Dark brown discharge after menstruation. Discharge after menstruation is normal and with the development of pathology

Menstrual irregularities are one of the first signs of the development of pathology affecting the reproductive system. Sometimes brown discharge that appears after menstruation is considered normal, but in some cases it indicates a serious illness. Therefore, if you have any incomprehensible symptoms, you should immediately go to the doctor.

If there is dark brown discharge after menstruation, every woman worries, what is it? When such a phenomenon becomes a continuation of menstruation and ends quickly, without being accompanied by unpleasant sensations, doctors call it the norm. Such daubing can appear under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Taking medications that affect blood clotting.
  2. Contraceptives - change not only the color of the discharge, but also its duration.
  3. Rough sex before your period can injure small vessels located in the vagina.
  4. Physical activity and stress are another reason why you smear brown for a long time after your period ends.
  5. Strict diet.

There may be several reasons for brown periods

If the discharge is considered normal and does not cause any inconvenience, no action needs to be taken. Normally, it should not cause discomfort, pain or fever.

There are several factors that cause dark discharge to appear. These are the following reasons:

  1. Menstruation has not ended - spotting, which is observed no more than three days after it, is a completely natural phenomenon. When the endometrium leaves the uterus, less blood is released, and by the tenth day it should completely disappear. If the discharge lasts longer, has a bright red color, or has become more abundant, urgent medical attention is needed. This is a clear sign of serious pathology.
  2. Taking hormonal contraceptives - the appearance of spotting a few days after the end of menstruation may be the result of using contraceptives. In the first three months, this symptom is quite acceptable. But when the discharge lasts longer, the drug should be changed or its use should be stopped altogether.
  3. Ovulation and implantation - when a fertilized egg is released from the follicle, mucus is released from the vagina, which may contain blood impurities. This is normal. If you had unprotected sex on the days of ovulation, dark brown spotting may be a sign of pregnancy.

All these conditions are considered physiological, but only in the absence of pain and odor. If greenish smears and pain appear in the abdomen, you should urgently go to the doctor.

Discharge that begins after menstruation should cause alarm if you have one of the following symptoms. Sometimes they become the first sign of a serious illness. In this case, it is extremely important to quickly talk to your doctor. When a disease is detected at an early stage, it is much easier to cure. The disease can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  1. Your period has ended, but after sex you regularly experience beige or bloody spotting.
  2. The discharge is accompanied by a bad odor, pain, and fever.
  3. Dark discharge appeared a couple of days after the menstrual period, and the woman did not take contraceptives.
  4. Menstruation takes an unusually long time.
  5. The spot appeared during menopause, a year after the last menstruation

During menopause, strange discharge may appear

Dark discharge is quite often caused by diseases. Therefore, you need to regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo a preventive examination. And if the above symptoms are detected, a doctor’s help should be immediate.

If brown discharge continues for a long time after menstruation, this condition cannot be considered normal, especially if it is heavy. When the daub appears after a certain period after the critical days, it is a clear symptom of pathology - fibroids or polyps.

Why do I have brown discharge a week after my period?

Dark spotting that appears a week after the end of menstruation is a cause for concern. This may be a manifestation of infection, hormonal imbalance or disturbances in the functioning of the entire body. Discharge that appears two weeks after the menstrual period signals possible implantation of the embryo. Among the dangerous diseases are:

  1. Endometritis is inflammation of the uterus caused by pathogenic bacteria. The disease is manifested by severe pain, general weakness and low-grade fever. In the chronic stage, it is asymptomatic, and only minor dark discharge can signal the development of pathology.
  2. Endometriosis is a disease in which the endometrium grows outside the uterus. It can lead to infertility. The disease can be suspected by the brown spot that appears a week after menstruation.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy – the egg implants and develops outside the uterus. Minor dark discharge quickly turns into bleeding, which is accompanied by severe abdominal pain.
  4. Uterine fibroids are a benign neoplasm that develops in the muscular layer of the uterus. It does not go away on its own: most often drug therapy is carried out, but in case of a large tumor, surgery is prescribed.

Uterine fibroids can cause brown discharge

Sometimes bloody spotting can appear as a result of a normal cycle failure. The cause is stress, climate change, and simple overwork.

Brown discharge with odor

The light brown discharge that occurs immediately after your period usually has no odor. If it appears, it is a sign of pathogenic microorganisms entering the body. They can live in the uterus or vagina, change the structure of tissues, and negatively affect blood vessels. As a result, they lose their impermeability, so the discharge turns brown.

Spotting, accompanied by an uncharacteristic odor and severe aching pain, is a sign of a possible ectopic pregnancy. If you suspect it, you should urgently talk to your doctor and undergo an ultrasound examination. Do not delay this - it is very important to recognize such a pregnancy in the early stages. The slightest delay can lead to dire consequences, including death.

Severe pain and spotting may indicate an ectopic pregnancy

Discharge after menstruation can be caused by inflammation. In this case, it is accompanied by a burning sensation and itching in the genital area. Such symptoms are typical for thrush, chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis, and gonorrhea. If it occurs, you should contact a specialist - he will cure the disease within a week.

Discharge before and after menstruation

Brown spotting may appear after menstruation for a variety of reasons. Most often this is a clear sign of pathology.

Cervical erosion

Among the main provoking factors are:

  1. Use of contraceptives – spotting is observed during the use of contraceptives. The symptom may also appear when taking pills intended for emergency termination of pregnancy.
  2. Presence - brown spotting is characteristic of erosive lesions of the cervix.
  3. Inflammation of the endometrium - the disease is accompanied by severe abdominal pain and the presence of small bloody clots. In the absence of proper treatment, serious consequences can occur.
  4. Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor that can be asymptomatic. Therefore, it is important to undergo regular examinations, and if you find any unclear signs, go to the doctor.
  5. Polyps are growths on the mucous membrane that are formed as a result of hormonal disorders.
  6. Oncology is another reason for the occurrence of spotting brown discharge a week after the end of menstruation.

When smudge is considered normal, no active steps need to be taken to eliminate it. If the discharge lasts long enough, it can be reduced using folk remedies. List of herbs used in gynecology for menstruation:

If self-medication does not give a positive result, and the smear becomes abundant and smells unpleasant, you will need the help of a qualified gynecologist. This is a clear sign of a serious illness. In this case, it is imperative to undergo a course of treatment that will help prevent negative consequences. If the spotting is caused by inflammation, you need to take antibacterial drugs, vitamins and other remedies. When the cause is hormonal imbalance, estrogens or gestagens are prescribed.

Discharge that appears between periods may indicate possible bleeding. This means that the cervix is ​​not completely closed, and this is a clear deviation from the norm. If you do not pay attention to the symptom in time, further surgery may become inevitable. Sometimes brown discharge is caused by a failed pregnancy. But only a doctor can check this. If the diagnosis is confirmed, additional cleaning or medication will be required to contract the uterus.

Women's health requires constant attention and careful handling, and any deviations are important to be corrected immediately. Any disruptions affect the production of hormones, which leads to premature aging. Therefore, if dark brown discharge appears, do not be too lazy to go to the gynecologist. The uterus reacts to any changes in the functioning of the body. The nature of the discharge may change due to diseases that have nothing to do with the genitals. And only a specialist can determine the cause of the violations. Timely treatment will help prevent complications and normalize the functioning of the reproductive system.

The intensity, consistency and duration of menstruation are indicators of the health and reproductive capabilities of women. Critical days have their own norms, and any deviations from them indicate problems in the body. Brown discharge after menstruation is one of the most common complaints that doctors encounter. There are many reasons for such postmenstrual manifestations and they are not always dangerous to health. It is possible to establish the real picture, assess the condition and identify the presence (or absence) of gynecological pathologies only after a comprehensive examination.

Vaginal discharge varies in color, volume and consistency. Their appearance before and after menstruation is considered a natural and physiologically normal phenomenon.

A healthy woman need not worry about brown spotting, but only in cases where it is clear, odorless and does not cause discomfort.

Brown discharge at the end of menstruation is formed due to the slowdown in blood flow in the last days of menstruation. It curls up and acquires a specific color.

