Unique fresh cabbage: benefits and harm. A natural miracle healer for many ailments - fresh cabbage, healthy and proper food

Hello, dear blog readers! Each of us, those who want to eat, thinks about which foods are worth eating and which to avoid due to their calorie content. One of these healthy and, of course, harmless products for your figure is cabbage. Yes, yes, the usual one, the one that grows in the garden and costs a penny even in supermarkets. Let's check how suitable cabbage is for weight loss and how we can use it in this role.

Why does it help you lose weight?

Oh, there are enough of them to put this vegetable at the forefront. Who said that bread is the boss of everything? For those losing weight, cabbage is the head, legs, and arms... Perhaps I got carried away :)

  1. It contains very few calories. Well, is 25 kcal per 100 grams something significant? Yes, you can eat a whole head of cabbage and your waist won’t lose anything!
  2. She's helpful. Like any other vegetable with such fiber content, it has a good effect on digestion and is a kind of “brush” for gastrointestinal tract: takes with it various toxins and cleanses the body. No wonder she appears in the lineup. It also contains phosphorus, which supports teeth and bones healthy condition, and vitamin A, which is famous for its benefits for the skin, vitamin C (there’s no need to even say anything here, everyone knows everything about it).
  3. Despite his low calorie content, noble cabbage has high coefficient satiation, as it contains coarse plant fibers that fill the stomach well. I usually need a bowl of coleslaw to keep me from feeling hungry for 3-4 hours. This is such a great feature!
  4. There are rumors (and they are also not groundless) that a cabbage diet promotes rapid and intense weight loss of almost a kilogram a day. Another thing is that these do not provide any benefit to the body.

Cons and contraindications

They are also there:

  1. Flatulence, colic, bloating. This may only apply to fresh cabbage, but some people experience discomfort even after eating boiled or stewed cabbage. Therefore, frequent and intensive use of cabbage in food is contraindicated for people with stomach problems. And also pregnant fresh cabbage not recommended, especially if consumed with fanaticism - during flatulence, the intestines expand and put pressure on the uterus. This can trigger premature birth.
  2. Cabbage contains a lot of mineral salts, and, as you know, salts can form “deposits” in the body and even cause joint diseases.
  3. We add the previous point to this: a long-term diet, headed by cabbage, is harmful. First, the weight lost on the mono diet will come back within a few weeks. Secondly, the taste of cabbage will become disgusting to you. Thirdly, those same mineral salts– unsafe.
  4. Also, those who have kidney and liver diseases in the acute stage should not indulge in cabbage.

Which variety is best for weight loss?

You can have all varieties, each of them helps you lose weight! The main thing is not to get carried away with gas stations, fatty additives and too much salt.

Which form is best to eat?

It is clear that broccoli casserole with cheese or deep fried cauliflower are unlikely to lead to the desired loss of centimeters in the waist - too much fat, which negates all the benefits of the vegetable.

Therefore, let’s determine what types there are to lose weight:

  1. Raw. The simplest and incredibly useful option.
  2. Pickled. The downside is that fermentation uses a considerable amount of salt - this retains liquid. But vitamin C, which is so important for general health, and for slimness - in in full force. By the way, you can soak pickled vegetables in boiled water- this way some of the salt is removed. But in any case, eating sauerkraut at night is fraught with morning swelling.
  3. Pickled. This is where disappointment awaits us - vegetables in the vinegar marinade are deprived valuable substances. Essentially, these are dead vegetables, with only coarse fiber. In addition, vinegar itself is harmful to the stomach.
  4. Boiled and stewed. Very useful, but only vitamin C is destroyed. In my opinion, the most delicious options, just don’t overuse oil when stewing.

We figured out the species. But what can we cook that’s so delicious? Can’t we just eat “naked” cabbage?

Salads for a slim waist

No one can dispute the fact that they are healthy, low in calories, and if you use your imagination, they are also tasty.


It's easy and quick to prepare. Take a few raw carrots and half a head of cabbage. We chop the whole thing on a medium grater (you can chop it finely). Salt. Season with 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil (olive oil is recommended). Add greens to taste (preferably fresh).

Celery salad

You will need a couple of celery stalks, half a head of cabbage, 3 cucumbers, 2 onions (medium size). Everything crumbles, refueling vegetable oil(2-3 teaspoons).

With beets

You need 200 grams of cabbage (about one fourth of a head of cabbage), 1 beet, 2 carrots. Chop the cabbage and grate the remaining vegetables. Season with lemon juice.

Soups to fill you up and reduce your appetite

They will be useful to those who were attacked by the notorious comrade “zhor”. Soups with the addition of cabbage perfectly deceive the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness with little calorie content. In addition, liquid food is much healthier for digestive system, than hard, even our grandmothers know about this.

Celery soup

We will need half a head of cabbage, a couple of medium-sized tomatoes, 1 green pepper, 3 onions, celery greens. The vegetables will need to be chopped. Place everything except the celery in a saucepan with already boiling water (don’t forget to add salt) and cook until soft. At the end, add the greens and you are ready to eat.

You will find more options in the article about.

Bean soup

Again, half a head of cabbage, 3 larger carrots, 1 handful of beans (2 are possible), 3 onions, 2 tomatoes and a love for vegetables. We chop all the objects and wait until the vegetables in our broth become soft. Bean soup is more filling than the previous version.

Provided you have the Internet and a thirst for new knowledge, you can find many more recipes, to suit your taste. But I’ve posted the simplest ones here – it’s really not difficult, is it? They are also the most dietary.

Nutritionists' opinions on the cabbage diet

Remember when I wrote that it is harmful? It is strict and mono-(that is, it contains a couple of products and that’s it), and such diets will not lead to anything good (although reviews may say the opposite, but read the stories of the same people in a month).

  1. There are not enough nutrients (protein, calcium and many other microelements), which results in weakness and health problems.
  2. Metabolism slows down, which has a bad effect on the body’s ability to lose weight: on the contrary, it begins to accumulate fat and try to snatch every calorie from what you eat.
  3. There is a persistent disgust for such useful product, flatulence may (and most likely definitely) occur - we all know how unpleasant and sometimes painful it is to walk around inflated like a balloon.

So, comrades who are losing weight, our cabbage is certainly healthy. But it’s not worth eating only it, turning into a hare. Eat with pleasure and don’t starve yourself with diets - life is so short and wonderful!

For a snack, let's see how Elena Malysheva compares cabbage and seaweed - including for weight loss purposes. Who will win? Unexpected result in the video:

Is it possible to get better from cabbage?

A strange question, it would seem - the vegetable is low-calorie. But no, a person can really gain weight by eating cabbage. There are 3 reasons for this:

  1. Cabbage can cause flatulence. Of course it's not extra pounds, but the stomach sticks out, and therefore the person thinks that he is getting fat. The solution to the problem is simple - if you notice such a reaction to a seemingly healthy vegetable, eat it in minimum quantities or refuse altogether. It's not for your digestion.
  2. Sauerkraut, for all its usefulness, can cause swelling - it contains too much salt. Swelling is also additional centimeters that can be mistaken for excess weight. But this is not him - in this case you need to be more careful with salted, smoked, pickled and fermented dishes.
  3. Cabbage can be consumed with a lot of oil - this really provokes weight gain. Moreover, people are sure that they eat stewed vegetable. No, gentlemen, stewed is without oil. Fried with oil, i.e. extremely harmful to the figure.

In short, be careful.

Cabbage is considered one of the oldest vegetable crops on the planet and has over a hundred varieties and subspecies. This vegetable is different high content antioxidants and other beneficial substances. Thanks to this composition, regular consumption of cabbage helps improve immunity and vitality body. Interestingly, any type of cabbage helps to heal the body and cleanse it of toxins and waste, but the most effective for weight loss is white cabbage.

The composition of cabbage and its benefits for weight loss

Depending on the variety, cabbage can be considered a rich source of fiber, folic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, cobalt, zinc, copper, lysozyme, phytoncides, enzymes, organic acids, as well as vitamins C, A, K and B6. This composition makes this vegetable an excellent addition to almost any diet.

It is generally accepted that white cabbage is most effective for weight loss. 100 g of such cabbage contains only 20 kcal. It quickly fills the stomach, providing a long-lasting feeling of fullness. White cabbage is called a “negative calorie vegetable,” meaning the body has to expend much more energy to digest it than it receives from consuming it.

This cabbage contains antioxidants glucosinolates, which activate the process of weight loss and make muscles more resilient during physical activity. In addition, they encourage the human body to use fat cells as the main source of energy.

Losing weight with white cabbage is quite simple, and the length of such a diet can vary from 3 to 10 days. According to reviews of cabbage for weight loss, in just a few days of diet you can get rid of 3-5 kg excess weight. White cabbage is included in the most different diets aimed at losing weight and improving the health of the body. It is used to prepare soups, stews, salads, juices and many other dishes.

Cabbage salad for weight loss

Raw cabbage is most often used to make salads. They can be refilled with apple cider vinegar, olive oil, soy sauce or lemon juice. Cabbage salads are not recommended to be salted or seasoned with mayonnaise. To improve taste qualities dishes, you can add coriander, chili pepper, cinnamon and cumin to it.

Cabbage salad for weight loss is usually complemented raw carrots, boiled beets, pineapple or orange slices. Completely replace your daily ration Nutritionists do not recommend this salad, but eating it as lunch or dinner will have a beneficial effect on your figure.

Cabbage soup for weight loss

Many people prefer to lose weight on cabbage soup. To prepare this dish you will need: 600 g fresh white cabbage, 2 tomatoes, 2 cups brown rice, 6 carrots, 2 bell peppers, 6 onions, a couple of celery stalks and green onions. All vegetables must be thoroughly washed. Finely chop the cabbage, cut the carrots into strips, and peppers, onions and celery into rings. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and finely chop. After this, all the vegetables should be put in a saucepan, add water and put on low heat. After boiling, cook the soup for 10 minutes and turn off. While the broth is being prepared, you need to boil the rice in another pan, let it sit for 20-30 minutes with the lid closed and add it to the soup along with chopped green onions.

Cabbage soup for weight loss can be eaten in any quantity for 7 days. In the middle of the week, supplement your diet with 200 g of lean boiled meat or fish. To cleanse the body on the last day of the diet, in addition to soup, it will be useful to consume separately boiled rice. In addition, it is recommended to eat raw fruits and vegetables throughout the week, and at night - eat a little low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of kefir or whey. Do not forget also that any diet should be accompanied by the consumption of green tea, natural juices and non-carbonated mineral water(2 liters per day).

It turns out that sauerkraut has much more benefits for weight loss than fresh cabbage. It's all about lactic acid, which is released during the fermentation of cabbage - it is its bacteria that “preserve” all the microelements in this vegetable. One tablespoon of pickled white cabbage contains daily norm vitamin K, which the body needs for blood clotting. In addition, sauerkraut is rich in vitamin C, which is beneficial for the immune system, and B vitamins, necessary for normal functioning nervous system.

Sauerkraut for weight loss should be eaten within 3 days. Must be consumed for breakfast cabbage pickle and one of following products: a piece of boiled lean meat, oatmeal, a slice of flour bread coarse, fruit (250 g) or a glass of unsweetened yogurt. For lunch, eat cabbage pancakes. To prepare them you will need 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of sauerkraut and 1 mashed potato. For dinner, you can choose either sauerkraut stewed with beets and fish, or sauerkraut soup with potatoes and herbs.

Because of low content cabbage contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates; a diet based on it cannot be used more than once every 1-2 months.

Any cabbage is rich in fiber, so eating it large quantities may cause flatulence and abdominal cramps.

According to reviews of cabbage for weight loss, the main disadvantage of the cabbage mono-diet is the “boomerang” effect. If after such a diet you do not adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and do not practice regular physical activity, lost kilograms can quickly come back.

Headed cabbage contains sugars, potassium salts, phosphorus, fiber, fats, various enzymes (lactose, protease, lipase, etc.), phytoncides and vitamins (A - 0.03 mg°/o, B, _ 0.16-0. 26 mg/o, C - 25-66 mg°/0, P, K, B6, antiulcer vitamin U). There are especially many vitamins in cabbage juice. Application. Cabbage has long been used therapeutic purpose. The ancient Romans believed that cabbage gave strength to the body and resistance to various diseases, eliminates insomnia and soothes headaches. Traditional medicine pays great attention to cabbage various countries, in particular Russian folk medicine. Shredded raw and sour cabbage significantly increases appetite, enhances gastric secretion, regulates intestinal function and thereby improves the digestion process. They believe that sauerkraut is good prophylactic against scurvy and the best remedy against chronic dyspepsia. Cabbage is used as a mild laxative for constipation and as a diuretic for dropsy and gout. Fresh cabbage juice with sugar works well for coughs (“breaks up” phlegm, “drives away hoarseness”) and has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Cabbage juice, boiled with sugar, is used to sober up the intoxicated. Cabbage juice is drunk for diseases of the spleen, jaundice, and mixed with a decoction of cabbage seeds for insomnia. In the past, sauerkraut juice was taken for epilepsy. The seeds have an anthelmintic effect. According to the latest data, cabbage juice is an excellent remedy treatment peptic ulcer stomach and intestines. Fresh cabbage juice promotes scarring (healing) of stomach ulcers and duodenum and has a good effect on metabolism and nervous system. Cabbage juice is also used for stomach diseases low acidity and for colitis. Cabbage helps remove cholesterol from the body, which is very important for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Cabbage is recommended for use in case of obesity and diabetes mellitus. Cabbage is widely used in Russian folk medicine and as an external remedy. Raw leaves applied to sore spots “relieve gouty pain and stabbing in the side.” Leaves boiled in milk and mixed with bran are used in the form of poultices for scrofula and weeping eczema. Shredded fresh cabbage leaves mixed with egg white and attached to purulent wounds, chronic ulcers and advanced burns, contribute to their faster healing. Repeated external use raw juice cabbage acts on warts. Juice diluted with water is useful for gargling with sore throat.

There are many good diets to lose excess weight. Today, many are interested in the benefits of cabbage for weight loss, as this herbal product served by affordable price and completely safe for health.

Does cabbage help you lose weight?

You may notice that after a few days of eating the cabbage diet, your body weight decreases. True, experts believe that weight becomes less not due to fat burning, but due to the removal of excess fluid from the tissues. But that's not bad either. Sometimes dietary food poor in nutrients, so cabbage comes in handy on a limited menu.

The product contains vitamin A to maintain good condition nails, hair and skin. Despite the fact that cabbage does not burn fat, it still helps to lose weight, as it helps cleanse the body, improves digestion, and suppresses activity free radicals. Thanks to the phosphorus content in the product, bones are strengthened, and this prevents fractures.

It should be noted that the cabbage diet gives a temporary effect if it is not supported by training and constant proper diet. When a person stops restricting his diet, the lost kilograms often return with supplementation. Therefore, after the cabbage diet, you should not lean on heavy food. It's better to stop at proper nutrition to maintain your figure.

Types of cabbage for weight loss

Sea kale

Natural kelp is a product for healthy eating which helps you lose weight. There are only 24.9 kcal per 100 g. The product perfectly saturates and removes excess liquid, nourishes with vitamins and minerals. Sea kale useful for thyroid gland, improves the functioning of the endocrine system.


Calorie content of cauliflower is 30 kcal per 100 g. The product is well suited for diets and helps to lose weight. Cauliflower improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and can be stored for a long time without losing its beneficial properties.

Chinese cabbage

Thanks to the consumption of Chinese cabbage, you can quickly satisfy your hunger and reduce your appetite. The product improves digestion and has a calorie content of 32 kcal per 100 g. It contains microelements and valuable fiber that are important for health. In terms of vitamin C content, Chinese cabbage is the leader among lettuce and white cabbage. When eating Chinese cabbage, carbohydrates and fats are absorbed more slowly.

White cabbage

Regular white cabbage is filled useful substances, which improve metabolism and help quickly clear harmful deposits from the body. The calorie content of the product is 25 kcal. Cabbage contains fiber. The product protects against atherosclerosis and stool disorders. It contains potassium, which tones muscles and rids the body of excess fluid.


Of course, it is useful to eat sauerkraut on a diet, as it regulates fat metabolism and helps remove harmful substances, improves digestion. After eating, a pleasant feeling of satiety appears, which is very valuable on a diet. The product is rich in fiber, which means the body spends a lot of energy on its processing, burning calories.

Pickled cabbage

Pickled cabbage can be added to salads on a diet. The product gives an interesting taste. The marinade retains the properties of fresh cabbage and in most cases is healthy. Pickled cabbage is not suitable for people with heart disease and high blood pressure. Calorie content of the product - 47 kcal per 100 g.

Cabbage is very filling, contains many vitamins and helps you lose weight.

Cabbage diet options

Cabbage diet for 3 days

A three-day cabbage diet is relatively safe. For drinks, drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily and drink unsweetened green tea. You can also use cabbage for snacks between meals, preferably fresh cabbage dishes. It is acceptable to eat fruits to make your diet more varied and not boring. Any type of fruit is suitable, with the exception of bananas.

The diet menu is extremely simple. Instead of breakfast you need to drink tea. You should have lunch with fresh cabbage salad. Good to use different varieties- Brussels, Savoy, white, Peking and red cabbage. If you don’t want to make a salad, you can cook soup or prepare a stew, adding chicken or vegetables.

The ideal dinner for this diet is fish dish. For one meal, 210 g of fillet is enough. A good replacement for fish would be kefir or meat. For dinner, be sure to eat a salad with sauerkraut or fresh cabbage. To avoid feeling hungry while on a three-day cabbage diet, it is recommended to eat cabbage soup whenever you feel the urge to eat more than normal.

If you don’t want to eat fresh cabbage, you can choose sauerkraut. The daily norm is 1.5 kg of product in combination with rye crackers. There are 5 such meals in total. The result of the cabbage diet is minus 3 kg.

Cabbage diet for 7 days

The weekly diet is quite strict, cabbage fills most of diet. The consumption of salt and sugar is not recommended. All varieties are eaten, but the most successful is white cabbage. Besides her, suitable food- low-calorie vegetables. After the diet, a break of 2 months is necessary, during which time you need to eat properly without overeating. The main dish of the diet is cabbage soups. Sample menu for diet by day:

  • 1 - cabbage soup and fruit food (apples, melons, oranges are suitable);
  • 2 - cabbage soup and eating vegetables, for example, boiled potatoes without salt;
  • 3 - cabbage soup, vegetable and fruit dishes (exception - banana, potatoes);
  • 4 - you can have cabbage soup and bananas;
  • 5 - 250 g lean meat, cabbage soup, tomatoes (4 pcs);
  • 6 - meat dishes, cabbage soup, any amount of cabbage;
  • 7 - vegetable soup based on cabbage, buckwheat or brown rice.

The best drinks are still mineral water and green tea. For the morning hours, good coffee without cream and sugar is preferable. It is recommended to cook without seasoning.

Cabbage diet for 10 days

The ten-day cabbage diet, low in carbohydrates, is popular today, but potentially dangerous. You should not practice this diet more than once a year. According to other sources, you can go on such a diet several times a year, taking breaks for 2 months. The diet promises the loss of 10 kg of excess weight.

Any varieties of cabbage are suitable for nutrition, and the more different types, the better. For example, the calorie content of kohlrabi is only 42 kcal, Brussels sprouts are 44 kcal, and cauliflower is even less - 32 kcal. Of course, white cabbage is good in terms of usefulness, availability and low calorie content; it contains 26 kcal. The absolute leader is sauerkraut - 19 kcal. The data given is per 100 g of product. Try eating sauerkraut instead of regular cabbage every 3 days to add variety to your menu.

On a ten-day cabbage diet, hunger attacks often occur when you want to eat everything you see. This problem can be overcome if you eat cabbage leaves, there are no restrictions on this product. Same with green tea and water. To speed up your metabolism, drink coffee in the morning. Salt and sugar, confectionery products, flour products, alcoholic drinks.

A sample daily food menu looks like this:

  • in the morning, that is, for breakfast, you need to drink still water, coffee or green tea (all drinks are unsweetened, this is important);
  • you need to have lunch with boiled beef, fish or chicken (up to 200 g of meat or fish for one meal), it is also recommended to make a salad in the afternoon (fresh cabbage, butter, carrots);
  • for dinner, take the same salad with cabbage, an egg (quail or chicken), your favorite fruit, but not a banana;
  • The last meal of the day will be a glass of low-fat kefir, usually drunk after a pause of 2 hours before bedtime.

There is also a diet for a month, this is the most extreme way to lose up to 24 kg of weight. Everyone decides for themselves whether to do this or not. Of course, it is much better to exercise and eat right, it is safer.

Fasting day on cabbage

If you cannot limit yourself to food for several days, but you need to get yourself in order and cleanse your body, become lighter, then spend a fasting day. It poses no danger. The rules are quite simple: take 1.5 kg of cabbage per day. The variety can be any, the choice is huge - kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, Savoy, cabbage. It is permissible to prepare it in different ways, for example, boil it, eat it fresh, stew it, or make steamed dishes.

It is better to divide the entire volume of cabbage and make several equal meals over fasting day. The total calorie intake is from 400 to 500 kcal. In just a day you can say goodbye to 1.5 kg of weight.

The fasting cabbage day menu might look like this:

  • stewed cabbage (or stewed cabbage with an apple) is breakfast;
  • borscht or cabbage soup is lunch;
  • fresh cabbage salad with lemon and olive oil- this is an afternoon snack;
  • boiled cauliflower or broccoli (can be replaced with cabbage solyanka - 300 g) - this is dinner.

Good drinks for a fasting day are the same as on a diet. This is as much unsweetened tea as you like and clean water.

Cabbage recipes for weight loss

Cabbage dishes for weight loss

Cabbage soup


  • cabbage - 1 head;
  • celery - 5 stalks;
  • carrots - 6 pcs;
  • tomatoes in juice - 1 package;
  • onions - 6 feathers and 6 onions;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs;
  • greens - parsley.

The volume of the finished dish is 6 liters. You can put a little salt, pepper and at the end add boiled brown rice. You just need to chop all the products and cook until softened.



  • cabbage - 100 g;
  • seaweed - 100 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • beets - 100 g;
  • apples - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 15 g;
  • lemon juice - 5 g;
  • prunes - several berries.

Peel all vegetables, grate coarsely, season with juice, add chopped prunes. Dish without salt.

Stewed cabbage


  • white cabbage - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • onions - 1 piece;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs;
  • pepper, salt, olive oil.

Grate carrots and tomatoes, chop other vegetables. Grind the fillet and fry in a small amount of oil. Combine meat with vegetables, pour a little water, simmer for 1 hour on low heat. IN stewed cabbage put greens.

Cabbage decoction


  • cabbage - 150 g;
  • water - 3 glasses.

Boil the cabbage for about 15 minutes, then filter the broth. There is no need to add salt and pepper to this drink, drink it warm. It is advisable to take cabbage decoction an hour after dinner. IN as a last resort You can replace dinner with broth.



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