Does vision decrease from physical activity? Causes of visual fatigue

Effective methods for improving vision. For computer workers Doris Schneider

When your occupation puts a lot of strain on your eyes

In our computerized world, the state of vision, eye strain and associated general well-being and performance, as well as responsibility for maintaining one’s health in the workplace have become one of the most pressing topics.

Scientists say that we receive more than 80% of all information about the world around us through the organs of vision. No other sense organ experiences greater stress than the eyes, and this happens not only during professional duties, but also in free time.

When working on a computer, the maximum load falls on the visual-brain system, so complaints often arise about deterioration in general well-being and visual fatigue.

Every four out of five people who work on a computer for a long time complain of decreased eye performance, periodic headaches, a feeling of heaviness in the back of the head, stiffness and muscle tension in the collar area and shoulder girdle, absent-mindedness, a feeling of weakness and apathy.

Due to prolonged intense visual work at close range, many computer users' eyes become red, watery, there is pain and a sensation of a foreign body in the eyes, a blurry image, double vision, and pressing pain in the temples and in the area of ​​the brow ridges. The eyes are inflamed, dry, photophobia is observed, people have difficulty seeing in the dark.

The demands placed on vision while working on a computer are extremely high. Even with optimal lighting, using a monitor that provides maximum eye protection, and with an ideally equipped workplace from an ergonometric point of view, the load on the visual organ is very high.

Those who work on a computer often sit in a rigid position for several hours, without taking breaks or moving. This causes the muscles of the back of the head and shoulder girdle to become very tense, the arms to become numb, back pain, dizziness, weakness, decreased attention and severe fatigue.

It is common knowledge that eye strain affects a person's physical and mental well-being and can reduce the ability to think and concentrate by up to 90%.

Despite the enormous strain on the eyes (and with them the brain) and the resulting deterioration in well-being and vision, our eyes, as a rule, receive little or no attention, rest, or care!

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“Was it written in the family?” or “it’s my own fault!”

This is perhaps the most important fear of all parents. And, in general, there is something to be afraid of: when working intensively at a computer, even an adult may experience headaches and dizziness, and prolonged visual fatigue will lead to a decrease in visual acuity.

The impact of a computer on vision can be reduced by purchasing a good modern monitor with high resolution and high image scanning frequency, which significantly reduces the flickering effect. The optimal screen size for a baby is 15 inches; for a schoolchild, you can buy a 17-inch monitor. The child should sit at the computer so that the line of sight (from the eye to the screen) is perpendicular to the screen and falls on its central part. The optimal distance from the eyes to the screen is 55-65 cm. It is unacceptable for two or more children to work at the video terminal at the same time, since this sharply worsens the conditions for viewing the image on the screen. Correct lighting is natural light falling from the left, and in the dark the lamp should illuminate only the document with which the child is working, but not the monitor screen itself, in order to avoid glare that complicates the work. Games with sound are considered more preferable, as they reduce the load on the visual analyzer. The most important thing is to carefully monitor what games your child plays and limit the amount of time spent playing games that require maximum concentration and reaction speed. It is necessary to limit time in any case, even if the child is busy with educational games. Thus, according to research, a 10-minute duration of gaming sessions with a computer leads to signs of fatigue in some preschoolers. First of all, the accommodative system of the eye suffers, providing a clear view of objects at close range. This can lead to the development of myopia. With a 15-minute lesson duration, all children already developed motor restlessness at the 10-12th minute, which grew and intensified towards the end of the lesson. The number of mistakes during the game increased, and interest in it waned. All this was accompanied by a decrease in the functionality of the visual analyzer and the central nervous system. Thus, the data obtained indicate that the maximum permissible duration of gaming sessions on a computer for children 5-6 years old should not exceed 10 minutes. Without ><ущерба ><для ><здоровья > >><младшие ><школьники ><могут ><работать ><за ><компьютером ><не ><более ><15-20 ><минут, ><а ><дети ><близоруких ><родителей ><и ><дети ><с ><отклонениями ><в ><состоянии ><здоровья ><- ><только ><10 ><минут ><в ><день. ><Причем ><не ><ежедневно, ><а ><три ><раза ><в ><неделю, ><через ><день, >no later than 9 pm. For children at risk for visual impairment, time spent at the computer should be dosed individually, in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday can be recommended as the most favorable days for conducting computer classes for preschool children. Necessary ><обязательно ><чередовать ><зрительную ><ра­><боту ><с ><физическим ><отдыхом, ><физкультурными ><паузами ><для ><глаз. Специальный комплекс упражнений ><для ><глаз >< представлен в APPENDIX 3.>

