Main signs of pregnancy in cats. How to find out if a cat is pregnant after mating: primary and secondary signs of pregnancy

After a beloved cat ends her heat or time passes after the planned mating with a cat, any owner will be puzzled by whether his pet is pregnant. Early determination of this interesting situation will allow the owner to provide comfortable conditions for the cat, allow him to calculate the approximate due date and, if necessary, exclude diseases and pathologies. When determining pregnancy, the owner of the pussy can prepare in advance for the addition to the family.

Facts about cat pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy and how to tell if your cat is pregnant?

How define, is the cat pregnant? It's not as difficult as it seems. It is possible to recognize the first signs no earlier than 21 days after conception. Until this time, no external signs are observed.

Three to four weeks after the planned mating, the female’s appetite. The cat is constantly hungry. This is due to the fact that the body's needs many times increase due to the active development of embryos.

A common symptom of pregnancy in cats is nausea and vomiting. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background of the animal changes, and also due to the enlargement of the uterus, some internal organs are compressed. But the animal vomits, as a rule, in the initial stages. After some time, she adapts and everything returns to normal.

Many cat owners expect a characteristic enlargement of the abdomen after mating, which is the most noticeable visual sign, but this only appears later five weeks pregnant. The animal is significantly rounded, this is especially noticeable in short-haired cats.

If the female has a fluffy coat, then her belly may not be noticeable even after the fifth week. In this case, it can help to determine pregnancy palpation belly.

An experienced owner can easily determine the interesting position of his pet by palpating the abdomen. You just have to do it extremely Be careful, as one awkward movement can easily cause a miscarriage or harm the cat. If the owner is inexperienced in such a study, then it is best to contact a specialist at a veterinary clinic.

Another visual sign is a change dairy iron Experienced owners know that the normal color of the female’s nipples does not differ from the color of the skin; after fertilization occurs, the mammary glands change. 3-4 weeks after conception, the female’s nipples enlarge and become bright pink or red.

Sometimes it happens that only some nipples change. This is considered the norm.

If the cat is young and gives birth for the first time, then these changes are especially pronounced. The color of the nipples becomes very intense. In late pregnancy, colostrum may leak from the nipple.

During pregnancy, a cat changes not only on the physical level, it also changes character. A pregnant female constantly tries to attract the attention of her owner and constantly demands affection.

However, if the cat in the house is not her, but there are other inhabitants, then the pregnant mother may be extremely sensitive towards them. aggressively.

One of the obvious signs of pregnancy in a furry pet is its constant drowsiness. The animal sleeps almost constantly; it becomes much less active than usual.

It is worth saying that the cessation of estrus does not mean successful conception, but this can also be an indicator if other signs are present.

Determining the fertilization of your favorite cat is actually not difficult. In the last stages of a cat's pregnancy, the animal nests.

This usually occurs three weeks before the due date. The cat is actively looking for a warm, cozy place and also hides in quiet corners.

Diagnosis of pregnancy

Despite the abundance of visual signs by which the owner can determine the pregnancy of his cat, they are not exclusively reliable. How to understand that a cat is pregnant?

Early diagnosis of pregnancy is beyond the capabilities of even experienced veterinarians. It is possible to diagnose the interesting position of your pet no earlier than twenty days after the expected conception.

To obtain reliable information, you should specialized ultrasound examination, which will give a 100% answer to the question of interest.

Before performing an ultrasound, the cat must prepare. Your veterinarian will definitely tell you about this. An ultrasound will not only confirm that the cat is pregnant, but will also answer the question of how many kittens the expectant mother is expecting. This study will also show possible developmental pathologies and allow timely assistance if necessary.

Some breeders wonder how to find out if a pet is pregnant using tests? Naturally, we are not talking about tests that women use. Currently, it is quite possible to find a test for cats and dogs in veterinary pharmacies.

However, this method does not give one hundred percent confidence in the result. With a disease such as an ovarian cyst, the test may show a positive result, which will false.

False cat pregnancy

It often happens that cat owners notice many signs of a cat's pregnancy, but after a while, birth does not occur. This situation is called by veterinarians “ false pregnancy" This pathology affects both the mental and hormonal systems of the animal. An unfertilized female experiences all the signs of impregnation.

The reasons for such a pathological false pregnancy:

  • mating with a neutered or unproductive cat;
  • improper functioning of the hormonal system;
  • stress in the animal;
  • living in the same area with another pregnant cat.

During a false pregnancy, the animal also eats a lot, moves little and requires attention. Two months after the expected mating, the animal nests. She may even experience belly growth and may even have colostrum coming out of her nipples. In general, all the signs are the same as those of a true pregnancy.

This situation makes it very difficult to detect the pathology in a timely manner due to the fact that many owners, seeing symptoms of pregnancy, refuse an ultrasound. A false pregnancy can only be diagnosed vet, based on the results of an ultrasound examination of the uterus.

This study determines the absence of embryos in the uterus and the presence of pathology. Treatment will be carried out by a qualified veterinarian. Therapy will depend on the cause of the false pregnancy. Often have to use hormonal drugs.

To determine a false pregnancy by ultrasound, the cat should be brought to the veterinarian 4 weeks after the expected conception.

Timely diagnostics pregnancy in a cat will allow the owner to create the necessary comfortable conditions for the pet, eliminate possible pathologies and get healthy offspring after birth.

The time comes and your furry pet grows up, demanding communication with the opposite sex. This is where the fun begins: the date with the cat took place, but how can you tell that the cat is pregnant? A number of signs and symptoms that you will learn about from our article will be the correct answer to this difficult question.


Signs of early pregnancy

Waiting for kittens is a condition that almost every cat experiences, whose owners are determined to “replenish” the family and have bred. Like any process occurring in the body, pregnancy is associated with changes in the animal’s mood, behavior and appearance. Sometimes it is difficult for owners, especially inexperienced ones, to determine whether a cat is planning to have kittens. Fortunately, there are a number of signs that can help loving owners decide whether their pet will become a mother, and find out this in the early stages.

Termination of heat


If before pregnancy your pet was playful and active, then after mating you may notice that she began to lie down on her bedding for a long time. The animal's sleepy state is caused by changes in the hormonal system. This process is also accompanied by weakness. If you see a similar symptom in your pet, do not rush to get scared - most likely, your pet is not sick, but is simply expecting kittens.

Change in appetite

In the early stages of pregnancy, it happens that the cat eats too little. In addition, she may feel nauseous, which is typical during this difficult period for her. Fortunately, nothing lasts forever, so vomiting does not last long, and not all cats have it.

Late signs of pregnancy

It may happen that you did not immediately notice changes in the behavior of your furry pet, because the first signs of pregnancy in cats may not be too bright. Don't worry: you still have time to prepare for the joyful event - the appearance of kittens. However, if you are still wondering how to find out that a cat is pregnant, its state in the later stages will certainly help you decide.

Weight gain, overeating

If at the beginning of the path to future motherhood the striped pet did not show much love for food and ate little by little, then after several weeks of pregnancy her appetite becomes simply brutal. This can be determined by the amount of food eaten in the bowl, which will be required much more than usual.

Abdominal enlargement

After several weeks of pregnancy, your cat's belly will certainly begin to grow, which is the main sign of her condition. Due to the increase in the size of the kittens, they will soon be able to be felt, but this must be done very carefully, because the babies are very vulnerable.

Changing nipple size

If at the beginning of pregnancy the cat may only have redness in this area, then in the later stages you may notice an enlargement of the nipples. This is due to the fact that the cat will have to feed the kittens milk and the body is already preparing for this. This sign makes it possible to determine the pregnancy of a pet almost certainly a couple of weeks after fertilization.

Uncharacteristic behavior

As we noted earlier, hormonal levels, which invariably change during pregnancy, especially the first, can also affect the cat’s behavior. So, if she was previously uncommunicative and prone to loneliness at home, now the pet can become affectionate and demand reciprocal attention. After fertilization, many cats tend to care for someone (such as other pets in your home). The opposite situation also happens, when a once affectionate cat becomes aggressive and hides in the corners. There is nothing wrong with this: she only protects her offspring from imaginary enemies.


Speaking about what other signs of pregnancy there are in cats, we can also note the animal’s unusual desire to create a safe territory for future kittens. As a rule, the “nest” in which she and the babies will be is chosen very carefully: warm, without drafts, in silence. At this stage, the owner should be careful, as the animal may well take a fancy to his bed. After pregnancy, the pet is sensitive to everything related to the safety of the kittens, so a warm place on the owner’s bed will suit her quite well. Well, it’s important not to miss this moment and help your cat set up a “nest” for kittens away from your bedroom.

If for one reason or another you still doubt that your pet is pregnant, it makes sense to consult a veterinarian. The doctor will not only accurately answer this question, but also, with the help of modern technologies, will determine how many kittens the expectant mother is carrying. In addition, after the examination, the doctor will rule out the possibility of cat diseases (some diseases may cause symptoms such as excess weight and abdominal enlargement) and the so-called false pregnancy, in which all the signs are present, but there are still no embryos.

If the cat’s “interesting position” is confirmed, the specialist will tell you how to care for your pet during pregnancy and after birth. Paying close attention to your beloved cat will help you not only make sure whether kittens are planned, but also take proper care of the expectant mother and her furry babies.

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If a healthy cat lives in your house, then sooner or later she will give you her numerous offspring. So what to do? You can't go against nature. Only extraordinary circumstances can keep a pussy from a selfless search for a partner and an equally selfless act of love, such as being in a locked iron cage, cast iron chains with which it is chained to a radiator, or a sudden decision by the owners to sterilize their pet.

However, only sterilization gives a 100% result. And even if your cat does not have the opportunity to contact individuals of the opposite sex, then sooner or later she will still run away from the house (it is possible that irrevocably), or this same individual will secretly and insidiously penetrate into your house, attracted by the inviting meow of your cat. recluses. So, no matter how you guard, you will still keep watch and you will rack your brains: is the suffering woman pregnant, or has God had mercy?

In the opposite situation, some cat owners also puzzle over this issue, eagerly awaiting the birth of offspring of aristocratic feline blood. That is, they seemed to have chosen a purebred groom, and everything turned out just right for them, but doubts are tormenting him. And I really want to figure out what to spend the money on from the sold thoroughbred aristocrats. Well, if it is vital for you to resolve doubts about your cat’s pregnancy, then let’s figure out how to find out whether she is pregnant or not.

The first (implicit) signs of pregnancy

Let’s immediately make a reservation that in the first three weeks you will not be able to get a definite answer to the question about your cat’s pregnancy. Even in a veterinary clinic they will not help you with anything: an ultrasound will not show anything, the doctor will not probe anything. However, if your pussy walks on its own, then be sure that the period of the next heat ended happily (for her) or, rather, fruitfully. There’s no point in guessing here: whether there are any signs or not, and in nine weeks your house will be filled with the sound of newborn kittens squeaking.

And it often happens that the owners are simply not sure that the act of love took place at all. This especially often applies to those moments when the cat is specially taken to the cat for these purposes. However, experienced breeders (people involved in professional breeding of purebred cats) noticed the following features.

  • If, immediately after a visit to the groom, the cat returned home resumes its love songs (asks to return to the cat), then, most likely, the wedding night took place, and you can hope for kittens.
  • If the cat’s inviting cries resumed a week after returning from the groom, then nothing worked, and the cat, realizing that she never became pregnant, requires a second visit.
  • If a cat’s heat quickly stops after communicating with her partner, then with a high degree of probability, a litter can be expected.
  • If, after a love rendezvous, the cat has stopped giving any signs of its desire to become a mommy, then most likely the goal has been achieved.
But this is all, of course, just the overall experience of cat owners and conclusions drawn from observations. In fact, this behavior of a cat may not indicate anything other than its bad character. And yet, sometimes (and often!) these signs turn out to be true.

And one more phenomenal observation. If you (the owner) resist with every fiber of your soul the replenishment of your cat family, then rest assured that after the first mating your kitty will become pregnant. If, on the contrary, you sleep and see your cat pregnant, then your dreams will remain dreams for a very long time. Are they doing everything to spite us on purpose?

Clear signs of pregnancy

It is possible to determine whether a cat is clearly pregnant only three weeks after conception. The very first, most obvious and most textbook sign is a change in the color and size of the nipples. The cat's nipples swell slightly and turn pink. This happens towards the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, when the embryos already reach a size of one or two centimeters.

During this same period, an experienced one will be able to palpate and determine not only the presence of kittens, but even their number. By the third week of pregnancy, a cat’s tummy also increases slightly, but it is almost impossible to notice. The hormonal levels are already noticeably changing (for a cat), so the pussy may suffer from morning sickness.

A sharp change in behavior also indicates an interesting situation for your pet. An ultrasound performed at this particular time will help you find out for sure that your cat is pregnant.

Only from the second half of pregnancy do signs of your cat's interesting position become visible to the naked eye. From the fourth week, kittens begin to develop and grow intensively, so the belly of a pregnant cat grows noticeably and quickly. You can already feel the movement of the kittens with your palm, and if there are a lot of them, then you can see it. True, in cats that bear only one or two cubs, the belly does not increase much.

Pregnancy also affects the behavior of the animal. Many cats become calmer and more indifferent to current events. They sleep a lot and for a long time (longer than usual), constantly and persistently demanding attention and affection. In general, pregnant cats become more tender not only towards people, but also towards other animals living in the same house with them. Towards the end of pregnancy, the cat's nipples begin to droop, the belly becomes noticeably larger, and the cat itself tries to find a place for the upcoming birth.

To be fair, it is worth noting that some cats do not change their constitution throughout pregnancy. And in some long-haired breeds it is difficult to see not only changes in the color and size of the nipples, but the nipples themselves are problematic to find. Therefore, sometimes it can be quite difficult to distinguish a pregnant kitty from a non-pregnant one. And here only ultrasound examination will help to dot all the i’s.

It is worth noting

  • Human pregnancy tests don't work on animals! So don't try to determine if your cat is pregnant with this test.
  • You can reliably and 100% know about pregnancy or its absence only with the help of an ultrasound examination.
  • False pregnancy in cats is very rare, and in veterinary medicine it is classified as a neuropsychiatric disease.

Almost every owner of a cat that has not been spayed should know more about pregnancy and childbirth. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the signs of impending heat, how long pregnant cats walk, and how to determine whether a cat is pregnant. In fact, there are a lot of questions.

Before the belly of your beloved meowing pet begins to round, you can guess from some signs that furry babies will soon appear in the house. For example, the animal’s appetite increases. This is due to the fact that kittens begin to grow inside it, which require a huge amount of nutrients.

So the animal tries to gain the necessary amounts of vitamins and minerals by absorbing large volumes of food. However, overfeeding is undesirable. This will lead to obesity for both the pregnant purr and her babies. Although in the first weeks there may be “toxicosis”: refusal to eat, nausea, and sometimes even vomiting.

When a cat is pregnant, she becomes more careful and runs less. Literally from the first weeks she is more careful. If you examine the nipples, they change color and become redder. They can even fill up and increase in size. Just don’t try to express colostrum from them.

You can also determine if a cat is pregnant by changes in behavior. “Firstborns” usually become more wild, aggressive, and defensive. In general, they can be understood. Hormonal levels change. This condition is new to them; they do not yet fully understand that this is happening to them. But multiparous women may, on the contrary, be distinguished by more affectionate and gentle behavior.

How long do pregnant cats walk?

Now let's talk about how long a pregnant cat carries her offspring. Knowing about this period, you can guess how soon babies will appear in your home. This will help owners prepare a bed for a cat who has given birth, as well as her kittens. Maybe even start looking for potential owners for the newborn furbabies.

There are no clear limits on how long a cat is pregnant. Much depends on the breed, age, how many pregnancies and births there were. Also on living conditions, access to food, absence or presence of stress. On average, kitten gestation lasts from 58 to 72 days.

In some cases, a pregnant cat can produce both normal healthy kittens and premature ones in one litter. This happens because a cat releases several eggs during heat, and they can be released on different days. In addition, there can be several father cats. Hence the different ages of the embryos and, as a consequence, the kittens.

How to care for a pregnant cat

Now that you know how long a pregnant cat carries her babies, you can prepare for a happy day. Provide her with a place to give birth and nurse her kittens. . Choose a secluded place so that there are no drafts and prying eyes do not disturb the animal. In general, the cat will begin to nest itself when the time comes. But you can help her by using old sheets or fabrics to keep her warm and comfortable.


Make sure you have access to food and water. It is best to place it near the “nest” so that the pet is not afraid to be separated from the kids. After all, if the bowl is nearby, the expectant mother will eat much more calmly. Try not to disturb the animal. Do not carry in your arms, do not press on your stomach (no matter how long). Eliminate stress as much as possible.

The diet should be complete, balanced and low-fat.

In veterinary pharmacies you can purchase special multivitamins that are added to water. This way you will provide both the cat and the unborn kittens with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

During pregnancy, you should not give your pet any laxatives, dewormers, or antibacterial/antiviral medications without your veterinarian's permission. Only a specialist can decide that the harm from medications will be lower than if they are not used.

Comfort and safety

Provide your pregnant beauty with comfort and safety.

Keep away from children and other animals.

Even if the expectant mother has been friends with other cats (or even a dog) for a long time, their relationship can change dramatically during pregnancy. A pregnant cat will protect herself and her future offspring. Although the cat is pregnant, she is not sick. There’s no point in blowing any specks of dust off of it. You'll be spoiled. But you should take care of her. Try to remove breakable items from shelves so that your clumsy pet doesn't get caught during his travels.

Don't hurt your pet. Don't chase, don't shout, especially don't hit.

Don't let him sit on the window.

During pregnancy, the ligaments and muscles relax, the pet is too clumsy. If earlier he could sit calmly, maintaining balance, then while bearing offspring, a pregnant cat may fall. Better to play it safe.

There are many different ways to tell if a cat is pregnant. This can be done either independently, knowing the main external signs of pregnancy, or by resorting to the help of veterinary specialists and laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods.

How to determine if a cat is pregnant?

How to understand that a cat is pregnant at home? Answer: through observation and analysis of external signs. Such manifestations include:

  • cessation of estrus within a new day after mating (one of the first signs of a successful mating);
  • general calming of the cat;
  • increased affection;
  • increased appetite;
  • from 3-4 weeks a rounding of the abdomen is noticed(the belly from excess weight grows along with the body, the paws and neck increase in size, during pregnancy - one belly);
  • nipples- the moment the abdomen begins to grow, the nipples of the mammary glands become redder;
  • movement- from the 28th-30th day, wave-like movements are felt in the stomach under the palms attached to it - confirmation of the presence of kittens by movements.

False pregnancy also has the listed signs (except for fetal movement). Therefore, if, after detecting all the signs of a possible pregnancy, potential movements of the kittens were not noticed at the established period, you should definitely show the cat to the veterinarian!

How long can you tell when a cat is pregnant?

If on your own, then no earlier than a month after fertilization (28-30 days), when the belly begins to enlarge and all the “pregnant” signs appear as clearly as possible - calmness, increased appetite, swelling and redness of the nipples.

  • The earliest time a veterinarian can determine pregnancy is 20 days from the moment of possible fertilization. At this time, you can already do an ultrasound.
  • In 25 days You can do a blood test for relaxin (a unique pregnancy hormone in dogs and cats), and at 25-28 days, palpate to determine the presence of fetuses in the uterus. X-ray will show pregnancy no earlier than 40 days.

The earliest signs of pregnancy – what to look out for?

Any specific signs of pregnancy for up to 1 month no pregnancy. There are symptoms that allow the owner to only suspect the appearance of kittens in the future (subject to successful coverage by the cat). You can tell that a cat is pregnant if she has:

  • a sharp change in active behavior to a calmer, more flexible one;
  • excessive affection;
  • increased appetite;
  • periodic vomiting, nausea (should not affect the general condition of the animal);
  • change in color of the nipples towards a more saturated color (especially typical for primiparous cats);
  • The cat sleeps almost constantly.

Based on the listed signs, one can suspect that the cat is pregnant. If, over time, the growth of the abdomen and the movement of the fetus are added to this, there is no doubt that Murka will soon become a mother.

Is there a pregnancy test for cats?

In the format in which many owners imagine the very concept of a “pregnancy test” when they hear this phrase, no. It is not possible to find out if a cat is pregnant in the early stages using a pregnancy test. Tests used by women for cats are not suitable for one simple reason - the body of cats and dogs does not produce the same control human hormone hCG (chorionic gonadotropin), which is determined there.

It simply doesn't exist. But it is produced relaxin hormone. Using it, from the 25th day of pregnancy, the truth of the condition is determined. This is an express method for determining the placenta in the body using blood. Time to do it takes 10-20 minutes with the blood sampling process. This method is also used to separate false pregnancies from real ones.

Why detect a cat’s pregnancy in the early stages?

There are two options:

  • to have time to prepare for the process of the birth of kittens in the family and
  • to timely terminate a pregnancy by sterilization when the offspring are undesirable.

If the pregnancy is desired, the owner surrounds the cat with care, promptly changes the diet, provides proper care and living conditions in this state almost from the first weeks when the pregnancy is detected.

When the condition is undesirable or unexpected (sudden uncontrolled mating), the sooner it is detected, the safer the operation will be. In the later stages, it is rare that a doctor will undertake such an operation. This is risky for the life of the cat itself.

Determination methods in a veterinary clinic

Of course, veterinarians have a wider range of methods for determining pregnancy, the reliable results of which they rely on. These methods include:

  • external examination of the animal;
  • palpation (correct palpation) of the abdomen;
  • laboratory analyzes of biological fluids;
  • X-ray.

External examination of the cat

The doctor conducts a detailed examination of the pregnant cat, noting those signs of pregnancy that become noticeable to the naked eye by 2 months. By inspection, determine:

  • enlarged abdomen, tremors inside the fetus;
  • swelling of the mammary glands, changing the color of the nipples to a more intense one;
  • calm, measured behavior of the cat, despite the fact that it is in a veterinary clinic, and a stranger (veterinarian) touches it.

Feeling the abdomen (palpation)

The cat is placed on the examination table on all fours, calmed down by stroking and gentle conversation. Some squatting of the animal is allowed, but do not let it lie down. The veterinarian places his palms on both sides of the stomach, gently starting to palpate along the line along the spine to the lumbar vertebrae. An experienced doctor can easily feel the horns of the uterus, which feel like compactions to the touch, slightly larger than a walnut (after 21-25 days of the expected pregnancy). If you brought a cat in deep pregnancy, the doctor can clearly palpate individual fetuses.

It is forbidden to carry out palpation on your own without proper experience with the skills! Any excessive pressure or unsuccessful pressure can lead to abortion, premature birth and death of the kittens.

Lab tests

This research method is carried out by veterinary laboratories. The veterinarian sends venous blood and urine collected through a catheter or brought by the owner. How to determine the gestational age of a cat using tests?

A lot of different transformations occur in the body during pregnancy, which are informatively reflected in the indicators of urine and blood tests. A biochemical analysis will show a complete picture of the cat’s physiological state, including the “fertilized” position.

Cats do not produce the pregnancy hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) like women do. This analysis is not performed in small animals.

  • The cat's placenta produces the hormone relaxin, which is determined in the blood by special rapid tests.
  • It is recommended that this analysis be carried out no earlier than 25 days after the expected fertilization.
  • From this period, the placenta begins to lay, and the hormone begins to be produced.
  • This test is also used to separate false pregnancy from true pregnancy (false pregnancy occurs without the production of a hormone in the blood).
  • The test result is usually ready within 10 minutes.
  • One caveat is that an ovarian cyst can give a false result, so if doubts remain, it is better to add an ultrasound.

Laboratory tests of urine to determine pregnancy are not carried out. Fluctuations in indicators are not specific and can be confused with indicators during the period of occurrence of any pathologies. The analysis also involves some difficulties in collecting material.

Ultrasound (ultrasound sonography)

It is considered one of the most informative methods with which you can determine the pregnancy of a cat. Areas of potential contact with the ultrasonic transducer should be trimmed (on both sides of the linea alba).

Depending on the power of the device, you can see kittens inside and register their heartbeat. 20 days after the expected mating, fruits can be detected, and after 28, the presence of motor reflexes, possible malformations, and their viability. There is no point in performing an ultrasound earlier.


A rather harmful way to determine pregnancy in cats. Almost universally used before the advent of ultrasound. With the help of X-rays at the very latest stages, you can see the exact number of kittens (counted by skulls). Pregnancy itself cannot be determined by x-ray.

Until day 40, when the kittens have not developed a spine, the image will only show an enlarged uterus, but not the cause of this enlargement. This means that it is impossible to distinguish uterine pathologies from a normal pregnancy using an x-ray before 1.5 months. Now this method of examination is used extremely rarely and exclusively for special indications, when ultrasound does not provide the necessary information.

When to urgently contact a veterinarian

Any condition of the cat that attracts the owner’s attention and seems unusual should be the reason for a consultation or visit to the veterinarian. Especially when one of the following manifestations is noted:

  1. The appearance of any unexplained protrusions between the nipples that were not there before. This is especially true for the place between the penultimate and last pair.
  2. Discharge of blood clots or just blood from the genitals.
  3. Excessive anxiety of a cat, when it seems that the animal cannot find a place for itself: it will lie down, get up, try to lie down again, get up again.
  4. The appetite completely disappears, the pet refuses to drink, there is apathy, weakness, and lack of initiative in relation to what is happening around.
  5. Towards the end of pregnancy, the abdomen acquires unusual, irregular shapes and outlines, becomes barrel-shaped hard, and when lightly tapping the abdominal wall with your fingers, a dull sound is heard. The loop is swollen and very red.
  6. There are either no training contractions, or they are very weak, and the uterus is unchanged, taking into account the fact that dilatation should already occur.
  7. There was a miscarriage, rapid labor began, and bleeding began.
  8. Abdominal growth is observed without other signs of pregnancy and fetal movements.


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