Urinary tract pain constantly. Causes of bladder pain in women

The hollow organ in which urine enters through the ureters accumulates and serves for its subsequent removal through the urethra is called the bladder. It is located in the pelvis, behind the pubic bone. Most bladder pain in women and men is concentrated in the lower abdomen. However, pain in this area does not always indicate his illness, since it can be a consequence of dysfunction of the kidneys, ureters and genital organs.

The bladder hurts due to various diseases; only a specialist can determine the root cause of this condition, so self-diagnosis and self-medication are not recommended.

Bladder pain: symptoms

As mentioned above, pain in the bladder can be caused by various diseases. Most often, the bladder hurts due to cystitis - an inflammatory disease that indicates stones in the kidneys or bladder, tumors, chronic diseases of the genital organs, etc.

In addition to pain in the bladder, symptoms of cystitis include:

  • Frequency of urination;
  • The presence of pus or blood in the urine;
  • A burning sensation and pain when urinating, which disappears after the process is completed;
  • Fever;
  • Strong smell of urine;
  • Nausea;
  • Pain in the lumbar region and deterioration in the patient’s general well-being.

In children and the elderly, these symptoms may not be as pronounced; diagnosing the disease is a little more difficult than in adolescents and adults.

Patients with cystalgia may also complain that their bladder hurts; the symptoms of this disease are similar to those that occur with cystitis, but there are some differences, namely:

  • The mucous membrane of the bladder is slightly or not at all inflamed;
  • There is no pus in the urine.

In the presence of stones, in addition to wave-like pain in the bladder, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Change in the color of urine due to the high content of leukocytes and red blood cells in it;
  • Frequent and sudden urge to urinate, accompanied by characteristic pain in the genitals;
  • Pain in the lower back and hips;
  • Priapism (in children).

Another reason why the bladder hurts is the rupture of the organ itself. The patient experiences sharp pain in the lower abdomen and an unbearable urge to urinate, which cannot be accomplished; blood may flow instead of urine.

Bladder pain in women and men

According to statistics, bladder diseases are much more common in women than in men, which is due to the structure of the body of the fairer sex. The bladder hurts especially often in pregnant women, as the growing fetus begins to put pressure on the organ.

In men, bladder pain is most often due to diseases of the prostate gland (prostate adenoma, prostatitis), as well as when problems arise with the excretory system. When kidney stones or pyelonephritis are detected in a man, in addition to severe pain, chills, fever and increased body temperature occur.

In women, the main reasons for bladder pain are ectopic pregnancy and diseases of the internal genital organs, such as:

  • Endocervicitis;
  • Salpingo-oophoritis;
  • Ovarian apoplexy;
  • Endometritis.

Bladder pain: diagnosis and treatment

If pain and other symptoms characteristic of diseases of the kidneys, genital organs or bladder occur, the patient should seek medical help as soon as possible. In the hospital, to make a correct diagnosis, the patient will be thoroughly interviewed and examined, appropriate tests (urine and blood) will be prescribed, urological examinations (in men), ultrasound of the bladder and cystoscopy will be performed.

If a man or woman has bladder pain due to cystitis, treatment will depend on the causes that caused it, as well as on the form of the disease. In case of acute cystitis, a special diet and drinking regime are prescribed, as well as antibacterial agents and herbal preparations. Antibiotics may be prescribed if an infectious-inflammatory process has begun.

For chronic inflammation of the bladder, treatment begins with eliminating the root cause - stones, diverticula, stricula or prostate adenoma. In parallel, local instillation therapy is used, in which drugs in liquid form are injected into the internal cavity of the bladder.

Based on the above, we can conclude that when the bladder hurts, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible, because it is impossible to independently diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment without medical knowledge.

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The bladder is a hollow organ that consists mainly of muscle. It is located in the pelvic area. The shape and size of this organ changes depending on how it is filled. The complete organ looks like a pear, with its wide side at the top and the narrow side at the bottom. Once empty, it looks like a saucer. Its capacity for an adult is approximately 500 ml.

Why does pain occur?

If your bladder hurts, this indicates a serious reason. This may be related directly to this organ, or maybe not. So, why does your bladder hurt? This can be caused by disease of the kidneys, ureter, coccyx, genital organs (in women), etc. It follows that if the urinary organ is healthy, look for causes in other parts of the body.

If the disease is chronic and the bladder is affected, the pain will be constant. In some cases, the process of urination will be painful. In this case, women will feel heaviness, and the pain will be localized in the pelvic area and pubis. When emptying occurs, the pain may intensify. This may be at the beginning of the process, during or after it. If an unpleasant feeling occurs at the end of urination, this means that the urinary organ is inflamed. When pain is felt directly when urinating, this may indicate the presence of stones. During movement, they change their position, thereby injuring the mucous membrane of the bladder.

Diseases that may cause pain

There are reasons why bladder pain occurs. This:

  • bladder diseases;
  • inflammation of the ureter;
  • kidney disease;
  • acute inflammation of the prostate gland and bladder;
  • diseases of the genital organs in women.

In case of acute inflammation, the process of urination is disrupted and pain appears. And when women consult a urologist, he refers them to a gynecologist to identify the cause. This will help diagnose diseases of the genital organs and begin the necessary urgent treatment.


Typically, a pain symptom occurs in women during physical activity. This occurs due to the movement of stones in the bladder. As for the male sex, their pain is localized in the area of ​​the head of the penis. And if a child complains of discomfort, then he should be carefully examined and treated in a hospital. When urinary retention occurs, it can complicate the progression of the prostate adenoma, or the stone can block the lumen of the urethra. In this case, unbearable pain and heaviness appear, the patient becomes very ill, and he is ready for any treatment so that only doctors can relieve the pain syndrome.

Upon admission to the hospital, the patient usually says that he is bothered by pain in the bladder:

  • If pain is present regardless of whether you move or not, this may indicate a growing malignancy in the urinary organ.
  • With cystitis, the bladder also hurts a lot. If the inflammation is diffuse, then when the bladder fills with urine, unpleasant sensations appear. Discomfort increases at the end of urination and after it. Then everything goes on until the bladder is filled again and emptying occurs. If cystitis is severe, frequent urination occurs and women experience constant pain. When the inflammatory process affects only the outlet of the bladder, pain in the bladder appears at the end of emptying and persists for some time after it. This occurs due to the fact that the sphincter constantly contracts, thereby injuring the mucous membrane, which is already inflamed. Cystitis is usually accompanied by 3 symptoms: frequent urge to urinate, pain during bowel movements and the presence of pus.
  • Often, a sharp pain symptom in the bladder, in which urination is impaired, appears due to various pathological processes in the woman’s genitourinary system. Inflammation of the mucous membrane also appears.
  • In almost 70% of cases, pain occurs due to stones and cystitis. At the final stage of emptying, severe pain begins.
  • Also, a pain symptom may occur due to a tumor present in the bladder.
  • The cause of pain in the bladder area is prostate adenoma. If sudden urinary retention occurs, the patient’s terrible torment begins. There is an inability to defecate, even if you really want to go to the toilet. In this case, the bladder is distended, painful on palpation, and heaviness is felt in it. The patient agrees to any treatment that will reduce pain. Pain syndrome appears as urine accumulates in the bladder, as well as during urination. Then, as urine enters the urinary organ, the painful sensations appear again. If the urge becomes more frequent, then we can assume that this is inflammation of the organ, cervical or diffuse cystitis.
  • If the patient has suffered an injury, after which pain appears in the lower abdomen, and there is a frequent desire to empty the urine, urine may not be released. After the patient begins to strain while trying to urinate, blood may appear. This is a sign that the urinary organ is ruptured. In this case, urgent treatment is necessary.

If there is dull but constant pain in the urinary organ, this means that the peri-vesical tissue is inflamed. In this case, you can feel the tumor above the pubis. It is often confused with a urinary organ filled with urine. To resolve the issue of the cause of this formation, you can resort to catheterization of the bladder.

Treatment of pathology

If you have pain in the bladder area, then you need the help of a specialist. Treatment is carried out by an oncologist and a urologist. It is their consultation that is necessary to find out why the bladder hurts. At the appointment, the doctor will examine you, listen to all your complaints and then write a referral for tests. If you have already been examined before and have the results, you need to take them with you to your appointment with the doctor.

If a doctor has diagnosed inflammation of the urinary organ, this means that it has become infected. This may occur due to an intestinal infection entering the urethra from the anus. You should consult a gynecologist. In another case, if chemicals begin to irritate the mucous membrane of the organ, recommendations from a urologist are necessary.

How can you reduce pain?

If the pain intensifies, you need to drink 2 glasses of water. This will help reduce acid levels in your urine and reduce pain. After this, you should drink 1 glass of any liquid for 3 hours - every 20 minutes. If the pain is unbearable, you can take a painkiller.

  • Pain while going to the toilet can be reduced by taking warm baths.
  • You can steam your feet.
  • Heating pads help a lot. You should lie on one with your back, and the second should be held between your legs. This way the urethra will warm up. At the same time, take medications for cystitis.
  • In addition to traditional medicine, you can use folk recipes.

Inflammation of the bladder must be cured completely so that the disease does not become chronic. This will take no more than 20 days.

Don't turn a blind eye to this problem, hoping that it will go away on its own. Pay close attention to your health. React to the slightest symptoms because they may indicate a serious illness. And if treatment is not started on time, then the situation can become dire. There are many diseases that are not accompanied by any symptoms, and then it turns out that it is no longer possible to cure them. But on the other hand, there are diseases with characteristic symptoms and it is impossible to confuse them with others. To make an accurate diagnosis, you must do what the doctor says. It is important to start treatment on time and deal with the problem, and not sit idly by, waiting for everything to work out somehow.

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Bladder pain often occurs in women. Their reasons lie in lifestyle, nutrition, and hygiene. Unpleasant sensations may indicate inflammation in nearby organs: kidneys, ureters, genitals.

If you have pain, this is a serious reason to go to the doctor; you should not self-medicate. Improper actions can cause serious complications.

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    Why does the bladder hurt and what are the symptoms?

    Pain in the lower abdomen does not always indicate bladder disease. Sometimes pain appears due to inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system.

    Diseases of the excretory system

    Typically, pain in the bladder is accompanied by symptoms of cystitis: frequent urination, pus in the urine, fever, general deterioration of health, burning and itching, very unpleasant and strong smell of urine, nausea, pulling and pressing in the lower abdomen and to the left of the bladder.

    However, pain in a hollow organ sometimes occurs with cystalgia, in which the symptoms resemble those of cystitis, but there is no pus in the urine, and the mucous membrane of the bladder is not inflamed or only slightly inflamed.

    Urolithiasis, in which sand and small stones are present in the urine, causes severe discomfort to the patient. The pain in the bladder is wave-like. Other symptoms of urolithiasis: change in the color of urine due to an increase in the number of formed blood elements, nagging pain in the lower back and hips, frequent urge to urinate, severe pain when the bladder fills.

    Sometimes women get urethritis, in which the symptoms cause a lot of discomfort, but there is no serious inflammatory process. With kidney diseases - glomerulo- and pyelonephritis, pain in the bladder is also observed. Pyelonephritis is caused by inflammatory pathologies of the renal pelvis and calyces, and glomerulonephritis is caused by Shumlyansky-Bowman capsules. When the kidneys are damaged, the patient experiences lower back pain and bloody discharge.

    Gynecological roots of bladder pain

    Typically, acute pain in the bladder is observed in women suffering from gynecological problems. Inflammation of the appendages, the tissue that forms the uterus, and the outer lining of the uterus cause pain. As a rule, infections that appear in the internal female genital organs then spread to the excretory system and cause cystitis and bladder spasm.

    Occurrence of tumors

    At the initial stage of the appearance of tumors (malignant or benign) on the bladder, the patient is bothered by dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen, but as the tumors develop, the sensations become unbearable and significantly worsen the patient’s life. If a person experiences increasing pain regardless of his activity, then most likely he is developing a tumor.

    Pain during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, the growing uterus, which is located behind the bladder, puts pressure on it. Because of this, a woman experiences a frequent urge to urinate in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, but already in the third trimester a woman may feel discomfort as the uterus begins to squeeze the ureters and impair blood circulation in the bladder.

    To these factors is added a hormonal imbalance, which causes urination to be impaired. Stagnant urine forms in the bladder, which serves as an excellent breeding ground for harmful microorganisms. Because of this, pregnant women often experience cystitis with characteristic pain in the bladder and other symptoms.

    If cystitis is suspected, a woman is strictly prohibited from self-medicating - such an approach can harm the fetus. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist who can choose the optimal treatment plan that will not harm the baby.

    Possible female pathologies

    During menopause, women often feel pain due to the fact that the vaginal skin and genital mucosa have become thinner. The reason for this process is the lack of female hormones in the body. Pain in the bladder appears due to some female diseases:

    1. 1. Ovarian apoplexy is a pathology in which the ovarian tissues were torn. Accompanied by profuse hemorrhage and acute pain.
    2. 2. Endometritis is an inflammatory process in the inner muscular layer of the uterus.
    3. 3. Endocervicitis - inflammation of the cervical canal in the cervix.
    4. 4. Salpingoophoritis is a pathological process of an infectious nature, affecting both the fallopian tubes and the ovaries.

    Some women confuse the sensations of an ectopic pregnancy with the symptoms of cystitis.

    Other causes of pain and diseases of the excretory system

    The occurrence of unpleasant sensations is associated with various reasons: lifestyle, physical injuries, lack of personal hygiene. All this affects the condition of the genitourinary system. The most common causes of pain:

    1. 1. Urolithiasis.
    2. 2. Cystitis.
    3. 3. Decreased immunity due to stress, bad habits, infections.
    4. 4. Inflammation in the genitourinary system.
    5. 5. Hypothermia.
    6. 6. Physical injuries - bruises, cuts, concussions.
    7. 7. Intestinal diseases.

    How can you relieve pain?

    To relieve pain, two types of therapy can be carried out - symptomatic and etiotropic. Symptomatic therapy affects all unpleasant symptoms, but will not affect the causes; after a course of medication, the pain will return again. Etiotropic therapy is aimed at the causes and will help deal with the disease once and for all.

    First aid at home

    In some situations, it is impossible to go to the doctor right away, so you need to take some actions to relieve the pain:

    • Various manipulations with heat will help relieve pain. For pain, you should use heating pads, hot herbal teas, and warm compresses. It is not recommended to visit saunas and steam baths, as this will contribute to the spread of infection.
    • During an exacerbation of the infection, it is necessary to provide yourself with bed rest - the body cannot be stressed either physically or emotionally. Carrying an infectious disease “on your feet” is dangerous both for the carrier and for those around you.
    • It is important to maintain personal hygiene and wear loose underwear.
    • It is necessary to adhere to a diet without salty or spicy foods - these foods provoke inflammation. It is necessary to stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

    Treatment and diagnosis

    Treatment can only be beneficial if the cause has been accurately established. To do this, you must definitely contact a specialist when the first painful symptoms occur.

    The urologist examines the patient, after which he prescribes a series of examinations - urine and blood tests, cystoscopy, gynecological examination, MRI, ultrasound of the bladder, urethral smear. Patient complaints are also of great importance. After receiving the results, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes the necessary etiotropic therapy.

    For example, pain caused by tumors, stones, or ectopic pregnancy can only be eliminated by surgery. Pain due to cystitis is relieved with painkillers, and doctors prescribe medications to relieve spasms of smooth muscles. If a bacterial pathogen is detected, the urologist prescribes antibiotics. For chronic pain, the root cause is eliminated - stones, stricula, etc.

    A number of additional therapeutic measures are also carried out:

    • heating pads for the perineum;
    • bed rest;
    • drinking plenty of water;
    • warm baths;
    • special diet.

    But even if the patient is cured, it is worth continuing to monitor his health so that the pain does not recur. It is necessary to adhere to a daily routine and eat right.

    Physical labor and an active lifestyle are considered extremely beneficial. Movements help remove all residual urine from the body, which prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and prevents stagnant processes from developing. The functioning of the intestines and genitourinary system improves.

    Proper nutrition is also very important. It is necessary to eat only natural products without carcinogens. It is undesirable to often eat spicy and salty foods, they irritate the urinary tract. In case of severe pain in the bladder, alcohol should be prohibited. The list of undesirable foods includes canned food, pickled foods, vinegar, soda, avocado, tomato paste and mayonnaise. They can be consumed, but in limited quantities.

    Bad habits must be abandoned, especially frequent drinking and smoking.

    Regular examinations with a urologist will not be superfluous. The doctor will help to identify problems in time and prevent complications. Following all doctor's orders will contribute to a quick recovery.

Many people are familiar with the unpleasant sensation of a very painful bladder. Pain that lasts several days may indicate the presence of a dangerous disease of the genitourinary system and become a reason for immediate consultation with a specialist.

Why does my bladder hurt?

Unpleasant sensations before and after urination, when walking, before menstruation, etc. can be caused by inflammatory processes, stones and neoplasms. The cause of pain in the bladder is often an inflamed neck or mucous membrane of the organ.


Cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder.

Various factors contribute to the onset of the disease, such as overheating or hypothermia. Cystitis can appear after sex without a condom.


Unpleasant sensations in the bladder area and inside the organ can be caused by the movement of stones. The pain intensifies when walking and when a stone penetrates the urethra. The patient wants to go to the toilet. However, he cannot urinate because the urethra is blocked. In men and boys, discomfort in the bladder can radiate to the head of the penis. At the initial stage of the disease, this becomes the only symptom.


Inflammation of the urethra is called urethritis. Pain and burning often occur when urinating. Symptoms of urethritis also include purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor, which can be observed in the patient in the morning.

Both men and women suffer from urethritis. However, due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure, the male urethra is longer. The symptoms of the disease are more pronounced. Women may not show some signs of the disease.


If a patient has pain in the bladder area, he may have a benign or malignant tumor. In the early stages, a person experiences unpleasant sensations that may not cause him much discomfort. At the decay stage, the pain becomes acute. Cystitis may be associated.


In most cases, the cyst develops in the urinary duct.

In the early stages, its development may be asymptomatic.

In later stages, signs of a cyst may include:

  1. Uncharacteristic pain during menstruation in women. In this case, there is a disruption of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Blood in urine. The symptom indicates a slight hemorrhage in the bladder.
  3. Pain with frequent urination. Possible urinary incontinence.
  4. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen, occurring in both men and women.
  5. Difficulty urinating.
  6. Constipation. Their occurrence is associated with the pressure that the cyst puts on the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, the patient may experience symptoms such as weakness, apathy and fever.

Mechanical damage

Unpleasant sensations may appear after surgery or after installation of a stent in the bladder. The patient may experience symptoms such as pain in the groin and lower back, a slight increase in temperature, and a false urge to urinate. Some patients have pain in the lower abdomen after bowel movements. In most cases, discomfort after surgery or stent placement is temporary and symptoms disappear quickly.

Mechanical damage to an organ can occur due to injury, for example during sex.

If the pain does not subside for more than 12 hours, it is advisable to seek medical help.

The patient may need surgery.

Pain with a full bladder

Pain when filling the bladder can be a symptom of many diseases - gynecological pathologies, cystitis, prostate adenoma and others. A possible cause of pain is vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles in men). Pain occurs deep in the pelvis, above the pubis and in the perineum. With vesiculitis, the sacrum or lower back often ache.

Bladder pain during pregnancy and after childbirth

During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges and puts pressure on the bladder. Painful sensations occur. The bladder is “pulling.” Stagnant urine accumulates inside it. This leads to the development of microorganisms, and then to inflammatory processes, which can also cause pain. Unpleasant sensations after childbirth are in most cases natural and associated with physiological changes in a woman’s body. Pain after a cesarean section may be caused by improper placement of the catheter or the use of certain medications during surgery.

In children

Pain in the bladder in children can be caused by all of the previously listed diseases, tumors or injuries. In addition, pain may be associated with taking certain drugs (sulfonates), vitamin deficiency, intestinal diseases and decreased immunity.


To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor must interview the patient. The patient needs to be told in detail about how the bladder is emptied and what sensations he experiences. The doctor needs to palpate (feel) the organ. The patient should report whether the bladder hurts when pressed.

To clarify the diagnosis, the patient must undergo a general urine test and a urine test according to Nechiporenko. The attending physician prescribes an ultrasound, which is performed with an empty or full bladder. Men are prescribed a prostate examination. You can examine the inside of the bladder using cystoscopy.

Treatment of bladder pain

Without knowing the cause of unpleasant sensations, you should not try to get rid of them on your own. To diagnose and draw up an effective course of treatment, you must consult a doctor. Some causes of pain (cyst, tumor, stones) are eliminated surgically.


To treat the inflammatory process, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. You should not take medications without a doctor's prescription. The most effective drugs can be prescribed only after identifying the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to drugs. Tablets Nolicin, Normax, Norbactin and others can get rid of bacteria in the bladder.

After antibiotics, herbal remedies are prescribed - Monurel, Cyston, etc. The course of antibiotics cannot be long. Medicines based on natural ingredients practically do not cause side effects and allow you to fight the causative agent of the disease.

Traditional medicine

It is permissible to use folk remedies for discomfort in the bladder only after a diagnosis has been made. It is advisable to obtain the approval of the attending physician. Treatment at home can be used as complementary therapy. Some folk recipes help cope with inflammation or pain in the bladder. However, it is almost impossible to get rid of cysts and neoplasms using alternative medicine.

Sand can be removed from the bladder using milkweed infusion. 1-2 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the plants. The decoction must be infused for an hour. The drink is consumed 20-30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals. The course of treatment is 10-15 days. If stones are found in the patient, you should not try to get rid of them yourself.

You can combat urinary retention with an onion compress. A medium-sized onion should be finely chopped, wrapped in a clean napkin and applied to the lower abdomen for 2 hours every day for 6-8 days. Onion compress is recommended to be used for preventive purposes.

Herbal tea helps relieve urinary incontinence. You need to mix 100 g of marshmallow root, 100 g of nettle and 70 g of yarrow. 2 tbsp. l. the collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse overnight. In the morning, strain the drink and take several sips throughout the day.

A bath with bay leaves will help get rid of inflammatory processes. 100 g of the plant is boiled in 2 liters of water for 20 minutes. Then the solution is poured into a basin and 0.5 liters of boiled water is added. The liquid for the procedure should be warm, but not hot. You need to stay in the water for no more than 15 minutes.

The procedure should end with urination into the water. This way the bladder receives additional disinfection.


Whatever the causes of pain in the bladder, the dishes that make up the patient’s daily diet should not irritate the mucous membrane of the organ. The patient is recommended to eat boiled or steamed foods. All spicy, smoked and fried dishes are excluded from the menu. Products with a large number of unnatural ingredients and preservatives are prohibited. The diet should include fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits should be excluded. The consumption of sweets should be limited.

If your bladder hurts, you should avoid drinking lemonade, carbonated water, coffee and alcohol. The patient is suitable for still water, compotes, jelly made from natural ingredients. For inflammatory processes, cranberry juice is recommended. Other sour berries, fruits and vegetables are prohibited.

Possible complications

The inflammatory process in the bladder can spread to other organs of the genitourinary system. For example, urethritis can cause complications in the form of orchitis in men. In women, inflammation of the urethra can lead to cystitis. Chronic inflammatory processes negatively affect the reproductive organs and often lead to infertility.

Neoplasms greatly complicate the functioning of not only the bladder, but also neighboring organs. If the tumor is malignant, it can be fatal. When injured, hematomas form, leading to inflammatory processes. Stones can constantly cause acute urinary retention.


In order to prevent inflammation of the bladder, it is necessary to protect your body from cold and overheating. Cystitis and urethritis often occur after unprotected sex. If you are not planning to conceive a child, you must use a condom. Also, you should not change sexual partners often. Compliance with personal hygiene rules is considered an important preventive measure.

People prone to bladder diseases need to adhere to a diet. Regular medical examination will help to detect tumors and stones in a timely manner. Patients who have had a stent installed, pregnant women, and women who have recently become mothers need to be especially attentive to their health. If the pain does not go away for a long time, you should inform your doctor.

Pain and Bladder Diseases.

Inflammation of the bladder: Symptoms and treatment of the disease

Cystitis - inflammation of the bladder

Many women have experienced pain in the bladder area. In most of these situations, when the pain disappears on its own after a few hours, the fair sex does not attach much importance to this phenomenon. However, the situation is completely different when the pain is so severe that it causes discomfort and disrupts the usual way of life. Then the woman has a question: why does the bladder hurt, what treatment is necessary. Let's try to answer it by naming the main factors that cause pain in this case.

How are bladder pain diagnosed and treated?

Before prescribing treatment for bladder pain in women, doctors conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. After all, therapy is selected depending on the type of disorder and the type of pathogen.

So, among the most common causes of such symptoms, cystitis should first be noted. This disease is characterized by the appearance of pain and cutting when urinating. Therefore, it is quite difficult to confuse it. Treatment directly depends on the type of pathogen, which is identified by conducting a bacteriological examination of urine. Taking into account the results obtained, an antibacterial agent (Fosfomycin, for example), as well as uroseptics (), antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine) are prescribed for severe pain.

If the bladder hurts due to a gynecological disease, then treatment is aimed, first of all, at the disorder that provoked the pain. This can occur with endocervicitis, salpingoophoritis, ovarian apoplexy, and endometritis. Diagnosis of the disease in such cases cannot be done without ultrasound. As for treatment, it depends on the cause of the pain.

So, if pain is observed against the background of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system (endocervicitis, salpingoophoritis, endometritis), then anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs are prescribed (Monural, Cyston, Nolitsin), the dosage and frequency of administration of which is determined by the doctor.

If pain occurs due to a gynecological disorder such as apoplexy, the main type of treatment is surgery. Conservative treatment is permissible only in mild cases, when hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity is insignificant.

Thus, when a woman has bladder pain and frequent urination, before treatment, it is necessary to conduct studies such as a general blood test, ultrasound, and urinalysis, which will help determine the cause of the development of symptoms.



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