"Critical days" in men. Critical days in men: what happens there

Menstruation in men: such a phrase seems to be an invention of a sick fantasy. However, there is still some grain of truth in it. And although this expression should not be taken literally, everyone needs to know something about it.

Maybe male menstruation actually exists? Or is this just a myth that was invented by women to establish equality and balance between the sexes? Some explanations and arguments will help you understand this.

Physiological basis for the issue

There is no point in going into long discussions, because even without them it is clear that there are no menstruation periods and there cannot be men! They are not capable of this, at least from a physiological point of view, since the stronger sex does not have a uterus, the bed of which would bleed during menstruation. Also, men do not have follicles that burst due to the release of an unused egg for pregnancy. In a word, the anatomy of the male body and reproductive system is not conducive for menstruation to begin and occur.

Men do not have a menstrual cycle, but it is this cycle that ends with bleeding in women for several days. A woman’s body lives and acts according to this cycle, she is completely dependent on it. For men, everything is more or less stable and unchanged (compared to the female sex).

Then where did this myth about men's periods come from? Who came up with this and why? Such a phrase as “men's periods” can still be explained somehow. And this explanation will not be based on physiological explanations, but on psychological and emotional arguments. I must say, this is quite entertaining. This is what male menstruation is.

Psychological explanation of the concept

Menstruation in men (do not take this phrase literally) is in no way connected with the release of blood (this would even be somewhat strange, if not shocking). To be more precise, these are most likely not periods; they mean premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Yes, the stronger sex also suffers from this! And menopause happens to them too! Only of a psychological nature. But first things first.

About once a month (or a little less often) every man notices that he becomes more irritable and nervous.

Habitual tasks and worries are much more difficult for him, and his health leaves much to be desired. Weakness, fatigue, and increased fatigue may occur. Sometimes all this is combined with aggressive behavior, when everything literally infuriates.

Headache, muscle tension and even mild colds - all this can be observed in a man during psychological menstruation. As a rule, this lasts about 2-3 days, but sometimes it can last a little longer.

Also, a man may experience a change in sexual behavior during “mental menstruation.” So, he does not want intimacy with his partner, sexual desire is temporarily weakened. And someone begins to sound the alarm at this moment, but you just need to wait out such a time.

There is nothing dangerous about men's psychological periods. This is a normal phenomenon, since every living organism, every biological creature is characterized by a certain cyclicity. And although women are much more susceptible to cyclicality, the stronger sex is not without this.

The norm for men's periods is 2-3 days, approximately once a month or a month and a half. But if this condition lasts longer or is repeated too often, then this is a strong enough argument to be wary. After all, such a “bell” may indicate the presence of any hormonal imbalances in a man’s body. For example, a person may have high levels of estrogen (the female sex hormone) combined with low levels of testosterone (the male sex hormone). This needs to be monitored, since with age, estrogen accumulates in the body of every man.

Thus, men's periods still have a certain rational meaning. You just shouldn't take this expression too literally. But you also need to know this. This will help you better understand your body, and will preserve your health for many years, because with a solid store of knowledge about the body and its structure, it is much easier and simpler to monitor your well-being.

Your beloved, always cheerful, energetic, kind, self-confident husband suddenly became nervous, irritable, and quick-tempered. Now he is not eager to get into bed with you, or vice versa - he has irrepressible sexual desires. He becomes depressed, he clearly shows signs of apathy, and at the same time, for no apparent reason, he suddenly shows aggression... You can rest assured that your husband has begun his “critical” days.

According to candidate of medical sciences Sergei Agarkov, unlike women who have monthly hormonal imbalances, men suffer from them throughout their lives. Conventionally, male cycles are designated as life (biological) annual, monthly and daily.

The biological cycle is determined by age. After 30 years, the level of testosterone in a man’s body decreases by 1–2 percent every year. The man is no longer so sexually active and not so positive. For many, such changes in their own body result in depression, which further reduces the level of the main hormone.

