Pimples on the labia. Questions

Rashes on the genitals can frighten any woman. White pimples on the labia are not always a dangerous symptom of the disease, but it is simply necessary to take a closer look at any rash, and in some cases you should even consult a doctor.

The list is quite large, and every woman should carefully consider whether any changes have recently occurred in her life. So, acne on the genitals can appear as a result of the following reasons:

  1. Tight underwear. Due to the friction that occurs during physical activity or simple walking, the outer layer of the epidermis becomes significantly thinner and damaged. This leads to irritation and, as a result, rashes and painful pimples on the labia.
  2. Improper body hygiene. Surprisingly, it is usually not about a lack of hygiene procedures, but about the excessive zeal that some ladies show. Frequent washing of the genitals, in which a woman's genitals are not simply rinsed with water, but are subjected to intense friction, also leads to damage to delicate skin. Such ladies are likely to develop acne on the labia.
  3. Specific skin reaction. The so-called Fordyce granules, which are small white nodules, should not frighten a woman. This is just a feature of her body, not a disease.
  4. Large subcutaneous pimples on the labia that develop into growths most often signal the activation of the human papillomavirus.
  5. Infectious diseases are a common cause of purulent pimples on the labia. Such rashes are usually painful and appear suddenly.
  6. Hormonal imbalance. If acne on a woman’s genitals appears suddenly, for no apparent reason, and at the same time body hygiene and the safety of intimate relationships are observed impeccably, then it is likely that invisible changes are occurring in her body that disrupt the hormonal balance.

Causes of acne in teenagers

Young girls are a special group, which is characterized by other factors for the appearance of acne on the pussy:

  1. Epilation. Very often, young girls try to get rid of unwanted hair in the bikini area. They begin to experiment with different hair removal products, but the hair removal technique leaves much to be desired. The girl’s inattention to cleanliness during such procedures is also observed, because she follows the main task - hair removal. If the infection gets into the hair follicle, then there is a high probability of an internal pimple appearing on the labia. This rash is single and quite dense. The skin in the area of ​​the hair follicle tightens and takes on the shape of a red pea, inside which white pus can be seen. This is exactly how the inflammatory process occurs in the hair follicle.
  2. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. This, in turn, leads to clogged pores, which cannot get rid of the secretion, and it accumulates in the hair follicle. Very often the hair itself remains inside such a bag and cannot get out. Sometimes such rashes are more reminiscent not of acne, but of wen. Inside them there is a thick, greasy content, which sometimes becomes inflamed. Usually, such inflammation and pimple on the labia minora goes away on its own as soon as the hair grows and the pus that filled the bulb finally comes out. This inflammation is considered temporary and does not require special treatment. However, if the wen becomes inflamed, it can only be cured by removal by a specialist.

Red pimples on the labia

If a woman has small red pimples on her labia, this can happen as a result of the following reasons:

  1. Stressful situation. We cannot exclude the influence of negative emotions to which a woman is exposed on her body.
  2. Hypothermia. Temperature exposure to cold also leads to reactions such as a rash on the genitals.
  3. Lack of sleep. If the body cannot restore strength normally, then processes occur in it that disrupt the natural rhythm of a person. The appearance of red pimples on the labia signals a woman the need to monitor her health and promptly restore her internal strength potential.
  4. Endocrine diseases.

If the viral nature of the appearance of a red rash on the genitals is excluded, then it is necessary to begin to eliminate the possible factors of such a reaction of the body. The safest and best way is to consult a doctor and take homeopathic and other immunomodulatory medications. They help restore the balance of forces in the body, normalize the body’s metabolism, and also act as a preventative measure for more serious complications that could occur if the body’s signals are further ignored.

Watery pimples on the labia

This is the name for rashes whose contents are transparent and watery. If their structure is quite hard, dense and tight, then this may indicate the viral nature of the appearance of acne, more often as a result of HPV.

If there are several such watery pimples, and their localization on the genitals is random, then with a high degree of probability we can judge the activation of the herpes virus. Usually such bubbles burst and fill with clear liquid again. The danger is posed not only by the virus itself, but also by other infections that can enter the subcutaneous layer after its integrity is damaged.

All about white rash on genitals

White pimples on the internal and external organs are considered the safest, but this statement should not deceive all women. The first thing you should do after they appear is to get checked for infections, and only then take active action.

So, if a woman with acne on the labia has an infection, then acne on the labia can only be treated by eliminating the bacteria or virus.

Very often, white pimples on the labia are harmless and appear as a result of improper body hygiene. By the way, sometimes they are discovered only after depilation and exposure of the epidermis. In this case, the rash will go away on its own within a week, as soon as the woman begins to cleanse the genitals correctly.

If a woman has a pimple on her labia, but no other rashes or skin imperfections are visible, then this also indicates inflammation. This is confirmed by the white head of a genital pimple. It is very important not to carry out independent treatment, and especially not to remove such a pimple on your own, but to seek help from a dermatologist. This will avoid secondary infection of the epidermis with other infections from the outside and prevent more serious consequences.

Another important rule when white pimples appear is the need to replace underwear made of synthetic materials with cotton panties. Synthetics adjacent to delicate skin are an additional irritating factor.

Itchy pimples on the labia

Pimples on the labia, which are accompanied by severe itching and burning, are a serious symptom of a possible infection. If a woman has had sexual intercourse, then such rashes and itching will appear only after 4-6 weeks, during which the virus is activated and multiplies and spreads deep into the genital organs. That is why, when itchy pimples appear, it is necessary to remember the unprotected intimate contacts that occurred about a month and a half ago.

Also, such itchy pimples may indicate activation of the Candida fungus. If, in addition to these symptoms, a woman experiences an increase in the amount of discharge, then it is likely that she will have to deal with thrush. By the way, infection with the Candida fungus could have occurred much earlier, even several years before, it’s just that external and internal factors have appeared that have disrupted the immune balance in the body.

What to do

How to treat a genital pimple on the labia majora? To begin with, you can observe your habits and do everything possible to eliminate the factors that contribute to the appearance of such a rash - change your underwear, regularly wash yourself with warm boiled water, do not use scented hygiene products, including panty liners, and also get enough sleep at night. If within 3-4 days this does not improve and the pimples have not decreased, then you should consult a specialist.

The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe tests for infections. If the results are negative, then we can talk about a hormonal imbalance, which periodically affects women of any age. In this case, the advice of a gynecologist can be either taking low-dose hormonal drugs or simply waiting, because sometimes the imbalance of hormones disappears as suddenly as it appears.

And the main thing that any woman should remember. For some representatives of the fairer sex, acne on the genitals almost never appears. This is due to good immunity, which is an excellent prevention against hypothermia and some infections. So, even an ordinary thrush or herpes virus chooses only a weakened body, where the protective cells are in a depressed state. Regular hardening, positive thoughts, high-quality underwear made from natural materials and proper body hygiene will certainly have a positive effect on the immune system, and unpleasant rashes will remain in the memories.

Very often, women and girls suffer from acne on the labia. This brings feelings of discomfort and sometimes terrible suffering from pain. The cause of the appearance can be either a hormonal imbalance or many other factors. To get answers to all your questions, please read the following information.

Rashes on the labia minora and majora can be of different types; their descriptions can be read here, and photos can be found on the Internet.

  • Boils are white and purulent pimples.
  • Blackhead pimples are red and painful rashes.
  • Bartholinitis - subcutaneous formations, compactions under the skin - this indicates inflammation of the Bartholin gland.
  • Fordyce granules are cysts of the sebaceous glands that look like white wen.
  • Condylomas and papillomas - have a pointed and elongated shape, in the form of transparent and watery pimples.
  • Molluscum contagiosum are small pimples of different shapes and there are often a large number of them.
  • Herpes (genital) - pimples appear that cause itching.
  • Irritation - various types of rashes caused by improper shaving or wearing synthetic underwear.
  • Black dots.

You should not treat yourself and you should not be afraid of visiting a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to identify the true cause of the disease after a thorough examination and examination. Self-medication can cause serious negative consequences and complications.

This type of formation on intimate organs can occur due to:

  • diseases, infections;
  • non-compliance with intimate hygiene rules;
  • hypothermia, sitting in the cold.


With furunculosis, the gland and hair follicle become inflamed. White, purulent formations appear at the base of the labia. When bacteria enter the body, then an inflammatory process begins to appear. Most often, staphylococci are these pathogenic microorganisms.
Causes of boils:

  • severe and frequent hypothermia;
  • failure to comply with hygiene standards;
  • inflammatory process in the Bartholin gland;
  • reduced immunity;
  • excessive sweating;
  • razor cuts;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • metabolic disorder.

This disease has 3 stages.

  • Stage 1 - swelling and itching appear. The boil thickens, swells and begins to pulsate. It can reach three millimeters in diameter;
  • Stage 2 - characterized by the appearance of a purulent core, and bubbles appear on the surface. At this stage, body temperature may rise, headache and enlarged lymph nodes may appear;
  • Stage 3 - the boil begins to open and its contents come out.

This disease can be treated using various means that help draw out the pus. These include: Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol, etc. In severe cases, you will have to use ointments based on antibiotics: Tetracycline, Erythromycin or Dicloxacillin ointment.

If the boil cannot be cured with medication, then you have to operate. The surgeon performs the operation under local anesthesia. The pimple opens and the pus is removed. Afterwards, a special tube is placed through which the pus will drain. Physiotherapeutic procedures are sometimes used.

With furunculosis it is prohibited:

  • be sexually active;
  • touch the infected area with dirty hands;
  • press or open suppuration;
  • scratch a pimple;
  • treat furunculosis yourself;
  • cancel the doctor’s treatment at your own discretion ahead of time.


To avoid this disease, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • keep the genitals clean;
  • eat more vitamins;
  • eat rationally;
  • do not overcool;
  • carry out hair removal and depilation in hygienically clean conditions and carefully;
  • buy linen made from natural materials.

Red pimples on the labia

If a red pimple appears on the labia majora, then it may be acne. This type of rash may appear due to:

  • hormonal imbalance (in adolescence, pregnancy, menopause);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • nervous breakdowns, stress;
  • overwork of the body;
  • systematic lack of sleep.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • redness occurs;
  • slight swelling is visible;
  • there are painful sensations.

To avoid the appearance of acne on intimate organs, you should lead a calm lifestyle, do not overwork, get plenty of rest, eat well and monitor your health. If a red pimple is already present in a delicate area, then do not delay visiting a doctor. The doctor will accurately determine the nature of the rash and prescribe appropriate treatment.


This disease manifests itself in the form of an inflammatory process of Bartholin's glands. Women aged 20 to 40 years suffer the most. But others can be taken by surprise at any moment.
The causes of bartholinitis are:

  • poor personal hygiene;
  • casual sex;
  • tight and narrow underwear;
  • weak immunity;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • insufficient amount of vitamins;
  • trauma to the genital area;
  • chronic infection in the body;
  • operations related to the genital organs, which were performed poorly.

Most often, the infection enters the Bartholin gland through sexual contact. If a woman suffers from urethritis or colpitis, then microbes can enter the gland from the urethra or vagina.

There are several degrees of bartholinitis. This:

  1. spicy;
  2. subacute;
  3. chronic;
  4. recurrent.

Depending on the location of inflammation, there are the following types:

  • abscess (purulent pimple);
  • cyst (pimple with liquid contents);
  • canaliculitis (excretory ducts of the gland become inflamed).

For acute bartholinitis it all starts with canaliculitis. You can observe redness of the skin at the site of the inflamed duct. When you press on this duct, a little white content appears. Next, the tissues swell, the duct closes and the inflammation moves to the next stage.
Subacute stage - abscess. Symptoms are: pain in the labia majora, severe swelling and redness, increased body temperature, weakness and headache, and enlarged lymph nodes.
Chronic bartholinitis has constant relapses. They can appear during hypothermia and even during menstruation. There may be slight pain at the site of localization and painful sexual intercourse. During acute periods, symptoms are identical to the acute stage. As a result, a cyst forms in the labia area.
Cysts may be in the stage of inflammation and vice versa. If it is small, then it cannot always be noticed, because it does not cause inconvenience. When it is inflamed, the following symptoms are observed:

  • pain during sexual intercourse, walking, sitting;
  • loss of strength, increased body temperature, headaches;
  • enlargement, swelling of the labia majora or minora;
  • clearly visible redness near the pimple.

The disease during pregnancy can cause infection of the fetus or miscarriage. It is especially dangerous in the first trimester and before childbirth. While passing through the birth canal, the baby can become infected. This will manifest itself in the form of damage to the umbilical ring, lungs or eyes.


Doctors may resort to surgery or prescribe a course of medications. If this is drug treatment, then you will have to take anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic medicine. In severe cases, antibiotics cannot be avoided. Compresses are applied locally and ointments are applied to the area of ​​inflammation. Good help: salt compress, Vishnevsky ointment or Ichthyol ointment. To kill germs, you should use Chlorhexidine or Chlorophyllipt. At the initial stage, physiotherapeutic procedures will help, but only with a doctor’s prescription. Antibiotics are prescribed with a wide spectrum of action: Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone, Ciprofloxacin, Tinidazole, Trichopolum and others.

Fordyce granules

They look like small formations with yellow or white contents. If you press, this content comes out thick in consistency. Not transferable. If you look at photos of women who have this disease, you can see several formations at once. They can be located on the labia majora and minora. The reason for their occurrence has not yet been clarified.

How to treat these granules? Doctors recommend using jojoba oil or Retin-A cream. These products will remove existing rashes and prevent new ones from appearing. Such formations should not be squeezed out, as this will lead to an inflammatory process and infection. This disease cannot be cured by surgery.


This disease is sexually transmitted and can be present in the female body unnoticed.

  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • stressful situations;
  • poor immunity;
  • intoxication in the body;
  • chronic diseases;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Those who are sexually promiscuous and often change partners are at greatest risk of getting sick. You should use contraception to protect yourself from this type of infection.
The following symptoms are observed:

  • the presence of pointed, hanging growths;
  • pain at the site of localization, with papilloma injuries;
  • bleeding;
  • redness;
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor.


Treatment can be medicinal and surgical.
When treated with medications, the following occurs: suppression of virus activity, necrosis of papillomas, stopping inflammation, pain relief, blocking and suppression of new papillomas and stimulation of the immune system.
The following drugs are used:

  • "Kondilin";
  • cream "Imiquad";
  • gel spray "Panavir";
  • "Podophyllotoxin";
  • gel "Epigen Intim";
  • ointment "Veregen";
  • "Cycloferon".

If the situation is hopeless and drug treatment does not produce results, then the doctor advises resorting to surgery.
There are several options for this treatment:

  1. Laser method. Cauterization of damaged tissue.
  2. Operation. Removal in the presence of large formations.
  3. Electrocoagulation. Cauterization of papillomas using electric current.
  4. Cryodestruction. Impact on papilloma by low temperatures. A special feature is the presence of liquid nitrogen.

Molluscum contagiosum

If a dense small nodule appears, which has an umbilical depression, then this is dermatosis caused by molluscum contagiosum. Transmission is possible through sexual contact and through household items, so both adults and children can get sick. This illness may go away on its own. This period can take about two years. These cosmetic defects are not dangerous to health, but they look unsightly, so women strive to get rid of these formations. The greatest risk of getting sick is in those women who:

  • weak immunity;
  • oncological diseases;
  • HIV infection;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • have rheumatoid arthritis.

It can also appear in a baby if its mother suffers from this disease.
Rashes in women can appear on the labia minora and labia majora. It spreads very quickly. The incubation period is from two weeks to six months.
There is no cure for molluscum contagiosum, especially in children. After some time, these formations go away on their own. If a girl urgently needs to get rid of this pimple, then removal is carried out using a laser, electric current, scraping or cauterization with liquid nitrogen.
You can become infected with this infection in different ways:

  • During sexual intercourse. If sexual intercourse was not protected, and the partner has molluscum contagiosum on the genitals, then infection of the partner is inevitable.
  • Through contact and everyday life. Especially with poor hygiene. Riding on public transport, using other people's objects, hugging and shaking hands. After all these actions, if you do not wash your hands and touch your genitals, infection will also occur.
  • During water procedures. If the patient was in the same water: bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, etc.
  • When self-infected. If you scratch or touch the infected area and then touch healthy skin, there is a chance of spreading the infection throughout the body.
  • To ensure that this type of illness goes away quickly and that another pimple does not appear, you should adhere to the following rules:
  • Wash your hands often with soap.
  • Do not comb, touch or tear such formations.
  • Do not epilate or depilate infected areas.
  • Wipe acne twice a day with chlorhexidine, calendula tincture or alcohol.
  • When having sex, use a condom to avoid infecting your partner.

Genital herpes

Herpes is a virus that, once it enters the body, remains there forever and is completely impossible to cure. A woman can be treated and acute symptoms removed, but if her immunity weakens, this disease will make itself felt again. The greatest danger is if a woman first became acquainted with this virus during pregnancy. In this case, this will negatively affect the development of the fetus and may cause defects. If such a pimple pops up at the time of birth, then there is a danger that the newborn will also become infected with this disease when it passes through the birth canal. Formations occur on the labia minora and majora, perineum and vagina. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the uterus may also suffer, which will subsequently lead to infertility.
It is transmitted sexually, from a sick person to a healthy person.

  • the labia are itchy and red;
  • bubble-shaped pimples appear, with liquid contents inside;
  • After a while, the pimples burst and crusts form;
  • lymph nodes enlarge;
  • there is weakness throughout the body;
  • sometimes body temperature rises.

After a month or two, all symptoms disappear and the herpes goes dormant. Relapses can appear either after a month or after several years.
You should go to the hospital immediately if:

  • the genitals are very itchy and have swelling;
  • acne appeared after sexual intercourse;
  • the rash does not go away within a week;
  • pimples peel off;
  • there are wounds that do not heal over the course of days;
  • if acne is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and enlarged lymph nodes.

Do not hesitate to show the doctor of education in such intimate places, because your future life will depend on it. Serious complications can result from some diseases that cause a rash on the labia. Be attentive to your health and follow all requirements to avoid such tumors.

Video about the papilloma virus as one of the causes of rashes on the labia

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A pimple on the labia in a woman definitely causes great discomfort and worries about what could cause such irritation. In modern medicine, all acne on the external genitalia of women is classified as follows:

  1. Depending on appearance:
    - small white pimples. They can be either single or rash-like. There are cases when, from individual small white pimples, rather large purulent pimples develop, the appearance of which causes severe pain and redness of the peritoneal part of the skin;
    — subcutaneous pimples have the appearance of small tubercles, which are felt upon palpation, do not cause discomfort and do not cause changes in skin color. It is not uncommon for such pimples to transform over time into fatty cysts or wen;
    - red pimples. There are both large and small sizes. Often they are rash in nature.
  2. Depending on the nature of origin:
    — as a consequence of procedures aimed at getting rid of hair;
    - as a result of hypothermia;
    - a concomitant symptom of viral diseases;
    - as a result of sexually transmitted infections;
    - due to changes in hormonal levels (puberty in girls, the onset of menopause);
    - against the background of endocrine diseases;
    - congenital predisposition (primarily concerns subcutaneous acne).

Pimple on big lips

Venereologist, Dermatologist, Cosmetologist, Therapist

A pimple on the large lips can appear as a result of cosmetic procedures that undermine the hair follicle, which after a couple of days manifests itself as a purulent pimple and redness. Such signs may appear after cosmetic procedures in intimate places, taking place in salons or separate rooms providing special procedures. Such procedures are carried out at home using electrical devices, mechanical - sharp blades, devices in the form of warm wax and components. Laser hair removal therapy can also be an unsuccessful method in the fight against excess blemishes if the method is not used professionally.

The presence of a small red rash on the labia may indicate sexually transmitted diseases, especially if you have recently had sexual contact with a new partner. Such irritations are usually accompanied by discomfort, itching and burning, and what definitely needs to be done is to undergo the appropriate tests to clarify the diagnosis and speed up recovery.

Pimple on the labia minora

A pimple on the labia minora may indicate clear signs of dysfunction in a woman’s body. These pimples can be painful, disrupt your overall well-being, and contribute to a bad mood. The cause of their occurrence may be frequent or constant neglect of personal hygiene or excessive care, which leads to the appearance of microcracks and infection of the surface of sensitive skin. But we should not exclude diseases that have a direct effect on the genitals.

The causes of acne may be minor injuries after hair removal in the bikini area, synthetic or tight underwear, hypothermia, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Frequent anxiety and malaise are caused by diseases called herpes; their peculiarity is that they can appear not only on the face near the mucous membrane of the mouth or nose, but also on the labia. This is due to the fact that this person has an excessive amount of certain harmful microorganisms that appear as a result of freezing or after a cold with a high temperature.

Almost any dermatologist or gynecologist will help you determine the nature of acne on the labia, even from a photo, in order to reassure yourself as much as possible and not take any measures in self-medication.

If there is not one pimple, but several in the form of a small rash or large ulcers, this indicates that you cannot do without professional gynecologists, and especially if, along with the pimples, there is severe itching and burning. My patients took advantage of the doctor’s advice, thanks to which they can get rid of problems in 2 weeks without much effort.

Pimple on the clitoris

A pimple on the clitoris, as well as on the labia, can appear due to lack of proper hygiene or hair removal in the bikini area, resulting in microtrauma and infection. When pressing, a lot of pus may appear from the purulent sac, but this is not recommended due to the fact that you can get even more infected and leave a bruise at the place of compression.

A subcutaneous pimple on the clitoris will eventually turn into a pea, noticeable upon palpation, and after a while it will completely disappear. You should not self-medicate; usually, if even minor purulent formations occur, smears are taken and antibiotics are prescribed to prevent the recurrence of unwanted acne.

Pimple in the vaginal area

A pimple in the vaginal area is most noticeable during a gynecological examination; you can examine it yourself, and also palpate it if it is severe or very bothersome. The appearance of pimples in this area may be a sign of certain sexually transmitted diseases or pathological signs. For example, malfunction of individual organs of the reproductive system, excessive dryness, or, conversely, secretion of the mucous membrane of the sexual secretion. The lack of hygiene procedures is also no exception.

Every good gynecologist will advise proper hygiene using even ordinary herbs, which not only prevent the appearance of acne, but also relieve inflammation. It is mandatory for every girl to see a gynecologist at intervals of no more than six months; if certain diseases are bothering her, then frequent trips to the hospital are guaranteed.

Pimples on the labia are a common phenomenon that, for obvious reasons, worries almost all representatives of the fairer sex. Few people attach importance to this formation, but the lesions should be given the closest attention.

The fact is that any changes in the skin in the intimate area indicate that either some kind of infection has appeared in the body, or some negative factor has entered into the woman’s habitual image.

Types of acne in intimate places

Experts identify several types of acne that appear on the genitals:

  • - a fairly large formation that looks like a huge pimple with purulent contents. Causes a lot of pain and discomfort, especially in case of constant contact with underwear;
  • - numerous rashes, small in size and of various shapes;
  • inflammation of the Bartholin gland (otherwise known as bartholinitis) is a pimple that appears in the inner layers of the skin and causes an inflammatory process;
  • and papillomas - watery pimples with a transparent, pointed tip;
  • acne is a very painful foci of inflammation that constantly produces large amounts of pus;
  • genital herpes - these pimples on the labia are the result of sexually transmitted diseases and cause severe itching in the affected areas;
  • sebaceous gland cysts are a cluster of small, light-colored pimples that often do not manifest themselves at all.

It should be noted that the cause of acne in the intimate area can also be various injuries, cuts and other types of deformation of the skin, in which microbes enter the epidermis. They are the ones who initiate the appearance of rashes, which, by the way, are easy to get rid of.

Due to the fact that there are a great many types of acne, there are, accordingly, many reasons for their appearance. That is why the most reasonable option is to contact a gynecologist, who, based on the clinical picture and additional examinations, will be able to identify the nature of their formation and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Causes of rashes on the genitals

The main reasons may be the following:

  1. Awkward age. Teenage girls can often develop a pimple on the labia majora, which looks like a small lump. It should not be considered a reason for panic, since it is a simple blockage of the sebaceous glands, which actively develop during puberty. After hair growth, the rashes will disappear on their own.
  2. Inflammation of the hair follicle. It is characterized by the appearance of a small compaction with purulent contents. The skin around it begins to turn red, and the pimple itself gradually increases in size.
  3. Wearing uncomfortable underwear. Tight and uncomfortable clothes cause the skin to stop receiving fresh oxygen, which inevitably leads to clogged pores. Also, this underwear can cause microtraumas through which infection can enter the skin. This also includes wearing synthetic underwear.
  4. Sexually transmitted diseases. Perhaps the most common reason why a pimple may appear on the small lip. These rashes appear on the inside and look like small red dots. In most cases they form in the form of clusters, although single forms are also possible.
  5. Skin Features. Certain types of acne may appear not due to infection or anything else, but as a consequence of the individual characteristics of the skin. These include, for example, .
  6. Hormonal imbalance. The resulting imbalance of hormones will lead to small pimples spreading throughout the groin area, which, as a rule, are not painful, but cause severe itching.
  7. Human papillomavirus. Due to the impact of this virus, condylomas and papillomas are formed. Pimples appear in the most inconvenient places, where they can easily be injured. Certain types of papillomas may simply be a cosmetic defect, but some cause cervical cancer. Pointed papillomas are a serious reason to consult a gynecologist.

Unfortunately, the most common causes of most rashes on the labia remain poor personal hygiene and synthetic underwear.

When to go to the doctor?

A visit to a specialist should be made when there are signs of the disease. These are severe pain, itching or burning, the presence of a red rash and the watery nature of acne. Also of concern should be the fact that acne does not go away after 5-7 days.

It is possible and necessary to eliminate acne on the labia only after you have been examined by an appropriate specialist. Without knowing the reasons and using treatment methods chosen at random, you can seriously harm your body.

Pimples in the labia area appear as a result of any disturbances in the functioning of the woman’s body. Such neoplasms often cause pain and disrupt emotional and physical well-being. Acne can occur due to many reasons.

Most often, the occurrence of acne is associated with basic poor personal hygiene or, conversely, due to too careful adherence to cleanliness rules, which can ultimately lead to the formation of microcracks in the mucous membrane, through which microbes penetrate inside.

Including acne can be a consequence of the occurrence of any disease. In any case, when the first formations appear on the labia, it is necessary to take all necessary measures and consult a doctor in order to accurately exclude them, which in the initial stage of the rash may be similar to acne.

The appearance of white pimples in the labia area

Small white pimples in the labia area may be accompanied by purulent discharge. As the purulent head matures, the pimple dries out and goes away.

There can be several reasons for the occurrence of such acne:

  • Injury to the hairline as a result of hair removal in the bikini area by epilation or shaving. After a hair removal procedure, irritation appears on the skin, which often leads to an inflammatory process in the hair follicles. This causes pimples with cloudy white fluid to form.
  • When wearing underwear made of non-natural fabrics that are not able to properly transmit moisture and air, the skin under the clothes overheats and irritation occurs.
  • A sharp change in temperature - hypothermia or overheating of the body can also cause the formation of white pimples. When the temperature is too high or too low, blood circulation is disrupted, this leads to a decrease in immunity and the body weakens. Microbes get an excellent opportunity to easily penetrate the skin and begin active, uncontrolled reproduction.
  • If white pimples appear in the area of ​​the labia minora on the mucous membrane or nearby, you should pay special attention to the woman’s condition. It is quite possible that such pimples signal the presence of some sexually transmitted sexually transmitted disease. In particular, such a disease may be one that can be contracted. If there is any suspicion of having a sexually transmitted disease, you should definitely consult a venereologist or gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a full examination, test for the presence of viruses and prescribe the necessary treatment. It is necessary to start treatment as early as possible in order to heal faster.

The appearance of subcutaneous acne in the labia area

Pimples under the skin in the labia area form in the form of small, imperceptible bumps that do not cause pain, but can be detected by palpation.

Such acne can have several reasons for its formation:

  • When a woman’s sebaceous glands are enlarged, subcutaneous pimples can form and not cause any harm to the body. They can be seen through thin skin. However, the presence of such acne is not associated with any disease, but is a feature of the female body. Pimples under the skin may periodically change in size, but such formations usually do not cause concern to a woman and are not treated.
  • Due to abundant fat secretions, the sebaceous glands on the skin can become clogged, leading to the formation of so-called wen. If the fatty cyst is not inflamed, it does not pose any danger to women's health. Otherwise, the fat cyst is removed through surgery.
  • Pimples under the skin of a painful nature in the area of ​​the labia minora and majora may indicate a decrease in immunity. In a weakened state, microbes can easily get under the skin and develop active activity there. Treatment in this case is prescribed by a gynecologist and rheumatologist.

The appearance of red pimples in the labia area

When reddish rashes form in the labia area, you need to pay attention to the size and palpability of the pimples. If the pimples are small and not painful, it may be acne.

  • If the rash is particularly painful and there are large inflammatory foci, red pimples can signal a malfunction of the hormonal system and endocrine diseases. This phenomenon can be found especially often at the time of puberty in girls, as well as in women at the onset of menopause.
  • Another cause of red pimples on the labia may be a woman’s nervous fatigue, lack of sleep or a stressful situation. All this leads to a malfunction of the body. In principle, here is the same mechanism that leads to the appearance of and.

The occurrence of cold pimples in the labia area

A similar rash in the labia area can occur due to the body being in cold temperatures for a long time, which leads to hypothermia.

It is important to understand that a common cold can develop into a viral one, which in turn will lead to suppuration of the formations. This can lead to blood poisoning, so it is necessary not to let the disease progress and be treated promptly.

The appearance of watery pimples in the labia area

Watery pimples in the female genital area can look different. With watery and transparent pimples, which have a dense consistency and a pointed top, the presence of papillomas is most often noted.

They are formed due to decreased immunity with a weakened body, lack of vitamins and activity of the human papillomavirus.

If the labia also have the form of blisters filled with liquid, this indicates the occurrence of herpes. These pimples may burst and release clear fluid. In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist to choose the right treatment for the disease. It is important to remember that herpes is a virus and is transmitted sexually, so you should avoid sexual intercourse during the treatment period in order to protect your partner.

Medical help for acne in the labia area

The formation of acne of various kinds in the labia area most often indicates the presence of any serious diseases in the body.

It is important to immediately contact a gynecologist or dermatologist if you notice acne in the genitals if:

  1. The rash cannot be treated within seven days;
  2. The labia become swollen and red, which is accompanied by severe itching;
  3. The reddish rash is accompanied by peeling of the skin;
  4. Pimples contain fluid;
  5. Acne appeared after sexual intercourse, especially if the partner is not permanent and protection was not provided;
  6. The rash is accompanied by a deterioration in the woman’s general physical condition, an increase in body temperature and swelling of the lymph nodes;
  7. Wounds formed that did not heal for more than two weeks.

What to do if acne occurs on the labia

The first step is to see a doctor and get examined. After diagnosis and tests, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

If you find acne in the labia area, you should use regular baby soap; however, there is no need to use cosmetic products for the care of the intimate part of the body, as they can cause skin irritation due to the presence of dyes and fragrances.

To remove hair in the bikini area, it is advisable to use a depilatory cream that will not harm sensitive skin and will gently remove hair without any skin irritation.

You should not resort to self-medication if you find pimples on the labia, as the cause of their appearance may be disturbances in the hormonal system or any serious illness. If treated incorrectly or not treated, complications or inflammation may occur, leading to the development of infertility. The use of antibiotics without medical supervision often provokes the appearance of dysbacteriosis.



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