Traditional methods of treating infertility in men. Male infertility can be cured with folk remedies

The diagnosis of infertility is made by a specialist if, for one year or more, conception does not occur with active sexual activity without contraception. Moreover, in approximately half of the cases, it is the male factor infertility. This situation becomes an unpleasant shock for both women and men. But development modern science is progressing at a rapid pace, which makes it possible to successfully combat this problem. To cure infertility, you must first determine its cause. Many circumstances can lead to such consequences. In this article we will look at the main ones, and also present the most effective techniques therapy.

A lot of factors can provoke infertility in men. The main aspects include the following:

  1. Congenital disorders of the reproductive system. These include the abnormal structure of the urinary tract, pathological development genital organ. And also phimosis - a condition that excludes exposure of the head. In this case, sexual intercourse cannot be complete, as a result of which pregnancy becomes impossible. Such a pathology for modern medicine is not the most challenging task and can be successfully eliminated by minor surgical intervention.
  2. Inflammatory processes in a man’s body also negatively affect sperm production. The presence of inflammation significantly reduces sperm activity and the quality of seminal fluid deteriorates. This situation significantly reduces the likelihood of conception or eliminates it completely.
  3. One of the causes of inflammation of the male reproductive system is infections that are transmitted as a result of intimate contact. Genital infectious diseases have negative impact for sperm. For example, as a result of the presence of chlamydia (the causative agent of chlamydia) in a man’s body, the quality of his sperm decreases several times. In this case, in order for conception to occur, it is necessary to get rid of these microorganisms with the help of antibiotics.
  4. No less negative impact on reproductive function various diseases and genital injuries.
  5. Hormonal disorders - this factor causes both female and male infertility. A representative of the stronger sex cannot conceive a child due to deficiency male hormone testosterone, which leads to erectile dysfunction.
  6. Impact high temperature on the genitals. WITH medical point dangerous for men's eyesight reproductive health is a temperature indicator exceeding 35°C. For this reason, men are not recommended to frequently take hot baths or visit saunas.
  7. Detrimental effect on reproductive organs Tight underwear also has an effect, since wearing it increases the temperature of the scrotal tissue.
  8. Chemicals. At risk are men who work in hazardous industries and are constantly in contact with various chemical components. TO this factor Poor ecology, taking antibiotics or steroid drugs can also be attributed.
  9. A man can also face the problem of infertility if he has bad habits. Drinking drinks containing alcohol narcotic substances, and smoking has a detrimental effect on reproductive capacity. Alcoholic drinks can lead to consequences such as testicular atrophy. In some countries, there is a ban on the use of these products not only during the period of conception, but also long before this moment.
  10. Male infertility can also be caused by stress. Modern life characterized by a fast pace. A man is often in emotional stress, suffers from insomnia, which cannot but affect his health. In this situation, you can give standard recommendations, which at the same time are quite effective. It is necessary to allocate as much time as possible for rest, avoid stress and learn to relieve psychological stress.

Types of pathology

IN medical practice There are several known forms of male infertility, which include the following types pathologies:

  1. Obstructive infertility is diagnosed in cases where the release of sperm is impossible due to the presence of some obstacle. This could be a tumor formation, a cyst or a scar formed as a result of surgery. Mostly this problem is eliminated surgically.
  2. Secretory infertility is diagnosed when there are abnormal changes in the functioning of the testicles, which lead to a decrease in the number and motility of sperm. The most common reason this phenomenon stands varicose veins testicular veins, which causes blood stagnation and impaired blood supply to the tissues. As a result, function is inhibited.
  3. A sufficient number of sperm is not produced in case of testicular hydrocele. Their functionality may be impaired due to large cluster fluid in the scrotum, which causes compression. At prolonged pressure blood supply to the testicle is disrupted, which leads to negative consequences. Therapy for male infertility in this situation involves treatment with medications or hormonal drugs.
  4. At immunological infertility Conception is impossible due to the body's production of antibodies to sperm or testicles. The reasons for this phenomenon can be very diverse. For example, a previous injury.
  5. In medical practice, there are cases when there are no visible abnormalities that could prevent conception. But pregnancy does not occur. In this situation, relative infertility is often observed. This condition It is predominantly psychological in nature and requires psychotherapeutic treatment.

One of the main stages in the treatment process is the diagnosis of male infertility. Successful therapy depends on the correctly identified cause of the disease. To do this, the patient undergoes a special examination, which includes tests of urine, blood, hormones, ultrasound examination organs genitourinary system, as well as a spermogram. Based on the results obtained, the necessary therapy is prescribed.

Is male infertility curable or not?

If this occurs pathological condition There are several ways to cure it that can be worn different character. Let's consider the most effective methods of therapy for male infertility:

  1. Treatment with medications. This method used in the presence of a sexually transmitted infection, hormonal disorders or unsatisfactory sperm quality. Infectious diseases are eliminated with the help of antibiotics. If there is a deficiency in the body certain hormones or an excessive amount of them, an appointment is prescribed hormonal drugs.
  2. When sperm quality is low, it is necessary to increase immunity. Therefore, if the reason for the lack of conception is the inappropriate state of the sperm, the course of treatment consists of taking vitamins that correct immunocorrection and homeopathic medicines. Tangible positive effect can be achieved by enriching the body with vitamin D. To do this, a man should include seafood, fish in his diet, and also take fish oil. In addition, this vitamin is secreted in skin as a result of exposure ultraviolet rays. Therefore, moderate sun exposure is recommended.
  3. In cases where pregnancy does not occur due to the presence of neoplasms, the doctor makes a decision about surgical intervention. A hernia in the groin area, a tumor, etc. can interfere with the passage of sperm. With such symptoms, medications will not work; the cause must be eliminated surgically. This method has certain nuances. The most effective treatment will be in adolescence, because Surgery for an adult man does not always end favorably.
  4. IVF for male infertility. This method is used if the sperm do not unite with the egg on their own due to any abnormalities. This may occur due to lack of mobility. In this situation, fertilization is carried out in laboratory conditions, where the sperm is placed into an egg, which is subsequently implanted into the woman. Fertilization using IVF is possible even with only one sperm.

