Modern dental technologies. Advanced technologies in modern dentistry

Modern technologies are developing very quickly. They find applications in a wide variety of fields: mechanical engineering, the food industry, and the chemical industry. There are plenty of options. Technological progress has not bypassed medicine. Now the H1N1 virus, which was dangerous several years ago, is no longer scary. However, we will talk about such a direction in medicine as dentistry. Here, new inventions are used no less often. Consider only composite materials that completely imitate a real tooth in color. Now it is difficult to distinguish a person with a prosthesis in the mouth from a person without it, because all actions were aimed at achieving complete resemblance to the original. In addition, you can now use not partial prosthetics, but order a full-fledged implant that would eliminate existing deficiencies. Just three or four years ago, all this seemed just an unattainable dream, however, today it is already a reality!

It is worth paying attention to the fact that research was aimed not only at creating ideal materials, but also at creating devices and methods that could detect and prevent oral diseases at an early stage. Another goal was to ensure patient comfort. Naturally, we are not talking about cosmetic repairs inside the dental office (although this is also important), but about ensuring a painless operation. Modern methods make it possible to turn the painful dentist appointment that everyone is used to into a normal and pleasant procedure. Now everyone can afford a beautiful and pleasant smile. Let's talk about the latest innovations that have found application in dentistry.

The first one will be the laser. Despite the fact that everyone is accustomed to viewing a laser as a weapon (this especially applies to the younger generation), it is effectively used in various fields of medicine. A dental laser is used to remove dead tissue. This is done to ensure that the tissue does not decompose and damage the living membrane. In addition, decomposition will cause bad breath, which will make it difficult to communicate with a person. During laser treatment, you must wear glasses to avoid harm to your eyes. This treatment method is actively used to eliminate the consequences of periodontitis and prevent bleeding. What is important is that laser treatment is completely painless.

The next progressive development is tooth grinding with air. This method, like the previous one, is painless and therefore does not require the use of anesthesia. This treatment method avoids drilling, which is made possible due to the use of tiny abrasive particles. It frees the tooth cavity from damaged tissue and prepares it for filling. This method is very precise and can be used on small areas, as the abrasive particles are directed directly to the intended “target” and do not affect undamaged areas.

Digital radiology is rightfully considered another innovation. Digital technologies have long replaced previous methods. They are successfully used in a wide variety of areas of human activity. Even vacation is considered incomplete without the use of digital technologies. Digital radiology has gained great popularity in dentistry. This is due to the fact that the resulting image is convenient to store on a computer; it can always be zoomed in, rotated and examined in detail. It provides more complete information about the condition of the jaw than the usual x-rays. In addition, digital technologies are completely harmless, which cannot be said about X-ray radiation. This development was recognized among dentists also because the resulting image can always be sent to a colleague, and this, in controversial situations, is a great advantage.

The last innovation that will be discussed in this article will be the intraoral camera. It is used when the dentist requires more complete information about the condition of the patient’s oral cavity. In some cases, neither digital radiology nor x-rays can provide what a camera can. This development is no thicker than a pencil. We owe the creation of this kind of cameras to the same technological progress.

This is not a complete list of all the innovations that are used in dentistry today. All these developments were made with only one goal: to make the smile of any person beautiful and healthy.

Every year, new technologies in dentistry open up great opportunities to make the services provided even better, more efficient and more comfortable.

Doctors have new and modern approaches to treatment that help painlessly and efficiently carry out the most complex medical procedures in the field of dentistry.

New technologies in orthopedic dentistry

The advantage of this method is that it destroys the infectious process, both in the prepared tooth and in neighboring ones. It works as follows.

The affected tooth is prepared and a special substance called copper-calcium hydroxide is injected.

After administration, the diseased tooth is exposed to electric current so that the hydroxide begins to actively move and penetrate into all places and simultaneously destroy the infection. For complete recovery, several sessions of depophoresis are performed, after which the patient is given a filling on the previously affected tooth.

As for therapeutic dental treatment, many new products and modern technologies have appeared here. One of the most innovative methods is the treatment of carious teeth using a chemical-mechanical system.

This occurs by applying a special gel to the carious tooth, which contains sodium hypochlorite and various amino acids.

After a few minutes, the doctor, using special instruments, removes dead parts of dentin and treats the damaged area. As a result, a small cavity remains on the tooth, which is much smaller in size if the treatment was carried out using preparation.

Another innovative method is laser technology, which allows you to treat a tooth without preparation. The laser device selectively affects diseased and healthy tooth tissue, evaporating only the infected tissue.

Aesthetic dentistry is closely related to the restoration of the dentition, namely implantology.

