Structure and functions of the urinary system. C3

In a number of diseases, there is a need to remove harmful substances from the blood that cause the disease process in the body. Plasmapheresis is a procedure for purifying the blood and the body as a whole. The effectiveness of plasmapheresis has also been proven for various forms of severe and incurable autoimmune diseases in a variety of fields of medicine.

Efferent medicine

Plasma filters and membrane plasmapheresis devices produced by TRACKPORE TECHNOLOGY are instruments of a branch of medicine called efferent medicine. Its basis is the purification of human blood from toxic substances that our body accumulates in the process of life, from harmful bacteria and microbes that cause mass diseases. Efferent medicine is an assistant in the treatment of more than 200 diseases, which include allergic and autoimmune diseases, chronic hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, etc., in relieving toxicosis in pregnant women, in eliminating the consequences of drug and alcohol use, and simply in cleansing the blood of toxins, which delays the aging of the body.

Blood purification - plasmapheresis

Plasmapheresis is a method of efferent therapy based on the removal of the liquid part of whole blood - plasma, which contains compounds harmful to the body, toxins and viruses. The patient's blood is passed through a membrane plasma filter to separate plasma and red blood cells. The plasma is separated from the cellular elements and removed along with toxins and pathological elements, while the cellular elements are returned to the patient. The advantage of plasmapheresis compared to drug treatment methods is the absence of addiction and side effects.

Cascade blood filtration

Unlike therapeutic plasmapheresis, when plasma with autoimmune factors is removed from the body and disposed of, the plasma obtained by the cascade plasmapheresis device is sent to a secondary filter. At this stage, unlike conventional plasmapheresis, only harmful components are selectively removed from the plasma. The purified plasma is returned to the person.

The main purpose of using cascade plasmapheresis is to combat atherosclerosis, which causes myocardial infarction, stroke and other severe cardiovascular diseases. Cascade filtration of plasma is also the basis of other methods of efferent therapy. With the help of cascade plasma filtration, some specific treatment methods are carried out, in particular LDL apheresis, or the removal of low-density lipoproteins using filtration technology. In this case, at the second stage, the plasma obtained as a result of filtration of the first stage is passed through columns with sorbents.

Human blood is of great importance for the normal functioning of the body, therefore the condition of the entire body depends on its purity. Under the influence of negative external influences, changes associated with age, bad habits and poor nutrition, gradual contamination of the blood occurs with toxins, toxic and other substances that have a negative effect on it.

You can help your body become healthier and stronger if you periodically do blood cleansing procedures. This is precisely why the plasmapheresis procedure is performed.

You need to know that this method of healing cannot be carried out independently. All procedures must be performed only in a medical facility and only by highly qualified specialists. And also, before deciding on such treatment, you can consult with a doctor who has already performed such “operations” more than once.

Pros and cons of plasmapheresis

The plasmapheresis procedure involves the process of removing plasma from the blood. After this, the plasma is filtered. Then all the necessary elements are taken from it, which renew the blood and are reintroduced into the human body. Of the volume of blood fluid that was taken, only 25% ends up in the filter. In order to complete the entire volume, add saline solution.

Benefits of the procedure

As already said, plasmapheresis should be performed in a medical clinic and by experienced doctors. Another condition is that the procedure is carried out using materials that have undergone thorough sterilization and using disposable instruments.

Before performing the “operation” of plasmapheresis, the specialist performing such treatment must carry out an individual calculation of the volume of blood required for cleaning. Therefore, the attending physician requires information about the patient’s height and weight, as well as information about preliminary tests completed.

During blood collection and plasma injection into the body, the person is monitored by medical personnel. At the same time, with the help of devices, the state of pulse and pressure is constantly monitored, as well as how fast the patient’s breathing is.

During the “operation” itself, the patient is monitored by medical personnel who have experience in performing these procedures. Special equipment is also attached to the patient, which monitors the condition of the body. Devices are also connected to the patient to monitor how oxygenated the blood is and the breathing rate.

Another advantage of plasmapheresis is painlessness. For this purpose, no painkillers or medications of this type are used. Taking and administering blood is absolutely easy. In addition to the collected and processed plasma, only saline solution and drugs that replace blood fluid are injected into the human body.

The renewal of blood has a general effect on the human body. After the procedure, changes in health occur.

  1. Immunity increases.
  2. The consistency of the blood becomes more liquid, which prevents heart disease.
  3. The amount of cholesterol decreases.
  4. The pressure becomes stable.
  5. Metabolism is restored.
  6. The possibility of oxygen starvation is excluded.

It is very important that the plasmapheresis procedure is carried out according to all the rules. Since any violation can cause complications.

Side effects

After the patient's blood has been renewed, he may experience minor negative effects, expressed in symptoms:

  • blurred vision periodically occurs;
  • slight dizziness;
  • pressure in the arterial system may decrease.

As a result of plasmapheresis, substances such as immunoglobulins are removed. This happens when plasma is removed from the blood. But still, this does not affect the immune system.

Results of one session

As a result of the session, almost 20% of those harmful substances that negatively affect health are removed from the blood taken. But if the patient has a fairly severe form of any disease, then such treatment may be ineffective.

For a more effective result, it is necessary to carry out a complex, including a number of therapeutic procedures and strict diets that help strengthen the health of the whole body.

For whom is this procedure necessary?

Blood cleansing is not possible for every disease. Among the many human diseases there are about two hundred. It is for these diseases that this procedure is most effective and permissible.

Such diseases include disorders of certain body systems, as well as its reaction to any injury. In most cases, it is the doctor who determines whether this procedure is possible and necessary. Diseases for which blood cleansing is prescribed include damage to the skin that occurs due to an allergic reaction, inflammatory processes, or burns.

The “operation” is considered to be most effective if there is an infection in the human body, or with diseases such as periodontal disease, chlamydia, or serious forms of poisoning.

Very often, this procedure is prescribed to women who are planning to conceive a child. Because for the normal development of the fetus, it is necessary that there are no toxins in the mother’s body. This is especially useful for women who smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs or medications containing toxins.

It is also advisable to carry out blood cleansing for pregnant women suffering from allergies or for the purpose of its prevention. Indications for this method of treatment are:

  • the presence of a chronic infection in the body;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • Rhesus conflict that has arisen.
  • In what cases is plasmapheresis contraindicated?

It is strictly forbidden to carry out the plasmapheresis procedure in case of heavy bleeding, especially if it cannot be stopped. Before the “operation”, tests are taken from the patient, which, after examination, reveal the presence of contraindications. It is not advisable for a patient to perform blood cleansing if he:

  • poor coagulation of blood fluid was revealed;
  • pressure too low;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • have serious illnesses;
  • a small amount of protein was found in the blood;
  • there is an infection in the body;
  • underdeveloped veins.

If the patient is female, then plasmapheresis is prohibited during the menstrual cycle, since during this period the patient already loses blood, which is renewed independently.

In the event that there is any contraindication, then he simply must consult a specialist. Since this “operation” may not only not give the desired result, but also completely negatively affect the patient’s condition.

How is blood purified?

This procedure is one of the most popular methods of blood purification. Medical personnel perform this “operation” in six stages.

  1. First, blood is drawn.
  2. After this, the blood is separated into its constituent elements.
  3. Next, the substances obtained as a result of processing are reintroduced into the bloodstream.
  4. The missing amount of plasma is replaced with a special physiological solution.
  5. Plasma that has been processed or that was taken from the patient is added to it.
  6. The fluid obtained as a result of this entire process is reintroduced into the body.

Additional plasma treatment services are also provided. However, this can only be done in cases of an individual approach.

The process is performed only if there are special devices and apparatus in medical clinics. The patient must lie down during each procedure.

Blood fluid is removed from the body using one or two needles. The devices used for this procedure must be large, much larger than the needles that are inserted into the veins when connecting the IV.

  1. Fractions are separated by three methods.
  2. Filtration or membrane.
  3. Centrifugal or gravity.
  4. Cascade.

First method

The blood fluid that was taken from the patient is filtered in devices created for this procedure. When the entire stage is completed, the resulting substances are introduced into the patient’s blood, but the plasma substances are destroyed or further filtered. The same applies to cells that have not undergone treatment.

Second method

The collected blood is placed in bags, which are then sent to a centrifuge. The formed element settles in the apparatus. The blood is divided into cell masses and plasma. The plasma is subsequently removed from the bag and the resulting elements are reintroduced into the bloodstream.

Third method

The collected plasma is filtered in a special device. During the filtration process, the plasma passes through an additional filter insert, which allows only low molecular weight proteins to pass through.

Last stage of the procedure

The final stage consists of returning the processed formed elements to the patient by introducing them into the blood. Since these elements are quite dense, the lack of plasma, which dilutes the liquid, is replaced with saline solution or solutions that can replace blood. It is also possible to return your own plasma, but only after it has undergone additional filtration. When a patient has a plasma pathology, then the patient is injected with donor plasma, which is enriched with the protein fraction.

What method will be used for fractional separation, what composition will be used and in what volume the solution will be processed, the amount of plasma that needs to be removed is decided on an individual basis.

Cascade filtration of blood plasma (DFPP) - one of the most modern methods of blood purification, used in the treatment of a number of severe, difficult-to-treat diseases ( systemic atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease; autoimmune diseases - hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis, thyroiditis, eczema, neurodermatitis; dry macular degeneration etc.).

Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor

How does blood purification occur using cascade plasma filtration?

The patient's blood is passed in small portions through special devices and separated into plasma and blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets), which are returned to the bloodstream.

Next, the blood plasma, passing through special membrane filters*, cleared of . This stage is called cascade plasma filtration.

The diameter of the membrane filter holes is so small that it allows you to retain large molecules, which are usually pathogenic to the body, as well as bacteria and viruses. And the plasma, purified and preserving all the components useful for the body, combines with the formed elements of the blood and returns to the bloodstream.*

Purified blood plasma, due to the difference in concentrations, promotes the release of harmful substances accumulated there from the tissues, for example, cholesterol from an atherosclerotic plaque. Therefore, repeated procedures for cascade filtration of plasma lead to the gradual purification of not only the blood, but also the body tissues, and the dissolution of atherosclerotic plaques.
It is impossible to achieve such a result by any other method! The course requires 4 procedures.

  1. Blood saturated with “bad” cholesterol forms atherosclerotic plaques on the vessel wall, narrows the lumen, and makes the vessel fragile
  2. In purified blood plasma, the concentration of cholesterol decreases, which promotes the release of cholesterol from the plaque and vessel wall
  3. After a course of cascade filtration of plasma, the plaque decreases, the vessel wall cleanses and becomes elastic, blood flow is restored, and regulation of vessel tone improves

The result of cascade plasma filtration

  1. Plasma to be filtered
  2. Plasma after filtration before combining with blood cells
  3. Removable plasma fraction

Efficiency and safety of blood purification using cascade filtration method

This method of blood purification makes it possible to process 3 or more liters of plasma in 1 procedure (3 hours), without using donor plasma or other protein plasma-substituting solutions for replacement.

This is important from the point of view of the safety of the blood purification procedure:

  • There will never be an allergic reaction to your own plasma.
  • Own plasma eliminates the possibility of infection with blood-borne infections (HIV, hepatitis B and C).

The method of cascade filtration of blood plasma allows

  • Reduce blood viscosity and coagulability, which means preventing thrombosis.
  • Improve blood flow in organs and tissues, and therefore normalize the function of suffering organs.
  • Reduce the size of atherosclerotic plaques and restore blood flow in the vessels, which means eliminating or significantly alleviating pain, and in many cases avoiding serious complications (heart attack, stroke, leg amputation).
  • Reduce blood pressure.
  • Improve blood microcirculation in the vessels of the eye and help reduce and dissolve drusen in dry macular degeneration (hard lumps in the center of the retina), and therefore stop the progressive loss of vision in this disease and even improve the condition.
  • Remove viruses and bacteria from the bloodstream that support the pathological process.
  • Clear the blood of autoantibodies and circulating immune complexes, which means reducing the severity of clinical manifestations, stopping signs of exacerbation and increasing the duration of remission of autoimmune and allergic diseases.
  • Increase sensitivity to drugs and significantly reduce doses of drugs (including hormonal and cytostatic), and therefore reduce their side effects.
  • Cleanse the blood and tissues of accumulated toxins and harmful substances, which means achieving real rejuvenation of the body.

What is removed from the blood after cascade filtration of plasma?

