Russian Society of Cardiologists official. National clinical recommendations of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiologists - R.G. Oganov, M.N. Mamedov

We present to you the most useful and informative medical sites (according to the authors of the site), aimed at specialists, and not only cardiologists.

Official websites of cardiological communities

Heart Failure Society

Official website of the Society. It is interesting, first of all, because it contains the National Recommendations of VNOK and OSSN for diagnostics and treatment of CHF in electronic format, as well as the results of research conducted under the auspices of the Society.

The room in which it was exhibited was called the Elephant's Cabin. Vasile Alexandri, in a letter to his brother Iancu, made the following remark: “We, those who were gathered here, received the name of the Elephant Group.” There were noisy negotiations, many of whom were nominated, including Lascar Catarghi, Vasile Alexandri, Costakis Negri, Scarlat Roset, liberals and Mihai Sturza, former Moldovan and one of his sons, Grigore Sturza. Later, at 11 o'clock at night, Mihai Cogalniceanu lamented that no one could decide that most of the people agreed, went home to him, and after that he wanted to leave more; but then Pisoski turned around with a pistol in his hand, threatening to commit suicide there if the deputies did not understand this night to elect a man to whom everyone would curse to vote on the day of the official elections, in order to avoid the success of Mihai Sturca, who was not approved by any of young Moldovan deputies.

The site also has an excellent patient section that provides practical information about heart failure for patients, their families and caregivers. It should be noted, in a very accessible and understandable form. Can you recommend it to patients?

After some time, Pisoski released the idea of ​​postponing all proposed candidates, so as not to offend some partisans for the benefit of others, and choosing Colonel Alexandra Cuza as a candidate. The utterance of this name, in the absence of his face, had an unexpected effect on all the assistance, and in a few moments all approved and united in the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchoosing as Lord of Moldova Cuza, who was known to everyone as a person of perfect integrity and rare intelligence. A secret vote was immediately made to all present, and it was found that all 32 members in the hall accepted Cuza's candidacy, depriving either their own or their elected ones.

Official website of the Russian Society of Cardiology

A very informative portal where you can find all the main Russian treatment recommendations cardiac patients(IHD, hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, CHF, etc.). In addition, there are links to electronic versions of journals published by the Society.

Official website of the European Society of Cardiology

Definitely one of the best cardiology portals. The latest European clinical guidelines in electronic format, research results, articles, reviews of congresses and more, and more. Of course, on English. In general, a note to the hostess. 🙂

This fact was brought to the attention of Kogalnichan, who only approves of the choice, and Kuza, who was amazed by such unexpected and unexpected news. In the first elections, Colonel Alecu Cuza assembled a weak minority of deputies who took the initiative in their election and a few of Alejandri's partisans; and other votes were divided between Lascar Catargi, Petru Mavrofen and Costace Negri. Immediately a report of the results of these elections was drawn up by all the deputies present, with a solemn commitment on the election day, fixed for January 5th, to vote for Aleca Cuza, so that his ascension to the place of kingship was now complete.

Republican Center for Atherosclerosis

Official website of the Republican Center for Atherosclerosis. Incomprehensible interface, but the sea useful information: electronic versions of clinical recommendations on atherothrombosis, acute coronary syndrome, pulmonary embolism, as well as electronic versions of the journal “Atherothrombosis”.

Educational medical portals

Another great educational resource. Today is the largest Russian educational video portal for doctors. A huge number of interesting video lectures, perfectly designed in terms of presentation of material.

It is noteworthy that Alecu Cuza, who did not think of such a person, was not in the hands of these preparatory elections. He was sleeping peacefully in his apartment in the houses of my late father-in-law Pavel Stojanovic when the great news came to him. His wife, Mrs. Elena Cuza, choked with tears, and he was stunned, thinking that he was dreaming. Cardiovascular disease is particularly high in the chronic group non-communicable diseases, which differs from others in that most of them develop relatively slowly, starting out without causing any symptoms, but changing the structure of the heart and blood vessels, even with intensive care in treatment it is difficult to return to the original state.

All-Russian educational Internet program for doctors

Amazing thing. All-Russian scientific and educational Internet program for doctors, existing since 2002. where you can watch video lectures and read articles on the most topical issues diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the field of cardiology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, hepatology, hematology, urology and other medical specialties.

Cardiology doctors encountered rare, congenital, genetic defects caused by illness, but high level morbidity and mortality resulting from hardening of the arteries caused by coronary artery disease, leading to coronary atherosclerosis.

This disease can damage blood vessels not only in the heart, but also in the brain, in large arteries human body. Also high incidence and mortality from myocardial infarction, degenerative diseases valves, heart failure, complications of arterial hypertension.

Interesting portal. The most interesting things: registered users get access to the latest publications of one of the most famous, oldest and most authoritative journals in medicine, The Lancet (UK). In addition, the site contains wonderful interactive 2D and 3D atlases of human anatomy. We liked it.

An “unpleasant” feature of many heart diseases is that the first symptom of the disease may suddenly develop threatening conditions, such as myocardial infarction, pulmonary edema, sudden death. According to the President of the Lithuanian Society of Cardiologists, Prof.

Medically known main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases: smoking, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle life, as well as risk factors and removal prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease and progression. Knowing that these diseases have already reached epidemic levels, it is necessary systematic approach to the prevention of this group of diseases, which should be early, based on the most informative algorithms for the development of disease risk.


This portal is interesting for its excellent selection of clinical recommendations of the VNOK (All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiologists) and recommendations of the ESC (European Society of Cardiology). As they say, everything is in one place.

Russian medical journals

And, finally, the official websites of major Russian publications. These sites have collected huge amount current articles on medicine in all sectors.

This is not an easy task because the number of patients requiring preventive screening is large. To avoid this, it is appropriate and cost-effective for the government to invest in cardiovascular factors risk of diseases such as hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes treatment. Since cardiovascular disease is often a consequence of other diseases, treatment of these patients has important for treatment and interdisciplinary collaboration in various areas medical treatment patient: cardiology with endocrinologists, neurologists, nephrologists, doctors general practice, notes Prof.

We invite you to become an individual member of the Russian Society of Cardiology (RSC).

As of 01/01/2017, 6512 people were registered in the Russian Society of Cardiology.

    In order to become a member of the Russian Society of Cardiology and pay the membership fee (read below).

    However, in patients with cardiovascular diseases, even if the structure cardiovascular system damage caused by heart failure and coronary syndromes can live longer, and their life expectancy and quality are determined by maximum and effective systemic treatment, apply innovative treatment methods.

    Lithuania has implemented a number of measures to combat cardiovascular diseases. For example, over the last decade a program has been introduced primary prevention cardiovascular system, aimed at men aged 40-55 years and women aged 50 to 65 years. Once a year, the family doctor determines the risk factors for them and, if necessary, develops an individual plan for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. When detected big risk cardiovascular diseases, the patient is referred to specialized centers for more detailed treatment and, if necessary, for treatment.

    To renew your membership, you must pay the membership fee using one of two options:

1. pay online in your personal account.

2. pay the fee using the receipt, and then send the scanned receipt to the address(or send it through your personal account).

The annual membership fee is 500 rubles.

Receipt for payment of membership fee

The acute focus of myocardial infarction has been operating in the country for several years, with the aim of timely diagnosis acute heart attack myocardium and promptly bringing the patient to the hospital for opening coronary artery. The success of this cluster is ensured by a well-coordinated model of work between emergency care and interventional cardiology centers.

The first heart failure rooms opened last year, with a dedicated cardiologist and nursing team providing specialized services to heart failure patients. In these rooms, people who have been hospitalized for illness during the year can also consult doctors for treatment and more healthy image life. It is planned that there will currently be 29 such offices in Lithuania.

For information about a regional office, click on the region you need.

* Click on region and contacts regional office will appear at the top of the page

Being member of the Russian Cardiological Society, You will be able to:

    participate in online educational programs for free and receivecertificate of the Russian Society of Cardiology, part of a singleAll-Russian database of certificates;

    Although there are more available and available in Lithuania effective medicines, but there are those who are needed, but they have not yet received compensation in Lithuania. International cooperation. The President of the Lithuanian Society of Cardiology notes that cardiovascular therapists have crucial to obtain the latest knowledge, information on research results and the latest treatment recommendations - treatment guidelines provided by major international professional organizations such as the European Society of Cardiology, which brings together 56 national cardiology associations.

    receive priority right to publish the 1st abstract, after passing peer review, in the collection of publications of the Russian National Congress of Cardiologists;

    become a participant in the “Cardiologists of the Future” project and get the opportunity to participate in the European Congress of Cardiologists, without paying a registration fee (if you are under 35 years old);

    Eight of them - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland - join the Northern Baltic Alliance, whose members hold congresses every two years. This year, on the first day of June, it will be held in Vilnius, where reports on current issues will be read coronary disease hearts, arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart failure, arrhythmias and prevention of heart disease. The program includes and conducts separate sessions for interventional cardiologists, electrophysiologists and cardiac surgeons.

    receive at the Russian National Congress of Cardiologists the recommendations of the Russian Society of Cardiology and a translation of the recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology for free;

Membership in this scientific and practical organization leads to automatic enrollment in the European Society of Cardiology.

The latter, in turn, gives you special powers as a participant in this international organization.

Congress of Innovations - sessions for young cardiologists, sessions for nurses. “Such congresses present scientific innovations, provide a basis for scientific cooperation, establish personal professional contacts, exchange practical experience", says Prof.

The organizers of this international congress thought not only about doctors, but also about society. On June 2, the favorite place of Vilnius - the Neris River - will be held in events for the public, their time will display visual information about cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors will be measured blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels. It aims to increase public awareness about cardiovascular diseases, we want to draw attention to them and remind people to check their health preventively so that they do not yet experience any symptoms of the disease.

Being Member of the European Society of Cardiology you have the right to:

    discounts on the purchase of educational materials from the European Society of Cardiology ( ESCEducationalProducts);

    discounts when subscribing to all journals of the European Society of Cardiology ( ESCJournals), including European Heart Journal.

    The first courses have been completed in Lithuania " Specialized Nurse on heart failure in patients." Two months of training were organized by the Center postgraduate education at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Nursing and Department of Cardiology.

    He confirmed the news in Lithuania - consultation services provided by a cardiologist specializing in the treatment of heart failure, combined with a specially trained nurse responsible for general care. As the population ages, the number of people with cardiac dysfunction increases. Epidemiological rates are increasing every year, indicating that heart failure is diagnosed in every 10 people over the age of 65 years. According to the Institute of Hygiene, heart failure in Lithuania is estimated at almost 130 thousand people.

    receiving all information on the Congresses of the European Society of Cardiology ( congress related information);

    free receipt of the European Society of Cardiology Guidelines in pocket format ( ESCPocketGuidelines) during the next Congress of the European Society of Cardiology;

    With the creation of clusters, patients with acute heart disease are more successful, more and more more people are saved, but some of them have heart failure. Outpatient treatment patients with long-term heart failure helps ensure optimal quality of life for the patient, save more lives and reduce hospital-related costs. “Having assessed the strategic goals, the Ministry of Health recognized the importance of this area and gave it exclusive attention,” said the professor, thanking the Lithuanian Society of Cardiology for supporting the Heart Failure Task Force initiative.

    obtaining a Member Card of the European Society of Cardiology ( EuropeanMembershipCard). This right is currently granted only to members of some National Societies, including members of the All-Russian scientific society cardiologists;

    assignment of Fellow status of the European Society of Cardiology - FESC ( ESC Fellowship program) with the receipt of appropriate privileges.



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