Over the past few years, implantology has achieved significant results and began to actively use high-tech equipment and the latest materials.

The most innovative method in the field of implantology has become, which has the following advantages:

  • Restoration of chewing function and bite.
  • The implanted tooth looks and feels like a natural one.
  • Bone tissue atrophy, which occurs at the site of the extracted tooth, no longer appears.

In addition, a new concept of dental implantation has emerged - 4D implantology. Using this method, implantation is carried out without bone grafting, even if the level of bone tissue is low.

Modern dental materials

The effectiveness and quality of dental treatment depends on the correct choice of dental materials.

Every year they improve:

  • compositions of dental materials;
  • polishing pastes;
  • pharmacological medicines;
  • suture elements;

The most sensational innovation in dentistry is the replacement of composite filling materials with nanocomposite ones.

They are made on the basis of nanotechnology and have high strength and improved aesthetic characteristics.

Every year modern dentistry presents all sorts of new products in various fields of this science. What until recently people called science fiction is today already used in many countries and is becoming accessible to the population.

There is no person in the world who has not had to visit a dentist at least once in his life. Unfortunately, most often such a need arises more than once. But with each passing decade, dental procedures become less painful and provide better results. This is due to the development of new technologies in dentistry, which are provided by specialists around the world, and public and private clinics immediately implement them into their practice.

The latest technologies have affected all areas: they are involved in the treatment of caries and canal filling, in prosthetics and implantation, in pediatric and aesthetic dentistry.

The time when dentures were loosely placed in the oral cavity and could move while laughing, talking or chewing food is behind us. Now there are new approaches that provide modern techniques designed for long service life, exceptional ease of use and the most natural appearance.

Clasp dentures

A very multifaceted method that was developed in Germany and quickly gained recognition among dentists around the world. It has an affordable price and is suitable for patients with various problems.

For clasp prosthetics, the following types of fastenings are used:

  • Clasps– using special hooks, the prosthesis is securely attached on both sides (to the base of the artificial tooth and to the neighboring ones).
  • Attachment– the structure resembles a snap button, which reliably fixes the entire structure.
  • Telescopic prostheses – They look the most natural of all clasp dentures, but technically they are difficult to implement. The design is mounted on perfectly fitted recesses, the slightest gap between which can ruin the result.

Clasp prosthetics allows you to forget about dental problems for 6-7 years, but it is not applicable for the outermost elements in the dentition.

Nylon replaced the hard and uncomfortable plastic from which prosthetics were previously made. This material is elastic, but very durable and does not damage the gingival margin. If nylon is used to fasten one tooth, then dental gel is used for fixation, and if for several teeth, then hook mechanisms are used.

This technology is quite new, but has already proven itself to be very successful: it does not require grinding down adjacent teeth, addiction lasts no longer than a week, and nylon never causes allergies, unlike other materials. In addition, it is not stained by juices or coffee even for a long time. All this allows the use of nylon prostheses without replacement for about 8 years.

This modern method has improved removable prosthetics and has become a transitional form to implantation. It is perfect for those people whose condition of the jaw bone does not allow implants to be screwed in or in cases where there are clear contraindications for surgical operations.

For intramucosal implantation, the prosthesis is introduced into the alveolar layer, where it is secured using a reliable fixator. The only disadvantage is that this technique is not suitable for elderly people, since the healing of the mucous membrane in them occurs very slowly.


Implantation is a fairly new branch in dentistry, so it is currently at a stage of rapid development. In this area, new materials are emerging from which implants are made, and new technologies for their implantation.

New materials

Previously, implant manufacturing companies used the same raw materials for manufacturing. But now their number has increased, which has affected the amount of materials.

Main advantages:

  • Today, materials used in implantology allow minimal damage to bone tissue, increase the tightness of the implanted elements and improve the bite mechanism after the procedure.
  • Implants can be manufactured with a density that is calculated individually for each patient, taking into account the pressure on the dentition at a certain point.
  • The adhesive strength of implants using new materials exceeds even the quality of the density of your own dental tissues and jaw bone.
  • The minimum service life is at least 20 years, and in some cases a lifetime warranty is provided.
  • The client does not have the feeling of artificial teeth; the implanted elements feel the same as natural ones.

Previously, dental implants could not be installed for everyone: a large list of orthodontic factors was a contraindication. Modern methods have been able to solve almost all such problems, so you can choose the appropriate method for each patient. In addition, the price range for the proposed methods has also changed significantly.

Some of the latest implantation technologies include:

  • One-step form. It is very beneficial in that it takes about one week, while classical methods required more than six months. Such fast timing is achieved due to the fact that after the implant is inserted, they do not wait for complete healing, but immediately place a crown on the upper part. In total, a missing tooth can be restored in just 3-4 visits to the clinic.
  • Two-stage form. At the first stage, the implant is implanted and covered with a temporary prosthesis. After complete healing, the timing of which is strictly individual, a permanent crown is installed. This technique is recommended in cases where the entire dentition is subject to restoration.
  • Non-surgical technology. Instead of large incisions, a small puncture is made at the implant insertion site. This manipulation can be performed without the use of general anesthesia using local anesthetics. The advantage of this technique is the very fast recovery period: the patient can return to eating solid food within a couple of weeks. In addition, minimal damage dramatically reduces the risk of infection until complete healing.
  • Basal form. It is suitable for people who have previously been denied implants due to insufficient jawbone density or thickness. The screw is now inserted into the deep layers of the jaw, and a few days after this, external dentures can be installed. In this case, soft tissues are slightly affected, which ensures a short healing period.
  • Laser technology. For the incisions that are necessary when installing screws, in this case, not standard surgical instruments are used, but a laser. The properties of the laser beam eliminate the risk of bleeding during surgery and infection in damaged tissue. This method allows you to reduce the area of ​​incisions and prevent inflammatory processes during the healing of the mucous membranes. Unfortunately, the laser technique is one of the most expensive at the moment, but also the safest.

Aesthetic dentistry

The beauty and attractiveness of a smile is impossible without absolute health of the enamel. To achieve this result, several new technologies have been invented that help achieve dental perfection.


Such onlays help to significantly change the shape of teeth. The plates applied to the enamel surface are made of very durable materials that give an ideal appearance. Most often they are placed in the smile area to provide the desired color and contours.

The positive thing about installing veneers is that natural teeth do not need to be ground or prepared, so the native tissues are not damaged. Externally, they completely imitate perfect enamel, the material is even slightly transparent, like natural fabrics.

With the help of such overlays it is possible to get rid of cracks, small chips and interdental gaps. Modern veneers can perform their functions for about 7 years, after which they need to be replaced with new ones.


In aesthetic dentistry, this technology is considered the newest and most advanced, but due to its novelty, it still tops the list of the most expensive. In addition, the technique is patented by the manufacturer, and therefore holds a monopoly on the creation of these porcelain onlays.

In order to place lumineers, the dentist must take impressions of the teeth and send them to the manufacturer in the USA. The most modern dental clinics do this using 3-D scanning, which somewhat speeds up the process, which takes at least a month.

The method is completely non-traumatic, since it does not require grinding for installation, just like when removing lumineers. The manufacturer provides a 15-year warranty, after which the lumineers must be replaced with new ones.


Using this method, it is possible to hide small chips, curvatures and other minor imperfections.

Despite the fact that ultraneers are very thin (their thickness does not exceed 0.3 mm), they are extremely durable, so you can safely eat any solid food with them. Their installation in most cases is carried out without the use of any type of anesthesia.

Treatment of caries

Poor nutrition, the use of certain medications or heredity can cause the development of caries. Fortunately, this common condition can be treated with the latest techniques used by dentists.

Chemical-mechanical treatment

With this method, infected dentin is removed not only painlessly, but also silently. Healthy tissues are not damaged at all.

A special gel is applied to the affected area, which softens carious deposits. After its removal, a small cavity remains, which requires less filling material. Chemical-mechanical treatment does not require anesthesia, since only necrotic areas of dentin that do not have innervation are removed.

Laser technology

With this technique, drilling is not performed, since the affected tissue is burned out by the laser beam.

In parallel with this, disinfection of the cavity occurs, since the laser kills any bacteria.

Children's dentistry

Dental procedures have always caused pain, so persuading a child to visit the dentist is not an easy process. New technologies can make children visit clinics more willingly and fearlessly.


German technology, which is based on the disinfecting properties of ozone, allows you to do without the use of a drill during treatment.

Ozone is supplied through a small silicone tube, which operates completely silently. The process of complete disinfection lasts only 30-40 seconds. After this, a compound is placed into the cavity, which strengthens the adjacent dental tissues.

If the caries was superficial, then after ozonation you can even do without installing a filling.


The method is suitable for fixing the initial stages of caries, when changes appear in the form of whitish spots. After treating such chalky areas with ICON, the color of these areas returns to natural.

The development was first implemented in Zurich in 2017. After the removal of a permanent tooth, a new element was grown in its empty alveolus using stem cells.

The entire procedure takes about 2 months and allows you to restore one missing element or a complete row of teeth.

Chinese scientists have refined this technique and were able to create a natural tooth in a test tube, after which it was implanted into the jaw. This technology took only 2 weeks.

It is expected that this technology will become available to clients of dental clinics in 2020-2030.


Just ten years ago, most people associated a visit to the dentist with the torture of the Inquisition. Thanks to the rapid development of scientific and technological progress and the latest developments in dentistry, the dental clinic no longer causes fear in patients, and examinations by a dentist have become a habit for many citizens. All this is possible thanks to scientific developments and the latest advances in the healthcare system.

Modern methods of treatment and dental care

To date, the most recent innovations in dentistry are the following methods of treatment and prevention of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity:

1. Laser dental treatment. Using a laser, you can give tooth enamel the necessary whiteness, restore damaged enamel, and remove areas affected by caries. The procedure is performed by a qualified dentist who has undergone special training.

2. Air grinding. This procedure is an alternative to a drill. It removes dirt and damaged areas of tooth enamel by exposing them to a powerful air stream. Allows you to treat caries at different stages of development. The advantage of this method is that healthy tissue is not affected.

3. Painless treatment. The use of anesthesia during dental treatment can relieve the patient of pain and discomfort. It is used when operating on adults and children, teaching young patients not to be afraid of dentists.

4. Aesthetic dental restoration. Modern techniques make it possible to correct unevenness, remove cracks and damage to enamel, remove interdental space and whiten teeth. There is no need to wear braces or get implants. Innovative developments will help you achieve the smile you've dreamed of.

Evolution of dental treatment

At the beginning of the last century, the only way to treat caries was complete tooth extraction. At the same time, there was no adequate anesthesia, so the treatment turned into unbearable agony. Today, ancient methods have sunk into oblivion, medicine has stepped far forward.

Modern equipment and treatment methods make it possible not only to recognize the disease in time, but also to effectively treat teeth. Now dentists continue to improve their acquired skills, new techniques and innovative equipment appear. Today you have the opportunity not only to preserve the natural beauty of your smile, but also to restore your teeth to their former strength.

A beautiful smile is a prerequisite for attractiveness. The absence or damage of some teeth makes the smile unsightly. In addition, these defects do not have the best effect on digestion. High-quality dental prosthetics will help you avoid these problems. New technologies in prosthetics make it possible to restore not only the aesthetics of a smile but also the functionality of the dentition without significant discomfort for the patient.

What's new in dental prosthetics today?

New technologies imply the presence in the clinic of its own diagnostic laboratory, including a modern 3D tomograph, a laboratory for the production of prostheses , as well as other high precision equipment. Today there are the following methods of dental prosthetics:

Clasp (removable) dentures

Execution is a very popular procedure due to its simplicity and accessibility. The novelty here lies in the technique of securing the prostheses to the arch. Fastening can be done using clasps, attachments or. In the first case, the prosthesis is attached with peculiar hooks, which continue the arch-base of the prosthesis to the supporting teeth. The second fastening method is created according to the locking principle. One part of the lock is located on the supporting tooth, the second is on the base of the prosthesis. Telescopic crowns will cost more than the other two methods of attaching a prosthesis for clasp prosthetics. But the result looks much more attractive.

Expert opinion. Dentist Vakulenko P.G.: “New denture-type dentures have made it possible to partially supplant and replace the use of removable plastic dentures. When partially restoring the dentition, nylon hooks are attached to the implants, which are attached to the supporting teeth. The advantage of this type of fastening is that there is no need to grind down the supporting teeth at the base. For complete restoration of the dentition, such dentures are fixed with special gels. Nylon implants do not require any special care; you get used to them very quickly.”

Fixed dental prosthetics involves the use of materials during the procedure that have maximum compatibility with the human body. Implant roots are made of zirconium or titanium dioxide, crowns are made of metal ceramics or ceramics. But this type of prosthetics has some contraindications, so before undergoing it, the patient must inform the dentist about his chronic diseases.

Read also:

How to choose a clinic?

Choose a clinic responsibly.

  1. Look for a clinic that has its own modern diagnostic equipment.
  2. Our own laboratory for the production of prosthetics.
  3. Take your time, go to the clinic, talk to the doctor; patients are usually given this opportunity free of charge. Such a visit will help you make the right choice in favor of one clinic or another.
  4. The experience of an orthopedic surgeon is important.
  5. Find out the guarantees provided for dentures from the clinic.
  6. An important factor when choosing dentistry is the cost of services, since prosthetics is not a cheap pleasure.

See the table for price lists of dental clinics that use new technologies indicating the cost of work for various types of prostheses.



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