Tenoten - instructions for use for children and adults. An effective homeopathic remedy - Tenoten for children: reviews from parents, rules of use and additional information

My eldest child was very calm in early childhood. Sometimes it even seemed to me that what we needed was not a sedative, but, on the contrary, something disinhibiting. At 2.5 years old, in connection with mental retardation, we conducted a course of Cortexin, which literally magically had the most positive effect on the development of speech. My child started talking after the third injection, although I always suspected that he could, but for some reason he didn’t want to do it. By that time he had already gone to kindergarten - the adaptation process was completed, and it proceeded quite easily and simply.

And I would never have thought that those same notorious 200 grams of explosives would suddenly be bombed so unexpectedly. At 3.5 years old, we had to transfer the child to another kindergarten. Over the course of a month, we gradually got used to the new environment, we seemed to like the new group, friends appeared and I breathed a sigh of relief. But I was urgently hospitalized with high blood pressure (at 8 months of pregnancy), and I was out of the baby’s life for 2 weeks. And then she appeared, and not alone, with a little doll, which began to claim my attention.

And my boy’s tender spiritual structure could not stand it. No, he still didn’t throw tantrums - he has a completely different temperament. But other changes began to alarm me. He began to talk exclusively by shouting, as if trying to finish shouting. Maybe it was a kind of attraction for attention, maybe this was how jealousy manifested itself. His sleep worsened - if before he fell asleep like in a tank already at 9 o'clock in the evening, and no guns could wake him up, now he did not sleep until midnight, but woke up from the slightest rustle. The same thing happened with daytime sleep - the teacher complained that he was not sleeping, although there had been no problems with daytime sleep before. The child became whiny - he could burst into tears at the slightest provocation.

Therefore, it was decided to provide some support to his nervous system. I chose the mildest sedative - children's Tenoten.

General information

Tenoten for children - homeopathic medicine

having a sedative and nootropic effect.

The drug has the following medicinal properties:

  • Anti-anamnestic effect – memory improvement.
  • Nootropic effect – improvement of the functional activity of the cerebral cortex.
  • Stress-protective effect – increasing the resistance of brain cells under the influence of various stress factors.
  • Antidepressive effect – improving the child’s mood against the background of the development of depression of various origins.
  • Antihypoxic effect – increasing the adaptive capabilities of neurocytes (cells of the nervous system) in conditions of insufficient oxygen supply.
  • Antiasthenic effect – increasing the vitality of the child’s body due to a stimulating effect on the brain.

As you can see, Tenoten for children is used both to calm the nervous system, and vice versa - in case of depression, it can improve the mood and stimulate the child. That is, the drug has a balancing effect.

  • The main action that I expected from it was protection from stress and improved adaptation to new and incomprehensible circumstances for the child.
  • Buy children's Tenoten You can buy it at any pharmacy - it is sold freely, without a doctor's prescription.
  • Tenoten price for children- about 250 rub.
  • Tenoten is packaged in a bright, cheerful box, which in itself lifts your spirits. There are 40 tablets in a package.

Composition of children's Tenoten:

A little decoding:

Special proteins that are very close in structure to the brain protein. These antibodies are able to bind strongly to S-100 proteins located in brain structures.

Instructions for children's Tenoten

Indications for use of Tenoten for children and method of administration

  • Neuroses;
  • Neurotic and neurosis-like disorders, occurring with increased excitability, irritability, anxiety, deterioration of memory and attention;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia (as part of complex therapy).

Homeopathic medicines have a peculiarity - they need to be absorbed, not swallowed, not chewed, but slowly dissolved so that the active substance is absorbed into the systemic bloodstream through the oral mucosa (like nitroglycerin tablets).

The active component is quickly absorbed into the systemic bloodstream through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, distributed evenly in tissues, and penetrates through the blood-brain barrier into the structures of the central nervous system, where it is included in metabolism.

Tenoten tablets are small in size, marked on both sides and have a break mark. They taste sweetish, chew without problems, the child did not refuse to suck them. At first, I was worried that he would immediately swallow the pill, and then there would simply be no effect - I crushed Tenoten between spoons and poured it into his cheek in powder form.

Side effects and contraindications to Tenoten

At what age can you take Tenoten?

The drug is approved for the treatment of children from the age of three. I know that at an earlier age they give it - they divide it in half, into quarters. But that's not how homeopathy works.- this is not a 500 mg aspirin tablet, which, if you divide it in half, you get two 250 mg halves. It's not grams here, it's dilution here - that's the difference. I'll explain why later.

In general, before the age of three, it is better not to give children such as tenoten, which affect the nervous system:

Until the age of three, it is impossible to modulate the behavior of a child who does not suffer from severe central nervous system diseases using medications that affect the central nervous system. Indeed, during this period, the baby develops pathways for transmitting information in the brain and establishes numerous patterns of behavior, emotional reactions, responses to stress, positive and negative influences, etc. And only after these basic mechanisms, patterns of behavior and reactions have been formed (on average by three years), the child can be given drugs that act on the central nervous system, including Tenoten.

What is the difference between Tenoten for children and for adults?

In both cases the figure is 0.003 g, which may mislead you. However, there is a difference, and it is significant. It lies in the degree of dilution.

Children's Tenoten composition (photo from the box):

Adult Tenoten composition (photo from the box):

It's called, find 10 differences...

If you look closely, in a child dose of Tenoten the dilution of the drug is 10 to -16 degrees, and in an adult - 10 to -15 degrees - this is indicated where the footnote with an asterisk is.

T But there are drugs that are not interchangeable - here the standard halving will not help. For a child, it is better to buy children's Tenoten.

How long should I take Tenoten?

In the instructions you will not find the exact dosage, which directly depends on the state of the child’s nervous system and the problems that need to be solved. That is, you can drink 1 tablet per day, or maybe three times a day.

And for hyperactivity syndrome, the dosage of Tenoten is 2 tablets 2 times a day. The same applies to the duration of use - for some people a month is enough, and some may need 3 months to achieve effect.

We took Tenoten 1 tablet 2 times a day - morning and evening for 1.5 months. For the course, 2 packages of children's Tenoten were enough for us.

The effect of taking children's Tenoten

I have always been skeptical about homeopathy - it seemed to me that only the effect of suggestion, a placebo, could work here, that a medicine whose dilution is measured in minus degrees cannot simply work. But tenoten is the drug that managed to convince me.

Homeopathy works - I was convinced of this both as a child and personally, taking Tenoten myself and fully assessing my condition. After all, the child cannot tell in detail what he feels, and the effect of the drug can only be judged by the changed behavior. But I can feel and evaluate everything, there is an effect from taking it and you shouldn’t expect it, like from this herbal sedative, for example.

To be honest, I thought that one package would be enough for my child. But only towards the end of the first pack I felt the real effect:

  • Firstly, the child stopped SCREAMING and began to talk calmly. Of course, I worked in every possible way with this suddenly emerging problem: I listened to him carefully, I spoke as calmly as possible, I tried to calm him down through constant tactile contact.
  • Secondly, sleep was restored, both daytime and nighttime. My boy has been a sleepyhead since birth - he needs long and full sleep. And it is quite possible that the irritability was aggravated by the fact that he stopped sleeping during the day and slept poorly at night. The quality of his sleep also improved - he became stronger, he stopped waking up due to the slightest noise (and where would he be without it when a baby doll with colic appeared at home).
  • The tearfulness disappeared - he began to react more calmly to comments and prohibitions. He also became more obedient in the garden and began to sleep during the day without any problems.

But the most important thing is that I really saw sincere joy from the appearance of a little princess in the house - my boy constantly came to the crib and showed great interest. I did not see aggression and uncontrollable jealousy towards her, which I was so afraid of. Of course, I can’t say that the merit here is solely Tenoten’s. My husband and I tried to distribute our attention as much as possible between our two children and not allow the older one to be infringed upon. But I believe that Tenoten gave good support to the fragile children’s nervous system in order to cope with all the events that came at once.

Of course, drugs like Tenoten can provide good support to the child’s nervous system. But it is important to remember that not a single medicine in the world can have such an impact as maternal love and care. Love your kids and try to make the most of all your opportunities to show your child how important and dear he is.


Tenoten for children- a sedative drug that is used in children from 3 years of age. Helps improve the child's behavior, facilitates the process of adaptation in the children's team (kindergarten and school), does not cause drowsiness, lethargy and addiction.
The drug has a calming, anti-anxiety (anxiolytic) effect without causing unwanted hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. Improves tolerance to psycho-emotional stress. It has stress-protective, nootropic, antiamnestic, antihypoxic, neuroprotective, antiasthenic, antidepressant effects.
In conditions of intoxication, hypoxia, and in conditions after acute cerebrovascular accident, it has a neuroprotective effect, limits the area of ​​damage, and normalizes learning and memory processes in the central nervous system (CNS). Inhibits lipid peroxidation processes. Modifies the functional activity of the S-100 protein, which carries out the coupling of synaptic (information) and metabolic processes in the brain. Providing a GABA-mimetic and neurotrophic effect, it increases the activity of stress-limiting systems and helps restore the processes of neuronal plasticity.

Indications for use

Tenoten for children used in children in the treatment of neurotic and neurosis-like disorders accompanied by increased excitability, irritability, anxiety, behavioral and attention disorders, and autonomic disorders.

Directions for use

Tenoten for children take orally. For one dose - 1 tablet (keep in mouth until completely dissolved - not during meals). If necessary, the tablet can be dissolved in a small amount of boiled water at room temperature.
Take 1 to 3 times a day, course of treatment is 1 to 3 months. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended to 6 months or repeated after 1 - 2 months. If there is no persistent improvement in your condition within 3-4 weeks after starting treatment, you should consult a doctor.

Side effects

When used according to the indicated indications and in the indicated dosages, no side effects were identified. Individual hypersensitivity reactions to the components of the drug are possible.


Contraindications to the use of children's Tenotena are: increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, children under 3 years of age.


Safety of use of the drug Tenoten for children has not been studied in pregnant women and during lactation. If necessary, the risk/benefit ratio should be taken into account.

Interaction with other drugs

Cases of drug incompatibility Tenoten for children has not been registered with other drugs to date.
Special instructions
The drug contains lactose, and therefore it is not recommended for use in patients with congenital galactosemia, glucose or galactose malabsorption syndrome, or congenital lactase deficiency.
Due to the presence of activating properties in the drug Tenoten for children, the last dose should be taken no later than 2 hours before bedtime.


Cases of drug overdose Tenoten for children has not been identified to date.

Storage conditions

Pills Tenoten for children should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Release form

Tenoten for children - lozenges. 20 tablets each in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and aluminum foil. 1, 2 or 5 strip strips along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.


Tenoten for children contains:
Active components: antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100, affinity purified - 0.003 g*.
Excipients: lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

Basic parameters



The use of many medications is prohibited until the patient reaches the age of 18. Aggressive chemical compounds can negatively affect a growing organism. "Tenoten Children's" is one of the few exceptions. This is a homeopathic remedy with the properties of a nootropic, anxiolytic, and sedative. It will help with functional and organic disorders in the brain, mental and emotional overload. If you strictly follow the instructions for use for children's "Tenoten", the benefits will be obvious, and the potential risks will be minimal.

Description of the dosage form, composition

The main active ingredient of the drug is antibodies to the specific protein S-100. They are present in the product in the form of a water-alcohol extract from components that have undergone affinity purification. The drug also contains lactose monohydrate, cellulose, and magnesium stearate, which give the product the desired physical characteristics.

Tenoten lozenges are the only dosage form of the drug. These are flat-cylindrical elements of a white or almost white shade with a chamfer and a notch on one side. On the surface with a mark there is the inscription MATERIA MEDICA. On the opposite side is TENOTEN (over 18 years old) or TENOTEN KID (under 18 years old). With the help of this difference in Tenoten, you can always understand for which age group the medicine is intended.

When you read the instructions for both types of medication, you can see that each of them contains 3 mg of the active substance. At the same time, few people pay attention to the important footnote indicating the concentration of the component. If you compare the data for the two drugs, it becomes clear that the adult drug contains 10 times more antibodies than the children's product.

Parents who are sure that there are no differences between children and adults risk the development of negative consequences in their baby. Despite the absence of registered cases of side effects and overdose with Tenoten, giving the standard product to children is prohibited.

Therapeutic effects, pharmacokinetics

When taken as a course, Tenoten for Children affects the functional parameters of protein S-100. This substance takes part in metabolic and information processes occurring in the brain. The speed of signal transmission between tissues and the activity of brain structures change, which causes sedative, nootropic, and anti-anxiety effects.

If you take Tenoten for children, you can expect the following results:

  • increased activity of the cerebral cortex, stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • improving neuronal resistance to negative effects due to stress;
  • prevention of tissue ischemia caused by oxygen deficiency in certain areas;
  • memory stimulation;
  • eliminating signs of depression, improving mood;
  • potentiation of the child’s vitality, stimulation of his activity;
  • reducing the severity of nervous or emotional stress;
  • relief of anxiety, unreasonable fear, irritability, capriciousness.

After the tablet dissolves in the oral cavity, the active substance quickly enters the bloodstream, spreading through the tissues of the body. Having penetrated the blood-brain barrier, the component reaches the necessary parts of the central nervous system, where it is included in chemical processes. The therapeutic effect of the composition is not accompanied by a hypnotic effect and does not relax the muscles. This feature minimizes the likelihood of adverse reactions.

Indications for use

“Tenoten for Children”, depending on the goals set for it, is used as monotherapy or included as part of a combined approach. In any case, the decision to prescribe it to a child should be made by a pediatric neurologist, based on the clinical picture, the age of the baby, and the characteristics of the situation.

"Tenoten for Children" can be used for:

  • neuroses, neurotic disorders;
  • organic and functional lesions of the nervous system, which manifest themselves in increased excitability, irritability, and inexplicable anxiety;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system;
  • nervous tics;
  • behavioral disorders, including in adolescence;
  • hyperactivity;
  • attention deficit disorder.

There are known cases of successful use of Tenoten for stuttering in children of different ages. With the permission of a doctor, the product is used to combat signs of mental and emotional stress. The drug helps schoolchildren cope with stress, prepare for exams and important events.

Contraindications for use

According to the instructions, Tenoten for Children should not be used to treat patients under 3 years of age. Also, the medication will have to be abandoned if the body is hypersensitive to its components.

In practice, you can find cases of using Tenoten for Children in the treatment of infants and children under 3 years of age. Parents are confident that if they give their baby half or a quarter of the tablet, the desired effect will be achieved without risks to the patient’s health. In fact, the dosage does not play any role here; what is important is the effect of the active substance on the central nervous system. The brains of such young children do not have a sufficient number of neural connections through which impulses pass. Schemes and pathways for transmitting information are just being formed; any interference in the processes threatens disruptions in the functioning of the brain.

Directions for use, dosage

The best option for taking the tablet is to place it under the tongue or behind the cheek until completely dissolved or absorbed. Some children at 3 years old cannot yet hold medicine in their mouth without risk to health. In their case, it is allowed to dilute the therapeutic dose in a small amount of clean water and drink. Regardless of the method, it is recommended to take the medicine 15 minutes before or the same time after a meal.

Use of the drug "Tenoten for Children" depending on the diagnosis:

  • neuroses, neurosis-like conditions - one tablet up to 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-3 months, depending on the severity of the positive dynamics. In difficult cases, it is extended to six months. If necessary, approaches are repeated regularly with a break of 2 months;
  • hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder - 2 tablets twice a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 3 months;
  • nervous tics, stuttering, irritability, anxiety, problems with academic performance - one tablet up to 3 times a day until a lasting positive result is obtained and the alarming signs completely disappear.

In some cases, individual dosages are selected for children, taking into account the specifics of the situation. Regardless of the regimen, if there are no signs of positive dynamics after 3-4 weeks from the start of the course, the therapy is stopped and a doctor is consulted for a new consultation.

Side effects

Tenoten for Children is well tolerated by children of any age. No cases of negative reactions from the body were recorded. If a patient has a negative response to therapy, he or she is experiencing an allergic reaction to the drug. Side effects that occur as a result of an integrated approach also cannot be caused by the product. In this situation, all components of the scheme should be analyzed, but it is not necessary to abandon the homeopathic remedy.

Exceeding the dosage

By ignoring the recommended method of using the medicine and giving the product to the child during meals, parents reduce the effectiveness of the treatment, but do not threaten the baby in any way. Accidental one-time or daily excess of therapeutic volumes of the product also does not pose a danger to the patient. An overdose of a homeopathic composition does not lead to signs of poisoning or intoxication of the body. In the most serious case, it is accompanied by abdominal discomfort in the victim and dyspeptic symptoms. But even such consequences are provoked not by the active substance of the drug, but by its auxiliary components.

Special instructions

Therapy based on the children's drug "Tenoten" should be carried out only with the permission of the doctor, regardless of the patient's age and the goals of the course. Even a one-time dose of the composition is best agreed with a neurologist or pediatrician.

Before starting treatment, you should read the instructions - specific instructions must be followed. If a child has congenital problems processing carbohydrates, other medication options should be considered or the potential risks assessed. Any negative response from the body in this case will be an indication to refuse the product.

It is not recommended to give the pill to your child later than a couple of hours before going to bed. The stimulating effect of the medication can cause problems falling asleep and shallow night sleep. The use of a medicine for adults when the patient is under 18 years of age or a children's product for a child under 3 years of age is strictly prohibited, regardless of the indications. Consuming a product that has expired or has been stored in unfavorable conditions can cause poisoning. If the smell or appearance of the tablets has changed, you should refrain from using them.

"Tenoten for Children": analogues

In most cases, Tenoten for children is ideal for treating the stated indications. If It is not possible to purchase it or the product causes an allergy, you need to consult a doctor. The specialist will select an equivalent replacement, taking into account the specifics of the situation and wishes. By independently searching for a suitable remedy, you can do more harm to the patient than good. It is important to note that not all drugs based on antibodies to the S-100 protein are approved in childhood.

The Tenoten analogue, Valerianahel drops, can be used in children over 2 years of age. Products such as Edas-306 syrup and Candinorm lozenges are approved for children over one year of age. In childhood, Notta drops are also acceptable. In some ways, the products listed are superior to Tenoten. Analogues represented by the given dosage forms are easier to use in childhood.

Storage rules

Tenoten for Children tablets should be kept in their original packaging. They need a dark and dry place, out of reach of children, with a temperature no higher than 25℃. Under such conditions, the shelf life of the product will be 36 months.

"Tenoten for Children": price

The cost of a homeopathic remedy ranges from 200 to 300 rubles, depending on the type of pharmacy and region.

And irritability, as well as improving memory, attention, perseverance and learning new information. In addition, Tenoten helps to better tolerate high nervous and emotional stress. In complex therapy, Tenoten can be used for various organic lesions of the central nervous system, which occur with constant changes in the emotional background, irritability, memory impairment, etc.

Varieties, names and forms of release

Currently, two varieties of Tenoten are produced - adults and children, differing from each other only in the dosage of the active substance. In all other aspects, adult and child Tenoten are exactly the same. Both types of the drug are available in the same dosage form - oral lozenges. To designate varieties of the drug, the specification “children” or “adult” is used in everyday life, and the dosage of the active component is almost never indicated, since an indication of who the drug is intended for is sufficient for a clear understanding of which version of Tenoten we are talking about, and a doctor, a pharmacist, and the man himself.

Tenoten tablets for children and adults are painted white or almost white and have the shape of a cylinder, flattened on both sides. There is a mark on one of the flat sides of the tablet, and a chamfer on the other. Next to the score and chamfer on the tablets of Tenoten for children there are the inscriptions "MATERIA MEDICA" and "TENOTEN KID", and for adults - "MATERIA MEDICA" and simply "TENOTEN".

Namely the inscriptions "TENOTEN KID" And "TENOTEN" They always allow you to know exactly (even if the packaging is lost) which type of tablet - adult or children's - is in your hands. Tenoten tablets for children are available in packs of 20, 40 and 100 pieces, and for adults - in packs of 20 and 40 pieces.

Tenoten - composition

Tenoten contains as an active component aqueous-alcoholic mixture of affinity purified antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100. Such a name for an active substance is often unclear, so let’s take a closer look at what it means.

Firstly, the direct active component of adult and children's Tenoten are antibodies to the brain-specific substance S-100, and the water-alcohol mixture is only their physical state in which they are used as an active substance.

The substance S-100 in the structures of the brain regulates integrative activity (connections of information of various types, transmission of signals from one brain structure to another, etc.). That is, it is thanks to the S-100 protein inside the brain that signals can quickly be transmitted from one section to another, for example, from the area responsible for perceiving images from the eye, to the cerebral cortex, which processes the information received, etc. In addition, the S-100 protein protects brain cells from damaging influences and reduces the negative effects of stress. Since this protein is found only in brain structures, it is called brain-specific.

However, Tenoten tablets for children and adults do not contain the S-100 protein itself, but antibodies to it, for the production of which biotechnology is used. In the process of obtaining them, a mixture of several types of antibodies is first formed. And in order to isolate only one variety from them, a special technology is used, based on the affinity property of antibodies, which is understood as the strength of binding of antibodies to antigens (in this case, S-100). Different types of antibodies to the same S-100 protein have different affinities, that is, they bind to it with unequal strength. As a result of a special technology, it is possible to isolate antibodies with different affinities, which is what is done to obtain the active substance Tenoten.

So, affinity-purified antibodies to the brain-specific substance S-100 are special proteins that have an affinity and the ability to bind strongly to S-100 proteins located in the structures of the brain.

Ready-made affinity-purified antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100 are added in a certain amount to the water-alcohol mixture, since it is in it that they can be stable and not disintegrate. Antibodies are added to Tenoten for children at a concentration of 10-16 ng/g, and for adults – 10-15 ng/g.

Then, excipients are added to the prepared water-alcohol mixture with antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100, which allow the formation of tablets (similar to how flour is added to water to make dough). Each tablet contains 3 mg of a water-alcohol mixture of antibodies, that is, the total mass of the active substance in children's Tenoten is 3 * 10 -19 ng, and in adults - 3 * 10 -18 ng. Thus, the mass of the active substance in children's Tenoten is 10 times less than in adults.

The following substances are included as excipients in Tenoten for children and adults:

  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Magnesium stearate.

What is the difference between children's and adult Tenoten

The main and only difference between adult and children's Tenoten is the dosage of the active substance (antibodies to the brain-specific substance S-100). Many people think that the dose of the active substance in children's and adult medications is the same, but this is not the case. And such a misconception arises due to the fact that the instructions are read incorrectly.

So, the instructions for use indicate that each tablet of both children's and adult Tenoten contains 3 mg of the active substance, which leads a person to think about their identity. However, there is an asterisk above the 3 mg number, which means that you should look at the footnote, which indicates what the concentration of the active ingredient actually is in those three milligrams. For children's Tenoten, the concentration of the active substance is 10-16 ng/g, and for adults – 10-15 ng/g. That is, children's Tenoten contains 3 milligrams of the mixture, the concentration of the active substance in which is 10 -16 ng/g (10 -19 ng/mg). Accordingly, an adult Tenoten contains 3 milligrams of a mixture with a concentration of the active substance of 10 -15 ng/g (10 -18 ng/mg). Thus, the active substance in adult Tenoten is 10 times greater than in children’s.

Therapeutic effects

Experimental studies have found that ultra-low dosages (below 10-12 ng/g) of antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100 normalize the impaired ability of brain cell membranes to be in an excited state and quickly transmit signals. It was on the basis of these experimental data that the drug Tenoten was created, which includes antibodies to the S-100 protein in ultra-low doses.

Due to its ability to normalize the speed and activity of signal transmission between cells and brain structures, Tenoten has the following therapeutic effects:

  • Calming effect (the drug reduces nervous tension);
  • Anti-anxiety effect (the drug relieves anxiety, relieving a person of unreasonable and excessively strong anxiety for various reasons);
  • Stress-protective effect (the drug reduces the negative impact of stress on the brain, thereby preventing a person from losing self-control, common sense and clarity of reasoning, as well as emotional stability during periods of turmoil);
  • Antidepressant effect (the drug helps cure depression, since it has an effect similar to modern antidepressants);
  • Nootropic effect (the drug improves memory, attention, speed and clarity of reasoning, and also helps a person to absorb and process large amounts of information in a short period of time);
  • Antiamnestic effect (the drug prevents memory impairment and amnesia);
  • Antihypoxic effect (the drug increases the amount of oxygen entering the brain structures, as a result of which the area of ​​damage in acute cerebrovascular accidents is significantly reduced);
  • Neuroprotective effect (the drug protects the brain from the negative effects of various factors, improving the survival and vitality of its cells);
  • Antiasthenic effect (the drug relieves asthenia).
Thanks to its effects, Tenoten normalizes a person’s mental state, relieving depression, relieving anxiety and eliminating agitation, and at the same time improves the process of learning and assimilation of new and varied information.

Indications for use

Children's Tenoten indicated for use in children aged 3–18 years for the treatment of the following conditions and diseases:
  • Neuroses;
  • Neurotic and neurosis-like disorders, occurring with increased excitability, irritability, anxiety, deterioration of memory and attention;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia (as part of complex therapy).
Adult Tenoten is indicated for use in adults over 18 years of age for the treatment of the following conditions or diseases:
  • Neuroses and neurosis-like conditions;
  • Psychosomatic diseases (stress bleeding, abdominal pain and other manifestations of diseases that actually do not exist);
  • Increased nervous tension;
  • Stress, causing irritability, anxiety and autonomic reactions (sweating, flushing, headaches, etc.);
  • Mild or moderate organic lesions of the central nervous system, caused by injuries or circulatory disorders and accompanied by instability of emotions, irritability, memory impairment and autonomic reactions (sweating, hot flashes, etc.).

Tenoten - instructions for use

Tenoten for children

The tablets should be kept in the mouth (preferably under the tongue) until they are completely dissolved. If the child is not able to dissolve the tablet completely, then you can dissolve it in a small amount of boiled water at room temperature and let the child drink the prepared solution. Tablets should be taken 15 minutes before or after meals.

In children with neuroses and neurosis-like conditions, it is recommended to give Tenoten one tablet 1 - 3 times a day for 1 - 3 months. If necessary, the course of therapy can be extended to six months. You can also carry out repeated courses of therapy, observing intervals between them of 1 - 2 months.

For attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, Tenoten is recommended to take two tablets twice a day for 1 to 3 months.

In other cases, it is recommended that the child be given one Tenoten tablet 1 to 3 times a day until a persistent improvement in the condition and relief of anxiety, depression, irritability, hysterics, as well as normalization of memory and attention.

If after 3–4 weeks of continuous use of Tenoten the child’s condition has not improved, then you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Tenoten adult

Adults should not take Tenoten with food. It is enough to space meals and Tenoten tablets apart by 15 minutes (that is, take the drug 15 minutes before or after meals). The tablets should be dissolved in the mouth until they are completely dissolved. It is optimal to keep them under the tongue or behind the cheek. After dissolving the tablet, you should be sure to swallow all the saliva present in the oral cavity, after which, depending on your subjective sensations, you can drink a few sips of clean still water.

Adults for various conditions should take 1 - 2 tablets 2 - 4 times a day. You should start taking the drug one tablet twice a day, and monitor your condition for a week. If after a week your health has not improved, then you should increase the dosage to 2 tablets 2 times a day and monitor the condition again for a week. If after this the condition does not return to normal, then it is necessary to increase the number of doses of the drug per day, that is, drink Tenoten not 2, but 3 times a day. Thus, you should select the required dosage, starting with the minimum, and take the drug for 1 to 3 months without breaks. If a person’s condition at the time of starting to take Tenoten was severe or lasted long enough, then the course of therapy can be increased to six months (6 months). In addition, if necessary, repeated courses of therapy can be carried out, maintaining intervals between them of at least 1 - 2 months.

If within 3 to 4 weeks from the start of taking Tenoten a person’s condition has not returned to normal and a lasting improvement has not appeared, then you should stop using the drug and immediately consult a doctor.

How long should I take Tenoten?

The usual course of treatment is 1 – 3 months, so both adults and children need to take Tenoten for at least 4 weeks. After this period, you can stop taking the drug if there are persistent improvements in your condition, and the symptoms of nervous tension, anxiety and depressed mood are completely relieved. If this does not happen, then you should continue taking Tenoten for up to 3 months without breaks. In such situations, you should stop taking the drug only when the person’s condition has been consistently normal (acceptable) for a week.

If a person has been under stress for a long time, or it takes a very long time to recover, then the duration of the course of using Tenoten can be extended to six months. In addition, if necessary, courses of therapy can be repeated after 1 to 2 months.

In addition, Tenoten can be taken one or several times in a row, one tablet 2 to 4 times a day, if you need to quickly calm down and relieve anxiety. In such situations, Tenoten can be considered as an effective and convenient replacement for the usual valerian.

Special instructions

Since Tenoten contains substances that stimulate nervous activity, it should be taken at least two hours before going to bed. If you take the drug immediately before bed, the process of falling asleep will be very difficult.

In addition, both adult and children's Tenoten tablets contain lactose, so it is not recommended to take them for people suffering from various diseases in which the absorption of milk sugar is difficult, such as:

  • Congenital galactosemia;
  • Glucose malabsorption syndrome;
  • Galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • Congenital lactase deficiency.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The effect of Tenoten on the fetus and the course of pregnancy has not been studied, so it is not known whether the drug is safe during pregnancy. That is why it is recommended not to take Tenoten during pregnancy, choosing another drug that has studied and known effects on the fetus. If for any reason a pregnant woman needs to take Tenoten, then it should be used only if the benefits outweigh all possible risks.

Since it is unknown whether Tenoten passes into human milk, the drug should not be used during breastfeeding.


An overdose was never recorded during the entire period of use of Tenoten.

Interaction with other drugs

Tenoten does not interact with other medications in a way that makes any difference. Therefore, the drug can be used as part of combination therapy in combination with any other drugs.

Tenoten for children

Children's Tenoten is used for children from the age of three. If the baby is under 3 years old, then even children's Tenoten cannot be used, although in practice this is very common. Thus, many doctors prescribe, and parents give small children under 3 years of age, half or a quarter of Tenoten tablets at a time, believing that reducing the dosage can make the drug available and approved for children under 3 years of age.

However, the ban on the use of Tenoten for children under three years of age is not due to the dosage of the active substance, but to the state of the child’s brain, which is still developing, and it is impossible to interfere with these processes, despite the wishes of parents or doctors. The active component of Tenoten can only have a positive effect on the brain of children over 3 years of age, since by this age the necessary sufficiently numerous neural connections and neural pathways for transmitting information from one section to another are formed in it.

Until the age of three, it is impossible to modulate the behavior of a child who does not suffer from severe central nervous system diseases using medications that affect the central nervous system. Indeed, during this period, the baby develops pathways for transmitting information in the brain and establishes numerous patterns of behavior, emotional reactions, responses to stress, positive and negative influences, etc. And only after these basic mechanisms, patterns of behavior and reactions have been formed (on average by three years), the child can be given drugs that act on the central nervous system, including Tenoten.

Side effects

As side effects, both children and adults Tenoten can only provoke allergic reactions or symptoms of individual tolerance. However, these reactions are indicated only as probable, since at the moment any side effects of adult and pediatric Tenoten have never been recorded. Therefore, the likelihood of allergic reactions or individual intolerance phenomena theoretically exists, but in reality it is very low.

Contraindications for use

Adults and children Tenoten are contraindicated for use only if the adult or child has an individual intolerance or allergic reaction to any component of the drug. In addition, adult Tenoten is prohibited for use by people under 18 years of age, and children’s Tenoten cannot be used by people under 3 years of age.

Tenoten - analogues

Currently, analogues of any drug, including Tenoten, include synonyms and actual analogues. Synonyms are drugs containing, like Tenoten, antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100 as an active substance. Analogues of Tenoten are drugs containing other active substances, but having the most similar therapeutic effects.

Synonyms of Tenoten

  • Brizantine tablets;
  • Proproten 100 tablets and drops.

Analogues of Tenoten The following medications are:

  • Adaptol tablets;
  • Anvifen capsules;
  • Amizil tablets;
  • Afobazole tablets;
  • Valerian-Heel;
  • Valemidin drops;
  • Valdispert tablets;
  • Doppelhertz Melissa drops;
  • Dormikind drops;
  • Dormiplant tablets;
  • Lily of the valley-valerian drops;
  • Mebicar tablets;
  • Mebix tablets;
  • Nervoheel;
  • Novo-Passit solution and tablets;
  • Noofen capsules;
  • Notta drops and tablets;
  • Passifit syrup;
  • Patrimin tablets;
  • Persen and Persen forte tablets;
  • Selank nasal drops;
  • Sympathil tablets;
  • Strezam capsules;
  • Tranquesipam tablets and solution for injection;
  • Fezanef tablets;
  • Fesipam tablets;
  • Phenazepam tablets and solution for injection;
  • Phensitate tablets;
  • Phenibut tablets;
  • Phenorelaxan tablets and solution for injection;
  • Circulin dragee;
  • Elzepam tablets and solution for injection.

Reviews about the drug

Approximately 2/3 of reviews about Tenoten are positive, and only 1/3 are negative. Positive reviews are due to the fact that the drug helped people eliminate anxiety and calm down during various important, but at the same time very nervous periods of time. Reviews indicate that, thanks to Tenoten, severe anxiety and preoccupation disappeared, the degree and number of negative scenarios scrolled through the head decreased, and a much calmer perception of the surrounding reality appeared without breakdowns, hysterics, fear and other similar reactions. In addition, against the backdrop of normalization of the psychological state, an improvement in mental activity was noted, since thoughts became clearer, clearer and more precise, which, in turn, made it possible to find the most effective ways out of the current situation.

Some reviews indicate that Tenoten helped eliminate stress and nervous tension for people quitting smoking, thanks to which they successfully achieved their goal and did not relapse.

Negative reviews are due to the fact that in any particular situation Tenoten turned out to be ineffective, that is, it did not have the effect that the person expected. Many reviews indicate that Tenoten turned out to be ineffective when used to change the severity of vegetative reactions (sweating, flushing, stomach cramps, etc.) in response to screams, accusations, scandals and other situations with a high degree of nervousness. stresses that are repeated regularly.

However, it is not surprising that the drug was ineffective in such situations, since Tenoten can only change the severity of the perception of stress, but is not able to make a person completely insensitive to such situations. That is why Tenoten is effective in situations where stress is inevitable and needs to be dealt with (for example, illness of a loved one, fatigue from caring for a small child, etc.) in order to clearly and soberly assess the situation, as well as have the strength to get out out of crisis. But Tenoten will be completely ineffective in cases where unpleasant and stressful situations are repeated constantly, and a person wants, in fact, not to calm down, but to make himself insensitive to them, for example, with constant or frequent nagging at work or at home, etc. Remember, Tenoten will not relieve a person of reactions to stress, it can only reduce anxiety and calm, but with a constantly recurring source of irritation this is practically not felt.

Tenoten for children - reviews

About 2/3 of the reviews about children's Tenoten are positive, and only 1/3 are negative. Positive reviews are due to the fact that Tenoten normalized the child’s condition, made him less excitable, as a result of which frequent hysterics and crying, attacks of aggression, whims stopped, the baby began to sleep better and wake up less, and the obsessive following of the mother, father or others disappeared or decreased. family members. In addition, many mothers in their reviews note that Tenoten improved the child’s learning abilities, as a result of which he mastered new information and skills better and faster, came up with games, etc.

Separately, it is worth noting the positive reviews left by parents who gave Tenoten to their children after some severe shock they experienced, for example, trauma, evidence of something terrible (for example, a fire, a brutal fight, animal cruelty, etc.). These reviews indicate that Tenoten helped normalize the child’s condition, reduce the degree of his fear, stop severe nightmares at night, etc.

Negative reviews about Tenoten are due to the lack of the expected effect from it. For example, parents expected that under the influence of Tenoten the child would become completely calm and begin to play calmly without whims and hysterics, but this did not happen. In such a situation, parents become disappointed and leave negative feedback, often not paying attention to the objective changes that are available, which may be insignificant and not as large-scale as we would like.

Children, just like adults, experience nervous shocks - difficulties at school, exams, parental divorce and much more. As a result, the child begins to eat and sleep poorly, which leads to even greater health difficulties. In such situations, Komarovsky recommends Tenoten for children. The drug reduces stress, providing a quick positive effect.

Children's Tenoten is available in the form of round, white, absorbable tablets. One blister consists of 20 tablets. Available in packages of 1, 2 or 5 blisters (20, 40 or 100 tablets).
The drug contains 3 mg of the main active ingredient – ​​affinity-purified antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100. Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and lactose monohydrate.

Therapeutic effect

Komarovsky advises Tenoten for children, as the drug is able to normalize nerve cells. Tenoten has the following effects:

  • Reduces weakness, lethargy, exhaustion caused by mental or physical asthenia;
  • Calms (relieves nervous tension);
  • Prevents amnesia and restores memory;
  • Relieves anxiety caused by various reasons;
  • Has an antidepressant effect;
  • Increases the amount of oxygen entering brain cells, which improves blood circulation;
  • Protects nerve cells from negative factors;
  • Improves thinking abilities, memory and attention, allows you to concentrate and absorb more information in a minimum time;
  • Protects the brain from the negative effects of stress, which allows you to maintain sanity and stabilize your emotional state.

Despite its wide range of actions and free sale, Tenoten should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and only in prescribed doses.


Tenoten for children is prescribed by Komarovsky for various nervous diseases. The drug is used in the following cases:

  • Psychosomatic diseases;
  • Neurosis;
  • Depressive state;
  • Anxiety syndrome;
  • Nervous tension;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia;
  • Increased irritability;
  • Circulatory disorders after head injuries;
  • Crisis age – 3, 7, 14 years;
  • Adaptation period – first days in kindergarten, first grade, moving.

A full course of taking the drug helps to get rid of the above symptoms.

Instructions for use

Komarovsky claims that Tenoten for children can be used from 3 years of age. Take 1-2 tablets. 2 times a day an hour before meals or an hour after it. On the recommendation of a doctor, the dosage can be up to 4 times a day. The medicine is placed under the tongue until completely absorbed.
Treatment lasts from 1 to 3 months; if necessary, the pediatrician can extend the drug up to six months or ask to repeat the course of treatment after a certain time. If the condition does not stabilize within a month, you must contact your doctor again.


Komarovsky warns that Tenoten for children is not suitable for all children. This can be seen from the instructions with a number of contraindications. These include:

  • Age up to 3 years;
  • Lactose intolerance;
  • Galactosemia;
  • Glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • Allergy to one of the components of the drug.

If you have one indicator from the above list, you should not start taking the drug.

Side effects

Komarovsky speaks positively about Tenoten for children due to the fact that the drug does not have side effects. Compliance with the dosage has only a positive effect on the baby’s health.

If you notice deviations in the child’s behavior, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult your doctor. Perhaps, for a number of reasons, Tenoten is not suitable for a small patient, and the pediatrician will recommend another drug.


Tenoten for children is often ideal for the treatment of many nervous diseases. But if the doctor believes that the drug is not suitable for the patient, there are several analogues of Tenotan. These include:

  • Valerianahel;
  • Proprten-100;



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