Discharge for 2-3 days after menstruation is considered normal; in a healthy woman, its complete cessation occurs on the 10th day. If your period doesn't go away, see your doctor and get checked.

An alarming signal may be the appearance during or after menstruation. Even a small amount of secretion is considered a bad symptom and a sign of inflammatory lesions.

You should not ignore the increase in bleeding after menstruation, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, burning, itching and pain. These are also signs of pathological abnormalities, which end in brown discharge and deterioration in well-being. The development of infections and exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.

Regardless of when the discharge began, after or before menstruation, if there are accompanying symptoms, you need to tell your gynecologist about the problems and get examined.

Causes of brown discharge

Ranges from 4 to 7 days. If brown discharge does not go away after menstruation, it is important to identify the causes. They can be natural, that is, safe for health and do not require medical intervention. Various factors can provoke the appearance of postmenstrual symptoms:

  • beginning pregnancy;
  • hormonal changes between the ages of 13 and 18;
  • the onset of menopause;
  • taking contraceptives;
  • completion of the lactation period;
  • surgery (removal of cysts and tumors, abortion);
  • ectopic pregnancy.

All of these factors cause the appearance of mucus of an atypical shade. These are the causes of brown discharge that do not pose a threat to women's health.

Symptoms that appear once are considered normal, but recurrence over several months when the condition worsens should alert you. There is a possibility of developing gynecological diseases.

Why there is brown discharge after menstruation and whether it is dangerous is determined during the examination. After a medical examination and the necessary laboratory tests, factors that are unnatural for the normal condition may be discovered. Any pathology signals an unhealthy malfunction in the body, and this requires a more serious approach and treatment.

Inflammatory diseases

The cause of dark discharge after menstruation may be inflammatory diseases of the vagina. Regardless of the duration of the menstrual cycle, bloody secretion of an uncharacteristic color accompanies thrush and bacterial vaginosis, an exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system.

The appearance of dark discharge may mean infection of the body with ureplasma, chlamydia, or herpes virus. The secret of a brown tint when diagnosing any of the indicated diseases is a signal from the body that there is a problem and requires immediate treatment.

Pathology of the uterus and endometrium

Light brown discharge after menstruation is observed with endometritis, which can occur in or. Pathological inflammatory lesions of the uterine mucosa are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, staphylococci and pneumococci, that have entered the body.

Recognizing the disease is not difficult. In addition to brown discharge, which can be observed 2 weeks after menstruation, the woman’s condition worsens: the temperature rises, abdominal pain appears, increasing weakness, sweating and other unpleasant symptoms.

Sometimes the disease goes unnoticed. A woman may misunderstand and explain the cause of spotting, mistaking it for a sign of a common cold. This is the danger of endometritis. Late identification of the problem and lack of treatment often leads to infertility.

In addition, regular spotting and brown discharge a week after menstruation are symptoms of endometriosis, the presence of polyps, tumors and cysts. The appearance of tumors in the uterus leads to its growth. The woman experiences nagging pain, bloating, and constant discomfort. Menstruation does not go away for a long time, becomes profuse and takes on an unnatural dark shade. Any tumors and foci of endometriosis must be removed, otherwise the reproductive system can be very seriously damaged.

Hormonal imbalances

Brown discharge after menstruation can be caused by hormonal imbalances. There are many reasons for hormone imbalance. The most common are age-related changes and taking birth control pills.

Any hormonal imbalance does not go away without consequences and is almost always accompanied by menstrual irregularities. One of the signs of such deviations is the appearance of brown discharge.

If a physiological phenomenon is observed immediately after menstruation, lasts no more than 2-3 days and is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of hormonal imbalance, it is safe. In difficult cases, when after menstruation the discharge does not go away for more than 3-7 days, contact a specialist.

Pathological discharge after menstruation

After the end of menstruation, in the first 3 days, natural mucus may be black and dark brown in color, but after a week such shades should alert the woman, especially if an unpleasant odor is released. This is already a deviation and a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Danger signs also include:

  • the appearance of blood clots;
  • itching and burning;
  • excessive discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort when urinating and during sexual intercourse.

