Products containing mineral salts. Useful and excess salt in the body

The active role of mineral salts in metabolic processes the body and the regulation of its functions leaves no doubt about their necessity. Their endogenous synthesis is impossible, which is why they stand apart from other substances of similar functionality, for example, hormones and even vitamins.

Management is vital important processes the human body is carried out by maintaining acid-base balance, a certain concentration of certain mineral salts, the mutual ratio of their quantities. These indicators affect the activity and production of hormones, enzymes, determine the course of bio chemical reactions.

The human body receives and uses almost all the elements known to the periodic table, but the meaning and functions of most of them are still unknown. It is customary to divide microelements into two groups depending on their level of demand:

  • microelements;
  • macroelements.

All mineral salts are constantly excreted from the body, to the same extent they must be replenished with food, otherwise health problems are inevitable.

Table salt

The most famous of mineral salts, playing important role on every table, almost not a single dish is complete without her presence. Chemically it is sodium chloride.

Chlorine is involved in the formation hydrochloric acid necessary for digestion, protection from helminthic infestation and being integral part gastric juice. Lack of chlorine has an extremely negative effect on the process of food digestion and provokes the development of urinary blood poisoning.

Sodium – extremely important element, regulates the amount of water in the body, affects the functioning of the human nervous system. Retains magnesium and lime in tissue cells and the circulatory system. Plays a key role in regulating the exchange of mineral salts and water in the body, being the main extracellular cation.


Potassium, together with sodium, determines the function of the brain, promotes its nutrition with glucose, and maintains the excitability of muscle and nervous tissue. Without potassium, it is impossible to concentrate, the brain is unable to get to work.

The influence of potassium salts on the digestion of starch and lipids is necessary; they participate in the formation of muscles, ensuring their strength and strength. It also affects the exchange of mineral salts and water in the body, being the main intracellular cation.


The importance of magnesium for humans and all types of metabolism is extremely high. In addition, it provides fiber conductivity nerve cells, regulates the width of the lumen of blood vessels circulatory system, participates in intestinal function. It acts as a protector for cells, strengthening their membranes and minimizing the effects of stress. Magnesium salts ensure the strength of the skeleton and teeth, and stimulate the secretion of bile.

A lack of magnesium salts leads to increased irritability, violations of such higher functions nervous activity, such as memory, attention, disorders of all organs and their systems. The body effectively removes excess magnesium through the skin, intestines and kidneys.


Manganese salts protect the human liver from obesity, help reduce cholesterol levels, take active participation in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. They are also known positive influence on the functions of the nervous system, muscle endurance, the process of hematopoiesis, bone development. Manganese increases blood clotting and helps absorb vitamin B1.


First of all, calcium is necessary for the formation and development bone tissue. Thanks to this element, the membranes of nerve cells are stabilized, and the correct amount of it in relation to potassium ensures normal heart function. It also promotes the absorption of phosphorus and proteins, and calcium salts in the blood affect its clotting.


The role of iron for cellular respiration processes is well known, since it is a component of hemoglobin and muscle myoglobin. Lack of iron causes oxygen starvation, the consequences of which affect the entire body. The brain is especially vulnerable to this factor, instantly losing its ability to work. The absorption of iron salts is increased with the help of ascorbic acid, citric acid, falls due to diseases of the digestive tract.


Copper salts work closely with iron and ascorbic acid, participating in the processes of hematopoiesis and cellular respiration. Even with sufficient iron, copper deficiency leads to anemia and oxygen starvation. The quality of the hematopoietic processes and mental health humans also depend on this element.

Lack of phosphorus when providing balanced nutrition is practically excluded. However, it should be borne in mind that its excess adversely affects the amount of calcium salts and the supply of them to the body. His area of ​​responsibility includes processes for producing energy and heat from nutrients.

The formation of the bone and nervous systems without phosphorus and its salts is impossible; it is also necessary to maintain adequate function of the kidneys, liver, heart, and hormone synthesis.


Fluoride is part of tooth enamel and bones and helps keep them healthy. A sufficient amount of its salts in the diet of a pregnant woman reduces the risk of her child developing dental caries in the future. Their role is great in the processes of skin regeneration and wound healing, they improve the absorption of iron by the body, help the work thyroid gland.


The main role of iodine is its participation in the functioning of the thyroid gland and the synthesis of its hormones. Some iodine is found in the blood, ovaries and muscles. It strengthens immune system human, participates in the development of the body, helps regulate body temperature.

Building nails, skin and hair, nervous and muscle tissue is impossible without silicon salts. He also has great value for the development of bone tissue and cartilage formation, maintaining elasticity vascular walls. Its deficiency creates a risk of developing diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.


Chromium acts as an insulin regulator, controls the activity of the enzyme system involved in glucose metabolism, protein synthesis and fatty acids. Not getting enough of it can easily lead to diabetes and is also a risk factor for stroke.


The participation of cobalt in the processes of ensuring the supply of oxygen to the brain obliges us to place special emphasis on it. It is presented in the body in two forms: bound, as part of vitamin B12, it is in this form that it plays its role in the synthesis of red blood cells; vitamin independent.


Zinc ensures lipid and protein metabolism and is part of about 150 biologically active substances produced by the body. It is extremely important for the successful development of children, since it participates in the formation of connections between brain cells and ensures the successful functioning of the nervous system. Also, zinc salts are involved in erythropoiesis, normalize functions endocrine glands.


Sulfur is present almost everywhere in the body, in all its tissues and urine. Lack of sulfur contributes to the development of irritability, impaired functionality of the nervous system, the development of tumors, and skin diseases.

Salt enters the human body not only in pure form as a food supplement, but also together with liquid. Excess of this stone, just like a deficiency, has a negative effect on the body as a whole. How much salt you need to consume per day, as well as how to remove it, is discussed in this article.

To begin with, it is worth clarifying that each already contains a certain amount of salt. Consequently, for the whole day a person receives enough food additives. However taste preferences Today things have changed dramatically - we add seasoning to almost everything. It is impossible to say the exact amount of salt, since scientists themselves have not decided on the figure. On average, you should consume no more than five grams of salt per day. American doctors recommend limiting yourself to four grams, Brazilian doctors - two, and doctors from Britain consider six grams to be the norm. Thus, the recommended dose also depends on the characteristics of a particular people, as well as climatic location. In colder climate zones, it is enough to consume 3-5 grams of salt per day, in hot areas - 6-8 g. In addition, the need increases with physical activity.

It is also worth noting that half of the five grams of salt allowed should come directly from food.

Deficiency and excess of salts

Salt - essential substance, which maintains balance in the body. And, as you know, the body is 70% liquid.

Lack of salt manifests itself in different ways:

  • the person becomes tired, there is depressive state and headache;
  • the functioning of the digestive and cardiovascular systems: nausea appears;
  • bones and muscles are destroyed, spasms appear;
  • osteoporosis, anorexia;
  • a less “painful” symptom is thirst, which is not quenched even with plenty of drinking.

Function of mineral salts in the body

Salts perform a number of important functions in the human body:

  • they maintain acid-base balance;
  • regulate osmotic pressure in cells;
  • are directly involved in the formation of enzymes;
  • control the blood clotting process.

In addition, salt has the ability to attract... Thanks to this property, fluid accumulates in the body in the required quantity.

Magnesium salts

Magnesium salts are the most important substance, without which no processes in the body are possible.

Magnesium ions are involved in metabolism, protein formation, blood pressure regulation, and cleansing the body of waste and toxins. Thus, it is impossible to exist without magnesium. Doctors noticed that if the expectant mother had a lack of these salts, the birth was delayed. The explanation for this is quite simple - all processes in the body have been “delayed”. Moreover, a newborn baby may experience seizures.

Symptoms of magnesium ion deficiency:

  • dizziness, possible fainting;
  • short muscle cramps;
  • "spots" in the eyes;
  • various spasms;
  • hair becomes brittle and subsequently falls out, legs break easily;
  • depression, etc.

The situation can be corrected by consuming vitamins prescribed by the doctor and foods rich in magnesium.

Potassium salts in the body

As with magnesium, potassium salts regulate not only water balance in the body, but also the functioning of the nervous system, as well as the cardiovascular system. Potassium is essential for muscle fibers, particularly the brain, heart and liver, etc.

If there is little potassium, diseases such as dropsy and hypokalemia are possible. The functioning of the entire cardiac system is disrupted, and bones are also resolved. However, an excess of this substance is harmful - a small intestinal ulcer can form.

The greatest amount of potassium is found in dry and fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes, grains. In addition, mint is rich in this element.

Calcium salts

As you know, calcium is the main component of the entire human skeleton, including teeth and nails. In addition, it supports the immune system by preventing it from entering the body. various viruses and microbes. It is also involved in hematopoiesis and is an antidepressant, keeping you in good shape. nervous system.

Calcium salts themselves cannot be absorbed in the body without phosphorus salts. In this regard, the human body contains about two kilograms of calcium and 700 grams of phosphorus. If the first element is missing in certain authorities and systems, the body will “take” it from the skeleton. The daily requirement for calcium is considered to be at least one gram.

Urine salts

Human urine consists of 95% water, the rest is salt. Depending on a person’s diet and food preferences, this liquid may contain too many salts, which negatively affects overall health.

It is worth noting that too much salt in the urine is not evidence of disease. Reasons this phenomenon there may be several:

  • a person drinks little water during the day, which causes the salt concentration to increase;
  • the diet is not normal. Most likely, too salty foods are consumed;
  • in addition, the cause of salts in the urine can be oxalic acid, which is quite abundant in berries, tomatoes and chocolate;
  • in the body in large quantities contains ethylene glycol, found in paints, varnishes, etc.;
  • metabolism is disrupted;
  • environmental factors may also influence.

Diet - best method normalize the amount of salts in the urine.

Mineral salts perform diverse functions in the body. They play an important role in plastic processes, the formation and construction of body tissues, regulate metabolism, acid- alkaline balance And water exchange, participate in protein synthesis, various enzymatic processes, and the work of the endocrine glands. More than 60 of the 104 mineral elements known in nature have already been found in the human body. Minerals found in food products in significant quantities are called macronutrients. Among them, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium are of greatest hygienic importance.

Calcium is part of bone tissue. It has a significant effect on metabolism and the work of the heart muscle, helps to increase protective forces the body, participates in the process of blood clotting and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Calcium deficiency in the body negatively affects the processes of ossification, the function of the heart muscle and the course of a number of enzymatic processes. Daily norm calcium for adults 800 mg. Milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream) are especially rich in calcium.

Phosphorus, like calcium, is necessary for bone formation. It plays a large role in the activity of the nervous system. Organic phosphorus compounds are consumed during muscle contraction, as well as in biochemical processes, occurring in the brain, liver, kidneys and other organs. The daily intake of phosphorus is 1600 mg. The main sources of phosphorus: cheese, liver, eggs, meat, fish, beans, peas. To meet the body's need for calcium and phosphorus, the conditions for their optimal absorption. Calcium and phosphorus are well absorbed when the ratio between them is 1:1.5 (milk and dairy products, buckwheat porridge with milk).

Sodium is found in many organs, tissues and biological fluids body. It plays an important role in the processes of intracellular and intercellular metabolism. Sodium is important for maintaining osmotic pressure in the blood and tissue fluids, as well as for water exchange. A person gets sodium mainly from table salt, which adds flavor to food and stimulates appetite. IN normal conditions daily requirement for sodium chloride is 10-15 g. At high air temperatures, the body can lose a significant amount through sweat table salt. Therefore, when profuse sweating the need for it increases to 20-25 g.

Potassium is an essential bioelement for humans. The potassium requirement of adults is 2000-3000 mg per day and is mainly covered by taking plant products and meat.

Iron, cobalt, iodine, fluorine, bromine, potassium, chlorine, manganese, and zinc also play an important role in the life of the body. They are found in very small quantities in the body and food products. Minerals are contained and enter the body with vegetables and fruits.

We must not forget about water. It is needed primarily to introduce nutrient solutions into the blood, to remove unnecessary metabolic products from the body, and also to regulate body temperature. Daily requirement of a young organism in water is 1-2.5 liters.

Lack of water leads to blood thickening and delay harmful products metabolism in tissues, to disruption of salt balance. An excess of it is no better, as it also leads to disruption of the water-salt balance in the body, creating unnecessary stress on the heart and excretory organs.

Mineral salts are mandatory components food, and their absence leads to the death of the body. Minerals actively participate in the life of the body and in normalizing the functions of its most important systems. Their role in hematopoiesis is known (iron, copper, cobalt, manganese, nickel), as well as their participation in the formation and regeneration of body tissues, especially bone, where phosphorus and calcium are the main structural elements. Play an important role minerals in the development and growth of teeth. Fluorine, for example, does dental tissue especially durable.

One of the most important functions of minerals is to maintain the necessary acid-base balance in the body. Being part of protein fractions, mineral substances impart to them the properties of living protoplasm. Mineral salts are involved in the function of endocrine and enzyme systems; their role in normalizing water metabolism is invaluable.

The daily requirement for some minerals in adults is as follows:

  • Calcium - 800-100 mg
  • Iron - 2 mg
  • Phosphorus -1600-2000 mg
  • Mel - 2 mg
  • Magnesium - 500-600 mg
  • Iodine - 100-150 mg
  • Potassium - 2-3 mg
  • Sodium -4-6 mg
  • Zinc -12-16 mg
  • Chlorine - 4-6 mg
  • Manganese - 4 mg
  • Sulfur - 1 mg
  • Aluminum - 12-13 mg
  • Fluorine -0.8-1.6 mg

Some food products have the ability to selectively concentrate in their composition a significant amount of sometimes rare minerals. Thus, large amounts of silicon are known in cereals, iodine in marine plants, copper and zinc in oysters, cadmium in scallops, etc.

Acid-base balance. The human body maintains the acid-base balance necessary for its normal functioning. It is constant, however, the nature of nutrition and the predominance of acidic or alkaline compounds in it can affect shifts in the acid-base balance. In human nutrition, the predominance of substances of an acidic nature is most often noted, as a result of which a shift in this balance towards acidity is possible, which is undesirable.

There is evidence that acid shifts in the body contribute to the development of a.

Sources of acidic minerals are: food products, such as meat, fish, eggs, bread, cereals, bakery products and others containing significant amount sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine. Foods rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium (or sodium)! are sources of alkaline substances. These include milk and dairy products (except cheeses), potatoes, vegetables and fruits, and berries. It would seem that vegetables, fruits and berries, thanks to their sour taste must be sources of acidic substances. In fact, as a result of transformations in the body, they serve as suppliers of alkaline substances. Organic acids of vegetables, fruits and berries contain large amounts of alkaline and alkaline earth salts, which are retained in the body.

Diet of people mature age It is advisable to strengthen it with products with an alkaline environment. This can be achieved by increasing specific gravity in the nutrition of milk and dairy products, potatoes, vegetables and fruits. To the basic minerals it needs; body, include calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

Calcium. The importance of calcium in baby food. One might think that for adults the role of calcium is small, and moreover, that it is harmful in old age due to the danger of its deposition in blood vessels.

However, adults also need calcium; There is evidence that in old age the need for calcium even increases. Calcium salts are a constant component of blood, cellular and tissue juices; they strengthen defense mechanisms body and play an important role in maintaining normal neuromuscular excitability. Calcium salts are involved in blood clotting processes, calcium affects the function of the heart muscle. Calcium is especially important in the formation, growth and development of skeletal bones.

Calcium is widely present in many foods, however, it is difficult to absorb. The best sources of digestible calcium are milk and dairy products. 0.5 liters of milk or 100 g of cheese are guaranteed to satisfy the daily requirement for calcium. Calcium from cereals and bread products is poorly absorbed due to its unfavorable ratio in these products with phosphorus and magnesium, as well as due to the presence of inositol-phosphoric acid in cereals, which forms indigestible compounds with phosphorus. Oxalic acid forms the same indigestible compounds with calcium; Therefore, calcium from foods rich in oxalic acid (sorrel, spinach, etc.) is practically not used in the body.

Meat and fish contain little calcium and cannot be considered as any significant source of it. Milk, only itself is great source digestible calcium, but can increase the digestibility of calcium in other foods. Therefore, milk should be an essential component of any diet.

Between doses reaches 7 or more hours. As a result, the stomach becomes overfilled, its walls are overstretched, the mobility and mixing of food in it is limited, and the processing of food by juices is impaired. Nutrients become less accessible to enzyme processing. Food stays in the stomach for a long time, and the work of the digestive glands becomes long and intense. Such nutrition ultimately leads to the development of dysfunction of the gastric glands and indigestion. Elderly people often have weakened functional abilities digestive system, and like this excessive load leads to even more pronounced violations.

Regularity of meals is extremely important.

i.e. eating always at the same time. This produces conditioned reflex for allocation to set time the most active gastric juice, rich in enzymes. Incoming food meets prepared soil in the stomach for vigorous, active digestion. A completely different thing happens with disordered eating. In these cases, there is no conditioned reflex, there is no preliminary secretion of juice, and the introduced food enters the stomach, which is not prepared for the digestive processes.

If meal times are not observed for a long time, then the digestive processes are inevitably disrupted, often leading to the development of stomach diseases.

It can be said without exaggeration that one of the common reasons ov and peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum is precisely non-compliance with the diet, disordered eating with long breaks between these methods.

Eating a lot of food before bed is very harmful. The fact is that the digestive organs need rest, and this period of rest is night sleep. Long-term continuous operation of the glands of the digestive apparatus leads to a decrease in the digestive power of gastric juice and disruption of its normal secretion.

The digestive glands should have 6-10 hours of rest every day. Late dinners deprive the secretory apparatus of rest, which leads to overstrain and exhaustion of the digestive glands.

You should have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Immediately before bedtime, lactic acid products or fruits (a glass of curdled milk, an apple) are recommended.

Distribution of daily food ration by individual techniques food is produced differentially, depending on the nature labor activity and daily routine.

Mineral salts, just like vitamins, should be in our food, as they are necessary for the life and functioning of our body.

Main groups of minerals.

1. Sodium. One of the main alkaline elements in the body. Thanks to it, lime and magnesium are retained in blood solutions and tissues. Lack of sodium causes hardening of arterial walls, stagnation of blood in capillary vessels, gallstones, urinary stones, liver stones, and jaundice. Sodium is then transported from the tissues to the lungs carbon dioxide, with a lack of sodium, heart disease appears, and fat and fat people suffocate. Then sodium is a source of hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice. Only thanks to sodium can iron capture oxygen from the air.

2. Iron. It is the most necessary element for the oxidation of our blood, it promotes the formation of red balls (hemoglobin) in it. Lack of iron in the body creates acute anemia, decreased vitality, apathy, and pale sickness. The storage place for iron in the body is the liver.

The most iron is found in spinach, lettuce, strawberries, asparagus, onions, pumpkin and watermelon.

3. Potassium. It is an alkaline metal necessary for building muscles. In the body it is needed for the liver and spleen, as well as

for the intestines, which helps digest fats and starch.

Therefore food rich in potassium, useful for ah. It is also useful for poor blood circulation, weakened heart activity, various inflammations and skin diseases, with a rush of blood to the head.

A lack of potassium creates flabbiness and inflexibility of muscles, and reduces mental functioning. Most of it is found in raw vegetables, in sour fruits, especially lemons, cranberries and barberries, and also a lot in bran, nuts, almonds and chestnuts.

And, since calcium is necessary for the functioning of the heart muscles and for blood clotting. It is the main source of blood supply alkaline salts, which is extremely important, since the blood in in good condition alkaline, and if the alkaline balance is disturbed, then death occurs. All our glands, which secrete hormones for blood, cells and tissues, must always have enough calcium, otherwise the body ages prematurely. Children and adolescents require 3-4 times more calcium than adults for the formation of bones, teeth, and tissues.

4. Calcium. During illness, especially with high temperature, as well as when overworked and big trouble A lot of calcium is released from the body. This is immediately reflected in the work of the whole organism: hyperacidity of the blood appears, the liver weakens, losing its activity necessary to destroy toxic substances entering it from the blood, the tonsils begin to become inflamed, stones appear in the gallbladder, teeth loosen and crumble, the body is covered with a rash (mainly the hands).

The introduction of pure calcium alone into the body does not bring great benefit, it must be introduced simultaneously in the form of food containing an alkali in an organic compound, it is necessary to give egg yolks, yellow turnips, rutabaga, beans, olives, lentils, almonds, wine berries, cauliflower, bran, whey.

5. Phosphorus. Bone development may be delayed due to a lack of phosphorus, despite the sufficiency of calcium, since phosphorus is a stimulus for growth and activity in the body. Phosphorus is also needed for brain work, as it is part of medulla; That's why brain fatigue with increased brain work, it is associated with a decrease in phosphorus. On the other hand, a disproportionate amount of it in the body causes various tumors.

Fish liver is especially rich in phosphorus, as well egg yolk, cheese, bread bran, radishes, cucumbers, lettuce, nuts, almonds, lentils and dry peas.

6. Sulfur. It is found in all human cells and tissues

Organism: in a component of hair,

nails, muscles, bile, gases, urine. Is an antiseptic

intestines, moderates excessive oxidation of phosphorus, preserves the strength of the nerves. A lack of sulfur leads to irritability, tumors, and painful phenomena on the skin. There is a lot of sulfur in horseradish, turnips, cabbage, egg white, bran, walnuts and Chinese nuts, in ripe rye and wheat.

7. Silicon. It goes into the construction of muscles, nerves, skin, hair and nails. Its deficiency causes hair loss, brittle nails, and contributes to disease diabetes mellitus. Most silicon is found in the skin of fresh fruits and in the bran of cereals. Also found a little in cucumbers, asparagus, lettuce, parsley, beets and strawberries.

The most chlorine is found in oysters, whey, egg whites, and fresh green vegetables - cabbage, celery, parsley. Also found in butter, bananas, eggs, milk and rye bread from whole flour.

9. Fluorine. It is found in humans in the back bones and teeth and less in the muscles, brain and blood. It is part of tooth enamel: without

Fluoride causes enamel to crack and teeth to rot. Skeletal bones without fluoride also get sick. Fluoride is found in all cereal grains, nuts, beans, peas, egg whites, fruits and green vegetables. By the way, there is fluoride essential substance in the protoplasm of plants, therefore, in soil lacking fluorine, plants do not bloom.

10. Iodine. In organisms it is found in thyroid gland and is a metabolism regulator. Lack of iodine leads to the formation of iodine and weakens the immune system, i.e. the body’s resistance to all kinds of diseases, reduces physical strength body.

Most iodine is found in seaweed(algae). Then it is found in turnips, rutabaga, beets, lettuce, tomatoes, and also in seafood, Chilims, oysters, crabs, herrings and lobsters.

11. Salt(cooking). It is very necessary for tissues and blood, also for the formation of hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice. A lack of salt in the body leads to weight loss, and an excess of it has a harmful effect on the heart.

12. Magnesium. It gives bones and teeth special hardness and rigidity. It is also present in small quantities in nerves, muscles, lungs, and brains, giving them elasticity and density. Its lack is reflected in nervous tension.

Magnesium is found in spinach, tomatoes, celery, nuts, wine berries and bran.

Our body needs mineral salts just like proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water. Almost the entire periodic system of Mendeleev is represented in the cells of our body, but the role and significance of some elements in metabolism have not yet been fully studied. As for mineral salts and water, it is known that they are important participants in the metabolic process in the cell. They are part of the cell, without them metabolism is disrupted. And since our body does not have large reserves of salts, it is necessary to ensure their regular supply. Food products containing a large range of minerals help us with this.

Mineral salts are essential components healthy life person. They actively participate not only in the metabolic process, but also in the electrochemical processes of the nervous system muscle tissue. They are also necessary in the formation of structures such as the skeleton and. Some minerals also play a catalytic role in many biochemical reactions our body.

Minerals are divided into two groups:

Those that are needed by the body in relatively large quantities. This macronutrients;

Those that are needed in small quantities. This microelements.

All of them not only act as catalysts, but also activate enzymes during chemical reactions. Therefore, microelements, even if they act in infinitesimal quantities, are necessary for the body in the same way as macroelements. Currently, scientists have not yet come to a consensus in what quantities microelements should be supplied to the body in order for this to be considered ideal. Suffice it to say that the lack of microelements can lead to various diseases.

More than other salts, we use table salt, which consists of sodium and chlorine. Sodium is involved in regulating the amount of water in the body, and chlorine, combining with hydrogen, forms hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, which is very important in digestion. Insufficient consumption of table salt leads to increased excretion from the body and insufficient formation of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice. Excess table salt leads to water retention in the body, which contributes to the appearance of. Together with potassium, sodium affects the functions of the brain and nerves.

Since salt needs are met by the amount found in prepared foods, try to limit your salt intake. The body's daily need for salt is 1-2 grams. To do this, just eat 100 g of black bread and a piece of pickled herring. The most salt is found in smoked foods and meat products.

Potassium- This is one of the most important elements contained in the cell. It is necessary to maintain the excitability of nerve and muscle tissue. Without potassium, it is impossible to supply the brain with glucose. Potassium deficiency negatively affects the brain's readiness to work. The person's ability to concentrate is weakened and may even experience vomiting and diarrhea. Potassium salts are found in sufficient quantities in potatoes, legumes, cabbage and many other vegetables. By including fish, meat and poultry in your diet, you get required quantity this element. Potassium needs are about 4 grams per day, which can be met by drinking a glass of banana milk, for example, or eating a serving.

Calcium salts necessary for stabilizing the cell membranes of brain cells and nerve cells, as well as for normal development bone tissue. Calcium metabolism in the body is regulated by vitamin D and hormones. A lack of calcium in the body, as well as its excess, can have very harmful effects. The risk of calcium-containing kidney stones can be prevented by drinking enough mineral water. Calcium in high concentrations and in good value with phosphorus (approximately from 1:1 to 2:1) is found in milk and dairy products, with the exception of ice cream, cottage cheese, as well as young, soft and processed cheese.

If, suppose, you eat sardines, then you get large doses calcium, but not in a favorable ratio with phosphorus. And green cabbage, sesame or sunflower seeds will provide the body with both calcium and phosphorus in the required proportions. Every day we need 1200 milligrams of calcium, which can easily cover, for example, a liter of milk.

The ratio of calcium and potassium salts is important for normal cardiac function. In their absence or deficiency, cardiac activity slows down and soon stops completely.

Phosphorus responsible for producing energy from nutrients. By interacting with vitamin D and calcium, it provides the body with warmth and energy to support all its functions, including the functions of the brain and nerves. The leaders in phosphorus content are milk and dairy products. The daily requirement for phosphorus ranges from 800 to 1000 milligrams. Insufficient supply of phosphorus to the body is practically excluded. When planning your diet, try to avoid phosphorus deficiency, but also avoid excess phosphorus, which negatively affects the body’s calcium supply. Try to stick to a body-friendly phosphorus to calcium ratio of 1:1 to 2:1, and you won't have to worry about eating foods with low content phosphorus.

Magnesium is one of the important minerals for our body. The intake of magnesium salts is simply necessary for all cells. It plays a crucial role in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and is responsible for everything important functions body. This element, due to which conduction is carried out along the fibers of the nervous system, regulates the lumen blood vessels as well as work. Research recent years have shown that magnesium protects the body from negative impacts stress, stabilizing cell membranes nerve cells.

With a lack of magnesium, possible severe disorders in all areas of the body, for example, weakening of memory and ability to concentrate, as well as severe nervousness and irritability. As a rule, there is no excess of magnesium in the body, since our body itself excretes it through the kidneys, intestines, etc.

Excellent suppliers of magnesium are legumes, peas, brown rice, wheat bran. A lot of magnesium is also found in black bread, soy and oatmeal and nuts. The daily requirement for magnesium is 300–400 milligrams. It can be replenished with 100 g of brown rice, 100 g of cottage cheese or a lunch of beans.

Iron is part of hemoglobin, a substance that carries oxygen from the lungs to cells and tissues. Therefore, we can safely say that iron is perhaps the most important element for the human body. If the body is insufficiently supplied with iron, various ailments associated with a lack of oxygen appear. The brain, the main consumer of oxygen, is especially affected by this and instantly loses its ability to work. True, it should be noted that our body uses iron reserves very carefully, and its content usually decreases sharply only due to blood loss.

The daily requirement for iron is 10-15 milligrams. Egg yolks, meat, poultry, game, cereals, vegetables and fruits are especially rich in iron. Meat contains significantly more iron than plant foods, while iron when consumed meat products is absorbed better - about 25 percent enters the blood. From plant food Only 4-9 percent of iron enters the blood. Therefore, insufficient iron intake should be supplemented with vitamin C.

Fluorine is part of tooth enamel, so people living in areas where drinking water poor in this element, teeth deteriorate more often. Now modern toothpastes come to the rescue in such cases.

Iodine is also vital necessary element. It is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. With iodine deficiency, pathologies of the thyroid gland (“goiter”) gradually develop. Large quantity iodine is found in seafood, both animal and plant origin.

Copper and its salts are involved in hematopoiesis processes. Copper “works” in close collaboration with iron and vitamin C, supplying the body with oxygen and nourishing the nerve membranes. With a deficiency of this element in the body, iron is poorly used for its intended purpose, and anemia develops. Copper deficiency can also cause mental disorders.

Copper is found in fairly large quantities in beef and beef liver, in fish and eggs, in peas and whole grains. Since our body requires 2.5 milligrams of copper per day, this can be successfully provided by consuming 0.2 kg of beef, 0.1 kg of brown rice, 0.2 kg of fresh vegetables.

Chromium plays an important role as an insulin regulator in its function of controlling blood sugar levels. If there is not enough chromium, blood sugar levels rise, which can lead to diabetes. Chromium stimulates the activity of enzymes that are involved in the process of glucose metabolism and in the synthesis of fatty acids and proteins. Chromium deficiency can cause high blood cholesterol levels, which creates a risk of stroke.

Most chromium is found in cheese, bread, and potatoes. You can cover the need for this element by consuming meat, onions, natural rice, legumes, black pepper, red currants, lingonberries and natural honey. Our body's daily need for chromium is 50-200 micrograms.

An integral part of more than 150 enzymes and hormones is zinc, providing protein and fat metabolism. Recent research suggests that zinc plays an important role in learning processes, because it controls the biochemical connections between brain cells. Many experts believe that a lack of zinc affects the nervous system, causing fear, incoherent thoughts, impaired speech, and difficulty walking and moving.

Since zinc, like copper, is found in many foods, the risk of deficiency is very low. With the right healthy eating, which involves eating meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits, the body receives a sufficient amount of this element. The daily requirement for zinc is 15 micrograms.

Cobalt- another element that is responsible for supplying the brain with oxygen. Cobalt gives vitamin B12 a special quality: it is the only vitamin that has a metal atom in its molecule - and right in the middle. Together with its vitamin B12, cobalt is involved in the production of red blood cells and thereby supplies the brain with oxygen. And if the body lacks vitamin B12, it means it is deficient in cobalt, and vice versa.

But some experts believe that vitamin-independent cobalt is also of great importance for the body. Since cobalt is found mainly in animal products, eating 100 g of veal or beef liver will cover daily norm this microelement. And although experts have not yet come to a consensus, it is believed that 5-10 grams of cobalt are enough for our body.

The dish that I offer you today will provide the body not only with cobalt, but also with all other mineral salts, carbohydrates, sufficient quantity protein and fats.

Veal liver Provençal style

Prepare 4 servings of veal liver, 1 large onion, several cloves of garlic, half a bunch of parsley. We will also need ½ teaspoon of aromatic ground spices, a pinch of dried thyme, 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 teaspoon of ground sweet red pepper, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of margarine, salt and pepper to taste.

Chop the onions and garlic very finely, finely chop the parsley and mix with the onion, garlic, thyme and spices. Mix flour and sweet ground pepper and roll the liver in this mixture. Vegetable oil Heat the liver together with margarine in a frying pan and fry the liver on both sides over medium heat for about 3 minutes. The pieces of liver should be 1 cm thick. Then salt and pepper the liver and place on a heated dish. Pour the previously prepared mixture into the fat remaining in the pan. Simmer this mixture for 1 minute and sprinkle it over the liver.

Serve with baked tomatoes, fried potatoes or salad.

Since minerals are constantly removed from the body, they must be replenished in equal quantities with food intake. Lack of salts in the diet can lead to death faster than complete starvation.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs