Taking hazelnuts. The benefits of hazelnuts and possible harm when eating the nut

In the wild, hazelnuts can be found in the eastern and southern parts of Europe, in the vast expanses of Asia Minor, in North America, Sweden, Italy, on the southern coast of France and Germany. However, many manage to cultivate hazelnuts in the warm regions of our country, thanks to which they are becoming increasingly popular. Valuable qualities have been studied thoroughly, but can a nut cause harm? Let's talk about everything in more detail.

Composition and properties of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts, like other types of nuts, contain many fatty acids. They are allocated more than 60% of the total volume. But don't worry, fats are in the form of unsaturated acids that are required internal organs and human systems.

Athletes love the nut for its concentration of proteins, which contain about 22%. Calorie content of 100 g serving. is 666 units. There are practically no carbohydrates in nuts, so there is no need to worry that if you eat them regularly you will harm your figure.

Hazelnuts are very often included in the menu of people who follow diets. Also, the beneficial properties of the nut make it possible to include it in the diet of children, the elderly, men, girls, and women during pregnancy.

Hazelnuts contain pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, and other B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on activity nervous system person. B vitamins are also necessary for muscles, heart, blood vessels and brain.

Not without the participation of tocopherol, otherwise it is called vitamin E. This compound has excellent antioxidant properties. Tocopherol removes toxic substances and prevents the effects of free radicals on healthy cells.

Hazelnuts are famous for the accumulation of a rare substance - pacletaxel, which is part of cancer drugs. Pacletaxel not only prevents the formation of new capillaries in the tumor area, but also blocks blood flow. As a result, the neoplasm resolves faster.

In addition to the inclusion of the above compounds, hazelnuts are not deprived of iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, zinc, cobalt, selenium, chromium and other equally valuable elements.

The nut concentrates glycerides, dietary fiber, and flavonoids. In combination listed substances improve blood quality and cleanse channels of cholesterol plaques.

Useful properties of hazelnuts

  1. The product is famous for its ability to reduce body temperature. For this purpose, it must be combined with raisins, ground into a paste and taken a teaspoon 5 times a day along with hot tea.
  2. The product is used for the treatment and prevention of oncology. Of course, the nut alone will not cure cancer, but it will be an excellent aid to healing in combination with medications.
  3. Based on hazel bark traditional healers prepare decoctions and tinctures. In the future, these drugs are used to treat rheumatism, trophic ulcers, hemorrhoids, dermatological problems. Decoctions to some extent treat dysentery and colds.
  4. Hazelnuts contain a lot of protein; protein is necessary for compacting bone tissue and quickly building muscles. In combination with mineral compounds such as fluorine and phosphorus, teeth and nails are strengthened.
  5. Tocopherol and retinol, which are part of nuts, are responsible for the beauty of hair and skin. These natural antioxidants cleanse the body of toxins and other poisons, promoting weight loss.
  6. Nuts are prescribed to patients after a recent illness or surgery. Hazelnuts quickly restore strength and saturate the body with essential minerals and vitamins.
  7. The product is used to improve immunity in people who are often sick. Just a handful of nuts a day will protect the body from viruses and seasonal colds in the off-season. Hazelnuts should be taken on the road and on vacation to make it easier to withstand climate change.
  8. Nuts have a positive effect on the functioning of the male reproductive system and potency. Hazelnuts enhance sperm motility and quality, improving the ability to reproduce children. The product must be consumed by couples who are planning to conceive a child.
  9. Nuts have a positive effect on the digestive system. Hazelnuts speed up the absorption of food, reduce the frequency of its fermentation in the esophagus, and eliminate possible bloating and constipation.
  10. Hazelnuts are especially valuable for people who have heart disease. The nut is necessary to prevent arrhythmia, bradycardia, stroke, myocardial infarction and other pathologies. Also, by cleansing the blood channels of cholesterol, atherosclerosis is prevented.

  1. Since ancient times, women regularly ate nuts to maintain health and beauty at the proper level. Unique composition hazelnut suppresses the negative impact of the environment on humans.
  2. It is absolutely recommended that women eat nuts. As a result, you will gain healthy, strong and shiny hair. To maximize the results, it is recommended to additionally use masks based on egg yolk.
  3. Walnut oil has no less benefits. The composition is famous for its excellent antioxidant properties. Correct Application raw materials effectively eliminates acne, abscesses and other skin ailments.
  4. Numerous studies have shown that hazelnuts have a positive effect on the treatment of infertility. In addition, the nut is widely known in the world of nutrition. It is recommended to use raw materials as a snack instead of regular food.
  5. The product has found its application in the field of cosmetology. Chopped nuts mixed with olive or corn oil act as a scrub for the body and face. Regular procedures eliminate cellulite and age spots on the face.
  6. Hazelnuts are widely used for weight loss because they have the ability to increase metabolic processes in the body. Again, its nutritional properties help curb your appetite. A person eats less, but gets full and gradually loses weight.

The benefits of hazelnuts for pregnant and lactating women

  1. Hazelnuts will bring invaluable benefits to girls during pregnancy. The nut contains an abundance folic acid and tocopherol, which are necessary during pregnancy.
  2. Vitamin E helps the body resist various ailments. In addition, the enzyme significantly reduces the likelihood of miscarriage.
  3. Pregnant girls need to consume nuts so that the fetus in the womb is formed in accordance with the term. The likelihood of developing birth defects is reduced.
  4. Hazelnuts are indicated for consumption by women during lactation. The rich composition of the nut saturates breast milk with microelements, making it more nutritious and healthy. The nut will help get rid of buckwheat in milk and improve fat content.

  1. Hazelnuts should become an integral part of a man's diet. The nut contains a colossal amount of protein. The product is widely known among athletes. Systematically eating hazelnuts allows you to build muscle mass in a short time.
  2. Regular workouts in the gym and proper nutrition will help you create perfect body. Remember, without perseverance you cannot achieve the desired result. Hazelnuts help the body produce testosterone, which is important for men.
  3. In addition, experts recommend eating hazelnuts to prevent the development of prostatitis. The nut protects the body from negative impact environment during intense physical activity.
  4. It has been proven that raw materials significantly increase potency. For good health It is enough to eat 40 grams every day. hazelnuts Sexual function will work without interruption even after 50 years.

The benefits of hazelnuts for children

  1. It is recommended that children eat hazelnuts not only as a treat, but also as an excellent remedy for various ailments. Nuts strengthen physical condition child and immune system. Raw materials must be eaten for general development skeletal and muscle tissue. Fat metabolism accelerates in the body.
  2. You can make your own delicious treat in the form of nut butter from hazelnuts. Children will love this treat. The composition has nutritional properties and is easily absorbed by the body. The daily intake of nuts for children should not exceed 12 pieces.
  3. In ancient times, hazelnuts were given to children to prevent gas formation in the intestines. To fix the problem, you need to prepare nut milk. To do this, lightly fry 100 gr. nuts, chop and pour 500 ml. homemade milk. Stir in vanillin for taste.

Hazelnut contraindications

  1. Despite their invaluable benefits, hazelnuts should not be included in the diet of people who suffer from advanced diabetes. Raw materials are contraindicated in chronic disease liver.
  2. An adult should not eat more than 50 grams daily. raw materials. Otherwise there will be a strong headache. The active components in nuts provoke vasospasm in the brain.
  3. Hazelnuts are contraindicated for consumption when atopic dermatitis, obesity, gastrointestinal and liver diseases. It is also worth considering individual intolerance to raw materials.

The main value of hazelnuts lies in its nutritional properties and fully balanced chemical composition. The product contains practically no carbohydrates, but it contains enough fatty acids and proteins to ensure the full functioning of the human body.

Video: what are the benefits of hazelnuts?

Resistant to diseases and not demanding special conditions When grown, hazelnuts have valuable fruits - tasty and very healthy nuts.

This article will discuss how to grow hazelnuts on your own plot and get the long-awaited harvest. In addition, important points will be considered, such as: choosing a suitable hazelnut variety, correct selection seedlings when purchasing, methods of propagating shrubs and many others.

Having become familiar with healing properties nut, every gardener, if he has free space, will certainly want to have a shrub in the arsenal of his favorite garden crops.

Hazelnuts, description

The cultivated form of hazel, hazelnut, belongs to the genus Hazel (Corylus) of the Birch family. The species has been known in culture for about 2000 years; its area of ​​origin is considered to be the coast of the Black and Mediterranean seas. Even the name “hazelnut” comes from the Greek word “pontikos”, which means “from the Black Sea”.

This perennial woody shrub grows in height up to 3 - 5 m, depending on the variety and the artificial formation of the crown. Leaves are oval or heart-shaped, dark green. In autumn they acquire a bright yellow-red color, which gives them a very attractive decorative appearance.

Hazelnut is a plant with dioecious flowers. Male inflorescences can be seen on the bush in early spring; they resemble pendant earrings. Female inflorescences, on the contrary, look inconspicuous, no different from ordinary growth buds. The flowering of the bush begins early (usually in March), before the leaves appear, as soon as temperature regime will settle to an average of 12°C. Due to the fact that female and male inflorescences do not bloom at the same time, there is a risk of productive self-pollination of the plant. Therefore, in order to be confident in the future harvest, it is necessary to plant several mutually pollinated varieties of hazelnuts, if possible, at least 10 copies. Pollination of some varieties is also carried out by the wind (cross) and with the help of insects.

The hazelnut fruit is a nut in a hard woody shell, wrapped in a leaf pad, ripening by autumn. The nut kernel has two fleshy cotyledons and is covered with a shell that peels off easily.

With vegetative propagation, hazelnuts enter the fruiting phase already in the 3-4th year. The bush produces the largest nut yields at the age of 10 - 35 years, which is, on average, from 5 to 10 kg per bush. Hazelnuts are a well-known long-liver, living up to 100 years or more.

The value and nutritional value of the nut will be explained by the composition of its contents: 60-70% are fats, 15-20% are proteins, and 6-10% are carbohydrates. Glycerides of oleic, stearic, and palmitic acids contained in hazelnuts have healing medicinal properties. These esters can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, prevent the development of vascular diseases, and strengthen the immune system. The presence of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, as well as many chemical elements, allows hazelnuts to be widely used in the food industry as a valuable nutritional element.

The plant quickly forms a powerful root system, which allows it to develop and bear fruit well even on the most infertile and meager soils. Hazelnuts are successfully grown in almost all soil and climatic zones. Such versatility could not help but attract breeders.

Hazelnut varieties

Hazelnuts have many fertile and resistant varieties. Some of them are widely used in industrial plantings, others are valued for their excellent decorative properties. You can grow hazelnuts yourself in your garden.

Let's look at the most popular varieties.

  • Hazelnut "Barcelona"

The shrub has a dense and spreading shape, up to 5 m in height. The leaves are quite large, richly green, and upper part The leaf blade is darker colored than the lower one. The leaves are lightly covered with small hairs. Has an average flowering time.

The variety is hardy, frost-resistant and has high productivity. The nuts are large (25 x 20 mm), of different shapes, slightly flattened, with a prickly top. They have a thick shell red-brown color. The nut kernel is large, juicy and tasty. The nuts ripen very early, in early September.

This variety deserves widespread, the only drawback is vulnerability to fungal disease- moniliosis.

Pollinators can be representatives of such varieties as Galle, Miracle from Bolviller, White Lambert, Daviana.

  • Hazelnut "Cosford"

An English variety with a vigorously growing bush with a dense and high crown. The leaves of the shrub are dark green, large in size, and turn red in autumn. The flowering time of the variety is early.

The variety is high-yielding and bears fruit quite early, at the end of September. The nut is large, round and flattened, covered with a thin shell. The kernel is juicy and tasty, with a yield of 54% of the total weight and an oiliness of about 62%.

The variety is moderately hardy, prefers a warm microclimate and secluded places protected from the winds. Suitable for growing in your own garden.

It is successfully pollinated by the red-leaved Galle and Lambert varieties.

  • Hazelnut "Galle"

A German vigorously growing variety, reaches up to 5.5 m. The bush forms a large crown of medium density. Flowering period is medium early.

The nuts are large (28x25), cone-shaped with an ovoid kernel covered with a rather rough shell that is easily separated.

The fruits ripen later than previous varieties, at the end of September - beginning of October. You should not rush to harvest so that the nuts do not lose weight and lose their taste.

This variety is one of the most productive, bearing fruit regularly and in large quantities. However, it prefers fertile soil and a warm climate. Pollinated by such varieties as Barcelona, ​​Cosford, Early Long.

  • Hazelnuts "Warsaw red"

European variety, characterized by a vigorous bush, spherical shape. Nuts are large in size, with a pleasant sweetish taste. The fruits ripen in the second half of September.

Considered an ornamental variety with red leaves in autumn period and green - in summer. The kernel yield is 48 - 51%, the presence of fats is about 70%, proteins 14%, carbohydrates 8%. The nut kernel has a light, thin skin, tender, and sweetish taste. The flowering time of male and female inflorescences is almost the same. The Galle variety is suitable as an additional pollinator.

  • Hazelnut "Trebizond"

Crimean highest grade, meets all the requirements of state standards. Nuts are large in size, ripen very early (at the end of August), with a high fat content (up to 72%). The largest type of hazelnut, with a kernel yield of 60%. Moderately frost-resistant variety, can withstand temperatures down to -32°C, and is characterized by high yield.

  • Hazelnut "Red Leaf"

Includes a whole group of varieties, distinctive feature which are leaves of carmine shades. A characteristic feature of the group is increased frost resistance, which allows it to endure even very harsh winters. And high yields of nuts and ease of care (poor soil, lack of moisture) made it a favorite for many gardeners.

Such shrubs are also actively used for decorative purposes. An artificial bright hedge gives the site a unique appearance.

The most famous varieties: Ekaterina, Akademik Yablokov, Smolin, Kudraif, Moscow ruby.

In addition to the named species, there are many more varieties of hazelnuts recommended for cultivation. These include: Cherkessky, Kudryavchik, Kerasund, Palace, Badem, Lombardsky, Ata-baba, Yagly, Panakhessky, Kadetten and others.

Planting hazelnuts

Considering the unpretentiousness and hardiness of many hazelnut varieties, it will not be difficult to grow a shrub on your site. And, knowing the peculiarities of growing and optimal conditions for planting, the process will seem simple and exciting. The result, in the form of delicious nuts, will delight you with its abundance in just a few years.

Choosing a landing site

  • Taking into account that an adult hazelnut plant is a vigorously growing, spreading and dense durable shrub, you must initially choose a spacious, open and well-lit area. Hazelnuts prefer sunny places protected from draft winds. Maximum illumination of the shrub significantly increases its productivity.
  • TO soils Hazelnuts are unpretentious and grow almost everywhere, with the exception of dry sandy, swampy and saline soil types. Naturally, on fertile soils, with good moisture, it will develop better and give the greatest yields. Loose, nutrient-rich, neutral soil will be optimal. Acidic soils must first be limed, using 500 g of lime per 1 sq.m. soil. When planting on chernozem soil, it is recommended to add sand or peat to improve its moisture and breathability. The plant does not tolerate cold, heavy and compacted soils well.
  • The shrub takes root and grows as if flat areas and on slopes. In Turkey, for example, hazelnut plantations are located in the foothills and on slopes. On the contrary, having a shallow root system, the shrub successfully strengthens the slopes. If the slopes are large, they must be additionally traced by arranging appropriate holes there.
  • Considering that hazelnuts are a moisture-loving crop, you can choose places for planting near rivers or reservoirs. It is even possible to use the area with high level groundwater, due to the formation of a superficial root system in hazelnuts. But, nevertheless, it is better that the landing site does not experience spring floods, and water didn't stagnate there.

Boarding time

  • It is better to plant in the fall (approximately in October) when it is still warm and wet soil. This means that in the spring the hazelnut root system will be completely restored and the bush will be ready for further growing season.
  • You can also plant hazelnuts in early spring, the main thing is to provide the seedlings with sufficient moisture. As the roots grow, they quickly use up their winter moisture reserves.

Agricultural planting technology

  • When propagating hazelnuts, it is important to initially sort the seedlings into standard ones that are suitable for planting and non-standard ones that need growing. Seedlings take from 1 to 3 years to grow, depending on their size. They are planted in a mini bed with a row spacing of about 1 m and 20-30 cm in a row.
  • Hazelnut for a long time grows in one place, the crown grows larger and larger over time, so the distance between seedlings should not be less than 4-5 m, and the row spacing should not be less than 5-6 m. The only exception is planting a shrub as a decorative hedge, then the distance should be reduced to 2- 3 m.
  • To increase productivity, it is better to plant at least 3 different varieties and mutually pollinating shrubs on the site. In the case of large plantations, wild hazel is planted on 10 rows of hazelnuts to promote successful cross-pollination.
  • The planting pit is prepared in advance (1-3 months in advance), measuring about 70x70 cm. About 10 kg of humus, 200 g of double superphosphate, 70 g of potassium sulfate are added to the pit, after which everything is mixed with the ground.
  • A small mound is made in the hole, along which the roots of the seedling are spread, then the bush is sprinkled with earth and compacted. It is important that the root collar of the seedling is at ground level or 2-3 cm higher.
  • Make a hole around the planted bush and water it abundantly. To preserve moisture, it is better to mulch the tree trunks with sawdust, dry grass or peat. After a week, watering is repeated.

  • For optimal rooting, the above-ground part of the seedling must be cut off, leaving about 20 cm from the soil surface.
  • If the area is infested with a large number of cockchafer larvae, appropriate treatment must be carried out before planting hazelnuts. chemicals. Another option: a year before planting, sow buckwheat or lupine as green manure, which are destructive to the larvae.

Placement of hazelnuts on industrial plantations

There are several schemes for mass planting of hazelnuts: 6 x 6, 5 x 6, 4 x 6, 5 x 5 and 4 x 5 m. The more space allocated for the bush, the more powerful it will be in the future, which means it can provide a larger harvest.

A nesting form of planting is also practiced, which increases plant productivity when plants are planted in a circle.

On extensive plantations, pollinating varieties are necessarily planted, also placing them according to a certain pattern.

Growing hazelnuts, care features

It is not difficult to grow this useful and valuable food crop; it is enough to follow the basic rules of care and agricultural technology.

Loosening, weed control

Like any other plant, hazelnuts love loose soil, not clogged with weeds. Therefore, regular loosening around the trunk and timely removal of weeds - necessary techniques hazelnut agricultural technology, especially during the formation of a young bush from a seedling.

Considering that the root system of the shrub lies quite close to the soil surface (from 10 to 20 cm), loosening or digging is carried out carefully, to a depth of 5-8 cm, so as not to damage the roots.

An adult fruit-bearing plant will no longer be so susceptible to the absence of these agrotechnical measures. The best option in this case, the soil will be mulched (sawdust, peat, dry grass), which will also prevent the soil from weathering, washing out and freezing.


Hazelnuts are a moisture-loving crop; this must be especially taken into account in the spring and summer, when soil moisture reserves are depleted. Watering directly affects the yield of the fruit crop, so drought should not be allowed on the site. This rule especially applies to the summer period, when the planting of the future harvest occurs. Watering should be carried out depending on weather and climatic conditions. On average, in dry weather, the bush is watered 1-2 times a month. Drip irrigation also gives excellent results.

It should be borne in mind that excess moisture negatively affects the plant, so it is important to ensure good drainage of the area, especially after watering.

Fertilizer application

Fertilizing is a necessary measure of crop care and depends on the quality of the soil. The type and dose of fertilizer directly depend on the degree of fertility of the site.

Annual contribution organic fertilizers(15-20 liters of humus, manure, compost, wood ash) with a small amount of nitroammophoska (100-200 g) for each bush will only improve the growth and fruiting of the hazelnut crop.

In June, when fruit laying occurs, the plant is fed with 0.5% urea or other mineral fertilizers. Organic fertilizer is applied during digging.

If the soil is fertile and well fertilized with organic matter, nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied. This can lead to rapid growth of shrubs and, as a result, a decrease in yield. If the soils are poor, the spring application of nitrogen fertilizers will have a positive effect on the development and fruiting of the shrub.

Disease and pest control

Nuts are a favorite treat for many large animals, so wild boars, squirrels, hares and mice can harm the bush. Of the small pests, the most dangerous are caterpillars, butterflies, and beetles.

Thus, among beetles, hazelnut leaves and nuts are often attacked by the nut weevil and longhorned beetle. A sign of damage is the early shedding of nuts, their worminess and the presence of dry shoots. To combat them, the site is dug up, damaged nuts are removed and treated with pesticides.

Treatment is carried out in the spring, when beetles appear, to prevent egg laying. From mechanical methods, you can also periodically shake off insects onto a film laid under the bush. Unfortunately, this method is very labor-intensive and ineffective.

Regarding diseases, hazelnuts can be affected by powdery mildew, when spider mold appears on the foliage, followed by blackening. In case of infection, all affected leaves are destroyed, and the plant is sprayed with a lime-sulfur solution, colloidal sulfur or other fungicide. As is known: better disease prevent rather than cure.

Therefore, in order to prevent powdery mildew, all leaves that fall in autumn are collected and destroyed, and the ground is dug up. After all, it is on fallen leaves that this fungal infection overwinters.

Bush formation, pruning

Proper formation of a bush affects its growth, development and, accordingly, productivity. Often such physiological processes, like increasing winter hardiness or disease resistance, also depend on pruning.

Therefore, proper pruning is an important link in the entire chain of agronomic practices for caring for hazelnuts.

There are standard and bush pruning. The task of pruning is to create a light, sparse crown for greater access to air and light, and to stimulate the formation of young fruit branches. Pruning is carried out in autumn or early spring.

To decorate a bush, unnecessary shoots are cut out in its middle and 8-10 main (so-called skeletal) trunks are left. The formation of the bush must be completed by the beginning of its fruiting (4-5 years).

It should also be taken into account that after 3-4 years the active development of shoots of the bush begins. If you cut off all the emerging shoots, a trunk will form, like a tree. If you continue to form a bush, the unproductive shoots are cut out and the young branches are left. The main thing is that the hazelnuts do not turn out to be too thick, with poor access to light, and therefore a decrease in yield.

At the age of 15–20 years, the bush is rejuvenated when 2-3 old trunks are removed and young shoots are shortened. The essence of rejuvenation is to replace old skeletal trunks with new ones emerging from young growth. Replacement can be carried out either gradually (replace trunks over 6-7 years) or one-time (all old trunks are removed immediately). Naturally, in the latter case, fruiting will temporarily stop and resume only after a few years.

Shelter for the winter

Only young seedlings need shelter for the first few years, and even then in conditions of a harsh, non-snowy winter. To prevent the shoots from freezing, they can be bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches.

Harvest and storage

As a rule, hazelnuts begin to ripen in the fall: the wrapper becomes golden brown and the nut is easily removed from it. After harvesting the crop, it needs to be dried well by spreading thin layer(can be in the sun or in a ventilated area). After this, remove the leaf wrapper from where it remained and dry the peeled nuts again. Hazelnuts are stored in bags or boxes in a dry place for up to 3 years.

Hazelnut propagation

Hazelnuts reproduce by seeds and vegetatively, and different varieties reproduce differently.

Vegetative method of propagation

  • Reproduction by dividing the bush

This is a fairly simple method that allows you to preserve all varietal characteristics. The dug out bush is divided into parts with full roots and trimmed (up to 15 cm) shoots. The prepared parts are placed in a permanent place. With proper care, hazelnuts take root well, restore the crown and begin to bear fruit after 3-4 years.

  • Reproduction by rhizome shoots

Approximately in the 3rd year of life, a shoot forms on the hazelnut, which is separated with an ax. When transplanting shoots, it is necessary to make special cuts to ensure better survival.

  • Reproduction by arch

Young annual shoots are used, which are bent to the ground into specially dug grooves, secured with special hooks. The shoots are sprinkled with earth and watered. When the cuttings take root, they can be separated from the mother bush. A very labor-intensive and ineffective method.

  • Reproduction by layering

Reproduction is carried out by horizontal or vertical layering. One shoot produces about 5 layerings. This method of propagating shrubs is considered quite labor-intensive, but effective. The laying of layering is carried out in early spring.

Annual layerings are placed horizontally in the grooves, pinned down, and not sprinkled with anything. On such horizontally laid shoots, young vertical shoots sprout from the buds. In summer, when the sprouted shoots reach 10-15 cm, they are covered with soil to a third of their height and provided with abundant watering. The growth is shortened to 0.5 m for the purpose of better root formation. On next year, cuttings with formed roots need to be dug up and divided into parts.

Vertical layering is obtained as a result of hilling 1-2 year old shoots, making additional constrictions of wire. This is how the cuttings take root, which by autumn will reach about a meter in height.

  • Reproduction by vaccinations

A complex method that is practiced mainly by experienced gardeners. The crop is grafted in the spring, and various varieties of hazel are often used as a rootstock.

Propagation by seeds

The main difference between the seed method of propagation is that the offspring do not retain the characteristics of the parent individual. That's why, this method often used by breeders to develop new varieties.

Seed material – nuts, selected, large, ripe and undamaged. They are pre-stratified and planted in prepared beds in the spring. Grown seedlings can begin to bear fruit only after 6-10 years.

Growing hazelnut seedlings yourself is a rather long and labor-intensive process that only experienced gardeners can do. For beginning amateur gardeners, it is better to buy hazelnuts in specialized stores, online stores, and at garden fairs or markets. When purchasing ready-made seedlings, you should pay attention to the roots (they should be well developed, with a lump of moistened soil) and shoots (they should not be damaged or broken off). The price of hazelnuts is quite affordable and varies depending on the variety and age of the seedling.

Why is it worth growing hazelnuts?

An unpretentious crop with a high yield of a valuable and useful product is a dream for any gardener. If the size of the plot allows you to plant this shrub, the return will not be long in coming. On average, about 10 kg of nuts are collected from one bush, which are tasty and very healthy. The harvest is easily preserved and long time retains its taste.

Applications of hazelnuts

A representative of the hazel genus, hazelnuts are famous for their nutritional and medicinal properties, being a complete food product. High calorie product contains important for the human body nutrients, vitamins A, B, C, E, a number of macro and microelements.

Fats, proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids are very important for human health. Eating nuts helps with chronic fatigue, neuroses, heart diseases - vascular system, anemia, diabetes, obesity. For people exposed to physical or mental stress, for a growing organism this product is especially valuable. The substances contained in hazelnuts help remove toxins from the body, help cleanse the body and strengthen the human immune system.

Hazelnuts are also indispensable in the food industry and cooking. It is impossible to imagine making cakes, chocolate, halva, cookies or sweets without these delicious and aromatic nuts. In ground form, as a food additive, it is also used in vegetable, meat and fish dishes.

Thanks to large amounts of protein, hazelnuts, like other nuts, occupy an honorable first place in the diet of vegetarians, replacing meat and dairy products. Low content carbohydrates and sugars, despite its high calorie content, allows it to be consumed by patients with diabetes and on a diet.

Hazelnut oil is also used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

We must not forget about the decorative use of shrubs. Plants with leaves of red, yellow or orange colors are especially popular in landscape design. Shrubs are planted to create hedges, combining the practicality of the crop with a beautiful appearance. And by alternating varieties with different leaf colors, it is possible to create a real masterpiece of garden decoration.

The ease of planting and growing has made hazelnuts available for summer cottages or garden plots. Among cultivated plants grown as food, hazelnuts have taken one of the leading places. This is explained by the high nutritional value of its fruits, simplicity of agricultural technology, unpretentiousness to soil and climatic conditions and other useful qualities.

Hazelnuts, photo

Hazelnuts, video: “How to plant hazelnuts correctly”

In the article we discuss hazelnuts. You will learn the chemical composition and beneficial properties of the nut. We will tell you how and where hazelnuts grow, list the uses of the nut and consider a list of contraindications for its use. By following our tips, you will learn how to properly peel, dry and store hazelnuts.

Hazelnut is the fruit of a woody perennial shrub of the Birch family (lat. Betulaceae). Hazelnuts are known as hazelnuts, Lombard hazelnuts or hazelnuts.

At the ripening stage, the fruit is surrounded by red-green leaves. The nut has a round, slightly elongated shape. The length of the fruit is no more than 2.5 cm, the diameter is up to 1.5 cm. The hazelnut kernel is protected by a hard shell. Nuts grow singly or in clusters of 3-6 fruits.

How do hazelnuts grow?

Large hazel - unpretentious plant, resistant to low temperatures up to -50 degrees, but grows and develops better in warmer climates with plenty of light. Hazelnuts prefer moist forest soils.

In the wild, large hazel reaches a height of 10 meters. To extract nuts on an industrial scale, low shrubs with a height of 3 to 5 meters are grown. Hazel is found in southeastern Europe and Asia Minor. Hazelnuts are cultivated in the USA, Great Britain, and Greece. The record holder for growing nuts is Türkiye; this country produces 75% of the world's hazelnuts.

When are hazelnuts harvested?

Hazelnuts bear fruit in September. A ripe nut easily falls out of the plus (the leaves surrounding it). A young hazel bush produces up to 3 kg of hazelnuts. A bush at the age of 15 years produces up to 10 kg of nuts. The lifespan of the plant is no more than 40 years.

Chemical composition of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts contain:

  • polyunsaturated fats;
  • proteins;
  • essential amino acids;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • starch;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • Sahara.

Hazelnut calories

Hazelnuts are 70% fat. Calorie content 100 gr. nut - 650 kcal.

Useful properties of hazelnuts

Thanks to its rich composition, hazelnuts have many beneficial properties. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, improves lymph circulation and prevents the development of cancer tumors.

Hazelnuts strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize heart rate and increase hemoglobin levels. The nut cleanses the liver of waste and toxins, and also removes them from the body.

Hazelnuts strengthen muscles, increase skin elasticity, and improve the condition of hair and nails. Oil is produced from the nut, which is used to treat skin diseases.

The benefits and harms of hazelnuts depend on the amount of nuts eaten. Excessive consumption of the product can cause unpleasant consequences. Overeating high-calorie nuts leads to metabolic disorders and obesity.

Applications of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are widely used in folk medicine to strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. Nuts, shells, leaves and bark of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials. Based on them, medicinal tinctures are made.

The nutritional properties of the nut are highly valued in cosmetology. Hazelnuts produce oil that is used in pure form or added to cosmetics skin and hair care.

The high calorie content of hazelnuts allows them to be used in dietetics. The nut charges the body with energy and satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Hazelnuts are widely used in cooking. It is used raw, dried and fried. The nut is added to main dishes, salads, sauces, baked goods and desserts. Hazelnuts are used to make nut butter.

How many hazelnuts can you eat per day?

To prevent stress on digestive system, do not overuse high-calorie nuts. The daily norm is no more than 50 grams. hazelnuts a day.

Hazelnut for women

Hazelnuts normalize hormonal levels, which is very important for women. Walnut improves the condition of skin, hair and nails. It can be consumed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Hazelnut for men

Hazelnut renders beneficial influence on male body. The nut increases testosterone production, improves spermatogenesis and normalizes the functioning of the prostate gland, which is beneficial for men. Regular consumption of hazelnuts increases potency.

Hazelnuts during pregnancy

Thanks to its balanced composition, hazelnuts have a beneficial effect not only on the expectant mother’s body, but also on the baby’s body. Nut promotes correct formation and fetal development.

Hazelnuts during breastfeeding

Walnut improves quality breast milk, increases its fat content. Hazelnuts stimulate lactation and improve the taste of milk. The daily norm of nuts during lactation is 5-8 pcs.

How to crack a hazelnut

Special tongs are used to crack nuts. If you don't have them, then pliers or a hammer will do. Keep in mind that the shells may fly apart, so be careful. Use a cloth bag to clean with a hammer. Place nuts in it and only then knock on them, this way you will protect yourself from splinters and the table from debris.

How to roast hazelnuts

After you have removed the shell, you need to peel the nut. When raw, the husks are difficult to remove, so roast the hazelnuts over low heat for 5 minutes. No need to add oil. After roasting, the nuts are cooled and shelled. To avoid peeling each nut individually, place them on a towel, cover with a second one on top and move your palms over it, pressing on the fruit.

Hazelnuts in the oven

You can use the oven to roast hazelnuts. The nuts are laid out in a thin layer on baking sheets and placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 5 minutes. Peel the nuts using the method described above.

Honey with hazelnuts

The combination of hazelnuts and honey enhances useful actions on the body. Honey acts as a biological conductor active substances. Children love this tasty and healthy product. Honey with hazelnuts is useful to eat in autumn and spring to strengthen the immune system and avoid infectious diseases.

Hazelnut oil

Hazelnut oil is obtained by cold pressing. The product has a fluid and light consistency, light yellow color and a pleasant nutty aroma. The oil is used in its pure form and also combined with other components. The product is used for medical purposes, in cosmetology and cooking.

Hazelnut tincture

For the tincture, green hazel fruits, ripe nuts and shells are used. The product is used to treat oncology, skin diseases and respiratory diseases. The tincture cleanses the body, removes waste and toxins. It must be used carefully, without exceeding the dosage.

Hazelnut tincture


  1. Hazelnuts - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Honey - 15 ml.
  3. Vodka - 500 ml.

How to cook: Chop the nuts, mix with honey and pour in vodka. Leave the product at room temperature for 3 weeks. Filter the finished tincture through a strainer or gauze.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon before meals 2 times a day. The product can be used externally to treat burns and abrasions.

Result: The tincture strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body, and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Hazelnut allergy

When the body does not absorb the protein contained in nuts, allergic reaction. Allergy symptoms:

  • skin manifestations: skin redness, itching, swelling;
  • malfunctions respiratory system: runny nose, cough, sneezing;
  • digestive disorders: nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system: dizziness, decreased blood pressure.

If any allergy symptoms appear, you should stop eating hazelnuts and consult a doctor.

Contraindications and restrictions

Contraindications for eating hazelnuts: individual intolerance nut

You should eat hazelnuts with caution if you have:

  • tendency to be overweight;
  • metabolism is impaired;
  • severe form of diabetes mellitus;
  • pancreatic diseases.

Where to buy

Hazelnuts are sold in many grocery stores and supermarkets. The price for 1 kg of nut in shell is 350-400 rubles, peeled hazelnuts cost 500-600 rubles. per kilogram, the price of roasted nuts is 800-900 rubles for the same quantity.

How to store hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are stored in glass jars or containers with a lid. It is important that the nut does not come into contact with other products during storage, as this can worsen its taste. The main storage rule is low humidity. With high humidity, nuts become moldy and rot.

The shelf life of peeled hazelnuts is 2-3 months. Nuts in the shell retain their beneficial properties for 1-2 years.

Hazelnuts are the most favorite delicacy for many people. But not everyone knows that hazelnuts have beneficial properties, not just a pleasant taste. In Russia, one type of this nut is known - Crimean. Its fruits have round shape with a very thin shell. Initially, hazelnuts appeared in the countries of the Caucasus and Asia Minor, and only then in America and Europe.

What are the benefits of hazelnuts?

The fruits of this crop contain huge amount essential elements for health, including vitamin E, fluoride, potassium, iodine, cobalt and selenium. Hazelnuts contain slightly more fat than protein. It can be attributed to dietary products, since hazelnuts contain a very small amount of carbohydrates.

Useful properties:

1. This nut, like walnuts, is used to improve blood circulation and memory.

2. It is used for atherosclerosis, as it contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

3. Nutritionists advise eating hazelnuts during diets, because a small amount of it perfectly satisfies hunger and also saturates the body with protein.

4. Hazelnuts are used to cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste.

5. Many scientists say that constant consumption of hazelnuts significantly reduces the risk of various cancers.

6. Hazelnuts are used for constant fatigue, as they are a good tonic.

7. Due to the fact that this product contains a small amount of carbohydrates, it can be consumed by people with diabetes.

It is enough to eat 8-12 hazelnuts per day; its beneficial properties will make the body healthier. Sometimes hazelnuts get boring, especially for children. For them, you can roast chopped nuts and mix them with honey. The result is a tasty and healthy halva.

Hazelnut: beneficial properties and their use in folk medicine

The fruits of this crop are often used to treat chronic bronchitis, diseases of the nervous system and impotence. To prepare a universal medicine, you need to split fifty nuts and put the kernels in warm water for the whole night. Then you need to take them out, grind them and pour milk over them. This mixture should be left for three hours, strained and boiled over low heat for half an hour, and then cooled. Take half a glass three times a day after meals. Hazelnuts will also help keep the body in good shape, the beneficial properties of which are preserved not only in the kernels, but also in the shell and leaves. For colitis, you need to make a decoction of the shell and drink it in small sips 5-6 times a day. In case of shortage ascorbic acid Walnut leaves are a very good remedy. If you add dried apricots or raisins, you get a tasty decoction, which, when consumed every day, normalizes the peristalsis of the large intestine. Ultimately, you can get rid of constipation.

Hazelnuts in cooking

Found a hazelnut wide application in cooking. It is used to prepare various sauces. Hazelnuts are also necessary in baking - they are widely used in the confectionery industry.

Hazelnut is a cultivated variety of wild hazel. Let's look at the benefits of hazelnuts, how they affect the human body, and how to choose and store the natural product correctly.

What are hazelnuts

The homeland of the bush is the Caucasus and Asian countries. IN ancient times it was considered a symbol of wealth, happiness and health. People sincerely believed that the fruits of the bush could protect them from illness. The tree was revered and considered blessed.

Its second name is Lombard nut. It's pretty large fruit light brown in leaf wrapper. Since ancient times, the kernels of the plant have been valued: they were used to save them in hungry years of crop failure.

The hazelnut, the benefits and possible harms of which have been well studied, has gained popularity thanks to its excellent taste qualities, nutritional value, vitamin and mineral composition and low price. It is actively used in cooking, confectionery production, paste is made from it, food powder, oil, used as independent product. Hazel fruits have found their place in folk medicine as components for curing certain ailments.

Fruit composition

The calorie content of hazelnuts, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed below, is high and amounts to 700 kcal per 100 g fresh product. The valuable qualities of a natural product are explained by its composition.

  • Vegetable fats- their concentration in the fruit is about 70%. They are easily digestible and have a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system.
  • Carbohydrates - their amount is considered optimal for proper operation body and maintaining its activity. They are also easily absorbed by the body.
  • Proteins and amino acids- protein compounds account for up to 20% of the product, so hazelnuts are considered an important source of substances of protein origin.
  • Vitamins - A, groups B, E, PP, C;
  • Minerals - phosphorus, potassium, iodine, copper, zinc, calcium, iron.

Vitamin E is necessary for the body to prevent cancer and heart problems; vitamin PP helps saturate cells with oxygen. Vitamin C is responsible for immunity and improves it protective functions against infections and viruses. The B vitamin group is needed for coordinated work heart and muscle tissue.

A range of mineral compounds provide the benefits of hazelnuts. Copper in the kernels of the plant is involved in the formation of hemoglobin from iron, potassium controls muscle activity, phosphorus is responsible for the strength of teeth, skeleton, bone tissue and nails. Magnesium and potassium regulate muscle function.

The benefits of hazelnut fruits for men are explained by their zinc content. It is indicated for the stronger sex with severe physical activity, accelerates the process of production of male sex hormones and has a beneficial effect on the restoration of potency.

Hazelnuts: beneficial properties

It is worth paying attention to the beneficial properties of hazelnuts for a variety of ailments.

  • Hazelnuts increase hemoglobin levels due to the presence of iron, potassium and manganese.
  • It has an antibacterial and expectorant effect, which helps alleviate the condition during periods of colds.
  • It is considered an anti-inflammatory agent, therefore it is used for rheumatism and arthritis.
  • Maintains muscle tone.
  • Participates in metabolic processes, helping to maintain normal body weight.
  • Has a strengthening effect on cardiovascular system, increases the firmness and elasticity of blood vessels, thereby reducing the development of heart disease.
  • Hazelnut is prophylactic from “male” diseases.

The hearty and nutritious fruit is suitable as a snack after intensive training And heavy loads. It is appointed after past diseases, if the body is weakened, with physical and emotional exhaustion.

The benefits of hazelnuts for women are as follows:

  • it enhances lactation, increases the nutritional value of breast milk;
  • helps cure infertility;
  • prevents the occurrence cancer diseases mammary glands and genitals;
  • Walnut oil has cleansing properties, which eliminates acne, abscesses skin and abscesses;
  • saturates the body with microelements, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair;
  • protects against the appearance of wrinkles.

It’s hard to describe the incredible benefits of hazelnuts, but potential harm The fruit is also worth paying attention to.

Possible harm

Despite the impressive list of positive qualities, hazelnuts can be harmful to the body. The product is contraindicated in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • liver diseases;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe forms of diabetes mellitus;
  • excess body weight;
  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • pancreatic diseases.

When overeating healthy fruits, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract organs is disrupted, which leads to long-term constipation, increased flatulence, nausea and heartburn. Vasospasm is also possible, which can cause headaches.

Eating hazelnuts

Any nuts, like hazelnuts, are considered heavy food for the stomach. – plant fibers – difficult to digest in the stomach, so it is advisable to consume useful kernels in the morning. This way the product will be absorbed before evening and will not slow down the digestive system.

In order for hazelnuts to only have a positive effect on the body, they do not cause discomfort, stomach pain, did not increase extra pounds, you should not abuse it. In addition, with uncontrolled eating, the allergen accumulates in the body, which can lead to allergic rashes.

The daily norm for women is considered to be no more than 30 g, for men - 40-50 g of nut. It is not advisable for children under 14 years of age to consume hazelnuts.

The use of hazelnuts in folk medicine

Walnut is actively used in alternative medicine. Let's look at the treatment of some diseases with natural remedies.

  • Genitourinary diseases

Take hazelnuts (200 g), pour in 0.5 liters of clean water, bring the solution to a boil, remove from heat. Let the broth stand, covering it first. You should drink the resulting liquid before your first meal on an empty stomach.

  • Colon cleansing

To eliminate slagging of the nut kernel, you should eat it every day during breakfast.

You can get rid of pinworms and roundworms by mixing nut oil with honey.

  • Abrasions, wounds, burns

To speed up the healing of damaged areas, you need to mix nut oil with egg yolk. Apply the resulting mass to the sore spot.

How to choose?

The maximum beneficial properties when consuming hazelnuts can only be obtained from high quality fruits. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the appearance and smell of the product:

  • choose only those in the hard shell, shell;
  • inspect the shell: presence dark spots, traces of mold, cracks and dents are unacceptable;
  • the product should not smell damp or moldy;

It is advisable to buy not in markets, but in large supermarkets, and the nut should be packed in a thick, opaque bag.

A nutritious and valuable hazelnut will only bring benefits to a person, if not exceeded. daily norm consumption. It will saturate it with useful microelements, strengthen immune functions body and will solve some health problems.



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