My cat has a lot of hair coming out - what should I do? Vitamins for cats against hair loss. Rules for caring for cat hair

Hair loss in cats can occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes this is a temporary phenomenon that goes away without special treatment. But in some cases, the provoking factor may be a serious illness that requires an integrated approach to therapy. Timely diagnosis in this case plays a decisive role.

Causes of severe hair loss in cats

Cats can lose hair for physiological and pathological reasons. In the first case, we are talking about a natural process in which there is no need to worry about the health of the pet. Physiological hair loss goes away on its own. At the same time, the animal looks quite healthy, does not lose its appetite and remains alert.

If the cause of molting is a pathological factor, then the condition of the skin often changes. In addition, the cat loses activity, may refuse food and hide in corners. If this happens, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.

Hair loss in cats can be caused by diseases

Attention! If your pet has a lot of hair loss, he becomes lethargic, eats little and has a dry and warm nose, then this may signal a pathological process occurring in the body. In this case, the cat must be taken to a veterinary clinic without waiting for life-threatening complications for the animal.

Why hair may fall out - video

Natural shedding

Active hair loss occurs during the shedding season, which occurs in spring and autumn. At the same time, the animal feels quite good. His coat is gradually renewed. This process causes a lot of inconvenience to the owners, but does not affect the pet’s health in any way. The skin does not change its normal color and remains pale pink.

A nursing cat loses a lot of fur, as vitamin deficiency in the body often occurs during lactation.

The problem can arise in older cats, because the body of this group of pets gradually weakens, which is why hair falls out regularly and out of season. However, active molting in an old animal should not be ignored. Such a pet should be properly fed and cared for.

In order to understand why shedding occurs and whether it is worth contacting a veterinarian, you should look at the appearance of the skin and fur. If there is focal baldness, affecting the eyes and ears, then this indicates the presence of the disease. You should immediately consult a doctor if the skin becomes red, irritated, and the coat becomes dull and unkempt.

My cat had long hair, during the molting period it grew so much that it became scary. They periodically gave the pet vitamins, but also constantly combed it. It is very important to do this, although previously this procedure was not given much importance. The fact is that if you don’t comb the fur, then during licking it gets into the cat’s gastrointestinal tract and can ultimately cause intestinal obstruction. I recommend everyone not to neglect this simple procedure.

What to do when your pet is shedding - video

Pathological loss

Pathological causes of active hair loss in cats:

Fungal diseases in cats can cause hair loss

Attention! Hair falling out in clumps should alert you. If your pet has bald patches on certain parts of its body, this can be caused by ringworm, which is easily transmitted from animal to person.

My friend's cat lost hair on his withers. She didn't attach any importance to this. When I was visiting her, I noticed that the animal also had some kind of sore in this area. Unfortunately, the disease was so advanced that they did not have time to save the cat. I recommend that anyone with focal hair loss in pets immediately contact a veterinarian. Late discovery of the cause may cost the pet's life.

Causes of pathological shedding in kittens

Thinning coats in kittens may be associated with rare hereditary diseases. In this case, a genetic mutation occurs, which can provoke molting, which is not associated with seasonal changes in the pet’s body. If a kitten has this problem, it is important not to self-medicate, because it can cause life-threatening consequences for the animal.

What other factors can contribute to the development of pathology:

  • insufficient intake of vitamins from food or mother's milk;
  • premature birth;
  • infectious diseases.

If a kitten loses hair in large quantities, this may be a sign of insufficient intake of vitamins in the body.

The kittens' body is very sensitive to the slightest external irritants, so a sudden change in food can negatively affect not only the pet's well-being, but also its coat. Therefore, you should not change the animal’s diet unless necessary, and also do not give medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Treatment at home

If the cause of hair loss is seasonal shedding, then no special treatment is provided.

However, during this period it is important to brush your pet regularly. This should be done 2 times a week. This procedure will help prevent the appearance of hairballs in the stomach. In addition, you can give specialized food intended for the molting period. They help remove hair from the pet’s body.

Food that prevents the accumulation of hair in the cat’s stomach is used during the period of active shedding.

To eliminate the problem, which is caused by various pathological conditions, an integrated approach is used. First of all, you need to see a doctor for diagnostic procedures. Then the veterinarian selects a drug that is relevant for a particular disease and gives additional recommendations.

