotics (Table 4).

Table 4. List of Neuroleptics

Propazine is a drug obtained to eliminate the depressive effect of aminazine by eliminating the chlorine atom from the phenothiazine molecule. Gives a sedative and anti-anxiety effect in neurotic and anxiety disorders, the presence of phobic syndrome. Does not cause pronounced symptoms of parkinsonism, does not have an effective effect on delusions and hallucinations.

Tizercin (levomepromazine) has a more pronounced anti-anxiety effect compared to aminazine, is used to treat affective-delusional disorders, and in small doses has a hypnotic effect in the treatment of neuroses.

The described drugs are aliphatic phenothiazine derivatives and are available in tablets of 25, 50, 100 mg, as well as in ampoules for intramuscular administration. The maximum oral dose is 300 mg/day.

Teralen (alimemazine) was synthesized later than other phenothiazine antipsychotics of the aliphatic series. Currently produced in Russia under the name “teraligen”. It has a very mild sedative effect, combined with a slight activating effect. It relieves manifestations of vegetative psychosyndrome, fears, anxiety, hypochondriacal and senestopathic disorders of the neurotic register, and is indicated for sleep disorders and allergic manifestations. Unlike chlorpromazine, it has no effect on delusions and hallucinations.

Atypical neuroleptics (atypicals)

Sulpiride (egloil) is the first drug of atypical structure, synthesized in 1968. It has no pronounced side effects, is widely used for the treatment of somatized mental disorders, hypochondriacal, senestopathic syndromes, and has an activating effect.

Solian (amisulpiride) is similar in action to eglonyl and is indicated both for the treatment of conditions with hypobulia, apathetic manifestations, and for the relief of hallucinatory-delusional disorders.

Clozapine (leponex, azaleptin) does not have extrapyramidal side effects, exhibits a pronounced sedative effect, but unlike aminazine does not cause depression, it is indicated for the treatment of hallucinatory-delusional and catatonic syndromes. Complications in the form of agranulocytosis are known.

Olanzapine (Zyprexa) is used to treat both psychotic (hallucinatory-delusional) disorders and catatonic syndrome. A negative property is the development of obesity with long-term use.

Risperidone (rispolept, speridan) is the most widely used antipsychotic from the group of atypical drugs. It has a general interrupting effect on psychosis, as well as a selective effect on hallucinatory-delusional symptoms, catatonic symptoms, and obsessive states.

Rispolept-consta is a long-acting drug that provides long-term stabilization of the condition of patients and itself successfully relieves acute hallucinatory-paranoid syndromes of endogenous (schizophrenia) origin. Available in bottles of 25; 37.5 and 50 mg, administered parenterally, once every three to four weeks.

Risperidone, like olanzapine, causes a number of adverse complications from the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, which in some cases requires discontinuation of treatment. Risperidone, like all neuroleptics, the list of which is increasing every year, can cause neuroleptic complications up to NMS. Small doses of risperidone are used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorders, persistent phobic disorders, and hypochondriacal syndrome.

Quetiapine (Seroquel), like other atypical antipsychotics, has tropism for both dopamine and serotonin receptors. Used to treat hallucinatory, paranoid syndromes, manic agitation. Registered as a drug with antidepressant and moderate stimulant activity.

Ziprasidone is a drug that acts on 5-HT-2 receptors, dopamine D-2 receptors, and also has the ability to block the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine. In this regard, it is used for the treatment of acute hallucinatory-delusional and affective disorders. Contraindicated in the presence of pathology from the cardiovascular system, with arrhythmias.

Aripiprazole is used to treat all types of psychotic disorders; it has a positive effect on the restoration of cognitive functions in the treatment of schizophrenia.

In terms of antipsychotic activity, sertindole is comparable to haloperidol; it is also indicated for the treatment of lethargic states, improving cognitive functions, and has antidepressant activity. Sertindole should be used with caution when indicating cardiovascular pathology; it can cause arrhythmias.