If desired, the couple can choose a method artificial insemination. Conceiving a baby using donor sperm necessary if ejaculation does not occur at all. The same method is used in cases where men in a family for several generations in a row had any serious pathologies. In such situations, doctors recommend using a sperm bank. This prospect should not cause concern; all donors undergo a thorough examination.

Often, a couple who cannot conceive a child due to lack of sperm is alarmed by the fact that children born as a result of donation will not look like their parents. And this will cause unwanted questions from relatives and friends. This method allows you to select a donor with certain external characteristics. For example, hair or eye color. As a result, the child will have an external resemblance to his parents.

Male infertility: treatment with folk remedies

Along with traditional ways There are also traditional methods to combat infertility. IN lately the choice of non-traditional ways to solve this problem has increased. For use herbal infusions varieties of oriental treatment have increased. This is acupuncture manual therapy, impact on certain points.

Among the wide variety of folk recipes, the following remedies can be distinguished:

  1. With insufficient sperm activity traditional healers They recommend a decoction based on plantain seeds. He's getting ready as follows: 1 tbsp. l. seeds need to be poured with 200 ml of water, put on fire and boil for up to 5 minutes. Then strain. You need to take this decoction four times a day, 2 tbsp. l. You should not store it in the refrigerator for more than two days, the decoction will lose its healing properties.
  2. Another way to increase sperm motility is bathing with plantain. To do this, you will need the roots and leaves of the plant in the amount of 50 g, which must be poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for 40 minutes. Then strain and pour into the bath. The water temperature should not be high, 36 °C is enough.
  3. Regular sage also has healing properties. To prepare the decoction, add 1 tsp. dry plant with 1 cup of boiling water, then let it brew until the medicine has cooled. You need to take 1/3 cup in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals for 11 days. Do not exceed the recommended dosage, because... this may cause an allergic reaction.
  4. Vitamin E, which is found in sufficient quantities in roses, has a positive effect on spermatogenesis. Syrup is prepared from the petals of this flower. For treatment you will need red or dark pink flowers.
  5. Knotweed will help speed up conception. It can be used both fresh and dry. Grass in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. 0.5 liters of boiling water is poured in, after which the infusion is kept for 4 hours. Accepted ready-made product half a glass 30 minutes before meals four times a day.
  6. The quality of sperm can also be improved with the help of mumiyo. It should be taken 2 times a day for a month in an amount of less than 1 g. In the morning the medicine should be taken on an empty stomach, and in the evening before going to bed. Mumiyo can be mixed with carrot or blueberry juice in a ratio of 1:20.

Traditional treatment for male infertility causes mixed reactions. Someone belongs to similar methods with a certain amount of skepticism, for some they inspire confidence. In any case, folk recipes have existed for centuries and deserve attention.

Preventive measures

To avoid the problem of infertility, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. This situation is much easier to prevent than to treat, so a boy from an early age should be examined by a surgeon or urologist. Timely diagnosis significantly simplifies the treatment process.
  2. Lifestyle plays an important role in preventing infertility. Systematic lack of sleep can have a detrimental effect on men's health. It is important to sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  3. A man will also benefit from moderate physical activity. But you shouldn’t be too zealous, because excessive passion for sports, instead of a positive effect, can cause health problems.
  4. It is strictly not recommended to take steroid drugs.
  5. You should also include being outdoors in your daily routine. Regular walks will help you get the physical activity you need.
  6. Don't forget about proper nutrition. A man's diet should include fish and meat dishes, dairy products, vegetables, herbs, fruits, grains, nuts, eggs. But to get carried away various systems Doctors strongly do not recommend diets that limit or completely exclude any categories of foods. For example, vegetarianism. Protein deficiency in this case can negatively affect health.
  7. You should also exercise moderation in visiting saunas and baths, since exposure to high temperatures on the reproductive system can negatively affect the ability to conceive.
  8. For the same reason, it is not recommended to wear tight, constricting underwear.
  9. You also need to stop smoking alcoholic products and especially narcotic drugs.
  10. It's no secret that many diseases are caused by stress. Infertility is no exception. If possible, a man should exclude situations that cause him psychological discomfort.


In almost 50% of cases in the absence of conception, the cause is male infertility, signs of which can be observed after a year of active pregnancy. intimate life. On reproductive function men are influenced by many factors, such as: lifestyle, lack of physical activity or excessive exercise, previous diseases, contact with harmful substances, psychological aspect. The modern medical industry has reached high level and successfully fights male infertility. But the results of treatment also largely depend on the man himself, who must be conscious and refuse bad habits, pass in a timely manner medical examination and carefully follow the recommendations of doctors.

The main features of the occurrence and treatment of male infertility are presented in the video:

The most important thing that can happen in the life of every woman is the birth of a child. But a woman does not always manage to experience the joys of motherhood. A terrible sentence - infertility knocks a woman out of her usual routine life rhythm. There are many reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant, ranging from inflammatory processes to abortion.

It is not always only the woman who is unable to become a mother; recently, male infertility also requires attention. First, we will talk about traditional treatment of infertility in women.

What is infertility

When a woman is diagnosed with infertility, it means that she is of childbearing age but cannot conceive a child. If the spouses have regular sex life, they do not use contraceptive methods, but for 2 years or more, the woman cannot get pregnant; doctors call such marital relationships “ barren marriage" There can be many reasons, both in the health of the woman herself and in the health of the man.

Causes of female infertility

What are the reasons for a woman’s inability to get pregnant:

  • after a long inflammatory process and chronic gynecological diseases, obstruction of the fallopian tubes occurs - this can lead to infertility;
  • defects of the genital organs or their insufficient development. It also happens that a woman can conceive, but cannot bear a child;
  • injury to the genital organs when a woman had an abortion, with frequent diagnostic curettage of the uterus and cervix;
  • diseases endocrine system– diseases thyroid gland, pancreas, pituitary gland can lead to disruption of the functioning of the body, which can lead to infertility. For example, if a woman suffers from obesity, then the likelihood of conception decreases many times. The same can be said about underweight, when a woman’s weight childbearing age does not exceed 50 kg;
  • in case of severe intoxication of the body, suffered infectious diseases, as well as chronic forms of tuberculosis or syphilis. In addition, if a woman is poisoned by chemicals (mercury, lead), this can also lead to the impossibility of conceiving;
  • with smoking and excessive consumption alcoholic drinks– the body “puts up” protection, plus severe intoxication of the body and the woman cannot get pregnant;
  • ectopic pregnancy, when both tubes are damaged;
  • the formation of polyps or tumors “on legs” in the uterine cavity. In addition to periodic pain, the woman suffers from heavy bleeding which are often confused with menstruation;
  • at purulent discharge from the genital tract having bad smell– this indicates a long-term inflammatory process of the genital organs, during which conception is impossible;
  • if a woman constantly lifts weights;
  • unsuccessful abortions can cause infertility;
  • with strong and chronic constipation the uterus can bend both forward and backward, which can prevent normal conception. A woman can understand that the uterus is tilting forward by the characteristic and frequent urge to go to the toilet “little by little”, sometimes the pressure of the uterus on bladder can be so strong that a woman is tortured constant pain and a feeling as if she had sat on a nail. This disease is accompanied not only by discomfort and frequent urges to the toilet, fatigue appears, sleep disappears, apathy sets in. The condition can go away on its own, but often women suffer throughout their lives and are unable to conceive a child. IN in rare cases pregnancy occurs, but is arbitrarily terminated in the 1st trimester;
  • if a woman’s body lacks vitamins. A lack of vitamin E can lead to female infertility. This problem is fixable; it is enough to balance your diet, take vitamins, eat foods with high content vitamin E: yellow corn, sprouted grains of rye, oats and wheat, as well as liver and lettuce.

In addition, spouses who have been married for more than 2 years and cannot conceive a child need to know that female infertility can be either primary or secondary. That is, a woman will never be able to conceive a child or she has a chance of conceiving naturally. With relative infertility, conception can occur, but with absolute infertility, it is impossible due to the absence of fallopian tubes (or their complete obstruction), the absence of ovaries and the uterus.

Reasons relative infertility may be:

  1. Hormonal imbalance, due to which the frequency of ovulation is disrupted (the egg does not mature every month).
  2. After surgical operations adhesions occur in fallopian tubes. If they are completely impassable, then pregnancy cannot occur. In addition, if there are inflammatory processes in the uterus and damage is noted reproductive organ due to surgery, then ovum will not be able to attach to the walls and conception will not occur.
  3. With endometriosis, when the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus) takes root in the tubes, abdominal cavity and ovaries. The organs increase in volume, inflammation begins, which prevents normal conception.

Causes of male infertility

When spouses do not use protection and a woman cannot get pregnant, it is not always worth blaming the spouse for infertility - men are not immune from this either. Therefore, those couples who want to conceive a child need to be examined together.

During the examination, the doctor first of all pays attention to the type of man. When the proportions of the body are not symmetrical, and the length of the outstretched arms is greater than the height of the man, then this indicates the “eunuchoid type of man,” which means that the stage of puberty has not yet arrived.

Only one visual inspection the doctor will not be enough. A man needs to have his sperm analyzed. For reliable result it is necessary to refrain from ejecting semen for 3 days. Then visit the laboratory and take the test in a sterile flask, the temperature of which should be the same as body temperature.

Immediately after sperm is collected, it is examined under a microscope. The liquid should be opaque, with a slight yellowish tint. Externally, the ejaculate resembles the white of a chicken egg.

If the sperm is healthy, it will quickly thicken and become sparse after 30 minutes. If you try to drop one drop onto a napkin, the sperm will “fall” in heavy drops. If the ejaculate liquefies slowly or does not become sparse, this means that sperm will not be able to move quickly through the genital tract. But this is not so important, the main thing for conception is that the sperm be motile. Even if there are very few of them, but they are “spirited”, this will be quite enough for pregnancy to occur.

In addition, the causes of male infertility can be infections, erectile dysfunction, poor or absent ejaculation, as well as stress, smoking abuse and overuse alcoholic drinks. In addition, excess weight, stress, work in hazardous industries, frequent visit Saunas worsen sperm quality.

Treatment of infertility with traditional methods

In the treatment of both female and male infertility, it is important not only to adhere to all recommendations traditional treatment infertility. Since the reasons for the inability to conceive a child are inflammatory processes, in most cases it will be enough to healthy image life, eat right, do exercises and walk in the fresh air. This list of “medicines” is complemented by taking health-improving herbal teas; positive and healthy emotions will also help solve many health problems.

A gynecologist should help a woman cope with many gynecological problems, but sometimes treatment is delayed for for many years, but pregnancy never occurs. A woman gets tired of constant procedures and taking hormonal drugs and decides to try to cure infertility folk remedies. Let's look at effective and efficient medications.

Sage for conception

It contains large number estrogens, which help to conceive a child. To get rid of many gynecological problems, you need to take sage leaves.

An infusion of leaves will help get rid of the following problems:

  • painful periods;
  • irregular cycle;
  • insufficient ovarian function;
  • thin layer of endometrium;
  • lack of sexual desire.

It is prohibited to treat infertility with sage if a woman has low progesterone, uterine fibroids, endometriosis and the formation of small cysts in the ovaries were discovered. At normal growth follicles, it is also undesirable to consume sage. Before starting treatment, you need to donate blood for hormones, so as not to harm your health and hormonal background. Otherwise, multiple cysts may appear, and even if pregnancy occurs, it will not be possible to carry and give birth to a child.

How to drink sage correctly

The herb can be purchased at any pharmacy and is sold without a prescription. You can find 2 forms of sage on sale: in bags for one-time brewing or simply ground sage leaves, sold in cardboard packaging. The herb must be brewed in the same way as any dry herb, in strictly defined proportions. For 250 ml of boiling water (a little more than a glass), take 1 tbsp of dry herb. Brew sage with hot water; after boiling, it should take a few minutes. Leave the infusion for half an hour. You need to drink 75 g of sage 20 minutes before meals. Prepare a new batch of sage every day.

The tea should be drunk on the 6th day after your period ends and before ovulation occurs (10 days in total). If pregnancy does not occur this month, then continue to drink sage in the same way. In total, you can undergo 3 courses of sage treatment per year. If nothing works, it is better to take a break between doses.

Sage infusion helps improve the functioning of the ovaries and wait for normal ovulation.

Rhodiola quadruple

This grass is also called “red brush.” The plant is used to treat infertility of both sexual partners. Contains a lot essential oils, acids, vitamins, and microelements.

Beneficial properties of Rhodiola:

  • regulates hormonal levels;
  • restores the menstrual cycle;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves potency;
  • relieves inflammatory processes;
  • fights infections;
  • improves sleep;
  • increases vitality;
  • helps alleviate a woman's condition during menopause.

Rhodiola should not be taken in combination with hormone-containing drugs. To achieve a better effect and pregnancy, doctors often prescribe their patients to take Rhodiola together with the plant “Borovaya uterus”.

Contraindications to the use of Rhodiola:

  • pregnancy;
  • increased body temperature;
  • hypertension;
  • overexcitement.

How to brew and take Rhodiola

Take 1 tbsp of dry raw material and pour a glass of water. It is better to prepare the decoction in an enamel bowl. Place the saucepan on the fire and wait for the water to boil, now you can turn off the heat, cover the container with a lid and leave for 40 minutes. When the rhodiola is infused, it must be strained. Divide the resulting decoction into 4 parts and take 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Remember that you drink red brush from days 15 to 28 (phase 2 of ovulation). Admission course medicinal product– 1 month.

Hog queen

The real name of the herbal medicine is “Ortilia lopsided”. This is a powerful phytohormone that will help cure gynecological diseases. After a course of treatment of the uterus, the long-awaited conception occurs.

The plant contains antiseptics, acids, many vitamins and microelements.

The herb is used for the following problems:

  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs - erosion, cysts, polyps, adhesions, endometriosis;
  • in case of metabolic disorders;
  • with cystitis and pyelonephritis.

You need to start taking the herbal medicine after the permission of your doctor. Before starting treatment with boron uterus, it is necessary to take a blood test for hormones so as not to disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system.

It is prohibited to use boron uterus decoction for the following diseases:

  • in case of obstruction of the tubes, since the fertilized egg can attach to the walls of the tubes;
  • tumors;
  • for ulcers and gastritis;
  • during pregnancy.

How to cure infertility using hog uterus

Take 2 tbsp. dry herb, add 500 ml of water and place the container on the fire (it is better to brew the herb in an enamel bowl). After the broth boils, turn off the heat, cover the dish with a lid and leave to infuse for 40 minutes.

You can start drinking a decoction of boron uterus after your period ends. The course of admission is 3 weeks. Then a break, just at this time your period will begin and you can start treating infertility again. The course of treatment is no more than 2 months. No more than 3 courses can be conducted per year.

Traditional methods of treating infertility:

  • You can cure uterine polyps with ordinary fir cones. In September, collect a supply of medicine for the year, you will need spruce branches. The decoction is prepared as follows: take 1 tbsp. branches, brew 300 ml of boiling water. You need to take 125 ml of decoction per day;
  • oak bark douching will help correct the bend of the uterus;
  • drink tea made from adonis herb. For 1 tbsp. dry raw materials take 1 cup hot water. The decoction should be infused for 2 hours, taken 3 times a day.

Treatment of male infertility with folk remedies

Eliminating the problem of the impossibility of conceiving on the male side should be dealt with by a qualified specialist, but why not try folk remedies? Treatment of infertility in men traditional methods gives positive results. In ancient times, men turned to healers for help and miraculous power herbal preparations helped to conceive a child.

Traditional treatment of male infertility:

  • Plantain seeds will help “revive” sperm motility. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 1 liter. seeds and 1 cup boiling water. The seeds are poured with hot water, boiled over low heat for no more than 2 minutes, and infused. After the decoction is ready for use, it must be filtered through a sieve or gauze folded in several layers and taken warm, 30 g 3-4 times a day. The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 3 days. Duration of treatment is up to 3 months. In addition to ingestion, you can make warm baths from a decoction of plantain leaves and roots. Take 50 g of raw material and 1 liter of hot water, leave to infuse for 40 minutes, then strain and take water procedures. Duration of treatment – ​​2 weeks;
  • To get in shape faster, a man needs to drink mumiyo. The treatment regimen is as follows: in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime, take 0.2 g of the product; you can wash it down with sea buckthorn, carrot or blueberry juice. Duration of treatment – ​​1 month. To strengthen healing effect, you can combine taking mumiyo with medicinal herbs and plants - sage or quince, you can dilute mumiyo in chicken yolks or quail eggs. 7 days after using mumiyo, a man will feel an increase in sexual desire;
  • black cumin oil helps a man restore erection and improve sperm quality. You need to take 1 tsp of oil. morning and evening, washed down with a decoction of thyme or chamomile. Duration of treatment – ​​4 months;
  • many people have no idea that their beloved herb The French say basil helps men conceive a child. Basil can be eaten both fresh and dry; the spice is added to salads, meat and fish dishes. You can make a basil tincture from 1 tbsp of dry herbs and 250 ml of water. The mixture is poured with hot water and wrapped in a towel. After 30 minutes, filter and drink 125 ml every day before meals;
  • knotweed infusion will help not only improve the quality of sperm, but even increase the chances of having a son, provided that the spouses take knotweed infusion together (preparation of knotweed: 4 tbsp per 1 liter of water). The dosage regimen is as follows: 2 tablespoons of infusion 4 times a day;
  • beekeeping products: honey, bee bread and propolis will help get rid of bacteria, cleanse and strengthen the body. An extract from propolis helps with male infertility: the same amount of water is taken per 100 g of product. The mixture is heated to +70 o C over very low heat for 60 minutes. The liquid is filtered through cheesecloth, after a few days it is filtered again and consumed 2 tbsp. morning and evening for 1 month.

For prevention purposes and to improve the functioning of the reproductive system, men need to eat honey, nuts, onions, pomegranates and seafood every day. In addition, do not forget about pumpkin, you can eat it in any form and drink freshly squeezed pumpkin juice 125 ml 2 times a day.

To conceive a child, spouses need to walk a lot in the fresh air, walk more, eat right, not be nervous and rest for at least 8 hours. It is not advisable for both men and women to wear tight synthetic underwear and skinny jeans. Foods rich in protein will help improve sperm quality - fish, meat, cottage cheese and eggs. Following all recommendations will help spouses reduce the risk of infertility and give birth to a healthy baby.

There are several causes of male infertility, the treatment of which differs. Consultation with an andrologist is necessary for all forms of problems with conception in men. Treatment of nosology with folk remedies is not harmless.

The doctor will diagnose the condition. Only after receiving the results of laboratory, clinical and instrumental methods is a decision made on prescribing medicinal herbs, medications or surgical methods.

It is difficult to answer where it is best to treat infertility in men in Moscow. Each clinic has advantages and disadvantages. A sick person requires a unique approach, so it is better to choose an institution depending on its specialization. For example, some clinics specialize in treating the secretory form of male infertility. Highly specialized establishments offer innovative ways surgical treatment of diseases of the male reproductive system.

If you have problems with hormonal system must be selected medical institution with a staff of doctors therapeutic profile therapist, endocrinologist, andrologist. Based on the information, a decision is made which doctor will treat male infertility. Each case is individual, and the topic of the causes of impaired conception in men is extensive.

Male infertility: main causes and drug treatment

The causes of the secretory form of infertility include impaired sperm formation. Absence sufficient quantity sperm for fertilization leads to the impossibility of conceiving a child, regardless of the number of unprotected sexual intercourses.

Male diseases leading to secretory form of infertility in men:

  1. Cryptorchidism;
  2. Sexual infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia);
  3. Varicocele;
  4. Testicular cancer;
  5. Anomalies of testicular descent;
  6. Prostatitis;
  7. Vasectomy.

Additional provoking factors are smoking, wearing tight underwear, frequent stress, alcoholism.

Violation of the descent of the testicles into the scrotum can be traced in childhood, and secretory infertility against the background of the disease appears only after puberty. Nosology can only be prevented operational recovery physiological position of the testicles. You cannot count on prevention with folk remedies, which is often recommended by healers.

The second most common type is varicocele. The pathology is treated surgically.

The rest of the list of causes of infertility in men can be eliminated with conservative medications and folk remedies (if detected in a timely manner). For infections, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Hypothyroidism is treated by an endocrinologist under strict control of hormone levels in the blood. Dynamic monitoring is carried out throughout therapy laboratory tests, monitoring changes in clinical symptoms.

Stressful situations lead to spasmodic contraction of blood vessels. The lack of blood supply to the organ due to spasmodic contraction of the testicular artery ensures insufficient sperm production for fertilization of eggs.

Fertilization of female eggs is possible only with a certain concentration of sperm. When passing through the vaginal secretion, part of the sperm located in the mantle-shaped part of the flow dies, and fertilization is carried out by the most “combat-ready” cells.

What does obstruction of the vas deferens lead to in men?

Diseases in which the progress of spermatozoa along the seminal protocol are disrupted are classified as obstructive forms of male infertility. Blockage of pathways with stone, tumor, inflammatory process, scar changes, hyperproliferation of the mucous membrane, structural abnormalities are the most common causes of male infertility.

Hello dear readers. Today we will discuss very serious problem problem that millions of men around the world face is infertility. Because of it, a disruption occurs in the male reproductive system, as a result of which the man cannot produce offspring. So, how to treat male infertility, where to start and is it treatable at all?

Read the article carefully and get answers to all your questions. Let's go!

First, I'll tell you a little about the causes of the problem. These include:

  • Injuries;
  • Infections that are sexually transmitted;
  • Inflammatory diseases;
  • Oncology;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Congenital malformations in the development of the genital organs;
  • Overweight;
  • Frequent baths with hot water, saunas, as well as work at high temperatures;
  • If operations have been performed on the pelvic organs;
  • Constant consumption of hormones, steroids, anabolic steroids, antibiotics, tranquilizers;
  • Taking drugs, spice, smoking, alcoholism;
  • Regular stress;
  • Working with harmful substances (mainly chemicals).

All signs of infertility do not manifest themselves. This is noticeable only when a couple is unable to conceive a child for a long time. Main, detect the problem in time and start timely treatment. Well, where to start? First you should undergo a diagnosis.

A man should consult a urologist-andrologist to diagnose the disease. During a private meeting, the doctor will determine probable reasons infertility, will take a smear from you to determine the presence of infections, and will also send you for a spermogram.

If the analysis shows any abnormalities, then additional examinations . These could be:

  • Genetic analysis of sperm or blood;
  • Hormone analysis;
  • MAP test;
  • EMIS;
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum.

Subsequently, once you have completed all the studies, the doctor will determine the correct, effective treatment.

Getting rid of the problem

The most common is considered drug therapy. To reach best result the course must be long and continuous.

You should know that sperm mature in approximately 65 days , so you should tune in specifically to this period of treatment. You will notice improvement only after 7-8 months. Only after this time will it be possible to say about the effectiveness of therapy.

Special attention should be paid to general events. You should exclude all production and household factors that have a negative impact on you. In addition, establish a work and rest schedule, start eating right, and recover from all chronic diseases. And most importantly - we need to streamline our sex life .

Your diet should include all the beneficial minerals as well as vitamins. Try to eat more carbohydrates, proteins, eliminate fast food and alcohol.

Here's a reminder for you to follow:

  1. During treatment you should not visit saunas or steam baths.
  2. Try not to worry and avoid stressful situations.
  3. Pay special attention to your underwear. Don't wear tight swimming trunks.
  4. All physical exercise should be moderate.
  5. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes completely.
  6. Follow a rational diet.

And now we move on to methods of treating male infertility.

Drug therapy

The main thing in treatment is spermatogenesis stimulants, hormonal agents, antibiotics, immunocorrective medications. Often antiestrogens are prescribed - drugs that increase gonadotropic hormones and testosterone.

If a man simply has little sperm, then it is possible to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tablets. This is necessary to increase sperm volume, as well as improve their quality.

To improve blood supply to the testicles, the doctor will prescribe a drug Pentoxifylline . In addition, I advise reception mineral complexes , which are designed for the restoration and treatment of male infertility. You can be sure that you have been assigned correct treatment, if written out:

  1. Immunostimulants such as Taktivin, Pyrogenal.
  2. Androgenic drugs - Testosterone Propionate, Testenate.
  3. Angioprotectors, in particular Pentoxifylin.
  4. Chemotherapy drugs.
  5. Biogenic drugs - Solcoseryl, Raveron.
  6. Medicines to normalize sexual function - Tentex, Himcolin, Adriol.
  7. Antiestrogenic drugs - Tamoxifen, Choriogonadotropin.

In order not to suffer and not to run to different pharmacies in search of the necessary medicines, look into Apteku-IFK (Moscow chain of pharmacies) and buy everything at once in one place.

I note that such treatment is necessary when spermatogenesis is disrupted due to a malfunction of the endocrine system, as well as in cases of genital infections.

In Vitro Fertilization

Sometimes IVF - this is the last chance to conceive a baby . Fertilization occurs in the laboratory in test tubes. Once the egg has been fertilized, the embryo develops into nutrient medium and after a couple of days it sits down with the expectant mother.

The advantage of this method is that the cytologist selects the best sperm and also enriches the sperm, which only increases the chances of conceiving a baby.

Intrauterine insemination

For this, fresh or even frozen sperm is used, which is injected into the os of the uterus. This is done when the sperm are not very active and cannot reach their destination. If a man is completely infertile (that is, he has no sperm production or is not active), then he may need insemination using donor sperm .

Surgical methods

These treatment methods are used extremely rarely when a man has acquired or congenital pathologies.

  • Cryptorchidism;
  • Varicocele;
  • Hernias in the inguinal-scrotal area;
  • Changes in the urethra and others.

If a man inguinoscrotal hernia, then the urologist surgeon sutures the inguinal canal. At the same time, there is no pressure on it, and the vas deferens is not disturbed, which is why it remains intact.

If the urethra is positioned incorrectly, the doctor will reconstruct it through surgery.

When a man has a varicocele, measures are taken to ligate the vein.

Cryptorchidism is treated in early age, otherwise later he just won't heal and infertility will not disappear anywhere.

Is it possible to cure infertility using traditional methods?

Sometimes on drug therapy and other means, the couple does not have money, and then they resort to treatment at home.

I'll tell you what. All the methods that I will tell you about below must be applied only after consultation with a specialist . Yes, our ancestors were treated with folk remedies, but such therapy has not been proven.

Now I will tell you about some of these methods:

  • Shilajit and carrot juice will help to stimulate sexual dysfunction. All components are mixed in a ratio of 1:20. Within a month after taking it you will notice a positive effect.
  • If you have problems conceiving a child, then drink hawthorn decoction three times a day, half a glass. Replace tea with a decoction of adonis and elderberry.
  • To enlarge reproductive function use knotweed infusion. If he drinks it too future mommy, then according folk signs Most likely it will be a boy. By the way, I advise you to read about .
  • Basil decoction will help with male infertility.
  • Sage, or rather a decoction of it, can be used for infertility (male and female). Take a glass of boiling water and brew a teaspoon of seeds with it. Take the decoction twice a day for 3 months.
  • Mixture royal jelly with beebread is an effective method of combating male infertility. Take 20 grams of milk and 100 grams of honey, mix it all, put it in a convenient bowl, add bee bread. Drink this whole thing once a day with a large spoon.

Treatment of infertility after mumps (mumps)

Very often, men complain that their infertility is due to mumps contracted at an early age. Unfortunately, this disease can affect any organ and it is not known which one.

Often the disease manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the testicles, and then problems with childbearing cannot be avoided. All of the above treatment methods can be used after mumps.

There are many videos on the Internet on the topic, but I advise you to watch this one:

Well, my dear readers. Now you have learned the causes and treatment of male infertility. If you have been trying to conceive a child for some time and are not succeeding, then it is time for you to consult a specialist.

I advise you, dear readers, to read the lecture " Step by step plan preparing for pregnancy men and women "". From it you will learn why you need to prepare for conceiving and carrying a baby, what each parent should do, what tests to take and how to save money on the entire examination. This knowledge will help your family conceive and give birth to a healthy baby.

Infertility in men is no less common than in women. According to statistics, about 45% remain childless precisely because of male infertility. married couples. The disease can be treated quite effectively with a variety of means if you seek help from a qualified specialist. It turns out to be the most effective complex treatment, which includes both classical and traditional medicine.

Treatment of male infertility with traditional methods in this case gives excellent results.

Male infertility and its symptoms

As such, there are no symptoms that would indicate that a man is infertile. The only factor on which doctors make such a diagnosis is that married couple cannot conceive a child.

In this case, the spouses turn to doctors, as a result of which this problem is discovered in the man. However, there are also subtle accompanying symptoms that suggest this problem. These symptoms primarily include hormonal disorders.

If a man's hair growth slows down (especially male type), the timbre of the voice changes, body fat on the chest, buttocks (by female type), then this a clear sign hormonal disorders, which are a common cause of male infertility. But hormonal disorders is not the only reason that leads to infertility.

Causes leading to male infertility

The most common reasons are causing infertility, include the following:

  1. Disruption of the process of sperm formation. In this case, a secretory form of infertility is identified.
  2. An obstacle to the path of sperm to the urethra. If it is detected, an obstructive form of infertility is diagnosed.
  3. The inability of sperm to fertilize a woman's egg. In this case, the quantity of sperm is not important; their quality, that is, motility, activity, and morphology, is much more important. However, if the amount of seminal fluid is too small, this can also become an obstacle to fertilization.
  4. Various urological diseases. Very often, the cause of infertility is varicocele, that is, varicose veins. The cause can also be diseases such as hydrocele, oligospermia and other pathologies. All these diseases can be treated quite effectively, especially in early stages development.
  5. Pathological development of the testicles. For example, cryptorchidism, which is quite easily treated in most cases.
  6. Bad habits. Alcoholism, drug addiction and smoking sharply reduce the ability to fertilize an egg.
  7. Regular overheating of the penis area. It is known that abuse of saunas, hot baths, tight and warm underwear has a very negative effect.
  8. Mental stress, stress.

It is very important to consult a doctor at the first suspicion of infertility. Even if a man wants to use traditional medicine for treatment, he must visit a urologist and other specialists. This is necessary for staging final diagnosis and identifying the causes of the problem. Without diagnostics and laboratory research in this case it is not possible.

Folk remedies for treating male infertility (recipes)

Traditional medicine is very effective in treating infertility in men. However, if you want to use any folk remedies, it is better to inform your doctor. So, what traditional medicine can be used for male infertility?

  1. Hawthorn. A decoction must be prepared from this plant. For this, 2 tsp. herbs pour 2 tbsp. boiling water Leave for 1 hour and take 3 times a day, 0.5 tbsp.
  2. Elder. Tea is prepared from these flowers (you can buy elderberry in bags at the pharmacy). You can drink this tea instead of water.
  3. Grenades. You need to drink 1 tbsp per day. pomegranate juice, dividing it into 3 doses. It is better to make the juice yourself, as industrial juice contains sugar and water, which are of no benefit. If you can’t make juice, you can eat 1 ripe pomegranate.
  4. Fees. Take pine tops in equal parts, Irish moss, leaves walnut and white mulberry. Next take 2 tbsp. l. mixture, add 1 tsp. ground flax seeds, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Keep on low heat for about 10 minutes. Cool, strain and take 3 times a day with honey and lemon. It is useful to simply add flax seeds to ready-made dishes - salads, smoothies, soups. Cure infertility folk recipes won't be difficult.
  5. Rose. These flowers are very rich in vitamin E, which is responsible for stimulating spermatogenesis. You need to prepare syrup from rose petals and take 1-3 tsp of it regularly. per day. Only dark red roses are suitable for this purpose.
  6. Chrysanthemum. Another miraculous flower, which is very revered in the East. There it is believed that it is useful to even look at flowers and inhale their aroma. To make the effect even stronger, you need to take lilac-violet flowers and add their petals to ready-made dishes. Flowers perfectly treat hormonal deficiency and hormonal disorders.
  7. Mumiyo. This recipe is effective if there is hypoleperemia, that is, low-quality sperm. In addition, this recipe improves sexual function. You need to prepare carrot, blueberry or sea ​​buckthorn juice and add mumiyo there. You should drink the juice every morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. The course of treatment is 1 month. Proportions - for 20 parts of juice you need to take 1 part mumiyo (less than 1 g).
  8. Quince. It is necessary to prepare quince juice. It is better to do it yourself rather than buy ready-made juice. You need to drink it 1 tbsp. l. every evening. You need to start on the young waxing moon, and end when the moon reaches 2/3.
  9. St. John's wort. You need to set fire to dry grass, saturate your clothes and apartment with smoke. If a man spends a lot of time at work, he can also fumigate the work area.
  10. Plantain. Plantain seeds are another remedy that can help a man, especially when the cause of infertility is sperm immobility. You need to pour 1 tbsp. l. seeds 1 tbsp. water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Then cool, strain and take the decoction warm 4 times a day, 2 tbsp. l. The course of treatment is carried out 2 times a year - in autumn and spring, for 15 days in each season. It is important to store the decoction correctly. You only need to keep it in the refrigerator, no more than 2 days. Then you need to prepare a new decoction.
  11. Sage. IN Ancient Greece this remedy was called a sacred herb because it is a storehouse of phytohormones. You need to brew 1 tsp. sage in 1 tbsp. boiling water Leave until the broth cools down. Divide the resulting infusion into 3 parts. Take 2 times a day before meals, 1 dessert spoon. The course lasts 11 days. It is strictly forbidden to increase the dose. You can add honey and lemon to the infusion.

  1. Knotweed. A remedy such as knotweed also helps a lot in conception. You need 3 - 4 tbsp. l. dry or fresh herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. It’s better to pour it into a thermos. Leave for 4 hours, after which you can start taking it. Drink the infusion 4 times a day, 0.5 tbsp. 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Bird's knotweed. You need to drink highlander in the form of herbal tea. For this you need 1 tbsp. herbs pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 1 hour.
  3. Adonis. To prepare the decoction, pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. It is better to wrap the container with the decoction. Take 3 times a day.
  4. Adam's root decoction. Pour boiling water over 2 tsp. root, wrap, leave for several hours, strain. Drink 3 - 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Ramishia decoction is one-sided. Pour 3 tbsp. l. herbs 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 10 hours. Drink 3 times a day, 150 ml, 1 hour after meals.
  6. Wormwood decoction. Pour 1 tsp. herbs 250 ml boiling water, strain. Drink the decoction throughout the day.
  7. Hoof decoction. Pour 0.5 tbsp. l. herbs 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes in a water bath. Take 5 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.
  8. Decoction of Lyubka tuber. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 1 tuber (green or two-leafed lyubka is suitable), leave and take 1 tbsp every day.
  9. Nettle infusion. Pour 5 tbsp. l. plants 0.5 liters of wine and cook for 5 minutes. Take 50 ml every evening before bed.
  10. Leuzea infusion. Grind 100 g of Leuzea roots, add water and alcohol, taken in equal parts. Leave for 30 days at room temperature. Take on an empty stomach 3 times a day, 20 drops. The course lasts 60 days. The course cannot be taught in the summer.
  11. Infusion of wormwood seeds. Pour 5 tbsp. l. seeds 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 3 weeks. Shake the infusion periodically, then strain. Take 1 tbsp 4 times a day on an empty stomach. l.

Now you know how to treat infertility with folk remedies. But it is very important to correctly observe all proportions and not change the dosage or frequency of courses in any way, otherwise allergic reactions may develop.

Traditional methods of treating male infertility are effective, but, of course, you need to rely not only on them. When treating infertility, it is extremely important role plays a healthy lifestyle. Giving up bad habits is the first step towards recovery and conceiving healthy offspring. Therefore, a man must first of all radically change his lifestyle, if before that he led a not very healthy lifestyle.

  1. Quitting alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.
  2. Healthy food. A man must change his gastronomic habits: give up fatty, spicy, unhealthy foods in favor of fresh vegetables and fruits, from fried foods in favor of stewed and boiled ones. Lean on proteins (meat, legumes), vitamins ( fresh vegetables and fruits).
  3. Sport. We are not talking about marathons, but do light exercises every morning, and go to the pool 2 - 3 times a week, gym or just going for a run in the nearest park is very useful. But we must remember that excessive physical activity is harmful to spermatogenesis.
  4. Mode. It is very important to maintain a daily routine. You need to get up and go to bed early. Before going to bed, it is very useful to take a walk and breathe fresh air.
  5. Relax. It is necessary to learn to resist stress so that it does not in any way affect the psychological state.

Remember, in order to get rid of infertility using folk remedies, it is important to rely not only on traditional medicine, but also on yourself. In any business, a positive attitude is very important!



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