><Через ><15 ><минут ><зрительной ><нагрузки рекомендуется ><закрыть ><глаза, ><откинувшись ><на ><стуле, ><рас­><слабиться, ><посидеть ><в ><покое ><2-3 ><минуты. ><Через ><следующие ><15 ><минут ><работы > - ><подвигать ><глазными ><яблоками ><вверх, ><вниз, ><в ><стороны ><(2-3 ><минуты). ><Че­><рез ><30 ><минут ><занятий ><сделать ><паузу ><10 ><минут, ><заняться ><физической ><рабо­><той ><по ><дому. ><Полезно ><также ><пребывание ><на ><воздухе.>Sports activities, tourism, long walks relieve visual tension, saturate the body with oxygen, and improve metabolism. ><

Head diagnostic and treatment department of T.V. Vashchenko.
Ophthalmologist E.G. Popova
Municipal health care institution "City Medical and Physical Education Dispensary"

A person perceives and experiences the world around him through touch, smell, taste, hearing and vision. However, their meaning is far from the same. Thus, taste and smell allow us to judge only objects with which we come into direct contact. We are endowed with the ability to smell odors at a distance of several meters, to hear the rumble of thunder several kilometers away. But vision plays a special role in our lives. We receive at least 80% of all perceptions of the outside world through the eyes. They allow us not only to admire the beauty of the morning dawn or the perfection of a flower, but also to understand the world around us - from the smallest viruses to giant systems.
The organ of vision is a rather complex apparatus. It can even be compared to a camera, although the eye is much more complicated. It contains a system of lenses (cornea, anterior chamber moisture, lens, vitreous body) and photographic film - the retina, where, as a result of complex photochemical processes, biocurrents arise that are transmitted along the visual pathways to the cortical centers of the occipital part of the brain.
Civilization has given our eyes enormous strain. Children begin to read at the age of 3-5. Then study at school, at the institute... It is hardly possible to find an occupation where vision is not required. This fully applies to physical education and sports.
When vision is impaired, a number of secondary deviations in the development of children occur. They experience changes in physical development and development of motor functions. Visual impairment complicates spatial orientation, delays the formation of motor skills, and leads to a significant decrease in motor and cognitive activity. Some children experience significant delays in physical development. Due to the difficulties that arise in visual imitation and mastering spatial concepts and motor actions, the correct posture when walking, running, in free movement, in outdoor games is impaired, coordination and accuracy of movements are impaired. A number of studies have determined the anatomical and physiological connection between the visual sensory system and autonomic functions, the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, etc. The above is confirmed by the low percentage of athletes with visual impairments who have reached athletic heights. Thus, among candidates for master of sports, only 1.2% of athletes are visually impaired, and among masters of sports only 0.3%.
The level of physical development and physical fitness of children with visual impairments lags significantly behind their normally sighted peers. Lag in weight (from 3 to 5%), in height (from 5 to 13 cm). A noticeable lag from the norm is also observed in the vital capacity of the lungs. Studies conducted by sports medicine specialists show that children 10-12 years old with visual impairment have a vital lung capacity of 1600 cc, while those with normal vision have a lung capacity of 1800 cc. Muscle strength (hand) in children with visual impairments is poorly developed compared to the norm: at the age of 8-9 years it is reduced by 28%, by 16 years – by 52%. The most pronounced deviations in visually impaired children of high school age are: height is 5-5.5 cm lower, body weight is 6-7% less, chest circumference is on average 4 cm less than that of normal sighted people.
The health-improving effect of physical exercise on the human body is beyond doubt. Numerous studies have proven that physical exercise is a significant preventive and therapeutic factor.
Physical exercise has a comprehensive effect on the human body. Under the influence of systematic physical exercise, the body's nonspecific resistance to a variety of unfavorable factors increases: infections, sudden temperature influences, radiation, intoxication, etc. It is known that regular physical activity reduces the risk of developing coronary heart disease, type 11 diabetes, and arterial hypertension and a number of other diseases.
Currently, more and more children are starting to play sports early, and with increasing skill, the volume and intensity of loads increase both during training and during competitions. Under these conditions, the child’s body, including the organ of vision, must adapt to physical and psycho-emotional stress in order to grow, develop and improve physically. Otherwise, you can cause overload of the body as a whole and visual disturbances.
Very often, children and their parents do not take into account the state of their vision when choosing a sport, although sporting achievements are directly dependent on its functions. For example, wrestling, weightlifting, speed skating, figure skating, swimming, rowing, and hiking are possible with a slight decrease in vision. But there are sports where lowering is dangerous, for example, horseback riding, sailing, and diving. Rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatics, certain types of athletics, figure skating, fencing, shooting, tennis, volleyball, and basketball are permitted with the use of corrective glasses. But boxing, football, all types of wrestling, hockey, water polo, and mountaineering are not compatible with the use of spectacle correction.
On the other hand, dosed physical activity often promotes eye development and prevents disease.
In each specific case, only an ophthalmologist can correctly determine the level of vision and advise the type of sport. It is important that young athletes come to a consultation with a doctor with their parents or coach. The doctor will learn more fully about the nature of the load, daily routine, etc. and after that will be able to give the right advice and recommendations.
Scientists have proven that cyclic physical exercise (running, swimming, skiing) of moderate intensity (pulse 100-140 beats per minute) has a beneficial effect on the blood supply and accommodative ability of the eye, causing a reactive increase in blood flow in the eye some time after exercise and an increase in performance of the eye muscle. Dynamic physical activity helps reduce intraocular pressure by an average of 4.5 mmHg. regardless of his initial level and degree of training. After performing cyclic exercises of significant intensity (pulse 175 beats per minute), as well as exercises on gymnastic apparatus, jumping rope, acrobatic exercises, severe ocular ischemia is observed, which persists for a long time, and deterioration in the performance of the ciliary muscle.
Considering the significant impact of physical activity on ocular blood flow and the degree of blood supply to various parts of the eye, healthy individuals are recommended to exercise in a manner in which the heart rate does not exceed 175 beats per minute. Any physical activity at a heart rate above 175 beats per minute is contraindicated, as it leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to eye tissue.
Medical supervision of persons involved in sports is necessary to assess a person’s physical fitness and the impact of training loads on various body systems.
Be sure to consult with your ophthalmologist about the use of contact lenses during sports, especially water sports.
The famous physicist G. Helmholtz wrote this: “Of all the human sense organs, the eye has always been recognized as the best gift and the most wonderful product of the creative power of nature.” Take care of your eyes!

Conducted medical and biological studies of the negative impact of computers on humans indicate the following problems: blurred vision, disorders of the cardiovascular system, decreased sexual activity, increased irritability, pregnancy complications.

A classification of dangers for humans when working at a computer has been developed:

dangerous radiation from the monitor;
specific load on vision;
load on the musculoskeletal system;
influence on the human psyche.
Let's look at this classification in more detail.

Dangerous radiation from a computer monitor.

There is still a false opinion about the so-called computer “radiation”.

There is no such thing in the traditional sense of the word. And the marking of the monitor implies that the monitor has a reduced level of electromagnetic radiation.

Radiation (alpha, beta, gamma and neutron radiation) is not inherent in a computer. Any cathode ray tube of a kinescope - both television and computer - is characterized by x-ray radiation that occurs when electrons are decelerated. Its properties resemble gamma radiation. However, modern picture tubes use such effective measures to reduce X-ray radiation that it is practically undetectable against the natural radiation background of the Earth.

In addition, monitors create an electrostatic field. During operation, the monitor screen charges to a potential of tens of thousands of volts. A strong electrostatic field is unsafe for the human body. It has been noted that ultra-low frequency alternating electric fields increase the release of calcium ions from bone tissue. As you move away from the screen, the influence of the electrostatic field decreases significantly, and the use of special screen protective filters makes it possible to practically reduce it to zero.

When the monitor is operating, not only its screen, but also the air in the room is electrified. It acquires a positive charge. Positive air ions are dangerous for the human body. A. Chizhevsky (Russia), studying air ionization, came to the conclusion about the beneficial effects of negative air ions on the human body and the negative effects of positive ones. In the room where the monitor is working, there are almost no negative ions, but there are an abundance of positive ions.
A positively charged oxygen molecule is not perceived by the human body as oxygen. There can be as much fresh air in the room as you like, but if it has a positive charge, it’s the same as if it’s not there.
In addition, the smallest particles of dust, flying in close proximity to the display surface, are charged with static electricity and rush towards the operator’s face. They enter the lungs through the respiratory tract. When these particles get on the skin, they clog pores, prevent the skin from “breathing,” cause an allergic reaction and contribute to the development of skin cancer. Dust is also harmful to the eyes.

Electromagnetic fields pose the greatest threat to human health. Medical studies have shown that exposure to electromagnetic fields causes changes in cell metabolism and ion fluctuations in the human body. Electromagnetic fields affect the electrical voltage between cells in the body. This leads to irreversible consequences.

A person sees not so much with his eyes as with his brain. We see the world around us because the image that appears on the retina of the eye undergoes complex “mathematical” processing in the brain.

During this processing, the image is flipped 180° (remember the convex lens), all geometric distortions are eliminated. The image on the display screen is also distorted, primarily by the curvature of the screen surface. However, we practically do not notice this distortion, since here too the brain comes into play, correcting the image.
An attempt to focus what is not focused, and to eliminate distortions, the nature of which is unpredictable, leads to severe overload of certain parts of the brain while others are relatively unloaded. The consequences can be serious, including disorders of the autonomic nervous system and cerebrovascular accidents.

This is especially dangerous for people suffering from vascular diseases.
The eyes themselves also place a lot of strain. The muscles that change the geometry of the lens constantly contract in an attempt to eliminate blur. Additional strain on the eyes comes from the visually imperceptible flickering of the screen at the frame rate.

There is one more circumstance.

The display screen glows with the intensity of the lighting fixture. The range of brightness between the image on the screen and objects in the surrounding environment often exceeds the range for which the human eye is designed. This causes severe fatigue of the eye muscles and local circulatory disorders.

Incorrect lighting, poorly chosen location for the computer, and prolonged work without breaks also lead to eye strain. By eliminating these reasons, you can minimize the harm from the technical imperfections of monitors with cathode ray tubes.

A person working at a computer spends a long time in a forced, motionless position. And we are not talking about physical inactivity, although this is relevant; what is more harmful is that a person’s muscles and bones experience enormous stress. The point is not in the magnitude of the loads - they are small - but in their nature.

When a person sits at a computer, he spends a long time in a position that turns out to be uncomfortable for his musculoskeletal system. In this case, the metabolism in the muscles is disrupted, the muscle tissue becomes denser, and the skeleton experiences significant static loads.

Constant mechanical pressure on the nerves that find themselves within the groups of “blocked muscles” causes shortening of the arms, the development of “neural tension”.

Perhaps alternative keyboards have advantages over long-term use. Much more than the design of the keyboard, the design of the chair and table at which he sits affects the user’s health.
When working with a mouse, one hand is always used. During work, it bears most of the load.

In such a situation, the position of the hand on the mouse becomes of great importance.
When the manipulator is held tightly and convulsively, the hand is in an unnatural tense state for a long time, which provokes swelling of the lung tissues and overstrain of the tendons.

The active work of the fingers with the button is not balanced by the work of the hand, which leads to the “first-grader effect” - fatigue of the lung muscles and monotony of movements with great nervous tension cause fatigue of the entire hand, arm, and further deterioration of the general condition and loss of attention.

The influence of the computer on the human psyche.

As mentioned above, electromagnetic fields emitted by a computer have a specific effect on a living organism. In this case, “computer fatigue” stands out.

In severe cases, it looks like alcohol intoxication (staggering gait, slurred speech).
Psychologists note that the character of a person who is overly interested in communicating with a computer changes for the worse. A person becomes withdrawn, irritable, and his circle of interests often narrows.
It is assumed that with the help of a computer it is possible to code a person, change his settings, cause depression, fatigue, and stress.

The impact on the human psyche and central nervous system is possible through vision and hearing. It has been proven that red color excites and can cause an increase in blood pressure, while blue and light green colors calm. Thus, using a special color scheme of the program, it is possible to evoke a certain psycho-emotional state of a person.

Change speed. An imperceptible change in the speed of image change, but carried out according to a specific program, can, it turns out, cause a strong physiological reaction in the user. A sound effect at a near-threshold (that is, completely invisible to consciousness) volume is capable of transmitting, by controlling only the frequencies and modulations of sound signals, a verbal instruction for a person.

A person has several levels of protection, one of which is consciousness.

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work” determine the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for:

Design, manufacture and operation of domestic PCs used in production, education, everyday life, and in gaming machines based on PCs;
- operation of imported PCs used in production, training, everyday life and in gaming complexes (machines) based on PCs;
- design, construction and reconstruction of premises intended for the operation of all types of PCs, production equipment and gaming complexes (machines) based on PCs;
- organization of workplaces with PCs, production equipment and gaming complexes (machines) based on PCs.

› Why our vision deteriorates

Vision has deteriorated. Why?

People understand the ability to see the world around them as a given, as a right received at birth. Few people think that vision is a priceless gift that must be valued and protected. Rarely does anyone take care of their eyes.

And this is not just today. In the eighties of the last century, eyes were also spoiled. We read voraciously on the sofa, in poor lighting. Today, paper books have been defeated and there is no need to read; adults and children spend hours sitting at computers. They do not leave game consoles, tablets and mobile phones. Another blow to vision is fashionable virtual reality viewing devices (VR helmets) and various 3D films.

Suddenly the patient cannot read a sign, a poster, a schedule, make out the number of a minibus taxi, discern exchange rates, and so on. At such moments, people begin to understand the importance of vision and really want to get it back.

Typically, many people refer to mandatory computer work. In reality, visual impairment does not occur when working properly or reaching a certain age.

Ophthalmologists believe that the main causes of poor vision are myopia (nearsightedness), presbyopia (farsightedness that occurs in old age) and glaucoma.

Over a billion people suffer from farsightedness, and similar rates exist for myopia. Vision is greatly affected by stress, disorders and experiences.

Disorders of the optical system of the eyes

The greatest danger to vision is myopia and farsightedness. You can also add astigmatism to this list.

Myopia progresses if the optical axis of the eye lengthens or if the refractive power of the cornea increases.

Presbyopia occurs when the optical axis of the eye is shortened or the refractive power of the cornea is reduced.

Astigmatism is a condition in which the shape of the cornea is disrupted. The eye cannot focus the visual image at one point.

Age-related farsightedness is caused by changes in the lens, causing a deterioration in accommodation.

Visual impairment can be caused by various lesions of the cervical spine, osteochondrosis or displacement of the vertebrae of the neck.

With age, the retina ages, its cells lose some of the light-sensitive pigment, which leads to a deterioration in visual acuity.

Foods containing a lot of vitamin A can help. These are blueberries, eggs, milk, fish, carrots, meat. Regular consumption of these foods slows down the rate of pigment loss.

Display, monitor and screen

Any device for outputting and displaying visual information is problematic for the eyes. The structure of the human eye is similar to the design features of a camera camera. The clarity of the captured image both at the eye and at the camera directly depends on the ability to constantly change the focal length. In the case of the eyes, the change in focus causes a certain loss of rhodopsin. Patients with myopia spend more of this enzyme than people with good vision.

Part of the problem is the illusion of depth. The user of electronic devices has the feeling that, while watching movies, he turns his gaze either deep into the screen, or to its very front edge. But this is self-deception. The mountains at the far end of the frame, the stars at the farthest distance of the picture, and the cacti in the foreground are actually all at the same point in space, although the eyes try to construct different focal lengths. This causes significant harm to the organs of vision.

When the eye muscles are not loaded

A person’s ability to clearly distinguish the world around him depends on several components. The most important thing is the retina of the eye and the change in the shape of the lens.

Periodically switching your eyes to different distances is very important. By forcing the eyes to remain in one position, for example, when reading a book or sitting at a computer for many hours, people provoke the development of dystrophy of the muscles that control the lens. Without receiving natural load, these muscles lose elasticity, strength and any ability to contract correctly.

Reading e-books on the subway and trains can give your eyes nothing but subsequent problems. And this is a relatively low level of danger. Reading books in minibuses and cars is worse. Uneven lighting conditions and constant shifting of focus can cause the most serious visual disturbances.

Constant training of the eye muscles by concentrating them on objects at different distances helps maintain good vision. Any computer loads should be compensated for by activities that are good for the eyes. Studying in art schools gives very good results for the eyes, where young artists constantly switch their gaze to different distances in the process of creativity. Photography is a good way to train your eyes.

Excessive exercise and fatigue

Sport is useful for healthy people with normal vision. Weightlifting and contact martial arts are especially dangerous for vision, causing retinal detachment.

When playing sports, it is advisable to perform a set of exercises in advance for relaxation and development of the joints of the cervical spine associated with nerve centers and vision.

Proper exercise improves human health, improves blood circulation and promotes better nutrition of the retina. To be completely sure that exercise will not damage your vision, it is recommended to visit an ophthalmology clinic for an examination of the visual system. Many people are unaware of their hidden retinal problems. The first serious load can cause retinal rupture. It is advisable for athletes to monitor the state of the protein-carbon balance in order to exclude an increase in intraocular pressure and the development of glaucoma.

You should put your vision first, and athletic performance and the desire to please the coach second. Ophthalmologists generally recommend fitness classes as the most reasonable means of keeping fit.

Circulatory disorders

Arteries deliver nutrition and oxygen to all cells of the body, including the retina. The condition of the retina is extremely important. can cause complex diseases.

Regular visits to an ophthalmologist can help avoid many problems in the early stages of the disease. It must be borne in mind that any extreme types of stress that change blood pressure - gym, sauna, steam room - are harmful to the eyes and should be avoided if possible.

Various diseases

Infectious and sexually transmitted diseases can also reduce visual acuity. The functioning of the nervous system is disrupted by pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, viruses and rods. This causes malfunctions of the centers responsible for the formation of visual images and visual acuity. Often the cause of visual impairment cannot be immediately detected.

Dry mucous membrane of the eye

A person sees worse if the eyes are dry. Transparent shells that allow the reflected beam of light to pass through them must be clean and slightly damp. If the mucous membrane of the eyes is dry, you can use drops similar in composition to natural tears.

Toxins and harmful substances in the body

Clogging of the body with toxins is one of the causes of visual impairment. Slags, toxins, nicotine and alcohol cause severe anatomical changes in the walls of blood vessels. This is a relatively common cause of poor blood circulation in the retina.


Taking good care of your health and nervous system, adequate physical activity and a proper diet will help you maintain good vision at any age.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs