From sadness to joy: why are our moods so changeable? Where do mood swings in women come from?

Only recently you were in seventh heaven, but now you are angry. Your loved ones reproach you that you and your mood swings are simply unbearable. Be careful: this could be a sign of something serious!

It happens that we are not aware of our behavior at all. We don’t notice that at first we are joyful, full of enthusiasm, and a little later we are sad, sentimental, and tearful. We easily move from euphoria to anger, within one hour we manage to fall into hysterics and burst into bouts of hysterical laughter. We don't see a problem until someone points it out to us. Have you also heard about yourself that your mood is too changeable? Don't underestimate this.

“Emotional swings” are usually characteristic of women. They involve experiencing extreme emotional states. They are very rare in men; moreover, such lightning-fast changes in mood are often difficult for them to understand and can be the object of jokes and sarcasm. Meanwhile, the problem is not so trivial. Hormonal changes are responsible for mood swings - often, but not always: they can be caused by something else.

Stress and anger

Each person deals with them differently. For some it works out better, for others - worse. When stress begins to overwhelm you and you cannot find an outlet for negative emotions, mood swings are very likely to occur. For many people, the reaction to prolonged stress is precisely sudden changes in their emotional state. Some women either scream, or cry, or swear with their partner, or want to immediately be in his arms. To prevent this from happening, you need to give vent to your negative emotions in another way.


This is one of the most serious so-called diseases of civilization. According to the World Health Organization, more than 350 million people may suffer from depression! Despite its prevalence, we do not know very much about this disease. It often seems to us that depression manifests itself as a constant feeling of sadness, apathy, and an inability to have fun. This is true, but not only that. Sometimes depression manifests itself precisely as mood swings, and with a tilt towards negativity. Some people in this state can be angry, even aggressive, and overly loud. It should be remembered that this disease is possible and not a reason for shame.


Excessive use of alcohol and drugs (cocaine, amphetamines) can negatively affect your emotional state. This is because they initially cause a significant improvement in mood (it’s no coincidence that drugs are referred to as a high), increase energy, and boost self-esteem. But when the substances stop working, the person taking them may experience a feeling of complete depression. Remember that dependence on alcohol and psychotropic substances harms not only your physical health, but also your psyche.

Lack of sleep

Sleep is essential for the body to function properly. In this sense, he will not allow himself to be deceived. Sleeping until noon on weekends or in fits and starts throughout the week is wrong because it violates sleep hygiene. You need to rest regularly, 7-9 hours a day. Scientific research has confirmed that just one sleepless night can already worsen a person’s psychophysical fitness. It has been noted that sleepless nights make us more aggressive. Lack of sleep primarily leads to mood disorders and emotional instability.

Bipolar disorder

This is a mental disorder from the affective group. People with this disorder often experience episodes of mania and depression. At first they are excited, hyperactive and excitable, but soon become depressed and “disconnect” themselves from the world. Typical symptoms of a manic episode include racing thoughts, decreased need for sleep, increased energy, hallucinations, and inflated self-esteem. Depressive episodes are characterized by decreased mood and self-esteem, problems with concentration, slowed thought processes, and thoughts of suicide. If you suspect this disease, you should consult a psychiatrist.

To get started, you can go through. famous American psychologist Albert Ellis.

Premenstrual syndrome

Are you worried that your mood swings may indicate an illness? But it could be “just” PMS. From some studies it follows that every second woman experiences premenstrual syndrome. Typical symptoms appear a few days before the start of your period and subside after it begins. In this case, in addition to mood swings, irritability, excessive appetite, headaches, chest pain, back pain, aggression, tearfulness, difficulty concentrating, sadness, swelling, a feeling of heat, fatigue, and vision problems are observed.


The average European woman experiences this phenomenon at the age of 49. When the level of key hormones drops in a woman’s body, the body reacts to the decrease in a certain way. The disappearance of your period is one thing. Menopause also comes with other symptoms that can be quite distressing. We are talking, in particular, about mood swings, as well as hot flashes, insomnia, and excessive sweating. A decrease in the production of estrogen, the most important female hormone, is responsible for this. Sometimes menopause can begin prematurely and in its early version affect women under 40 years of age.

Other reasons

There are other reasons that can cause a sharp change in the emotions experienced. You may be surprised, but diet, for example, is responsible for our mood. In particular, sudden mood swings can be associated with excess caffeine and sugar. A head injury or brain tumor may also be responsible for extreme emotional states. Individuals with a borderline state, which is something between neurosis and schizophrenia, have a similar problem. The condition of such people is called stable instability. Typical for them are not only mood swings, but attacks of severe anger, unstable self-esteem, serious anxiety, lack of meaning in life, and aggression directed at themselves.

Mood changes are a common phenomenon in the human psyche. There comes a time in every person's life when mood swings are much more pronounced and more frequent. Remember adolescence, constant mood changes during pregnancy in women, during treatment with hormonal drugs, at the time of sudden life changes, etc. These mood changes are situational and temporary.

What to pay attention to

You should pay attention to other cases of unfounded sudden changes in mood. It’s raining outside, clothes are torn, he’s late for transport and, consequently, the mood changes, the person immediately plunges into despondency and a gloomy mood, everything seems to him in dark colors. For such a change there are no troubles and serious failures. But even some pleasant conversation, educational news, a compliment can instantly lift your mood and even distract you from real troubles.

In most cases, such frequent and sharp fluctuations can also be accompanied by the depth of emotional experiences. In this case, well-being, sleep, ability to work, appetite, as well as the desire to be alone or in company can depend on the mood in this case. Also, relationships between the same people can contribute to rapid changes in mood, whether they are friendly or unpleasant.

People with sudden and constant mood swings find it difficult to communicate and interact with other people, they experience problems in the family and at work, and often suffer from feelings of emotional dissatisfaction, misunderstanding of others, and internal loneliness.

Since our life is filled with various events, it cannot be only joy and happiness. Our emotions work exactly like colored glasses, meaning we have the choice to determine what kind of world is around us.

What to do?

Frequent and sudden changes in mood, if this does not change depending on the situation and is not temporary, may indicate deeper crisis states of the individual. It’s important to remember that you don’t need to intimidate yourself with possible consequences, but you shouldn’t brush it off and not notice what’s bothering you either.

Frequent mood swings can be a signal of stress (ptsd), internal conflict, depression, hormonal imbalance in the body, a consequence of overwork, the consequences of conflict in relationships (including in the past), etc. As a rule, a consultation with an endocrinologist, therapist, or psychologist-psychotherapist is required.

Hello. The thing that worries me is that I have very frequent and sudden mood swings. Every time it becomes more and more difficult to keep emotions under control. I've been afraid of myself lately... I'm especially afraid of the state of aggression, because in most cases it turns into unbridled rage! Sometimes I go beyond the bounds of reason and only stop when I catch myself thinking that I am causing physical pain to someone... It’s as if some kind of clouding of consciousness sets in. This worries me, because before it was very difficult to piss me off, but at the moment even some kind of everyday conflict acquires the status of a problem of the World for me! With the passing of such outbursts, a kind of apathy appeared, it doesn’t matter to everyone and everything that happens outside of my own world, every morning begins gloomy and empty, I no longer see any point in continuing my worthless existence, I also have no desire to look into the future, because that it seemed to be covered with a thick gray veil. Often the state of simply sitting and looking intently at one point on the wall, probably without even blinking. I always reason from some stupid, pessimistic point of view, trying in vain to convince myself that this is realism. More and more often I want to lock myself at home and not see people at all, much less have any contact with them. I did a lot of different stupid things... Nothing helped me cope. I ask for help only because I still have a million strange, incomprehensible phobias, but I don’t care about them anymore, they fade into the background, and the word “emptiness” just comes to the forefront and it scares me, because sometimes I I can reason normally and understand in these glimpses that I am scared that now, after some time, I will again return to this state of vacuum existence.
I will be very grateful to you if you can at least clearly say why this is so, and who should I contact with this problem. And is this even a problem? Or maybe this is my next phobia?

Emotional instability.

Your environment and social circle are the main factors that shape your ability to deal with stressful situations.

Developing emotional stability requires your efforts:

1. Talk about your feelings with people who are close to you and whom you trust.

2. Look for the reasons for the difficult situation you might find yourself in. This will give you the opportunity to better understand what is happening, and you will be able to view the crisis not as a hopeless problem, but as a situation in which you can act decisively because you know what needs to be done. A good orientation to the problem helps fight fear, which is usually exaggerated when stress levels increase.

3. Agree that sometimes there are situations that we cannot change. Learn to accept such situations.

4. Spend time strengthening and maintaining relationships with loved ones and acquaintances. The closer and more meaningful your relationship is, the better your ability to cope with problems and stress will be.

5. Cultivate hope and optimism. Even in the most difficult times, don't forget that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Watch and rewatch the film THE SECRET several times:

6. Come up with a new hobby for yourself - this will significantly add positive emotions to you and distract you from problems.

7. Help other people without expecting a request for help. By providing support to others, you will increase your ability to cope with difficulties. This will make you feel more confident.

8. Remember your lessons from the past, analyze how you dealt with events then - this will help you develop confidence in your abilities to cope with future problems.

9. If you already have experience getting out of stressful situations, create a set of recovery measures for yourself (for example, spending time with close friends), and be prepared to repeat them if necessary.

10. Keep in mind that important decisions should be put on hold during recovery.

11. Strive for a healthy diet, exercise, do not forget about rest and ensure adequate sleep. This will help you avoid stress.

The main thing you must remember is that good emotional stability will help you cope with any troubles.

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Hello, Alexandra.

Don't be afraid of the "emptiness". Trust your body. It's reasonable. It is now trying to get rid of the accumulated blocked energy, which, not finding a way out, gives a feeling of gloom, melancholy, apathy, and loss of meaning in life. And when he finds a reason to lash out, it’s in the form of uncontrollable aggression.

You need catharsis: scream, rage, dance, shake your whole body until exhaustion, don’t restrain yourself, don’t suppress it. what comes out, but let some part of your consciousness be a little to the side and watch all this - this is important! Do 20-30 or 40 minutes. Then allow yourself to fall exhausted, lie quietly and listen to yourself, the emptiness, the silence inside. If you are not afraid of her, then she will give you very pleasant sensations, peace, relaxation... Open up to her. Let in a new fresh influx of energy.

It's better to do it with music. First frantic, with drums, and then quiet, relaxing. New age music will do.

In this way, you will free yourself from stagnant energy (unreleased anger, fears, resentment). This will help you. Do this every day for a week, longer if you can. If you like it, do it systematically. :-)

You can scream in a deserted place for 10-15 minutes, just ah-ah! from the heart, to the very bottom. 2-3-5 times. You can beat a pillow or something else. But always remain an observer, not controlling, not restraining, but observing, for example, like a stranger from the balcony of the 6th floor, who is not going to do anything, but sees and notices everything: what is happening to the body, how you scream.

If you can’t do it yourself, find information about Osho’s dynamic meditations, where they are conducted, practice in groups. Or a psychologist engaged in body-oriented psychotherapy.

This is not a disease. We just get used to it in everyday life and don’t notice it. that our mind chatters endlessly like a telephone exchange. And in the moments when he falls silent, silence or emptiness sets in, which frightens us out of habit. Stay in this emptiness, listen to your body, don't stay outside - take a step inside yourself. These may be important moments of awareness for you, filling you with something new.

Mandatory: first catharsis, and then relaxation.

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You can often hear complaints: someone has spent a lot of time and money communicating with psychologists, but has not gotten rid of depression, irritability, anxiety and frequent mood swings. In fact, sometimes emotions are literally caused by illness. In this case, it is important to contact a physician, surgeon or endocrinologist in a timely manner.

What are the causes of mood swings?

Any emotions, including sudden mood swings, are the result of neurophysiological processes in the brain. On the other hand, experience changes the level of brain activity and controls the endocrine, circulatory and respiratory systems. That is, it is impossible to say unambiguously whether sensory reactions cause physiological changes in the body or are themselves a consequence of these changes.

Neurologist Seph Kabirski explains: “Emotions trigger a response in the brain through complex pathways of hormonal response. And accordingly, our body reacts physically. For example, fear makes the heart beat faster. Few people have thought about this, but there is also an inverse relationship. Simply put, an increased heart rate is quite capable of causing a feeling of fear.” Thus, it is natural to conclude: if physiological changes occur (failure in the hormonal system, metabolic disorders), then they can also cause disturbances in the emotional sphere and cause the appearance of some unpleasant emotions. But how often do we build such a chain of thought? With constant obsessive feelings, at best, we turn to a psychologist, at worst, we start drinking self-prescribed sedatives.

Mood swings in women: causes

It is difficult to imagine a person who would be bothered by a constant feeling of joy or happiness. We are more likely to pay attention to manifestations of anger, irritation, sadness or bouts of fear. The experience of these emotions is quite unpleasant, which is why they are usually characterized as negative. And what can be even more frightening is the fact that they appeared as if out of nowhere, without objective reasons.

Most often, thyroid dysfunction is responsible for sudden mood swings. “Thyroid hormones have a significant impact on metabolism. Due to the increased production of hormones, all reactions in the body become more intense. As a result, a person becomes irritable,” explains Sef Kabirsky. Everyday troubles that you would not have paid attention to before now irritate you. And more serious problems can cause tears and even hysteria. And vice versa: if the intensity of hormone production decreases, the metabolism slows down - a person begins to react late to external stimuli, becomes lethargic, dull, sad, apathetic. In other words, he begins to believe that he has become depressed.

“Spasm of the bile ducts in the liver leads to an increase in the production of norepinephrine, the “hormone of anger,” explains the neurologist. Please note that such changes in behavior are usually short-lived. A person quickly starts up, but just as quickly cools down after the next outbreak.

And finally, feelings of fear can be provoked by typical problems with the cardiovascular system. High blood pressure and rapid heart rate cause the production of adrenaline, a hormone responsible for fear. You feel it.

Divide and conquer

In order not to treat a disease of the liver or endocrine system with the help of psychoanalysis, or depression with surgery, it’s worth figuring out what’s what.

Vlada Titova, psychiatrist, candidate of medical sciences, explains why psychologists cannot be blamed for negligence and unprofessionalism: “A psychologist cannot recognize the symptoms of endocrine or other disorders simply because this is not within his competence. Just like endocrinologists are not taught to treat caries, and gynecologists are not taught to relieve clients from depression. Moreover, without the consent of a doctor, a psychologist does not have the right to diagnose a mental disorder. After all, he is a psychologist, not a psychiatrist.” It often happens that even an experienced psychotherapist or psychiatrist does not immediately recognize the symptoms of diseases. Because they successfully disguise themselves as emotional or even mental disorders. Of course, there are other signs by which the disease is diagnosed. But often they fade into the background, becoming invisible to the person himself. In the initial stages of the disease, there may simply be no other symptoms other than emotions.

It is clear that it is simply impossible to remember all the signs of physiological diseases that can cause changes in the psychological state. And if, with every mood swing, you look for similar ones in the medical encyclopedia, you are not far from hypochondria. You need to assess the state of your body as a whole, without separating psychology and physiology. Remember when you first noticed some emotional changes in your behavior. Now think: how has your body changed during this time? Even minor signs, such as dry skin (not typical for you before and not associated with the cold season), can be the key to solving what is really happening to you and how to treat it.

It is important to remember: psychological problems arise in connection with certain external circumstances. Yes, these circumstances may be implicit, or a person suppresses memories of them, but most often he at least guesses about their existence. For physical illnesses, it is not so important whether your boyfriend left you or whether there are problems at work. Therefore, if you clearly feel changes in your emotional state, but do not see any reasons for mood swings, you should first consult an experienced doctor - a therapist, neurologist or endocrinologist, and also do a biochemical blood test.

TEXT: Pavel Koshyk

Experiencing and expressing emotions - being happy, upset, angry - is common to all people, regardless of gender, age and personal characteristics. If a person experiences emotional instability, which manifests itself in mood swings regardless of the circumstances, this disrupts the normal flow of life. Relationships within the family, among friends, at work deteriorate. If a person notices that a positive attitude is suddenly replaced by a feeling of depression, and then vice versa, if such changes become more frequent and occur without objective reasons, if they are accompanied by physiological symptoms, it is time to consult a doctor to identify their cause.

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    Mood and its changes

    Mood tends to change depending on the situation, since all emotions are temporary. Mood is a rather long-term emotional process that strives for stability. In a state of happiness or joy, a person does not notice the negative. And when he is sad or depressed, there is little to distract or interest him. Due to its duration, the mood does not have high intensity. It is a kind of general emotional background against which more intense mental processes take place.

    The transition from a positive attitude to sadness, depression, rage, or vice versa is natural if objective circumstances exist for this (I walked down the street sad - I found money - I was happy). Sharp changes in mood are characteristic of many people as a property of choleric temperament (I enthusiastically explained to my colleagues the essence of a new project - met with misunderstanding - got angry, slammed the door and left).

    When changes become unnaturally frequent and each state is short-lived, the disease is called a mood disorder. Its main symptom is a change of state when in a few minutes a person feels a range of emotions from the positive pole to the negative.

    The danger of mood swings is that a person goes to extremes, and at the moment of strong emotion, consciousness can completely turn off. A person behaves inappropriately, not realizing where he is and how to act.

    In addition to changes in emotional state several times a day, symptoms of affective disorder are more related to negative manifestations:

    • irritability, a tendency to judge, attacks of aggression literally “out of nowhere” (unevenly placed folders on a shelf, accidentally pushed by a passerby);
    • jealousy, suspicion, anxiety (the belief that people will definitely be robbed in transport, etc.);
    • memory problems, problems with concentration (constantly searching for the right things - keys, pens, mobile phone);
    • unpredictability, inappropriate behavior (unmotivated grievances, starting quarrels and squabbles in the family, at work);
    • feeling of sadness from despondency to complete hopelessness, depression;
    • the desire to isolate yourself from society and friends;
    • apathetic or passive attitude towards life;
    • suicidal thoughts.

    Disorders in the emotional sphere can be provoked by personal characteristics, a person’s established way of life and thoughts, and his age. Suspicion and suspiciousness as character traits, increased anxiety lead to the inability to build constructive relationships. Such a person will, voluntarily or unwittingly, create conflict situations rather than resolve them. Constantly being in this state deprives a person of emotional stability and weakens the nervous system.

    Causes of mood swings

    Mood swings are common in men, women and children, especially during adolescence. To date, the factors behind the development of this phenomenon have not been fully elucidated. The main reasons for this condition can be psychological and physiological.


    A common cause of sudden changes in mood is emotional immaturity, which in an adult can be the result of a lack of upbringing. Emotionally immature people, like children, do not know how to get out of a conflict with dignity, without quarrels with others and tears. Family troubles, problems at work, dramatic changes in life affect the frequent changes in their mood, which they demonstrate in communication.

    A state of constant anxiety, phobias, thoughts about the past with repeated experiences of failures and mistakes, fear of the future, which is seen in a negative light, tension from the expectation of some bad events leads to chronic neuroses and disorders of the emotional sphere.

    Sharp changes in mood accompany alcohol, drug, gaming and other types of addictions. Alcohol, psychotropic drugs, satisfying obsessive needs (playing, communicating on social networks, smoking) significantly increase the level of the hormone dopamine, which causes a feeling of joy. Over time, the body begins to produce smaller quantities, and the person feels the need for an increasingly larger dose. The inability to receive it causes irritation and aggression.

    In children, mood swings are a consequence of a lack of care, attention and love in the family. This is especially evident during periods of age-related crises - at 3 years and 6-7 years. Excessive control, prohibitions and excessive care, the desire to do everything for the child or, conversely, inflated demands cause rejection in the child in the form of stubbornness, uncontrollable behavior, and aggression.

    Kids are sensitive to the tense situation in the family, conflicts between father and mother, brothers and sisters and relatives living together. Children who are used to getting their parents' attention by crying, misbehaving, or hysterical behavior often carry these behavior patterns into adulthood. Subsequently, such people suffer from complex emotional disorders, and, as it manifests, mood swings.


    There is a version that mood swings can be caused by an imbalance of signaling chemicals - hormones. A person has organs, the normal functioning of which ensures stability of mood and adequacy of emotional reactions. Failures in their work affect their emotional state.

    Chemical imbalance in the body

    The thyroid gland, part of the endocrine system, produces thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which affects the functioning of the cardiovascular, reproductive and digestive systems, regulating many mental functions. Excess TSH makes a person irritable, nervous, and hot-tempered. Insufficient concentration reduces the metabolic rate in the body, causing lethargy, weakness, and depression.

    During puberty, at 11-15 years of age, a pubertal crisis occurs, when physical and physiological development proceeds with high intensity. Changes in muscle and vascular tone occur in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and cerebral blood supply. Sex hormones begin to influence the central nervous system of boys and girls, which leads to changes in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system: the threshold of excitability decreases. The slightest irritant, positive or negative, causes a sudden change in a teenager’s physical state, which manifests itself in excessive emotionality, irritability, and aggression.

    Pre- and postmenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause can cause mood swings in women. During these periods, levels of the hormones serotonin and dopamine, which control emotions, fluctuate significantly. During menopause, levels of the female sex hormone estrogen decrease, which also affects mood. Unmotivated attacks of anger, hysteria, and tearfulness appear in behavior.

    The condition is aggravated if a woman is dissatisfied with her appearance, has unsatisfied desires, and does not have a regular sex life. Chronic stress at work and tense family relationships increase the tendency to unstable behavior and mood.

    Fluctuations in hormone levels in women depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle

    When there are disorders of the cardiovascular system, such as tachycardia and hypertension, the production of adrenaline increases. This hormone prepares the body for an immediate physical response. In this regard, a person is overcome by a sudden attack of fear and anxiety.

    Spasm of the biliary tract, which occasionally occurs with diseases of the liver and gallbladder, provokes the release of norepinephrine, which causes outbursts of anger without an objective reason. In diabetes, the patient experiences mood changes in accordance with their blood sugar levels, from cheerful and positive to negative.

    Long-term use of medications, including contraceptives, can lead to chemical imbalances in the body.

    Mental disorders

    A fairly common cause of frequent mood swings is a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders. They can occur in people of any gender and age, regardless of social class. A mental disorder can be triggered by significant stress (from exams and job search to moving, serious illness, family tragedy).

    For weather-dependent people, weather fluctuations cause changes in their physical and emotional state. Neuropsychiatric manifestations are observed with brain tumors, meningitis, encephalitis, and cardiovascular diseases.

    Emotional disorders can be short-term and disappear without a trace after the end of internal or external influence. Sometimes they reach a critical degree and are expressed in the form of chronic neurosis, severe depression, etc.

    Frequent mood swings accompany the following conditions:

    • Panic attacks are attacks of uncontrollable fear, panic without an objective reason, lasting from 5 to 30 minutes. The feeling of anxiety may persist for a longer period of time. Often accompanied by excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat, nausea, dizziness, hand tremors, etc.
    • Borderline state is a mental disorder in which an individual cannot adapt to life in society and is unable and unwilling to communicate.
    • Hysterical personality disorder - characterized by an obsessive need to receive attention by screaming, inappropriate laughter, crying, and inappropriate behavior.
    • Cyclothymia and bipolar disorder (manic-depressive psychosis) - the patient experiences rapid transitions from euphoria to extreme sadness.
    • Dysthymia (mild stage of depression) and depression.

    The cause of emotional instability may be illness or pregnancy in women. If, along with mood swings, there are rapid weight changes (both loss and gain), disruption of the usual sleep and appetite cycle, menstrual irregularities in women, if shortness of breath, nausea and dizziness begin to bother you, hand tremors and other nervous tics appear, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Consultation with a therapist will be required; The diagnosis is made after visiting specialists: endocrinologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, psychotherapist.

    Without medical intervention on the cause of frequent mood swings, volitional efforts and the advice of a psychologist will not bring results. Self-administration of sedatives and antidepressants can significantly harm your health.

    Prevention and treatment

    Prevention of emotional disorders is a healthy lifestyle, activity, normal sleep and diet, appropriate physical activity, walking or working in the fresh air. A good remedy is your favorite hobby, various techniques of meditation and auto-training, breathing exercises, and yoga. For many people, this helps restore their psycho-emotional background and overcome stress and troubles. If possible, you should consume food containing many vitamins and microelements.

    Proper education from an early age is of great importance. Parents should pay sufficient attention to the emotional state of the child, at any age, treat him as an individual, respect his preferences and listen to his opinion.

    In upbringing, it is necessary to be consistent, not to allow disordered actions of parents and other relatives (father and mother forbid drinking soda, but grandmother allows it). If this is practiced, the child will very quickly learn to be resourceful and will use all means to satisfy his whims. This has a negative impact on personal and mental development.

    The period of puberty of a child is a time of special attention, patience and strong-willed efforts on the part of parents. It is necessary to try to treat the teenager as an adult, respect his right to choose friends, music, clothes, entertainment and other activities. Prohibitions and restrictions are clearly stated with reasons why they are necessary. Every effort should be made to build a trusting relationship with your son or daughter. Then there is a chance to go through a difficult period together with a teenager, and not on opposite sides of the barricade.

    Sedatives, nootropic drugs, antidepressants, tranquilizers are potent medications. Some of them are addictive. It is unacceptable to start treatment with them on your own, on the advice of friends or because they have already helped once.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...



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