Swelling of the face, legs, arms. What to do with swelling? How to properly remove fluid from the body

From TV screens, in the media, and on the Internet, there is an intensified promotion of the fight against extra pounds. Undoubtedly, the idea is good and it is aimed at improving health.

Getting rid of swelling

But few people are concerned about the reason for being overweight. Sometimes it may not be fat deposits on our sides at all, but aesthetically unpleasant swelling. The causes of edema can be different, and it is undoubtedly necessary to fight them. Just first you need to find out the etymology of them. Eliminating the root cause of edema means getting rid of the puffy effect forever, but there are several universal methods that will help you achieve what you want, regardless of the causes of edema. Here they are.

Method number 1. Eat more protein foods.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s boiled fish or chicken fillet, a dinner made from these products will stop the appearance of unsightly bags under the eyes. In this case, the protein acts like a sponge. It absorbs excess water, which ensures the free movement of lymph throughout the body. Although not everyone knows that the cause of edema can also be banal dehydration. In such cases, the body’s protective function is triggered, and it tries to accumulate as much necessary moisture as possible.

The areas most commonly affected are the ankles, lower abdomen and wrists. It's very easy to get rid of this problem. It is enough to eat a lot of wet foods: cucumbers, broccoli, celery, chicory salad. You should also not forget about maintaining a drinking regime - drink at least eight glasses of clean, preferably spring water during the day.

Method No. 2. The next reliable remedy for swelling is a special type of massage - lymphatic drainage.

It eliminates congestion, increases blood circulation, and activates metabolic processes in the skin. In this regard, the French pinch massage can be considered the most suitable. During this massage, the physician kneads the subcutaneous fat layer using a variety of techniques, about thirty in total. At the same time, a lot of excess fluid is removed from the body and body volume decreases.

LPG massage has a similar effect. After ten or fifteen sessions, your skin condition will noticeably improve and your weight will decrease.

Method number 3. One of the aspects of life is movement, in this case we mean active physical activity.

Constant muscle work activates the movement of lymph, which in turn prevents excess fluid from stagnating in the body. Swelling of the legs is easily relieved with swinging movements. Lunges with emphasis first on one leg and then on the other are also suitable. The main thing is that the movements are performed several times a day. If this is not possible, just go out onto the stairs and walk several flights up and down.

If your hands are swollen, you can safely do push-ups from a wall or floor, do pull-ups on a bar, or do simple swings using dumbbells. When your lower body is swollen, there is nothing more beneficial than water aerobics. It helps restore normal lymph flow through tissues. We should not forget about yoga. Many asanas no less contribute to the drainage of excess fluid from the body. Love and take care of yourself. Good luck!

Swelling on the face looks terrible and creates an unpleasant impression. Often they are a sign of internal disorders in the body, but they can also arise simply due to lack of sleep. What to do in this case, how to get rid of swelling on the face so that you look fresh and rested in the morning?

Swollen eyelids and slight puffiness of the face in the morning may be evidence of fluid accumulation in the tissues due to the consumption of large amounts of liquid at night, as well as salty and smoked foods in the late afternoon. Against the background of kidney problems, swelling will only intensify.

Puffiness under the eyes can also be a consequence of chronic lack of sleep. Normally, an adult needs eight hours of healthy sleep. Insomnia, uncomfortable position during sleep, late going to bed and early awakening, night gatherings with alcoholic beverages, etc. often interfere with compliance with the regime.

Sometimes swelling on the face can be caused by high air temperatures and appear against the background of stagnation of fluid in the tissues, because in the heat we consume a huge amount of fluid.

According to some experts, the appearance of facial swelling may be associated with the approaching start of the menstrual cycle. This phenomenon is absolutely normal, does not occur in everyone, is not dangerous to health, and therefore does not require treatment or elimination.

During pregnancy, edema accompanies almost every woman, which is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues due to hormonal changes in the body. In hot weather, swelling in pregnant women is considered normal, especially if it goes away in the morning. Usually it is enough to lie down with your legs raised up or apply a cool compress to your face and body, and they quickly disappear. If the problem does not disappear in the morning, you should consult a doctor, since there is a high risk of developing gestosis, a dangerous condition for the woman and child. In this situation, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting.

Any kind of injury leads to swelling. In this case, it is important to consult with a doctor who will prescribe special ointments, recommend lotions, etc. If the swelling is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms (temperature rises, pain occurs, health worsens), then infectious inflammation is occurring. In this case, there is only one way - to the doctor.

Sometimes an allergen can be the cause of a swollen face; in this case we are talking about Quincke's edema, which requires urgent medical attention. Allergic swelling can also occur due to low-quality cosmetics, so be more careful when choosing facial cosmetics.

The face may swell due to impaired metabolism, due to an increase in the body's need for vitamins and nutrients.

Swelling on the face can be a manifestation of one of the serious diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease).

Video: How to overcome swelling in the program “Morning with Gubernia”

Ways to remove swelling from the face

Before removing swelling from the face, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that provoked its appearance. To do this, it is important to undergo examination for the presence of internal diseases and disorders. If they are absent, it is important to normalize your sleep, eliminate alcohol consumption, eat right and drink at least a liter of clean drinking water per day. Sometimes these measures are enough so that swelling no longer bothers you.

How to remove swelling from the face if it is caused by drinking alcohol or large amounts of liquid? In this case, a few simple tips will help that will eliminate swelling within 1.5-2 hours:

  1. Alternately rinse your face with hot and cold water.
  2. A cool compress on the eyes (cooled green tea bags, put ice cubes in a bag and wrap in a towel, apply to the swelling for 15 minutes) or rubbing the swollen area with ice cubes from a decoction of herbs (St. John's wort, mint, sage, green tea, chamomile) stimulates the lymphatic system. and blood circulation, removing swelling from the face.
  3. Light self-massage of the face and eyelid area with fingertips.

If swelling in the face needs to be removed quickly, you can use a single dose of a diuretic. You should not get carried away with diuretics, as this is fraught with disturbances in the functioning of the heart. Regular green tea has the same effect (a little longer), stimulating kidney function. Therefore, a freshly brewed cup of green tea will not only invigorate you in the morning, but also quickly get rid of unwanted puffiness on your face. A diuretic effect is also noted in decoctions of rowan berries, lingonberry leaves, horsetail (a glass of boiling water per tablespoon of raw material, leave for twenty minutes), and simply in watermelon, cucumbers and cranberries.

Swelling caused by hot weather can be removed well with cold compresses and baths.

If you are often bothered by swelling, try including ginger root, hot chili peppers, and nuts in your diet.

A mixture of vegetable oil and juniper oil (2 drops per tablespoon) will help relieve facial swelling. Apply the composition to the skin with light massaging movements.

If swelling is age-related, allergic or inflammatory in nature, ice cubes made from chamomile or mint decoction will help. The procedure is contraindicated only in the presence of rosacea.

A compress with soda will also quickly deal with swelling on the face. To do this, add a tablespoon of soda to a glass of iced tea, soak a napkin in the solution and apply to the area of ​​swelling for ten minutes.

A compress of calendula infusion also provides an excellent decongestant effect. Brew a tablespoon of herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and strain. Soak a gauze pad in the resulting infusion and apply it to your face for a minute. Then moisten the napkin again and apply it again for a minute. Do this seven times.

If you have swelling of the lower eyelids of the eyes, the situation will be corrected by circles of fresh cucumbers applied to this area for about twenty minutes. The effect will be noticeable immediately.

We remove swelling from a bruise in several stages: apply cold to the site of injury, and then apply an absorbable, decongestant and venotonic agent (for example, based on badyagi).

How to remove swelling from the face, mask recipes

Anti-swelling mask after sunbathing.

Egg white – 1 pc.

Beat the egg whites into a foam and apply to your face. Keep the mask on until it dries, rinse with cool water, and apply a product with a high moisturizing effect to the skin.

Mask for bags under the eyes.

Parsley – 1 bunch.

Chop a bunch of fresh parsley until a little liquid comes out. Place the mixture on two small single-layer gauze pads, which are then applied under the eyes for twenty minutes.

Potato mask for swelling.

Raw potatoes – 1 pc.

Grind the potatoes using a fine grater, apply the mixture to the face and lower eyelid area. After twenty minutes, remove the mask and wash with cool water. You can simply squeeze the juice out of the potato mixture, moisten the napkins and apply to the area of ​​swelling.

Apple mask.

Chopped apple mass without peel - 1 tbsp. l.
Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mixture to your face, hold until dry, and then rinse with cool water.

Mask with aloe and cucumber juice.

Aloe juice – 1 tbsp. l.
Potato starch – 1 pinch.
Cucumber juice – 1 tbsp. l.
Olive oil – 3 drops.

Combine the components into a homogeneous composition, apply to the face and leave for ten minutes. Remove the mask with cool water. After the procedure, moisturize the skin with cream.

Clay mask with sauerkraut and potatoes.

Chopped sauerkraut – 1 tbsp. l.
Grated potato mass (fresh) – 1 tbsp. l.
White clay.

Mix potatoes with cabbage, add enough clay to form a viscous mass. Apply the mixture to your face for five minutes, then rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

Pumpkin mask.

Boiled pumpkin – 3 tbsp. l.
Honey – 1 tsp.

Turn the pumpkin into a puree, mix with honey and apply to the skin. After ten minutes, rinse off the composition with cool water.

Curd mask.

Chopped parsley - 1 tbsp. l.
Low-fat cottage cheese – 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the components and apply to the face, covering the top with a moistened gauze cloth. After half an hour, wash with cool water.

Mask with honey and papaya.

Liquid honey – 1 tsp.
Ripe papaya pulp - 3 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients and apply to the face, after fifteen minutes, rinse the mask with cool water. The result is noticeable immediately, swelling decreases.

Prevention of swelling on the face

  1. Restore normal sleep and rest patterns.
  2. Normalize your diet and balance your diet, limiting your intake of salty foods.
  3. Play sports (swimming, running, walking in the fresh air for at least an hour daily).
  4. Properly organize the sleeping area (use high pillows, or raise the headboard by 10-15 cm).

These simple tips will help you get rid of swelling on your face and prevent them from appearing at the most inopportune time.

Video: Removing puffiness from the eyes using parsley, potatoes and celery in the program “Everything will be fine”

A swollen face is not always a sign of a strong friendship with alcohol. Often, this problem occurs in women with impaired metabolism or slow functioning of the endocrine system. Also, swelling in the neck and face can indicate chronic diseases, allergic reactions and some other problems of the body.


The most common causes of swelling on the face are problems of the excretory system or chronic diseases. Here you can add sleeping in the “wrong” position, bad habits and even genetics. According to statistics, every second girl whose mother suffered from a swollen face, the same problem occurs at the age of 35.

At the same time, with swelling under the eyes, less common causes of the problem cannot be ruled out:

  • Accumulation of fatty tissue and fiber under the skin. As a result, entire stagnant pits with undrained lymph and blood are formed on the face. Visually, this can be represented as balls with purulent discharge under the main layers of the epithelium.
  • Hypertension. Another common cause of edema is high blood pressure. This phenomenon most often occurs in women over 45 years of age or during menopause. In this way, the body tries to readjust itself and check the “performance” of its protective functions.
  • Nervous breakdown. Don’t be surprised if, after a scandal or other nervous shock, your face swells around the lips and eyes. The “culprit” is the endocrine system, which injected too much adrenaline into the body. He slowed down the rate of fluid removal and began to accumulate it in all accessible parts of the body. The most common areas are the eyes, mouth and feet.

But, unfortunately, such simple causes of edema are very rare. And sometimes it is practically impossible to independently diagnose the cause of swelling.

Chronic diseases

By the appearance of the swelling and the area of ​​its localization, you can determine which organ or system is asking for help.

Let's look at how you can make a primary diagnosis based on the color and area of ​​swelling:

  • In kidney disease, swelling is located mainly on the upper part of the face. They are very small, point-like, but there are many of them. The characteristic color is bluish-white; when pressed, the skin may even turn slightly blue for a couple of seconds.
  • If swelling of the eyelids of the face appears, then this is a sign of abdominal dropsy, lymphoma or vegetative-vascular dystonia. Let’s make a reservation right away: when diagnosing a serious illness, fever should also be observed along with swelling of the face and eyelids. If the thermometer stubbornly shows 36.6, look carefully at the whites. You may have conjunctivitis.
  • Red, large, randomly located swellings on the face indicate some kind of liver disease. Most often, this is liver failure. The localization process is very fast. Already a couple of hours after the appearance of the first symptoms, cyanosis of the lips and dizziness are added.
  • Bags under the eyes, swelling of the bridge of the nose and upper face indicate heart failure. Also a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor is redness of the whites and blue discoloration around the nasolabial fold.
  • With hypertension, the swelling is large and red; if you press on it, it will leave a permanent white mark. A similar tissue reaction will occur to any nervous shock or mental illness. Sometimes this is a symptom of psychosomatics. The body's reaction to a stressful situation is similar.

If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, go to see a therapist as soon as possible. In most cases, the puffiness goes away during the day, but in the evening it returns with renewed vigor. If the swelling on the cheekbones and cheeks has disappeared, this is not always remission.

Renal and cardiac edema

The easiest way to recognize is renal swelling of the face: they are large, light-colored, and the main location is under the eyes and around the nose. The kidneys are an organ of the excretory system, and when some kind of malfunction occurs in the body, they immediately let you know about it. Puffiness of this kind is not always a sign of disease (although it is worth checking).

Causes of renal edema:

  • Plenty of fluids before bed. It is enough to drink a glass of warm water - this will help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Tea, coffee, especially alcoholic drinks. They will slow down the excretory system and cause fluid accumulation.
  • Heavy food. In the evening you should not eat a lot of salty, fried, smoked foods. It also slows down the elimination of toxins and water, dehydrates the body and overloads the stomach.
  • Large amount of sodium in the body. Its salts enter the body with food and mineral water. Sodium is an essential microelement, but exceeding the permissible level in the blood provokes swelling around the eyes and slows down the functioning of the kidneys.

At the same time, we must not forget that renal swelling of the soft tissues in the face and neck can also be a symptom of a serious illness. In particular, these are pyelonephritis, toxic organ damage, liver failure, nephropathy and others.

Cardiac edema differs from renal edema. The legs begin to swell first, which is typical - both feet inflate symmetrically. The accumulation of fluid occurs as if from the bottom up - from the feet to the face. You need to be able to distinguish them from kidney ones, because in all cases these are signals about the improper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Symptoms of cardiac edema:

  • Slow development. It may take a week for the swelling to reach the face.
  • Along with puffiness, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat are also observed.
  • The swelling itself is red, dense and large. If you press on them, they will turn white and will remain that way for a long time.
  • The skin in places of swelling is cold, sometimes damp.

The most common cause of cardiac edema is high or low blood pressure. Also pay attention to where you first noticed the swelling. If on the legs, then the left ventricle is affected, if in the chest area, then the right one.

Age changes after 40

Facial swelling after 40 years and during menopause is a “common” thing. They appear as a result of a violation of lymphatic metabolism. How does age-related puffiness differ from painful:

  • The skin does not redden or turn pale in the affected areas. It just swells and becomes cooler than before.
  • Swellings appear at any time of the day and do not go away for a long time. This can happen in the evening, afternoon or morning - on average, they last up to several days.
  • Parts of the body swell asymmetrically.
  • When you press on the swelling, a large hole remains, which does not change its shape for a long time.

According to doctors, this is the most difficult type of edema. It is almost impossible to get rid of them with a standard set of medications. To find out the cause and treatment options for the disease, contact a phlebologist (a specialist in veins, arteries and blood vessels).


Swelling during an “interesting position” most often occurs at night and appears on the face and legs. Hormones are raging, the excretory system cannot keep up with the changes in the body. It is worth noting that for pregnant girls, such a phenomenon can indicate a chronic disease and even a threat to the life of the fetus. Most likely it is hetsosis (one of the forms of toxicosis).

First of all, these edemas are dangerous for the unborn child - due to poor outflow of fluid from the tissues in the body, the pressure is disturbed, and the child begins to suffer from oxygen starvation. A pregnant girl at this time may suffer from swelling of the internal organs and not even suspect the danger.

In what cases is swelling during pregnancy dangerous:

  • If puffiness is accompanied by high blood pressure, loss of strength, nosebleeds and redness of the whites.
  • In case of shortness of breath. Do not confuse difficulty breathing after climbing stairs with shortness of breath while lying on the bed.
  • When tested, even the slightest amount of protein was found in the urine.
  • In addition to the nose and other parts of the face, swelling spreads to the legs, arms and back.

Alcohol and bad habits

A swollen face after a wild party is a common occurrence. Moreover, this is one of the simplest and most common symptoms of a hangover. The kidneys and liver are affected by toxins, which is why they cannot normally perform their direct functions.

Why does alcohol cause your face to swell?

  • Toxins contained in alcoholic beverages block the body's ability to properly distribute fluids. As a result, moisture, instead of being removed, is redistributed into the voids under the skin. Hence the involuntary discharge of runny nose and runny nose.
  • Due to poisoning of the kidneys and liver, the body tries to get rid of intoxication on its own. The result is a decrease in blood volume, a slowdown in the lymphatic system and dry mucous membranes.

To get rid of swelling on the face after alcohol poisoning, doctors recommend drinking brine (this is not a joke, this drink contains a large amount of electrolyte salts necessary to increase blood volume) and only after that drink plain water.


Swelling of the neck and face is also considered a major sign of allergies. Symptoms of histamine puffiness:

  • Fast flow. First, the face becomes redder, then scarlet spots begin to descend along the body from top to bottom. Depending on the allergen and its amount, swelling may spread within a few hours or a couple of minutes.
  • Discomfort. The face hurts (often the area of ​​the nose, cheekbones and cheeks), the neck and chest begin to itch.
  • An allergy after an insect or snake bite is often accompanied by shortness of breath, fever, and hallucinations.

Until the body gets rid of the cause of intoxication, this swelling cannot be removed. But you can slightly muffle the itching and bring down the temperature. If we are talking about a snake bite, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible (if possible, it is advisable to photograph the bitten reptile).

Bruises and injuries

Spots and swelling after injury, surgical or other invasive intervention are normal. This is how the body protects itself from aggressive external factors. Such swelling occurs after tooth extraction, fights, certain dental diseases (in particular, gumboil), and other similar influences.

In what cases is swelling traumatic?

  • Swelling after peeling, biorevitalization, dry cleaning or mesotheoapia. In all these procedures, the upper layer of the epidermis is damaged. During the regeneration process, it swells and becomes painfully red. By the way, photorejuvenation leaves the same effect.
  • After permanent makeup and tattoos. When a colored pigment is driven under the skin, the body tries with all its might to reject it. Here the work of the immune system is responsible for puffiness. Redness and swelling disappear a week after the session.
  • After beauty injections, implantation of gold threads and other invasive cosmetic procedures.

There is simply no point in treating them. In places of edema, the functioning of blood vessels is disrupted, some of them are destroyed. You need to give your body time to recover. The most you can do is eat more vitamins and ensure yourself quality rest.


A disease where the face swells due to infection is called infectious mononucleosis. This is a fairly rare disease that is divided into two types:

  • Reticuloendothelial.
  • Lymphatic.

In both cases, the nasopharyngeal mucosa suffers and the face becomes puffy. The cause of the disease is the penetration of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms into the body. Unfortunately, this disease is incurable - it goes away on its own, like chickenpox or measles.

Swelling of the face and eyes in the morning after sleep

This is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to emerging from a sleepy state. During sleep, blood and lymph actively flow to the face, and with a sharp rise, these fluids simply do not have time to drain away. In addition, the reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • Drinking plenty of water at night.
  • Sleeping on your stomach or with a pillow that is too high - the neck vessels are pinched, which interferes with normal blood circulation.
  • Fried or too salty foods for dinner.
  • Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol, as mentioned above, slow down the outflow of lymph, causing swelling around the eyes.

How to remove swelling on the face?

If the cause of puffiness is an injury or another relatively minor reason, then it is quite possible to cope with the problem using home methods. But when swelling is a symptom of a disease or allergy, then you should take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem.

How to treat facial swelling:

  • Special treatments at the spa. One of the best techniques is the infrared sauna, which removes toxins and excess fluid from the body.
  • Physical activity. Excellent reviews about the special lymphatic drainage dance - it can be done even by those who have never played sports. Stretching, simple gymnastics and yoga also help normal lymph distribution.
  • Massage techniques. Special massages are used here, which have an effect similar to physical activity.
  • Medicines. They are used in the treatment of allergic edema, as well as puffiness, as a symptom of a disease. Can only be prescribed by doctors.
  • Compresses.

Salon treatments

Before removing swelling from the face in beauty salons, you need to consult a therapist or phlebologist. If they do not find any critical conditions of the body, you can seek help from a cosmetologist.

In the salon for swelling the following is used:

  • Mask with hyaluronic acid. It increases skin turgor, thereby having a beneficial effect on blood flow. Already after the first procedure, a positive effect is visible.
  • Mesotherapy with soft rollers copes well with the problem of severe swelling in the eyelid area.
  • Fillers. These are injections of beneficial substances under the top layer of skin. The technique helps get rid of constant swelling on the cheekbones and around the nose.

Diuretics for facial swelling

Let's say right away that this is the worst way to treat swelling. Essentially, you're just numbing the symptoms with aggressive medications. Among these are Furasemide, which leaches calcium and is addictive, Veroshpiron, a modern analogue of Furasemide and Trifas.

These tablets can only be used as emergency therapy - they can be taken once and only if swelling of the face needs to be urgently eliminated. For example, you need to go on a date or an interview, and you are swollen. Just be prepared for frequent runs to “powder your nose.”

They have contraindications, be careful. It is strictly forbidden to use such drugs for any oncology, diabetes, during pregnancy and lactation.

Home remedies for swelling

The first thing to do if your face is swollen is to wash your face with a contrast shower. This will “reanimate” the vessels and restart the lymphatic system. First, wash with warm water, then ice water. For severe swelling, short-term immersion in a cold bath helps very well. Fill a flat container with water and dip your face in it.

  • Swelling often manifests itself as fatigue or lack of proper sleep. Massaging the eyelids and nose with a special steel ball will help to visually remove the “sleepy panda” effect. Many well-known companies (Garnier, L`Oreal and others) supplement such products with useful substances.
  • An old-fashioned way to get rid of swelling is to put slices of raw, cold potatoes on your face. You need to keep this “mask” for at least 15 minutes. Then turn it over and repeat the procedure.
  • To prevent swelling, regularly drink sage tea in the evenings and flaxseed oil in the mornings. This is especially true after childbirth and with age-related changes. Both remedies help strengthen blood vessels, normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system and strengthen the nervous system.
  • Swollen eyes after vomiting can be quickly removed with cold spoons. Cool the cutlery and apply it to your eyelids. Leave the metal on your skin for up to 10 minutes. Repeat if necessary.
  • Fresh juices have an effect on the body similar to diuretic tablets, only they have no side effects. Fresh juices from carrots, beets and herbs (parsley, spinach, celery) are especially recommended.
  • For swelling from insect bites (mosquitoes, bees, wasps), heparin ointment will help. It should be applied in a thin layer to the affected area and left until absorbed. Update the layer every 2 hours. This will relieve itching and speed up healing of the wound.
  • To eliminate “salt” or kidney edema, Tsitsulin advises drinking a glass of parsley decoction after meals. It will remove toxic substances and speed up metabolism. This method also perfectly relieves hangover syndrome.

Contrary to the opinion on the forums, badyaga categorically cannot be used to treat edema. It is an aggressive irritant and can only make your situation worse.

How to get rid of swelling on the face using masks

  • Clay. Absolutely any available types will do: blue, white, pink, green.
  • With potatoes. As mentioned above, it helps strengthen turgor and tighten small wrinkles. For greater effect, mix the potato mixture with chilled apple puree.
  • Vitamin and oil. If the reason lies in insufficient skin nutrition, improper metabolism or bad habits, then you can even remove swelling with coconut oil and Tocopherol.


Lymphatic drainage facial massage will help prevent the appearance of swelling under the eyes, prolong youth and relieve the effect of swollen eyelids.

You need to apply a nourishing cream to cleansed skin - this will facilitate the movement of your fingers over its surface and provide an additional restorative effect from the procedure.

  • Movements start from the top of the forehead. You need to move your fingertips along the massage lines in a circular motion. From the forehead to the nose, from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones, from the cheeks to the temples.
  • Afterwards it is necessary to work out the vascular network. To do this, pat the skin with an open palm for several minutes. Movements should be very soft, but confident. During the lymphatic drainage massage there should be no burning or pain.
  • It remains to draw several times from the top of the forehead to the chin, from the eyebrows to the cheeks and from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose. At the end of the session, you can apply a cooling gel to the skin.


If swelling does not go away for a long time after masks, special compresses will help speed up the outflow of lymph. The most important thing is that they should be cold.

Options for compresses against swelling:

  • Chamomile. Take 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers per weave of water. Boil until boiling, then remove the solution and cool in the refrigerator. Keep the compress of this tea for at least 20 minutes.
  • To eliminate swelling after a blow, the best option is to make a mask of ice cubes. But you can’t keep it on the skin for a long time - the blood flow will be disrupted. It is better to make a compress and apply it to the affected areas for a short time.
  • It is believed that tissue compresses with vitamins and hyaluronic acid help well. This also includes products with gold and algae extracts. The main thing is that they have a cooling effect.

In case of cancer, diseases of the endocrine system, rehabilitation after surgery, before using any of the listed methods, you should consult with your doctor.

Most people do not pay attention to swelling, considering it a temporary phenomenon. In fact, swelling can signal metabolic disorders, heart and kidney diseases, and problems with veins. Knowledge of how to get rid of swelling of the legs will help prevent serious complications in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

  • Heart failure. Characteristic features of edema caused by heart disease are:
  1. soreness only when pressed;
  2. the skin of the swollen areas has a bluish tint and is cold to the touch;
  3. swelling most often occurs after sleep, or at the end of the day.
  • Rheumatism is a pathological, inflammatory process that affects the joints. The clinical picture of the disease is clearly expressed by symmetrical swelling, very painful when pressed. The swelling increases during the day, and during sleep, fluid is removed from the tissues and the swelling subsides.
  • Vascular diseases (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis). Pathologies caused by venous insufficiency occur against the background of severe swelling, red, hot and dense to the touch. Vein diseases require immediate treatment, as there is a high risk of developing severe complications, disability and even death.
  • Varicose veins are often accompanied by severe swelling. Despite the fact that vein problems are more often diagnosed in women, varicose veins in men are no less rare.
  • Kidney disorders. A characteristic feature of edema caused by kidney disease is the symmetry of the location at the top of the feet. Swelling is mild, most often appearing in the morning, or with excessive fluid intake.
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland provoke the development of edema in the legs, which resemble pillows in appearance. When pressed, pits remain on the swollen areas of the skin.
  • Lymphostasis is a pathological process in the body that disrupts the natural outflow of lymph. A characteristic feature of the pathology is the development of edema in only one leg.

How to understand that your feet are swollen

Characteristic symptoms that edema is developing, requiring immediate treatment, are:

  • Severe swelling of the left leg in the ankle area (indicates heart or lung disease).
  • Swelling in one leg, accompanied by severe redness and a burning sensation (is a symptom of vascular disease).
  • Rapidly developing edema, in which the skin turns pale, may indicate impaired kidney function.
  • Trophic lesions developing on severely edematous, swollen legs.

How to get rid of swelling in the legs

Before treating swelling, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the swelling. Only a specialist can identify the root cause and explain how to properly and quickly remove leg swelling.

There are several ways to quickly get rid of edema (medicines, massage, traditional recipes), but only an integrated approach ensures the most effective treatment.


Taking medications of a physiological nature will help to remove edema - diuretics, the action of which is aimed at removing excess fluid from tissues. The most effective diuretics are: Furosemide, Indapamide, Veroshpiron.

If edema is a consequence of heart or kidney disease, then the patient is advised to take the following medications:

  • loop diuretics (Isobar);
  • cardiac thiazides (Urandil);
  • diuretics (Piretanide).

Swelling caused by varicose veins requires an integrated approach to treatment. Patients are advised to take phlebotonics (Eskuzan) and blood thinners (Cardiomagnyl).

4. External use (ointments, creams). As an integral part of drug treatment, ointment or cream helps reduce swelling of the legs. Also, ointments and creams help relieve the feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the legs.

Important: before removing swelling from the legs using medication, you must consult a doctor about a possible allergic reaction to any component of the drug.

Folk remedies and recipes

Recipes based on the beneficial diuretic properties of medicinal herbs will help you fight edema at home. Knowing how to quickly relieve leg swelling at home not only helps eliminate the problem. Using alternative medicine recipes in practice, you can improve blood circulation in the lower extremities and restore normal fluid circulation in the tissues.

The most popular folk recipes:

Important: before putting any health recipes into practice, it would be a good idea to conduct an allergy test for the components of the prepared product.

Simple exercises against swelling

Specially designed therapeutic exercises will help relieve swelling and swelling in the legs. A properly selected course of therapeutic exercises will help not only prevent the development of swelling, but also help you relax for a while during the working day.

You can do the exercises both sitting and standing.

A few exercises to get rid of swelling:

  • When rising on your toes, press them well to the floor. Then drop sharply onto your heels. Repeat such alternations twenty times;
  • Grasp your foot tightly with both hands and slowly (as if you were pulling on a stocking) move your palms along the foot, along the shin, knee and thigh. It is important that the movements are smooth, slightly massaging;
  • We stretch our legs forward, pull our toes towards ourselves, leaving only our heels on the floor. Then we begin to lightly tap the floor with our heels, moving our legs towards ourselves and then stretching them forward. Such actions are repeated at least five times;
  • in a standing position, stand on one leg for a few seconds. We change position and stand for a few seconds in another position. This exercise must be done slowly while maintaining balance.

There is not enough knowledge on how to get rid of swollen feet. Following simple prevention recommendations will help prevent relapses of edema:

  • healthy eating and drinking regime. In order to prevent the appearance of edema, it is necessary to limit the consumption of salty, hot and spicy foods, and also not to drink large amounts of water at night;
  • after a working day, it is useful to relax your legs in warm baths, do a foot massage or do light exercises;
  • Do not get carried away with shoes with high, unstable heels. For everyday wear, it is better to give preference to shoes with small, stable heels;
  • It is useful to take moments of rest during the day. Just take off your shoes and place a cushion under your feet and rest in this position for five to ten minutes.
  • A good way to prevent edema is to wear special compression stockings or tights.

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How to remove puffiness from the face: methods and decongestants

Swelling can occur for various reasons: lack of sleep, increased emotional stress, stress, excess fluid in the body, kidney problems. In any case, this phenomenon is not very pleasant, especially when the symptoms appear on the face. How to get rid of edema using folk methods, cosmetic methods, and medications, we will talk in the article.

Contents of the article:

Looking in the mirror in the morning, every girl wants to see her refreshed, rested face. But, unfortunately, no one is immune from edema. They spoil the overall picture, several years are immediately added to the main age, the eyes resemble small slits. You can deal with the problem quite quickly; it is important to understand why the swelling occurred.

Causes of facial swelling

Before you start getting rid of edema, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. They may be as follows:

1. Insomnia. In this case, facial puffiness appears in the eyelid area. You can correct the situation with the help of compresses, ice, cosmetic masks;

2. Severe fatigue. Stress, lack of sleep, hard work make themselves felt. The face looks “tired”, the area of ​​the nasolabial folds swells, and dark circles appear under the eyes. The most correct decision in this situation is to put aside your business and visit a SPA center; lymphatic drainage massage helps a lot;

3. Excess fluid in the body. The problem occurs especially acutely after drinking a lot of drinks at night and eating a lot of salt. Water is retained in the body and swelling occurs;

4. Hangover. If you had too much alcohol the day before, it will definitely show on your face the next morning. Medications and compresses will help;

5. Poor nutrition. Eating spicy, salty, smoked foods will certainly lead to the formation of edema;

6. Dry air in the apartment. This usually happens in winter, when the central heating starts working. In addition to swelling, the skin on the face acquires a reddish tint, and unpleasant sensations may appear: tingling, burning, itching;

7. A number of diseases. The most common: allergies, kidney problems, heart problems, osteochondrosis, inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Now that we’ve sorted out the most likely causes of swelling, it’s time to find out how to get rid of the problem.

How to remove swelling from the face with medications and ointments

If the appearance of edema is associated with various diseases, you can get rid of them only with the help of drugs that should be prescribed by a doctor:

Post-traumatic swelling. Occurs from a strong blow. The swelling spreads very quickly, in addition to which a bruise or hematoma occurs. Experts advise immediately applying cold to the injured area on the face. After this, use ointments: “Heparin ointment”, “Indovazin”, “Bruise-Off”, “Badyaga”, “Allantoin”. These medicines contain components that remove inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, prevent blockage of veins, normalize blood circulation, and remove excess fluid through the pores;

Allergic swelling. You can remove it using any antihistamines (Diazolin, Alleron, Loratodin, Zodak). In severe cases, for example, with Quincke's edema, specialists use serious hormonal drugs, for example, Prednisolone.

Swelling associated with varicose veins is removed with the help of venotonics, creams, gels and ointments with troxerutin and horse chestnut extract.

Swelling due to inflammatory processes occurring in the body. In these cases, doctors recommend taking medications, for example, Ibuprofen, Naproxen.

For diseases of the kidneys, heart, and endocrine system with severe edema, diuretics are prescribed that remove excess fluid. In addition, you need to use products that contain potassium.

Important! In any case, if swelling occurs against the background of any disease, you need to seek help from a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary treatment, since swelling is a consequence, not a cause.

How to quickly remove facial swelling after alcohol

If the day before you had a stormy, fun party, with a variety of cocktails and other alcohol, you can be sure that in the morning there will definitely be swelling on your face. The fact is that ethyl alcohol has a detrimental effect on the functioning of internal organs and inhibits the metabolic process. As a result, the body receives intoxication stress. You can remove facial swelling after alcohol in the following ways:

Take a cool shower. If there are no heart problems, you can use the contrast of warm and cool water;

Scrub your skin and make a mask, thereby improving your complexion; if there is swelling under the eyes, then use eye patches;

After a shower, dry your body well with a terry towel. This will increase blood circulation;

Sorbents will help a lot, if you have “Polysorb” or “Enterosgel” in your medicine cabinet, you can safely take them. The drugs will absorb all the toxic substances that are in the body;

Remember to stay hydrated throughout the day. Drink plenty of cool water, perhaps with lemon juice and fresh mint sprigs. This drink not only refreshes, but also perfectly tones.

Eat something with a lot of carbohydrates, fast food, cake, cookies.

Glycine tablets help fight a hangover well; you can take 5 to 10 of them.

A big mistake many people make is to have a hangover the next day. In this case, the swelling will not only not go away, but, on the contrary, will intensify.

How to remove facial swelling at home

You can remove bags under the eyes and puffiness with the help of products that are on hand. Consider popular recipes:

Place a used green tea bag on your eyelids. This method is especially good in the morning. Black tea leaves will stain the skin and give a light tanning effect, so it is not recommended to use it;

A real elixir for swelling is fresh cucumber. Cut a thin slice of the vegetable and apply it to your eyes. Leave it for 10-15 minutes until it completely releases its moisture. You can also use potato slices. Just try to choose seasonal vegetables that were grown in garden beds and not treated with chemical components;

A mask of parsley and lemon juice will quickly whiten your face. This recipe is suitable for girls with oily skin. You will need a small bunch of finely chopped parsley and 50 ml of freshly squeezed juice. The ingredients are mixed together and applied to the face. The mask lasts for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Don't forget to apply moisturizer after the procedure. For dry skin, replace juice with rich sour cream;

Another effective way is to use frozen coffee cubes. Prepare the drink in advance, pour it into special molds and place it in the freezer. If you find swelling in the morning, wipe your skin with a similar coffee cube. The face will look fresh. This procedure is contraindicated for respiratory diseases, as well as for neuritis of the facial nerves.

The good thing about traditional methods is that you always have the necessary components at hand, which are included in mask recipes. The effect they produce is wonderful. In just 30 minutes you can put your facial skin in order: remove puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

Compresses for facial swelling

At home, you can remove swelling using compresses. The procedure is not complicated, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

1. First you need to prepare the napkins that you will apply to your face. It is better that they are linen or cotton;

2. Prepare the desired mixture (recipes will be discussed below);

3. The procedure is performed only in a supine position. The drainage of lymph in this case is better;

4. The napkin needs to be thoroughly moistened, squeezed out a little (so that the liquid does not drain), and applied to the face;

5. You need to keep the product for 5-10 minutes until it dries completely;

6. After completing the procedure, apply a moisturizer.

Cosmetologists advise putting the napkin in the freezer for a few minutes before the procedure; the effect of the compress will only increase.

It's time to talk about recipes for compress mixtures:

One of the most effective remedies for edema can be considered a salt solution. To prepare, we need 2 liters of hot water, 60 g of table salt. Combine the ingredients, moisten a napkin and apply to your face. The procedure will take 5-10 minutes, do not overdo it, otherwise irritation may occur;

Contrast compresses work well against swelling. First, prepare a sage decoction. Pour 30 g of herb into 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes. Then divide the liquid into two parts. Place ice in one, heat the other thoroughly. Wet the napkin alternately in the broth. A similar procedure can be performed on women who do not have rosacea;

Medicinal herbs will also help get rid of swelling. Mix calendula, chamomile, sage (1 teaspoon each), add a glass of boiling water, let it brew thoroughly. Apply the compress for 10 minutes, the procedure can be repeated several times.

Such compresses effectively combat swelling and also nourish the skin well.

Massage for facial swelling

If compresses and masks do not help cope with the problem, you can perform a massage. Strengthen blood microcirculation, lymph outflow and swelling will go away quite quickly.

Let's consider the technique of performing lymphatic drainage facial massage

Connect several fingers (index, middle, ring). Smoothly start moving from the base of the eyebrows to the temples. At the same time, you should not experience pain;

Move to the neck area. Move down to your collarbones. Movements should be smooth, not rushed;

With your middle finger, begin to move from the lower eyelid to the temple. In this area, the skin is delicate and sensitive, so it is better to lubricate your fingertips with oil or cream;

Do the same movements in the area of ​​the upper eyelid. Do not press too hard on the skin, otherwise the swelling will only increase and bruises will appear;

Also massage the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. Make movements from top to bottom.

It is better to massage in front of a mirror. Repeat each exercise 8-10 times. To enhance the effect, it is better to apply oil to the skin before the procedure. After the massage is finished, wash your face with warm water (it is better not to use cold water, so as not to chill the heated muscles). You can use a gel or tonic; these products will remove excess fat.

Lymphatic drainage massage has a number of contraindications:

Too pronounced rosacea;

Increased body temperature;


Inflammations, burns, cuts on the skin;


This type of massage, when performed correctly, gives an amazing effect.

How to remove facial swelling with cosmetic preparations

Facial swelling can be removed with cosmetic preparations, such as face masks, serums, and eye patches. These products should include the following components: alginate, spirulina extract, white or black clay, horse chestnut and arnica extracts, menthol, vitamins C, E, K.

How to remove facial swelling was described in the article. This can be done in different ways: using traditional methods, medications, ointments, making compresses, masks, lymphatic drainage massage. Do not forget about contraindications, for example, if the skin is inflamed, it is better to avoid procedures. It is important to find out the cause of edema. If there are health problems, then treatment should be carried out with the help of medications. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.



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