During the cascade filtration procedure, the following can be removed from blood plasma:

SubstancePathogenic effect of the substance
low density lipoproteins (LDL) so-called “bad” cholesterol, responsible for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques
triglycerides their excess is usually associated with a disorder of lipid, that is, fat metabolism
fibrinogen and its breakdown products thrombus-forming factors
von Willebrandt factor, C1 and C3 complement components substances accompanying damage to the inner lining of blood vessels in various vasculitis, diabetes mellitus
bacteria, hepatitis B and C viruses pathogens
immune complexes a combination of antibodies with an antigen, “fragments” of bacteria that migrate for a long time in the body, settling on the tissues of the kidneys, the walls of blood vessels, contributing to the formation of autoimmune reactions
immunoglobulins, incl. cryoglobulins and antibodies altered immunoglobulins, including autoantibodies, which contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases, damage to one’s own tissues, blockage of capillaries, etc.
fibronectin in excess amounts promotes cell adhesion
and a number of other components.
Cascade filtering procedure
  • The presence of indications for cascade plasma filtration and technological features of the procedure are determined during the consultation Head of the Clinic for Gravity Blood Surgery, MD, Prof. V.M. Kreines, author of many methods of extracorporeal hemocorrection
  • The procedure is carried out on modern equipment, using disposable consumables, by certified specialists, according to a developed treatment program

The method of treating diseases using cascade plasma filtration was appreciated by both patients and scientists. It is not without reason that the Nanotechnologies State Corporation, created in 2008, made one of its first projects the development of domestic filters for cascade plasma filtration. The planned duration of the project is 5.5 years.
This method is already available for our patients Today .

Our Clinic is the first medical institution in Russia specializing in uniquely effective treatment methods - extracorporeal hemocorrection. We will select the treatment method that is most suitable for your disease.

Consists of kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra.

Kidneys- these are bean-shaped organs weighing 150 g, located in the abdominal cavity at the level of the first lumbar vertebra. The kidney consists of two layers: the cortex and the medulla; inside the kidney there is a pelvis. The cortex of each kidney contains about a million structural and functional units - nephrons, consisting of a capsule, a glomerulus and a convoluted tubule. The medulla is represented by pyramids consisting of loops of Henle and collecting ducts.

From the renal pelvis, urine flows into ureter. Its walls contract peristaltically, pushing urine into bladder. The volume of the bladder is 250-500 ml; when it is full, stretch receptors in its walls begin to send signals to the urination center in the pons.

Coming out of the bladder urethra. It has two sphincters: internal (at the exit from the bladder) and external (formed by the striated muscles of the perineum).


1. What is the main danger of kidney inflammation in humans?
A) the cerebral hemispheres stop regulating the functioning of internal organs
B) endocrine glands increase the production of hormones
C) the breakdown of organic substances stops in the body
D) the composition of the internal environment of the body changes

2. The accumulation of urea in the body indicates dysfunction
A) hearts
B) kidney
B) stomach
D) lungs

3. Which letter in the figure indicates the structure of the kidney in which the nephron capsules are located?

4. Which organ in the figure is indicated by the letter A?

A) blood vessel
B) bladder
B) renal pelvis
D) ureter

5. What function do the kidneys perform in humans?
A) removal of liquid decomposition products
B) removal of insoluble minerals from the body
B) removal of carbohydrates from the body
D) conversion of glucose to glycogen

6. In which organ of the human body does blood filtration occur?
A) uterus
B) heart
B) lung
D) kidney

7. What is the name of the formation in the kidney, which is indicated by the letter B in the figure?

A) medulla
B) lesser pelvis
B) large pelvis
D) cortex

8. The functional element of which system is the nephron?
A) digestive
B) respiratory
B) excretory
D) nervous

  • Consultation with a transfusiologist, head of the hemocorrection department for 1 ruble

Cascade plasma filtration is a high-tech semi-selective (semi-selective) method that allows you to selectively remove pathogenic substances and viruses from blood plasma, while preserving useful elements. It is one of the most effective modern extracorporeal blood “purification” methods used in the world.

With cascade plasma filtration, the removal of pathological substances occurs when blood plasma passes through a special filter (made in Japan). The filter is a plastic cylinder, inside of which there are many capillaries through which plasma flows. The walls of capillaries consist of a membrane in which there are many holes. Through them, the plasma leaves the capillaries and returns to the patient. Particles, molecules and viruses that do not pass through the membrane holes remain in the capillary. There are several types of filters. They differ in the size of the holes in the capillary membrane: 10, 20, 30 nanometers (nm). Accordingly, the smaller the size of these holes, the more particles and molecules can be screened out. A filter with 30 nm pores (Evaflux A5) is used to remove cholesterol, fibrinogen, and viruses. A filter with a pore size of 10 nm (Evaflux A2) is also designed to remove autoantibodies, CIC, cryoglobulins, etc. (Filter capillary for cascade filtration of plasma No. 14 and substances coming out of capillary No. 17)

A special apparatus separates the blood into cells and plasma. Blood plasma passes through a special filter in which pathogenic substances and viruses remain. The “purified” plasma is then combined with blood cells and returned to the patient.

When using the Evaflux A5 filter with a 30 nm membrane pore size, the following substances are removed.

Completely removed:

  • “bad” fractions of cholesterol: low-density lipoproteins (LDL), lipoprotein “a” (LP(a)), very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL)
  • viruses

Partially removed:

  • products of the immune system: IgG, IgM, IgE, CEC - circulating immune complexes, cryoglobulins, C1, C3, C5 complement components
  • IL1, IL2, IL4, IL6, TNFα, prostaglandins
  • When using the Evaflux A2 filter with a pore size of 10 nm membranes, the following are removed completely or in large quantities: “bad” fractions of cholesterol: low-density lipoproteins (LDL), lipoprotein “a” (LP(a)), very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) ( 100%)
  • viruses (100%)
  • IgG (81%), IgM (100%), IgE, CEC (100%), cryoglobulins (100%), C1, C3, C5 complement components
  • coagulation factors: V, VII, VIII, factor VIII inhibitor, fibrinogen, plasminogen activator inhibitor
  • highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP - high sensitivity C reactive protein)
  • albumin (38%)

Treatment programs for cascade plasma filtration

Cascade plasma filtration can be used in the form of the following treatment programs: course and long-term treatment.

Course treatment consists of 4-10 procedures. During each procedure, the entire volume of circulating plasma that the patient has is processed (“purified”). The “purified” plasma is immediately returned to the patient. Accordingly, no matter how many procedures are performed during the entire course, all the patient’s plasma will be “purified” so many times. So, for a patient with a body weight of 70-80 kg, 15-16 liters of plasma will be processed in 5 procedures, and 30-32 liters in 10 procedures. It is these significant volumes of blood plasma processing that make it possible to achieve the desired clinical effects faster and more efficiently compared, for example, with cryoapheresis.

As a rule, treatment is performed with courses of cascade plasma filtration (4-10 procedures) with a frequency of 6 months to 1.5 years. However, there are chronic diseases for which it is advisable to use long-term treatment to achieve pronounced and lasting results. These diseases include: familial hypercholesterolemia, severe atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, the condition after myocardial infarction or cerebral stroke, the condition after coronary artery bypass grafting and stenting of the arteries, obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, diabetic foot, age-related macular degeneration (dry form), autoimmune diseases etc., and in addition, long-term treatment is used when cholesterol-lowering drugs are ineffective.

Long-term treatment is carried out for a long time - 1-2 years or more. First, a course of 4 procedures is carried out according to the scheme of 2 procedures per week. Further, the intervals between procedures increase. The 5th and 6th procedures are done with an interval of 1 week. Subsequent procedures are carried out at intervals of 2-4 weeks, depending on the characteristics of the disease. And remember that during each procedure, the entire volume of circulating plasma that the patient has is processed (“purified”).

Long-term treatment allows long-term and confident maintenance of the achieved clinical effect while maintaining the ability to work and a sufficient level of quality of life in patients with severe chronic diseases.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the process of “cleansing” the body actively continues in the period between procedures, as well as for some time after the end of the course. That is, by significantly reducing the concentration of removed substances in the blood, they begin to enter the bloodstream from tissues where they have been deposited for many years (for example, atherosclerotic plaques). In the next procedure, these substances released from the tissues are again removed from the blood, etc. Thus, by constantly maintaining a low concentration of “bad” substances in the blood, from procedure to procedure we increase the return of these substances from the tissues into the blood for subsequent removal.

Frequency of procedures

Course treatment: 1 procedure every 2-7 days.

Long-term treatment: 1 procedure every 2-4 weeks.

Duration of procedures

The duration of the procedures depends on the volume of plasma being processed, the speed of blood flow in the system, and the patient’s condition. Typically, it takes 3-4 hours to process the entire volume of circulating plasma.

Frequency of treatment courses

It is advisable to carry out a course of treatment with cascade plasma filtration (4-10 procedures) at intervals from 6 months to 1.5 years.

Long-term treatment is carried out for 1-2 years or more with a frequency of 1 procedure every 2-4 weeks.

Application of the procedure

Cascade plasma filtration is used as an independent treatment procedure. During one session it can be combined with cell mass incubation (CMI).

When treating autoimmune diseases, these procedures can alternate with lymphocytapheresis and photopheresis procedures, which are aimed at removing lymphocytes or changing their properties. Thus, treatment with extracorporeal hemocorrection methods allows one to influence different parts of the disease: antibodies that attack one’s own tissues and organs, as well as lymphocytes that produce these antibodies and, in turn, attack their own cells.

Cascade filtration of blood plasma in the hemocorrection department of the Yauza Clinical Hospital

In the hemocorrection department of the Yauza Clinical Hospital, cascade plasma filtration is performed by doctors with extensive practical experience. We use only time-tested and well-proven methods of hemocorrection using the latest generation equipment. Cascade filtration of blood plasma is a safe procedure, which, however, requires monitoring of the patient’s condition by specialists throughout the entire session and strict adherence to all technical aspects of the technique. When carrying out cascade filtration of blood plasma, sterile disposable consumables are used, which ensures complete safety of the patient from infections.

How it happens

The patient arrives for the procedure at the appointed time. Sits down in a comfortable chair. Next, a needle is inserted into the vein, as when installing an IV. There is no other discomfort. And so the patient sits until the end of the procedure. All that is required of him is not to bend his arm where the needle is. During the procedure, you are allowed to read magazines, books, talk on the phone, watch TV, listen to music, work on a laptop using a WiFi connection, etc. During the procedure, the patient may be offered tea and coffee.

After the session, a compression bandage is applied to the needle insertion site, with which the patient leaves the clinic. The bandage must be kept on for at least 6 hours.

Preparing the patient for the procedure

  • Procedures are carried out only if the patient has been examined for:
    • hepatitis B
    • hepatitis C
  • Before treatment, the patient must read, fill out and sign the following documents:
    • Informed voluntary consent to a therapeutic (diagnostic) manipulation (procedure)"
    • "Informed voluntary consent to medical intervention"

No special preparation is required to perform cascade plasma filtration.

If the attending physician prescribes a blood draw for any tests before the procedure, the patient must come on an empty stomach. And after taking blood for analysis, the patient can immediately eat the sandwiches brought or something else during the procedure (in the chair). Tea or coffee will be offered by the clinic staff.

Goal of treatment

The purpose of cascade plasma filtration with an Evaflux A5 filter with a pore size of 30 nm:

  • relief or significant reduction of signs of the disease
  • achieving stable remission and increasing its period in chronic diseases, reducing the intensity of possible subsequent exacerbations
  • normalization or improvement of blood test parameters: decreasing the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and increasing “good”, decreasing the atherogenic coefficient, reducing blood clotting and the tendency to thrombus formation, reducing blood viscosity and increasing its fluidity
  • normalization or improvement of instrumental research data (ECG, ultrasound of organs, echocardiography, ultrasound of blood vessels, functional study of blood vessels, Holter monitoring, bicycle ergometry, etc.)
  • restoration of elasticity of vessel walls and reduction of atherosclerotic deposits and plaques
  • improved blood supply to internal organs and, as a result, improved memory, sleep, concentration, mood, increased performance and resistance to physical stress, potency in men
  • reducing the risk of developing myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke
  • increased sensitivity to medications
  • preventing or stopping the patient’s disability, maintaining long-term working capacity and high quality of life

The purpose of cascade plasma filtration with an Evaflux A2 filter with a pore size of 10 nm:

  • decrease in the level of antibodies, circulating immune complexes, cryoglobulins, fibrinogen, complement components, proinflammatory cytokines
  • normalization or improvement of data from instrumental studies (ultrasound, endoscopy, etc.)
  • disappearance or significant reduction in the manifestations of an autoimmune disease due to the removal of damaging substances from the blood, as a result - the onset of remission of the disease
  • improvement in the patient’s well-being, which is associated with the disappearance or attenuation of autoimmune inflammation in the affected organs
  • increasing the duration of remission (the period without exacerbation), a significant decrease in the intensity of possible subsequent exacerbations of the disease
  • maintaining working capacity and high quality of life
  • improving the prognosis of the disease

An example of an increase in blood supply to the myocardium (heart muscle), according to German colleagues, after a one-time “cleansing” of all plasma from cholesterol and other large molecular substances.

You can learn more about the effects achieved for a particular disease on the page dedicated to this disease.

Indications for use

Cascade filtration of plasma with an Evaflux A5 filter (with a pore size of 30 nm) is indicated for the following diseases:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels (cerebrovascular disease)
  • Age-related macular degeneration (dry form)
  • Hepatitis C
  • Hypertension
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Familial hypercholesterolemia
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Diabetic nephropathy
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Diabetic foot
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities
  • Acute sensorineural hearing loss (acute hearing loss)
  • Gout
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Angina pectoris

Cascade filtration of plasma with an Evaflux A2 filter (with a pore size of 10 nm) is indicated for the following diseases:

  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
  • Autoimmune hepatitis
  • Autoimmune thyroiditis
  • Crohn's disease
  • Light chain disease
  • Takayasu's disease
  • Heavy chain disease
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Hemorrhagic vasculitis (Schönlein-Henoch disease)
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Head baldness
  • Wegener's granulomatosis
  • Demyelinating neuropathy
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy
  • Diffuse neurodermatitis
  • Hives
  • Cryoglobulinemia
  • Waldenström's macroglobulinemia
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Myeloma
  • Microscopic polyangiitis
  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis
  • Thromboangiitis obliterans
  • Psoriasis
  • Pemphigus vulgaris
  • Pemphigus foliaceus
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Goodpasture's syndrome
  • Lambert-Eaton syndrome (myasthenic syndrome)
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Scleroderma
  • Toxic epidermal necrolysis
  • Thrombocytopenic purpura
  • Periarteritis nodosa
  • Eczema


Contraindications are divided into absolute and relative.

Absolute(the procedure cannot be carried out under any circumstances):

  • the presence of a bleeding site or a high risk of recurrent bleeding
  • the presence of an unopened purulent focus
  • allergic reactions to components used during the session

Relative(the procedure can be performed, but under closer medical supervision, and also in a situation where it is difficult to cope with the disease without the procedure):

  • cardiovascular diseases in the stage of severe decompensation
  • hypotension (systolic blood pressure below 90 mmHg)
  • severe anemia (low hemoglobin levels)
  • severe hypoproteinemia (low blood protein levels)
  • Phlebitis of peripheral veins in the acute stage
  • lack of venous access
  • alcohol intoxication or withdrawal symptoms
  • acute stage of infectious diseases and inflammatory processes
  • hemostasis disorders (reduced or absent blood clotting)
  • mental illness
  • menstruation
  • threat of premature birth or miscarriage in early pregnancy


Serious complications with extracorporeal treatments are very rare.

A few complications include:

  • bleeding from the site of venous puncture (vascular access), which is quickly stopped by applying a tight bandage to the bleeding site
  • brief feeling of dizziness due to slight fluctuations in blood pressure during the procedure
  • minor general weakness between procedures, which does not occur in everyone and does not affect the usual way of life
  • allergic reactions to drugs used during the procedure

Even more rarely, the following sensations may occur:

  • short-term headache and slight nausea associated with fluctuations in blood pressure during the procedure
  • numbness or tingling in the nose, lips, fingers, which, as a rule, resolve independently and quickly
  • exacerbation of the disease may occur at the beginning of treatment
  • muscle twitching occurs very rarely and usually goes away on its own

More serious complications can arise during the treatment of serious illnesses in patients who are initially in serious condition, usually in an intensive care unit.

Prices for services You can look at or check by calling the phone number listed on the website.



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