A lump from an injection on a child's leg. What to do if a lump appears after DPT vaccination

After vaccination, bumps in a child appear as lumps on the leg. The appearance of lumps becomes a reason to consult a doctor. The skin of children often reacts to compaction manipulations. Seals, the formation of a lump, swelling and redness at the injection site are normal reactions of the body to foreign antibodies. Vaccinations dissolve gradually. The doctor will advise what needs to be done to make the resorption process faster. It is possible to use dry heat - a heating pad will do.

The DPT vaccine protects the baby from diseases: whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Children often develop pain in the leg, which is regarded as a reaction to the administration of drugs. The introduction of vaccination has reduced the incidence of whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus.

Diphtheria is an infectious disease that affects the nasal and oral mucosa. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. As a result of inflammation of the mucous membranes, a person is unable to breathe and dies from suffocation. Diphtheria is dangerous due to its complications and affects the child’s cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Whooping cough is one of a number of infectious diseases, transmitted through the air, causing inflammation in the respiratory system. The disease is expressed by bouts of severe coughing. The disease often affects infants in the first year of life.

Mud wounds caused by metal products containing rust can cause tetanus as a result of bacteria entering the wound. The disease affects adults and children.

There are two types of reactions of the child’s body to the administration of the drug:

  • local;
  • general.

Often a lump occurs when the hepatitis vaccine is administered after DTP. Such drugs provoke inflammatory reactions so that the body develops a good immune factor.

If the bump on the leg turns bright red, the child’s temperature rises, and the baby feels unwell, this means that inflammation appears at the injection site. After vaccination, an allergic reaction often develops.

A lump after vaccination is considered a serious complication. To exclude the presence of purulent contents in the soft tissues, it is advisable to conduct an ultrasound diagnosis.

Many children have a similar reaction. The signs of the inflammatory process on the child’s buttocks become more pronounced, and there is a high probability that the drug was administered subcutaneously. To avoid complications, children are vaccinated in the thigh; even newborn babies have well-developed muscles in the leg.

Parents should inquire about the presence of side effects after vaccination. A temperature reaction may occur. If the temperature rises to high levels, the drugs Paracetamol, Nurofen or Nise are used. Vaccination can cause a temperature that needs to be reduced.

The lump at the DTP site resolves within 14 days. To reduce compaction at the site of DTP vaccination, Troxevasin ointment is prescribed, which is used to treat the bump. After DTP, redness is considered normal; there should be a slight reaction. If the child is not worried, there is no need to carry out urgent measures. During the process of resorption, the inflammatory process will go away on its own, and the redness will gradually decrease.

Pain at the DTP site may be moderate to severe. The factors depend on the state of the child’s immune system. If pain is noted, it is better to give the baby a painkiller, for example, analgin. It is not recommended to require the child to endure pain. It is permissible to put cold on the sore spot from the vaccination.

If the baby tries to scratch the injection site on the leg, you just need to bandage the limb. The bandage is simple gauze; there is no need to use dense types of bandages, preventing the thermal effect.

If the pain does not stop for a long time, you need to consult a doctor.

Sometimes infants develop a cough as a response to DTP vaccination, mainly when chronic processes are present. Cough is the body’s response to antibodies from pertussis infection. The condition does not require additional medical prescriptions.

Reasons for the development of a lump at the injection site:

  • local reaction to the administration of the substance;
  • a post-vaccination reaction occurs due to the presence of active biological substances in the composition (tetanus and diphtheria toxoid);
  • minor trauma at the injection site;
  • the technique of administering the medicinal substance is violated;
  • a hematoma occurs when administered subcutaneously, the vessels rupture.
  1. The baby must be healthy at the time of vaccination;
  2. The vaccine is given on an empty stomach;
  3. The child needs to empty his intestines;
  4. Children should not be dressed warmly.

The vaccination is carried out together with drugs that have an antipyretic and analgesic effect. It is mandatory to take anti-allergy medications. If the baby is predisposed to allergic reactions, it is better to start taking medications against allergic reactions 2-3 days before. For example, Cetrin, Suprastin, Ketotifen. On the day of the procedure, you will need to take antipyretic medications. During the first day after vaccination, it is recommended to monitor the temperature reaction.

Complications that need to be treated and monitored:

  • compactions formed more than 6 cm in diameter;
  • infiltrates of more than 7 cm are considered severe local complications;
  • lump and swelling extending beyond the joint;
  • the formation of purulent foci occurs as a result of a violation of the injection technique;
  • the formation of a keloid scar occurs when the vaccine is placed incorrectly;
  • the occurrence of various rashes;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the groin areas when the drug is injected into the buttock;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits occur when the vaccine is administered to the forearm.

To avoid post-vaccination inflammation, you need to:

The procedure is done three times with intervals of 2 months. The fourth is done a year later. Repeat at the age of 7 years, the final one at 15 years.

Contraindications to vaccination:

  • 2nd degree prematurity, when the baby is on mechanical ventilation;
  • having a weak immune system;
  • viral disease at the time of vaccine administration;
  • allergic diseases;
  • pathological processes with the presence of convulsive seizures.

Vaccination is mandatory. If there are contraindications for placement, it is permissible to inject a substitute, for example, Pentaxin.

Setting up DPT is considered necessary, but parents always have the right to refuse any manipulation.

Lump and its treatment with folk remedies

  1. Soda solution is used to treat seals. Dilute a tablespoon in half a glass of water, use boiled water. A gauze pad is generously moistened with this solution and applied to the sore spot;
  2. A proven method: take a cabbage leaf and scald it with hot boiled water, apply it to the seal for three hours, it is better to do it during the daytime sleep;
  3. Treatment with honey: honey is spread evenly on a gauze napkin and used as a compress at night;
  4. The cone is lubricated with aloe juice in the morning. After such a procedure, any seals quickly resolve.

In the last 20 years, infiltrates and abscesses after injections have represented a pressing problem in medicine. This is explained by the altered reactivity of the body in modern people. A local reaction after vaccine administration in the form of infiltrate and abscess is recorded in 15–25% of cases. Young mothers are concerned about the question: is lumpiness after vaccination dangerous for the child? Let's figure out in what cases compaction is a normal reaction of the body to vaccination. Let's consider possible complications at the injection site. Let's find out what to do if a child has a lump on his leg after vaccination. Let us clarify in what cases, when compacting, you should seek medical help.

Reasons for the appearance of compaction after vaccination. After vaccination, children often develop a lump (infiltrate) at the injection site. This lump appears in a child after vaccination for the following reasons.

  1. The delicate subcutaneous tissue and muscles in infants are compressed under the pressure of the drug.
  2. The immune system calls lymphocytes to the injection site, which respond with a protective inflammatory response to the foreign substance.
  3. A long-term non-healing infiltrate often forms when the vaccine administration technique is not followed. Intramuscular injections for children of the first years of life are made into the upper outer surface of the middle part of the thigh. Moreover, if the vaccine is administered with a short needle, the drug does not enter the muscle, but into the subcutaneous fatty tissue, from where the absorption of the drug is slowed down. As a result, the vaccine does not dissolve, but accumulates at the injection site and a long-lasting non-healing lump is formed. In addition, subcutaneous fatty tissue is less resistant to infection and the damaging effects of drugs.

This reaction is not dangerous; the infiltrate is a consequence of the body’s immune response to the introduction of a foreign substance into the child’s muscle. A compaction of no more than 8 cm without pronounced redness and severe pain is a normal reaction of the body to vaccination.

What to do after vaccination with a slight compaction. A seal forms after any vaccination. But more often, a bump on a child’s leg forms after a DTP vaccination. This is a common reaction to the vaccine and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • feeling unwell;
  • lack of appetite;
  • whims or apathy.

With normal infiltrate sizes not exceeding 8 cm and a temperature not exceeding 37.5 °C, medical intervention is not required. Do not apply ointment or lotions to the injection site. Put your child on loose cotton clothing to prevent the baby from scratching the infiltration. If your child tries to scratch the injection site, stroke the lump through the shirt. Calm your baby and give him water in small portions. Do not feed abundantly, it is better to give food several times a little. So, the baby will tolerate the vaccination more easily. On the first day, do not take your child for a walk or give him a bath. If your baby is sweaty, wipe the skin with a terry cloth soaked in warm water, then dry with a dry towel.

What medications should not be given after vaccination. If you gave your baby vitamin D before vaccination, then stop it for 5-6 days after vaccination. Vitamin D regulates calcium metabolism in the body, the content of which fluctuates while taking the drug, and this affects the degree of allergic reaction after vaccination. For a few days after vaccination, instead of vitamin D, give crushed “Calcium gluconate” tablets.