Invega (paliperidone extended-release tablets) is used to prevent exacerbations of psychotic (hallucinatory-delusional, catatonic symptoms) in patients with schizophrenia. The incidence of side effects is comparable to placebo.

Recently, clinical materials have been accumulating indicating that atypical antipsychotics do not have significant superiority over typical ones and are prescribed in cases where typical antipsychotics do not lead to a significant improvement in the condition of patients (B. D. Tsygankov, E. G. Agasaryan, 2006 , 2007).

Piperidine derivatives of the phenothiazine series

Thioridazine (Melleril, Sonapax) was synthesized with the aim of obtaining a drug that, having the properties of aminazine, would not cause severe doubt and would not give extrapyramidal complications. Selective antipsychotic action is addressed to states of anxiety, fear, and obsessions. The drug has some activating effect.

Neuleptil (propericiazine) exhibits a narrow spectrum of psychotropic activity, aimed at relieving psychopathic manifestations with excitability and irritability.

Piperazine phenothiazine derivatives

Triftazine (stelazine) is many times superior to aminazine in terms of antipsychotic action and has the ability to stop delusions, hallucinations, and pseudohallucinations. Indicated for long-term maintenance treatment of delusional states, including paranoid structure. In small doses it has a more pronounced activating effect than thioridazine. Effective in the treatment of obsessive disorders.

Etaperazine is similar in action to triftazine, has a milder stimulating effect, and is indicated in the treatment of verbal hallucinosis and affective-delusional disorders.

Fluorophenazine (moditene, lyogen) relieves hallucinatory-delusional disorders and has a mild disinhibiting effect. The first drug that began to be used as a long-acting drug (Moditen Depot).

Thioproperazine (mazeptyl) has a very powerful antipsychotic psychosis-terminating effect. Majeptil is usually prescribed when treatment with other antipsychotics does not have an effect. In small doses, mazeptyl helps well in the treatment of obsessive states with complex rituals.

Butyrophenone derivatives

Haloperidol is the most powerful antipsychotic that has a wide spectrum of action. Stops all types of excitement (catatonic, manic, delusional) faster than triftazine, and more effectively eliminates hallucinatory and pseudohallucinatory manifestations. Indicated for the treatment of patients with the presence of mental automatisms. Used in the treatment of oneiric-catatonic disorders. In small doses, it is widely used for the treatment of neurosis-like disorders (obsessive states, hypochondriacal syndromes, senestopathy). The drug is used in the form of tablets, solution for intramuscular administration, or drops.

Haloperidol decanoate is a long-acting drug for the treatment of delusional and hallucinatory-delusional states; indicated in cases of development of paranoid delusions. Haloperidol, like mazeptil, causes severe side effects with stiffness, tremor, and a high risk of developing neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS).

Trisedil (trifluperidol) is similar in action to haloperidol, but its effect is more powerful. It is most effective for the syndrome of persistent verbal hallucinosis (hallucinatory-paranoid schizophrenia). Contraindicated in case of organic lesions of the central nervous system.

Thioxanthene derivatives

Truxal (chlorprothixene) is an antipsychotic with a sedative effect, has an anti-anxiety effect, and is effective in the treatment of hypochondriacal and senestopathic disorders.

Fluanxol has a pronounced stimulating effect in small doses in the treatment of hypobulia and apathy. In large doses it relieves delusional disorders.

Clopixol has a sedative effect and is indicated in the treatment of anxiety and delirium.

Clopixol-acufase relieves exacerbations of psychosis and is used as a long-acting drug.

Side effects

Typical antipsychotics (triftazine, etaprazine, mazeptil, haloperidol, moditene)

The main side effects form neuroleptic syndrome. The leading symptoms are extrapyramidal disorders with a predominance of either hypo- or hyperkinetic disorders. Hypokinetic disorders include drug-induced parkinsonism with increased muscle tone, rigidity, stiffness and slowness of movements and speech. Hyperkinetic disorders include tremor, hyperkinesis (choreiform, athetoid, etc.). Most often, combinations of hypo- and hyperkinetic disorders are observed, expressed in various ratios. Dyskinesias are also observed quite often and can be hypo- and hyperkinetic in nature. They are localized in the mouth area and are manifested by spasms of the muscles of the pharynx, tongue, and larynx. In some cases, signs of akathisia are expressed with manifestations of restlessness and motor restlessness. A special group of side effects includes tardive dyskinesia, which is expressed in involuntary movements of the lips, tongue, face, and sometimes in choreiform movements of the limbs. Autonomic disorders are expressed in the form of hypotension, sweating, visual disturbances, and dysuric disorders. Phenomena of agranulocytosis, leukopenia, accommodation disturbances, and urinary retention are also noted.

Malignant neuroseptic syndrome (NMS) is a rare but life-threatening complication of neuroleptic therapy, accompanied by febrility, muscle rigidity, and autonomic disorders. This condition can lead to kidney failure and death. Risk factors for NMS include early age, physical exhaustion, and intercurrent illnesses. The incidence of NMS is 0.5-1%.

Atypical antipsychotics

The effects of clozapine, alanzapine, risperidone, aripeprazole are accompanied by both the phenomena of neurolepsy and significant changes in the state of the endocrine system, which causes weight gain, bulimia, increased levels of certain hormones (prolactin, etc.), very rarely, but phenomena can be observed ZNS. When treated with clozapine, there is a risk of epileptic seizures and agranulocytosis. The use of seroquel leads to drowsiness, headache, increased levels of liver transaminases and weight gain.

How to get rid of panic attacks

This condition is a psycho-vegetative crisis caused by causeless fear and anxiety. At the same time, certain problems arise from the nervous system.

Main directions in psychocorrection of suicidal behavior

The main guidelines for a differentiated approach to psychocorrection of suicidal behavior and other crisis conditions are cognitive, behavioral, emotional and motivational mental activity of a person.

Treatment of psychopathological syndromes

Treatment of psychopathological syndromes Neuroleptics Antidepressants Tranquilizers Psychostimulants, mood stabilizers, nootropics Shock therapy The main method of treating various psychopathological syndromes is therapy.

Antidepressants: list, names

Treatment of psychopathological syndromes Neuroleptics Antidepressants Tranquilizers Psychostimulants, mood stabilizers, nootropics Shock therapy These drugs have a selective effect on depression.

Tranquilizers: list

Treatment of psychopathological syndromes Neuroleptics Antidepressants Tranquilizers Psychostimulants, mood stabilizers, nootropics Shock therapy Tranquilizers are psychopharmacological agents that relieve anxiety, fear, and emotional.

Psychostimulants, mood stabilizers, nootropics

Treatment of psychopathological syndromes Neuroleptics Antidepressants Tranquilizers Psychostimulants, mood stabilizers, nootropics Shock therapy Psychostimulants Psychostimulants are drugs that cause activation and increase performance.

Shock therapy

Treatment of psychopathological syndromes Neuroleptics Antidepressants Tranquilizers Psychostimulants, mood stabilizers, nootropics Shock therapy Insulincomatous therapy was introduced into psychiatry by M. Zakel.

Neuroleptics (antipsychotic drugs, antipsychotics) are psychotropic drugs intended for the treatment of a variety of neurological, mental and psychological disorders. Also, in small quantities, drugs of this class are prescribed for.

Drugs in this group are a rather controversial method of treatment, as they entail many side effects, although in our time there are already so-called new generation atypical neuroleptics that are practically safe. Let's figure out what's going on here.

Modern antipsychotics have the following properties:

  • sedative;
  • relieve tension and muscle spasms;
  • hypnotic;
  • reduction of neuralgia;
  • clarification of the thought process.

This therapeutic effect is due to the fact that they contain ingredients from Phenotaisine, Thioxanthene and Butyrophenone. It is these medicinal substances that have a similar effect on the human body.

Two generations - two results

Antipsychotics are potent drugs for the treatment of neuralgic, psychological disorders and psychosis (schizophrenia, delusions, hallucinations, etc.).

There are 2 generations of antipsychotics: the first was discovered in the 50s (and others) and was used to treat schizophrenia, thought disorders and bipolar deviation. But, this group of drugs had many side effects.

The second, more advanced group was introduced in the 60s (it began to be used in psychiatry only 10 years later) and was used for the same purposes, but at the same time, brain activity did not suffer and every year the drugs belonging to this group were improved and improved.

About opening a group and starting to use it

As mentioned above, the first antipsychotic was developed back in the 50s, but it was discovered by accident, since Aminazine was originally invented for surgical anesthesia, but after seeing the effect it has on the human body, it was decided to change the scope of its application and in 1952, Aminazine was first used in psychiatry as a potent sedative.

The main merit of this remedy should be attributed to the abolition of lobotomy, since a similar effect from this procedure could be obtained by medicinal method without surgical intervention.

A few years later, Aminazine was replaced by the more improved drug Alkaloid, but it did not stay long on the pharmaceutical market and already in the early 60s, second-generation antipsychotics began to appear, which had fewer side effects. This group should also include those that are still used today.

Today, powerful tranquilizers are also considered neuroleptic drugs, since they have a similar effect.

Pharmaceutical properties and mechanism of action of antipsychotics

Most antipsychotic drugs have one antipsychological effect, but this is achieved in different ways, since each drug affects a specific part of the brain:

  1. Mesolimbic mode reduces the transmission of nerve impulses when taking drugs and relieves such pronounced symptoms as hallucinations and delusions.
  2. Mesocortical method, aimed at reducing the transmission of brain impulses that lead to schizophrenia. Although this method is effective, it is used in exceptional cases, since affecting the brain in this way leads to disruption of its functioning. In addition, it should be taken into account that this process is irreversible and the abolition of antipsychotics will not affect the situation in any way.
  3. Nigrostriate method blocks some receptors to prevent or stop and.
  4. Tuberoinfundibular method leads to the activation of impulses through the limbic pathway, which, in turn, can unblock some receptors for the treatment of sexual dysfunction and pathological infertility caused by nerves.

As for the pharmacological action, most antipsychotics have an irritating effect on brain tissue. Also, taking antipsychotics of various groups has a negative effect on the skin and manifests itself externally, causing skin dermatitis in the patient.

When taking antipsychotics, the doctor and the patient expect significant relief, there is a decrease in the manifestations of mental or neuralgic disease, but at the same time the patient is exposed to many side effects that should be taken into account.

The main active ingredients of the drugs of the group

The main active ingredients on which almost all antipsychotic drugs are based are:

  • Phenothiazine;
  • Tizercin;
  • Magentil;
  • Nuleptil;
  • Sonapax;
  • Thioxanthene;
  • Clopixol;
  • Butyrophenone;
  • Trisedyl;
  • Leponex;
  • Eglonil.

TOP 20 famous antipsychotics

Neuroleptics are represented by a very broad group of drugs; we have selected a list of twenty drugs that are mentioned most often (not to be confused with the best and most popular, they are discussed below!):

Other funds not included in the TOP 20

There are also additional antipsychotics that are not included in the main classification due to the fact that they are an addition to a particular drug. So, for example, Propazine is a drug intended to eliminate the mental depressing effect of Aminazine (a similar effect is achieved by eliminating the chlorine atom).

Well, taking Tizercin increases the anti-inflammatory effect of Aminazine. This medicinal tandem is suitable for the treatment of delusional disorders obtained in a state of passion and in small doses, and has a sedative and hypnotic effect.

It is important to know: the maximum permitted dosage of all these drugs (from the TOP-20) is 300 milligrams per day.

In addition, there are Russian-made antipsychotic drugs on the pharmaceutical market. Tizercin (aka Levomepromazine) has a mild sedative and vegetative effect. Designed to block causeless fear, anxiety and neuralgic disorders.

The drug is not able to reduce the manifestation of delirium and psychosis.

Indications and contraindications for use

It is recommended to take antipsychotics for the following neurological and psychological disorders:

  • schizophrenia;
  • neuralgia;
  • psychosis;
  • bipolar disorder;
  • depression;
  • anxiety, panic, restlessness.


  • individual intolerance to drugs of this group;
  • presence of glaucoma;
  • defective liver and/or kidney function;
  • pregnancy and active lactation period;
  • chronic heart disease;
  • coma;
  • fever.

Side effects and overdose

Side effects of antipsychotics are as follows:

  • represents an increase in muscle tone, but at the same time the patient experiences a slowdown in movements and other responses;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • excessive sleepiness;
  • changes in standard appetite and body weight (increase or decrease in these indicators).

In case of an overdose of neuroleptics, symptoms develop, blood pressure drops, drowsiness, lethargy sets in, and a coma with depression of respiratory function is possible. In this case, symptomatic treatment is carried out with the possible connection of the patient to mechanical ventilation.

Atypical antipsychotics

Typical antipsychotics include drugs with a fairly wide spectrum of action that can affect the structure of the brain responsible for the production of adrenaline and dopamine. Typical antipsychotics were first used in the 50s and had the following effects:

  • removal of various origins;
  • sedative;
  • sleeping pills (in small doses).

Atypical antipsychotics appeared in the early 70s and were characterized by having far fewer side effects than typical antipsychotics.

Atypicals have the following effects:

  • antipsychotic effect;
  • positive effect on neuroses;
  • improvement of cognitive functions;
  • hypnotic;
  • reduction of relapses;
  • increased production of prolactin;
  • fight obesity and digestive disorders.

The most popular atypical neuroleptics of the new generation, which have virtually no side effects:

What is popular today?

TOP 10 most popular antipsychotics at this time:

Also, many are looking for antipsychotics that are available without prescriptions; they are few in number, but they still exist:

  • Etaperazine;
  • Paliperidone;

Doctor Review

Today, it is impossible to imagine the treatment of mental disorders without antipsychotics, since they have the necessary medicinal effect (sedative, relaxing, etc.).

I would also like to note that you should not be afraid that such drugs will negatively affect brain activity, since these times have passed, after all, typical antipsychotics have been replaced by atypical ones of a new generation, which are easy to use and have no side effects.

Alina Ulakhly, neurologist, 30 years old

For neuroses and depression, doctors prescribe antipsychotics. A number of drugs can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription - strict rules do not apply to them.

Antipsychotics without a prescription - types, groups, indications

Neuroleptics in pharmacology mean antipsychotics, or antipsychotic drugs. These medications are preferred in the treatment of nervous, psychological, and mental disorders. The action of the drugs is powerful, but side effects are also common, so they are taken only when indicated.

There are two types of antipsychotics - typical and atypical, their main differences are in the table:

Due to the negative impact on the body, drugs of the first group are almost never used; only in a hospital setting, some of them are used in patients with schizophrenia. Modern, atypical antipsychotics are in some cases sold without a prescription, as they are considered safe for the patient. They calm, relieve stress, remove muscle spasms, and reduce the manifestations of neuroses.

Olanzapine is a popular drug

In the list of drugs in the group that can be bought without a prescription, Olanzapine occupies the leading position. It belongs to the new generation of atypical neuroleptics, its price is low - 130 rubles for 28 tablets. It contains the active substance of the same name and a number of auxiliary components.

The medicine acts on dopamine and serotonin receptors.

Olanzapine acts as follows - it selectively reduces the excitability of a number of neurons, while improving the functioning of the nerve pathways responsible for motor functions. During the course of treatment, negative manifestations decrease, and a pronounced anti-anxiety effect is observed.

Side effects of Olanzapine are more often observed with a long course or exceeding the dosage specified by the doctor:

In isolated cases, a sharp increase in sugar, ketoacidosis, hepatitis, and blood disorders were noted. Indications include various psychotic disorders, neurotic attacks. It is prohibited to purchase and take the product during pregnancy, kidney or liver failure, or in people under 18 years of age. The dose is 10 mg/day, it can be increased only according to strict indications! Analogs with the same active substance are Zyprexa Zidis, Zalasta, Egolanza.

Medicines based on risperidone

Such drugs are widely used in neurological and psychotherapeutic practice. The active component risperidone is part of a whole list of antipsychotic drugs without prescriptions. Risperidone is a strong antipsychotic drug, and in parallel has a number of other effects:

Risperidone binds to serotonin and dopamine receptors and also interacts with H1-histamine receptors. The medicine copes well with both serious mental disorders (delusions, hallucinations, manifestations of schizophrenia), and helps with more common problems - neuroses, depression, nervous overexcitation. Among others, indications for risperidone include:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • senile dementia;
  • aggressive behavior in children 5-16 years old.

The most inexpensive drug is Risperidone - it costs 150 rubles for 20 tablets, you can also buy Risset for 160 rubles, and Ridonex for 320. Rispaxol and Rileptide cost about 600-700 rubles, and the medicine Rispolet in the form of powders for suspension is sold for 4,500 rubles.

Ariprizole and Serdolect

The drugs have a similar mechanism of action and are quite safe for the treatment of psychosis. The cost of Ariprizole is very high - more than 5,500 rubles/30 tablets, so it is better to purchase it with the approval of a specialist and according to strict indications. It contains the antipsychotic aripiprazole, which acts on the nerve receptor system and produces a powerful sedative and antipsychotic effect.

The therapeutic effect of treatment usually develops within 3-5 days and increases over time.

The medicine is indicated for any depressive disorder, but in some cases it must be combined with antidepressants. Patients with cardiac pathologies are treated with great caution; a number of side effects are possible (arrhythmia, heart failure, hypotension).

The medicine Serdolect costs less - 2200 rubles/30 tablets. They can replace the drug described above, since their effect is similar. It is forbidden to give Serdolect for any moderate to severe heart disease, with reduced levels of potassium and magnesium in the blood, for children, and for pregnant women.

What other antipsychotics are on the market?

There are not many drugs in this group on the pharmacological market that can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription. The first generation of products are not sold commercially and are only available in state pharmacies.

In children from the age of 3 years, the drug Clozapine is prescribed - a strong antipsychotic with a number of serious side effects.

Experts often recommend the antipsychotic Tizercin (Levomepromazine) as a mild sedative. It has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, reducing the frequency of mood swings, depressive states, and asthenic manifestations. Also the drug:

Another remedy is Quetiapine (680 rubles) with the active substance of the same name. Its big advantage is the lack of impact on the body's hormonal system. Even with long-term use, prolactin levels remain at the same level. Side effects are also rare - headaches, dizziness, diarrhea or constipation, and increased levels of liver enzymes (reversible) prevail among them. The drug is widely used against various types of depressive disorders.

Other known antipsychotics:

  • Invega;
  • Eglonyl;
  • Aminazine;
  • Leponex;
  • Melleril.

The course of treatment can last for months, but the longer it is, the higher the risk of developing withdrawal syndrome. You need to stop taking medications in stages, gradually reducing the dose.

What to take if there are contraindications?

Manufacturers produce so-called “light” over-the-counter drugs that belong to the group of antidepressants and antipsychotics. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, and no clear indications for use are required. Basically, they are purchased as sedatives, as well as for chronic stress.

A striking example of a new generation of drugs with a minimum of side effects is Afobazol. Its active substance helps perfectly with:

Occasionally, allergies and headaches are observed during therapy, but more often the drug is well tolerated. Among the effective remedies you can also mention Adaptol, Paroxetine, Mebicar, Oxilidine. The course of therapy is 1-3 months, it is enough to eliminate neurotic disorders.



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