Snake venom: characteristics, medicinal properties and use in cosmetology. The effect of snake venom on humans: poison in cosmetology and medicine

When evaluating an action snake venom one should especially remember all the circumstances that influence its strength.

Therefore, to depict a picture of human poisoning poisonous snake is possible only in general outline. One cannot, of course, think that every case of a snake bite will proceed exactly as will be described now. The features and nature of the disease caused by snake venom essentially depend on two main conditions: 1) on the amount of poison introduced into the human body and 2) on the route by which the poison entered it. Poison of various poisonous snakes are not the same in the nature of their action, so we will touch here only on the most important snakes for us - the viper, as well as the spectacled snake and the copperhead snake, which are found in the southern reaches of Russia.

When bitten by a viper, the wound looks like two small circles - the place where its poisonous teeth pierced, and two parallel rows of dots - traces of a bite by small non-poisonous teeth. Soon after the poison enters the wound, its circumference becomes inflamed - it turns red and swells. The patient feels very severe pain. Swelling from the wound site spreads to the entire bitten limb and in severe cases can even spread to the body. On days 7-9 after the bite, the swelling decreases. The tissue around the wound may become necrosis and disintegrate to form an ulcer.

Such local action depends on the direct effect of the poison on the body tissues; it is especially strong when poisoned by viper venom; however, besides it there is also general disease, depending on the spread of poison through the blood throughout the body. The patient becomes drowsy, faints, or... on the contrary, it becomes excited. Nausea gives way to vomiting. Pain in the pit of the stomach and cramps aggravate the situation of the poisoned person. The heart beats faster and weaker. A person becomes colder and his body temperature drops. Shortness of breath begins; blood appears in the urine.

If non-fatal poisoning occurs, then the heart begins to beat more correctly and stronger; the cooling of the body is replaced by its warming; the swelling subsides, but weakness remains for a considerable period - 2-3 months or more.

In severe cases, death occurs from respiratory arrest in different period, from 12 hours to 7-8 days. Sometimes the consequences are not fatal poisoning become long-lasting or, as they say, chronic. The patient remains weak for a very long time and retains sensitivity of the bite site, or, on the contrary, recovers, but, after a certain period of time, suddenly falls ill again. TO chronic consequences Poisoning with viper venom also includes blindness, which, fortunately, is observed in such cases very rarely.

The venom of vipers and related snakes is especially characterized by strength. local action poison that kills body tissue at the site of the bite and causing swelling bitten limb. Some snakes warm countries in this regard, they influence much more than our viper. In Brazil, for example, there are quite reliable cases where, after being bitten by a Lachesis snake, the foot became dead and the foot fell off, while another unfortunate person, bitten on the elbow, had his hand fall off, and only the bones of his skeleton remained from the forearm.

The strength of a snake's venom, however, is not always the same. After the snake sheds its skin, its poison ( we're talking about about the spectacled snake) becomes 10 times stronger than before molting.

The spectacled snake poisons a person during other painful phenomena. Unlike the viper, it causes insignificant local phenomena; swelling appears around the wound, sometimes an abscess develops; acute pain the patient does not feel. The bitten part of the body feels cold, fatigue, and irresistible drowsiness; then weakening of consciousness and difficulty breathing occurs; the activity of the heart is weakened; saliva flows from the mouth, the tongue is inflamed; the patient hiccups; then vomiting begins; urine and feces are involuntarily released; consciousness is completely lost and after 2-7 hours of illness death occurs.

In case of non-fatal poisoning, the disease is not accompanied by such severe manifestations and after a day or two the patient recovers after the poison is removed by the kidneys, without affecting the correctness of their action. The venom of the spectacled snake, in contrast to the viper, is characterized by its negligible effect on body tissue at the site of the bite and, conversely, strong overall impact on the body, which results in such rapid death.

There are, on the contrary, such snakes as the magnificently colored coral snake, the venom of which has no local effect at all, but it has an even stronger effect on the entire body, through which it spreads very quickly, since it is unusually easily absorbed from the wound into the blood.

The difference in the effect of snake venom on a person in different cases of poisoning depends on all the reasons that were indicated in the first chapter of this book. Let us consider some of them in relation to snakes in more detail. The strength of a snake's venom is not always the same. For example, the venom of a spectacled snake after shedding its skin becomes 10 times stronger than before molting. Fasting also has an effect; after a heavy meal he gains even more dangerous properties than during a hunger strike. If a snake bites several times in a row, then it wastes its poison, and subsequent bites are less dangerous, since the poison is produced relatively slowly in its poisonous glands. Artificially you can squeeze out all the venom the snake has. She again receives its previous amount in the warm season for 15 days, and in the cold season - only for about a month.

The course of poisoning depends on the location where the snake bite occurred. If an area of ​​the body where many blood vessels branch is injured, the poison is quickly absorbed into the blood, which is reflected in the speed of poisoning. If a snake accidentally bites through some more or less large blood vessel(mainly a vein), then poisoning can occur with lightning speed, since all the injected poison enters directly into the blood, which immediately coagulates from its presence.

The effect of the poison on different animals is even more varied. Animals with weaker circulation, in which blood moves through the body more slowly than others, withstand large quantities snake venom. These more resilient animals include, for example, frogs, which are distinguished by another advantageous feature of their organization. They breathe not only with their lungs, but also with the entire surface of their skin, and such skin respiration is more important for them than pulmonary respiration. Snake venom, as mentioned above, disrupts the functioning of the lungs, stopping breathing movements their; since the frog’s skin breathing does not stop, it continues to live at the expense of him alone; over time, the poison is removed from the body by the kidneys, and the animal has the opportunity to endure the time of poisoning even with non-functioning lungs. In numbers, the resistance of a frog to snake venom can be expressed with the following example. A dose of poison that killed (when administered subcutaneously) a rabbit in 10 minutes allowed the frog to live for 30 hours.

Few animals have such advantageous features in their body organs. Lizards and birds quickly die from the effects of snake venom. The duration of suffocation before death in birds is longer than in other animals, since under the skin of the former there are extensive air sacs communicating with their lungs. These bags contain air, which for some time supports the bird’s body in its fight against death. Most mammals are also very sensitive to snake venom, with the exception of the hedgehog, pharaoh mouse and some other animals mentioned above in the chapter on enemies of snakes.

It has been established experimentally that the amount of rattlesnake venom (crotal) that kills 10 snakes poisons to death 24 dogs, or 25 bulls, or 60 horses, or 60 rabbits or 300,000 pigeons. Using this example, it is not immediately possible to verify the degree of difference in the effect of the poison on one or another animal, since their weight is far from the same. In the first chapter of this book it was stated that the smaller the animal’s weight, the stronger, other things being equal, the effect of a given amount of poison on it. Therefore, more clear values ​​are obtained by determining the amount of poison that kills a certain weight unit of any animal, for example, 1 kilo of its weight. Knowing this dose of poison, you can calculate how much poison it will take to kill an animal larger in weight. For example, if it is said that the lethal dose of poison for a 1 kilogram (2 1/2 lb) rabbit is 0.012 grams, this means that to fatally poison this 3 kilogram animal, it would take 3 times as much poison, i.e. 0.036 grams , and for a rabbit of six kilograms the same dose will be equal to 0.060 grams.

It is most convenient to judge the difference in the effect of poison on animals by such lethal doses for each kilogram of their body weight. So, for 1 kilogram of dog’s body weight lethal dose are 0.0008 grams of cobra venom, and for a rabbit 0.0005. Comparing these figures, we can say that this poison is almost twice as poisonous for a rabbit than for a dog.

All these slightly boring examples and arguments allow us to come to the reasonable conclusion that different animals are not equally sensitive to the venom of snakes; some of them are resistant to it or are said to be immune to the poison. This property of animals is especially valuable, since it has made it possible to develop appropriate methods for treating poisoning by snake venom, which we will consider after first familiarizing ourselves with some of the properties of the latter.

Snake venom is used in official and folk medicine to relieve inflammation, pain, stop bleeding. Medicines are prepared using the poison itself or extracts from it.

Snake venom - complex composition from organic and inorganic substances, which is produced by special glands in a number of snakes. Those related to different types Snake venom does not have the same properties. Only snake venom can be used for treatment certain types these reptiles. To receive valuable substance snakes are bred in serpentariums-snake nurseries. They are also removed from the wild and milked, after which they are either released back or left in captivity in traditional serpentariums, where the snakes do not breed. Snake venom is also obtained from killed snakes.

What kind of snakes do they get venom from?

The main volume of snake venom used in production medicines, obtained from snakes kept in serpentariums. These are the following types of snakes:

With the exception of the viper, snakes of other species used to obtain poison are few in number in nature and therefore are kept in serpentariums-snake nurseries, where they reproduce, providing sufficient numbers. Young animals in the conditions of these farms grow to the age at which snake venom can be obtained from them, which makes it possible to produce a medicinal product in sufficient volume without harm to the fauna.

In Russia, the common viper is mainly used. Its young are released into the wild and caught after reaching adulthood. This method for raising this type of snake is the most financially profitable.

From large adult snakes, more than 1 m in length, up to 900 mg (dry weight) of venom is obtained per milking. Small individuals up to 100 cm long produce up to 40 mg of product. The main snake farms today are located in Asia, and they breed species of snakes whose venom is used in the production of pharmacological drugs.

Components of snake venom

Snake venoms have a certain set of substances common to all types of reptiles.

  • Peptides and proteins are the main building components in the organisms of living beings, involved in tissue renewal and transport nutrients to the organs.
  • Free amino acids – activate the production of antibodies by the immune system and enzymes.
  • Lipids – participate in the functioning of the immune system and support the energy functions of the systems;
  • Guanine derivatives relieve inflammation and also inhibit the growth of malignant and benign tumors.

Depending on the species, snake venoms also contain individual components:

  • Neurotoxins (in cobra and viper) are powerful analgesic and antispasmodic substances, superior in strength to drugs based on morphine and non-morphine. addictive. Compositions that use this extract of poisons are used to alleviate the condition of cancer patients.
  • Neurotropic toxins (in the viper and viper) – produce a local analgesic effect. Included in medications for the treatment of muscle and joint problems inflammatory processes, neuralgia and a number of skin diseases.
  • Fractions of hemostatic substances (from the viper and Indian viper) - their extracts are used in medicines to stop bleeding in hemophilia and operations in places where sutures and clamps are impossible.

The venoms of many species of snakes are being actively studied in order to identify their specific properties that can be used in medicine.

How to milk snakes

Snake venoms are collected by hand. A special venom receiver, covered with polyethylene on top, is fixed, and a snake is brought to it, which is held in the hands in a special way. She bites through the film, and the poison released during this process enters the dish. After milking, the snake’s mouth is disinfected with an antiseptic. The procedure is carried out once every 2-3 weeks.

The effect of poison on the human body

IN large doses snake venom can lead to death, and in low temperatures it can be a cure. Essential for a person next steps of this product:

  • neurotoxic - with a large dose, the poison leads to paralysis respiratory system and heart due to suppression of the central nervous system; in small dosages it is an analgesic;
  • hemotoxic - snake venom can cause death due to pathological changes blood clotting processes. At medicinal use poison in especially small doses, it eliminates vascular spasms and increases or decreases blood viscosity (determined by the type of snake);
  • myotoxic – with high dosage the poison causes complete muscle paralysis, with medical use the product helps eliminate swelling in case of injuries to tissues, joints and bones;
  • cytotoxic - when a snake bites, the venom causes severe local swelling; in medicines it helps to increase blood flow to a certain area and relieve inflammation.

Snake venom in medicines is in a volume that is safe for humans and, if the dosage is observed, cannot cause poisoning.

Indications and contraindications for use

Snake venoms are included in medications for external and internal use. Indications for their use are as follows:

  • bleeding;
  • pain syndrome varying intensity;
  • wounds;
  • tumor diseases;
  • inflammation of joints and muscles;
  • spasms of blood vessels of the heart muscle;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • epilepsy (drugs used in a number of countries);
  • violations metabolic processes.

Poison in medicinal purposes It is always used in a processed state due to its poisonous properties.

Snake venom is prohibited for the following contraindications:

All contraindications are associated with the presence of strong toxins in medicines containing snake venom.

Essential medicines

Snake venom is used in the pharmacology of all countries in the production of many medicines. Medicinal compositions with poison can be divided into 2 large groups.


Medicines are injected subcutaneously or into a muscle to relieve pain, cramps, inflammation and spasms.

Snake venom easily disintegrates if the medicine is not stored correctly and loses its medicinal properties. The drugs are available by prescription.


Drugs are prescribed to relieve joint and muscle pain accompanied by inflammation.

Ointments are available over the counter, but you should not prescribe them yourself.

Folk remedies with snake venom

You can prepare medications with an aqueous solution of poison (vipraxin) for home therapy.

For significant pain in joints and muscles, it is recommended to mix 2 drops of poison solution with 3 lemons twisted using a grinder, 1 chopped head of garlic and 1 glass of boiled water. cold water. Then the medicine is infused in the dark overnight. Take ½ teaspoon on an empty stomach.

A mixture containing apple cider vinegar and vipraxin helps relieve megraine headaches. To do this, 3 drops of an aqueous solution of poison are combined with 3 teaspoons of vinegar. The composition is applied to a terry cloth and applied to the forehead.


Snake venom is toxic, so medicinal compositions containing it cannot be prescribed to patients without permission. They are prescribed by a doctor if indicated. During the course of therapy, a person must undergo regular examinations to monitor their condition.

Snake venom - this phrase does not evoke the most pleasant associations in humans. It is clear why, because such a waste product of snakes most often leads to a deterioration in health. But this is only in natural natural conditions if a snake bites a person. Fashionistas and people who care about their health know that snake venom is used in many areas of life. Cosmetology and medicine have long adopted this natural component to create drugs that help people.

What properties does this substance have? When does poison help us? And in what cases should you beware of it? Let's look at some options for using snake venom.

Composition of snake venom and its types

Snake venom is a product of the activity of specific poisonous glands (modified salivary glands), which are located behind the snake's eyes. This toxic substance enters the victim's body through poisonous teeth. Few people wonder why this potent toxic substance, even in minute quantities, has such a pronounced effect on the body. Snake venom primarily affects vital important organs and has no artificial analogues.

On the territory of Russia and Belarus there are more than 58 species of snakes, of which 11 are poisonous. The composition of snake venom depends on the type of reptile. Basic it active ingredients- complex proteins and polypeptides (molecules containing more than 10 different amino acids), enzymes and trace elements.

According to their effect on the human body, they are distinguished the following types snake venom.

The composition of poisons depends on the presence and production of certain proteins and amino acids in the snake’s body.

This specific action the secretion of snake glands on the body formed the basis for the creation of many medicinal substances and cosmetic products. In small quantities and in skillful hands, toxic substances can be beneficial to humans.

How is snake venom used in medicine?

IN pure form the secret of the snake glands medical practice do not apply. Most often, a diluted solution is used with the addition of glycerin, preservatives, stabilizers and other necessary components. The benefits of snake venom are due to its properties. First of all, it has an effect on the nervous system and the ability to cause a local skin reaction. The substance is used in the form of an injection solution, creams, and ointments. How can such funds help?

The medicinal properties of snake venom have the following characteristics.

Any product that contains snake venom should only be prescribed by a specialist due to possible side effects. Do not use such a cream or ointment without consulting your doctor and without prior examination.

What is snake venom treatment called? Venom therapy or “snake therapy” has been used for a long time. Our ancestors believed that snakes could resurrect the dead and help with infertility. Their secret improves immune system our body, saves from tuberculosis, promotes hair growth during complete baldness and relieves attacks of bronchial asthma. And, although many myths are long gone, scientists are still studying the mechanisms of the influence of such substances on human organ systems.

The use of snake venom in cosmetology

Those who want to stay forever young are constantly experimenting with unusual means of saving youth. Secret special glands reptiles, has found its place of application in this area.
Snake venom is used in cosmetology to smooth out wrinkles - it replaces Botox. That is, such a product is not analog, but in terms of the final effect they are similar. The poison at the site of application helps smooth out facial wrinkles. These age-related changes in some cases decrease by 40–50% with long-term use creams with a “poisonous” component.

Use creams and cosmetic preparations Also:

  • V massage parlors for skin;
  • in the East, tinctures with snake venom are used as a medicine to increase potency;
  • it is added to shampoos to improve hair growth.

How does snake venom affect the human body?

What happens in the human body after a snake bite? Clinical picture depends on the type of reptile, location of the bite and other factors.

Contents of the article:

Snake venom is a transparent yellowish liquid that a snake injects into the body of its victim through special channels in its teeth when it bites. Not at all large quantity this substance may be enough to cause a person to fatal outcome. But in modern world people have learned to use individual properties of these toxins with good intentions.

Description and purpose of snake venom

The life-giving properties of snake venom were recognized by the ancient sages of Greece and Rome, when searching for a cure for smallpox and leprosy. A little later, such properties of the substance as the ability to heal wounds and stop bleeding were noticed.

Our compatriots also studied the composition of the poisonous substance of the snake, as well as the possibility of its use as a source for the manufacture of medicines. Soviet scientist E.N. Pavlovsky, for example, identified the possibility of using individual components poison for making anti-epilepsy drugs. In the modern world it goes active learning the effects of snake toxins in the fight against cancer.

Much later, snake poison began to be used not only as a resource for production medical supplies, but also to create various cosmetics. Nowadays, studying useful action and the scope of application of this substance does not stop.

Composition of snake venom and its components

The chemical composition of the poisonous substance may differ depending on the type of snake that secretes it. IN general case The following elements are distinguished in the composition of snake venom:
  • Proteins and peptides. They are the main building materials in the body and serve for transportation useful substances to the desired organ.
  • Lipids. They perform protective and energetic functions in our body.
  • Free amino acids. They serve as a source for the production of enzymes and antibodies that help cope with a particular disease.
  • Nucleotides. Responsible for the transmission of hereditary information in our body.
  • Guanine derivatives. They carry inhibitory functions; they are responsible for stopping the development of tumors and inflammation.
  • Sugar and inorganic salts. They participate in metabolic processes and, depending on the volume, contribute to the removal of toxins or useful substances from the body.
The first two components account for a large specific part of the enzymes that carry toxic effect. In addition, the substance often contains various pigments and impurities of the epithelium or saliva of the snake itself.

Important! Studying the composition and toxic components of the venom is necessary for the production of certain serums for use immediately after a snake bite.

Beneficial properties of snake venom for the human body

The use of snake venom in medicine is due to useful qualities small doses of the substance, among them:
  1. Painkillers. Cause wide application these remedies for relieving pain of a rheumatic nature.
  2. Anti-inflammatory and antitumor. Used to relieve swelling or inflammation caused by asthma, neuralgia, hypertension and other diseases.
  3. Hemostatic and wound healing. Help with treatment skin diseases in humans.
  4. Disinfecting and optimizing metabolic processes. They create the basis for the use of poison in cosmetology.

Pay attention! To produce medicines based on toxic toxins, less than one tenth of a milligram of the total amount of this drug is taken.

Contraindications to the use of snake venom

Like any medicines, drugs containing snake venom have a number of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, the prescription of such drugs, as well as their use as the main component of treatment, should be directly under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Chronic liver and kidney diseases. Since a complete conclusion cannot be provided harmful substances from the body.
  • Presence of heart failure and circulatory disorders. The use of poisons in this case can cause severe hemorrhage, cardiac arrest and subsequent death.
  • If tuberculosis is detected. The use of toxins can become a source respiratory failure or pulmonary spasm.
  • Allergic reactions. Potential for development severe forms allergies: bronchial asthma, anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema.
  • In case of pregnancy or uncompleted lactation in a woman. The toxic effect of the products can spread to the child’s fragile body.
If side effects occur in the form of skin itching, burning, nausea, vomiting, increased body temperature and development of fever, it is recommended to immediately stop using the drug and perform gastric lavage procedures.

Mechanism of action of snake venom

Only a little more than 15% of the snakes on our planet are venomous. The mechanism of action of snake venom is not fully understood. Currently, only a few areas of action of toxins on humans have been identified, the use of which in small doses can have positive action on the body:
  1. Hemotoxic. IN strong doses manifests itself in a blood clotting disorder; in microdoses it can have a blood-thinning effect. It is used in the fight against diseases caused by vascular spasms or thromboembolism.
  2. Neurotoxic. This action spreads to the central nervous system, paralyzing the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In small quantities it helps to obtain an analgesic effect.
  3. Cytotoxic. When bitten, it is local in nature and is expressed in severe swelling bitten area. When used for medicinal purposes, it ensures rapid blood flow to the desired area of ​​the body and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Myotoxic. The full extent of the poison causes failure to work muscle tissue affected person, but in small doses this action helps to remove the tumor in the applied area.

Important! Careful dosage is required toxic substances prescribed by a doctor, otherwise a toxic effect on the body may develop.

Recipes for snake venom products

To prepare medicines today, the venoms of only three snakes are used: cobra, viper and viper. The range of uses of snake venom in medicine today is truly wide and includes the following areas of influence: musculoskeletal system, neuralgic diseases, skin diseases, manifestation asthmatic symptoms, diseases of the stomach and intestines, heart failure. And also the use of snake toxins is widely in demand in the field of homeopathy and cosmetology.

Joint remedies with snake venom

Products with snake venom for joints can be purchased ready-made, or you can prepare them yourself using aqueous solutions of this toxin. Such solutions can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered online.

Several recipes for joint pain using an aqueous solution of snake venom:

  • Schisandra. Take three lemons, peel them and grind them in a meat grinder. Chop one head of garlic there and add two drops of an aqueous solution of snake venom. Stir the resulting mixture and pour a glass of cold boiled water. Leave the resulting solution in a dark place overnight. In the morning, take half a teaspoon on an empty stomach.
  • Rice porridge. Take half a glass of unpolished rice, pour it warm water and add three drops of an aqueous solution of snake toxin. Let the rice sit overnight. In the morning, strain the remaining water. Grate the apple and carrots, then mix with rice. You need to eat a teaspoon of this porridge every morning.
  • Horseradish ointment. Grate the horseradish root and squeeze the juice out of it. Add two drops of an aqueous solution of poison to the resulting juice and mix. Soak a tampon in the resulting mixture, wrap it in gauze and apply it to the sore joints.
  • Dough. Knead a stiff dough by mixing rye flour, honey, and a few drops of an aqueous solution of snake venom. Roll it out into two large cake layers. Apply raw cakes to the area of ​​pain and bandage with cotton cloth.

Important! The use of each of the products containing snake venom requires consultation with a specialist!

Remedy for back pain with snake venom

Snake venom for the back is used as ready-made injections or ointments. But it is also possible to use it as part of home remedies:
  1. Chamomile compress. Pour a spoonful of chamomile flowers and a spoonful of St. John's wort leaves in a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for thirty minutes. After the broth has cooled, add three drops of an aqueous solution of poison to it. Soak a piece of gauze in the resulting mixture, apply it to the sore spot, and wrap it all with plastic and a terry towel on top.
  2. Mustard mask. Dilute 100 grams mustard powder warm water and add two drops of snake toxin solution. Bring the mixture to the consistency of sour cream, then apply to the area of ​​pain and insulate. Do not keep this mask on your body for more than five minutes to avoid skin burns.
  3. Burdock leaves. Collect wide burdock leaves and rinse them with running water. To use, soak the leaves for ten minutes in the following mixture: a spoonful of vinegar, a spoonful of boiled water, two drops of poison solution. Apply the burdocks to the sore spots and wrap a woolen shawl or a belt with dog hair on top.
  4. Garlic compress. Take a head of garlic, chop it and pour a glass of boiling water. Let sit overnight. In the morning, strain the infusion and squeeze half a lemon into it, add two drops of snake venom. Soak gauze in the resulting infusion and apply it to the sore spot, wrap it with a towel on top. Do not keep the compress for more than twenty minutes.

Pay attention! The use of any home remedies should not increase the pain, otherwise they should be removed immediately with plenty of water.

Migraine remedies with snake venom

Treatment of migraines with snake venom has been practiced in recent decades. Toxin-based drugs perfectly eliminate pain and also have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels in the brain.

Recipes using snake venom against migraines:

  • Egg compress. Brew a spoonful of saffron with half a glass of boiling water. Let cool. At this time, separate the three egg whites from the yolks. Beat the whites with the addition of three drops of poison with a mixer until foamy. Mix the resulting foam with saffron decoction and soak the scarf in it. Apply cold compress on the forehead for twenty minutes.
  • Vinegar compress. Mix three teaspoons apple cider vinegar with three drops of snake toxin. Spread the mixture evenly over a terry towel and wrap the towel around your forehead.
  • Medicinal cocktail. Using a juicer, extract juice from cucumber, beets, carrots, potatoes and celery. Mix a glass of each juice into one mixture, add five drops of an aqueous solution of snake toxin. Take the resulting mixture one teaspoon three times a day.
  • Wax mugs. Melt beeswax in a water bath, add four drops of poison solution. Divide the wax into several circles and let it harden. Apply circles of wax to your temples during the next migraine attack.
  • Cabbage mask. Grind using a blender cabbage leaves, one raw potatoes and two large aloe leaves. Add three drops of an aqueous solution of a toxic substance to the resulting slurry and mix. Distribute the pulp into small gauze bags and apply to your temples for severe pain.

Important! Before using products prepared with a toxic substance, make sure that you do not have allergic reactions to it. To do this, apply a small amount of the substance to an open area of ​​skin and evaluate the effect after thirty minutes. If no redness or other signs of irritation appear, the products can be used as directed.

Review of drugs based on snake venom

Preparations containing snake venom are available in the form of injections, aqueous solutions and ointments. Only a few of these medicines are available for use in Russia:
  1. Viperalgin. Available in injection form for subcutaneous, cutaneous or intramuscular use. Made from sand viper venom.
  2. Vipraxin. Represents aqueous solution, which is made from the venom of the common viper, is most often used for subcutaneous injections. Enter this drug usually accompanied by a strong burning sensation at the injection site, which subsides over time.
  3. Nyaxin. It is produced in the form of an aqueous solution consisting of Central Asian cobra venom, novocaine and sodium chloride. Used for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections.
  4. Vipratox. This is a liniment that contains the venoms of several snakes, as well as camphor and methyl salicylate. For external use only.
  5. Viprosal. It is an ointment prepared on the basis of viper venom. Used only topically on external areas of the human body.
  6. Viprosal B. Unlike the previous ointment, this one uses the venom of the common viper. Suitable for local external use only.
How to use snake venom - watch the video:

Snake venom, despite all its dangers, plays a significant role in alleviating the symptoms of certain ailments. However, its use, due to the presence of toxic properties for the human body, should only be done under the close supervision of a specialist.

Alternative medicine Articles

Snake venom: medicinal uses


That historical moment when people learned to benefit from snake venom and its use for medical purposes is very difficult to track. However, already in ancient Rome Medicines against smallpox, leprosy, fever were made from the healing substance and were used as an external means of healing wounds. Our compatriots also made a significant contribution to the study of the effects of poisons. For example, the Soviet scientist, academician E. N. Pavlovsky proved the possibility of using rattlesnake venom to treat epilepsy, and research conducted at the Institutes of Bioorganic Chemistry and Molecular Biology of the Academy of Sciences under the guidance of academicians Yu. A. Ovchinnikov, V. A. Engelhardt, Ya. . Kh. Turakulova made it possible to significantly expand the existing knowledge about chemical nature of this substance.

Snake venoms are used in medicine as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for peripheral diseases nervous system. Such drugs are intended for injection (usually intradermal) or for external use. Injections are usually prescribed for neuralgia, arthralgia, myalgia, myositis, chronic nonspecific mono- and polyarthritis, periarthritis and other diseases. Products for external use are used for rheumatic pain, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, myositis and other ailments. The main one has been isolated from cobra venom active ingredient- cobrotoxin, which has an analgesic and calming effect on spasms of heart vessels, bronchial asthma, and malignant tumors.

Snake venom preparations approved for use in our country include:

  • Viperalgin- stabilized sterile solution of sand viper venom. Contraindications to its use are tuberculosis, febrile conditions, exhaustion, coronary and cerebral circulation, heart defects, organic lesions liver and kidneys, breastfeeding.
  • Vipraxin- an aqueous solution (with the addition of glycerin) of the venom of the common viper. The contraindications are the same as for Viperalgin. Injections are accompanied burning pain lasting several seconds. In response to drug administration, as a rule, there are local reactions(hyperemia, swelling). It is also possible general reactions(chills, headache, fever, nausea).
  • Nyaxin- an aqueous solution containing Central Asian cobra venom with the addition of novocaine and sodium chloride.
  • ointment "Viprosal" contains viper poison with the addition of camphor, salicylic acid, fir oil, petroleum jelly, glycerin, paraffin, emulsifier and water.
  • ointment "Viprosal B", unlike Viprosal ointment, contains viper venom instead of viper venom.

Mechanism of action of snake venoms scientists have not yet fully deciphered it. Meanwhile, a transparent droplet, once in the blood, spreads throughout the body and (in a certain dose, of course) has a beneficial effect on the patient’s body. For the same reason, drugs containing this rather dangerous component can only be used as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. As a rule, in the absence of a pronounced allergic reaction, the dose of drugs is gradually increased, and the duration of treatment can range from several weeks to six months.

Currently The venoms of only three snakes are used to produce medicines: cobras, vipers and vipers, and their dose in ointments and injections does not exceed a tenth of a milligram. By the way, ointments and injections are the only officially approved forms of products based on an unsafe component. Since poisons have become very widely used in medicine, the need for them is lately has increased sharply. To obtain the coveted substance, special “snake nurseries” have been created in many countries around the world, which, however, are not able to fully satisfy the needs of the pharmaceutical industry.

Interesting facts:

  • Using snake venom's ability to block transmission nerve impulses to muscles, pharmacists have created a unique anti-aging cream - “Botox without injections” - capable of as soon as possible smooth out facial wrinkles.
  • In addition to medicines, snake venom is used to create anti-snake serums - the only means today that can save the life of a person who has suffered from a bite from this type of reptile. Antidotes are prepared from the blood of horses, which are injected into the body with the same poison in small doses over a long period of time.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs