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Despite how quickly technology develops and people find new methods and drugs every day to combat various diseases, but there are still problems that they cannot completely cope with. For example, teeth - the moment of their growth and eruption is always painful, both for children and for adults, when their wisdom teeth erupt. It is at such moments that people turn to magic, namely, they use a spell on teeth. Will a spell for severe toothache be effective?

Types of conspiracies and their effects

There are a variety of conspiracies for teeth; it is necessary to take into account the problems and age of the person who suffers from some kind of toothache. This could be a spell for teeth growth; it helps speed up the process of teeth growth. Or maybe a spell for new teeth if for some reason your molar tooth has fallen off or a piece has broken off from it. Such conspiracies will help you grow it back, but such processes are very lengthy.

Of course, a conspiracy against toothache is the most common ritual. It consists of many different rituals, which are carried out on different bases and have different magical properties. There are such conspiracies:

  • special spells for babies who are teething, such a process is always painful;
  • conspiracies for the growth of new teeth;
  • conspiracies against severe and mild toothache.

All rituals are performed on different conditions and platforms, but the most important thing that you must adhere to, especially when performing a ritual with a baby, is in no case to deviate from the basic instructions.

Spells for kids

When babies start teething, then a fun period begins for parents, which is accompanied by constant screams and tears of the child. And this is not surprising, because he is in a lot of pain, and in such a situation he very often gets up. high temperature. Our grandmothers often used this ritual when their children’s teeth began to grow. To do this, you will need a heavily dried dryer, red thread, and sacred water.

Take one dryer, put it on a ribbon, which you then tie with three strong knots. For better effect use only satin red ribbon. Then take this drying and ribbon combination to left hand, but cross the child with the right. Then say these words:

“Our small and cute teeth are cutting, so let them cut through, but severe pain let it completely subside and go away. It doesn’t bother us anymore, the dryness eats itself, the pain doesn’t return to the baby/child anymore, and this doesn’t happen. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This is one of the simplest and easiest ways. It must be read three times in a row, best done in a whisper over a sleeping child. After all the words have been spoken, put the dryer on the baby’s neck, let him play and indulge with it, he will never know what pain is again.

There is another option. This ritual is a little stronger than the first and is very different from it. In order to carry out such a ceremony, you will need sacred water, a candle from the church and a cross (if there is one) that was used to consecrate the child, but if this is not the case, then just place an icon next to the crib for the duration of the ceremony. Take the sacred water, dip your fingers into it and gently and gently wipe the cheeks and inside the child’s mouth with them. At the same time, hold a candle in your left hand, which is already burning. And say these words:

“My clear child, my heart is torn and tossing, you cry and scream so much, I pray to God, let all your pain go away, let no one know it. Your teeth grow, may your teeth grow strong and beautiful, and may you not suffer. The pain will go away and a new day will come very quickly. Amen".

Say these words four times and wipe the child with sacred water all the time. After a couple of hours, all the baby’s pain should disappear, and then he will calm down, be able to fall asleep and not suffer anymore.

Ritual for a child

This ritual is used to help children grow molars faster after their baby teeth have fallen out. If your child’s baby teeth have fallen out, but the molars grow very slowly, then this is an easily solvable problem. Such a conspiracy is focused on your Domovoy. Such a ritual can only be carried out if you do not offend, feed and respect the Brownie, otherwise he will not help you. To perform such a ritual, you will need to take baby tooth your child, a spoon, preferably a silver tea spoon and, of course, a church candle and honey. If you don’t have a silver spoon or a candle, then you can buy it.

In fact, the whole ritual is very simple and easy, even a child can perform it, but it’s impossible. All such rituals should be performed only by parents or close relatives. You need to light a candle and place the selected baby tooth on a spoon. Then bring the spoon to the candle fire and hold it over the fire. When you realize that the spoon is already hot enough, remove the tooth from it. This process solves the child’s dental problem, allowing him to avoid the stage of removing young teeth that have begun to deteriorate.

The tooth must be put in honey, then take it out and hide it so that no one can find it and say the following words:

“Oh my beloved Brownie, you keep us from all evil, you keep the house clean and in order, you always help us find what was lost. Now I am turning to you with this request, here is my child’s delicious and sweet milk tooth, we are giving it to you, and you, please, give my child strong, strong, beautiful teeth so that they never, ever rot or break. . Amen. Amen. Amen".

You need to read all this three times, read it carefully, clearly, no one should distract you. It is advisable to appease the Brownie thoroughly before performing such a ritual. It is best to leave him something tasty at night, milk and pie. In the morning, food needs to be thrown away and thrown away. Once you have completed the ritual, leave the tooth overnight and throw it away in the morning. The ritual is best performed at night. This ritual lasts a month for a baby; if you have a brush in the house, you can use it and simply coat the tooth with honey.

Ritual for adults

How to make your tooth speak, you ask? Elementary! This ritual is considered very strong and powerful. For it you will need four candles, rice, carrots, sour cream, sacred water and an egg. Don't worry, you won't be making a salad. The ritual is best performed in the morning, around six o'clock. No one should disturb you, it should be quiet and calm. First, take four candles and create a square out of them, pour rice in the middle on a napkin or handkerchief and place a carrot on top. Pour sacred water into a deep container and choose a container large enough to fit one egg. So, in the middle you should have a container of water and rice with carrots.

Light the candles and then the ritual can begin. Take an egg and place it in a container of water and say the following words:

“These elements unite, help me with the problem. I suffered a misfortune, I lost a tooth, but it no longer grows, it no longer makes me happy. What to do? I don't know. But the forces of nature, help me, I want him to grow again, slowly but surely. Lord, hear my prayer, servant of God (name). Amen".

Working conspiracies for toothache

Every person who has had a toothache at least once in their life will agree that no other pain compares to toothache. And although the most effective and proven way to get rid of and prevent toothache is still regular care take care of your teeth and timely visit to the dentist, but sometimes you can turn to a variety of conspiracies.

These ancient spells are the most effective for toothache, but still go to the doctor, in such cases you cannot be a coward!

Getting rid of toothache

If a person is suffering from acute toothache, then he needs to wash his hands with water, and then with the same water and the door bracket. After washing, pour dirty water over the threshold.

On the cheek where the tooth hurts, crosses are drawn with the finger of the same hand and words addressed to the dawn are spoken. In the appeal, a person asks the dawn to take away the pain and drown it at the bottom of the ocean, so that the person gets rid of exhaustion and suffering. At the end add the phrase:

“The word is strong, so be it!”

If the toothache is not severe, then you can simply read a prayer on the waning moon, turning to the month. You need to pray on the waning moon, since this period in the lunar month does not predispose to accumulation, but to deliverance, which means you can get rid of toothache. The prayer may include praise of the month, admiration for its power and, of course, a request for relief from toothache, which the month can take with it to the clouds, like the suffering of a person. At the end of the prayer say: “Amen!”

A spell for a child against toothache.

When the child opens his mouth, say the following spell:

The mouse has a turnip tooth,

My baby has a bone tooth,

The servant of God (name) has no pain in the tooth,

And you, turnip mouse,

Take the pain away. Amen.

Spells for teething to relieve pain for children

Helping children with teething

Rinse the gums with a swab soaked in a solution of soda or brewed chamomile.

You can tie a necklace made of real amber, which is famous for its pain-relieving properties, around the baby’s neck.

Spell for teething to dry (small bagel)

Take a dry or even stale dryer, thread a red thread through it and tie the thread into three knots. Hold the bagel in your left hand. Cross yourself three times right hand and say the words that the teeth are being cut, and the pain goes away with the dried food eaten. You can come up with words yourself. At the same time, in prayer, mention the name of the baby with the addition

“servant of God (name). Read the plot three times. Then hang the dryer on a string around the child’s neck. You can bite it, you can play with it - and the pain will go away and the baby will have fun.”

Another conspiracy that helps get rid of teething pain.

The plot is read only at dawn, and it does not matter whether it is morning or evening. In the conspiracy, you need to ask the dawn to relieve the baby from the pain of a tooth that has not yet appeared, so that the cockerel wakes up at dawn, and the baby’s tooth is gone. You can compose a prayer spell yourself by investing in it strong desire relieve the baby from teething pain.

Sick tooth to speak

This plot is read eleven times in a row. His words are as follows:

Lazarus Saturday,

Chrysostom day.

Who has toothache?

To make those teeth petrify

And forever and ever they didn’t get sick. Amen.

So that your teeth don't hurt

This plot is also read eleven times in a row. The words are:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,

Have mercy on me, Your sinful servant (name),

For dental disease.

Healer Saint Antipius

Stands at the dry place,

Under that tree

Two saints of Christ are standing,

Saint John the Evangelist

And Saint Antipius, fascinate

Saint Tikhon the Venerable:

“To the Saint of Christ, John the Theologian,

When dead teeth do they hurt?

It would be the same with the servant of God (name)

My teeth didn’t hurt or hurt,

And they didn’t ache and didn’t swell.

And my word is like a castle in a river of fire,

The key is on the Okiyane-sea. Amen.

Speak Toothache

Read the spell on the full moon three times in a row, pressing it to the sore tooth. index finger. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Came old month to the new

And says:

“Take from the servant of God (name)

A turnip tooth, but give her a bone one.”

Take a small aspen knot and read the following spell over it three times:

On the sea, on the ocean,

On big island Buyans,

There are three tall trees.

And like the first tree Petrius,

And the second tree is Sly

And the third tree is Cypress.

A hare lies under them.

You toothache

They moved in with that hare.

If your teeth hurt

In this case, three evenings in a row before the appearance of the defective month, say the following words:

The month is bright, father!

Like a dead man's lips don't hurt,

Neither teeth nor gums,

So it is with the servant of God (name)

Let neither your lips nor your teeth hurt,

No gums.

Toothache spell

The spell is read three times in a row over a stick or sliver, which must then be placed on the aching tooth. The plot is like this:

My teeth don’t hurt when I pray,

Servant of God (name),

And they won't get sick

And they will fall silent after my death.

My mouth is a lock, my tongue is a key.

Be, my word, strong and molding,

Alatyr is stronger than stone.


Another conspiracy for toothache

Next The spell is read over water, which is then drunk. His words are:

Four sisters

Zachary and Macarius,

Sister Daria and Marya

Yes, sister Ulyana,

They said it themselves

So that the servant of God (name)

Cheeks weren't swollen

My teeth didn’t hurt for centuries,

From now until forever.

To my words the key and the lock

The key is in the water, and the lock is in the mountain.

Spell for a bad tooth

For three evening dawns in a row, read a special spell over a piece of wax, which you then apply to the sore tooth. The plot is as follows:

On the Ocean Sea,

On Buyan Island

Thirty-three dead people lie.

Their teeth and eyelids didn’t hurt,

So they are not painful for the servant of God (name).

Another conspiracy for a bad tooth

This plot is read three times in a row, looking at the moon. His words are:

Golden month

Your teeth don't hurt

And the servant of God (name)

Let them not get sick.

Plot for the new month against toothache

The spell words are pronounced three times in a row, looking at the new month. The plot is as follows:

Month Cain, where is your brother Abel?

Your brother will die

And the servant of God (name) will lose her teeth.

A conspiracy with which you can get rid of unpleasant odor from the mouth, read at three o'clock in the morning over water, which is then sprinkled on the patient in a cross shape. After this ritual, the smell should disappear once and for all. The spell words are as follows:

Father Bear, you live in the forest,

You open your mouth and roar.

The stench lives in the mouth.

Go away, stink, get rid of the white body:

To the dark forest, to the forest demon,

To the brown grandfather, the shaggy bear

Into his mouth, there you, stink, abyss.

Now, forever and endlessly.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Dental spells help only temporarily, and this should be taken into account if a person decides to cure a tooth only with spells. The cause of toothache is dental diseases, which often affect the dental nerves, so it is necessary to seek help from dentists who will help cure the tooth and relieve the unbearable and severe toothache.



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