The annual cycle is determined by the seasons. Based on research by scientists from various countries, Sergei Agarkov provides data: in spring and especially in autumn, men’s activity is at its peak. And summer and winter are intermediate phases for them. Based on the symptoms of irritability, aggressiveness, and isolation, it is easy to calculate when the most unfavorable time of the year comes for a particular man.

British scientists have thoroughly studied daily changes in hormonal levels in men. According to their research, it is mainly young men who are susceptible to such frequent changes in the level of the main hormone - within 24 hours their testosterone level can change up to four times. The catalysts for change can be any number of reasons: the defeat of your favorite football team, the disruption of a trip to the bathhouse, or... the arrival of your mother-in-law. External manifestations of such differences can be observed when, in the course of a seemingly insignificant dispute between young people, one suddenly rushes into a fight. For doctors, this behavior is quite understandable.

But not all men are subject to a monthly cycle. It is associated more with psychological stress and is therefore more often recorded in men employed in the business sphere. Dr. Richard Petley from London, after examining a group of men, found that testosterone levels drop sharply after stress.

English scientist Jed Diamond proved that men, like women, also experience premenstrual syndrome. It manifests itself, as the Englishman puts it, in hunger pangs. The man eats everything and at the same time constantly demands something to snack on.

And then the man has day “X” - an analogue of the “critical” women’s days, only without bleeding, of course. On this day, a man experiences a peak of emotional excitability. Smart women on such a day try not to contradict their spouses.

And yet, the most difficult thing for men is age-related hormonal imbalance. Andrologist professor Svetlana Kalinchenko calls this one big “critical” day for men. According to the professor, it can last half a lifetime.

It's all about testosterone again. It is he who makes a man courageous, strong, confident, and attractive to women. Testosterone is a regulator of metabolic processes, the formation of sperm depends on it, and it ensures sexual desire. With age, the main hormone declines and all the functions for which it is responsible gradually fade away. The man understands that his prime is behind him. For some, this period begins immediately after the age of 30, but there are men who do not experience noticeable hormonal changes until the age of 45. This is due to the lifestyle and character of a person. Optimists, as a rule, do not limit themselves to their feelings, lead an active lifestyle and maintain good physical and psychological shape for quite a long period. This helps to periodically increase the level of the main hormone so much that some men even after 70 years are able to conceive a child. But those with a beer belly can’t count on increasing their testosterone levels. Andrologists even name a figure: if a man’s waist exceeds 94 centimeters, he is provided with “critical” days until the hormonal attenuation is complete.

Menstruation is the “privilege” of the weaker sex; today we will not discuss whether this is their strength or weakness. With their onset, the girl is considered capable of conception and childbearing. But without the help of men this process is impossible. How can the bodies of boys, and then men, prepare for this important process? It turns out that conception is possible not only because the female body is characterized by menstruation after a certain time. Some changes also occur in the boys’ bodies, and they happen in the same way, at a certain time, how do they feel?

Girls have critical days, but for boys to have them, you probably haven’t heard of this yet. Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Is there any difference?

At first glance, the body structure of girls and boys, and therefore women and men, is absolutely the same, all organs are identical. But, in reality, everything is much more complicated. The anatomy of the body, the physiology of the whole organism, psychology, and, of course, gender characteristics are different. But, the penis is the same clitoris, the testicles in women are represented by the ovaries, the uterus, secludedly hiding behind the prostate gland, in women is the main reproductive organ - the uterus. If boys had a uterus, vagina and ovaries in the same form, then menstruation in men, as well as the possibility of conception, would be normal. Although these organs are absent, there are their analogues, so it can be assumed that once a month, at a certain time, boys experience the same sensations as girls.

With age, serious changes occur in the body of boys: vegetation appears on the body, the timbre of the voice changes, sweating increases, and interest in girls appears. It is from this period that young men begin to feel something similar to PMS.

In fact, this is not so, or rather, not entirely so. The fact is that menstruation is the release of a dead or unfertilized egg; this process is accompanied by bleeding. As a rule, this happens after a certain time, after 28, 30 or even 35 days. It all depends on the girl’s age, her state of health, lifestyle, etc. At this time, a surge of hormones occurs, and this, as it turns out, happens not only in men, but also in women. This is why, theoretically, menstruation is a normal process. But this is only theoretical, what actually happens?