If a child is prone to allergic reactions, do not give Suprastin, which dries out the airways and makes it easier for microbes to penetrate from the environment. For this reason, instead of Suprastin, give Zyrtec or Fenistil drops. Do not give children Aspirin in any dosage form. This drug irritates the stomach and causes complications in childhood.

What to do if the lump is red and has a fever. At temperatures above 37.5–38.0 °C and at the same time the redness of the lump increases, lubricate the area with Troxevasin gel. You can also make a lotion with a 0.5% Novocaine solution, which will relieve redness and reduce pain. At the same time, give your child the antipyretic medicine Ibuprofen in the form of syrup or put a suppository with paracetamol.

If the temperature has not decreased, give Nimesulide suspension. Usually the redness goes away after a few days, and the seal resolves within 1 month.

What else can be done to help the baby if the lump on the child’s hip does not go away after vaccination? In addition to Troxevasin, the following agents can be used.

  1. Lubricate the seal with Escusan ointment, which improves blood circulation, helping to accelerate resorption.
  2. At the initial stage, Rescuer ointment helps to reduce the lump on the leg. It contains medicinal lavender and sea buckthorn oils, echinacea extract and beeswax, which have an anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect. However, the herbal composition of the ointment may cause an allergic reaction in sensitive people.
  3. For itching at the site of the lump, give a baby after 1 year of age 5 drops of Zyrtec 1-2 times a day. Children over 2 years of age are given Claritin syrup 1 teaspoon once a day. Give infants "Fenistil" in drops. These drugs relieve swelling, pain and itching of the lump. After their use, the size of the seal should decrease.
  4. Troxerutin gel improves blood circulation at the site of vaccine administration, due to which the compaction dissolves faster.
  5. “Heparin ointment” or “Vitaon” cream improves tissue microcirculation, accelerating the resorption of the seal.

Do not place a warming alcohol compress or massage on the seal. Do not wet the infiltrate. The next day, the child can be bathed using a series, but the seal should not be rubbed with a washcloth.

Folk remedies for the treatment of compaction. If a lump occurs in a baby after vaccination, you can use safe folk remedies. Here are some recipes.

  1. Curd compress. The cottage cheese is preheated slightly in a water bath, wrapped in double cotton cloth and applied warm to the seal area, covered with a towel.
  2. Honey cake compress. To do this, heat the honey slightly, add raw egg yolk and olive oil. Wrap the mixture in cotton cloth and place the seal in place before going to bed, covering the top with parchment to allow air to enter.
  3. Pierce the cabbage leaf with a needle in several places and apply it to the seal before going to bed, covering it with parchment paper.
  4. Bread and honey compress. Heat the honey slightly and add rye flour in a 1:1 ratio. Knead the cake and apply it to the seal area before going to bed at night, covering it with parchment.

When applying a compress to the seal, do not use cellophane or cling film, which creates a greenhouse effect, increasing the inflammatory process. Infants up to 1 year old with compaction can be given antihistamines - “Fenistil” in drops according to age and weight. The drug will relieve pain and swelling of the lump, and also calm the baby.

When to see a doctor. The following symptoms after vaccination in the child may be a cause for concern for the mother:

  • severe redness and an increase in the size of the seal greater than 8 cm;
  • pain from touching the lump;
  • continuous crying of the baby;
  • temperature above 39.0 °C;
  • allergic reaction;
  • convulsive syndrome.

If such symptoms appear after vaccination, you must call an ambulance or take the baby to the nearest hospital.

Abscess after vaccination. In some cases, the lump on a child’s leg after vaccination increases in size, and the skin over it turns red and becomes painful to the touch. This occurs when the rules of asepsis are not observed, when pathogenic microorganisms enter the wound during the administration of the vaccine. The formation of an abscess is also caused by the use of a vaccine that was stored or transported in violation of the rules. A complication after vaccination in the form of an abscess also occurs due to the individual sensitivity of the body to the components of the vaccine. Signs of an abscess:

  • in the center of the infiltrate, purulent tissue softening is formed, which expands to the periphery;
  • the skin above the abscess becomes thinner, and sometimes the abscess opens spontaneously if it is superficial;
  • sharply hyperemic and swollen skin over the abscess is painful and hot to the touch;
  • body temperature rises to 39.0 °C and above;
  • sharp shooting pain, from which the child cries incessantly.

If such symptoms appear after vaccination, it is recommended to consult a surgeon. To exclude or confirm an abscess (abscess), an ultrasound is performed in doubtful cases. For an abscess, surgical intervention is indicated.

To summarize, let us emphasize the main ideas of the article. After vaccination, in response to the introduction of an antigen, the body produces an immune reaction in the form of an infiltrate. If its size does not exceed 8 cm and the temperature does not exceed 37.5 °C, then the mother has no reason to worry. In case of compaction with a simultaneous increase in temperature for more than 6 days, external medications should be used, and painkillers and antihistamines should be given internally. In some cases, for various reasons, more often after DPT vaccination, a complication develops in the form of an abscess, which requires surgical intervention.

The formation of immunity occurs in early childhood. Before one year of age, a child begins to receive protection from many dangerous diseases. Vaccination often takes place without complications, but sometimes there are exceptions.


The appearance of a lump on a child’s leg after vaccination is a fairly common occurrence. It is accompanied by fever, refusal to eat, indifference, drowsiness, and excessive tearfulness.

At the injection site, a small, round infiltrate can be felt; the skin over it is hot, hyperemic, and swollen. The child may complain of itching and pain in the affected area.

Reasons for the appearance of compaction after vaccination

Factors causing complications after vaccination:

  1. Compression of tissues and muscles during solution administration.
  2. Incorrect injection technique.
  3. Immune system response.
  4. Infection of the wound and accumulation of pus under the skin.

A lump less than 7 mm in size without a pronounced inflammatory process is a normal reaction after vaccination.

Treatment of a small lump

Therapy for the disease is complex and must begin in a timely manner to prevent the condition from worsening.

Basic principles:

  1. monitor the child’s body temperature;
  2. do not allow the bump to be scratched;
  3. do not bathe the baby in the first few days after the injection;
  4. reduce contact with other children while immunity is developing;
  5. observe the drinking regime.

Oral medications

For post-vaccination thickening, the following groups of pharmacological products are used:

  • To reduce the severity of complications and prevent unwanted reactions, the child is prescribed Fenistil drops. Take the medicine according to the instructions and age.
  • Fever is brought down with drugs containing ibuprofen or paracetamol.

The drugs should not be used on an empty stomach: NSAIDs cause increased secretion of gastric juice.

  • Drinking plenty of fluids helps restore fluid balance in the body. If vomiting appears against the background of a high temperature, it is necessary to give the baby special solutions (Regidron, Gastrolit).
  • After vaccination, to prevent ARVI, drip saline solutions into the child’s nose.

External means

If a lump appears on a child’s leg after DPT vaccination, you can use the following ointments:

  1. Troxerutin - improves trophism in tissues and quickly resolves compactions. Produces analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. After an incorrectly performed procedure, when the substance did not get into the muscle, the drug "Eskuzan" helps well. It increases local blood circulation and removes toxins.
  3. "Fenistil-gel" is an antihistamine that reduces hyperemia in the damaged area and heals wounds.

What medications should not be given after vaccination?

If the child has previously taken vitamin D, then after the procedure it is worth stopping it for several days, as the drug contributes to the appearance of an allergic reaction. The vitamin is replaced with Calcium Gluconate powder.

If you are prone to allergies, you should not give Suprastin; it dries out the airways and leads to the development of acute respiratory viral infections during the season of exacerbation of the infection. Instead, antihistamines are taken in drops.

If you have a fever, you should not give aspirin: it has an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach and can cause complications in the child.

It is prohibited to use products containing alcohol and ichthyol ointment: their use leads to damage to the child’s sensitive skin.

Folk recipes

If sensitivity to pharmaceutical drugs has developed, you can use alternative medicine methods to relieve inflammation.

  1. Heat the cottage cheese and place it on a cloth. Apply a compress to the pathological area and secure with a bandage. You can cover the top with a warm towel.
  2. Melt honey, add egg and a drop of olive oil. Cool and apply to the affected area.
  3. Wash the cabbage leaf in warm water, lightly beat it and cut it in thick places with a knife. The compress is applied at night.
  4. Mix honey and rye flour in equal proportions. Knead the dough and apply it to the injection site.

The compress should be used without the use of film or cellophane: the “greenhouse effect” can aggravate the situation and intensify the inflammatory process at the injection site.

What to do if the lump is red and has a fever?

If the illness does not disappear for a long time and is accompanied by fever, you should inform your doctor.

Sometimes a formation on the hip may not go away for a long time. You can help your child in this situation in the following ways:

  • Apply lump-resolving ointment (Troxerutin, Aescusan) to the affected area.
  • Give your baby Nurofen syrup to drink.
  • In the first days after the vaccine is administered, the lump can be treated with “Rescuer” gel. It consists of natural ingredients and quickly relieves inflammation and hyperemia.
  • Itching is relieved with antiallergic drugs in drops. The dosage is selected according to the age and weight of the baby.
  • Heparin-based ointment improves trophism in tissues and helps the seal dissolve.

You cannot massage or knead the sore: this leads to infection, abscesses and the spread of inflammation deep into the tissues.

When to see a doctor?

You should visit a doctor if:

  1. large size of the seal on the leg and excessive redness of the formation;
  2. pain when trying to move the leg or when touched;
  3. fever above 39 degrees, accompanied by convulsions;
  4. the appearance of Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.

Actions after vaccination:

  1. It is better to spend the first half hour after the injection in a clinic or near a medical facility, as there is a high risk of developing an allergic reaction.
  2. Ventilate the room more often, provide an influx of fresh air, and carry out wet cleaning daily.
  3. Do not overfeed the baby.
  4. Drink plenty of water, dried fruit compote, green or herbal tea.
  5. Limit communication with other people as much as possible, especially if they have recently suffered from acute respiratory viral infection or bronchitis.
  6. If the temperature increases and the general condition changes, give an antipyretic drug and call a doctor.

If hypersensitivity to DTP occurs, you can discuss with your doctor the issue of replacing the domestic drug with Pentaxim or Infanrix. They cause fewer unwanted reactions and are used from 3 months of life.

Vaccination does not always go smoothly, but it is necessary to prevent dangerous diseases in the child in the future. Compliance with all doctor’s recommendations helps reduce the risk of complications.

Why does a lump form after vaccination, and can it be considered dangerous? Many mothers are worried about vaccinating their infants, having heard a lot of horror stories about DTP vaccinations. Vaccination is necessary so that the body becomes familiar with the weakened virus and is able to produce antigens to fight it. If the child is vaccinated correctly, nothing will happen other than minor complications.

Causes of seals

Why do lumps occur at the DTP injection site? Lump-shaped lumps are a normal part of the body’s reaction to the vaccine. A temporary focus of inflammation forms at the injection site, which will disappear as the drug is absorbed into the blood. To reduce the likelihood of the vaccine getting under the skin, DPT vaccinations are not recommended for the area of ​​the gluteal muscles.

The bump after DTP lasts for several weeks and causes pain when touched. However, in favorable cases, it will gradually resolve on its own. What does a bump on the leg look like after vaccination? Safe side effects include:

  • slight increase in temperature;
  • swelling and redness on the leg;
  • soreness to touch;
  • pain when walking.

Complications after DPT include:

  • hyperthermia;
  • nervous state;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • intestinal upset and vomiting.

Dangerous complications after DTP due to compaction include:

  • incessant, prolonged crying for several hours;
  • temperature rise above 38C;
  • extensive swelling on the leg.

In this case, the child is given antipyretic and painkillers. A strong increase in temperature should not be allowed due to the risk of seizures in the child.


A large lump (more than 8 cm) after a DTP injection can form if the drug did not enter the muscle, but was localized in the subcutaneous fat layer. In this area there is a minimum number of capillaries, so the absorption process slows down significantly. Hence the long-lasting lump-shaped lump.

What to do? It is necessary to help the seal dissolve faster and relieve the child’s condition. To do this, drugs are used to enhance blood flow and accelerate the absorption of the vaccine - Aescusan and Troxevasin. The preparations are applied with a light circular motion twice a day (do not rub in!).

A lump after DTP can also form due to dirt getting into the puncture site. What to do in this case? Infection along with dirt causes suppuration, which can only be removed with the help of special therapy. No self-medication is acceptable!

If the baby limps on his leg after DTP, this is a temporary phenomenon. The child intuitively protects himself from pain when moving. However, if the child limps for a whole week, you need to inform the pediatrician about it.

To help your baby overcome the painful condition after the vaccine, you need to:

  • make an iodine mesh;
  • make lotions with magnesium solution;
  • lubricate with heparin ointment;
  • apply Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Apply pieces of ice to the wound.

An iodine mesh can be done immediately after vaccination to prevent the formation of compaction. However, this does not always have results. When hardening occurs, make lotions from magnesia - moisten a cotton pad in the solution and fix it on the leg. You can keep it overnight.

Heparin ointment helps relieve pain after vaccination and helps the lump resolve. The ointment is applied twice a day with a light massage movement. Vishnevsky ointment is applied to a gauze pad and applied to the wound for 4 hours.

Important! Any therapeutic manipulations must be coordinated with a pediatrician!

Folk home remedies

What can you do with a lump after DTP using folk methods? Safe methods include the following:

  1. Applying a soda solution to the bump (dilute a tablespoon in half a glass of warm boiled water) - make a compress from cotton wool.
  2. Applying a cabbage leaf - scald the leaf with boiling water and cut in several places, apply to the wound for three hours before going to bed.
  3. Compresses made from honey and aloe - aloe juice is applied to the lump in the morning, and honey is applied as a compress in the evening.
  4. Raw potatoes help well - cut the peeled, washed fruit and apply it to the seal.
  5. White clay cake - apply for a couple of hours and wash off.

Important! Before treating a wound with honey, make sure that the baby is not allergic to its components.

Cabbage leaf has antiseptic properties and helps soothe inflammatory processes. It is important to prepare the leaf so that it releases juice and becomes soft. The sheet is fixed with cling film and left on the stem overnight.

Aloe has the property of dissolving compactions in tissues, however, before use, it should be kept for at least 8-10 hours on the bottom/side shelf of the refrigerator to produce medicinal substances. Next, the juice is squeezed out of the leaf using a juicer or meat grinder. You can also simply chop the leaf and wrap the pulp in gauze. This compress is kept for several hours.

What are the benefits of potatoes? It has the property of relieving tissue swelling and also reducing inflammation. Potatoes can be applied in slices, or you can grate them and apply the pulp in a gauze bag.

White clay has healing properties and the ability to draw out everything unnecessary. The powder should be mixed with a small amount of warm water so that you can form a small cake. The cake is connected to the wound and secured with a bandage.

What is prohibited?

It is forbidden to treat the wound with alcohol, so as not to aggravate the condition of the baby. Alcohol tends to be absorbed into the body, and besides, the baby’s delicate skin will not tolerate such cauterization.

Do not warm up the puncture site or apply warm compresses. If severe redness and an increase in local temperature (the lump is hot) appear, there is a possibility of an abscess developing, so home therapy in this case is unacceptable.

The following condition of the lump should alert you:

  1. the appearance of severe itching and bright redness;
  2. increased temperature at the injection site;
  3. severe swelling and increase in size of the lump;
  4. the appearance of suppuration in the wound.

Important! If the lump does not go away for more than two weeks, you should stop home treatment and show your baby to the pediatrician.

See how an iodine mesh is made for babies:

DTP vaccinations in childhood are carried out for preventive purposes. Their goal is to “familiarize” the body with a weak type of virus, so that the immune system will later be ready to meet the real virus.

Without vaccination, there is a risk of contracting any disease. After vaccination, in some cases complications may occur. Why do you get a bump from a DPT vaccine?

DTP vaccination is a combined vaccine, the action of which is aimed at protecting the human body from diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. This vaccination is given to children in all developed countries.

The question often arises and is discussed about why there is a bump from the DPT vaccine - a complication after vaccination. This was thought to be due to an anti-whooping cough component in the vaccine. To exclude complications, it was removed from the vaccine. But, after this, the numbers of whooping cough incidence rates, even deaths, jumped sharply.

DTP vaccination is carried out in three doses. The first according to the national vaccination calendar is administered to children at three months. After a month and a half, the second dose is administered. The third at six months. After these actions, revaccination is needed with its own established schedule.

Lump after DTP vaccination

This vaccine is one of the most reactogenic and is characterized by possible side effects. In certain circumstances, vaccination is contraindicated when there are risks associated with actual infection with all three of these infections. When it is believed that the risk does not outweigh the body’s response to the vaccine, the vaccine is given.

A mild reaction to the vaccine is a DPT bump, a painful lump at the injection site that can last up to several weeks. Despite the fact that parents are very worried, this reaction of the child’s body to the vaccine is not dangerous. Over time, the lump resolves and goes away.

Why is there a bump from the DPT vaccine? The compaction can be avoided or reduced as much as possible and made less painful if the child receives proper care and if the rules are followed immediately before and after vaccination. Proper preparation for child vaccination allows you to avoid a number of complications.

When a lump has already appeared after DTP vaccination, certain means are used to quickly resolve it. An iodine grid helps well if the child does not have problems with the endocrine system. Additionally, Fenistil gel is applied to reduce itching and redness.

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