Continuous brown discharge with a pungent odor is another problem that a woman may encounter after her period. This is an alarming signal because an unpleasant odor often accompanies sexually transmitted diseases, and is a sign of inflammatory processes in the vagina. If you discover such a symptom, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Factors that provoke bleeding

Scanty, dark-colored spotting does not cause any discomfort to a woman. If no serious causes for concern have been identified, it is enough to wait until they stop and move on with your life calmly.

Taking medications and surgical intervention can also be avoided in cases where menstruation lasts longer than the permissible time (2-3 days), and dark discharge is provoked by circumstances and factors not related to hormones, characteristics of the reproductive system and the presence of serious diseases.

Brown periods can last a long time with frequent stress and climate changes. Common causes of cycle disruption are poor diet and obesity. More often than others, women who smoke and abuse alcohol experience this symptom.

Treatment of prolonged periods

It is unacceptable to treat prolonged brown discharge during menstruation as a harmless temporary problem, and also to try to get rid of it by self-medication. Without knowing the reasons, it is impossible to help yourself. Therapy should be carried out by specialists.

Sometimes doctors do not detect any abnormalities, since prolonged periods can be caused by nervous strain or a hereditary factor. In such cases, eliminating menstrual irregularities will not be difficult.

Correction of nutrition, therapeutic exercises, vitamins, and herbal infusions based on nettle, shepherd’s purse, and motherwort help normalize the cycle. If your period has ended, but the discharge continues, but without pain, at normal body temperature, without weakness and nausea, such gentle methods are effective.

Repeated and prolonged brown bleeding with symptoms atypical for the normal condition is treated differently. Patients whose periods do not stop for 5–8 weeks require complex therapy.

If a bleeding disorder is diagnosed, coagulants are prescribed. To eliminate signs of anemia, iron-containing medications are prescribed. Diseases caused by hormonal imbalances are treated with drugs that restore the balance of hormones.

To reduce uterine bleeding, a woman may be recommended hemostatic drugs: Ascorutin, Tranexam, Calcium Gluconate, Dicinone. When pathologies associated with tumors and abnormal tissue growth are identified, surgical intervention is resorted to (cauterization, curettage, sectoral resection, removal of the uterus).

The doctor makes the necessary appointments after a medical examination and study of laboratory test data. The gynecologist assesses the amount of menstrual blood loss, studies accompanying symptoms and general health. Treatment measures are started only after identifying the cause of the deviation.

Menstruation is not the most pleasant time in a woman's life, but it is a testament to her ability to bear children. For most, monthly bleeding occurs autonomously, without causing fears or worries. But there is a circumstance that makes women perplexed and worried - brown discharge after menstruation or mucus of a different color. They do not always accompany the end of menstruation, so most people do not have information about the reasons for this phenomenon. And it is necessary to know them, since spotting after menstruation can sometimes be a manifestation of a serious illness.

Pink discharge after menstruation

Pink discharge after menstruation is quite harmless and does not require medical intervention. If they are not abundant and do not emit an unpleasant odor, they are most likely caused by:

  • Beginning of egg maturation. In this case, the mucus after menstruation becomes pink due to changes in the surface layer of the inner lining of the uterus. This discharge begins 14 days after the end of menstruation;
  • Intrauterine device. Getting used to a foreign body, especially if it contains hormones, can produce a similar reaction;
  • Birth control pills. Adaptation of the body to the introduction of hormones leads to pink discharge;
  • Violent sex can provoke minor injuries to small vessels on the inner surface of the vagina. The blood, mixed with vaginal secretions, becomes pink and comes out.

If your period has ended, but the discharge continues and this happens for more than 3 months, it is possible that the causes were:

  • Inflammation of the internal genital organs caused by infections. You can be sure of this if itching, pain and unpleasant odor are added;
  • Neoplasms of the cervix or uterine body - fibroids, polyps;
  • Week-long pink discharge may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

What does brown discharge after menstruation mean?

The reasons are different:

  • Endometritis. This is an inflammatory disease of the uterine mucosa. Its acute form is also accompanied by fever, pain in the lower triangle of the abdomen, and a feeling of constant fatigue. But chronic endometritis can occur without these signs. The only clinical symptom by which it is possible to suspect an illness is brown discharge;
  • Endometriosis. The disease can lead to infertility, as young women are susceptible to it. This is a proliferation of endometrial cells; in fact, it is a benign tumor. At the initial stage, she is bothered by long menstruation, pain and smears brown after menstruation;
  • Endometrial hyperplasia. In advanced cases, it can develop into a malignant tumor of the female organs. Excessive proliferation of cells in the inner wall of the uterus may manifest itself as brown discharge;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases caused by chlamydia, herpes virus, ureplasma, mycoplasma. If the dark mucus also smells bad, the diagnosis leaves no doubt;
  • Ectopic pregnancy. If the fetus is not where it needs to develop, but in the abdominal cavity or fallopian tube, it can cause brown discharge to appear soon after menstruation;
  • Self-administration of hormonal contraceptive pills can lead to a bad effect on the body as a whole and cause similar discharge.

Black mucus

Black discharge after menstruation can be caused by a number of reasons, among which the most harmless is inappropriate hormonal contraceptives. Other reasons that provoke such a phenomenon are not so cloudless:

  • Inflammation of the pelvic organs. These include the already mentioned endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia;
  • Infectious diseases, sexually transmitted. The discharge in this case is combined with an unpleasant odor;
  • The presence of polyps in the uterus;
  • Ovarian diseases (cysts, infections);
  • Neoplasms of the female reproductive organs, including those containing bad cells.

Blood 7 days after period

This symptom indicates cycle disorders or diseases of the female organs. Bloody discharge a week after menstruation may indicate:

  • Endometritis or endometriosis;
  • Hypothyroidism, that is, hormone deficiency due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland. In such cases, menstruation may occur 7 days after the previous one. Additional signs of this disease are tearfulness and weakness;
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Discharge with blood during this period of time, together with low blood pressure and abdominal pain, allows one to suspect this diagnosis;
  • Anovulation, that is, the absence of ripening of the egg. This can happen due to a long absence of menstruation;
  • Uterine fibroids. This benign tumor causes bleeding a week after menstruation and at other times.

Sometimes, 7 days after menstruation, she smears blood due to a normal cycle failure caused by stress, a change in climatic living conditions, or overwork. If this happened once, there is no reason to worry.

Light discharge

This symptom may be normal for a healthy woman, but also a manifestation of various types of gynecological diseases. Yellow discharge after menstruation, in the absence of problems with the body, does not have a bad smell, its consistency varies: from creamy to uneven with clots. The following diseases may exhibit the same symptoms, but with the addition of other signs:

  • Nonspecific vulvovaginitis, which is caused by insufficient cleanliness or, conversely, excessive use of soap when washing, intolerance to the impregnating composition of sanitary pads. An unpleasant odor is mixed with the discharge;
  • Salpingitis or adnexitis. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries is also accompanied by abdominal pain, fever, general malaise, and also a nasty odor;
  • Cervical erosion caused by infection;
  • Venereal diseases. The mucus becomes yellow with green, foamy.

Sometimes white discharge can be a sign of certain diseases:

  • Bright white, cottage cheese-like clots accompanied by itching are most likely a symptom of thrush;
  • Inflammatory processes affecting the cervix (cervicitis, adnexitis, erosion) can manifest themselves in transparent or dense masses that are discharged;
  • Venereal infections;
  • Diabetes mellitus.

What can you do about discharge after menstruation?

Whatever causes brown discharge after menstruation, as well as mucus of a different color that was not there before, you should go to the gynecologist about this. It is difficult to determine on your own whether this is normal or a symptom of some disease, as a non-specialist. Especially if there are other circumstances: taking contraceptives, an intrauterine device, unprotected sex and signs of deterioration in health. If there are alarming symptoms, additional tests are prescribed, including a smear, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and other tests that will reveal the diagnosis, if any. Especially in need of professional research are suddenly appearing causeless discharges that are repeated repeatedly.

There is no point in delaying your visit to the clinic. If there is an illness, it will manifest itself with other symptoms, and it will still have to be treated. Gynecological diseases that manifest as discharge immediately or some time after menstruation are highly treatable, and some require immediate surgical treatment.

But often girls notice spotting before or after menstruation, as well as after. In what cases can brown discharge between periods be normal?

Why did I get light brown periods? According to the nature of the discharge from. and after menstruation, prolonged spotting before and after menstruation.

Causes of bleeding after the end of menstruation. Doctors can give dozens of reasons.

As soon as menstruation ends, the discharge becomes mucoid. After this, the discharge begins to become a little cloudy and viscous.

With it, the appearance of pink discharge before menstruation is noticed before and after menstruation, which becomes longer and more abundant.

Ask your question to an obstetrician-gynecologist!

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Previously asked:

Hello, I had this situation for the first time on the 12th day of the cycle, I had a pelvic ultrasound suspected of a polyp, but they can’t say for sure, on the same day in the evening bleeding appeared, then I had sexual intercourse and the next day the same thing, spotting and spotting throughout the day and an unpleasant odor, could this be normal? The first polyp was removed in June

Hello! Do you happen to have cervical erosion yet? After sexual intercourse and a vaginal ultrasound, it is she who can give a slight spotting. But polyps also very often give a spotting and sometimes decent discharge in the middle of the cycle. Sometimes even several days in a row. Most likely, you do have a polyp. What was the histological response from the previous study? Have you taken any treatment? Indicate your age, please). If the polyp does not go away on its own, you will have to do a second curettage and then prescribe treatment. In general, recurrent polyps of the uterine cavity are an indication for serious surgical treatment, including removal of the organ, so treat such a situation with full responsibility, because it is better to preserve the organ; there is nothing superfluous in a woman’s body. All the best!

Hello! After my period, on the third day, brown discharge appeared. What could this mean?

Hello! This may be normal. But in such situations, you should always first rule out pregnancy - take a test or take a blood test for hCG (the latter is preferable, as it is more informative). If such spotting continues to appear, you should undergo a full examination by a gynecologist for pathology. Such spotting is typical for many diseases - endometriosis, cervical pathology and others. All the best!

Good evening! My period lasts for about 5 days, then the ointment starts on day 3! The ointment has turned brown and smells terrible! Is there something wrong?(

Hello, Julia! This happens, but you should be examined more thoroughly, at least an ultrasound of the pelvis, perhaps hormones and something else. The smell is a normal phenomenon at the end of menstruation, perhaps you are a little biased towards them. The most common disease that provokes such spotting is endometriosis and polyps in the uterine cavity, on the cervix. You should undergo an examination and ultrasound first. It may be possible to try prescribing you to take oral contraceptives for a while, if the symptoms go away, this is another confirmation of endometriosis. All the best!

Hello, this is the situation, there was a delay, I took a pregnancy test, it showed a faint pale pink second line, I decided to repeat the test two days later, the result was the same. I decided to wait a little, because... It was too early to go to the hospital. As a result, a week after the delay, it began to bleed like during menstruation, then clots. It was a miscarriage, right? As a result, all the discharge went away after 7 days, the duration was the same as my usual periods, but on the 10th day brown discharge appeared, that is, no... What is it?

Hello! Usually, even if the pregnancy was so short, spontaneous miscarriage occurs independently and in full. Now you should visit a gynecologist for an examination, and you also need to perform a pelvic ultrasound. After this, it will be clear what is happening to you and what treatment to prescribe. The sooner you seek medical help, the better. All the best!

Hello! My period ended, it lasted for 5 days, and then a brown, odorless spot began. Before that, I visited a doctor and did a vaginal ultrasound: the uterus was bent, the right ovary was inflamed, and adhesions appeared. I prescribed hormonal “dimia” and started drinking it from the first day of my period! And the brown discharge still remains!?

Hello, Anastasia! On the first day of taking oral contraceptives, irregular brown spotting is possible. There is nothing wrong with this, no need to worry. Usually in the second month of taking it everything returns to normal. All the best!

Hello. I have this problem. There was a month delay, I went to the gynecologist for an examination and an ultrasound. They said follicular cyst. That she is in a regression stage. My period started as usual and a week later brown spotting appeared. What could this mean?

Hello. After PMS, after 7 days I started to have brown discharge, or rather I applied a little blood. But after that I started to have pain in my lower abdomen and back pain. But there seems to be pain, but not so often. It’s just that I feel feverish and suffer from headaches. I haven’t contacted a gynecologist yet. I'm waiting for my next period. This is doubtful for the first time. What could it be?

Hello, I have this situation, my period lasts 7 days and after that it starts to smear brown and can last for 10 days, what could it be?

Hello, I had my period for 5 days and on the second day I had no smell of brown discharge. What could it be?

Ask a question to the doctor

obstetrician-gynecologist Daria Shirochina.

Often women encounter the phenomenon of brown discharge after menstruation. They vary in volume and color, and may contain an admixture of blood.

In this regard, the fairer sex has the following question: why does brown discharge occur after menstruation, what is the reason for the appearance of postmenstrual bleeding.

Menstruation is an integral part of the functioning of a woman’s body and indicates reproductive potential. Every month, a mucous membrane forms in the uterine cavity, which is necessary for the implantation of a fertilized egg. If conception does not occur, the mucous membrane begins to tear away from the walls of the uterus and come out along with bloody discharge.

The normal duration of menstruation is from 3 days to one week. And the average length of a woman’s menstrual cycle is about 28 days.

Brown discharge after menstruation

Brown discharge after menstruation, lasting no more than 3 days, can be considered normal for a woman’s body. The reasons for this are that in the final days of menstruation, the volume of blood released decreases significantly, resulting in blood clotting. Hence the brown tint.

If you are concerned about brown discharge a week after your period, an examination is required. The development of some gynecological diseases is likely, such as endometriosis or endometritis.

Is it dangerous?

After menstruation there is brown discharge, what it could be is a question that worries many women. Excessively dark color should be a reason to consult a doctor, since the natural mucus secreted by the genitals should not be black or dark brown in color except for three days after menstruation.

Dark brown discharge after menstruation can also be a consequence. During the period of implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine mucosa, discharge is possible, however, it is usually odorless, painless, and not thick.

What does spotting after menstruation mean? More often, this may indicate problems with hormones in the female body.


If brown discharge is observed after menstruation, the reasons may be problems with women's health.

The following diseases are characterized by similar symptoms:

  • This problem leads to the appearance of postmenstrual discharge. The disease most often occurs in women of reproductive age. But brown mucus in this case is not the only sign. It is accompanied by discomfort and strong pain. Your periods also become longer than usual.
  • Endometritis. An inflammatory disease that affects the tissues lining the uterus from the inside. The secreted secretion in this case has an unpleasant odor. The causes of the development of the disease are most often in the operations performed, which include curettage, abortion and other operations on the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Endometrial hyperplasia. If you have brown discharge a week after your period, the cause may be due to this disease. It is characterized by pathological growth of uterine tissue, which in some cases leads to the development of neoplasms.
  • Endometrial polyp. It often causes discharge immediately after menstruation, and 2 weeks after menstruation. The mucous membrane grows in the uterine cavity, which transforms into a polyp.

It's not just diseases that can cause problems. Reasons include a malfunction of the hormonal system, taking birth control pills or other hormonal drugs (for example, after women often complain of spotting, etc.). An ectopic pregnancy should not be ruled out.

It is necessary to mention light brown discharge after menstruation. They occur in the presence of uterine fibroids and adenomyosis.

What to do?

Women do not immediately rush to the doctor if they find brown postmenstrual discharge, and this is a fact. Many people self-medicate, which can be hazardous to health.

You can take any measures without consulting a doctor only if the cause of the discharge is known, and also if:

  • menstruation passed normally, but spotting appeared for the first time;
  • the volume of menstruation was normal;
  • there were no pathological painful sensations during menstruation;
  • body temperature is normal, there is no dizziness, nausea or weakness;
  • pregnancy is one hundred percent excluded;
  • the discharge has no odor, does not cause itching or other unpleasant sensations;
  • was taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • you have been stressed or had heavy physical exertion;
  • there have been changes in body weight: the woman has lost or gained weight.

If the mucus is dark in color and spotting in nature due to a non-serious reason, it is not difficult to eliminate. In these cases, it is recommended to adhere to a daily and sleep schedule, proper nutrition, limiting physical activity, and avoiding stress.

You can use traditional medicine in the form of herbs, such as chamomile, shepherd's purse.

However, if the discharge continues even after these measures, and other symptoms are added to the spotting, you should immediately go to the gynecologist.

Pathological cinnamon discharge can have many causes. The woman may not understand what's going on. Therefore, the best solution in such a situation is a visit to the doctor.

Many women who visit a gynecologist are concerned about brown spotting after menstruation. You just need to know that these deviations in menstruation are not always considered a sign of some pathology. It is normal for menstruation with brown discharge to last a little more than a week. You should worry when vaginal discharge continues over a long period of time.

Brown discharge after menstruation is a very common complaint among women concerned about their personal health. Of course, there are cases when such a signal from the female body indicates the presence of some kind of disease of the reproductive system. In general, vaginal discharge after menstruation is normal when it is not accompanied by itching and burning, abdominal pain and is not characterized by a bad odor. Otherwise, it is advisable to visit a good female doctor - a gynecologist.

Why does brown discharge appear after menstruation? This happens because in the last “critical days” the blood is secreted accordingly and has time to coagulate, acquiring a dark brownish color. But when such discharge is observed for a long time after the cessation of menstruation, this is already a reason for concern. This phenomenon may indicate diseases such as endometriosis and endometritis.

The disease endometritis is considered an inflammation of the endometrium, that is, the lining of the uterus. The main reason for its development is the presence in the body of pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci, which enter the uterus due to abortions performed by a woman, or as a result of birth complications. Acute endometritis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • prolonged brown vaginal discharge before and after menstruation;
  • frequent pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increase in temperature;
  • weakness of the body.

During the chronic course of the disease, fever, as a rule, does not occur. Endometritis is dangerous because it is practically asymptomatic. Women almost never go to the doctor until complications arise in the form of prolonged menstruation, which are a consequence of the rejection of the uterine lining in the first stage. The most serious consequence of endometritis is infertility.

The disease endometriosis is associated with the proliferation of cells of a certain endometrioid tissue, a benign tumor. Endometriosis often affects women who belong to the reproductive age category, from twenty-five to forty years. Severe symptoms of the disease include:

  • prolonged heavy menstruation (more than ten days);
  • feeling of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • manifestation of brownish vaginal discharge.

Unfortunately, most advanced forms of the disease result in infertility for the patient. To establish a diagnosis, laparoscopy is considered necessary (the doctor examines the abdominal organs using a special puncture in its wall), as well as an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

There are cases when the cause of brown vaginal discharge after menstruation is such a serious female disease as endometrial hyperplasia, which means the growth of the uterine (internal) wall. Severe forms of the disease can provoke the development of a malignant tumor in the uterine area.

Another reason for the appearance of brown discharge after menstruation is considered to be a life-threatening phenomenon such as ectopic pregnancy. This form of pregnancy is characterized by fetal development, which does not occur in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tubes, abdominal cavity, and ovaries. In this case, surgical removal of the fetus is required.

The cause of constant brown discharge may be the uncontrolled use of any hormonal drugs that have a significant effect on the entire female body. However, the appearance of a small amount of bloody or brownish discharge while taking oral contraceptives is considered normal. But, if discharge is observed for a month, then you should contact a good specialist.

Should I worry?

As you can see, there are many reasons for the appearance of brown vaginal discharge. Yes, such discharge may be normal for your body, but it may also indicate the presence of diseases that can cause truly irreparable harm to your reproductive health. If the discharge often does not bother you, does not cause discomfort and does not provoke skin irritation, believe me, you have no reason to see a doctor. But, if your discharge has acquired not only a brown color, but is also accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen and a very unpleasant odor, you should urgently go to the hospital and undergo the necessary examination.



2024 “kingad.ru” - ultrasound examination of human organs