Do men have periods? We have already given an affirmative answer to this question. As you can see, this is not a figment of a fevered imagination. A fact proven by science. Now let's talk about what's really going on? No, we will not describe the shocking details that happen to men once every hundred years. This is not and cannot be. Gallant gentlemen, fortunately, do not become covered in blood, but, believe me, at certain times they experience the same malaise, weakness and unpleasant sensations throughout the body. The release of the egg does not occur, which means that the appearance of discharge is excluded. That’s why we use the term “menstruation” rather than “menstruation.”

Boys and teenagers develop aggressiveness towards everyone around them; a calm child can become aggressive, whiny, and nervous. They are ready to blame the whole world for their failures; they are often rude and commit rash acts.

At a certain time, men also experience hormonal changes, they become insecure, inattentive, irritated and touchy. There is a loss of strength and a worsening mood. They become indifferent to the fairer sex, commit rash acts, get tired quickly, memory and attention deteriorate. This happens at the same time as in women, once every 28, 30, less often - once every 35 days.

This is a fact proven by medicine, and not an attempt to justify male sluggishness, laziness or desire for privacy. But let's not forget that each organism has its own unique characteristics. Just as women behave differently at this time, so do men - some do not pay attention to it, while for others, “these days” become a test of endurance.

Changes in hormonal levels affect the functioning of all organs and systems. If you cut your finger, it won't be easy to stop the bleeding, and this is just one of many examples. When a man returns to his previous state, memory and attention improve, a guarantee of vigor appears, you will again become energetic and attractive.

Try to cope with your emotions without anyone’s support; hysterical antics are not the best adornment for a man.

If PMS affects sexual desire, which is especially common in young men, this is not a cause for concern. Sexual function will be restored after the end of the critical days.

What are our years...

The aging of the body of men, like women, is manifested not only by external changes. Irreversible processes also occur in the sexual sphere, neurological disorders occur, and potency decreases. As a result, the possibility of conceiving a child becomes less and less. Menopausal changes in men occur mainly on a psychological level. Quarrels with bosses and work colleagues, a crisis in family relationships, misunderstandings with loved ones, all this turns a once self-confident man into a weak, depressed creature, for whom every day does not promise anything new. How important it is these days to feel the understanding and support of a loved one, the care of children, simply attention and love.

And, finally, some important advice for men - remember that you should monitor your well-being, and if you feel unwell, an emotional outburst or another change in behavior for more than two days, consult a doctor; it may make sense to take a blood test for hormones. Control your health, your feelings and emotions, and remain confident and attractive to others for as long as possible.

Nature intended for women to have a regular menstrual cycle. This process allows new offspring to be born. And the maturation of the egg is simply impossible without menstruation. This requires 3-4 weeks. Therefore, critical days are usually attributed only to the female half of humanity. But, for conception, a male cell, a sperm, is also required. Do men also experience menstrual periods during sperm maturation? Do men have periods?

Physiology of the male body

To understand whether a man has periods, you need to know the differences in the physiology of female and male bodies. With age, anatomical differences become pronounced. Since men do not have ovaries, vagina and uterus, young people do not bleed during menstruation like girls do. What then does a man have instead of menstruation?

Representatives of the stronger sex have a prostate gland. The prostate is called the second heart of a man, or the male uterus. Indeed, the gland has a small formation called the utricle. The embryo is endowed with this formation during the period of conception. And only during the period of sex formation, the uterus either develops further or remains in the same rudimentary state. Also, women still have the rudiments of a male penis in the womb. So, the analogue of an undeveloped penis in girls is the clitoris. Thus, from the period of conception, boys are endowed with the sexual characteristics of a girl. They just don't develop.

The prostate gland produces the hormone prostaglandin, which has an effect on the body of a young man. Moreover, sperm are formed and stored in the male testicles, and testosterone is synthesized. At their maximum concentration (once a month), signs of menstruation appear. Therefore, we can safely say that the internal systems of young people also work in a cycle. Consequently, men have peculiar periods.

Manifestations of menstruation in men

Few people know how menstruation manifests itself. After all, this cycle is not characterized by bleeding. Then what happens to men instead of menstruation? Rather, changes occur in the guy’s behavior and well-being. They are very similar to PMS in women. Scientists have assigned a name to the male menstrual cycle - day “X”. During this period of time, the level of emotional excitability reaches its peak, due to the concentration of sex hormones.

On day “X” young people show unmotivated aggression towards everyone around them. Young men in adolescence become absent-minded and cannot cope with their emotions. In general, the peak of the male cycle, menstruation is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Absent-mindedness;
  • Increased aggression;
  • Apathy;
  • Lack of concentration;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Decreased libido.

This symptomatology completely depends on hormonal changes that occur cyclically in the body of every guy.

What do men need to know about periods?

Signs of menstruation in men may appear during puberty. This is when active hormonal changes begin. The guy turns into a man, a man. He is already capable of fully conceiving a child. Thus, male “menstruation” begins. The onset of menstruation can be recognized by the formation of pronounced secondary sexual characteristics.

PMS symptoms can last up to 4 days. At a more mature age, menstruation lasts 1 day. Therefore, this period is called the “X” day. During critical days, it is not advisable for guys to receive injuries that lead to hemorrhage. The fact is that on this day the blood has extremely weak coagulability, and you can lose a large amount of it.

Is Day X dangerous for men?

The concept of men's periods should not be taken literally. All organisms have their own biorhythms. Therefore, day “X” is just a cyclical change in hormonal levels. This process does not pose any danger. And it is impossible to get rid of it. This is how nature intended it. In men at a hormonal peak, only the emotional state changes. Sometimes, physical activity may decrease, against the background of general blues and apathy.

It is worth noting that young people may have periods more often than once a month. A hormonal surge, an increase in female estrogens, a decrease in testosterone occurs with poor nutrition, overwork, high loads, and stress. Thus, young people complain of general weakness, headaches, and problems with the vascular system.

Sex and men's periods

It is known that during menstruation a woman experiences a decrease in libido and sexual activity. A man's need for sex is always stable. The hormonal background adapts to the needs of the body, and not vice versa (as in women). Therefore, sex life does not change on days “X”. But, with age, the functions of the endocrine system decrease, testosterone synthesis becomes more moderate. So, a man feels changes in his usual biorhythm. After 40 years, sexual activity becomes less. But emotional outbursts are increasing. Because of such fluctuations, the question “why don’t men have periods?” inappropriate.

It is generally accepted that menstrual periods exist exclusively for women, but this is a mistaken opinion. The stronger sex is also characterized by sudden mood swings, aggression or apathy - the reason for this is precisely the ill-fated analogue of PMS. We will now find out what it is and why such days are typical not only for women.

Male cycle

Men's critical days even have their own slang name - Manstruation. According to Sergei Agarkov, a candidate of medical sciences, who conducted special research in this area, male hormonal imbalances, unlike female ones, do not appear monthly, but throughout life. Conventionally, a specialist divides them into annual, monthly and daily.

Plus, age-related disruptions are noted when, for example, after 30 years, a man’s testosterone level gradually decreases, which causes certain changes in hormonal levels and, as a result, in behavior.

Sylvien Memun, a French specialist in andrology, also notes the presence of such cycles, but sees another factor as the reason for this. He associates the notorious critical days with the period of sperm maturation, which is approximately 70-75 days. But the well-known concern Bayer has published its own data, according to which the cycle is approximately 23-33 days and is associated with hormonal fluctuations. As you can see, there are several opinions, but no one has questioned the very existence of men’s periods.

British scientist Richard Petley, in his research, found that daily and monthly manifestations can occur against the background of stressful stimuli - a quarrel with a girl, the loss of a favorite football team, failure at work. These factors, according to the specialist, play one of the main roles in the manifestation of the male analogue of PMS.

The most important thing is hormonal levels

And yet, the hormonal state will be in first place among the causes of menstrual periods. Absolutely all researchers agree that the age factor is of great importance, since it directly affects the indicators of hormonal stability in the stronger sex.

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