Attention! If a cat is actively losing hair, and there are also pockets of inflammation, then it is not recommended to cauterize the affected areas with iodine or brilliant green yourself, as the reason may be the presence of mites, fungus and other infections. The use of alcohol-containing antiseptics will provoke increased pain and also complicate diagnosis.

Diet for hair loss

A special diet helps with harmless causes of shedding. However, if hair loss is a consequence of a disease, then proper nutrition will make it possible to recover faster, but the factor itself cannot be eliminated. It is important to remove sweet and salty foods from your cat's diet. Under no circumstances should you feed your pet ice cream, sausage, chocolate or raw fish containing many bones.

Raw fish can be harmful to your cat's health

  • The animal's diet should include products such as:
  • chicken;
  • cereal porridge;
  • special grass;
  • vegetables (carrots, potatoes and zucchini);

fermented milk and dairy products. Your pet consumes a sufficient amount of liquid throughout the day, so clean water should always be available. The diet must also include specialized foods containing vitamins and minerals beneficial to the body. It is recommended to give preference to options designed to strengthen and grow the coat: Royal Canin HAIR & SKIN CARE, ProBalance Immuno, as well as the Beaphar Laveta multivitamin supplement.

The first of the presented foods contains a complex of amino acids and vitamins that improve skin condition and promote healthy coat growth. Royal Canin HAIR & SKIN CARE also includes omega 3 and 6 acids, which increase the cat's immunity. Thanks to this food, the coat becomes strong and shiny. Stops excessive shedding.

Royal Canin HAIR & SKIN CARE strengthens the coat and makes it shiny

ProBalance Immuno is a fully balanced food containing a number of vitamins and minerals, as well as active ingredients that can stimulate the animal's immune system and prevent excessive hair loss. This option is suitable for a daily diet. It can also be used as a preventative against thinning of the coat.

ProBalance Immuno helps improve your pet's immunity

You can also include Beaphar Laveta in your cat's diet. This is a feed additive designed to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the coat. Available in the form of a solution that needs to be mixed with food.

Beaphar Laveta strengthens the coat and increases the body's resistance

If, after normalizing the diet, active shedding does not stop or additional symptoms appear, then it is recommended to carefully examine the pet’s skin for the presence of mites, wounds, scratches, etc. If defects are detected, consult a doctor immediately.

Chicken should be given to the cat boiled Cereals can be given to the cat in the form of porridge in small quantities Boiled potatoes and carrots can be added in small quantities to liquid food Fermented milk products and milk contain a lot of protein and calcium Zucchini should be given to the pet in limited quantities, but daily Grass for cats contains beneficial fiber

The use of medicated shampoos and special preparations

Outpost Bio destroys blood-sucking insects and improves the condition of your pet's coat

Another option that is used for pathological shedding is “Perfect Coat” 8 in 1. It eliminates excessive hair loss, prevents the formation of tangles and has an anti-allergic effect, which is important if the cat is hypersensitive to any component.

"Perfect Coat" 8 in 1 makes hair combing easier

Another effective option is “Phytoelite” from Veda. This shampoo shortens the shedding period, prevents the appearance of demodicosis, ticks and fleas, and also nourishes the coat and prevents allergies. Can be used for both treatment and prevention.

Phytoelite shampoo prevents excessive hair loss

These medications are used for the complex treatment of pathological hair loss. The dosage and course of therapy are determined by the doctor depending on the reason that triggered the molting.

Drugs prescribed for treatment depending on the cause - photo gallery

Zodak relieves allergies Advocate drops are harmful to fleas, ticks and lice
Yam ointment has an antifungal effect. Fosprenil is used for immunodeficiency conditions.
Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic

Features of kitten treatment

The kittens' body is very sensitive to treatment with potent drugs, so local remedies are most often used for therapy.

For this, depending on the reason, shampoos (Phytoelita, Celandine, etc.), ointments (YAM) and sprays (Stop fungus) are prescribed. First of all, you need to balance the diet of your small pet by including more protein. If the kitten is no more than 2 months old, then the menu may contain only fermented milk products and special food intended for babies.

Royal Canin for kittens has a balanced composition

To restore the coat, special complexes are also used, such as: Biorhythm, Beaphar. These preparations contain vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants, which promote the full growth and development of the body. At the same time, hair loss stops and its appearance improves.

Vitamins Biorhythm for kittens promote full growth and development

Unfortunately, not all drugs can be used to treat kittens due to weak immunity and increased sensitivity of the body. Therefore, even local remedies should be used only after the necessary research methods and with the permission of a veterinarian.

Prevention measures

Regular combing of fur improves its condition and prevents the appearance of lumps in the animal’s stomach.

To ensure that your pet’s fur is always healthy and does not fall out, it is recommended to exclude everything harmful from the diet, try to protect the animal from stress and monitor the cat’s immunity.

Hair loss requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor, especially if no home remedies to combat the problem help. Dangerous diseases that can lead to dire consequences can provoke pathological molting. Comprehensive treatment and compliance with the rules of prevention will help maintain the health of your pet and the beauty of its coat for many years.

Pets bring a lot of joy to their owners. At the same time, you have to carefully care for and take care of your pet’s health. You should pay attention to any alarming symptoms and changes in well-being in order to help your pet in time. Our article tells you what to do if your cat’s hair is coming out, and what can cause such conditions.

If you notice that your pet's fur is growing more than usual, you should definitely find out the reasons for this condition. This may not necessarily be associated with ailments; most negative factors can be eliminated on your own.

Why does a cat lose hair?

  1. Seasonal shedding. In the wild, this happens in the spring, but domestic cats can shed several times a year, regardless of weather conditions.
  2. Lack of nutrients. Errors in nutrition and seasonal vitamin deficiencies also affect the condition of the coat. With a lack of vitamins and valuable organic compounds, the pet’s coat noticeably thins.
  3. Stressful situations. Dramatic changes in life: moving, the birth of a child, the appearance of a new pet and other changes can negatively affect the health of the pet.
  4. Hormonal problems. The period of estrus, pregnancy and the birth of kittens can also become a factor affecting the condition and thickness of the coat. In addition, the contraceptive hormonal drugs that you give to the animal can contribute to this.
  5. Age-related changes. If the fur has become sparse on the face and near the ears, your pet may simply be getting old. Hair loss in this case is due to insufficient supply of nutrients to the hair follicle.
  6. Allergic reaction. Determining a possible allergen is extremely difficult, because you have to literally deductively determine the possible enemy. If such symptoms occur after hygiene procedures, it is worth changing the care product. It is much more difficult to determine the source of a food or household allergy.

An examination with a veterinarian will help determine the exact cause. You should definitely visit a doctor, even if you are talking about severe shedding. The specialist can prescribe special vitamin supplements, as well as additional measures for caring for the coat.

It should be noted that in male cats, hair loss is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a signal of internal problems.

How can I help my pet?

The best option would be to contact a veterinarian. In other cases, you can help your pet yourself.

How to eliminate hair loss:

  1. Provide your pet with the most healthy and varied diet possible.
  2. Give vitamin supplements regularly.
  3. Distract and calm if the animal is experiencing nervous stress.
  4. Periodically bathe and comb the coat with a special brush.
  5. Get all preventive vaccinations on time.
  6. Let your pet out into the fresh air.
  7. Undergo periodic preventative examinations with a specialist.

How to determine hair loss?

Coat problems are hard to miss. If the number of hairs has become much greater than usually possible, we are talking about normal shedding. If you have other symptoms, you should raise the alarm and run to the doctor.

What to pay attention to:

  1. General well-being of the pet. If he is too aggressive or passive, sleeps a lot or, conversely, stays awake for too long. In some cases, the animal itself may pull out tufts of hair, or comb itself into blood.
  2. Nature of hair loss. Uniform hair loss is considered normal when bald spots and empty areas on the animal’s body are invisible.
  3. The appearance of wounds on the skin. Hair loss and the appearance of bleeding or rotting wounds are a signal to immediately consult a doctor.
  4. Dandruff has appeared at the roots of the fur. This may be a sign of allergies, fungal diseases, as well as improper care or the use of aggressive cosmetics.

What diseases cause hair loss?

The disease can be “brought” on clothes or shoes, or you can accidentally infect your pet with food.

A doctor will help prescribe adequate treatment, and if necessary, additional sanitary treatment of household items is carried out and, if necessary, treatment of family members or other pets. Usually, after eliminating the negative factor, the fur quickly grows back, and for better results it is worth stocking up on special preparations and care products.

Caring for your pet's fur is an important condition for proper maintenance. In addition, the condition of the villi can help determine possible health problems, as well as negative external factors. The main causes of hair loss in domestic cats, as well as ways to solve this problem, are discussed in the information provided.

One of the most common problems in cats is hair loss. To put your pet's appearance in order, you first need to identify the cause of the problem.

Causes of hair loss

There are several causes of hair loss in cats. But there is no need to sound the alarm ahead of time - all pathologies associated with the fact that a pet’s fur is coming out can be cured.

  1. Shedding. If your cat is shedding hair, but you can’t say that she looks bald and the pet’s general well-being is not a cause for concern, there is no need to worry, this is just normal shedding. During shedding, the cat's fur continues to shine and does not form clumps. Usually, in this case, only those who acquired a furry creature not very long ago begin to sound the alarm. It is worth knowing that cats shed twice a year - in spring and autumn. There is no need to worry too much because your pet’s fur grows back very quickly. If you live in an apartment, then molting can last 2-3 months. Do not forget to feed your pets vitamins during this period - they can improve the quality of the new coat.
  2. Allergic and contact dermatitis. If a cat’s hair grows quite strongly and bald areas appear in the area of ​​the back, tail and neck, and over time these areas become red or itch and flake, we can safely say that the pet has endocrine system disorders. The reason may be improper feeding, lack of microelements and vitamins. As a result, the cat develops dermatitis. Remember what you gave your pet recently - milk, sausage, capelin can cause such a reaction. Fatty and salty foods harm not only people, but also animals - and as a result, the cat’s stomach and liver cannot cope and begin to signal danger.
  3. Allergy to food. If the pet constantly licks its paws, its ears are inflamed, there is general itching and redness of the skin, and at the same time the cat’s hair falls out - this correctly indicates the development of allergies to foods. These symptoms may be accompanied by inflammation and fever.
  4. Flea dermatitis. The cat experiences hair loss, itching and discoloration of the skin, which are accompanied by the formation of crusts and scales. Body temperature may rise. These signs indicate a severe cat reaction to flea saliva.
  5. Lichen. If your cat’s hair is coming out and not just coming out, but falling off in certain areas or bald spots appear that can get bigger, you shouldn’t put off your pet’s problems for later, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible. Even if your cat has only one suspected ringworm, you should not delay a visit to the veterinarian. After all, only a doctor can prescribe a comprehensive treatment that is suitable only for your cat, and then your pet’s hair will stop falling out in clumps.
  6. Skin mite. If a cat's fur becomes dull, its ears, front legs and face become bald, these are sure signs of infection. In this case, you also cannot postpone a visit to the veterinarian. Self-treatment is prohibited.

Hair loss treatment

Treatment for allergic and contact dermatitis is similar to treatment for food allergies in cats. The following measures should be taken.

  1. Eliminate fatty, salty foods from your pet's diet.
  2. Create a diet that will include fish twice a week, preferably not very fatty (pollock, cod, hake), offal and meat (pork is prohibited), and low-fat dairy products. Milk should be limited to 2 times a week and presented as a separate meal.
  3. If you fed your pet with ready-made food, then it is worth switching it to special medicated food for cats and cats with dermatitis.
  4. Add vitamins to your meals that will contain biotin, B vitamins, seaweed or iodine.
  5. Give Tavegil or Suprastin 0.125 tablets twice a day to relieve itching. An antihelminthic drug wouldn't hurt either; Drontal for cats would be suitable.

If after all the above steps the situation has not changed and the cat is still losing hair, the pet should be immediately shown to a specialist. After passing certain tests, the veterinarian will be able to prescribe treatment that can eliminate the disease. Do not delay treatment, because in the early stages it is always much easier to get rid of pathology.

Treatment of flea dermatitis is accompanied by the following steps:

  • first of all, it is necessary to remove fleas - special shampoos and collars can help with this;
  • taking antihistamines and steroids to relieve itching.

Treating lichen at home is extremely dangerous. In this case, a quick visit to a specialist will help the cat. It is impossible to independently determine the type of fungus that caused the lichen. To prevent the disease from spreading, you should:

  • disinfect the premises and furniture;
  • burn cat houses and litter;
  • Clean all carpets, wash household clothes.

The danger of lichen also lies in the fact that it can spread to human skin. Therefore, watch not only yourself, but also your children.

Skin mites are not dangerous to humans, so in this case it is worth taking all the home measures that are typical for lichen. It is also not worthwhile to self-medicate your cat, since the disease can only be cured with the help of toxic medications administered by a veterinarian.

Prevention of hair loss

To keep your pet healthy and happy, you need to take care of it in a certain way. This is not only about proper diet planning.

  1. Don't feed your cat unhealthy foods. Avoid consumption of salty, spicy and fried foods.
  2. Do not feed your cat a variety of foods; add foods to the diet that include essential microelements and vitamins.
  3. If the basis of the diet is “store-bought” food, then choose high-quality food and study the composition. They should contain a minimum of additives. Don't skimp on your furry's health.
  4. Do not overfeed cats, especially in old age.
  5. Get up-to-date vaccinations against various diseases. A veterinarian can help you choose vaccinations.

Don’t forget that even if your pet is indoors and he rarely goes outside or doesn’t go out at all, this is not a reason not to take preventive measures. After all, you can bring infection into your home on outer clothing.

Cat owners sometimes notice that their pets are losing hair too much, even though the animal appears healthy. There are no signs of illness, the cat is cheerful, pleases its owners with an excellent appetite and playful attitude.

Natural Causes of Hair Loss in Cats

Why does this happen, and is it possible to help the animal? Before you panic, find out about the natural shedding of your animal. Cats, like all animals, actively lose hair during the seasonal shedding period. This condition is natural, there is nothing terrible about it, since in place of the fallen fur, a new fur coat grows.

This is a natural process that you should not worry about. A cat renews its coat twice a year, in spring and autumn. You shouldn’t “just in case” stuff your cat with all sorts of vitamins and minerals to stop shedding, as this can harm the animal’s health.

If you notice that the shedding is dragging on and your cat is constantly shedding hair, you should pay attention. In this case, diseases appear in your pet’s body, the symptoms of which are hidden. Outwardly, your cat appears active and healthy.

Hair loss occurs not only from a banal vitamin deficiency, but also from serious disorders in the animal’s body. The unfavorable conditions in which your pet lives can also provoke an excessively prolonged molting.

Cats shed heavily due to too dry and hot air, and high humidity provokes fungal diseases. Examine the animal's skin; if you notice that the skin is covered in rashes and is peeling, immediately contact your veterinarian for help or advice.

A fungal disease in a cat can cause not only severe hair loss, but also afforestation, which in its advanced form is very difficult to treat. Therefore, it is better not to delay contacting a specialist.

Hormonal imbalance in cats

Severe hair loss may be associated with hormonal imbalance in the animal. At the same time, the cat’s behavior changes, which is impossible not to notice to a loving owner. The animal becomes indifferent to entertainment, its appetite worsens, and sometimes its vision decreases.

The cat refuses to play and is very reluctant to make contact with its beloved owner and other family members. When there is a hormonal imbalance in a cat, the fur comes out in clumps, in place of which ulcers can form, which the sick animal does not even try to lick.

In this case, delaying a visit to the veterinarian is dangerous, since your pet is at risk of serious complications that are not easy to cope with. Don’t waste time and be sure to visit an experienced veterinarian.

Weakened immune system in cats

Sometimes hair loss is caused by a weakened immune system; this occurs due to a long, protracted infectious disease, or after surgery. With proper care and proper feeding, the immune system is quickly restored, and molting stops completely.

Contact a veterinarian who will prescribe effective vitamins and minerals and recommend nutritious food so that the animal recovers faster.

Deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body of cats

A deficiency of these nutrients negatively affects not only health, but also the quality of wool. Cats that are deficient in vitamins and minerals become passive, and their seasonal shedding is delayed for many months.

If your pet sheds heavily, inspect the skin; excessive hair loss is often caused by allergies. When a cat has allergies, its skin is irritated and flaky.

A cat suffering from allergies scratches itself. Cats with allergies suffer not only from hair loss, but also from lacrimation. Most often it is a food allergy. To figure out which product the cat’s body responded to with protest, carefully monitor your cat, gradually removing one product from the menu if she eats natural food.

If your cat eats dry food, then change it to food from another manufacturer. Perhaps the reason lies there. After a week, your pet will show improvement. If this does not happen, it is easier to look for the cause in the company of a specialist. Contact the clinic and they will definitely help you.

Hair loss can be a consequence of fungal infections, one of which is ringworm. The disease is insidious and contagious; the cat’s hair falls out in the places where the fungus has settled. This disease is treated with antifungal drugs prescribed by a veterinarian. It is unacceptable to self-medicate, otherwise the disease will drag on and get out of control. It is important to remember that ringworm is dangerous for everyone in the family. Don't let your children get sick.


Should I sound the alarm if my cat has a lot of hair? Veterinarians assure that the appearance of bald spots on a pet’s fur coat is a real reason for concern and emergency measures. Owners of “balding” purrs should know how to provide emergency assistance to their pet.

The causes of hair loss in a domestic furry can be associated with several factors:

An experienced veterinarian will help you determine why your cat is shedding hair. Laboratory tests are often necessary to clarify the diagnosis and adequate treatment.

How to help your cat get back her fluffy clothes

Let's consider the main cases when a cat's hair comes out, the causes of the misfortune and measures to save the pet's appearance.

Story 1: seasonal molting

You have noticed that your four-legged friend is losing hair, but not much. Examine it and calm down if it turns out:

  • the animal's skin remains gently pink;
  • eyes and nose are moist and clean;
  • the fur coat is still shiny;
  • the calendar shows spring or autumn.

Your fluffy little ball changes clothes: before the winter cold, it is insulated, before the summer heat, it is freed from excess. In long-haired breeds of the cat family, the hair grows in clumps. Normally, pussies quickly acquire a new coat.

What should the owner do? The smartest thing to do is go to a pet store and buy two things:

  1. Vitamin-mineral complex for enhanced wool growth.
  2. A brush to remove dead hair. For a short-haired animal, special gloves are suitable; for a long-haired animal, a brush with chrome or steel coating.

Story 2: stress

Cats have a lot of hair when they are thrown off balance. Here are situations that will probably “stress” your mustachioed friend:

  • a baby appears in the family - all the attention of the owners suddenly switches to the baby;
  • a beloved member of the household disappears for a long time;
  • the only owner of the cat leaves, giving it to the care of friends or relatives;
  • the animal is subjected to rude, disdainful treatment.

Cats are sensitive creatures. Severe anxiety or melancholy drives them into depression. The universal healing remedy in these cases is true care for your pet.

Story 3: disrupted diet

A cat with constant hair shedding often needs a drastic diet change. Foodborne dermatitis is detected by a wide range of symptoms:

  • hair falls out on the back, neck, and tail;
  • the skin in areas with thinned skin turns red, flakes, and itches badly;
  • the fur coat loses its attractiveness: it climbs, falls off in places, becomes dull.

The search for rescue means is preceded by an analysis of errors in the cat’s diet. Experts say: animal digestion problems and hair loss are caused by:

  • introducing pussies to sausage, liver, capelin, dairy delicacies - products with excess fat, salt, soy protein;
  • lack of meat, vitamins, and beneficial microelements in the cat’s menu.

If the fur is coming out due to an unbalanced diet, what should the unlucky owners do? Felinologists advise developing the right diet by including:

  1. (two doses per week are enough).
  2. Any lean meat.
  3. Moderate amount of offal.
  4. Low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream.
  5. Raw egg (once every 7-10 days).
  6. , but a dish that is not recommended to be given to a cat more than twice a week.

An animal adapted to ready-made food is transferred to food with a medicinal composition recommended for dermatitis. Complexes with B vitamins, biotin, and iodine must be added to the food of cats that grow hair.

Story 4: ringworm

If a fluffy's fur falls out in some areas to bald spots - reddening or whitening, sometimes covered with scales - this is a reason for serious concern. It is possible that your pet has a fungal disease - mycosis, or lichen.



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