Food Combinations: The Ultimate Guide. Product compatibility: benefits and harms of separate nutrition

The essential purpose of food is to satisfy human nutritional needs as well as provide health benefits. That is why you should understand which products are vital and what they are best combined with.

If the foods consumed are completely healthy, but incompatible with each other, then this will slowly harm your health. The body spends too much energy on digestion, which can be noticed that after eating you often want to sleep. Therefore, you should not overload your stomach. To do this, you must follow the correct combination of products for.

Vegetables and fruits are processed in the small intestine, and meat and bread are first digested in the stomach. If you add fruit juice to them, then in the process of fermentation of these nutrients is formed, resulting in the formation of alcohol. You should also not combine dairy products with fish, sugar with peas, honey with butter. It takes the digestive system more than an hour to process fruit food. Vegetables are digested even more slowly: they take at least two hours.

It turns out that if you eat food incorrectly, you can harm your health. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that food can be properly digested in the body. It will also be useful to eat green fresh vegetables, from which it is useful to prepare a salad and add vegetable oil to them. It is in order to avoid improper consumption of food that a food compatibility table for proper nutrition was created.

Compatible table, how to combine food correctly

This table includes a list of useful products that may or may not be compatible for consumption. If you strictly follow all the instructions, you can get healthy and tasty food for every day with benefits for your health.

In order to learn how to eat properly without harming your health, you need to follow a specially created compatibility table. It includes frequently consumed foods, and each has its own row and column number. It also has three colors, each of which indicates how compatible the food is.

  • Green color indicates that products can be combined.
  • Yellow indicates that combining products is possible, but not advisable.
  • Red means a ban on the consumption of isolated nutrients.

So, for example, if cheese and vegetables are marked in green in the table, then this will be a good combination that will only benefit the body.

But potatoes and eggs, marked in red in the table, do not go together.

After three months, the performance of the human body improves, the appearance becomes more attractive, new strength comes, and diseases disappear.

About separate meals

It is best for a person to follow a proper diet, which is very beneficial for. This is not a diet, just the right combination of some foods with others. It is because of improper food consumption that nausea, bloating, and heartburn occur when incompatible foods are not digested. How simpler the food is will determine how much easier it will be processed.

That is why you need to follow a certain method of separate absorption of food, which will help normalize the functioning of the body. A proper combination of foods with proper nutrition helps you lose excess weight.

Pros and cons of separate power supply

The system of such nutrition was invented at the beginning of the twentieth century, and it still remains relevant. If a person follows all the rules regarding this feeding system, then after a couple of months his condition will improve significantly. Thanks to this, you can get rid of toxins in the body and achieve. Also, with separate nutrition, you can recover from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

When food is consumed incorrectly, undigested food is deposited in the human body in the form of fats. And if you eat fruit on an empty stomach, it can cause heartburn and indigestion. If you eat meat or poultry before this, a rotting process will occur in the stomach, which will cause injury to the body.

Separate meals have their pros and cons. First, you should look at its advantages. Thanks to it, a person is charged with new energy, chronic fatigue gives way to a fresh surge of strength, and extra pounds disappear.

The disadvantages include a constant feeling of hunger, which you should learn to control, lack of a feeling of satiety, and searching for recipes for proper food consumption.

Considering these disadvantages, the method of separate meals should be switched to carefully so that the vital organs can get used to this system.

The main task of separate nutrition is to separate carbohydrate foods from protein foods. For a diet that will benefit health, the interval between the absorption of such nutrients must be at least two hours.

Carbohydrate foods include potatoes, bread products, pasta, sugar, etc.

Food items rich in proteins include fish, meat, milk, cottage cheese, eggs, legumes and nuts.

There are also known food products that are considered neutral. They are easily combined with carbohydrates and proteins, since they do not cause complications in processing. This list includes vegetables, fatty cheese and cottage cheese, animal fat, sour cream, fruits and vegetables.

It's worth noting that melon does not fall into any of these categories. It is best to eat it separately, as an independent dish.

You should switch to the method of separate meals gradually, allocating one day a week for this. It can become unloading so that the body can get rid of waste and toxins and prepare for new processing. This day should be dedicated to the fact that a person will eat only raw or stewed vegetables without salt or seasonings. You can eat fruits in their pure form and fruit salads. At the same time, you need to drink a lot of mineral water or tea with honey to help the body get rid of toxins more easily. It is worth paying attention that on such a day a headache or joint pain may occur. You should not be afraid of this, this indicates that this is how the body reacts to remove accumulated poison. The next day these pains will go away.

For those planning to switch to separate meals, it is best to adhere to the following principles:

  1. Have breakfast with fruit, cheese, sour cream, sandwiches made from bran bread and butter.
  2. For lunch, eat protein foods. However, you should not eat meat or fish with potatoes or pasta. It is best to pay attention to vegetable soups and broths. You need to drink juices from fresh fruits.
  3. need carbohydrate foods. These include carrot casserole, cooked potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and sweet fruits.

If you stick to this diet, you can achieve the desired effects and feel much better.

You should also follow the recommendations regarding the method of separate absorption of food. So, it is better to eat apples and melons as independent dishes. They cleanse the body and energize. If they are not combined correctly with other foods, this can cause fermentation in the stomach. And you should not wash down your food with sweet tea, since sweet liquids should be meals in their own right. It is best to drink tea 60-80 minutes after eating. And it is more useful to consume food that is incompatible with each other at intervals of 2 hours.

In order to complete 20 days, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Replace sugar with honey in tea.
  2. Eat protein foods before lunch.
  3. Drink milk separately, as an independent dish.
  4. Chew food thoroughly (preferably into the smallest pieces).
  5. Eat food slowly.
  6. Avoid meat broths.
  7. Eat more fruits and raw vegetables.
  8. 4 hours should pass before each meal. In between times, mild ones are acceptable.
  9. Eat often (at least six times a day).
  10. Do not wash down your food with water or tea.
  11. There are fruits with peel.
  12. Avoid eating refined products.
  13. Eat only coarse bread.

If a person suffers from chronic diseases, then before switching to separate meals, he needs to consult a doctor.

Food combinations are talked about a lot and often now. And that's right. The fact is that completely different digestive juices are secreted in the digestive system to digest this or that food.

The whole process begins in the oral cavity, and each type of food is digested in a certain section of the digestive tract, at a time that is unique to it. All this formed the basis of separate nutrition, as one of the ways to create a healthy lifestyle.

Principles of food combinations

All products, for the most part, belong to one of three groups: fats and carbohydrates. When we consume a product containing proteins, acid is released in the body; when carbohydrates are absorbed, alkali is released.

Therefore, when we eat proteins and proteins at the same time (for example, potatoes or pasta with meat), the acid is neutralized by the alkali, and the food is poorly digested. Poorly digested food is deposited in the body as an accumulation of waste and fat, which leads to weight gain and illness.

We combine products correctly

  1. Starchy foods, such as: cereals, bread, potatoes, rye, wheat, oats, rice, millet, buckwheat, pasta - these are difficult to digest foods. Therefore, they cannot be combined with animal proteins (meat, cheese, eggs), or with nuts. Even bread, if it is not whole grain, is a product for a separate meal. But we accompany them with absolutely any food...
  1. Don't eat at the same time carbohydrates and acidic foods. Tomatoes, grapefruit, cranberries, tangerines, pineapple, orange, pomegranates, lemon, sour apples, plums, pears, grapes are not compatible with potatoes, bread (not whole grain), beans, peas, bananas and dates.
  1. Don't mix together proteins and fats. The fact is that fat interferes with the secretion of gastric juice during the digestion of protein foods. Therefore, meat, eggs, cheese, nuts are not compatible with sour cream, butter, cream and vegetable oil.
  1. Regarding vegetable oil(corn and sunflower), consume it unrefined, raw.
  1. Legumes- These are sources of starch and vegetable protein. Beans, lentils, soybeans, peas go well with herbs, vegetable oils and starchy vegetables (carrots, beets, horseradish, parsley and celery root, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower). And it is better not to combine starchy vegetables with sugar, so as not to cause strong fermentation.
  1. Did you know that meat with alcohol– one of the most incompatible products? Alcohol prevents the body from digesting animal protein. Green and non-starchy vegetables remove harmful cholesterol from meat and help digest meat better.

  1. Non-starchy vegetables- these are white cabbage, green and onions, cucumbers, parsley and celery, green peas, bell peppers, dill, radish and beet tops, eggplants. Goes great with meat and eggs.
  1. Follow the rules of use one type of protein without combination with another, that is, do not eat meat and fish, nuts and meat at the same time.
  1. Likewise, do not combine the technique two types of starch, for example, porridge with bread or potatoes. Because one of them will be absorbed, and the other will lie as a dead weight in the stomach, preventing the rest of the food from being absorbed, promoting its fermentation, increasing the acidity of the gastric juice, causing belching...
  1. Melon, watermelon, milk– these products are always consumed separately, this may be the case, but you should not drink milk with a bun or eat melon after a hearty lunch. All other berries, fruits and dried fruits can be consumed 20 minutes before meals, as they are digested faster than denser foods.

The right combination of foods will help you feel better, look slimmer and younger, and live longer without illness, heartburn, bloating and indigestion!

The idea of ​​compatibility of products and its effect on the body arose in ancient times. By studying the reactions of the digestive system, people came to the conclusion that not every food is useful in combination with certain foods. Today, separate meals have a lot of fans. And a diet based on its principles is recognized as one of the most effective, safe, and also easily tolerated psychologically.

Food combination - what and how do we eat?

If you watch a person eating lunch, you will notice how many different foods he eats at one meal. Even if its portion is small, it is unlikely to be just one product. We start lunch with soup, in which we combine meat, potatoes, peas and other vegetables. The second course will be a meat dish with a side dish of vegetables or cereals, a salad with a rich dressing or vegetable oils. For dessert you will need a cake or other culinary product. And someone will add an orange - it’s not for nothing that they say that fruits are healthy.

What work the gastrointestinal tract will have to do to process each of these products! Not a single dish from such a dinner will be completely digested. Nutrients will not be fully absorbed, and the mixture of protein, carbohydrate and fatty foods will begin to deteriorate and release poisons. Heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, bloating, general lethargy - these are just a small part of the consequences of improper compatibility of products.

In order to get the maximum benefit from food, a separate nutrition system has been developed. It involves combining all products into several groups, which are combined or not combined with each other to varying degrees. This does not mean that you have to limit yourself in food. This scheme is also called proper nutrition. The combination of products is clearly shown in the tables, using which you can prepare delicious and healthy dishes for yourself.

How is food digested in the human body?

The speed of digestion of different foods varies. So, a fruit eaten on an empty stomach will be in the intestines after 15-20 minutes. Other foods take much longer to process in the stomach, so if you eat an orange after your main meal, it will get stuck on top of the whole mass and begin to decompose.

Not only gastric juice is involved in the digestion process. Microorganisms in the stomach and intestines, the pancreas, intestinal juices, bile and even saliva play an important role. Failure at any stage will disrupt the entire process.

Certain foods require their own digestion conditions. The body secretes special enzymes to process different nutrients. Sometimes food requires opposite reactions in the body. For example, proteins are digested in acid, while starchy foods are digested in alkaline conditions. As is known, these substances neutralize each other. As a result, the stomach will spend much more energy trying to digest foods to the exclusion of each other. Increased stomach activity is a common cause of lethargy after meals and throughout the day. After all, our body spends most of the calories obtained from food on digesting food.

But even after spending so much energy, the stomach is unable to process food that requires a different environment. The undigested mass will enter the intestines, where the hard work of assimilation will continue.

That's how much trouble you're creating for yourself by ignoring the food combination table, say proponents of food separation. Opponents appeal to intestinal digestion, during which all substances are broken down, regardless of their combinations. However, it is worth remembering that incorrectly selected foods overload the digestive organs and significantly reduce the amount of nutrients absorbed.

Separate nutrition - product compatibility: history

Already in ancient times, people were familiar with the basics of proper nutrition. Dr. Celsus from Ancient Rome urged his patients to watch how they combined fatty, salty, stewed and sweet foods. In the 10th century AD. The Persian doctor, known in the West as Avicenna, in his “Canon of Medical Science” raises the question of the dangers of consuming different foods at the same time. Academician Pavlov studied enzymes that are involved in digestion and came to the conclusion that the chemical composition of gastric juice changes depending on the food entering the body. Nowadays, the separate nutrition system is one of the most popular among fans of a healthy lifestyle.

Shelton's theory

All medical experience about the division of food was brought together and rethought by an American naturopathic nutritionist. It is his extensive work that is the basis for all modern separate power supply systems.

The doctor recommended adding therapeutic fasting to the system of simple and separate nutrition. This aspect of his theory attracted a lot of negative criticism from his colleagues. Thanks to his theory, Shelton was able to cure such complex diseases as diabetes, asthma, and neurosis in his patients. But there were so many cases of unsuccessful treatment that the doctor even went to prison for them.

It was Shelton who compiled the product compatibility table in the form in which we know it. The doctor recommended taking no more than 3 ingredients for one meal. He called using just one product at a time the ideal option.

Hay's theory

Howard Hay gravitated towards naturopathy, like Shelton. He based himself on the methods of the American physician, but in the end he created his own theory.

Hay divided all food into 3 classes: foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates and neutral. He called vegetables and fruits the basis of the diet. The naturopath recommended eliminating some foods altogether. Like Shelton, Hay had an extremely negative attitude towards refined foods like sausages.

The doctor believed that a person eats too much food, which “acidifies” the body. As a result of this “overacidification,” we suffer from a variety of ailments, from headaches and acne to stomach diseases. Therefore, Hay recommends eating more foods that cause an alkaline reaction in the body: fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, whole milk. The share of such products should be 4 times higher than the share of “acidic” food, which consists of meat, fish products, eggs, citrus fruits, coffee, alcohol, and sweets.

Food compatibility - groups

Sweet fruits

Consume all fruits and juices from them separately or before meals so that they have time to be absorbed and do not begin to rot on top of the food. The fruits are compatible within their group and with sour fruits. Feel free to add fermented milk foods to them. Also combine dried fruits with cereal porridges.

Semi-sweet (semi-sour fruits)

This includes berries (cherries, plums, blueberries, raspberries, watermelon, etc.), apples, pears, peaches, apricots, mangoes, etc. They can be combined with any fruit group, as well as sour milk products. They are well absorbed with protein-fatty foods (legumes, dairy products). Eat melon, blueberries, peaches, and grapes only separately.

Sour fruits

This includes citrus fruits, pineapples, pomegranates, and some berries (blackberries, cranberries, currants). The class is compatible with semi-sweet fruits, herbs, sour milk products, and fatty dairy products. It is better not to mix animal proteins, starches, and vegetables with it.

Compatible vegetables

The class includes most vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, cabbage, onions, garlic, beets, etc.), which are combined both with each other and with all other categories - hence the name. The only deviation is milk, with which not only vegetables, but also any other food are poorly combined.

Less compatible vegetables

Pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower, etc. are digested with starches and vegetables. Mixing with vegetable fats is permissible, but combining with animal protein, whole milk and fruit groups is contraindicated.

Starch-rich foods

Cereals, cereals, potatoes. This also includes baked goods and pasta. Good in combination with any vegetables, herbs and fats. Within the group, the components combine poorly; such combinations are dangerous if you have weight problems. Mixing them with animal protein, milk, fruits, and sugar will cause harm.

Protein-Rich Foods

This includes animal (meat, fish and dairy products) and plant proteins (legumes, seeds, nuts). The best combination is with vegetables. Plant proteins are digested with any fats, but animal proteins are digested only with fats of animal origin. A negative effect will be caused by an association with starches, fruits, and sugars. Always drink milk separately.


The group includes all green herbs that are used for cooking. Greens combine with all food groups. Eating a bunch of greens daily will speed up the absorption of nutrients from other foods.


This includes all oils, animal fat, lard, and full-fat dairy products. Fats are combined with herbs, vegetables, and starches. Do not eat fats with sugars, and also avoid combinations of fats of different origins.


Sugar, fructose, jams, honey, syrups. Eat sweets separately from other foods and especially avoid eating sugar after your main meal.

Separate food - product compatibility table

The main data of the methodology are listed in the table. Guided by it, you can create your own in a matter of seconds according to the principles of separate nutrition.

Proper nutrition - compatibility table of products for weight loss

By following the rules of food separation, you can bring your weight back to normal, regardless of whether you are overweight or underweight. Among diets, separate meals rightfully occupy one of the leading positions. This is not even a diet, but only a set of tips on choosing foods, which, by the way, can be consumed without exception.

Compatibility of weight loss products

The following combinations of products lead to completeness:

  • proteins and flour dishes;
  • a combination of different proteins in one meal;
  • a combination of several types of flour dishes;
  • protein foods and sugars;
  • fruits and flour;
  • milk and flour;
  • milk and protein.

90-day split diet

A real treasure for those who were unable to lose weight on other diets and exhausted their body with them. In the initial stages, you will need a little patience to get used to the new diet. Then the diet will continue easily, without effort. This system will teach your body to eat on time and with the right foods, so when you leave the diet you will be protected from food breakdowns.

The basis of the technique is a repeating cycle of 4 days: protein, starch, carbohydrate and vitamin. By alternating your diet in this sequence, you will achieve good results in losing weight and will not experience a shortage of certain foods. On a carbohydrate day, you are allowed to eat sweet foods, including cakes, pastries, and chocolate.

Food Compatibility Chart - Pros and Cons

Positive aspects...

  1. Due to proper digestion, products do not linger at different stages of digestion, and rotting and fermentation do not occur. Intoxication of the body is reduced.
  2. The load on all organs that are involved in digestion is significantly reduced.
  3. General well-being improves, a person gets more energy from food.
  4. Separate nutrition allows you to always keep your weight normal.
  5. The body absorbs more nutrients from food.

The manifestation of many diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems, skin, hair, nails, etc. can be associated with improper human nutrition. We are accustomed to eating incompatible foods, which cause various adverse reactions in the body and lead to malfunctions in its functioning. The food combination table is a reminder for people seeking a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Let's learn to help the body!

Correct (the table will be given below) guarantees high efficiency of the digestive system. Eating meals that include compatible ingredients will relieve you of the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the gastrointestinal tract.

Each product is absorbed by the human body differently:

The first two points must be accepted to the extent that this is how our body is structured. But you need to know useful combinations of products and be able to use them. This is an essential condition for good digestion, which has a direct impact on human health.

Mixed and separate meals

Despite the fact that many sources today talk about the benefits of consuming correctly combined foods, there are still supporters of traditional food intake. This means that many people believe that the mixed diet familiar to everyone from time immemorial does not harm the body. And they call the idea that separating foods promotes better digestion simply a fashionable trend.

Is this true? In fact, food can be mixed, this has been done at all times. But there are a number of foods that simply cannot be digested at the same time. This is explained by the fact that for the assimilation of each of them, certain conditions are necessary - different enzymes and media.

Combination of food flavors

Carbohydrates consumed by a person begin to be broken down in the oral cavity, and then in the intestines. The protein, in turn, is processed by the stomach. Therefore, if you mix them, the absorption process becomes more difficult for the entire digestive system.

The effectiveness and usefulness of separate meals is spoken about not only by people who have tried the method on themselves, but also by doctors who have conducted research in this area. The right combination of foods is not only fashionable, but also necessary for health. The table is shown below. Thanks to her, we will learn to eat wisely.

Product combination table

For clarity and simplification of the concept of “separate nutrition,” we bring to your attention a diagram that will indicate what you can and should eat with.

Product combination table

Product type 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

fish, poultry, meat

1 - - - - - - - - + D- - - - -


2 - D+ + - D- - + + - - - - +

cream, butter

3 - D D- - + + - + + D- D- -
sour cream4 - + D D- + + D+ + - - - - +
vegetable oil5 - + - D - + + D+ + - - - - +
sweets, including sugar6 - - - - - - - - + - - - - - -
bread, potatoes7 - D+ + + - - - + + - - D- D
tomatoes, sour fruits8 - - + + + - - D+ D- D+ - +
dried fruits, sweet fruits9 - - - + + - - D + DD+ - - D
non-starchy and green vegetables10 + + + + + + + + + + - + + + +
starchy vegetables11 D+ + + + - + DD+ D+ + D+
milk12 - - D- - - - - D- D - - - -
fermented milk products13 - - - - - - - D+ + + - + - +
cheese, feta cheese14 - - D- - - D+ - + + - + - D
eggs15 - - - - - - - - - + D- - - -
nuts16 - + - + + - D+ D+ + - + D-

"-" products are incompatible; "+" compatible; "D" mixing is acceptable.

Explanation of the table

Each line contains information about a specific product and its serial number. Be careful! The columns contain the same products, but only their numbers are indicated. This table requires strict compliance with all points. The combination of foods indicated in it helps improve the functioning of the digestive system and your body.

Separate nutrition as an option for high-quality weight loss

Proper nutrition is not only about health, but also about getting rid of extra pounds. Separate consumption of food and proper combination is an excellent method. You can see this for yourself.

The food combination table should always be at your fingertips; it would be great to switch to this way of eating for life. At first the sensations will be ambiguous. However, over time, you will get a guaranteed result, and tasty and habitual meals will become an absolute norm for you.

The treatises of ancient medicine contain information that 99% of diseases in the human body are associated with diet. Proper nutrition is healthy eating. It doesn’t just mean eating healthy food. You need to follow the right combination of foods for a healthy diet. A necessary condition is the ability to rationally combine products, using knowledge about the basics of their interaction with each other. This is necessary for good absorption of microelements, vitamins and nutrients.

If you have serious illnesses, you should contact a professional (nutritionist) to make the right one. To do this, it is enough to undergo an individual consultation and carefully follow all the specialist’s instructions.

An ordinary person without a serious health disorder can cope with this issue quite easily. You can create your own daily diet based on the basic rules for menu development.

Principles of an optimal diet include:

  • Variety and balance of food consumed. By sticking to a mono-diet for a long time, we cause significant harm to our health. The reason is a lack of nutrients.
  • Eating freshly prepared food. It is better to cook a small amount of food. Foods prepared for future use become a source of various diseases. Pathogenic microorganisms quickly develop in them. The digestive system begins to malfunction and becomes clogged.
  • It is mandatory to include fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily menu - irreplaceable sources.
  • Any processing reduces their nutritional and medicinal value. It is healthier to eat frozen natural foods.
  • Consumption of products according to the season, climate zone and region of growth. Cold or hot seasons require natural amendments in the daily menu. In the winter months you need to eat more fats, in the summer months - greens and fruits. Products grown in other regions are not always fully digestible.
  • Maintaining water balance. A sufficient amount promotes complete absorption of food, elimination of harmful substances and good functioning of all body systems.
  • When compiling your daily, carefully analyze the interaction of products. An irrational combination leads to unexpected results.
  • Incompatible are products that mutually reduce beneficial properties or interfere with the absorption of microelements and vitamins from each other.
  • Study the main food groups, the principles of combining them and creating a balanced diet.
  • Prepare and eat food in a good mood. Try not to talk much during meals or discuss pleasant, optimistic topics.



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