Shilajit: beneficial properties, use and treatment. Mumiyo: beneficial properties and contraindications

Mumiyo is a solid organo-mineral medicinal substance dark brown or black in color, which is widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. The composition of mumiyo includes about 50 natural ingredients, which can have a pronounced effect on all systems of the human body. Traditionally, mumiyo is used as tonic during the recovery period after infectious and other diseases, as well as in the postoperative period.

Composition of mumiyo

Mumiyo is formed in mountain caves, which are located at an altitude of 300-3200 m above sea level. It consists of different components - insect poison, plant remains, animal shells, and waste products of cave dwellers in mummified form. The surface of this gift of nature is usually smooth, but it can also be slightly rough, the color is dark brown, the taste of mumiyo is bitter, and there is a specific, not the most pleasant, smell.

If we talk about the chemical composition of the product in question, then it is worth special attention devote it to inorganic and organic elements. It is known for certain that mumiyo contains iron and silver, calcium and sodium, antimony and barium, tin and cesium, and organic acids.

At all, chemical composition Shilajit is variable and depends on the place in which this valuable substance was formed.

Useful properties

You can talk for a very long time about the beneficial properties of mumiyo - there are really a lot of them, this natural product provides positive influence on the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. In this section we will highlight only some of the beneficial properties of mumiyo.:

  1. Regular use of the substance in question improves metabolic processes, normalizes the functioning of the intestines and all organs digestive system. Thanks to these properties, mumiyo can be used for, as adjuvant therapy at chronic pathologies organs gastrointestinal tract, as a prevention of pathologies thyroid gland And .
  2. Mumiyo is a universal cosmetic product.

Shilajit: contraindications for use

Despite the undoubted benefits for human health, mumiyo can cause significant harm to the body. Therefore, doctors emphasize that there are contraindications to the use of this natural product.

The use of mumiyo for diagnosed malignant tumors and against the background of increased blood pressure should only occur under the supervision of the attending physician and after obtaining permission for such procedures.

Please note:Shilajit can also cause harm to the body if used incorrectly - you need to know exactly how, when and in what doses this natural product should be used.

How to use mumiyo correctly

The product in question is sold in pharmacies in the form of ointments, powder, tablets and suspension. Certainly, the best option will be used natural mumiyo, but it is very difficult to find - there is always a danger of purchasing a fake and harming your own body.

Shilajit can be used for medical purposes in the following ways::

  1. For diseases skin You need to make a paste-like mass from mumiyo powder and clean water and apply it to the affected areas. The product remains on the skin until completely dry and then washed off with water. Can be used as a powder diluent plain water, and a decoction of chamomile or thyme.
  2. To strengthen the immune system, you need to take 1 kg of honey and add 10 grams of mumiyo to it, mix everything thoroughly, and store the product in the refrigerator. Accept this remedy you need 1 tablespoon every morning on an empty stomach for 20 days. Then it's done week break and the course can be repeated.
  3. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and 1 tablespoon mixed with 1 gram of mumiyo powder will help to quickly cure. Once you put it in your mouth, you need to slowly dissolve the product, trying to keep it in the mouth longer. oral cavity.

  1. If you are concerned or have other disturbances in the digestive system, then you need to dissolve 2 grams of mumiyo powder in warm water. clean water and consume everything in the morning on an empty stomach. This procedure should be carried out for 2 weeks, then a five-day break is taken and the course can be repeated if necessary.
  2. If they bother you

Mumiyo is a mountain resin containing a number of substances of inorganic and organic origin that are beneficial to the human body. People have resorted to its healing properties for thousands of years; it is even mentioned in the treatises of Aristotle. Range of applications for this unique product very wide, many traditional medicine recipes cannot do without it, it is part of effective cosmetic products, it is widely used in traditional, clinical medicine. Let's look at some of the nuances of using mumiyo and recipes with it.

Thanks to its anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antibacterial, diuretic, antitoxic and other properties, mumiyo is used to treat a huge number of diseases. These include: cardiovascular, endocrine, colds, neurological, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system, oral cavity, stomach, liver, bladder, intestines and others. This remedy is also indispensable in therapy. bronchial asthma, enuresis, migraine, tuberculosis, acne, varicose veins veins, mastitis, eczema, sclerosis, with dislocations, sprains and fractures. To prevent and increase immunity, consume 0.2 grams of this miracle remedy daily, dissolved in a small amount of slightly warm water. Keep in mind that it is more advisable to take mumiyo in the morning and two to three hours before bedtime, after dinner. To get rid of allergies, dilute one gram of this product in a tablespoon of water and take it every day for two weeks. To combat eczema, prepare a concentrated solution of mumiyo (10 grams per 50-100 ml of water, depending on the degree of skin damage), soak gauze in it and apply to the affected area for an hour), do the procedure twice a day, for at least a week. To speed up healing of a sprain, bruise, or fracture, dissolve 0.2-0.5 grams of mumiyo in two teaspoons of water, apply a compress for a couple of hours, or knead a little piece of this product in your hands and fix it on the problem area with polyethylene and a scarf. Please note that when high temperatures Shilajit loses most of its healing properties, so use slightly cooled liquid. For rheumatism and arthritis, use this remedy: remove seeds from a handful of rose hips (15-20 pieces) and pour 150 ml. boiling water, leave for four hours, strain, then add 10 grams of bee bread and 12 drops of vitamin A, stir. Dissolve 4 grams of mumiyo in this infusion. Take a teaspoon twice a day. For tonsillitis and sore throat, mix 0.5 grams of mumiyo with a teaspoon of liquid honey and consume at night. If you suffer from migraines or insomnia, try this remedy: in a glass, lightly warm milk dilute 2 mummy tablets, drink one hour before bedtime. To treat gastritis, add 5 grams of the product we are considering to a liter of water, stir, drink a glass a day for a week.

This recipe will help you in the fight against cellulite: mix a tube baby cream with five grams of mumiyo, treat problem areas with this ointment once a day, keep it in the refrigerator. You can get rid of stretch marks this way: take a spoonful of water, two of your special or nourishing cream, a couple of grams of mumiyo, 5 drops of essential oils tea tree and tangerine (lemon), mix everything, apply to steamed skin, no more than twice a week. To rejuvenate your face, dissolve 2 grams of mumiyo in a glass of dry red wine, leave for a day in the cold (in a dark container), then moisturize your skin with this product without rinsing.

This will help to comprehensively improve the body and also rejuvenate the skin. unique remedy like a mumiyo. The healing properties of this mountain resin contribute to its widespread use in cosmetology and medicine. This mineral-organic product is formed in rock cracks and its structure resembles a sticky resin.

Shilajit comes in four shades: black, brown, red and white. Black mountain wax is considered the most popular. Determining the quality of a product is very simple: just crush it with your hands (a good mummy will soften, and a bad one will become hard). Mumiyo, the beneficial properties of which should be known to everyone, can give health and longevity.


The medicinal properties of the product are due to its unique composition.

Shilajit contains about 80 components necessary for human health. The most useful are:

  • vitamins,
  • hormones,
  • fatty acids,
  • amino acids,
  • enzymes,
  • metal oxide,
  • resinous substances.

The product contains many microelements beneficial to the body. The following have a beneficial effect on human life:

  • manganese,
  • titanium,
  • nickel,
  • cobalt,
  • silicon,
  • calcium,
  • aluminum,
  • lead.

Depending on the type of mumiyo, as well as its location, the components included in the composition may differ.

Product benefits

IN medicinal purposes Mountain wax has been used for over 5,000 years. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, it is actively used to eliminate skin problems. It promotes wound healing and also eliminates infectious and inflammatory skin diseases.

The unique properties of mumiyo prevent premature aging. The substance accelerates the regeneration of cells and tissues. The components of the product destroy cells and also change their structure. This feature of the product allows it to be used in the prevention of cancer.

Regular use of mountain wax allows you to effectively combat viral diseases and improves immunity. The substance has a beneficial effect on nervous system, strengthening and normalizing its work. The benefits of consuming the ingredient are known to include improved sleep and increased resistance to stress.

Taking the substance internally has a beneficial effect on a person’s figure. The components included in the composition accelerate metabolic processes. Thanks to this feature of the product, the functioning of all human organs improves. This product has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and improves blood composition.

Consumption of the product promotes the outflow of bile and also improves the functioning of digestive tract. The action of mumiyo alleviates the patient's condition in case of poisoning. Mountain wax has long been used for bruises, fractures, burns, frostbite of the extremities, as well as trophic ulcers.

It is important to use the product when you feel unwell, as well as diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • migraine;
  • glaucoma;
  • myopia;
  • sclerosis;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • bladder dysfunction.

Numerous studies have proven that taking the substance allows you to fight drug and alcohol addiction. Use of the product allows you to minimize symptoms during withdrawal narcotic drugs, as well as reduce dependence on opiates. The use of the component improves the patient’s well-being with diseases such as arthritis, asthma, anemia, jaundice, hemorrhoids, and dropsy. Patients who have kidney stones should also pay attention to this drug.

Can it cause harm to the body?

If you take mumiyo correctly, then adverse reactions minimal. The product can cause harm to the human body if consumed in combination with iron. In this case, the level of hemoglobin in the blood may increase pathologically and lead to bleeding, increased thrombosis, and, as a result, increase the risk of strokes, heart attacks and thrombosis.

People with gout should also use the drug more carefully. In some cases, it increases the symptoms of this disease.

Mountain wax can reduce blood pressure, so people with reduced performance You should use mumiyo more carefully.

The product may cause allergies in humans. You should stop using mumiyo if you experience following symptoms: unpleasant itching, dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat. Before using mountain wax, you should consult your doctor.

Adverse reactions are detected when using low-quality mumiyo. The composition of such a product may include heavy metals and fertilizers that are harmful to health.

Advice: The resource “” draws your attention: combining mumiyo with medications can be dangerous. Therefore, passing drug treatment, it is important to coordinate the use of mountain wax with your doctor.

Experts point out that such an alternative medicine very rarely causes side effect. If not exceed permissible dosage, then the person will feel good. Reception of component over permissible norm increases bile levels and leads to diseases associated with gallbladder.

Medicinal properties of the product

The unique features of mumiyo are simply irreplaceable for the human body. The product has a comprehensive effect on health and improves the patient’s condition. After taking mountain wax, the condition stabilizes and the regeneration process accelerates. Experts highlight the following medicinal properties of alternative medicines:

  1. Fight against rheumatic processes.
  2. Anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effect.
  3. Strengthening bone tissue. The drug is indispensable for bone fractures and also helps strengthen cartilage. Shilajit helps increase the elasticity of intervertebral discs.
  4. Helps restore the oral mucosa. Particularly useful for periodontal disease.
  5. Renders beneficial effect on the body of patients who suffer from ischemia, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Scientific research prove that taking mumiyo (externally or internally) helps improve the body's protective functions. It is important to use the drug for preventive purposes. Taking the product increases a person’s life expectancy and also improves his well-being.


Shilajit is a virtually harmless mineral-organic product, but in some cases you should avoid taking it. Subject to availability tumor diseases, as well as bleeding, it is best to avoid the use of mountain wax. You need to be more careful when using tinctures and mixtures prepared based on the product. If you purchase such products made from low-quality mumiyo, you can easily harm your health.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding women should avoid taking the drug. When consuming this component, an infant may experience allergic reaction. It must be remembered that the substance should not be diluted in hot water before use.

For women

The fair sex actively uses mumiyo in for cosmetic purposes. Mountain wax for women is indispensable for problems with facial skin, hair, cellulite (as well as stretch marks).

A simple recipe will help you rejuvenate your facial skin. You need to add 14 g of mumiyo to the face cream (1 tbsp.). The consistency must first be mixed and used before bedtime. Apply for 15 minutes and then rinse off warm water.

One more step will help improve hair growth unique recipe. A small amount of shampoo must be mixed with honey (1 tbsp), and then add mumiyo (2 g). The mask should be rubbed into the roots of the hair and left for 30 minutes. Rinse off the consistency with warm water, and then wash your curls with regular shampoo.

Getting rid of stretch marks is quite simple if you use mountain wax for a month. To prepare the product, you need to take baby cream and mix it with 1 tbsp. warm liquid and add 3-5 g of mumiyo. It is best to apply the composition on hot skin, massage movements. After 15 minutes, the mask should be washed off.

A 10% mummy solution will help heal damaged hair. It should first be placed in a spray bottle and sprayed over the entire length of the hair. After 60 minutes, the component must be washed off. If you do similar procedure for 30 days, it will be very easy to solve the problem associated with fragility and hair loss.

For men

The medicinal features of the product will be appreciated not only by women, but also by men. Mumiyo, the composition of which has a beneficial effect on erectile function, should be used daily. Folk recipes indicate that the drug (0.3 g) should be taken orally in combination with honey. The alternative medicine is especially useful for men aged 40 to 70 years. It relieves mood swings and also increases testosterone levels.

Couples who for a long time cannot conceive a child, you should pay special attention to this product. With its help, you can improve sperm activity, which will promote fertilization. Scientific research indicates that the component improves the quality of sex.

For children

Children are prescribed to take mumiyo orally. Mountain wax helps protective functions body, so children who consume mumiyo are less likely to get sick respiratory diseases. Usual dosage: children under one year old - no more than 0.01 g per day, up to 10 years old - 0.05 g, later you can give the child 0.1 mountain wax per day.


It is important to use mountain wax both externally and internally. In the first case, an alternative medicine is used for cosmetic purposes, as well as for skin problems and joint diseases (fractures). The product is included in ointments, balms, masks, lotions. Shilajit is used internally to treat diseases. internal organs and for preventive purposes. The drug is used in the form of capsules and tinctures.

Mountain wax is taken exclusively in a course of 3-4 weeks. Depending on the ailment, the product is consumed once or twice a day. The medicine should be taken before breakfast (30 minutes before) or in the evening after dinner (2-3 hours later).

Shilajit is natural, at the same time organic and mineral product, popularly it is also called mountain balsam or mountain resin. Precise process its formation is still being studied, but it looks like a heterogeneous solid mass indefinite shape and surface. Its tight, but still slightly plastic consistency includes plant, mineral and animal components. The substance is somewhat reminiscent of resin; it is dark brown, sometimes even black, with its own specific odor, because soil, rock, plants and various animal microorganisms are involved in its creation.

Shilajit has medicinal properties, it combines more than 50 selected by nature itself chemical elements, it is widely used in folk medicine to treat many diseases. Only unrefined raw material is not used in the application, quality product undergoes purification by filtration, centrifugation and water extraction.


Shilajit is a natural complex of many useful organic and inorganic substances, micro- and macroelements that are needed human body. It contains:

    vitamins C, A, D, B and P;

    potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, copper, phosphorus, as well as cobalt, zinc, manganese and many other elements;

    many amino acids: glycine, arginine, glumamic acid, glistidine, angine, threonine and others;

    polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids;

    fulvic acids;

    hippuric and benzoic acids;

    humic acid;

    organic acids: citric, tartaric, lichen, succinic and others;

    essential oils;


    humic bases;


    steroids and ternopeids, flavonoids, carotenoids;

    okozerite (mountain wax);




    bee venom

8 beneficial properties of mumiyo

  1. Fights infectious diseases

    Many studies show that the fungi found in mumiyo, or rather their properties, resemble penicillin. Their action is actually similar; fungi perform almost all the functions of penicillin in relation to infectious diseases such as dysentery or tuberculosis. It is effectively used for colds, flu, acute respiratory infections and other respiratory diseases.

  2. Increases hemoglobin levels

    Shilajit has best properties for the treatment of anemia and increasing hemoglobin in the blood. By increasing the number of red blood cells, natural balm provides a complete blood supply to all organs, which stimulates the improvement of the condition of the entire body. Biologically active substances participate in the hematopoietic process of the body, significantly improving it.

  3. Treats nervous diseases

    Shilajit is used to treat many neurological diseases And nervous disorders. His healing properties used for restoration reduced function peripheral nerve trunks. It also actively influences DNA synthesis.

  4. Improves heart function

    The benefits of mumiyo are determined by its rich composition. It contains biological active substances that normalize metabolic processes in the body and dilate blood vessels, and this necessary condition For full-fledged work cardiovascular system and elimination of hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart attack and others cardiac diseases. Natural balm reduces blood pressure and eliminates tachycardia and can even regenerate the heart muscle if it is damaged.

  5. Strengthens the immune system

    Shilajit is an excellent stimulator of full functioning immune system and accordingly protective properties body. Due to its inherent beneficial properties, the natural elixir is successfully used in children's institutions during the transitional autumn-winter period to localize and prevent influenza epidemics. It is capable of producing antibodies even for complex immunity.

  6. Good for women

    Mumiyo, thanks to his healing properties, has gained immense popularity among women, they use it for facial peeling. Its regenerating effect on cells helps restore skin elasticity and eliminate unnecessary wrinkles. Natural elixir even relieves postpartum stretch marks. It can be used even during pregnancy and lactation. Teenage girls use it to get rid of acne.

  7. Useful for fractures

    Numerous studies by medical specialists prove that mumiyo is capable of regenerating not only muscle tissue, but also bone. This natural balm stimulates further recovery and healing of limb fractures. It also significantly reduces the time for bone healing and displacement.

  8. Strengthens hair

    Shilajit is very often used to improve hair health, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews about the use of this miracle remedy. Natural balm is used externally as a mask or in combination with your usual shampoo. After the first week, the hair stops being brittle and falling out, the color and structure of the hair improves, and after full course(4 weeks) your hair will become beautiful and healthy.

Types of mumiyo and how to choose the right one

It is clear that you need to be treated only with high-quality mumiyo and you need to learn how to choose it correctly. Good product becomes soft when you hold it in your hand, but the fake will remain hard. This happens because during the evaporation process a sticky mass remains, which, when burned, burns to the state of ash, but in no case smokes. When it comes into contact with air, it becomes denser, and when heated, it softens.

There are many types of mumiyo. There is Kyrgyz, Indian, in Russia it is considered the most popular Altai mumiyo. It is safe to say that none of these species causes harm to the body.

It comes in white and black, their properties are distinctive, but in usefulness they are not inferior to each other. Mechanism of action on the body natural healer complex, but equally useful for the functioning of the body.

It also exists in tablets, and can be purchased in city pharmacies and on special websites at an affordable price.

Indications for use

Shilajit is indicated for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, including:

    stomach ulcers;


    skin diseases, including eczema;

    dyspeptic symptoms: nausea, vomiting and heartburn;


    otitis and inflammation of the middle ear;

    periodontal disease;


    gynecological diseases;


    bone and vascular diseases;

    infectious and viral diseases.

Traditional medicinal recipes

Mumiyo is very often, and most importantly, successfully used in folk medicine. Exists huge amount recipes using this product to treat many ailments. Traditional treatment– alternative traditional medicine, especially for people with allergies to many chemicals. Below are several recipes for use at home.

1. Hair mask

To strengthen and improve hair growth there is a lot effective mask. For it you need to take 2 g. mumiyo, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey; when mixing honey, add a spoonful of your favorite shampoo. Ready mask should be applied to the hair along its entire length. Keep the mixture on your hair for an hour, then rinse your hair with warm water. Even one mask a week will be enough to improve the health of your hair. For daily use, you can simply add a small amount of Shilajit to your shampoo.

2. Anti-wrinkle cream

4 g of mumiyo should be diluted with 1 teaspoon of water until smooth and mixed with one tube of baby cream. The resulting new cream should be placed in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid and stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. The cream is applied to problem areas of the skin for three to four months. It goes very well with honey; it can be added to almost all masks and creams.

3. Heartburn remedy

2 g of mumiyo is diluted with warm water, milk or tea, and also better with honey, and is taken orally before bedtime (half an hour before). Improvement will occur within a week, but it is best to extend the course to 30 days.

4. Ointment for hemorrhoids

Mix any anti-inflammatory cream with mumiyo in a ratio of 1:6, you can add honey and a few drops chamomile infusion. The ointment is applied to anal hole by 3-4 cm at night, course of treatment is 30-40 days. The ointment can also be made based on natural fat, for example pork.

5. For the treatment of thrombophlebitis

For the prevention and treatment of thrombophlebitis, take 0.3 g of mumiyo diluted in milk or green tea twice a day daily. The course of treatment is about 2-3 months, after a short break it can be continued.

Dosages and how to take them correctly

  • Shilajit is not accepted in kind, and dissolved in water, honey, juice, milk and other favorite drinks. For external use, it is mixed with creams, ointments, honey, and sometimes alcohol.
  • Shilajit is a concentrated product and its overdose is dangerous to health.
  • When taken, it should not be mixed with alcoholic drinks and medications, you need to follow a basic diet. The dosage must be followed strictly according to the recipe; it is different in each individual case.
  • Before starting use, it is best to consult with your doctor.

Contraindications for use

Mumiyo has many beneficial properties, but, unfortunately, it also has some contraindications.

Firstly, you should not take it in cases individual intolerance product and its components.

Secondly, despite the naturalness of the balm, you still need to take it in in moderation, avoiding overdose.

Shilajit is contraindicated:

    cancer patients;

    children under 12 years of age;

    sensitive to the drug;

    elderly people.

What else is useful?

Many people lose faith in unique properties mumiyo, having tried this product in tablet form. But they themselves made a mistake - mumiyo tablets are an extract with the addition of all sorts of impurities that introduce certain changes. Simply put, healing power the mumiyo disappears. This is what experts say, and it’s hard to disagree with them after reading numerous reviews on forums, and after listening to the stories of loved ones and acquaintances. But those who have fallen into the hands of a real mumiyo - a resin-like viscous mass of black color with a specific smell and bitter taste, have learned its power for themselves and never cease to admire the generous gift of Mother Earth. Let's draw conclusions!

Application of mumiyo

First of all, mumiyo is a first-class healer! It treats simply a huge number of ailments and diseases, including: cystitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, allergies, colds and many others Real mumiyo heals wounds and improves general condition, improves sleep quality, increases appetite in sick people, helps to say goodbye to pain. Mumiyo dissolves quite well and is most often taken orally diluted in juices, water, milk, tea, or honey. In some cases, mumiyo dissolves in its natural form, but not everyone can do this. Shilajit is used and in for cosmetic purposes– in the form of masks and baths. IN lately The use of mumiyo for weight loss is becoming increasingly popular.

Treatment using mumiyo

Below we will look at the recipes treatment individual diseases using mumiyo but don't forget golden rule- consulting a doctor before using traditional medicine recipes never hurts!

Getting rid of allergies with mumiyo
With regular use, allergies are much less of a concern - they go away itchy skin, rashes are reduced, nasal breathing comes back to normal. Treating allergies with mumiyo as follows : dissolve 5 - 8 g. mumiyo in 0.5 l. water, take one tablespoon in the morning, when you wake up (before meals) and a second time in the evening. It is recommended to smear the rashes with a more concentrated solution. Please note that mumiyo has a diuretic effect on our body.

Mumiyo treats bronchitis and sore throat
How does mumiyo help with colds and bronchitis? It soothes sore throat and stops inflammatory process lymph nodes and relieves painful fatigue and impotence. We treat sore throat and bronchitis as follows:: 3 g. mumiyo must be dissolved twice a day, but if, to put it mildly, you find it difficult to tolerate the bitterness of mumiyo in your mouth, add it to honey or chocolate paste. Another way: drink a solution (four grams of mumiyo must be dissolved in 250 g of cooled, but not cold boiled water) one tablespoon three times a day until we completely get rid of the disease.

Getting rid of migraines and dizziness with the help of mumiyo
Debilitating pain goes away, but it helps next diagram intake: it is necessary to consume orally in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime a mixture of mumiyo with milk and honey (0.5 g of mumiyo plus milk and honey in a ratio of 1/15). . The course of treatment lasts no more than 25 days, after which it is necessary to take a break for 10 days. The course of treatment can be repeated.

Treatment of acne and acne with mumiyo
Oh, these pimples, how much anxiety and worry they cause. But, there will always be methods to eliminate them, for example, mumiyo helps many people say goodbye to acne:

First way: Mix three tubes of regular face cream with 15 grams of mumiyo and let it brew for 24 hours. Apply the resulting mixture directly to pimples or affected skin before going to bed. acne, but don’t rub it in!

Second way: divorce mumiyo not too liquid, otherwise our mixture will flow unpleasantly from your face and will only ruin your mood. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash off the mumiyo. This method perfectly nourishes, cleanses the skin of pimples and increases blood circulation.
Third way: Stir 1 teaspoon of honey with a pea-sized amount of mummy in a water bath. Apply to the affected areas and leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then wash off.

Mumiyo will boost immunity
Below are 2 wonderful recipes using mumiyo to improve immunity. The course is designed for 20 days, then a break is taken for 10 days and can be repeated again.

First recipe: add a few drops of water to 5-8 g of mumiyo, bring to a mushy state, then add 500 g natural honey and mix everything thoroughly. Take 1 tablespoon before meals 3 times a day. Required condition- storage in a cool place.

Second recipe: mix 100 g of aloe with 5 g of mumiyo and the juice of 3 lemons, leave for 24 hours, then drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Mumiyo in cosmetology

Thanks to his unique composition Shilajit returns beauty to the skin, hair and can even rejuvenate! Try it for yourself wonderful properties Each of us can do mumiyo, choose recipes and use:

Rejuvenating bath with mumiyo
Take 5 g of mumiyo, dissolve it thoroughly in 500 ml of boiled water. The temperature of the water in the bath should be approximately 30 degrees, add half of the dissolved mumiyo to it, i.e. 250 ml. We immerse ourselves in the bath for 20-30 minutes and relax (we do this procedure in the evening). After taking a bath, we do not pour out the water, but leave it until the morning. In the morning, add the rest of the liquid with mumiyo, add hot water(set the water temperature to 30 degrees again) and take a bath again. The course lasts 20 days, then a break of 10 days is required. Important: Drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited! From medicines It is also recommended to refuse.

Mask with mumiyo, perfectly nourishes the skin
We will need 2 grams of mumiyo, we will dissolve it in 1 teaspoon of water, we will definitely add 20 ml of 15% cream for dry skin or the same amount of milk for oily skin, pour in 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 yolk for dry skin or 1 white for oily skin and mix everything well. Apply the resulting mass to the skin for 30 minutes, then rinse off with water at a pleasant temperature. The mask is amazing, but it is better to do it no more than once a week.

Treatment of stretch marks with mumiyo
Healing cream for stretch marks: carefully dissolve two grams of mumiyo in one teaspoon of water (necessarily boiled). Next, mix with 1 tube of baby cream and rub once a day into our problem areas. Don't forget to store our cream in the refrigerator.

Shilajit for weight loss

Well, here we are at the very end interesting topic- mumiyo for weight loss. It has been proven that taking mumiyo in courses has a beneficial effect on metabolism, reduces appetite, and as a result, they go away. extra pounds. Although this of course does not mean that it is enough to drink mumiyo and lie on the bed waiting for a miracle. Mumiyo will help in the fight for slim figure those who still make an effort to fulfill their dream will move more, not overeat in the evening and reduce the amount of calories consumed (mummy will help with the latter). The recipe for use is simple: you need to take 0.5 - 1 g of mumiyo in the morning before meals and in the evening before bed. It is recommended to conduct four courses (but do not forget about the uniqueness of each individual case). One course lasts 20 days, then we take a break for 5 days and can repeat the course.

Recipes with mumiyo for beautiful hair

Mumiyo can transform our hair: it will become healthier, stronger and even thicker. To achieve these goals, the following recipes with mumiyo for beautiful hair will come in handy:

Take 2 grams of mumiyo and dilute it in hair shampoo. Don't be alarmed - the shampoo will turn dark. Next, you wash your hair with this miracle shampoo, but with one difference - after you thoroughly foam the shampoo, do not rinse it off for 5-7 minutes.

Strengthens hair and accelerates its growth rate next procedure: Dilute 2 grams of mumiyo in 1.5 glasses of water and spray the hair roots from a spray bottle 2 hours before washing your hair. It will be useful to simultaneously drink mumiyo 0.2 grams once a day in courses.

The following recipe with mumiyo gives extraordinary beauty to your hair: chop 100 grams of cranberries and pour boiling water, leave for four hours, then dissolve 3 grams of mumiyo in it and rub in the infusion, regardless of washing your hair.

Another good recipe with mumiyo for beautiful hair: Dissolve 50 grams of honey and 5 grams of mumiyo in 1 glass of warm water, add 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn juice. Rub into hair roots half an hour before washing.

Shilajit contraindications

The first thing I want to say about precautions is that in no case should you delay the course of treatment with mumiyo too much, because the body can get used to artificial stimulation, and then problems will begin when you stop taking mumiyo. Everything is good in moderation!

Please note the following contraindications to the use of mumiyo(you should stop taking mumiyo in the following cases):
1. Pregnancy and lactation
2. Age up to 12 years
3. Presence of a tumor
4. Presence of bleeding
5. High blood pressure

It is prohibited to consume alcohol during mumiyo treatment. More detailed information you can get it from your doctor - his recommendations are very important and will help you avoid mistakes when taking mumiyo.

Elena Matsuk
Women's magazine JustLady



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs