My cheek is swollen, what should I do? The cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt: what is the reason?

Swelling of the cheek is a pronounced symptom that is clearly visible to a person even without medical education. Often this symptom accompanies dental diseases. However, in some cases, swelling is present, but the patient does not feel toothache. What causes swelling and pain in the cheek? Which specialist should I contact to find out the reasons? How to treat and prevent the occurrence of such symptoms? Let's figure it out together.

The main causes of cheek swelling

In the vast majority of cases, swelling of the cheek, which is not accompanied by toothache, is a manifestation of the inflammatory process. Often the patient finds that only one side is swollen and swollen - the left or right. The origin of inflammation can be different - from the normal growth of wisdom teeth to the development of serious diseases that pose a threat to the patient.

Purulent periostitis (flux)

The development of purulent periostitis (this disease is also widely known as “flux”) can be triggered by traumatic injury or an advanced form of carious lesions (we recommend reading:). If a patient complains of severe acute pain, which is reflected in organs located near the affected tooth, one of his cheeks swells and his body temperature rises, then we are most likely talking about an acute form of purulent periostitis.

Pain after tooth, nerve or filling removal

Sometimes swelling occurs as a result of treatment or tooth extraction. This is a normal reaction of the body to outside interference.

Often, such a symptom indicates that the therapy was not carried out in full or of poor quality. Then it is recommended to consult a doctor. If your cheek is noticeably swollen after visiting the dental office, the following factors may be causing it:

  • An incision on the gum - when treating a diseased tooth, the doctor sometimes needs to cut the gum. In this case, the swelling is a normal phenomenon that will go away on its own over time.
  • Complications after tooth extraction - most often, patients who neglect the rules of oral care during the recovery period encounter a tumor after tooth extraction.
  • Poor quality nerve removal - during depulpation, the doctor can only partially remove the nerve, then the cheek will swell near the treated tooth, but there will be no toothache.
  • An allergic reaction occurs after root canal filling if the doctor used the material without taking into account the patient’s individual intolerance. When your cheek becomes very swollen the day after filling, you need to urgently consult a doctor so that he can replace the filling with a hypoallergenic one.

Wisdom tooth growth

If only one cheek is swollen, there is general malaise and/or fever - this indicates the eruption of a wisdom tooth, especially if it is coming out in a person over 25 years old. When third molars grow properly, there is no significant pain or discomfort. If the symptoms listed above occur, this indicates some kind of disturbance in the process of its growth, the doctor may recommend removing the “eight”.

Formation of abscess and cellulitis

Inflammation in the advanced form of the gums or cheeks is dangerous due to complications such as phlegmon and abscess. These pathological conditions are distinguished by the characteristics of the localization of purulent exudate. With phlegmon, pus is not limited to the membrane cavity, it involves nearby tissues in the inflammatory process, spreading freely.

If pus fills the formed cavity, then we are talking about an abscess. The latter may look like a lump inside the mouth between the cheek and the gum on the inside. At the same time, the patient notes that one of the parts of the face is swollen and hurts.

The reasons for the development of a cheek tumor due to phlegmon and abscess include:

Development of gingivitis

The cause of swelling can be gingivitis, an inflammatory process that affects the gums. Characteristic symptoms of the pathology also include bleeding and swelling of the gums, as well as the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth. You should not neglect the treatment of gingivitis, since in its advanced form it can develop into a more dangerous disease - periodontitis.

Injury or burn of the mucous membrane

Damage from a fall or impact, as well as burns to the mucous membranes from eating extremely hot food can also cause swelling of the cheek. A burn can be caused not only by thermal, but also by chemical irritants. Usually the tumor does not increase in size and goes away without a trace within a few days. If the swelling increases, there may be serious damage that requires medical attention.

Insufficient oral hygiene

Neglect of oral hygiene rules often leads to the development of various inflammatory processes. In this case, first the patient discovers swelling of the gums, and over time, part of the face becomes swollen (we recommend reading:). The patient notes that she seemed to be “duped.” Depending on the characteristics of the inflammation, it may have accompanying symptoms.

Other reasons

Some experts consider the face to be a unique reflection of a person’s general health. A number of pathological conditions can provoke the manifestation of characteristic symptoms on the face. In addition to the reasons listed above, inflammation of the cheek can be caused by the following factors:

Stomatitis deserves special mention. This disease is associated with inflammation of soft tissues. For part of the face to swell, the disease must progress to a serious stage. Stomatitis often occurs in children. One of the characteristic symptoms of beginning stomatitis is pain. The cheek bothers me from the inside, in the corner of the mouth.

There is a tumor, but the teeth do not bother me - why does this happen?

Now let’s figure out why the cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt (we recommend reading:). If the swelling of the cheek is not accompanied by toothache, this indicates that the inflammatory process does not affect the nerve. A symptom may indicate that the pathological process is not associated with dental diseases, or the disease develops in the area of ​​the pulpless dental element. In any case, a tumor (especially a progressive one) cannot be ignored, as it can be a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Which doctor should I contact if I have swelling of the cheek?

A similar recommendation can be given in cases where part of the face is swollen after treatment for caries or other diseases of the oral cavity. After tooth extraction or other surgical intervention, swelling is a normal reaction and should not be a cause for panic.

Treatment of swelling

At the initial stages of the pathological process, traditional medicine can be effective. However, in cases where it was not possible to remove the tumor within 2-3 days, you should stop home treatment and immediately seek medical help from a specialist. Among folk recipes, the most popular are the following:

  • rinsing with a solution of soda and salt;
  • using a decoction of chamomile and sage, St. John's wort;
  • rinsing with infusion of calendula flowers;
  • You can relieve swelling from the gums using propolis applications.

First aid for discomfort

What to do to reduce swelling and get rid of pain in a short time? Medicines containing analgesic components will help. The patient can use Hexoral solution or spray, Lidocaine-asept in aerosol form. If the problem occurs in a child, then it is permissible to use products recommended for teething, for example, Dentinox gel.


The attending physician prescribes medications depending on what causes of swelling were identified during a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient’s condition. In the case of diseases accompanied by suppuration, sometimes not only conservative therapy is required, but also surgical intervention.

Cause of swellingDrug therapyNote
Acute purulent periostitis, phlegmon
  • Amoxiclav,
  • Lincomycin,
  • Ampioks,
  • Doxycyline,
  • Metronidazole
Conservative treatment is not enough. The help of a surgeon will be required: he will open the gum, expose the cavity filled with pus, and install drainage. A few days later (after complete release of the purulent exudate), the drainage is removed and the wound is closed. Start dental treatment.
Gingivitis, stomatitis, trauma or burn
  • Miramistin,
  • Chlorhexidine, (we recommend reading:

The cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt. Patients quite often turn to their doctors with such a contradictory complaint. To identify the true cause of this pathological condition, the doctor must not only conduct a personal examination, but also take an x-ray. And only after this can a specialist say with confidence why his patient’s tooth does not hurt.

If for some reason you cannot visit a doctor, and it is absolutely necessary to get rid of this problem, then you are allowed to use home remedies to relieve the tumor. However, before that, you should still find out why you are having such trouble.

Swollen cheek: reasons

There are quite a few likely reasons why a person may have a very swollen cheek. As practice shows, almost all of them are associated with problems of the oral cavity, including gums and teeth.

So, let's look together at why this pathological condition occurs.

Problems with teeth and gums

The cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt - this condition is completely unsuitable for this case. After all, if such a deviation arose due to caries, then the person will definitely feel it. It is also worth noting that cheek swelling often signals inflammatory processes on the gums or the appearance of a cyst.

What to do if your cheek is swollen due to a bad tooth or

In this case, the patient should definitely visit the dentist. After all, the faster the tooth is cured, the faster the cheek swelling will subside. By the way, if you already have an abscess, then delay in treatment can lead to quite serious damage to the oral cavity and nearby tissues. Thus, after contacting a doctor, the latter must give you an anesthetic injection, cut your gums, and then release the pus and install drainage. Next, the doctor should prescribe a course of treatment with antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Now you know what to do if your cheek is swollen due to a sore tooth or sore gum. Keep in mind that applying any warming or cooling compresses to the tumor site before visiting the hospital is highly not recommended.

Cheek swelling after dental treatment

This situation is quite possible. As a rule, this occurs after treatment of a tooth on which a filling was installed, but the root itself was not examined by a dentist. In this case, you will have to visit the doctor again. It should be noted that it is precisely with this pathology that a person may complain that his cheek is swollen, but his tooth does not hurt. After all, during the previous treatment the nerve was completely removed, but the inflammatory process did not stop completely.

This reaction of the body to filling occurs quite often in people. And for doctors there is no other choice but to remove the previously placed filling and then continue treating the tooth in some other way. If your cheek is too swollen, then before visiting a doctor, you can rinse your mouth with a weak solution of baking soda, apply cotton wool soaked in Kalanchoe juice to the affected area, or make a compress from crushed leaves of the named plant. By the way, aloe is ideal for flux. Its leaf should be cut in half lengthwise, the pulpy part should be applied to the gum and kept for an hour and a half.

Swollen cheek after tooth extraction

The doctor can warn you in advance about the appearance, but only if you had a complex problem. The doctor is also obliged to give some recommendations on oral hygiene and food consumption. Thus, after a complex tooth extraction, it is not advisable for the patient to drink hot drinks, alcohol, or chew solid food over the next 24 hours. If such advice does not help you, and your cheek is still swollen, you should apply ice to it (for about 10 minutes), then remove it and repeat the procedure after half an hour. As a result of this, the capillaries should narrow under the influence of cold, and the swelling should gradually subside.

Incorrect growth of wisdom teeth

If your cheek hurts, your cheek is swollen, and you feel a general malaise, then this indicates that it is not growing as required. In this case, you should definitely visit a dentist, who should take an x-ray and explain the situation to your patient. In most cases, a wisdom tooth that grows crookedly is removed, as it can lead to an inflammatory process. If this procedure was successful, then the cheek swelling should subside the very next day. If after two days the situation has not improved, but, on the contrary, you begin to feel unbearable pain, then you should consult a doctor again, as you will need additional drug treatment.

By the way, exactly one day after removing a “wise” tooth, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a salt solution (one glass of warm boiled water should contain half a dessert spoon of the bulk product). At the same time, it is extremely undesirable to touch the place with your tongue, fingers or other hard objects where the tooth was previously located. Otherwise, you can further damage the unhealed wound, as well as introduce a dangerous infection or virus there. In addition, it is recommended to refrain from brushing teeth located next to the inflamed area of ​​the gum. Of course, after a couple of days you will be able to carry out this procedure, but at first it is best to use a brush with soft bristles.

Infectious disease

Does your tooth hurt? This symptom may indicate the presence of a serious infectious disease such as mumps, or “mumps.” This disease most often manifests itself in preschool children. However, there are also situations where adults also become infected with it. In this case, the disease progresses and is much more difficult to treat, and also has serious complications. That is why, if you did not have mumps in childhood, and suspect that you have become infected with it, then it is better not to put off calling a doctor for too long.

Other reasons

A swelling of the cheek without pain in the teeth and gums can also occur for completely different reasons. Thus, this symptom often indicates inflammation of the lymph node (lymphadenitis) or the spread of infection in the upper respiratory tract. In addition, the cheek may become very swollen due to a bruise and the further appearance of a hematoma in this part of the face.

If all of the above reasons have nothing to do with you, then try to remember if you were bitten by any insect. Indeed, quite often it is precisely this case that leads to severe swelling of the cheeks and other parts of the body. To reduce inflammation, it is recommended to apply a baking soda lotion to the affected area or take an antihistamine.

In some cases, swelling of the cheek may occur, which is not accompanied by toothache. For this reason, people often do not pay due attention to this problem, which leads to various complications due to late seeking medical help.

If your cheek is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt, then this is a sign of an inflammatory process that has begun, which can develop for the following reasons:

  1. Reaction after removal of a diseased tooth. In this case, swelling of the cheek is normal and should go away on its own within 2-3 days. The only warning sign is prolonged inflammation and lack of positive dynamics; if such symptoms occur, you should visit a specialist again to find out the causes of this condition.
  2. Development of inflammation in the root canal of the tooth, which was recently treated and filled. This can happen if the doctor removed the nerve and cleaned the tooth cavity, but did not pay attention to the roots. There is no pain precisely because the nerve is removed, which prevents inflammatory processes from occurring.
  3. Diseases or various pathological processes affecting the gums eg gingivitis. It is characterized by a painless course, but there are often accompanying symptoms in the form of increased bleeding of soft tissues or obvious redness of the gums. Such a clinical picture requires immediate seeking professional medical help, since gingivitis can provoke the development of a number of complications or other dental diseases.
  4. Wisdom tooth eruption, which often lasts up to 25-30 years. Usually, this causes a person severe discomfort, but sometimes the process is painless with the development of local inflammation. In some cases, pain is felt not in the tooth, but in the gum or throughout the entire maxillofacial apparatus, which makes it difficult to determine its source.

A cheek tumor without toothache can occur not only for dental reasons; the following factors can provoke such a pathology:

  1. Presence of infectious diseases, such manifestations can be caused by mumps. With this disease, inflammatory processes occur that affect the salivary glands, which causes similar swelling to appear, and an increase in body temperature and sore throat may also occur. Clear evidence of mumps is the appearance of swelling of the cheeks on both sides at once, in which case immediate seeking professional medical help is required. The diagnosis of mumps is made not by a dentist, but by a therapist or infectious disease specialist. In adulthood, the disease is very difficult to tolerate and there is a high risk of developing dangerous complications.
  2. Insect bites such as bees, hornets or wasps. The main symptom is the sharp and sudden appearance of a tumor, which is accompanied by severe redness of the skin. In the center of the bite, the upper layer of the epidermis changes its structure, and a noticeable compaction forms. Such bites are dangerous if you are prone to an allergic reaction.
  3. Received injuries and severe bruises. Swelling may not occur immediately after application, but after several hours or days. Minor injuries go away on their own without taking additional measures; after swelling decreases, only a trace of the impact remains.
  4. Impaired functioning of internal organs, which leads to the accumulation of excess fluid in the soft tissues and the appearance of noticeable swelling.

What to do?

Treatment for a swollen cheek is prescribed depending on the causes of this condition, but immediately after its appearance the following measures can be taken:

  1. A cold compress has a positive effect regardless of the cause of tumors.
  2. Prepare an aqueous solution with the addition of baking soda and rinse your mouth with it. Such measures are effective in the presence of dental diseases or gum damage.
  3. A compress with soda solution has a positive effect if the cause of swelling is an insect bite.

It is forbidden to apply a cold compress if there are concomitant symptoms indicating the presence of an infectious disease.

If after 1-2 days after taking the measures the swelling has not gone away, then you need to seek professional help.

How and with what to treat?

Treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist after diagnosis, since it depends on the causes of such symptoms and the diagnosis.

Basically, the following means are used:

  1. Antihistamines, taken only once, they help relieve the allergic reaction that occurs from insect bites.
  2. Painkillers in tablet form, taken during the eruption of wisdom teeth. The absence of pain in the tooth itself does not exclude the possibility that the jaw or damaged gum will not hurt.
  3. Ointments with a freezing effect for treating mucous membranes, can be used for mechanical and other damage to the gums. Before using them, you should make sure that the drug is intended for use in dental practice.
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs, which have an antiseptic effect, can be used after tooth extraction. They relieve existing inflammation and reduce the risk of secondary infection of the remaining wound. These medications should only be taken as prescribed by a specialist.
  5. Chlorhexedine is the safest drug that can be used to rinse your mouth.

Folk remedies

Kalanchoe juice can relieve swelling for a while.

Traditional medicine can eliminate the main symptoms, but they should not be used instead of visiting a specialist.

Some techniques are described below:

  1. Wet a sterile cotton swab in fresh Kalanchoe juice, after which the compress is applied to the inner surface of the swollen cheek.
  2. Rinse your mouth with a decoction of sage or chamomile. These plants provide antiseptic treatment and have anti-inflammatory effects.
  3. Apply the soft part of an aloe leaf cut in half to your cheek. Such measures are most effective in the presence of an inflammatory process.

What can't you do?

If such symptoms occur, it is strictly forbidden to do the following things:

  1. Postpone visiting a specialist, since treatment at the initial stage is much easier.
  2. Prescribe your own treatment, since it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis at home.
  3. Press or apply any mechanical pressure to the swelling.
  4. Apply warm bandages or warm compresses, as this can significantly worsen the condition and cause serious complications.


Swelling of the cheek, which is accompanied by the absence of toothache, can occur for various reasons, and it is not always possible for a person to protect himself from such a problem.

However, there are preventive measures, the observance of which can significantly reduce this risk:

  1. Maintaining oral hygiene, teeth should be brushed with high-quality toothpaste at least 2 times a day.
  2. Timely treatment of all dental diseases.
  3. Preventive visits to the dentist 1-2 times a year.
  4. Compliance with all instructions given by the dentist after the removal or treatment of a diseased tooth.
  5. The use of special mouth rinses that increase the effectiveness of standard brushing.
  6. Providing a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Sometimes a person looking in the mirror notices that his cheek is swollen. Most often this phenomenon is accompanied by pain, but in some cases it may be absent. The reasons why the cheek has increased in size may be different. In many cases, these symptoms are caused by diseases of the teeth, gums, or other oral organs. But other reasons for the appearance of edema or swelling of the cheek are also possible.

What can cause a swollen cheek?

Let's look at the question of why, under the influence of what factors, the cheek swells. Any swelling of the cheek is associated with inflammatory processes. You should not hope that the inflammation will go away on its own - it can be very serious even in cases where the tooth does not hurt, but the cheek is swollen. If you neglect the disease and do not seek medical help on time, the most unfavorable consequences are possible.

All reasons can be divided into three main groups:

  • diseases that have developed in the oral cavity;
  • diseases of organs located in other parts of the body;
  • consequence of dental treatment.

Increase in cheek size due to oral diseases

Such diseases include pulpitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis and others. Under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, tissues can become inflamed and swollen. The occurrence of swelling leads to pain and discomfort in the mouth.

Flux development

Odontogenic periostitis, also called gumboil, is an inflammation of the periosteum. The disease can occur as a result of carious lesions of the tooth, due to mechanical damage to tissues, or when the gingival pocket is affected by the inflammatory process. The swelling of the cheek is accompanied by the formation of pus in the gums. Gradually, its amount increases, due to compression of the nerve receptors of the surrounding tissues, intense throbbing pain is noted.

When purulent masses come out, a hole appears on the gum - a fistula. At the same time, the pressure of the pus decreases and the pain becomes weaker. Flux treatment is surgical - an incision is made to remove the pus. A rubber tube is inserted into the hole - drainage, which prevents the hole from closing until the pus is completely released. If left untreated, pus can enter the bloodstream, contributing to intoxication of the body with decay products of cells and bacteria, and the spread of infection to other organs with the appearance of new foci of inflammation. In severe cases, blood poisoning can develop - sepsis, which poses a fatal threat to health.

The appearance of an inflammatory infiltrate

May accompany diseases such as periodontitis and pulpitis. The inflammatory infiltrate is a compacted tubercle on the cheek. Usually, a few days before the formation of a lump, pain in the teeth is felt. In the absence of timely treatment, the formation of phlegmon or an abscess is possible.

In the area of ​​the inflammatory infiltrate, pus accumulates, consisting of cells of dead tissue. This is a dangerous condition, as infection and purulent elements can spread to the tissues located under the jaw, or rise higher, affecting the subcutaneous layers in the eye area.

There is a risk of the inflammatory process spreading to the brain or developing sepsis, which can lead to death.

Swelling due to periodontal disease

In old age, some people suffer from periodontal disease, a disease that leads to receding gums and tooth loss. The disease occurs without pain, but may be accompanied by swelling. Swelling on the cheek cannot be eliminated with mouth rinses. The last, fourth, stage of periodontal disease is treated with surgical methods.

Complications caused by the eruption or growth of wisdom teeth

Often, as wisdom teeth develop, the mucous membrane located above the dental crown may become inflamed. Food particles that get inside the skin fold are not removed when brushing your teeth and contribute to the proliferation of microbes, the activity of which leads to tissue inflammation. As a result, the cheek may become swollen and painful.

Inflammation of the cheek also occurs if, when eating, a wisdom tooth hits the mucous membrane and bites through it. This also leads to tissue swelling. What to do if your cheek is swollen due to improper development of the eighth tooth - do not delay contacting the dentist. Sometimes the only way to solve the problem and prevent the swelling from returning in the future is to remove the wisdom tooth.

Infectious tissue damage

When an infection enters the tissue, inflammation, pain, and swelling of the cheek occur. In such a condition, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Cheek swelling as a result of dental treatment

In some cases, the cheek may become swollen after dental treatment. The following signs allow one to suspect a complication: the tumor increases in size, the intensity of pain increases, body temperature rises, and there is a feeling of distension in the mouth at the site of tissue swelling.

Possible causes of complications:

  1. An allergic reaction to the components of the material included in the dental filling. Swelling occurs a short period of time after filling a tooth. It manifests itself as unpleasant sensations due to swollen gums or cheeks. To eliminate the manifestations, it is necessary to replace the filling with another one with hypoallergenic components.
  2. Incomplete removal of the nerve in the treatment of pulpitis. If inflammatory particles remain in the tooth root canals, the infection spreads to healthy tissue. As a result of the swelling, the cheek may become puffy and swollen. To avoid losing a tooth, you should immediately seek help from a medical facility.
  3. Failure to follow medical recommendations after tooth extraction. After surgery, you must refrain from eating hot and solid foods and alcohol. To eliminate swelling, it is recommended to periodically apply ice to the swollen side of the cheek for about 10 minutes.
  4. An allergic reaction to the painkiller used during tooth extraction. In addition to tissue swelling, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing may occur. Urgent medical attention is needed to restore it.
  5. The consequence of an incision on the gum, allowing the drainage of pus. This procedure often leads to an increase in the tumor, but over time the volume of the infiltrate decreases and the cheek takes its normal shape.

Sebaceous cyst

With this disease, a small swollen tubercle first appears in the mouth, and after some time the cheek can become very swollen. Treatment of the disease is surgical.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

The dislocation of the swelling area is shifted towards the neck. Most often, the lymph nodes become inflamed during colds. It is noticeable visually and to the touch that the cheek is swollen at the bottom and hurts when approaching the surface of the lymph node.


When the tooth does not hurt, but the cheek is swollen, the formation of a benign or malignant tumor can be suspected. It is necessary to promptly consult a specialist to examine the body and treat the disease.

Pathologies of internal organs

Swelling of the cheeks can occur with heart disease and kidney dysfunction. If fluid is not removed effectively from the body, it can accumulate in certain parts of the body. Swelling can be eliminated by prescribing appropriate treatment. As the functioning of the internal organs improves, the swollen cheek takes on its normal appearance. Changes in facial shape can occur with neurological diseases. Sometimes this symptom is accompanied by a sore throat and stuffy ears.

Other causes of swelling of the cheek tissues

Mechanical injuries such as blows to the face, falls, and wounds caused by any objects are also accompanied by swelling and swelling of the tissues. In the absence of bleeding, bone fracture and signs of a concussion - dizziness, nausea - the swelling will gradually go away without special treatment.

If your cheek is very swollen, you can relieve the swelling with a cool compress of raw potatoes (grated or cut into two halves). You can use ointments designed to treat bruises. If swelling increases, you should consult a traumatologist.

Hypersensitivity to components of cosmetics, allergies to foods, household chemicals or medications can also lead to swelling. It is often caused by bee or wasp venom, which insects inject into the bite site. An appropriate blood test can determine what caused the allergic reaction. To eliminate swelling, medications are prescribed.

Diagnosis and treatment

What should you do if your cheek is swollen - be sure to check your health status and get examined by doctors. Since this symptom is most often observed with dental diseases, visit a dentist. If inflammatory processes in the gums and teeth are suspected, an X-ray examination of the oral cavity will help determine why the cheek swells and hurts, and determine the condition of the tissues. If necessary, you will need to consult other specialists: a therapist, a surgeon, a neurologist.

  • To relieve the inflammatory process, Nimesil or another anti-inflammatory drug is prescribed.
  • Ibuprofen and Ketorol help relieve pain.
  • Allergic manifestations can be eliminated with the help of Suprastin, Diazolin or Erius.
  • To prevent the spread of infection to other organs, antibiotics such as Lincomycin and Amoxiclav are used. Rinsing the mouth with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine has a good effect.
  • Therapeutic gels can relieve swelling and accelerate tissue healing: Metrodent, Troxevasin.

Traditional medicine recipes

If swelling appears late in the evening and it is not possible to see a doctor right away, knowledge of how to relieve swelling of the cheek using traditional recipes will be useful. When using them further, you should definitely consult with your doctor. It is especially important for pregnant women to adhere to this rule in order to eliminate the risk of harmful effects on the child’s health.

There are many healing solutions that should be used to rinse your mouth if your cheek or gums are swollen:

  1. Infusion of nettle, sage, oak bark and calamus. To brew the product, use an equal amount of each ingredient, for example 1 tsp. for 250 ml of boiling water. After adding boiled water, you need to leave the mixture for 2 hours to infuse.
  2. A decoction of chamomile (2 tablespoons per glass of water, boil for 2 minutes) with the addition of a few drops of iodine.
  3. Garlic infusion. Three crushed cloves of garlic are poured into 250 ml. boiling water You can begin the procedure immediately after the product has cooled.
  4. A solution of baking soda and salt. Take 1 tsp per glass of warm water. each ingredient. If desired, you can also add a few drops of tea tree oil.

You can also use medicated compresses. For them, propolis tincture, a mixture of sea buckthorn and tea tree oils, Kalanchoe juice, herbal infusions or soda solution are used.

A cotton swab or disk is moistened in the prepared product and applied to the gums and inner surface of the cheek for 20–30 minutes. A compress in the form of the pulp of an aloe leaf or a piece of propolis mashed into a cake will give a good effect. All products used must be at room temperature. Hot compresses promote the spread of infection; cold solutions can aggravate the condition.

Edema, swelling and hard formations result from the “accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the cheek.” Swelling in the cheek area can vary in severity, painful or not.

Also, the reason for the appearance of swelling determines its location - on one cheek, on both cheeks at once, below or above, outside or inside. Sometimes swelling can affect areas such as the neck, gums, jaws, eyes, lips, salivary glands, face and area around the ear. The problem affects both adults and children.

Associated symptoms

The symptoms that accompany cheek swelling are directly related to the main cause of the swelling. Some of the most well-known symptoms associated with swollen cheeks include:

  • hives;
  • sore throat;
  • toothache;
  • addition of infection;
  • rash;
  • redness;
  • seals;
  • oily, itchy or dry skin;
  • painful sensations;
  • increase in temperature;
  • itching in the eyes;
  • sneezing;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • paresthesia of the jaw and cheek;
  • swelling of the face, tongue or lips.

To make a full diagnosis, proper treatment, and reduce swelling of the cheeks, it is necessary to find out the causes of the symptoms. The most likely causes of swelling:

Dental problems

A swollen cheek due to problems with teeth and gums is a fairly common situation. Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity often lead to swelling. Among them:

  • toothache;
  • tooth abscess;
  • affected 3rd molar (wisdom tooth);
  • tooth decay or;
  • tooth infection;
  • tooth extraction.

Insufficient oral hygiene and consumption of sugary foods can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Bacteria that settle on tooth enamel feed on sugar and produce acid, which destroys this enamel, leading to tooth damage.

Wisdom tooth

Wisdom teeth are also often the cause of cheek swelling due to their location. Infection, abscess, trauma (filling or broken tooth) can often lead to a swollen cheek due to wisdom tooth disease.

A swollen cheek due to an abscess is a fairly common occurrence. According to “an abscess is a painful infection at the root of a tooth,” which usually results in complete destruction of the tooth. Causes of an abscess include trauma (such as a chipped or broken tooth), gum disease, and gingivitis. If a tooth abscess is ignored, the enamel can break down, allowing bacteria to move into the dental pulp and spread to the tooth root and jaw.

Some of the common symptoms of a tooth abscess include fever, bitter taste in the mouth, swollen tonsils, swelling, redness and swelling in the lower and upper jaw area, gum pain, sensitivity to cold or hot foods, pain when eating and chewing.

In case you have a tooth abscess, seek medical help from your dentist and try various home remedies, which we will discuss later, to reduce the pain.

After tooth extraction

Temporary swelling after tooth extraction, especially if the procedure was quite traumatic, is normal. Most often, this situation occurs when a wisdom tooth or other molars are pulled out, since after this a temporary deep wound usually forms. Fortunately, it will drag on in any case, although sometimes it can take a month. The swelling usually goes away after a few hours, or less often, days. For severe pain and swelling, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used during the first days.

But you should be careful and distinguish between normal swelling of the cheek after tooth extraction and after infection in the wound. Although the second, if you follow the basic recommendations, happens extremely rarely.


Toothache caused by any of the problems mentioned, including dental abscesses, infection or tooth decay, can also cause the cheek to become enlarged, especially on the side of the diseased tooth. Typically, swelling of the cheeks is accompanied by some pain.

Root canal filling, extraction and cleaning procedures

Dental procedures such as tooth extraction, root canal cleaning, and cosmetic dental surgery cause short-term swelling from the procedure. Swelling, pain and discomfort should disappear after a few days.

Trauma, piercing or surgery to the cheek

Facial surgery may be accompanied by short-term swelling. Also, swelling on the face may appear after piercing or injury. When soft tissue is damaged due to a bruise, nose job, puncture, or other injuries, it is normal to experience slight swelling of the cheek. In such cases, the swelling is accompanied by pain, slight bleeding, as well as redness and bruising. The severity of these symptoms is directly related to the size of the affected area. The swelling will subside over time. To help reduce swelling and pain, try a variety of home remedies, such as cold compresses or pain relief medications.

Mumps and swollen parotid glands

Mumps or mumps is another possible cause of swelling on the cheek. Its main symptoms are elevated body temperature, fatigue, muscle and headache pain, lack of appetite, swelling of the cheeks, neck, and then swelling of the salivary glands. Symptoms of mumps begin 16-18 days after infection and can last up to 7-10 days.

Allergic reaction

Individual intolerance to certain foods, pet hair, medications, some components of cosmetics and other substances can provoke an allergic reaction, which at times causes swelling of the cheeks and eyes, nose, face, tongue or lips. Allergic reactions are often accompanied by hives, itching, rash, watery eyes, nasal congestion and other symptoms.

Lymphadenopathy or swollen lymph nodes

Sometimes swelling can appear due to inflammation of the lymph nodes that are located behind the ear. Swollen lymph nodes can be due to dental infection, cancer, and others.

Inflammation of the salivary glands

When the salivary glands, which are located in the cheek, are inflamed, the swelling is located closer to the ear or eye. Swelling of the submandibular and sublingual glands is manifested by swelling of the lower part of the cheek and near the chin.

The cause of swollen salivary glands is most often bacterial or viral infections, which lead to swelling and inflammation. Common causes of swollen salivary glands include HIV, mumps, salivary stones, tumors, Sjögren's syndrome, malnutrition, influenza A, poor hygiene and dehydration.

With sialolithiasis (clogging of the salivary duct with stones), swelling of the cheek may be observed.

Before starting treatment for inflamed glands, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis. Only after this the doctor will be able to select the necessary medications.

Swollen cheek bone

Sometimes swelling of the cheeks may occur as a result of swelling of the cheekbone. This can happen due to factors such as:

  • trauma (for example, from a blow);
  • sinusitis;
  • salivary gland infections;
  • infection or tooth extraction.

In this case, swelling can be in the area of ​​the upper or lower jaw on either side or simultaneously on both. It may be painful when you lie on the affected side.

Bulimia is a psychological disorder associated with sudden changes in food intake, in which a person suffers from bouts of food alcoholism (eating a large amount of food in a short period of time), followed by an attempt to get rid of the food consumed (purging), by inducing vomiting, grueling physical activity and taking laxatives.

Uncontrolled fast eating, gastric reflux after eating, as a rule, destroy teeth, cause swelling of the salivary glands and cheeks. Treatment for this condition includes working with a psychologist to develop behavioral changes, taking antidepressants, physiological therapy and stress management courses.

Other reasons:

  • Cystic acne – Cystic acne on the cheek can lead to swelling, especially on the acne-affected side.
  • A skin boil or abscess is “a localized infection in the skin that begins with redness.” , lead to the formation of pus under the skin, and, as a result, swelling.
  • Neoplasms and Keloids – Keloids are caused by excess scar tissue formation and are usually painless.
  • Cellulite is a purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, due to which the skin swells and turns red, and a local increase in temperature is also possible.
  • Sinus swelling in the cheek. Sometimes severe sinusitis, especially maxillary sinusitis, can lead to swelling in the cheeks. This will be accompanied by symptoms such as cheekbone pain, swollen and red cheekbone, nasal discharge and fever.
  • Side effects of certain medications. Some people have experienced swelling of the cheeks and gums after taking novocaine (Novacaine).
  • Ingrown hairs
  • Rosacea (rosacea)
  • Sebaceous cysts
  • Seborrhea
  • Cancer of the salivary glands, skin or mouth
  • Malnutrition
  • Hereditary angioedema
  • Burns
  • Ulcers on the inside of the cheek

Swelling on the inside of the cheek

Sometimes the swelling is located on the inside of the cheek. This can be caused by most of the reasons already mentioned - dental problems (decay and infection), ulcers, swollen salivary glands, mouth and cheek ulcers, trauma, infections (bacterial or viral), tooth abscess, lymph node problems (especially preauricular, submandibular nodes and tonsillar lymph nodes), mumps.

Additionally, various procedures such as fillings, oral surgery, tooth extractions, cheek piercings can also lead to swollen cheeks inside the mouth.

This problem occurs in both adults and children and can be accompanied by numbness in the cheek. Treatment for a swollen inner cheek will depend on the underlying cause of the condition.

Swelling of the cheeks and gums

Swelling of the cheeks and gums can be caused by any of the reasons mentioned.

In addition, gum problems may be associated with gingivitis, teething syndrome, herpetic stomatitis, parulis, periodontal disease, malnutrition, ill-fitting dentures, and viral or fungal infections. It is also known that pericorinitis (inflammation of the soft tissue of the gums) leads to swelling of the gums and cheeks.

With this type of swelling, the affected area may be numb and painful when chewing. To reduce swelling, you can try applying a cold compress, rinsing with a saline solution, and using antifungal medications.

Swelling of the cheek in a child

In children, this problem can be caused by broken bones, an allergic reaction, infection, dental abscess, fillings, some gum infections, mumps, and others. The swelling can turn the cheeks red, cause toothache, and can also spread to the jaw and neck depending on the cause. Also, in a small child, swelling may be associated with teething, which is not dangerous and will go away on its own.

Swelling of the jaw

Swelling of the cheek, jaw, and neck area can be caused by any of the causes of cheek swelling discussed above. It may be accompanied by pain or numbness depending on the underlying cause of the swelling.

Common causes include blunt force trauma, dental surgery, oral surgery, corrective jaw surgery, chin surgery, dental problems, salivary gland infections, and others. They can affect both the cheeks and jaw.

Swelling of the cheeks and eyes

Sometimes puffy cheeks can be accompanied by puffy eyes, especially if it's caused by allergies. At the same time, eye problems can also cause swelling in the cheeks. Make sure you have been given the correct diagnosis.

Pain with swelling

Not all swelling is accompanied by pain. Normally, swelling may cause minor pain or none at all. Sometimes cysts, tooth abscess, allergic reactions, swelling due to malnutrition, etc. do not cause pain.

If swelling is still painful, you can use over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications and cold compresses to reduce inflammation and swelling.

The treatment option for a swollen cheek will depend on the underlying cause. You should seek medical help for diagnosis and proper medication. Common treatments for a swollen cheek include:

Medicines– These may include antibiotics, antivirals, anti-inflammatory drugs, or other prescribed medications, depending on what caused the swelling.

Antihistamines– if the swelling is caused by an allergic reaction, you need to use antihistamines and avoid allergens.

Home Remedies– You can also try a number of home remedies to reduce swelling.

How to relieve swelling at home?

In addition to drug treatment, there are some methods that can help cope with swelling at home. Some of these treatments will be good for treating swelling caused by dental problems.

Warm and cold compresses

For mild swelling caused by injury, dental treatment, or surgery, warm or cold compresses can be used.

A good effect can be achieved by applying a cold compress with ice to the affected area. To do this, several ice cubes should be wrapped in a piece of cloth or towel and applied to the swelling for 20 minutes.

Potato compress

Apply potato slices to your cheek for 15-20 minutes 2-3 times a day. This will help reduce pain and swelling.

Eat soft foods, avoid hot drinks and reduce salt intake

Eating chips or any other hard foods can put pressure on the tooth and increase swelling in the cheeks. Instead, eat soft foods and avoid hot drinks. Too much salt intake, among other things, can cause swelling of the face and cheeks.

Other ways

  • Maintain good oral hygiene. It is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day to prevent the growth of bacteria. This will reduce the chance of infection or destruction of tooth enamel, which can lead to swelling of the cheek.
  • Rinse your mouth with a solution of sea salt at the rate of 1/2 teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water.

When should you see a doctor?

If you develop severe and sudden swelling of your cheek that is accompanied by swelling of your lips, face, or tongue, or severe difficulty breathing (including wheezing, choking), you should seek immediate medical attention as this may be the result of a serious allergic reaction that may be life threatening.

Trouble doesn’t come alone: ​​what to do if your tooth hurts and your cheek is swollen

A tooth hurts, a swollen cheek - such complaints can appear at least once in every person’s life, regardless of how carefully oral hygiene is observed.

Quite often, people who notice a toothache or a swollen cheek do not seek help from a dentist, but try to cure this ailment on their own.

But there is no need to do this, since it is important to take all necessary measures to determine the cause of the disease and eliminate it. After all, if you do not see a doctor in time, this can lead to very sad consequences.

Many people do not go to the doctor for the reason that they are afraid of pain or the buzzing of the drill. But some people don't have enough time due to work or don't have enough money to visit the dentist.

There are now dozens of tips on the Internet regarding how to eliminate pain or swelling of the cheek.

It is important to know that self-medication and refusal to go to a specialist can only make the problem worse.

Causes of pain

In addition to caries, other causes of pain may include:

  • Gum inflammation. Periodontal disease often leads to the spread of infection into the periodontal tissue. If this disease occurs, the patient needs examination and high-quality long-term treatment;
  • Reaction to root canal filling. If a dentist cleans root canals and is unable to check his result using diagnostic equipment, then sometimes unpleasant things can happen. Nerve tissue may remain in the root canals, which can lead to serious consequences in the future;
  • Inflammation after tooth extraction. Tooth extraction surgery leaves an open wound. It can get infected at any time. Further inflammation may develop, which occurs in different ways and with great complications in the tissue and periosteum;
  • Appearance of a cyst. A dental cyst develops over a couple of years and may not make itself felt. Over time, this process can gradually spread to the periosteum tissue. If the infection is so severe, then the patient not only has the tooth removed, but also the damaged tissue is cleaned using antiseptics;
  • Infection due to injury;
  • Infection of tissues through lymph nodes.

There are a huge number of reasons for the formation of a cheek tumor and toothache. But it is important to determine it in order to provide quality treatment.

How are toothache and cheek swelling related?

Toothache often indicates that the patient has an acute disease affecting the teeth or oral cavity.

In this case, inflammation is considered a protective reaction of the body. It may present with swelling and pain.

In addition, the presence of pain indicates the formation of pus in the tooth.

How to remove a tumor?

Measures to eliminate a cheek tumor in the presence of toothache depend precisely on the nature of the disease. From the very beginning, the disease that is the cause is treated, after which the swelling may go away on its own.

If you have a toothache or a swollen cheek, how can you remove the swelling using folk remedies? The following methods are effective:

  1. Rinse with soda solution. To do this, take a glass of warm water, in which you need to dissolve a teaspoon of regular table soda. You can also rinse with salt, which perfectly relieves the inflammatory process.
  2. An effective remedy for tumors is the use of chamomile, oak herbs, sage and other inflammatory herbs.
  3. Tea tree oil is very helpful in eliminating cheek swelling. It must first be dissolved in sea buckthorn oil. After this, it is necessary to treat the wounds with this mixture.

Therapy for flux

If you suspect gumboil, patients should urgently visit their dentist. He will conduct an examination and prescribe medications that will be aimed at relieving the inflammatory process.

A good doctor may also recommend rinsing your mouth with folk remedies. If the case is advanced, the dentist may prescribe antibiotics for flux.

When a tooth hurts and a swollen cheek - what to do to relieve pain symptoms? Treatment is as follows:

  • rest for a sore tooth;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • taking painkillers;
  • physiotherapy.

On average, such treatment is carried out for 3 weeks, because bone tissue becomes infected and requires a long recovery. If you do not follow all the dentist’s recommendations, you may have a complication in the form of purulent periostitis.

As a rule, depending on the complications of the disease, there are 2 methods of treating periostitis: surgical and conservative.

The conservative method is that the source of inflammation in the tooth is eliminated from the very beginning.

If a situation arises when it is necessary to remove the inflamed nerve bundle, then pulpitis is treated with painkillers and root canal filling.

Surgical treatment for periostitis is used quite often. This applies to the diseased tooth that needs to be removed, and the soft tissues where the pus is located.

If there are indications, doctors remove the problematic tooth. To do this, an incision is made in the gum so that the hard tissues of the tooth can be easily removed. This operation is performed to remove the pus. It is important to understand that the formation of pus leads to a deterioration in the patient’s condition. For this reason, timely cleansing is considered the best way to treat periostitis.

When the first symptoms of periostitis occur, you should not delay your visit to the dentist. Also, you should not treat the tooth on your own using folk remedies or taking antibiotics. The diagnosis in this case is very serious and it is problematic to cure this disease yourself. Although the pain can be eliminated with painkillers, the problem itself cannot be eliminated with medicine.

It is important to know that the dentist independently selects the treatment method for periostitis depending on what is causing it.

Disorders during treatment

If after tooth extraction your cheek is swollen and hurts, then at first it is better to apply ice to the sore cheek from the side of the extracted tooth for 10 minutes throughout the day.

Such manipulations will not only eliminate pain, but also remove swelling.

In addition to rinsing with a soda solution or infusions of medicinal herbs, you can use medicinal compresses. You should start treating the oral cavity one day after tooth extraction.

Quite often in dentistry, Metrodent gel is used to relieve swelling and heal an open wound.

If you want to remove the swelling from your cheek, you can use Fastum gel, Lyoton gel and Dolobene gel. These medications not only eliminate swelling, but also relieve toothache.

It is important to contact your dentist at the first appearance of tooth pain. In addition, it is necessary to adhere to the dentist’s recommendations and not carry out self-treatment using antibiotics.

Useful video:

What to do if you are worried about toothache and what can cause it - possible causes and a recipe for an effective rinse to relieve inflammation in the mouth:

Almost all of us from childhood were instilled with the idea of ​​​​obligatory visits to the dentist in order to prevent and early detect diseases associated with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. However, few people follow this rule and, as a result, people consult a doctor already at the stage of full development of a particular disease, that is, only when obvious clinical signs appear (discomfort in the oral cavity, swelling of the cheek, etc.).

So what to do if your cheek is very swollen and how to quickly relieve the swelling? First of all, you should not self-medicate, but rather immediately visit a dentist, who, after conducting an examination, will prescribe the correct treatment.

What can cause cheek swelling?

Internal swelling of the soft tissues of the cheek can be caused by an inflammatory process occurring inside the diseased tooth or form as a result improper surgical intervention.

Almost all pathologies of the oral cavity are accompanied by pain, so the doctor can prescribe adequate treatment only after identifying the cause of the pain syndrome.

Unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity can be caused by the following factors:

  • diseases of nearby organs (eg trigeminal nerve, maxillary sinus, etc.);
  • pathological changes in the oral cavity;
  • treatment carried out with any violation.

In addition, sensations of discomfort can be permanent or temporary, appearing from exposure to third-party irritants (sweet, hot, cold), as well as from pressure.

Swelling of the cheek resulting from pathology of the oral cavity, treatment

There are several reasons that provoke the appearance of a cheek tumor. Periodontal disease- with age, gums lose elasticity and begin to bleed, and teeth become less stable. Gums and teeth affected by this disease are easily susceptible to various infections.

In some cases, an extensive tumor appears in place of the remaining periodontal tissues, which cannot be eliminated with medication. The only way out in this situation is tooth extraction followed by prosthetics.

Inflammatory infiltrate. A neglected condition of the oral cavity, as well as unprofessional dental treatment, can provoke the appearance of diseases such as pulpitis and apical periodontitis. Usually, shortly before a tumor occurs, a person begins to experience toothache.

In such cases, the source of inflammation is located in the lower or upper jaw and is closely adjacent to the root canal. If you do not go to the clinic in time, after 4-7 days a flux may appear, which later turns into more severe forms, such as an abscess or phlegmon.

The inflammatory process is accompanied by softening of soft tissues and accumulation of pus, which can penetrate into areas of the body adjacent to the diseased jaw and even into the circulatory system, which can cause sepsis and in this case, death is not excluded. To avoid such consequences, you should immediately contact a specialist for therapy.

Incorrect formation of wisdom teeth. Swelling of the cheek may occur due to impaired eruption or development of the eighth teeth. A mucous sac appears on the affected area, into which food debris penetrates.

Since it is very difficult to completely get rid of them, the remaining food particles can cause irritation of the mucous membrane. This process is most often accompanied by pain, and in some cases an increase in temperature and the occurrence of swelling of the gums or the cheek itself.

If the wisdom tooth has only partially erupted, then when eating and talking it can have a traumatic effect on the soft tissues of the cheek, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the tumor. To the patient you need to contact a specialist, which will cut the mucous hood, thereby freeing up space for further periodontal development. However, in most cases, the doctor suggests surgery to remove the problem tooth.

Cheek swelling due to unprofessional treatment

Swelling of the cheek can also occur as a result of unqualified treatment. After dental nerve removal. Unprofessional treatment, in which a small piece of nerve remains in a filled tooth, can cause swelling of the cheek, although in general there is no pain. It should be remembered that in such cases, failure to take proper measures can lead to complete tooth loss.

Allergic reactions. Before carrying out treatment, the specialist must ask the patient about the presence or absence of allergic reactions to certain components present in dental materials.

A cheek tumor, as a manifestation of an allergy, occurs some time after medical intervention. In this case, the dentist must remove the filling that contains an allergenic substance and replace the material with a more neutral one.

After the gum incision. A similar operation is performed in case of formation of a swelling with purulent contents in order to ensure the outflow of fluid. In the first days after this, the swelling of the cheek may increase.

After tooth extraction. Surgery performed with complications can also cause swelling of the cheek. Therefore, experts advise not to touch the affected area with your tongue or hands for another 24 hours after the procedure, and also to avoid drinking alcohol, irritating foods, and hot foods.

If a tumor appears, it is necessary to apply ice to the sore spot, but for no more than 10–15 minutes, in order to avoid hypothermia of the cheek. The procedure can be carried out several times.

If the consequence of dental surgery is one (or more) of the following symptoms, the patient should immediately contact the clinic:

  • Increased body temperature and a feeling of fullness at the site of edema.
  • The pain in the affected area intensifies every day.
  • Increasing swelling may indicate an increase in the inflammatory process, which leads to suppuration.

Other diseases that cause cheek swelling

In addition to the above pathologies of the oral cavity, cheek swelling can be caused by the presence of other diseases. Infections. When viruses enter the human body, specialists prescribe a course of antibacterial therapy to get rid of the underlying disease and, as a result, swelling of the cheek. Most often, such cases occur in children during the onset of diseases associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Neurological diseases, accompanied not only by the occurrence of swelling of the cheek, but by such signs as congestion of the ear canals, pain in the throat and others. In this case, to find out the cause, you should consult a neurologist.

Cyst sebaceous gland may cause changes in facial shape. If there is a constant growth of the tumor and the swelling of the cheek increases, you should seek help from a surgeon for surgery.

Pathologies of internal organs. Excess water in the body, causing swelling of the cheeks, may indicate the presence of serious diseases that require medical intervention.

Injuries and bruises. Swelling of the cheek can also occur after mechanical damage. If there is no fracture, a cold compress will help reduce the size of the tumor. Otherwise, you will have to show the damaged area to a traumatologist.

But you should not make a diagnosis yourself, but rather consult a dentist, since in most cases the cheek swells due to problems in the oral cavity.

Cheek swollen from a tooth: what to do, prevention

Every person should know that swelling of the cheek that does not go away within two days may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process, the result of which may be occurrence of complications or tooth loss.

There are several ways to help reduce swelling, but in no case are they a reason to avoid going to the dentist:

  1. Rinsing with chlorhexidine, sage or chamomile will help get rid of swelling resulting from wisdom tooth removal.
  2. An effective remedy for relieving swelling of the cheek is also a saline or soda solution, which can also be used as an anesthetic and antiseptic. Rinsing your mouth with this solution will prevent the appearance of harmful microorganisms and help relieve inflammation.
  3. Teething in children is also often accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues of the cheek, and in this case special cooling gels, ointments and creams have worked well, with the help of which you can get rid of pain and also relieve swelling.
  4. If a tumor appears on one side, you can use a cotton ball soaked in Kalanchoe or aloe juice. The cotton wool is applied to the gum or inner surface of the cheek.
  5. Insect bites can also cause swelling. In this case, it is recommended to apply a compress with a decoction of chamomile or aloe to the sore spot and take an antihistamine once.

To prevent painful swollen cheeks, experts recommend choosing toothpastes and brushes that match your type of gums and teeth. And it is also advisable to take vitamin complexes to maintain immunity, carry out daily gum massage and reduce (or better yet completely eliminate) the consumption of sweets.

It will also help prevent unnecessary problems from occurring. maintaining hygiene rules and regular dental checkups. And remember, unreasonably postponing a visit to a specialized clinic can provoke dangerous complications.

Treatment of gum tumor after removal of a diseased tooth

Sometimes the cheek and gums swell after the removal of a diseased tooth or after its treatment. This is a completely natural phenomenon that occurs in response to outside interference. As a rule, such swelling is not accompanied by pain and goes away on its own after a few days.

You can speed up this process by using the following tips:

    Apply cold to the swollen cheek. This could be an ice pack wrapped in a cloth or a cold heating pad. One procedure takes 10 minutes, it can be repeated every 2-3 hours until relief occurs.

    In order to reduce inflammation, you can rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, oak bark, calamus root) or soda solution. However, it is prohibited to carry out such treatment earlier than 24 hours from completion of treatment.

    Applying Metrodent gel to the mucous membrane helps relieve swelling from the cheeks and gums.

Treatment of gum swelling during wisdom tooth eruption

Very often, the appearance of gum swelling is associated with the fact that a person’s wisdom teeth begin to erupt. This process may be accompanied by mild pain and redness.

If possible, you should consult with your dentist, but until then, the following recommendations will help reduce swelling at home:

    Rinsing the mouth with a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water (200 ml of boiled water per 1 tablespoon of peroxide). The resulting product can be used up to 4 times a day.

    Rinse the mouth with a solution of iodine and soda. To prepare it you will need 200 ml of boiled water, three drops of iodine and a teaspoon of soda. All this must be mixed thoroughly and rinsed your mouth up to six times a day.

    You can prepare an infusion based on a mixture of herbs. To do this, you will need to take a teaspoon each of nettle and calendula, add two teaspoons of plantain. The resulting dry mixture is poured with boiling water (200 ml) and left for an hour. After which the infusion is filtered, cotton wool or a tampon is moistened in it and applied to the swollen area.

    A compress based on fresh egg yolk, powdered sugar (a teaspoon) and vegetable oil (a tablespoon) helps eliminate swelling. The ingredients are mixed, after which a cotton swab is soaked in the resulting mixture and applied to the sore spot.

    You can use propolis, but it is important that it is infused with water and not alcohol. You should rinse your mouth with this tincture, especially carefully working on the side with swelling. Propolis contains tannins, which not only help eliminate inflammation, but also quickly relieve pain.

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Treatment of gum tumor with gumboil

If gum swelling is caused by gumboil, this will manifest itself in gum hyperemia, severe swelling and pain. The painful sensations are very intense. In addition, there is an increase in temperature.

The fact is that with flux, microbial inflammation of the periosteum occurs and pus begins to accumulate there. It is its accumulation that leads to the formation of a tumor under the gum tissue. In this case, the person needs urgent medical attention, as there is a risk of developing serious complications, including blood poisoning and death of the patient. Treating flux at home is strictly prohibited.

However, if you cannot immediately see a doctor, you can try the following tips:

    Rinse your mouth with saline solution. Salt is a natural antiseptic that helps reduce inflammation and swelling.

    An alcohol infusion of calendula or sage should be diluted in a glass of water (30 drops per glass), after which you can rinse your mouth with the resulting solution. If you don’t have an alcohol infusion on hand, you can brew dry crushed sage or calendula herb in the amount of three tablespoons with 500 ml of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, it must be strained and used as a rinse.

    Aloe juice helps relieve pain and swelling from flux. Fresh leaves need to be ground and applied to the sore spot. The resulting slurry must be wrapped in clean gauze so that it does not fall apart. Apply a tampon with aloe to the affected area for up to 2 hours.

    Kalanchoe juice has an anti-inflammatory effect. A cotton ball is moistened in it and placed on the inner surface of the cheek on the side where there is swelling.

    You can use Metrogyl Denta or Levomekol ointments to reduce inflammation and relieve swelling. They are applied to the swollen area of ​​the gum once a day. Moreover, it is best to first apply Levomekol on gauze, and only then apply it to the gums. Metrogyl Denta can be left on the gums until completely absorbed, and tampons with Levomekol need to be changed periodically. Both products can be used repeatedly.

    You can relieve swelling by rinsing your mouth with herbal-based Rotokan phytosolution. It must be diluted with water at the rate of 5 ml of product per glass of water.

It should be remembered that during flux, all warming procedures are strictly prohibited, as they increase the risk of inflammation spreading to nearby tissues, as well as the risk of infection spreading into the blood. In addition, you should not apply a tight bandage to your cheek. Any mechanical impact from the outside can aggravate the patient’s condition. As soon as possible, you need to seek medical help.

Some simple and effective compresses for swelling of the gums and cheeks

    Compress with onions. To prepare it, the onion is boiled in milk, then crushed to a puree. The resulting pulp is wrapped in gauze and applied to the sore spot. You need to repeat the procedure up to 4 times a day.

    Dough with honey. To prepare it you need to take rye flour, water and honey. All these components should be mixed so that you get a mass similar in consistency to thick dough. It should be applied to the sore gum 3 times a day.

    You can apply a boiled cabbage leaf to the gum, but it should be cooled first.

    Pine resin, popularly known as resin, helps reduce swelling. It is applied to a gauze pad and applied to the inflamed gum.

Symptoms of diseases of various etiologies

Inflammatory process

Let's start with the causes of swelling of the cheeks, which are inflammatory in nature:

  • Periostitis (flux) - inflammation of the jaw. Dentists call the following distinctive symptoms: a very swollen cheek, acute pain (in some cases spreading to the ear, temporal region and eye), a possible increase in body temperature up to 38.5°C. If inflammation occurs in the upper jaw, then there will be swelling under the eyes.
  • Eruption of wisdom teeth. If the cheek is swollen, the cause may be the eighth tooth in the row (third molar). Wisdom teeth erupt at the age of 14-25 years. Inflammation occurs when only part of the tooth is visible. The infection accumulates in the pocket (hood) between the tooth and the gum, resulting in pericoronitis (inflammation of the soft tissue of the gums surrounding the erupting tooth). It often happens that due to lack of space in the jaw row, the third molar may erupt on the buccal side. Injuring the mucous membrane, resulting in swelling of the cheek.
  • Periodontitis. A swelling on the cheek can be a consequence of a serious disease called periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth, followed by their destruction and the possible formation of cysts. There is pain when biting, general malaise, and headache. Failure to promptly consult a doctor with this disease can lead to tooth loss.

Visiting the dentist

A swollen cheek may be the result of a previous visit to the dentist.

  • Tooth extraction procedure. As a rule, if your cheek is swollen and hurts after tooth extraction, then the operation was quite complicated. Swelling is acceptable for 1-3 days. Avoid drinking hot or cold drinks. It is necessary to apply a cold compress to the area where the cheek is swollen. Rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions to relieve swelling and prevent the spread of infection.
  • Allergic reaction to materials used by the doctor. If you are prone to allergic reactions, be sure to inform your dentist before starting treatment. It uses hypoallergenic materials. If an allergy does occur (swollen cheek), you must consult a doctor again to replace the materials used.
  • Removal of a nerve for pulpitis. The reason why the cheek is swollen after this procedure is that the nerve was not completely removed. We advise you to seek help from another, more qualified dentist. But don't delay searching for it. You risk that your whole face may swell, and the most irreversible thing is tooth loss.

Infectious disease mumps

Swelling on the cheeks as a symptom of an acute infectious disease - mumps.

Mumps (mumps) is an infectious disease with non-purulent damage to the glandular organs and the central nervous system. Infection occurs by airborne droplets. Incubation period (from the moment of infection to the development of symptoms): 11 - 23 days; more often 13 - 19 days. Manifested by general malaise, increased body temperature, pain in the ear area.

What to do if your cheek is swollen as a result of this disease? Therapy aimed specifically at combating the causative agent of mumps is not required. The main thing is to avoid complications. To do this, it is necessary to comply with bed rest for at least 10 days and a gentle diet.

Allergic reaction

Allergies can also result in swelling of the cheeks. It is quite simple to distinguish an allergic reaction that can result in swollen cheeks. Absence of pain on palpation is the main symptom! Itching and redness are also possible.

Diseases of internal organs

Swelling on the cheeks as a signal of pathological processes in the functioning of internal organs. In this case, the eye may also become swollen (the left one - in case of heart disease), the entire face or limbs. You should especially worry if the cheeks may swell and the swelling does not go away for a long time, while the inflammatory process is not visible. Be sure to consult a therapist, he should figure out why this condition occurs.


A neoplasm on the cheek, mouth or lip, as a cause of swelling.

The cyst is a soft, round tissue. Its size ranges from 0.3 to 5 cm. The cause of its appearance is damage to the mucous membrane (burn, blow, biting while chewing). The growth of education is slow. Sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the oral cavity. At the same time, there is a complete absence of pain.

The question “my cheek is swollen, what should I do?” in this case, you need to ask the surgeon. The cyst is removed surgically under local anesthesia.

Basic treatment methods

Of course, your dentist, therapist or allergist (depending on the causes of the swollen cheek) will best tell you how to remove a swollen cheek.

When to see a doctor immediately?

It is especially necessary to rush to seek help from a specialist in the following course of the disease:

  • swelling increases along with pain
  • increase in body temperature
  • bad breath
  • purulent or bloody discharge

Do not use warm compresses under any circumstances, they only contribute to the progression of the inflammatory process and the spread of pus!

Treatment at home

What to do at home to alleviate the condition?

  • Rinse with a solution of baking soda and salt. The simplest, but very effective way. In a glass of warm boiled water, dilute a tablespoon of soda and salt. Rinse at least three times a day.
  • Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic. An excellent assistant in the fight against various infections. Sold in every pharmacy and at an affordable price. Rinse your entire mouth with it 3 times a day until symptoms disappear completely.
  • Rinse with herbal decoction. Chamomile, sage, oak bark. Brew according to the instructions on the package. And rinse as often as possible.
  • Apply a cold compress for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure as often as possible, but at least once every three hours.
  • Take a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory drug (Analgin, Nimesil). But do not take any medications before visiting a doctor! This may dull symptoms, leading to misdiagnosis of the disease.

All these methods can only help temporarily relieve symptoms, relieving pain. But they definitely won’t cure a bad tooth and the cause will remain. This means that everything could happen again in the near future.

How to remove cheek swelling resulting from allergies?

The first thing is to identify and eliminate the allergen that caused this condition (insect bite, cosmetics, perfumes, dust, animal hair, food, plant pollen). If necessary, take an antihistamine (Diazolin, Suprastin).

A timely visit to a specialist will help you avoid troubles, professionally treat the cause, and therefore the swelling, without complications. Take care of yourself!

Swelling gumboil

The causes of gumboil lie in a simple toothache, which occurs as a result of the onset of an inflammatory process. The infection penetrates through the carious hole, as a result of which the pulp is corroded, this place is very painful, and it can be quite difficult to relieve the pain with rinses and painkillers. Why does this area hurt so much? Because the nerve endings are damaged, after this process is completed, the pain subsides for a while, but the process of rotting begins. Mechanical trauma to the mucous membrane, hypothermia and other associated factors can restart the process of periostitis.

Severe inflammation begins at the end of the tooth, the reason for this is the accumulation of pus inside the gums. In the future, the pus will begin to break out - at first a swelling will be noticeable, if it is not treated, a fistula will appear, which will be a small, light-colored tubercle with pus inside. In this case, only surgical treatment can relieve pain and swelling.

A breakthrough of the abscess in this case can cause severe intoxication of the entire body, posing a strong threat to the body with the possibility of death.

Other causes of cheek swelling

There are other reasons why the cheek is very painful and swollen; in order to begin effective treatment, you need to determine why this is happening:

  • swelling as a result of disruption of internal organs. The cheek swells severely when the liver and heart malfunction. Sometimes the fluid that is not removed from the body is distributed evenly throughout the body, but sometimes it accumulates in certain parts of the body. In this case, emergency medical treatment must be used to relieve swelling;
  • mechanical damage. Swelling can occur as a result of even a minor blow, let alone serious damage. A penetrating wound or trauma caused by a blunt object causes swelling that hurts. If there is no bleeding or headache, then no treatment is required and the swelling will go away on its own. If you want to quickly get rid of swelling, you can apply a cool compress;
  • Why does my cheek hurt and swell? The reason may lie in a viral or bacterial infection introduced into the oral cavity. The development of this infection can occur quite quickly, and in this case treatment will be necessary, usually ibuprofen and other similar medications are prescribed. They can also reduce swelling;
  • an allergic reaction can also be the reason why the cheek hurts and swells; it is in second place after gumboil. This may be an allergic reaction to cosmetics applied to the body and face, medications containing an allergen, dust, food and insect bites. In the summer, the cheek can become swollen as a result of a bee or wasp sting - you may not even see the bite, but swelling will occur. To diagnose an allergy, it is enough to take a test at the clinic; treatment will also consist of taking special medications that relieve swelling. In most cases, swelling due to an allergic reaction is accompanied by itching and a red rash;
  • a sebaceous cyst, which can appear as a small swelling on the cheek, it begins with a tubercle and ends with large swelling. To get rid of such a cyst one cannot do without surgical intervention;
  • malignant or benign tumors are a rare cause of cheek swelling, but the presence of a hereditary predisposition and cancer should alert the patient if other causes have been excluded;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes, reflected on the cheeks - in this case, the swelling will be shifted to the neck, and the most painful part of the tumor will be in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. Inflammation usually occurs as a complication of a cold.

After tooth extraction

In some cases, you may notice a swelling on the cheek after a visit to the dentist. Tooth extraction is a rather traumatic process for the gums; in some cases, slight swelling may occur after it, which should go away on its own after a few hours or days. But in some cases, such swelling may indicate more serious consequences.

In what cases is it necessary to start sounding the alarm, and when is there no particular reason for concern? What should you do if you come home and discover such unpleasant consequences of the treatment? First of all, you need to decide in what cases you need to sound the alarm and when not.

Alarming symptoms

  • the swelling begins to constantly grow in size and does not subside for a long time. This indicates that suppuration is occurring, and it will not disappear on its own; on the contrary, there is a possibility of pus breaking through and spreading all the way to the eye;
  • Over time, there is no decrease in severe pain. Even after complex operations in which bones are cut out, the pain subsides within a few days. In all other cases, the presence of severe, prolonged pain is abnormal;
  • edematous tissues have tension, compaction is observed under them;
  • the temperature rises, a dull aching pain occurs, a headache may begin, there is weakness - these are symptoms of periostitis;
  • the swelling does not go away, and it becomes difficult to open your mouth and swallow - it is likely that an infection has occurred in the tonsils;
  • there is pain, there is swelling, but there is nothing in the socket of the extracted tooth. In this case, there is a possibility of developing an infection, because nothing covers the entrance to the socket of the extracted tooth. In order to avoid severe consequences of inflammation with further suppuration, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

When is swelling safe?

In some situations, swelling after tooth extraction is not dangerous:

  • when the swelling does not increase, it begins to subside over time. Some swelling is normal after gum removal; it disappears after one to two days;
  • in the evening there was a slight fever and swelling, but in the morning everything began to go away - this situation is not uncommon, sometimes fever occurs when a tooth is removed;
  • there is no growing toothache or headache, it is dull, calm, and tends to decrease;
  • After tooth extraction, the cheek often swells in obese people and hypertensive patients who have a lot of subcutaneous fat on their faces.

Such swelling is an individual feature of the body, so there is nothing terrible about it, and it goes away without treatment.


What should you do if you understand that the swelling is safe, but pain and swelling cause discomfort? In this case, it is recommended to resort to folk remedies and home treatment methods.

  • Place a cool compress on the swelling and hold it for about 30 minutes. The procedure should be repeated every two hours, and in this case warm compresses are prohibited; if there is pus in the wound, then in the warmth it will burst out;
  • You can take a painkiller tablet. You can not just swallow an analgin tablet, but dissolve it and leave it in place of the swollen gum;
  • You can rinse your mouth with herbal infusions. To do this, you can use a variety of natural antiseptics - chamomile, sage, St. John's wort. The infusion must be brewed at the rate of one tablespoon of dry herb per two hundred milliliters of water.

Before visiting a doctor, you should not apply any compresses, not only hot, but also cold. They can influence the course of the disease, as well as worsen the general condition of a person. If you have a cheek tumor, it is advisable to refrain from taking painkillers; they complicate the diagnosis and do not allow the doctor to determine the nature of the pain.

In any case, no matter what additional symptoms and conditions are accompanied by swelling, it needs to be examined by a doctor.

What can cause a swollen cheek?

Let's look at the question of why, under the influence of what factors, the cheek swells. Any swelling of the cheek is associated with inflammatory processes. You should not hope that the inflammation will go away on its own - it can be very serious even in cases where the tooth does not hurt, but the cheek is swollen. If you neglect the disease and do not seek medical help on time, the most unfavorable consequences are possible.

All reasons can be divided into three main groups:

  • diseases that have developed in the oral cavity;
  • diseases of organs located in other parts of the body;
  • consequence of dental treatment.

Increase in cheek size due to oral diseases

Such diseases include pulpitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis and others. Under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, tissues can become inflamed and swollen. The occurrence of swelling leads to pain and discomfort in the mouth.

Odontogenic periostitis, also called gumboil, is an inflammation of the periosteum. The disease can occur as a result of carious lesions of the tooth, due to mechanical damage to tissues, or when the gingival pocket is affected by the inflammatory process. The swelling of the cheek is accompanied by the formation of pus in the gums. Gradually, its amount increases, due to compression of the nerve receptors of the surrounding tissues, intense throbbing pain is noted.

When purulent masses come out, a hole appears on the gum - a fistula. At the same time, the pressure of the pus decreases and the pain becomes weaker. Flux treatment is surgical - an incision is made to remove the pus. A rubber tube is inserted into the hole - drainage, which prevents the hole from closing until the pus is completely released. If left untreated, pus can enter the bloodstream, contributing to intoxication of the body with decay products of cells and bacteria, and the spread of infection to other organs with the appearance of new foci of inflammation. In severe cases, blood poisoning can develop - sepsis, which poses a fatal threat to health.

The appearance of an inflammatory infiltrate

May accompany diseases such as periodontitis and pulpitis. The inflammatory infiltrate is a compacted tubercle on the cheek. Usually, a few days before the formation of a lump, pain in the teeth is felt. In the absence of timely treatment, the formation of phlegmon or an abscess is possible.

In the area of ​​the inflammatory infiltrate, pus accumulates, consisting of cells of dead tissue. This is a dangerous condition, as infection and purulent elements can spread to the tissues located under the jaw, or rise higher, affecting the subcutaneous layers in the eye area.

There is a risk of the inflammatory process spreading to the brain or developing sepsis, which can lead to death.

Swelling due to periodontal disease

In old age, some people suffer from periodontal disease, a disease that leads to receding gums and tooth loss. The disease occurs without pain, but may be accompanied by swelling. Swelling on the cheek cannot be eliminated with mouth rinses. The last, fourth, stage of periodontal disease is treated with surgical methods.

Complications caused by the eruption or growth of wisdom teeth

Often, as wisdom teeth develop, the mucous membrane located above the dental crown may become inflamed. Food particles that get inside the skin fold are not removed when brushing your teeth and contribute to the proliferation of microbes, the activity of which leads to tissue inflammation. As a result, the cheek may become swollen and painful.

Inflammation of the cheek also occurs if, when eating, a wisdom tooth hits the mucous membrane and bites through it. This also leads to tissue swelling. What to do if your cheek is swollen due to improper development of the eighth tooth - do not delay contacting the dentist. Sometimes the only way to solve the problem and prevent the swelling from returning in the future is to remove the wisdom tooth.

Infectious tissue damage

When an infection enters the tissue, inflammation, pain, and swelling of the cheek occur. In such a condition, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

In some cases, the cheek may become swollen after dental treatment. The following signs allow one to suspect a complication: the tumor increases in size, the intensity of pain increases, body temperature rises, and there is a feeling of distension in the mouth at the site of tissue swelling.

Possible causes of complications:

  1. An allergic reaction to the components of the material included in the dental filling. Swelling occurs a short period of time after filling a tooth. It manifests itself as unpleasant sensations due to swollen gums or cheeks. To eliminate the manifestations, it is necessary to replace the filling with another one with hypoallergenic components.
  2. Incomplete removal of the nerve in the treatment of pulpitis. If inflammatory particles remain in the tooth root canals, the infection spreads to healthy tissue. As a result of the swelling, the cheek may become puffy and swollen. To avoid losing a tooth, you should immediately seek help from a medical facility.
  3. Failure to follow medical recommendations after tooth extraction. After surgery, you must refrain from eating hot and solid foods and alcohol. To eliminate swelling, it is recommended to periodically apply ice to the swollen side of the cheek for about 10 minutes.
  4. An allergic reaction to the painkiller used during tooth extraction. In addition to tissue swelling, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing may occur. Urgent medical attention is needed to restore it.
  5. The consequence of an incision on the gum, allowing the drainage of pus. This procedure often leads to an increase in the tumor, but over time the volume of the infiltrate decreases and the cheek takes its normal shape.

Sebaceous cyst

With this disease, a small swollen tubercle first appears in the mouth, and after some time the cheek can become very swollen. Treatment of the disease is surgical.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

The dislocation of the swelling area is shifted towards the neck. Most often, the lymph nodes become inflamed during colds. It is noticeable visually and to the touch that the cheek is swollen at the bottom and hurts when approaching the surface of the lymph node.


When the tooth does not hurt, but the cheek is swollen, the formation of a benign or malignant tumor can be suspected. It is necessary to promptly consult a specialist to examine the body and treat the disease.

Pathologies of internal organs

Swelling of the cheeks can occur with heart disease and kidney dysfunction. If fluid is not removed effectively from the body, it can accumulate in certain parts of the body. Swelling can be eliminated by prescribing appropriate treatment. As the functioning of the internal organs improves, the swollen cheek takes on its normal appearance. Changes in facial shape can occur with neurological diseases. Sometimes this symptom is accompanied by a sore throat and stuffy ears.

Other causes of swelling of the cheek tissues

Mechanical injuries such as blows to the face, falls, and wounds caused by any objects are also accompanied by swelling and swelling of the tissues. In the absence of bleeding, bone fracture and signs of a concussion - dizziness, nausea - the swelling will gradually go away without special treatment.

If your cheek is very swollen, you can relieve the swelling with a cool compress of raw potatoes (grated or cut into two halves). You can use ointments designed to treat bruises. If swelling increases, you should consult a traumatologist.

Hypersensitivity to components of cosmetics, allergies to foods, household chemicals or medications can also lead to swelling. It is often caused by bee or wasp venom, which insects inject into the bite site. An appropriate blood test can determine what caused the allergic reaction. To eliminate swelling, medications are prescribed.

Diagnosis and treatment

What should you do if your cheek is swollen - be sure to check your health status and get examined by doctors. Since this symptom is most often observed with dental diseases, visit a dentist. If inflammatory processes in the gums and teeth are suspected, an X-ray examination of the oral cavity will help determine why the cheek swells and hurts, and determine the condition of the tissues. If necessary, you will need to consult other specialists: a therapist, a surgeon, a neurologist.

  • To relieve the inflammatory process, Nimesil or another anti-inflammatory drug is prescribed.
  • Ibuprofen and Ketorol help relieve pain.
  • Allergic manifestations can be eliminated with the help of Suprastin, Diazolin or Erius.
  • To prevent the spread of infection to other organs, antibiotics such as Lincomycin and Amoxiclav are used. Rinsing the mouth with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine has a good effect.
  • Therapeutic gels can relieve swelling and accelerate tissue healing: Metrodent, Troxevasin.

If swelling appears late in the evening and it is not possible to see a doctor right away, knowledge of how to relieve swelling of the cheek using traditional recipes will be useful. When using them further, you should definitely consult with your doctor. It is especially important for pregnant women to adhere to this rule in order to eliminate the risk of harmful effects on the child’s health.

There are many healing solutions that should be used to rinse your mouth if your cheek or gums are swollen:

  1. Infusion of nettle, sage, oak bark and calamus. To brew the product, use an equal amount of each ingredient, for example 1 tsp. for 250 ml of boiling water. After adding boiled water, you need to leave the mixture for 2 hours to infuse.
  2. A decoction of chamomile (2 tablespoons per glass of water, boil for 2 minutes) with the addition of a few drops of iodine.
  3. Garlic infusion. Three crushed cloves of garlic are poured into 250 ml. boiling water You can begin the procedure immediately after the product has cooled.
  4. A solution of baking soda and salt. Take 1 tsp per glass of warm water. each ingredient. If desired, you can also add a few drops of tea tree oil.

You can also use medicated compresses. For them, propolis tincture, a mixture of sea buckthorn and tea tree oils, Kalanchoe juice, herbal infusions or soda solution are used.

A cotton swab or disk is moistened in the prepared product and applied to the gums and inner surface of the cheek for 20–30 minutes. A compress in the form of the pulp of an aloe leaf or a piece of propolis mashed into a cake will give a good effect. All products used must be at room temperature. Hot compresses promote the spread of infection; cold solutions can aggravate the condition.

What to do if your cheek is swollen



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