Unusual pine cone jam: step-by-step recipes with photos and videos. The healing properties of pine cone jam

It’s difficult to surprise a modern person with any sweet product – we haven’t tried anything! But there is one delicacy that can rightfully be called exotic, because its main ingredient is not even considered a food product. We are talking about jam made from pine cones. You can’t just buy it - it’s not sold in stores and supermarkets. Yes, besides, it is more related to medicinal products, since its healing properties are valued much more than its taste.

For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that pine cone jam has a very delicate and pleasant taste, with a slight aroma of pine needles. You can eat it just like that, enjoying the exquisite sweetness, or add it to tea. Moreover, young cones can also be eaten, because they are soft and soaked in viscous syrup.

Pine cone jam - health benefits

Video "Pine cone jam (preparation method)"

Video "Folk remedies "Pine cone jam"

Every home probably has a couple of recipes for jam made from roses, raspberries, and sea buckthorn. Does anyone make jam from pine cones? Most likely, it is brewed by those who live in places where pine cones can be collected. And if the usual jams that we prepare in winter can be found on the shelves of grocery stores without bothering ourselves with preparations, then pine cone jam is real homemade jam. We'll talk about pine cones in this article.

Collecting cones

Many, having visited the climatic resorts of Pitsunda, learn about the healing properties of pine forests, saturated with phytoncides. The healing properties of pine lie in its needles, buds, young shoots and cones. The ripening time depends on where the trees grow. If in more southern latitudes pine cones can be collected by the end of May, then in the middle zone the collection time shifts by more than a month, that is, on the 20th of June. They collect those cones that have reached a length of four centimeters and are easily cut with a knife, and not those that hang on pine trees - hard and open. The cones should be resinous-sticky with convex scales.

When collecting, you need to pay attention to the type of cone. It should be green, with smooth, clean sides and not affected by insects. Collecting cones should be done at least a kilometer away from highways. The cones contain a resinous liquid - resin. And if a pine tree grows next to a highway, dust and exhaust gases are deposited in this resinous liquid. What would be the benefit of pine cone jam in this case? Harm, of course! Moreover, it is irreparable for internal organs and general health.

Preparing buds for processing

The collected cones must be sorted out, checking for the integrity of the cover. Cones affected by pests should be discarded and discarded. The next stage is to thoroughly wash the cones and remove any stuck pine needles and dust from them. The process is troublesome; during processing, the cones release a sticky resin that cannot be washed off either from your hands or from the container in which the jam will be cooked. Therefore, you need to work in rubber gloves so as not to harm your hands.

How to make jam from pine cones

The benefits of jam are due to the tree from whose fruits it is made. The jam will collect all the solar energy that the tree draws from its crown, stretching its branches into the sky. With proper collection and the correct preparation technology, jam will certainly be useful for overwork and sleep disorders. And this is what phytoncides will do.

Each housewife makes jam according to her own recipe. Therefore, well-known recipes differ in cooking time, infusion time and the amount of sugar and water. Pine cones remain an invariable ingredient. Let's look at one of the simple recipes.

  • Pour clean water over the washed cones so that they are completely covered with liquid.
  • Place the container with the cones on the fire, boil for an hour and leave to infuse overnight.
  • The infused broth should be poured into another container and the same amount of sugar should be added according to the volume of liquid.
  • Cook the resulting mixture over low heat for one and a half to two hours, until the syrup becomes dark in color.
  • Next, you need to put pine cones in the syrup and cook for twenty minutes.
  • Then put 8-10 pieces in half-liter jars, fill with syrup and seal.

A couple more healthy recipes

Another recipe for pine cone jam. We’ll talk about the benefits and harms of consuming this delicacy separately below. Some housewives add additional ingredients to their recipes, such as lemon juice or lemon zest. Naturally, the properties of the finished product will be different.

The recipe is as follows:

  • Cut the prepared cones into pieces and place in a separate container.
  • Prepare syrup from 2 glasses of water and one and a half kilograms of sugar. Simmer the syrup over heat until thick.
  • Pour the chopped pine cones into the syrup and bring to a boil.
  • Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid, leaving the cones to steep for four hours.
  • Repeat the procedure of bringing to a boil and settling three times.
  • In the third approach, let the jam boil and continue to cook it over low heat for an hour.
  • Pour the jam into clean jars and screw on the lids.

Mixed jam

In the usual recipe for pine cone jam, lemon, cranberries and lingonberries are added at the beginning of cooking.

Healing jam

Jam from cones of various coniferous trees, including cones, is made in the Caucasus. Vacationers in these parts always take home a couple of jars of sweet medicine. This tasty medicine is used for colds, sore throat, stomatitis, stomach and lung diseases. This kind of medicine is pleasant to use.

Even children love it with tea, and, like any jam, it does no harm. The benefit of pine cone jam (the photo demonstrates its appetizing nature, among other things) lies in its healing properties based on the presence of phytoncides contained in coniferous trees. This jam has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects, and thereby helps destroy harmful bacteria and fungi in the human body.

Application of jam

How to take pine cone jam to your advantage? There will be no harm if it is consumed when necessary. Jam is suitable both as a medicine and for prophylaxis, to prevent colds in the winter. A person who has a cold feels not only an expectorant effect after taking pine cone jam, but also a diaphoretic effect.

Jam as a medicine is usually taken up to three times a day. For adults, the dose is 1 tablespoon, for children - 1 teaspoon. Children like the taste of pine cones in jam; they eat this natural pine candy with pleasure. But it is necessary to ensure that the child does not have an allergic reaction, so for a test you need to give him a little syrup from the jam. If there is no reaction to pine cones, you can gradually increase the dose, but remember that this is still a medicine, not candy.

If the jam is taken as a preventive measure, 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon per day is sufficient for an adult and a child, respectively.

About the calorie content of jam

Some people are interested in the calorie content of pine cone jam. Should you expect benefit or harm from eating jam? The calorie content of jam is 220 kcal per 100 grams of product eaten. There are no proteins or fats in the jam, but it is rich in carbohydrates. In principle, those who are prone to rapid weight gain are not recommended to eat this sweetness.

Chemical composition of buds

Before using any drugs or folk remedies that have a medicinal effect, you need to ask a logical question, in this case: “What does pine cone jam help with? And is it beneficial or harmful?” If you pay attention to what the cone consists of, that is, its chemical composition, you can find out that it contains the vitamins and minerals that a person needs.

These are the vitamins found in pine cones:

  • B vitamins - play an important role in cellular metabolism, strengthen hair and nails.
  • Vitamin E - has an angioprotective effect, affects the tone and permeability of blood vessels, stimulates the formation of new capillaries, and prevents skin aging.
  • Vitamin K - helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerate wound healing.
  • Vitamin P - flavonoids (rutin, hesperidin, quercetin) in combination with ascorbic acid, which is also present in pine cones, has the ability to reduce the fragility of capillary vessels and normalize the rhythm of the heart muscle.

The cones contain essential oils that strengthen the immune system. As well as such elements of the periodic table as chromium, copper and iron salts. Pine cone jam contains large amounts of linoleic acid, lipids and bioflavonoids.

The benefits of jam

There is no such medicine in nature, but there is no medicine that would absolutely not harm the human body. Therefore, it is worth understanding what contraindications pine cone jam has, and whether its use will be beneficial or harmful. The value of jam lies in the fact that it is an antiviral agent and during the winter period it replenishes the body’s reserves of vitamin C. Therefore, it is used for colds and flu by adding it to tea. Young pine cones are a strong antioxidant.

The pine delicacy also has a magical effect on diseases of the stomach, increasing its secretion, and also eliminates bile stagnation. Eating jam relieves inflammation of the gums and gives the oral cavity a deodorizing effect. Breath has a pleasant aroma thanks to phytoncides that destroy harmful bacteria. In this case, there is a positive effect and benefit from pine cone jam.

What diseases are harmful from jam?

Pine cone jam is a good diuretic, but people with kidney disease should use this jam with caution. For any diseases associated with the biliary tract and liver, jam should not be consumed, as it can cause a choleretic effect and aggravate the disease.

The glycemic index of this wonderful medicine is 65 units. The value is high, and this indicates that people with diabetes should not indulge in this jam. Elderly people, especially those over 60 years of age, should also take this medicinal product with caution. Many people at this age have a bunch of diseases. Therefore, the principle of “do no harm” should come first. In order not to cause harm to the body, pine cone jam will be useful if consumed correctly and in moderation.

Children love sweet treats, but they can cause an allergic reaction in the body. It is necessary to give the child this sweet medicine in a very small dosage for the first time and observe the body’s reaction. If there is no reaction, you can increase the dose to two teaspoons per day with tea. It is because of an allergic reaction that it is not recommended to consume jam for pregnant and nursing mothers.


Pine cone jam is tasty and healthy, but you should not forget about contraindications for its use. You cannot eat too much of this jam, that is, overdose, which can cause stomach pain. If a person suffers from gastritis and has increased acidity, nausea may occur. That is, people with peptic ulcers and erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract should absolutely not consume jam. Also, hypotensive patients should not eat jam due to the blood pressure lowering effect. When consumed, weakness and poor health appear.

The purpose of using pine cone jam (the harms and benefits of which are described in the article) is to maximize the benefits of the healing agent and not harm yourself.

Pine cone jam, its benefits and contraindications will be specific. But after reading this article, you will definitely understand for yourself that the benefits are much greater than the possible harm. This means the product is unique in its composition for human health and for the prevention of many diseases.

Pine is one of the most common trees in our country. It is known that people with respiratory tract diseases should visit pine forests as often as possible. Almost all parts of the resin promote health. Not only pine needles, but also resin and buds. Green cones are used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for making homemade jam.

Important! Only green young cones are used for jam. You can check their youth like this: pick a little with your fingernail and the buds should respond to this influence.
Depending on the exact region of the country, collecting pine cones for jam takes different times. This could be April, May, or in some regions only June. It is important to take material from trees that are not affected by insects and are already mature enough.

Pine cone jam: is it possible to eat pine cones? We have already answered this question in the affirmative. Only, it is important to collect them in clean areas and make sure that the cones are young enough. What benefits of this jam can we talk about?

You can also safely eat this jam if you have a sore throat or problems with your gums. Sweetness will help with pleurisy and polyarthritis. Since jam contains a lot of vitamins, people eat it for vitamin deficiency. Pine cone jam also helps raise hemoglobin levels.

The content of a large amount of vitamin C makes the jam indispensable during colds and flu;
By adding jam to tea, you can alleviate diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Pine jam will especially help people with dry cough;
You can treat children with this brew, because the delicacy is delicious. But, in addition to sweetness, it has an excellent immunomodulatory effect on the child’s body;
Helps with gastrointestinal diseases. Thanks to the product, gastric secretion increases;
Relieves stagnation of bile;
Has a good diuretic effect;
Tones the body;
Thanks to the content of a large number of antioxidants, it protects the body from free radicals. It is free radicals that contribute to the formation of tumors (benign, malignant) in the body;

Pine jam recipe

We have established that pine cone jam has its benefits; contraindications will be described below. But how to make such jam yourself? The cooking process includes several stages. First, the cones are collected, we wrote about this above. It can also be emphasized that the cones should not be more than 4 cm in length. Then the cones need to be washed and cut into several parts.

The next step is to prepare the sugar syrup. They need to pour chopped young cones and leave for four hours. After this, bring to a boil, but do not boil, but immediately turn off. Leave to cool and bring to a boil again, cool again. The third time the jam needs to be boiled for 40 minutes so that the cones become soft and the jam itself acquires a pleasant amber hue.

Important! For a kilogram of cones, take one and a half kilograms of sugar and two glasses of water. The finished syrup should be thick.

About contraindications

Pine cone jam, so healthy and tasty, has its contraindications. Those who suffer from kidney disease should eat this product carefully. You should also avoid jam in case of acute hepatitis.

If a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, she should not eat too much pine jam. The same recommendation is relevant for people who. Children love pine cone jam, but it is important to check that there is no allergic reaction to the product. This is especially true for children under seven years of age.

Pine cone jam has unique health benefits. With the exception of rare contraindications, you can and should eat it to be beautiful, healthy and young. Bon appetit and stay healthy.

Pine is a beautiful coniferous tree that grows throughout almost the entire territory of Russia. Numerous pine trees form a coniferous forest, which is famous for its miraculous and healing qualities. Healers are confident that regular walks through the coniferous forest provide every person with excellent health, vigor and longevity. Pine cones also have unique properties; they are often used to make delicious jam that saves people from various ailments. Jam made from pine cones has a wonderful aroma and sweet taste, so treatment with this remedy is a particular pleasure. This product is often used for treatment, as well as effective prevention of various ailments and illnesses in young children. But also for adults, the natural product has enormous benefits. Before you start using pine cone jam in your diet or to treat certain diseases, the benefits and harms of this product should be carefully studied.

Useful and medicinal qualities of pine cones

When pine cone jam is taken as a medicinal product, the benefits and harms of this product are always individual for each person. Like any other natural medicine, such a product may have negative properties for a certain group of people. Therefore, before you start using pine sweets in your menu, you need to get advice and an approving decision from a doctor.

What are the benefits of pine cone jam?

  • Coniferous cones have a phytoncidal effect; it is not without reason that pine is actively used to treat various bactericidal and viral diseases. Pine cones help rid the human body of harmful microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, and have antifungal properties.
  • Pine cones are an excellent and effective means of treating and preventing colds. During a flu epidemic, it is good to eat only 1 tbsp daily. spoon of this product (for children the proportion is halved). In this way, you can reliably protect your body from attacks by harmful viruses. Moreover, jam from cones instantly treats a runny nose, which accompanies all colds.
  • The sweet product has immunostimulating properties; its use in a course helps to reliably strengthen the functioning of the body’s protective functions. Due to the high content of various fortified components, cone jam is especially valued. Due to the high content of vitamin C, you can effectively help improve tone in the body, as well as improve overall performance.
  • The entire subgroup of B vitamins, which is contained in pine cone jam, helps cope with heart ailments. This product serves as an excellent means of prevention for weakness and loss of elasticity of blood vessels. And tannin, which is also included in the sweet product, is an effective remedy against the formation of stroke. When pine cone jam is taken, the benefits of this product extend to normalizing the level of hemoglobin in the blood by increasing it.
  • Pine cone jam has an expectorant effect, so it is used to treat various diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. It is recommended to dilute pine jam syrup in warm water and then consume it several times a day. The same drink also has antipyretic properties; it perfectly and quickly relieves fever and chills.
  • If twice a day 1 tbsp. Use a spoon to crush jam from pine cones; the beneficial properties of this product can also affect the treatment of such serious and dangerous diseases as pleurisy, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.
  • The pine delicacy has anti-pain properties. To do this, you need to apply a lotion soaked in jam to the sore spot, and after a short amount of time the unpleasant pain will subside. Pain in the gums is treated in a similar way, and it only takes 10 minutes to get a positive and pain-relieving effect.
  • The beneficial effects of the product on the functioning of the entire digestive tract have been proven. First of all, cone jam helps normalize the functioning of the pancreas. But the sweet product also effectively copes with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Traditional healers recommend regularly eating the sweet treat for people who suffer from stomach ulcers.
  • Due to its antioxidant properties, the product has an antitumor effect. This composition protects the human body from the harmful effects of painful free radicals. The benefits and harms of cone jam have also been proven in the fight against malignant tumors.
  • The product is a tonic and invigorating agent. If you drink just one glass of water with 2 teaspoons of pine cone jam diluted in it, you can instantly recharge with vigor and active positivity, and also instantly eliminate fatigue, as well as drowsiness.

When pine cone jam is used on a person’s menu, the beneficial properties are assessed only on an individual basis. Regular or course use of the product has an excellent therapeutic effect. And overconsumption of sweet foods can also cause negative consequences.

Harmful effects of pine cone jam

Healthy nutrition experts recommend strictly adhering to the basics of dosing a sweet product. It is considered optimal to use 2 tbsp of pine cone jam. spoons per day for an adult and 2 teaspoons of the product for small children. Accordingly, the total dosage of the product should be systematically distributed into equal shares and consumed throughout the full day. Excessive consumption of pine cone jam can cause severe headaches, stomach upset, and an allergic reaction.

  • nursing mothers;
  • pregnant women;
  • elderly people (over 60 years old);
  • young children (up to and including 3 years old);
  • When using the product by children who have not reached the age category of 7 years, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of their body. The product is allergenic, therefore, if corresponding negative reactions occur on the baby’s body, further use of cone jam should be abandoned.

If you have certain diseases, sweet treats should be taken with extreme caution, and, preferably, abandoned altogether. These diseases include:

  • acute hepatitis;
  • allergies;
  • renal failure.

If you have an individual intolerance to this product, its use is strictly prohibited.

Which pine cones have medicinal properties?

Of great importance is the circumstance regarding the choice of area in which the coniferous tree grew. If a pine tree grows in a non-ecologically clean area, then its cones will not have any medicinal properties. On the contrary, such a product can even harm a person’s health, causing serious complications from existing diseases.

In order for the finished jam to bring both benefit and pleasure when consuming it, it is important to know which cones are suitable for preparing a sweet delicacy.

  • It is ideal to collect young and green pine cones. Their youth can be checked by simply piercing them with a needle or other sharp object. If the cones are easy to handle and do not break or deform, then it will serve as an ideal basis for making healthy jam.
  • The best and most useful cones will be those that have reached a size of 1 to 4 cm.
  • When collecting coniferous raw materials, it is important to pay attention to the external condition of the tree itself. If there are a large number of insects on the surface, then you should refuse to collect cones here.

A healthy recipe for delicious jam

Only from properly collected raw materials can you prepare a healthy and tasty delicacy. How to make jam from pine cones?

There are a lot of different recipes for making sweet and healthy delicacies. Some people add additional ingredients to the product, such as lemon. Depending on the presence of additional components, the valuable qualities of the finished product may vary.

It’s quite easy to make jam from pine cones; the recipe for making it is as follows:

  • Prepare 1 kg of carefully selected pine cones - rinse, drain in a colander;
  • Cut the cones into small pieces;
  • Boil sweet syrup in a thick-walled saucepan: take 1.5 kg for 2 glasses of clean water. Sahara. The syrup should simmer over the fire until thick;
  • Pour the prepared cones with hot syrup;
  • Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, then turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave for 4 hours;
  • Repeat this procedure for boiling jam three times;
  • The last time you need to keep the jam on the fire for about 1 hour;
  • Pour the prepared pine cone jam into clean and sterilized jars and roll up the lids tightly.

Both adults and children enjoy the unusual taste of the pine delicacy. And the benefits it brings to the body are simply invaluable. Pine jam helps cope with chronic fatigue on severe frosts and rainy days, protects against colds, and improves immunity. Even a small spoon of pine honey will improve your mood and energize you for the whole day.

Healing effect and possible harm

The healing properties of pine needles, cones, and resin have been known since ancient times. You just need to remember how easy and free it is to breathe in a pine forest. The rich resinous aroma helps eliminate diseases of the respiratory system. And tinctures and decoctions from cones are used to treat joint pain. Pine baths are recommended for treating skin pathologies and calming the nervous system. What does pine cone jam contain? And what benefits will it bring?

8 reasons in favor of jam

A delicacy made from young pine cones will delight you not only with its excellent taste. Doctors identify the following eight beneficial properties of pine cone jam.

  1. Phytoncidal effect. The coniferous product allows you to effectively fight bacteria and viruses. It is endowed with antifungal effects. This is why traditional medicine often uses pine needles to treat viral and bacterial infections.
  2. Anti-cold effect. Jam helps prevent the development of a cold. But if it was not possible to completely protect the body from the attack of viruses, then the coniferous product will help to easily cope with the disease, eliminate cough, runny nose, reduce fever and relieve chills.
  3. Immunostimulating property. Jam contains useful minerals and vitamins, which strengthens the body. The pine delicacy increases tone, improves mental state, and enhances performance. The product eliminates fatigue, relieves drowsiness and provides vitality to the body.
  4. Expectorant property. The coniferous remedy is recommended for use for pathologies of the respiratory system. Doctors and patients have noticed the benefits of pine cone jam even in the treatment of such serious diseases as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and bronchial asthma.
  5. Strengthening blood vessels and heart. B vitamins help normalize heart function. Jam increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Thanks to the tannin contained in pine cones, the product effectively prevents the development of stroke.
  6. Analgesic property. The jam has a pronounced analgesic effect. If your joints are very bothersome, it is recommended to apply a compress soaked in pine honey to the problem area. And for those who are worried about their teeth or gums, as doctors’ reviews show, it is enough to hold a treat in your mouth, and the unpleasant discomfort will subside.
  7. Improved digestion. Pine cones normalize the functioning of the pancreas. The sweet product helps cope with ulcerative lesions and stimulates intestinal motility.
  8. Antitumor effect. While studying the therapeutic effect of the coniferous product, scientists discovered antioxidant properties in it. Jam protects a person from the harmful effects of free radicals. This helps prevent the risk of developing malignant tumors.

Healthy jam is recommended for use in case of poor appetite. You can add a spoonful of the product to green or herbal tea. This drink is recommended for children who do not want to eat well. However, it should be remembered that the product belongs to the category of strong allergens, and therefore can cause harm to the child’s body. When introducing jam into a child’s menu, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction.

When pine honey is prohibited

Initially, it is necessary to recognize that jam from pine cones is a medicinal raw material. Therefore, it has not only healing properties, but also a number of contraindications. It is recommended to avoid using pine jam in the following situations:

  • breast-feeding;
  • children under three years of age;
  • elderly people over 65 years of age;
  • patients with renal failure;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • people with acute hepatitis.

The coniferous product is allowed to be consumed in small quantities. For adults, the norm is two tablespoons per day. For children, this dose is reduced to two teaspoons. Abuse of the product is quite dangerous. An overdose will lead to allergies and may cause upset stools and headaches.

The medicinal properties of jam depend entirely on plant materials. Therefore, it is important to know when to collect cones and which fruits are the most healing. Healers offer the following six recommendations for collecting pine cones.

  1. Collection time. The period of ripening of cones depends on the climate. In the southern regions, cones are collected in mid-May. In the colder zone, raw materials mature by mid-June.
  2. Place. It is recommended to "harvest" in ecological areas. Raw materials from industrial zones and areas contaminated by roadways are unlikely to be beneficial.
  3. Tree. Particular attention must be paid to the pine itself. If the branches show signs of insect damage, then you should refuse to collect cones from such a tree. Also avoid trees that show signs of rotting.
  4. Raw materials. It is necessary to collect only young pine cones that have not yet had time to overwinter. They “sit” on bright green young branches and differ from old ones in juiciness, resin and color.
  5. It's sung. To check for ripening, you need to pierce the bright green cone with your fingernail. Ripe fruit yields easily. This means that the time for collection is chosen correctly.
  6. External characteristics. For jam, select fruits with the following dimensions: up to 45 mm in length and up to 40 mm in diameter. The cones should not have a whitish coating. Preference is given to sticky, intact and juicy fruit.

Rules for treating pine cone jam

Overuse of jam is quite dangerous. In order not to provoke overdose symptoms, it is recommended to divide the daily portion into several even doses. You can take the product as part of green tea, add it to baked goods, or simply eat a treat. The dosage of pine jam depends on the age and disease of the patient. Thus, pine cone jam, prepared according to the classic recipe, is recommended to be taken as follows.

There is no categorical ban on taking jam during pregnancy. But expectant mothers should remember that the product is highly allergenic. Therefore, you need to introduce pine delicacy into your diet very carefully and completely control the body’s reaction. In this case, jam will help a woman strengthen her immune system and prevent the development of a cold.

Pine jam recipes: 5 options

Before preparing the jam, you need to soak the cones in cool water for about one to two hours. Young fruits are quite sticky, so various debris often sticks to them. Any pan is suitable for cooking, except aluminum, since it oxidizes. If you choose an enamel container, be prepared for it to darken after preparing the jam.

Classic recipe

Description. This jam is suitable for treating any of the pathologies described above. It is effective in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, and even helps with pulmonary tuberculosis. Jam can be used to strengthen the immune system and prevent seasonal colds.


  • pine cones - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - two glasses.

Cooking process

  1. The washed cones are cut into small pieces.
  2. In a separate container with thick walls, boil the syrup by combining sugar and water. The liquid is simmered over low heat until it becomes thick.
  3. The chopped cones are placed in a jam pan and poured with hot syrup.
  4. The mixture is put on fire. As soon as the jam begins to boil, remove it from the heat, cover tightly with a lid and leave for four hours.
  5. The warming up procedure is repeated three times.
  6. During the last heating, the jam is simmered over low heat for one hour after boiling.
  7. After this, it is poured into sterile jars and sealed with lids.

Quick recipe

Description. If you don’t want to spend a long time fiddling with jam, you can cook the aromatic dish at one time. This recipe is sometimes recommended for diabetes mellitus to improve immunity and to combat hypertension. People suffering from high blood glucose levels should understand that such treatment is only possible after approval from a doctor. Don't forget, jam contains sugar, so it is not suitable for all diabetics. Diabetics are recommended to add 5 ml of prepared jam to their tea.


  • cones - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water (only if necessary) - one glass.

Cooking process

  1. Pine cones are cut into several parts.
  2. Coniferous raw materials are covered with sugar. Waiting for the juice to appear.
  3. If the cones turn out to be low-juice, then you can add a little water.
  4. The pan is placed in a water bath and simmered for an hour and a half.
  5. Periodically collect the emerging foam.

Can you eat pine cones? If, according to the recipe, the fruit remains in the jam, then their use is completely acceptable. In addition, young cones turn out to be very juicy and tasty.

Jam that doesn't need to be cooked

Description. This recipe without boiling allows you to get jam, which is very beneficial for the respiratory system. The product has high antimicrobial properties and can be used in the treatment of genitourinary ailments, prostatitis, and cystitis. Jam is in demand in the treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity.


  • young cones - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking process

  1. The cones are cut into three or four parts.
  2. The raw materials are well rolled in sugar.
  3. Then the cones are placed in jars.
  4. Sprinkle the rest of the sugar on top. It is necessary to calculate so that the proportions of pine raw materials and sugar are as follows: 1:2.
  5. Each jar is covered with gauze and exposed to the sun. The raw materials are shaken well from time to time.
  6. This procedure continues until the sugar is completely dissolved and syrup appears.
  7. Now the jam can be covered and stored in the refrigerator. It is ready to receive.

Fir cone dessert

Description. Fir cone jam is used to prevent blood clots. The product cleanses blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, and increases hemoglobin in the blood. Coniferous delicacy helps fight bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and sinusitis. It is useful for joints if the pathology is caused by salt deposition.


  • fir cones - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 2 l.

Cooking process

  1. Whole cones are filled with water.
  2. Place the pan on low heat and cook the raw materials for two hours.
  3. After removing the container from the heat, close it with a lid and allow it to brew. It is believed that the decoction will infuse when it has cooled completely.
  4. The liquid is filtered through a sieve. Fir cones are thrown away.
  5. Add sugar to the aromatic jelly and stir if possible.
  6. Place the pan on the fire and cook again for two hours.
  7. The jam is poured into sterilized jars and sealed.

Delicacy made from pine shoots

Description. It is very useful to use jam made from shoots and pine needles. The product normalizes the emotional background and prevents colds. This jam is recommended for heart pathologies.


  • pine shoots - 1 kg;
  • water - three glasses;
  • sugar - four glasses.

Cooking process

  1. Pine needles are filled with water.
  2. Cook the mixture over low heat for about 20 minutes.
  3. Cover the broth with a lid and leave for one day.
  4. Then the drink is filtered. The softened shoots are well squeezed.
  5. The strained drink is boiled again. Then sugar is added. And continue cooking for another 15 minutes. During this time, the sugar should completely dissolve.
  6. The jam is poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator, closing the jars with nylon lids.

Despite the fact that the classic recipe for pine cone jam contains a recommendation to cut the raw material into pieces, this need not be done. You can prepare the delicacy from whole raw materials. In this case, an additional “medicine” is obtained. Breaking the boiled cone reveals pink resin. It is this substance that has the highest healing power. This resin can be given to children for cough. The pink substance helps increase appetite, relieves severe bronchitis and is even useful for pneumonia.

“Asthmatics didn’t remember about inhalers for six months!”: reviews

My grandmother made jam from pine cones. But she called it “pine honey” or “cone honey.” As a child, he was always at home. My grandmother said that it was only thanks to this honey that she cured scurvy and ulcers after the blockade. Then my great-grandmother cooked it.

Sipa, http://piterhunt.ru/scripts/forum/archive/index.php/t-72789.html

About twenty years ago, when I was still in the tenth grade, I tried homemade jam from pine cones. It seems they brought it from Kabardino-Balkaria. It turns out that this is a common type of jam for the locals. I didn't like the taste. Precisely resinous and too sugary. So there was definitely sugar there. I tried to chew the cone, but it was difficult. Just as sweet. However, I’m not a fan of jam or sweets at all. But as for decoctions and infusions, non-alcoholic, from young pine cones. Very invigorating and improves immunity.

Gveleshapi, http://piterhunt.ru/scripts/forum/archive/index.php/t-72789.html

Without arguing about vitamins, I will say:
Between the city of Kharkov and the city of Donetsk there is the city of Slavyanogorsk. There, in the pine forests, sanatoriums were built for miners who have pulmonary diseases... Asthma, silicosis, etc. So, not all medications are suitable for them and they prescribe this jam from pine cones - it helps, and it really helps. Two asthmatics went for the first time (for 18 days) - they forgot about inhalers for six months!

Sonic, http://piterhunt.ru/scripts/forum/archive/index.php/t-72789.html

We made jam a couple of years ago, and still have the leftovers in the refrigerator for a rainy day. In winter, it goes well with a cold. The cones were collected, as written, green. Take care of the good pots; they are difficult to wash.

Tsukeng_2, http://forum.homedistiller.ru/index.php?topic=51162.0

Pine cone jam is truly a very useful thing. I gave it to my son for a cough when he was not yet a year old. It helped a lot. In the Caucasus, jam is highly praised.

Marukha, https://deti.mail.ru/forum/nashi_deti/kormim_grudju/varene_iz_sosnovyh_shishek/?page=2



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