Products good for children's health. Handmade “Candy”

Children over one year of age necessary: ​​milk and dairy products (butter, cottage cheese, sour cream), sugar, meat, fish, eggs, bread and a variety of cereals, vegetables, as well as fruits and berries.
Milk is necessary product nutrition for a child However, its daily amount should not exceed 500-600 g, with an appropriate set of products, including milk included in various dishes. Milk should be given only in boiled form; part of the milk is recommended to be given in the form of kefir or yogurt (from boiled milk). You need to boil the milk in a container with a lid, keep it on the fire for 2-3 minutes from the moment of boiling, do not subject it to secondary boiling. Store milk well covered and refrigerated.
Cottage cheese contains complete protein; on the day when the child does not receive meat or fish, you can give cottage cheese in the amount of 50-60 g.
Butter is a complete fat for a child, so replacing it with vegetable oil or other fat is not recommended.

Children aged from one year to 3-4 years 30-35 g of butter should be given daily. Cheese is a product containing complete protein, but it should not be given more than once or twice a week, 15-25 g, and to increase digestibility it can be grated. Spicy varieties of cheese are not recommended for children.

Sour cream For young children, only fresh is used. If sour cream is made from boiled milk, then it can be given to children without further heat treatment. It is recommended to give purchased (market) sour cream after boiling.

Eggs contain complete protein and fat. The yolk of an egg is rich in vitamins A and D. Children over one year of age willingly eat soft-boiled eggs, fried eggs, etc. If the child tolerates the eggs well (no rashes appear on the body or other painful signs), children over one year and up to one and a half to two years should be given 1 egg every other day, and children over two years old should be given one egg per day.

Meat and fish contain complete proteins and are recommended for children younger ages 4-5 times a week for 40-50 g. The best types of meat for children are: lean beef, chicken meat, game. Even children over one and a half years old are recommended to give lamb and pork with caution, since lamb and pork contain a lot of fat, which can cause not only frustration digestive tract, but will also lead to a decrease in protein.
Fish for baby food should be fresh or frozen, meaty, lean (pike perch, catfish, pike, perch). When preparing fish dishes, all bones must be removed.

Bread rich in carbohydrates, contains a significant amount of protein, so it cannot be given to children without restrictions. For children aged from one year to 3-4 years, 150-200 g of bread per day is enough. In addition to white bread and cookies, the child should also receive black bread, as it contains vitamin B and promotes better intestinal motility.

Cereals contain large number carbohydrates, a significant amount of protein, and oatmeal and fat. The child should receive a variety of cereals, no more than 50 g per day (together with pasta). However, the child should receive a cereal dish only once a day to avoid overloading the body with carbohydrates. Children who receive large quantities of cereals and bread gain weight quickly, but the body tissues will be loose, and resistance to disease is sharply reduced. Such children get sick more often.

Vegetables are extremely important products in children's nutrition. They do not have high nutritional value, but they are rich in mineral salts, vitamins and contain fiber necessary for normal intestinal activity. It should be borne in mind that one-sided nutrition with vegetables or overuse any of them are inappropriate. Children aged one and a half to three or four years old can be given a variety of vegetables up to 300 g daily.

Fruits and berries contain valuable vitamins and mineral salts. In addition, berries and fruits contain sugar and acids that have a beneficial effect on digestion. Dry fruits and dry berries are also valuable for baby food; they contain highly digestible carbohydrates. In some of them, for example in dried apricots, contains a fairly significant amount of carotene (provitamin A), rose hips contain vitamin C H, etc.

Quality and quantity of food. So that cooked food can be brought to the child maximum benefit, the following conditions must be met:

1) food in its qualitative composition must meet age characteristics child;
2) food should be prepared from fresh, good-quality products and only for one time, with maximum preservation valuable substances(mineral salts and vitamins);
3) the food must be deliciously prepared and appearance it should stimulate the child’s appetite;
4) food must be prepared in compliance with all hygienic rules, with maximum cleanliness;
5) volumetric amounts of food must correspond to the age of the child, that is, a child from one to one and a half years old should receive on average no more than 400 g per meal, a child over one and a half years old - 500 g.

The health of a child is probably the most valuable thing in a mother’s life. When the child is healthy and cheerful, the mother is happy too! But in strengthening the health of children, one should not forget about the eternal truth: “You are what you eat.” It's hard to imagine healthy child, consuming incredible amounts of fast food and sweets and washing it all down with soda. In order for your child to be healthy, you need to think about healthy food for children. We will tell you how to prepare healthy food and what can be considered healthy food for your child.

Vegetables that are healthy for children

Vegetables are good for anyone - regardless of their age. Another thing is that you need to take into account the peculiarities of your own digestion before consuming certain vegetables. What kind of vegetation is healthy food for children?

According to doctors, vegetables should form the basis of a child's diet. Of course, no one says to transfer children to vegetarian diet, but it is better to increase the amount of vegetables in a child’s diet.

If your child is often sick, he needs products that are natural antibiotics. These can be carrots, apples, celery, onions and garlic, olive oil. But keep in mind that young children and children with digestive problems should not be given onions and garlic - at least not in their raw form. In this case, these vegetables can be boiled and little by little added to other dishes.

If your child is prone to anemia, broccoli and cauliflower. If your baby suffers from constipation, carrots and beets will benefit him. Fennel and dill will help with colic - decoctions of these herbs will relieve your baby from colic.

Very healthy food for children is carrots and pumpkin. These vegetables strengthen vision and improve skin condition. Carrots and pumpkin can be stewed, grated and eaten raw, and salads can be made from carrots and pumpkin. But remember - carotene is better absorbed with fat, so add olive, sunflower or butter to carrot and pumpkin dishes.

A very healthy vegetable for children is the tomato. Tomatoes contain a record amount of nutrients, however, you need to eat them carefully. One tomato a day is enough to recharge your child’s body with useful substances. Excess tomatoes can be hard on the digestive system, pancreas and liver, so children need to eat tomato dishes carefully.

Baked potatoes, beloved by many children, have become such a desirable product for a reason. The fact is that baked potatoes help reduce stress, calm and help children cope with emotional overload. Baked potatoes are especially useful for first-graders, children who have started going to school. kindergarten and children exposed to other stresses.

The best way to introduce vegetables into your child's diet is to make salads or stews from vegetables. But in an effort to make the dish tastier, under no circumstances add hot spices or huge amount salt. To improve the taste of healthy food for children, you can add dill, parsley, celery or bay leaf.

Dairy and fermented milk products that are healthy for children

The digestive system of children sometimes malfunctions, which manifests itself in the form of dysbiosis. The best remedies for dysbacteriosis and for the prevention of this unpleasant disease have long been recognized fermented milk products– first of all, kefir and yogurt. Let this healthy food for children always be in your refrigerator.

You can buy kefir, take it from a dairy kitchen, or prepare it yourself. This product contains calcium necessary for children's bodies and normalizes digestion. There are many interesting dishes with kefir - and okroshka is a particularly common dish in summer. You can simply drink kefir, mix it with herbs or jam - the main thing is that the child likes it!

Yogurt - the best remedy from dysbacteriosis. Only for real healthy food for children You can call it not yogurt that can be stored for a month or more, but live yogurt, which has a short shelf life (about a week). This yogurt can be prepared at home or found in the store by carefully reading the ingredients and obtaining information about its shelf life.

The list of healthy foods for children also includes hard cheese, which can be given to a child after one year. Hard cheese contains the substance tryptophan, which calms the nervous system and relieves stress. However, it is worth remembering that cheese is enough heavy product, so you need to use it in doses. You can add cheese to salads, sprinkle it on dishes, or eat it as a snack.

Cottage cheese is useful for children as a source of calcium. Cottage cheese can be given to a child at pure form, mix with jam or herbs, you can make casseroles and baked goods with cottage cheese. But keep in mind that heat treatment kills many of the beneficial substances in cottage cheese - so it is better to give your child cottage cheese in its raw form.

Well, milk and butter close the list of healthy products for children. A child can simply enjoy a sandwich with butter, washed down with milk, or eat milk porridge with fruit and butter for breakfast. Everything is limited only by your imagination and the tastes of your child.

Healthy fish and meat dishes for children

Fish and meat are important sources protein, calcium and iron. A child needs meat for normal hematopoiesis and the prevention of anemia, and fish helps maintain teeth in order and helps normalize metabolism.

It is necessary to start introducing meat into a child’s diet with chicken and rabbit meat. It is quite dietary, easily digestible and does not overload the stomach. Then you can introduce beef into your child’s diet, and pork for older children.

Healthy food for children from meat and fish there will be soups in low-fat meat broth, steamed or oven-baked fish, stewed meat, meatballs or steamed cutlets. The main thing is that meat and fish dishes are not fatty and heavy.

Carbohydrates that are healthy for children

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the diet of children and adults. The healthiest carbohydrates for children are cereals, whole grain bread and pasta made from durum wheat. These products are richest sources B vitamins that regulate the functioning of nervous system.

It is useful to make sandwiches for your child with whole grain bread, and cook porridge for breakfast or as a side dish for main meals. Without the fiber contained in cereals, normal intestinal functioning is impossible.

Pasta made from durum wheat is useful for children suffering from hyperexcitability or stress.

Fruits that are healthy for children

Fruits are very tasty and healthy. This is why fruits are so loved by children. How to properly give this healthy food to children, and what fruits are considered the most beneficial for the child’s body?

The healthiest fruits for a child are bananas, apples, peaches and grapes. Apples contain iron, vitamin C, and folic acid. Thanks to this, apples are an excellent prevention of anemia, strengthen the immune system and contribute to the full development of the child. And the record amount of pectin contained in apples helps a child’s digestion.

Bananas will help children with digestive problems and enrich their diet with useful microelements and vitamins. Vitamin A, B vitamins, iron, magnesium and phosphorus are just a small part of the beneficial substances found in bananas.

Grapes, despite the large amount of sugar, are very healthy for children. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, promotes proper kidney function, helps with heart function and improves blood clotting.

If your child does not eat well, peaches will help you. They help increase appetite and also help digestion.

This healthy food for kids can be prepared in different ways. Some children love fruits exclusively raw - and they don’t need anything else. Other children love compotes or baked fruits (for example, baked berries). And everything would be fine, but with prolonged heat treatment, all the benefits of the fruit are lost, so when cooking compote, do not allow it to boil for more than 5 minutes. To make the compote rich, remove it from the heat and wrap the pan tightly with a towel. This way, the benefits of the fruit will be preserved, and the taste will not suffer.

By the way, with fruit compote you can cook very healthy food for children- fruit porridge! Instead of water or milk, take fruit compote and cook baby porridge with it. Such porridge will gain unusual taste and your child will like it.

Specially prepared fruits can successfully replace sweets that are harmful to children. For example, when long cooking Apple jam makes a delicious marmalade (although, of course, there are almost no vitamins left in apples prepared in this way). Candy can be replaced with candied fruits, and ice cream can be replaced with frozen berries.

And remember: healthy food for children does not require long-term heat treatment, much less frying. Eating raw, steaming or baking - this is what will help you make food for children healthy and tasty!

What foods should children not eat if they have different illnesses?

The anxious mood of parents is often associated with the problem of poor appetite of their child. Moms and dads are worried: what to feed the child so that he eats with appetite and, God forbid, does not lose weight. But the most problems arise with feeding a baby when he has health problems and there are strict dietary restrictions. What foods should not be eaten by children with this or that disease?

Prohibited products for children

A small organism grows quickly and its development requires proper and balanced diet. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, macro- and microelements - necessary substances for normal physiological development muscular and bone tissue, brain, proper formation of internal organs: heart, kidneys, lungs, spleen, liver.

From proper nutrition child in the first years of life depends on his subsequent health and the ability to realize himself in adult life. Therefore, it is important to lay the foundation of proper nutrition from an early age in order to avoid health problems in the future.

What should children under one year not eat?

Most pediatricians have come to the conclusion that breastfed children should not receive whole cow's and goat milk in no way. If a child is deprived of the opportunity to receive mother's milk, then such babies are recommended to use milk formulas adapted to breast milk.

Cow and goat milk

Cow's milk is considered heavy food for babies. It contains a large amount of proteins, fats, and mineral salts. The child's kidneys begin to work with great effort, which leads to their overload. Liquid is discharged into more what you need physiological norm, which leads to the baby's thirst. He receives a new portion of milk, thus creating a “closed ring”.

Cow's milk does not contain enough iron, which is necessary for a growing child's body. Goat's milk contains less vitamin A than cow's milk, although in other respects it is closest to mother's milk.

Consuming cow's milk in early period life can lead to development diabetes mellitus, iron deficiency anemia, allergic diseases.

In addition, children under two years of age have not yet developed enzymes capable of breaking down the nutritional components of cow's milk. As a rule, cow's milk is not completely absorbed by the child's body.

What should children under 3 years old not eat?

Sugar and salt

Salt and sugar should not be given to children, at least until they can be avoided. It is best not to give these products until the age of three. Since adding salt and sugar is considered traditional in cooking, sooner or later the baby will become familiar with the taste of salty and sweet food in kindergarten or school.

IMPORTANT: As Roskontrol showed: many children's fermented milk products contain a high percentage of sugar. Therefore, babies should be given unsweetened and not very sour natural fermented milk products with a short shelf life.


Gone are the days when semolina porridge was considered an indispensable product for baby food. It turns out that semolina contains gliadin - one of the components of gluten that makes it difficult to work children's intestines. Phytin, another ingredient in semolina, inhibits the absorption of vitamin D and calcium.

Semolina gluten can cause allergic reactions in a child in the form of red itchy spots. Excessive feeding of semolina porridge often leads to overweight children, which is difficult to get rid of later.

Juices or purees?

Many pediatricians disagree: is it possible to give children industrially produced and home-made juices? Some allow babies to be given juice, while other doctors do not recommend giving babies juice until they are one and a half years old, but insist on eating fruit and vegetable purees. Their motivation is based on the fact that such a diet is rich in plant fiber and has a beneficial effect on the baby’s intestines.

What should children 4-5 years old not eat?

Parents often switch children aged 4-5 years to adult food.

IMPORTANT: Dairy and fermented milk products made according to common standards production, and not using special baby food technology.


Honey is a healthy natural product containing many biologically active components, macro- and microelements, and vitamins. But this beekeeping product can cause allergic reactions. In early childhood, it is better to avoid honey and introduce it into baby food with caution later.

Sausages and sausages

Sausages and sausage products are allowed to be given to children after the age of three, prepared using special technology for baby food. Labels on such products usually contain inscriptions indicating at what age the product can be consumed. There will be no great harm to the child’s health if he eats baby sausages no more than once every two weeks.

IMPORTANT: Roskontrol does not recommend giving small children sausage products intended for adult food. These products contain many ingredients that are harmful to the child's body: preservatives, flavor enhancers, phosphates, nitrites and other harmful "eats".

Sweet treats should not be given to babies for a number of reasons:

  • chocolate contains sugar
  • Cocoa powder can cause allergies
  • Cocoa butter is difficult for a child’s gastrointestinal tract to digest

Seafood and red caviar

Seafood and red caviar are healthy foods containing a lot of complete protein and other useful components. But this is not food for younger children. The ingredients of seafood products are very allergenic, in addition, seafood products and red caviar are processed with many preservatives and have a strong salty taste, which is unacceptable in baby food.

Strawberries, citrus and other exotic fruits

Beautiful and tasty exotic fruits and fruits: kiwi, avocado, citrus fruits, pineapple, can cause severe allergic reactions skin manifestations not only in babies, but also in older children. Strawberries, wild strawberries, and raspberries also contain allergens; it is better not to give them to children, especially those prone to allergic reactions.

What should children absolutely not eat?

For babies in the first years of life, there are prohibited foods:

  • whole milk
  • mushrooms
  • nuts
  • black and green tea
  • chocolate
  • fast food

In the industrial production of baby food, there is a list of products that are unacceptable for children:

  • vinegar
  • ethyl alcohol with a concentration of more than 0.2%
  • apricot kernels
  • sweeteners (except for those special for dietary and baby food)
  • artificial flavors
  • benzoic and sorbic acids (they are used as preservatives)
  • hot and fiery spices: pepper, mustard, horseradish
  • red meat, fish and poultry after refreezing
  • trans fats and hydrogenated oils
  • diffusion concentrates for juices
  • food additives (various E additives not permitted in Russia for the production of baby food)

Prohibited foods for children for various diseases

Childhood illnesses are a test not only for the child’s body, but also for parents. Only through the joint efforts of a doctor and a loving mother and father can the child’s recovery be accelerated, and this is: drug treatment, proper regimen and hygiene, good nutrition, excluding certain foods from the diet for various diseases.

If children are lactose free, what should they not eat?

Lactase deficiency is associated with the absence or insufficient amount of an enzyme capable of breaking down milk sugar- lactose, which enters the body with dairy products.

With this disease, children experience disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea or constipation, weight loss, foul-smelling foamy stools, regurgitation, vomiting, colic, bloating.

If lactase deficiency is suspected, babies are transferred to a lactose-free or low-lactose diet. After diagnosis and treatment of the disease causing lactase deficiency, the child undergoes control tests. If the dynamics are positive, the doctor may give permission for the gradual introduction of fermented milk products into the diet.

IMPORTANT: Lactose is found not only in milk and dairy products; it is used in the production of medicines, margarine, candies, bread products, ham and sausages. Before purchasing any product, you should carefully read the ingredients on the label.

What should children not eat if they have a sore throat?

Sore throat is a disease caused by viruses and bacteria. Characterized by severe pain sore throat and high temperature. During an illness, a child usually has no appetite and this worries parents very much.

During acute course illness, you should not force feed your baby. Lack of appetite is the body’s protective reaction to illness. After a few days, the child will begin to recover and the desire to eat will appear again.

Children with sore throat should not be given solid food. The food should be well ground, preferably to a puree state. Contraindicated for sore throat sour drinks, hot and cold dishes. Food should be warm and have a pleasant taste.

What should children not eat if they have allergies?

Allergic manifestations in children are caused by many reasons: food intolerance, medicinal, allergies to dust, animal hair, pollen, etc. During allergic manifestations It is very important to adhere to the correct diet and completely eliminate foods that provoke the appearance.

Products that cause allergies

  • cow's milk
  • chicken eggs
  • baked goods and pasta containing gluten
  • chocolate
  • citrus fruit
  • red berries: strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries
  • chicken meat
  • seafood and some types of fish

What should children not eat if they have chickenpox?

Chickenpox is an infectious viral disease that affects almost all children attending preschool or school institutions. The acute period of the disease is associated with a rise in temperature, headache, and itchy skin rashes in the form of blisters filled with liquid.

To help your child cope with the disease and quickly move into the recovery stage, you need to follow the right diet, consisting of healthy and nutritious foods. During illness, you should exclude foods that are difficult for the child’s body to digest and can cause a number of complications in the gastrointestinal tract.

Foods to avoid during chickenpox:

  • milk
  • garlic
  • ginger
  • citrus
  • red meat

What should children not eat if they have dysbiosis?

Dysbacteriosis is a disease associated with disturbances in the normal intestinal microflora of the body. The imbalance between " beneficial bacteria"and causes pathogenic incorrect operation intestines.

The child is worried about:

  • impaired intestinal motility (constipation or diarrhea)
  • stomach ache
  • vomit
  • bloating
  • apathy and lethargy
  • lack of appetite

The causes of dysbiosis in children are different:

  • consequences of antibiotic therapy
  • poor nutrition
  • lack of vitamins

IMPORTANT: Proper diet in case of dysbacteriosis and the exclusion of unacceptable products contribute to the rapid recovery of the baby.

Foods to avoid if you have dysbiosis:

  • sour berries and fruits (cherries, sour apples, cranberries, pomegranates, tangerines)
  • raw vegetables and fruits
  • foods that cause fermentation in the intestines (grapes, cabbage, legumes, carbonated drinks)
  • sweets
  • canned food
  • smoked meats
  • fast food dishes

What should you not eat if your baby has colic?

Colic often accompanies a little person in the first months of life. The baby is born with a sterile intestine and an immature gastrointestinal tract. There are not yet enough enzymes in the child’s body that can fully break down food. This is why a nursing mother should pay great attention to her nutrition.

Foods that should not be included in the diet of a nursing mother

  • whole milk
  • cabbage
  • sparkling water
  • store-bought vegetable and fruit juices
  • sweets and baked goods
  • chocolate
  • fatty foods
  • legumes

To prevent colic in a baby, a nursing mother's diet should consist of steamed, boiled or baked foods. Preference should be given to green-colored vegetables and fruits. As the child continues to grow up and colic disappears, the choice of food products can be expanded, based on the doctor’s recommendations.

What should you not eat if your child has diarrhea?

  • Diarrhea in a child can be caused by for various reasons. These include poisoning, viral and infectious diseases, teething, gastrointestinal diseases etc. But no matter what the appearance of a digestive tract disorder is associated with, the key to successful recovery of the body is properly prescribed nutrition for the disease
  • If breastfed infants have diarrhea, you should not stop breastfeeding. Pediatricians recommend increasing the number of feedings, but reducing the dose of milk to avoid overfeeding and reduce the load on the baby’s gastrointestinal tract
  • Children on artificial feeding should be fed in a similar manner. That is, reduce the dose of formula per feeding, but increase the frequency of feedings. It is recommended to use adapted fermented milk and low-lactate mixtures
  • For older children who have switched to " adult food", must also be developed by a doctor special diet. In this case, food must be prepared according to certain rules

Foods that are difficult to digest and cause fermentation processes in the intestines should be avoided. It is recommended to boil, bake, steam food. Products for dishes should be crushed with a blender or ground through a sieve. Cannot be consumed fatty foods. Porridge (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat) should be boiled in water without adding milk.

Foods prohibited for diarrhea in children

  • fresh vegetables, fruits and berries
  • fatty meat
  • fresh bread
  • sweet products
  • carbonated drinks
  • concentrated meat broths
  • milk

What should children not eat if they have rotavirus?

Rotavirus infection is called “intestinal flu”. The disease is transmitted by viruses through food, especially dairy products. Infection viral infection Children aged 6 months to 2 years are most often affected.

Intoxication of a child’s body leads to fever, intestinal colic, loose diarrhea, and dehydration.

IMPORTANT: Dehydration occurs very quickly in young children. With intestinal flu, a loss of 10% of fluid can have a serious impact on the baby's health, and in some cases even lead to death.

If the child is sick rotavirus infection and, you should not insist and force-feed the baby. But you need to give your child frequent small portions of water every half hour. This is an important and strict requirement that must be followed to avoid fluid loss.

For intestinal flu in children, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. IN acute period infection, accompanied by high fever and vomiting, it is better not to feed the child, but to give him saline rehydration solutions and drinking water
  2. Infants should be given a little breast milk, and in the intervals between feedings - water
  3. Formula-fed babies should switch to lactose-free formulas during the period of illness, in consultation with a pediatrician.
  4. Eliminate foods from your diet bowel irritants: fried, salted, canned foods, foods containing coarse fiber
  5. Feed your baby in small, frequent meals
  6. Food should be steamed and given in a crushed or pureed state.
  7. During the recovery period, you should prepare boiled dairy-free porridge, weak meat and vegetable broths, give pureed fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products

IMPORTANT: Until stool normalization, the following should be excluded from the child’s diet: whole milk, juices, fresh fruits and vegetables

What should you not eat if you have stomatitis in children?

Stomatitis is a disease associated with inflammation of the oral mucosa. The disease causes the child suffering in the form of pain, high fever, and the inability to eat due to ulcers in the mouth. Feeding a child with this disease is extremely difficult. This circumstance worries parents very much.

  1. It is not allowed to feed the child spicy, sour and salty foods that can irritate the oral mucosa
  2. The temperature of the food should be warm and comfortable for consumption. Hot and cold foods are not suitable for feeding a baby
  3. Cocoa and chocolate are excluded from the menu, sweet foods are limited as much as possible
  4. The solid consistency of food is not suitable for nutrition. Food should be in the form of purees, soups, liquid cereals
  5. It is not recommended to eat dry bread and coarse baked goods.
  6. Tomatoes, sour berries and fruits, and citrus fruits are excluded from the diet.
  7. Garlic, onions, radishes, and spices that irritate the oral mucosa are not allowed in the diet.

What should a child not eat if he or she has a fever?

High temperature is a protective reaction of the body. Lack of appetite and reluctance to eat in the first days of illness are normal. You cannot force your child to eat at this time.

At high levels, it is preferable to give plenty of drink in the form of sweetened teas, fruit drinks, compotes with dried fruits, and jelly. Such drinks are rich in vitamins, which a sick child really needs.

IMPORTANT: When high temperature All dairy products should be excluded from the child’s diet: whole milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, cheese. It is not recommended to eat porridge cooked in milk.

Milk protein (casein) is practically indigestible at high temperatures. Products containing milk churn into a rubbery mass in the baby's stomach. When the temperature drops, there is a high risk of acetone syndrome, which manifests itself in the form of vomiting.

What should a child not eat after mantou?

The Mantoux test is carried out to diagnose a disease in children - tuberculosis. The examination is carried out by intradermal injection of tuberculin, which is a collection of filtrates of mycobacteria killed by heating.

Tuberculin is a strong allergen that can cause an allergic reaction in children prone to allergies.

IMPORTANT: In order not to distort the child’s true reaction to the Mantoux test, foods that can cause an allergic reaction should be excluded from his diet.

Allergenic products that are not allowed to be consumed before and after the Mantoux test:

  • cow's milk
  • seafood (shrimp, lobster, crayfish, oysters)
  • red caviar
  • chicken meat and broth
  • chocolate
  • nuts
  • citrus fruits and exotic fruits(pineapples, persimmons, mangoes)
  • fruits and berries with a predominance of red and bright orange pigment (strawberries, raspberries, red apples, apricots)
  • canned food
  • sweets
  • industrial food products with food additives (chips, crackers)
  • fast food

What should a child not eat if he is constipated?

Due to imperfections in the children's gastrointestinal tract, poor diet, insufficient water intake and many other factors, children may develop constipation from time to time.

Dense and hard stools with painful sensations, difficulties during defecation - all these signs of poor intestinal motility cause great suffering to babies.

Pediatric doctors are engaged in finding out the causes of constipation and treating this disease. Constipation often occurs when poor nutrition child and his early transition to “adult food”.

Foods to Avoid for Constipation

  • fresh white bread and pastries
  • pasta
  • semolina and rice cereal
  • slimy soups
  • blueberry
  • jelly
  • strong tea, cocoa, coffee

Video: Chips are unhealthy food for children

What to feed a 2 year old baby? You won’t satisfy him with pureed unsalted soup. He already has teeth, he is happy to train them if you give him a chicken leg. He sees what adults eat and is drawn to new foods. Is it possible to give him what mom and dad eat? When organizing the nutrition of a two-year-old baby, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the growing body for nutrients. At the same time, we must not forget that the delicate digestive system, liver and kidneys cannot cope with rough or spicy foods. Much of what adults eat is still harmful to him.

  1. Right now he needs to be taught to chew food. The main thing is to make sure he doesn't choke.
  2. It is necessary to get used to solid food, otherwise it will be more difficult to get used to meat and fruits later. The baby will be picky about food.
  3. A child's diet at 2 years old should include thick cereals, well-cooked meat and fish, stewed vegetables pieces - foods that require chewing.
  4. If until now he ate 5-6 times a day with semi-liquid, pureed food, now he is able to eat more densely, and 4 meals a day is quite enough.
  5. The most high-calorie food should be eaten during lunch. If your baby overeats at dinner, he will sleep worse. Besides, he won’t want to have breakfast in the morning.

Products necessary for a 2 year old baby

The range of products that a child should eat is expanding significantly.

Milk and dairy products

It is necessary to consume milk with a fat content of at least 3.2% and fermented milk products daily. You can give up to 500 ml of these products per day. The diet must include up to 50 g of cottage cheese with at least 5% fat content.

You should add a teaspoon of cream or sour cream to your dishes, and give a small piece of cheese daily. It is sometimes recommended to make cheese pancakes or dumplings from cottage cheese and cheese. Although raw cottage cheese more useful.


Until now, it was recommended to give the baby only mashed potatoes or steamed beef and chicken cutlets. Now the range is expanding. You can add dishes from lean pork and rabbit to the menu. The meat of ducks and geese contains difficult-to-digest fats, so feed them to such small child not worth it. But low-fat turkey meat is good for him.

Animal foods contain vitamin A, without which normal health is impossible. physical development child, his growth. The content of this vitamin and valuable proteins is especially high in the liver, so it is useful to prepare pate or cutlets from it. In addition, liver is more tender than meat; dishes made from offal (liver, heart, tongue) are easier to digest and assimilate in the child’s body.

The child is given up to 100 g of any meat per day. Occasionally it can be replaced by sausages (milk sausages or low-fat boiled diet sausage).

Advice: It is better to give sausages marked “for children”, as they contain a minimum of harmful food additives, their composition is controlled more strictly.


The fats contained in fish are easily digestible and contain special amino acids necessary for the formation vascular system, providing nutrition to the brain. Regular consumption of fish is necessary for the development of speech, memory and other mental abilities. A child needs to be given about 30-40 g of fish per day. It is recommended to give sea or river fish low-fat varieties (cod, hake, carp).

Fish is fried or boiled, cutlets are prepared or fish soups. You should not give smoked or canned fish, as well as caviar (it is a high-calorie product that can cause allergies). You can give your child soaked low-fat herring. The fish must be thoroughly cleaned of bones.

Vegetables and greens

Plant foods are the main source of vitamins. At the age of 2, a child’s diet should include not only vegetable purees, but also stewed vegetables cut into pieces, as well as vegetable salads. Spinach dishes are very healthy. In vegetable dishes, be sure to add fresh parsley, green onions, and a little garlic. This helps shape the taste sensations. Fiber found in plant foods is essential for normal functioning intestines, preventing constipation.

Fruits and berries

A two-year-old child needs to eat 100-150 g of fruits and berries every day. They must be cleared of skin and seeds so that the child does not choke. The baby chews a piece of apple or pear perfectly with his teeth. Children love bananas and plums. Citrus fruits are very useful, but they must be given with great caution, since children are often allergic to them. This also applies to strawberries and raspberries.

Please note: Some fruits and berries (pear, blackcurrant, blueberry) strengthen the intestines. If a child often has constipation, then it is better to offer him kiwi, cherries, plums, and apricots.

Children under 1.5 years old are usually given clarified juices. From 2 years old you can give natural juices with pulp (up to 150 ml per day). This will help stimulate bowel movements.

Porridge and pasta

For normal intestinal function, the baby needs to eat buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and other cereals, as they are rich in protein and contain the necessary micro- and macroelements and vitamins. Pasta is prepared as a side dish or added to soups (up to 50 g per day).

Sugar and sweets

It is not recommended to spoil your child with sweets. He may develop an addiction to sweetened foods. This has a bad effect on appetite and metabolism. There should be no more than 40 g of sugar in the daily diet (taking into account the fact that it is contained in sweet juices and jam). Sometimes you can treat your baby to marmalade or marshmallows. Chocolate often causes an allergic reaction in a child. In addition, it stimulates the nervous system.

Video: Healthy and harmful foods

Sample menu for a week for a 2 year old child

Day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1 Buckwheat porridge with milk - 200 g
White bread with jam - 1 piece
Cocoa - 100 ml
Tomato and cucumber salad with sour cream - 40 g
Pumpkin soup with potatoes and meat - 150 g
Rice porridge - 80 g
Apple juice - 0.5 cups
Yogurt - 150 ml
Banana - 0.5 pieces
Cookies - 1 piece
Stewed vegetables with fish - 200 g
Kefir - 0.5 cups
2 Curd casserole with fruits and nuts - 200 g
Cocoa - 150 ml
Bread, butter
Apple and carrot salad with vegetable oil - 40 g
Soup with egg and dumplings - 150 g
Boiled meat - 50 g
Berry jelly - 100 ml
Rye bread
Milk - 150 ml
Cookies - 2-3 pieces
Omelet - 50 g
Pancake with jam
Kefir - 150 ml
3 Hercules porridge- 150 g
Bread and butter
Cocoa - 100 ml
Fish soup with potatoes and rice -150 g
Spinach casserole with egg - 80 g
Juice - 100 ml
Rye bread
Kissel - 150 ml
Cookies - 3 pieces
Banana - 0.5 pieces
Milk pudding - 150 g
Cookies - 2 pieces
Sweet tea - 100 ml
4 Pumpkin porridge with rice - 100 g
Cocoa - 100 ml
Cheesecake - 1 piece
Beet and apple salad
Rice soup with meat
Dumplings with cottage cheese - 2 pieces
Tea with sugar
Omelet - 100 g
White bread with butter
Tea or compote - 150 ml
Kefir - 150 ml
Crackers - 50 g
5 Millet porridge with milk, with butter - 150 g
Cocoa - 100 ml
Cookies - 1 piece
Fish rice soup - 150 g
Pasta with sour cream - 50 g
Compote - 150 ml
Fruits - 100 g
Cottage cheese with cream - 50 g
Cookies - 3 pieces
Rose hip tea with sugar - 150 ml
Yogurt - 150 ml
Cookies - 2 pieces
6 Buckwheat porridge with butter - 100 g
Pancake with cottage cheese - 1 piece
Sweet tea
Apple and carrot salad - 50 g
Milk soup with vermicelli - 150 g
Meat cutlet - 1 piece
Tea with sugar - 100 ml
Rye bread
Pancake with jam
Pumpkin and carrot porridge - 80 g
Tea with milk
Kefir - 150 ml
Cheesecake - 1 piece
7 Baked apple - 1 piece
Hercules porridge - 100 g
cookies - 1 piece
Cocoa - 100 ml
Apple, banana and kiwi salad - 50 g
Rice soup with chicken - 150 g
Pasta with minced meat - 80 g
Tea with milk
Vegetable stew with meat - 100 g
Dried fruit compote - 150 ml
Kefir - 150 ml
Cookies - 3 pieces

Video: Weekly menu for a child aged 2 years

Despite the fact that the nutrition of a child at the age of 2 years is already approaching that of an adult, he needs to be prepared separately. Do not put pepper, vinegar, tomato paste(it contains food additives).

It is recommended to prepare food for the child one time at a time. When dishes are heated, food components lose their beneficial properties. It is advisable to feed the child at a certain time; you cannot force him to eat if he refuses any product. It may be enough to remove one of the components of the dish or change the consistency. Between feedings, the baby should be given water to drink. Juices or other drinks spoil your appetite.

Nutrition for children 3-7 years old should be organized in such a way as to ensure normal growth and development of the child’s body, prepare muscles, bones and brain for a sharp increase in mental and physical stress and changes in regime associated with the start of school.

To do this, it is important to follow several basic principles power supply:

  • Nutrition should supply the child’s body with the necessary amount of energy for motor, mental and other activities.
  • The diet should be balanced and contain nutrients of all types (the so-called nutrients).
  • It is important that the diet be varied; this is the only condition for its balance. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of children and possible intolerance to any products.
  • It is necessary to comply with the technology of food processing and cooking, comply with sanitary requirements for the premises where food is prepared, terms and conditions of storage, etc.

Let's look at these principles in more detail.

Energy "capacity" food is measured in calories. But the value of baby food lies not only in the number of calories; it is also necessary that it contains all the substances that it consists of. human body. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water - these are the building materials that a child’s growing body needs every day.


Sources of protein include meat, fish, milk and dairy products, eggs (animal proteins), as well as bread, cereals, legumes and vegetables (vegetable proteins). A lack of protein in a child’s diet not only slows down normal growth and development, but reduces resistance to infections and other adverse conditions. external factors. Therefore, proteins should be constantly included in the diet of preschoolers and schoolchildren.

In order for proteins to be well absorbed and most fully used by the cells and tissues of the body, it is necessary not only sufficient quantity proteins, but also their correct ratio with the amount of carbohydrates and fats. Most favorable combination is 1 g protein per 1 g fat and 4 g carbohydrates.


Sources of fats are butter and vegetable oil, cream, milk, dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese), as well as meat, fish, etc. Increased consumption of foods high in fat is undesirable.


Sources of carbohydrates are sugar, everything sweet, including fruits, confectionery, then vegetables, bread, cereals, milk sugar contained in milk. The role of carbohydrates is especially important due to their high mobility and physical activity children. Great job muscle requires large energy expenditures, carbohydrate-rich foods.

Mineral salts and trace elements

Mineral salts and trace elements are building materials for organs, tissues, cells and their components. Ensuring their intake into the body is especially important during periods of active growth and.

Mineral salts play important role in the exchange of water in the body, regulation of the activity of many enzymes. Minerals are divided into two groups depending on their content in the body: macroelements or mineral salts (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorides, sulfates, etc.) and microelements (iron, copper, zinc, chromium, manganese, iodine, fluorine, selenium, etc.). The content of macroelements in the body can be up to 1 kg. Microelements do not exceed tens or hundreds of milligrams.

The table below shows the main, most important substances for the child's body and their daily intake for children 3 (first digit) and 7 years old (second digit).

Table of the average daily physiological requirement of the body for basic micro- and macroelements

Name Function Source (products containing the element)
Calcium Formation of bones and teeth, blood coagulation systems, processes of muscle contraction and nervous excitation. Normal heart function. Milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese. 800-1100 mg
Phosphorus Participates in the construction of bone tissue, the processes of storage and transmission of hereditary information, and the conversion of the energy of food substances into the energy of chemical bonds in the body. Maintains acid-base balance in the blood. Fish, meat, cheese, cottage cheese, cereals, legumes. 800-1650 mg
Magnesium Synthesis of protein, nucleic acids, regulation of energy and carbohydrate-phosphorus metabolism. Buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, green peas, carrots, beets, lettuce, parsley. 150-250 mg
Sodium and Potassium Create conditions for the occurrence and conduction of nerve impulses, muscle contractions and other physiological processes in a cage. Table salt- sodium. Meat, fish, cereals, potatoes, raisins, cocoa, chocolate - potassium. Not exactly established
Iron A component of hemoglobin, the transport of oxygen by blood. Meat, fish, eggs, liver, kidneys, legumes, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal. Quince, figs, dogwood, peaches, blueberries, rose hips, apples. 10-12 mg
Copper Necessary for normal hematopoiesis and metabolism of connective tissue proteins. Beef liver, seafood, legumes, buckwheat and oatmeal, pasta. 1 - 2 mg
Iodine Participates in the creation of hormones thyroid gland, provides physical and mental development, regulates the condition of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system and liver. Seafood ( sea ​​fish, seaweed, seaweed), iodized salt. 0.06 - 0.10 mg
Zinc Required for normal height, development and puberty. Maintaining normal immunity, sense of taste and smell, wound healing, absorption of vitamin A. Meat, groats, eggs, cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal. 5-10 mg


For proper growth and development, a child needs food rich in vitamins. Vitamins are organic matter with high biological activity They are not synthesized by the human body or are synthesized in insufficient quantities, therefore must be ingested with food. Vitamins are among the essential nutritional factors. The content of vitamins in foods is much lower than proteins, fats and carbohydrates, therefore constant monitoring of the sufficient content of each vitamin in a child’s daily diet is necessary.

Unlike proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins cannot serve as building materials for the renewal and formation of tissues and organs human body, cannot serve as a source of energy. But they are effective natural regulators of physiological and biochemical processes, ensuring the flow of most vital important functions the body, the functioning of its organs and systems.

The table below shows the basic, most important vitamins for the child’s body and their daily intake for children 3 (first digit) and 7 years old (second digit).

Table of the average daily physiological requirement of the body for essential vitamins

Name Function Products containing vitamin Daily norm for children 3-7 years old
B vitamins
B1 Necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, cardiac and skeletal muscles, and gastrointestinal tract organs. Participates in carbohydrate metabolism. Wholemeal bread, cereals, legumes (peas, beans, soybeans), liver and other by-products, yeast, meat (pork, veal). 0.8 - 1.0 mg
B2 Maintains normal properties of the skin, mucous membranes, normal vision and hematopoiesis. Milk and dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese), eggs, meat (beef, veal, poultry, liver), cereals, bread. 0.9 - 1.2 mg
B6 Maintains normal skin properties, nervous system function, and hematopoiesis. Wheat flour, millet, liver, meat, fish, potatoes, carrots, cabbage. 0.9 - 1.3 mg
B12 Supports hematopoiesis and normal work nervous system. Meat, fish, offal, egg yolk, seafood, cheese. 1 - 1.5 mcg
PP (niacin) Functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, maintenance normal properties skin. Buckwheat, rice groats, wholemeal flour, legumes, meat, liver, kidneys, fish, dried mushrooms. 10-13 mg
Folic acid Hematopoiesis, growth and development of the body, synthesis of protein and nucleic acids, prevention of fatty liver. Wholemeal flour, buckwheat and oatmeal, millet, beans, cauliflower, green onions, liver, cottage cheese, cheese. 100-200 mcg
WITH Regeneration and healing of tissues, maintaining resistance to infections and poisons. Hematopoiesis, permeability of blood vessels. Fruits and vegetables: rose hips, black currants, sweet pepper, dill, parsley, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, rowan, apples, citrus fruits. 45-60 mg
A (retinol, retinal, retinoic acid) Necessary for normal growth, development of cells, tissues and organs, normal visual and sexual function, ensuring normal skin properties. Liver of sea animals and fish, liver, butter, cream, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, carrots, tomatoes, apricots, green onions, lettuce, spinach. 450-500 mcg
D Participates in the processes of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, accelerates the absorption of calcium, increases its concentration in the blood, and ensures deposition in the bones. Butter, chicken eggs, liver, fat from the liver of fish and sea animals. 10-2.5 mcg
E Antioxidant, supports the functioning of cells and subcellular structures. Sunflower, corn, soybean oil, cereals, eggs. 5-10 mg

Avitaminosis (vitamin deficiency) - pathological condition, caused by the fact that the child’s body is not fully provided with one or another vitamin or its functioning in the body is impaired. There are several causes of vitamin deficiency:

  • low content of vitamins in daily diets, due to irrational structure of the diet,
  • loss and destruction of vitamins during technological processing of food products, their long-term and improper storage, irrational culinary processing,
  • the presence of vitamins in foods in a poorly digestible form.

But even if all of the above reasons are excluded, situations and conditions are possible when increased need in vitamins. For example:

  • during periods of particularly intensive growth of children and teenagers
  • under special climatic conditions
  • during intense physical activity
  • with intense neuropsychic stress, stressful conditions
  • for infectious diseases
  • when exposed to adverse environmental factors
  • for diseases of internal organs and endocrine glands

The most common form of vitamin deficiency is subnormal vitamin supply, when the constant content of vitamins is below normal, but not below the critical level. This form occurs among practically healthy children of various ages. The main reasons for this are:

  • malnutrition of pregnant women and nursing mothers
  • widespread use in children's nutrition of refined foods deprived of vitamins during the production process
  • loss of vitamins during long-term and irrational storage and cooking of products
  • physical inactivity associated with a significant decrease in children’s energy needs: they move little, have low appetite, eat little.

Although this form of vitamin deficiency is not accompanied by severe clinical disorders, it significantly reduces children’s resistance to infectious and toxic factors, physical and mental performance, and slows down recovery time from illness.

One of the main solutions to many problems that impede the harmonious development of a child’s body is proper nutrition.


In accordance with the listed principles of nutrition, a child’s diet should include all major food groups.

From meat It is preferable to use lean beef or veal, chicken or turkey. Less healthy are sausages, frankfurters and small sausages. By-products serve as a source of protein, iron, and a number of vitamins and can be used in children's nutrition.

Recommended varieties fish: cod, pollock, hake, pike perch and other low-fat varieties. Salted fish delicacies and canned food can have irritant effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, especially in preschool age. It is recommended to include them in the diet only occasionally.

Catering. Mode. Sample menu

An important condition is strict diet which includes at least 4 meals. Moreover, 3 of them must include a hot dish. At the same time, breakfast accounts for approximately 25% daily calorie content, the share of lunch is 40%, afternoon tea - 15%, dinner - 20%.

To ensure a variety of dishes and their correct rotation, it is advisable to prepare the menu for several days in advance, or even better - for a whole week. If milk and dairy products should be included in the diet every day, then for breakfast, lunch and dinner it is advisable to repeat the first and second courses no more often than after 2-3 days. This also allows you to support your preschooler good appetite. One-sided nutrition should be avoided - mainly flour and dairy: the child may develop vitamin deficiency even in the summer-autumn period.

Approximately per day, a child 4-6 years old should receive the following products:

  • milk (including that used for cooking) and fermented milk products - 600 ml,
  • cottage cheese - 50 g,
  • sour cream - 10 g,
  • hard cheese - 10 g,
  • butter - 20 - 30 g (for porridge and sandwiches),
  • Necessarily vegetable oil- 10 g (better in salads, vinaigrettes),
  • meat - 120-140 g,
  • fish - 80-100 g,
  • egg - 1/2-1 pcs.,
  • sugar (including confectionery) - 60-70 g,
  • wheat bread - 80-100 g,
  • rye bread- 40-60 g, cereals, pasta - 60 g,
  • potatoes - 150-200 g,
  • various vegetables -300 g,
  • fruits and berries - 200 g.

Afternoon snack and dinner should be light. These can be vegetable, fruit, dairy, and cereal dishes. But if a child has a decreased appetite, during dinner you can increase not the quantity of a particular dish, but its calorie content: let dinner be more dense than lunch. This way you can help developing organism cope with increasing energy costs.

For breakfast good hot drink(boiled milk, tea), which is preceded by any hot dish (for example, an omelet) that is not very voluminous and does not require a long time to prepare.

During lunch Be sure to feed your child soup or borscht. After all, first courses based on vegetable or meat broths are strong stimulants of the stomach receptors. This helps increase appetite and improve the digestion process.

Fresh vegetables, fruits, and berries are very beneficial for children. A preschooler can consume them raw or in the form of dishes prepared from them. It is better to offer salads before the first and second courses, as they promote intensive production of digestive juices and improve appetite. If you give salad for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (even if only a little), it will be especially good. Fresh fruits are ideal for afternoon tea. But in the intervals between meals they better for the child do not offer, especially sweet ones.

Eggs are good for preschoolers. After all, they contain a lot of vitamins A and D, phosphorus, calcium, and iron. Eggs should not be given raw, as there is a risk of salmonella infection.

In a six-year-old child, electrolyte metabolism is still unstable, so excessive intake of water into his body can create additional load on the heart and kidneys. Daily requirement preschooler in water averages 60 ml per 1 kg of weight. Some children drink a lot on hot summer days. But to quench your thirst, you don’t have to drink a lot of liquid. It is important to teach your baby to drink little by little and in small sips. You can simply limit yourself to rinsing your mouth with cold water.

Preschoolers no longer need to steam or chop their food. Can cook fried foods, although you should not get too carried away with this, since there is a danger of fat oxidation products occurring during frying, which irritate the mucous membranes and cause abdominal pain. Therefore, it is best to stew and bake dishes in the oven.

Some foods are extremely undesirable in a preschooler's diet. Not recommended: smoked sausages, canned food, fatty meats, some spices: pepper, mustard and others spicy seasonings. To improve taste, it is better to add parsley, dill, celery, green or onions, garlic. The latter, in addition, have the ability to inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes. The taste of food can be greatly improved by using some sour juices(lemon, cranberry), as well as dried fruits.

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday Buckwheat porridge with milk
Coffee drink with milk
Bread with butter and cheese
Cabbage soup with sour cream
Meatballs with pasta
Dried fruit compote
Carrot-apple casserole
Tea with milk
Tuesday Herring with chopped egg
Mashed potatoes
Coffee drink with milk
Bread and butter
Vitamin salad
Vegetable soup
Homemade roast
Apple jelly
Curd casserole
Tea with milk
Wednesday Rice porridge milk
Coffee drink with milk
Bread with butter and cheese
Beetroot-apple salad
Peasant soup
Meat cutlet
Mashed potatoes
Milk jelly
Stewed cabbage
Thursday Macaroni with grated cheese
Coffee drink with milk
Bread and butter
Green pea salad
Goulash with buckwheat porridge
Dried fruit compote
Cheesecake with cottage cheese
Vegetable stew
Boiled egg
Friday Hercules milk porridge
Boiled egg
Coffee drink with milk
Bread and butter
Carrot-apple salad
Borscht with sour cream
Fish balls
Boiled potatoes
Curd cheesecakes with sour cream
Tea with milk
Saturday Lazy dumplings with sour cream
Coffee drink with milk
Bread and butter
Cabbage-apple salad
Fruit jelly
Pancakes (pancakes) with jam
Sunday Fish in Polish
Boiled potatoes
Coffee drink with milk
Bread and butter
Carrot salad
Chicken broth with croutons
Boiled chicken with rice and stewed beets
Rose hip decoction
Homemade bun
Vegetable casserole
Tea with milk

Healthy eating and kindergarten

Most preschoolers attend kindergarten, where they receive age-appropriate meals four times a day. Therefore, the home diet should complement, and not replace, the kindergarten diet. For this purpose, in each group, teachers hang up daily menu so that parents can familiarize themselves with it. Therefore, at home it is important to give the baby at home exactly those products and dishes that he did not receive during the day.

It is better to exclude breakfast before kindergarten, otherwise the child will have a bad breakfast in the group. IN as a last resort You can give him kefir to drink or an apple. On weekends and holidays, it is better to stick to the kindergarten menu, using our recommendations.

When I eat, I am deaf and dumb!

When your baby is 3 years old, it’s time to start teaching him proper behavior at the table.

The child should sit straight, without leaning his elbows on the table while eating, without spreading them wide to the sides. He must be able to use a spoon correctly: hold it with three fingers - thumb, index and middle, scooping up food so that it does not spill, bring the spoon to the mouth with the side edge, and not the narrowed part.

The child must remember that if you have to prick pieces of food with a fork, then it must be held with the tines down, and if there is mashed potatoes, thick porridge or noodles - like a spatula.

When using a table knife, the child must hold it right hand, and the fork is in the left. Adults should teach him not to cut the entire portion at once, but after cutting off a piece, eat it and only then cut off the next one. This order prevents the rapid cooling of dense food and allows you to maintain the attractive appearance of the dish.

It is necessary for the baby to develop the habit of chewing slowly, with his mouth closed. If he has poor appetite, it is unacceptable to entertain him while eating, allow him to watch TV or promise a reward for eating everything. Such rewards disrupt the digestive process and do not improve appetite at all.

Gently but persistently, adults should convey to the child the idea that while eating, playing with dishes, waving your arms, talking loudly, laughing, being distracted, picking up food from the floor or taking it with your hands (except for cases specifically specified by etiquette) is ugly.

The child should eat at calm state(this applies not only to six-year-olds!). It is necessary to avoid quarrels and unpleasant conversations at the table - this also worsens the digestion process and reduces appetite.

You should not give your baby more food than he can eat. It’s better to add a little extra later.

The kid should know that you can leave the table after finishing the meal only with the permission of the elder (but, of course, not with a piece of bread or other food in your hands). He must thank those present, push in a chair, put away the dishes, wash his hands (the same as before eating) and rinse his mouth.

A child will very quickly learn all these rules if he has an adult example before his eyes and if meals take place at a beautifully set table in a calm atmosphere.

02/25/2018 14:10:42, lena lena

Also, in case of malnutrition, vitamins are necessary: ​​as in children's Pikovit: A, D3, B2, B6, B1, B12, C, PP, D-panthenol. In addition to protecting against diseases, it also helps cope with fatigue. Replenishing the body with the necessary energy)

The article is written competently and meaningfully. And it should be educational for parents or those in their stead who have the temerity to criticize the organization of nutrition in kindergarten. From the position of modern nutritionology (the science of nutrition), nutrition in kindergarten is focused on certain principles, one of which reads:
- adequate and technological culinary processing of products and dishes, ensuring high taste qualities dishes and safety nutritional value products.
Unfortunately, according to the stories of children, we have some ideas about nutrition in the family, since many of the parents do not bother themselves with preparing nutritious food. balanced diet for a child. Dumplings, doshirak, chips and kirieshki, soda, etc. - this is the usual weekend food. And thank God that when a child attends kindergarten, he receives the products necessary for growth and development. Thanks to the teachers who persuade and convince your children that carrots are good for rosy cheeks, that they should definitely eat fish, and drink compotes regularly (instead of soda!) . But the coffee drinks in huge assortment presented in stores, which, by the way, are more useful than coffee for adults too!
So you, dear parents, first choose a decent educational institution for your child, in which sanitary and hygienic control is carried out to ensure food safety. But criticism of this nature simply indicates illiteracy in nutrition and irresponsibility in relation to one’s own children. Sorry.



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