Lacto-ovo vegetarianism: grocery lists and sample menu for the week. Cheat sheet for vegetarians: what you can and cannot eat for different movements: lacto-, ovo- and vegans Lacto-ovo vegetarianism as the only correct nutritional system

Nowadays, more and more people are inclined to lead a healthy lifestyle, which implies adherence to the principles of proper nutrition and regular exercise in a variety of sports. But what kind of nutrition system can be called correct? Contrary to popular belief, giving up sweets, most baked goods and synthetic foods does not mean you are finally on the path to health and longevity. Professional nutritionists also recommend avoiding meat and fish products. Why? Expert advice is based on fairly compelling reasons.

Lacto-ovo vegetarianism as the only correct nutritional system

It is difficult to argue with the fact that meat, poultry and fish contain substances that are important for maintaining human health: vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. However, the benefits of the listed products are significantly reduced due to their potential (and in most cases, real) harm: modern industry requires the widespread use of dangerous synthetic substances, including little-studied preservatives. In an effort to win the loyalty of consumers, Russian and foreign manufacturers stuff their products with flavor enhancers, dyes and even flavorings (the latter are especially rich in semi-finished products, preserves, sausages and frankfurters). What should a buyer do who has a head on his shoulders and who does not agree to poison the body with useless and meaningless chemical additives? Not to mention that more than two thirds of these additives are carcinogenic.

Lacto-ovo vegetarianism, the menu of which includes the most ordinary products, seems to be the only true way out of this situation. Why spend money on practically inedible chemicals if you can limit yourself to a set of natural products rich in substances necessary for full life?

Special diet

The main reason for people's instinctive mistrust of switching to lacto-ovo vegetarianism is the list of products in which there are restrictions. To dispel the not entirely correct idea about this food system, it is enough to analyze the menu that you are going to stick to. Excluding meat, poultry and fish from the diet is not just a tribute to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle. Professional nutritionists advise paying close attention to the amazing variety of foods that you can eat every day. These are fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk and dairy products, baked goods, pasta, sweets (including everyone’s favorite chocolate), cereals and cereals, muesli, nuts, dried fruits, mushrooms, and any drinks. Lacto-ovo is a trend in vegetarianism that allows you to eat almost everything except the most harmful.

Life without meat

The most important thing you need to know about giving up meat and fish products (including derivatives) is that along with the step into a new life, you begin a long but indispensable process of healing the entire body. Preventing obesity and losing excess weight, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, longevity, freedom from gastrointestinal problems, reducing the overall absorption of contaminants (pollutants from the environment) into tissue, strengthening bones - these are just some of the many benefits of switching to lacto -ovo-vegetarianism. Reviews from those who have already set out on the path to a long and happy life, as well as the opinions of professional nutritionists, come down to one conclusion: giving up meat and fish will only benefit you and will in no way cause harm. If you are concerned about nutritional deficiencies, try planning your diet in advance. Below, especially for those who do not yet fully believe in lacto-ovo vegetarianism, is a detailed menu for the week.

Before the start

To begin with, it is worth understanding that if you exclude meat and fish products from your breakfasts, lunches and dinners, you will not suffer from protein deficiency. Protein-rich plants are much healthier than steaks, cutlets and sausages. Natural foods contain protective phytochemicals. Thus, beans are known for their unique ability to lower blood sugar levels due to the combination of protein and fiber. Compared to meat, beans, peas and lentils contain fewer sulfur amino acids, which means they do not contribute to the leaching of calcium from bones. If you are determined to at least try lacto-ovo vegetarianism, the weekly menu will help you navigate the choice of foods and methods of preparing them.

Day 1: start of the journey

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs or omelette, toast with a tablespoon of butter.
  • Lunch: a large plate of vegetable salad, natural yogurt with fresh fruit.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew with cashews, carrot or tomato juice.
  • Snacks: Raw nuts, preferably almonds or mixed nuts.

Drink as much plain still water as possible.

Day 2: more vegetables

  • Breakfast: porridge from multigrain flakes, a glass of milk (preferably soy), whole grain toast with jam or preserves. You can also replace the jam with a slice of avocado or your favorite nut butter.
  • Lunch: hummus, whole grain pita bread, cherry tomatoes, carrots, banana.
  • Dinner: cauliflower cheese pie, green salad, fresh fruit.
  • Snacks: protein shake, carrot and celery sticks, hummus for dipping vegetables.

If you are not just trying to switch to lacto-ovo vegetarianism, but want to make your diet as healthy as possible, prefer butter to margarine, and hard cheeses to soft ones. To make a protein shake, you will need protein powder and any fresh fruit along with freshly squeezed juice.

Day 3: Cereals and milk

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with berries and cinnamon, cow's milk (can be replaced with almond, rice or soy).
  • Lunch: vegetable sandwich (mayonnaise, chopped tomatoes, red onion, halved Brussels sprouts between two slices of whole grain bread with dill pickle), a handful of grapes.
  • Dinner: tacos - hot tortilla stuffed with soy meat, cheese, onions and beans, with spicy gravy.
  • Snacks: natural yogurt with sliced ​​banana and a pinch of cinnamon.

When choosing yogurt in a store, make sure that the composition does not contain synthetic additives, sugar or fruit fillers. It is better to add fresh fruit to it than to risk your own health.

Day 4: protein norm

  • Breakfast: muesli with blueberries, a portion of seasonal fruit.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, tempeh (fermented soybean cake), apple.
  • Dinner: soy meat, organic sauce (eg homemade tomato paste) and grated Parmesan, baked apple.
  • Snacks: Half a whole grain bagel with nut butter.

Lacto-ovo vegetarianism involves focusing on protein foods to avoid protein deficiencies. Eat brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa, beans, peas, and peanuts as often as possible.

Day 5: mouth-watering dishes

  • Breakfast: muffins with pieces of dried fruit, protein shake.
  • Lunch: baked beans, fresh carrots, celery, fruit salad.
  • Dinner: tempeh and vegetable stew with brown rice, tomato juice.
  • Snacks: a serving of whole grain cereal with milk, natural yogurt with fresh fruit.

When choosing cereals, oatmeal remains the ideal option. coarse grinding also contributes to good digestion and good mood.

Day 6: quick fix

  • Breakfast: whole grain cereal with milk, small muffin.
  • Lunch: vegetable roll, oatmeal raisin cookies, melon.
  • Dinner: vegetable burger, baked potatoes, green salad.
  • Snacks: muesli.

Some dishes are better to cook yourself than to buy from supermarkets - especially if lacto-ovo vegetarianism has become your new lifestyle. Recipes can be found in the corresponding cookbooks, and we present the simplest of them in the article.

Day 7: Celebrating Diversity

  • Breakfast: 2 egg omelet with bell peppers, garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese, whole grain toast with butter, fruit juice.
  • Lunch: Spicy lentil soup, whole grain bread, fruit salad (for example, mango and strawberry).
  • Dinner: vegetarian lasagna, green salad leaves.
  • Snacks: a mixture of nuts and dried fruits.

As you can see, the devil is not as scary as he is painted. Lacto-ovo vegetarianism will soon become a real way of life if you allow your personal beliefs and the professionalism of eminent nutritionists to prevail over advertising templates and one-sided public opinion.

The most popular destination among vegetarians is lacto-vegetarianism. Lacto-vegetarianism is a type of vegetarian diet, the diet of which, in addition to plant foods, includes milk and all kinds of dairy products.

It should be noted that cheese products, manufactured from abomasum animal origin and gelatin, excluded from the menu lacto-vegetarians .

Lacto-vegetarianism complies with ethical standards and principles of vegetarianism. People who are supporters of this belief that food of animal origin can only be consumed if it was obtained non-violently. However lacto-vegetarians from his menu exclude eggs, explaining this by saying that the eggs contain an embryo, the killing of which is unacceptable.

Widely popular lacto-vegetarianism received among supporters of eastern religious traditions - Hindus and Buddhists.

This vegetarian diet is entirely consistent with the main principles of non-violence, which are professed in the sacred scriptures Vedas: “Before God, all living beings are important and equal.”

Adherents of Vedic culture excluded forever from food meat products. Meat in India began to be consumed only with the arrival of foreign conquerors: the Mughals, the Portuguese and the British colonialists. But regardless of the fact that for many centuries India was ruled by meat-eating people, a large number of Indians to date are vegans.

According to Vedic ideas A true vegetarian is one who gives up meat, eggs and fish. If a person adopted vegetarianism only to avoid violence, then he allowed to consumeunfertilized eggs. However, for followers of Vedism, any living flesh is harmful to humans, even unfertilized eggs.

Indian scriptures state that a person, when choosing food, should follow only moral and spiritual principles, and not animal instincts.

However supporters of Hindu traditions use milk and dairy products. In India, cows are sacred animals and milk is a very valuable food product. Hindus follow the Vedic principles of cow protection and treat cows with great care and love.

Also the Vedas note important fact that to get meat you need feed to livestock large number grains and vegetables, which are suitable for complete human nutrition. In their opinion, this is serious wastefulness. It has been proven that it is necessary to spend about 16 kg of grain to obtain a kilogram of meat. But the same amount of grain can feed nearly 30 people.

Thus, lacto-vegetarianism is a nutritional system with a certain worldview and lifestyle.

In terms of proper nutrition lacto-vegetarianism recommended to those who strive reduce level blood cholesterol, since this will be facilitated by a complete refusal to eat eggs. Thanks to the availability in this vegetarian dairy products, You you won't suffer from lack of calcium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D. Your body will also receive all the important amino acids. But dairy products also contain saturated fat, so for a healthy diet it is recommended to choose milk with a low fat content.

It should be noted that lacto-vegetarianism often serves as a transition to a strictly vegetarian diet. Cutting switching to a vegan diet often accompanied by protein starvation, since the body is accustomed to a huge amount of protein compounds in meat products. In the conditions of the middle and northern zone, the transition to a strict vegan diet must only be carried out under the supervision of a nutritionist.

As a result of the transition to lacto-vegetarianism no negative consequences are recorded. In general, we can confidently say that lacto-vegetarianism - most suitable vegetariandiet For residents modern megacities from the point of view of ethics, economy and health.

Everyone knows that vegetarians refuse to eat meat. But those who begin to delve into this issue can easily get lost, since there are a lot of controversial issues. A number of products raise doubts: for example, is it possible or not to eat eggs and milk? On the one hand, they are of animal origin, but, on the other hand, there is no need to kill anyone. What to do in this case?

Based on serious differences in this system, branches appeared, each of which has its own menu in accordance with the views and life positions of their representatives. Therefore, we will try to more accurately describe what vegetarians eat in each of these groups.

General points

Before presenting to your attention a list of foods that vegetarians can and cannot eat, it is worth taking a closer look at their worldview, which determines their diet. In the classical sense, these people refuse, due to their humanity, to eat food that is produced as a result of killing other living beings.

In a general sense, this, of course, is meat in any of its manifestations and forms, as well as fish (pescatarians who refuse meat but eat fish are a separate movement that has nothing to do with vegetarianism). However, there are discrepancies on this matter. There are controversial products that we have included in a separate list and on the basis of which various branches from the classical school arose.

What do they eat

  • Legumes: beans, soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, peas;
  • mushrooms;
  • cereals: millet, couscous, rye, bulgur, barley;
  • pasta;
  • vegetable oils:, etc.;
  • seafood: brown algae (wakame, lima, hijiki, kelp), red (dals, carrageenan, rhodemia, porphyra), green (monostroma, umi budo, ulva);
  • vegetables, among which the healthiest are potatoes, zucchini and squash, radishes, celery, spinach;
  • nuts: coconut, pecan, walnuts, pine, pistachios, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds;
  • sweets without gelatin (you should look for agar-agar or pectin on packages instead);
  • spices: coriander, pepper, turmeric, cardamom, cumin, anise, oregano, vanilla, mustard, barberry, nutmeg, cloves, curry;
  • breakfast cereals and cereals;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • bakery products.

What they don't eat

  • “Light” meat: chicken, turkey and other poultry;
  • “heavy” meat: beef, pork, lamb;
  • seafood: shrimp, mussels, octopus, oysters;
  • meat products: pizza, snacks, offal;
  • fish.

What to include in your menu instead of meat (to balance the amount of proteins and fats in the diet):

  • legumes: chickpeas, lentils, peas, beans;
  • sausages without meat content;
  • soy milk;
  • soy cheese;
  • eggs.

Which foods contain which vitamins?

About controversial products


It would seem that there is nothing to argue about: if a vegetarian refuses to eat the flesh of a killed animal, then it would be logical to do the same with fish. But no! Some people who sincerely consider themselves adherents of this system eat both fish and seafood without a twinge of conscience. Argument: these creatures are so low-intellectual and insignificant that their absence will not affect anyone in any way - they don’t even know how to empathize with each other.

Such people are called pescatarians, and classical vegetarians do not accept them into their camp.


In fact, eggs should also be banned. After all, chicks could eventually hatch from them. How then does this fit in with their ideology: “We don’t kill anyone”? However, there is a loophole, and representatives of this worldview system took advantage of it. They eat only industrial, hatchery eggs, and not farm eggs taken from under chickens. Initially, they were not obtained naturally, which means they cannot relate to nature as such. A bit of a stretched point of view (after all, even from industrial ones you can raise chicks), but, nevertheless, it exists. Lacto-vegetarians do not support it and do not eat any eggs.


There is also no consensus on dairy products. On the one hand, everything is simple: a cow does not die from giving milk to a person. But ovo-vegetarians, for example, have a huge number of reasons why they shouldn’t eat these products.

Firstly, if we talk about an industrial scale, then poor cows are subjected to numerous tortures, since the producers’ task is to pump the maximum milk out of them. At the same time, she can be fed antibiotics and other harmful substances.

Secondly, a cow, like any mammal, produces milk exclusively during lactation. And for this to happen, she needs to constantly give birth. In most cases, born calves are slaughtered for meat.

And ovo-vegetarians have dozens of such arguments.

Many people are perplexed about the ban on vegetarian diets. Although the explanations why it’s still not worth eating are quite understandable. Vegans usually have this attitude. They refuse bee products for several reasons:

  • every 2 years, queen bees are killed, replacing them with more productive and younger ones;
  • when removing honeycombs, bees suffer and die;
  • in the hives, honey is replaced in winter with sugar syrup, which causes various diseases in bees, shortening their lives.

Based on this, vegans do not eat honey, honeycombs, bee bread, propolis, or any other bee products.


Some manufacturers pass it through a filter made of cow bones to obtain snow-white pieces of sugar. This fact became the explanation why vegans refuse to eat this product.

Now you know what vegetarians do not eat due to their worldview. Moreover, for each of them it may differ from the generally accepted one. So, before you create a menu, you should first decide what is on the list of unacceptable products for you from the point of view of humane treatment of animals? Only after you join one of the camps will it be possible to talk in more detail about the lists of permitted and prohibited foods.


Ovo-lacto vegetarians are a mainstream classic. Their advantage is that of all the available branches they have the most balanced and varied diet. And this guarantees the consumption of all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. Their deficiency in such people is extremely rare. And if we talk about the benefits of vegetarianism, then this is where it reveals itself in full force.

Despite the fact that they cannot eat meat and fish, they more than make up for their absence with plant foods, as well as eggs and milk.

  • baby formula;
  • yogurt;
  • kaymak;
  • callier;
  • kinuski;
  • colostrum;
  • cow's, sheep's, goat's, elk's, powdered milk;
  • whey;
  • ice cream;
  • buttermilk;
  • curdled milk;
  • ricotta;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • skyr;
  • cream;
  • condensed milk;
  • snowball;
  • cottage cheese;
  • curd mass;
  • curd cheese;
  • melted butter;
  • Turo Rudy;
  • chkhurpi;
  • eggs.
  • the list is the same as that of classic vegetarians;
  • + cheese is added to it.

So, another controversial product has appeared on our list - cheese. Indeed, many vegetarians (even ovo-lacto- and simply lacto-) refuse to eat it, despite the fact that it is classified as milk. The explanation is again very simple. Rennet is used to produce many modern cheeses and even cottage cheese. This is a substance that is extracted from calf stomachs, and for this, cows are killed.

However, there is good news. There are rennet substitutes that differ in their non-animal origin. They are being actively introduced into cheese production. On the packaging it can be hidden under different names: microbial / microbiological rennet / rennin. These are the cheeses (most often they are imported) that vegetarians can eat.

If you want to become a real vegetarian, you should start mastering the basics of this worldview with this system. It is as close as possible to the principles of proper and healthy nutrition. This means there will be much more benefit from it.


Ovo-vegetarians are a little strange people: they eat eggs (although they obviously kill the chicks, whose life lies in the yolks), and refuse dairy products (in the production of which, after all, rarely anyone dies) - they refuse. One way or another, you won’t find any milk, cottage cheese, or kefir in their diet. But egg dishes are the basis of their menu.


  • soft-boiled eggs;
  • hard-boiled;
  • stuffed;
  • Scottish;
  • poached;
  • in a bag;
  • omelette;
  • Parmentier;
  • shakshuka;
  • mandirmak;
  • Benedict;
  • scramble;
  • mish-mash;
  • frittata and many other egg dishes.


  • list of classic vegetarianism;
  • list of foods allowed for ovo-lacto-vegetarians with the exception of eggs.

Milk can be hidden on labels under different names:

  • casein;
  • calcium caseinate;
  • magnesium caseinate;
  • caseinate;
  • potassium caseinate;
  • lactalbumin phosphate;
  • lactalbumin;
  • lactoglobulin;
  • sodium caseinate.

It’s worth saying a few words separately about ovo-vegetarians. The only source of animal protein for them is eggs. This is fraught with not very good consequences for health. Firstly, they do not cover the daily requirement for protein. Therefore, you need to actively lean on those slightly plant-based foods that contain protein. Secondly, eggs are heavy food that takes a long time to digest, and when consumed in large quantities for a long time, all sorts of gastrointestinal disorders are observed.


Lacto-vegetarians eat mainly dairy products and everything else allowed by the classical school. Their main feature is not eating eggs. The explanation is quite logical: chicks may hatch from them in the future, so if you eat their birth cocoon, it can be considered murder.

List of permitted products:

  • general list for classic vegetarians;
  • list for ovo-lacto-vegetarians excluding eggs.

List of prohibited products (contain eggs or egg powder):

  • waffles;
  • marshmallows, soufflé;
  • cupcakes;
  • candies;
  • meringues;
  • ice cream;
  • instant puree;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • cookie;
  • pies and other flour baked goods;
  • donuts;
  • pudding;
  • rolls;
  • batter;
  • egg noodles;
  • egg sauces (mayonnaise, hollandaise, tartar);
  • eggs.

Manufacturers may hide the presence of egg ingredients on labels under the following names:

  • albumen;
  • apovitellenin;
  • globulin;
  • fat substitutes;
  • livetin;
  • ovalbumin;
  • ovotellin;
  • ovomucin;
  • phosvitin.

Lacto-vegetarians differ from ovo-vegetarians in a more varied menu, a beautiful figure (protein from dairy products is used to build it) and much better health. So if you are planning to make a choice, keep this in mind.


This is the most strict of all nutrition systems within this worldview. As a rule, vegans do not eat anything related to animals. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether they died during the production process or not - not a hair from their body can be used. The basis of their diet is exclusively plant foods.

It is especially difficult for them in winter, when prices for vegetables and fruits soar and their assortment becomes more limited. To maintain this lifestyle, you need to earn enough money. If the salary is small, it is unlikely that you can afford such a luxury during the cold season. And eating only cereals is very harmful for the stomach.


  • Legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • cereals;
  • oils;
  • vegetables;
  • nuts;
  • spices;
  • fruits and dried fruits.

They don't eat

Products related to animals:

  • any meat;
  • bird;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs (even fish eggs, i.e. caviar);
  • bee products.

Dietary supplements (some are made from animals):

  • gelatin;
  • cochineal (carmine);
  • fish glue (found in some alcoholic drinks);
  • beaver musk as a natural flavor;
  • omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamin D3;
  • gummilac (shellac);
  • dairy ingredients: casein, whey, lactose.

What's hidden where:

  • L-cysteine ​​from bird feathers - in bakery products;
  • egg white, gelatin, casein, fish glue - in beer and wine;
  • anchovies - in Worcestershire and Caesar sauces, olive tapenade;
  • gelatin, carmine, shellac - in confectionery products;
  • fat of natural origin - it is used to fry French fries and other fast food dishes;
  • cheese - in pesto sauce;
  • eggs - in pasta;
  • casein, animal flavors, whey - in potato chips;
  • bone charcoal - in sugar;
  • chocolate - whey, milk;
  • wax - vegetables.

Limited use (everyone decides for himself):

  • Candies, ice cream, chips, cookies, sauces - due to the sugar and fat content;
  • sweeteners: molasses, date and maple syrup - for sugar;
  • vegan meats and cheeses - due to food additives of dubious origin;
  • artificial milk - because of sugar;
  • protein vegetarian bars - because of the sugars.

Within vegans there are several other different categories:

  • macrobiota eat mainly grains and cereals; they refuse vegetables and fruits;
  • raw foodists do not eat thermally processed food;
  • Fruitarians eat exclusively fresh fruits.

In this article, the website will tell you about what it is lacto-vegetarianism and, as they say, what it comes with.

Lacto-vegetarianism is one of the most popular types of vegetarianism. But what is it, what are its benefits, and how to switch to it? And what would you like to cook? Reading the article!

What kind of diet is this?

The word "lacto-vegetarianism" is made up of the Latin words Lacto - milk and Vege - plant. In this diet, in addition to eating foods of plant origin, it is permissible to eat dairy products, such as cheese without rennet, cottage cheese, butter and milk itself.

Often, lacto-vegetarians adhere to this diet for ethical reasons. They believe that animal products can only be eaten if they were not obtained through violent means.

Lacto-vegetarians also do not eat eggs. In their view, the egg contains an embryo, and killing it is tantamount to killing a living being. However, there is also lacto-ovo vegetarianism. It implies that eggs can be eaten. This is evidenced by the insertion Ovo, which means "egg".

The benefits of lacto-vegetarianism

If you want to stick to proper nutrition, the lacto-vegetarian principle is perfect for this. It helps lower blood cholesterol levels by avoiding eggs. The presence of milk and dairy products in this vegetarian diet will provide your body with the necessary amount of calcium and vitamins B12 and D. Most importantly, do not forget that dairy products contain saturated fat, so it is better to choose skim milk.

As a rule, lacto-vegetarianism is not only a healthy diet, but also a way of life. Most vegetarians do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages, strong tea or coffee. If you're into one of these bad habits, switching to a vegetarian diet may help you break them.

Undoubtedly, in this way of life there is a lot of advantages, which is confirmed by various studies. Health improves, life expectancy increases, and the risk of excess weight, hypertension, ischemia and diabetes decreases.

How to switch to lacto-vegetarianism?

In order to properly switch to a vegetarian diet, you need to decide on the type that is more suitable for you. It could be lacto-vegetarianism or lacto-ovo-vegetarianism. It's best to start with one of these foods. Gradually, eliminate meat or fish. To make the transition to a vegetarian diet simple and natural for you, the site will give some tips:

1. Don't give up your favorite food A. Focus on the desires of your body and your taste preferences. Give yourself permission to eat your favorite dish sometimes if you really want it. The main thing is not to forget, this should be an exception and not become a habit. Over time, the desire will become less and less. And in the end you can completely abandon it.

2. Transition to lacto-vegetarianism gradually. Reduce your intake of animal products and replace them with plant-based ones. This will give your body time to get used to the new diet. The fact is that a sudden transition to vegetarianism, including lacto, is perceived as a fasting diet. You will feel lightness and improved well-being, but after this, due to a lack of nutrients, you may feel unwell and weak. Therefore, a gradual transition is very important.

3. Reduce your intake of sweets and eat plenty of fresh vegetables. Fresh vegetables are extremely important for healthy intestinal microflora. Sugar, which is also found in fruits, on the contrary, promotes the growth of bacteria. After your body gets used to the new lifestyle, you can resume taking fruit in the usual amount.

4. Don't forget cleanse the body. The body, cleansed of waste and toxins, quickly and easily gets used to a new type of nutrition.

If you follow our advice, your transition to lacto-vegetarianism will be easy.

Proper nutrition and vegetarianism

The most important thing is to eat balanced. So you definitely won’t harm your body with lacto-vegetarianism. You must be consumed every day:

  • up to 10 servings of cereal dishes;
  • about 7 servings of dairy products, consuming as little whole milk as possible;
  • about 5 servings of vegetables, they are very important.
  • 2-3 servings of fruit
  • Minimum fat.

If suddenly you have a great desire to eat junk food, you can read,.

And finally, a vegetarian recipe you can make.

Greek Roast Vegetables


  • 8 pcs. small potatoes;
  • 4 cherry tomatoes;
  • 2 zucchini;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 1 sweet red pepper;
  • 3 onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 6 tablespoons olive oil;
  • 200 gr. tofu;
  • Fresh herbs, salt, black pepper.

Cut potatoes and tomatoes in half, eggplant and zucchini into slices, peppers and onions into cubes, chop the garlic, cut the tofu into small pieces.

Line a baking tray with baking paper and arrange the vegetables and tofu. Rub olive oil with herbs and add vegetables on top. Salt and pepper. Cover with foil and place in a preheated oven. Bake for 50 minutes, about 10 minutes before cooking, remove the foil.

With this dish lacto-vegetarianism It will not only be healthy, but also delicious!

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Modern vegetarians do not run after Hollywood fashion, as they did in the 90s. Today, vegetarianism is a cultural, religious or personal choice of people.

Common people today take lacto-vegetarianism as a special diet or an express way to improve the health of the body. For some, this is even a way to save on buying expensive meat. But for most, vegetarianism is more of a philosophy and a way of life for a person. The desire to protect animals and to realize one’s religious beliefs are the two most common reasons for changing the food system in favor of one type of vegetarianism or another.

A year ago we already studied the issue of vegetarianism. This time we decided to take a closer look at 2 areas: lacto-ovo-vegetarianism and lacto-vegetarianism.

  • Lacto-ovo vegetarians avoid meat and seafood. They based their diet on dairy products, vegetables, fruits, as well as eggs and honey.
  • Lactovegetarians give up meat and seafood. Eggs and honey were excluded due to their close interaction with living organisms and their exploitation. They based their diet on dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

Among all the major groups of vegetarians, lacto-ovo-vegetarianism is the most humane direction in relation to human health. By consuming dairy products daily, the human body naturally receives a huge list of beneficial substances, some of which can compensate for the lack of amino acids from meat and fish. For example, one of the most important amino acids, methionine, which is indispensable for humans and their skin, can be compensated by a vegetarian only from milk or a vitamin preparation.

When choosing one or another nutritional system, a person must first of all be based on medical knowledge, because his own health depends on it. Lactovegetarians highlight several advantages in choosing their diet. We decided to figure out what these advantages are and find out if they are myths.

Lactovegetarianism may help people with high cholesterol. Giving up meat and eggs will bring my cholesterol back to normal

THIS IS A MYTH. The main reason for this myth is that cholesterol is only 20% dependent on food. The remaining value is produced by the body itself. Therefore, giving up meat will not help lower cholesterol.

But what factors then influence cholesterol reduction?

  1. Physical activity. People with high cholesterol need daily intense exercise.
  2. Quitting alcohol and cigarettes. Those same 80% of cholesterol are formed in the human liver. When drinking, a person disrupts the functioning of the liver and cholesterol in the blood increases.
  3. Avoiding coffee (especially strong coffee), which increases cholesterol production.
  4. No stress.

Lacto-ovo vegetarians indulge in eggs. And they do it right, because... thanks to them they receive vitamins D, B2, B3, B12, H, PP and other microelements. Moreover, eggs, contrary to popular belief, do not contain active cholesterol and are not harmful to humans. It's another matter if you fry eggs in lard. Or eat not 100 g of boiled beef, but 100 g of low-quality sausage.

But what foods can affect your cholesterol levels? A large amount of plant fiber (fruits, bran) and green tea can significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels. At the same time, a lacto-vegetarian should not forget about the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. He must know exactly how to replenish the lack of protein in the right amount so that the body does not begin to “devour itself” (this happens in extreme cases of starvation diets).

Lactovegetarianism will help me lose weight

THIS IS A MYTH. Lactovegetarianism, like any other nutritional system, requires a reasonable attitude towards calories. And, despite the fact that you gave up meat and fish, automatic weight loss will not happen.

  1. A deficiency of animal protein, as a rule, inclines a person to consume sweets and fried foods (fried potatoes), and flour products. Therefore, even a vegetarian is not immune from obesity and needs weight control.
  2. By excluding meat, you are excluding from your diet a large dose of carnitine (vitamin B11 or VT), which is an essential element for weight loss: this amino acid is actively involved in energy metabolism, speeds up metabolism, and improves the condition of the nervous system. Lack of carnitine after 35 years leads to obesity. Carnitine is present in milk and cottage cheese, but in a significantly smaller proportion.
  3. A lacto-vegetarian who wants to lose weight should choose low-fat dairy products.

My metabolism will return to normal after giving up meat

THIS IS A MYTH. There can be no normalization of metabolism if there is a sudden refusal of meat. Even if you consume a lot of fiber. Vitamins enter the body precisely through protein, or rather the amino acids it contains. These amino acids deliver to our body the very vitamins and minerals that humans need so much. If this balance is disrupted, a person may experience hormonal imbalance.

Plant protein is more natural for humans than animal protein; humans do not have teeth like carnivores do to eat meat

THIS IS A MYTH. Proteins of plant origin are absorbed in the human body much worse than those of animal origin. By giving up meat, a lacto-vegetarian gives up highly absorbable iron. This is especially important for women who regularly need it. Most often, to prevent the development of anemia (anemia), the doctor prescribes special medications containing iron. Therefore, a lacto-vegetarian must study all issues related to the absorption of substances necessary for the body.

Switching to a lacto-vegetarian diet will not cause negative health effects if I discuss this with my doctor

THIS IS TRUE. If you decide to become a lacto-vegetarian:

  1. Consult a therapist and nutritionist and take the necessary tests. Make a menu and specify how you will compensate for the missing substances. Your future diet should contain all the essential vitamins and minerals vital for strengthening the immune system and healthy development. Deficiencies of vitamin A, zinc, iron and iodine are major public health problems. But the fact that you will now consume a large amount of vegetables, fruits and herbs will undoubtedly have a positive effect on your body. Scientists from all countries have proven that the abundance of plant foods in the body strengthens the immune system, improves the overall well-being of the body, slows down aging and reduces the risk of cancer.
  2. Make sure that you are not allergic to milk protein and that it is well digested by the body in all forms (milk, kefir, cottage cheese). And if you're controlling your weight, choose low-fat foods.
  3. Don't teach your children to be vegetarians. The child’s body is developing, and the lack of any substance necessary for the construction of cells provokes the development of chronic diseases and is fraught with serious health problems throughout life.

Nutrition is your choice. Be healthy!



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs