Nettle tincture. Harvesting, preparation, medicinal properties of stinging and stinging nettle

Nettle is known to everyone for its beneficial properties. The prepared nettle tincture is especially appreciated. The plant is perennial, has a creeping rhizome and an erect stem. The leaves of nettle have an opposite, oblong shape, the edges are slightly jagged, on top large number burning hairs. It is a dioecious species and is distinguished by small flowers. Nettle fruits are small nuts. Nettle pollination occurs with the help of wind.

Useful properties of nettle tincture

The medicine is popular in the East of Siberia, in the Far Eastern countries, where they most often use angustifolia nettle for preparation, in our country it is most often used stinging nettle. It grows in soil where there is a lot of nitrate - in forests, alders, near bushes, and can be found in landfills.

The tincture is valued because it contains one of important vitamins- TO, ascorbic acid, carotene, pantothenic acid, vitamin B2. This is the best multivitamin concentrate. The tincture is used to treat vitamin deficiency. The plant also contains a large amount of vitamin K, which significantly increases blood clotting; it is used for bleeding in the lungs, uterus, intestines, and kidneys. The leaves are part of the stomach tea, it is used for effective recipe tinctures.

Remember that nettle contains chlorine O fill, tincture is used in the form of a pharmaceutical and food coloring; it is a reliable medicine with which you can restore metabolism and heal wounds. play an important role. They contain sugar, potassium, starch, and iron. Therefore, they are used to prepare tinctures.

Preparation of nettle tincture

Tincture – effective remedy for the treatment of sclerosis, improves blood condition and cardiac function. The tincture is used to gain health and vigor. To prepare, you will need May nettle - 250 grams, 500 ml of vodka or alcohol. Young nettle leaves should be thoroughly washed and finely chopped, then poured with vodka. The bottle must be tied with gauze. First, the bottle is placed on the window, then placed in the dark to leave for about 9 days.

Then the tincture is filtered; it must be stored in a container with dark glass. Take 30 minutes before meals and at night, no less than one teaspoon. The course of therapy until the bottle runs out completely.

Preparing and collecting nettles for preparing tincture

For medicine, the leaves are most often used, in some situations the root. It is best to harvest the plant at the end of May, when the days are warm. Young nettle contains a large amount of vitamins.

Remember that nettle is a stinging plant, so be sure to use gloves. It is forbidden to dry nettles in the sun; it loses all its healing power. If you make a tincture and put it in the sun, it will lose all its useful substances.

Using nettle tincture

A tincture of the plant in alcohol gets rid of various diseases, helps with diabetes, anemia, constipation, for the treatment of bronchitis, stopping bleeding, it can be used to remove toxic substances, which accumulated for a long time in the body.

Nettle tincture helps remove kidney stones; it must be taken every 2 hours for a whole week.

You can prepare such a tincture, with its help you can bring it back to normal cardiovascular system: Add 4 tablespoons of nettle to 500 ml of alcohol. Boil everything for 20 minutes, wait until it cools down and drink 25 drops three times a day.

If they bother you severe pain in the stomach, you can prepare a healing remedy based on nettle and milk. To do this, add a tablespoon of nettle leaves to a glass of milk. Be sure to drink it hot until the pain goes away completely.

To stop it, it is recommended to use the following medicine: add a tablespoon of nettle leaves to a glass of water and boil for about 10 minutes. Drink no more than 10 ml up to 4 times a day. Medicine for short time helps reduce bleeding during menstruation.

To heal wounds, you can prepare the following infusion: brew 30 grams of nettle leaves in 300 ml of boiling water. Before use, be sure to filter the infusion. Drink one tablespoon after meals.

An alcohol tincture of nettle will help clear the lungs of mucus that has accumulated in the lungs. It is easy to prepare, you just need to chop fresh nettles and pour in 500 ml of vodka. Leave for about two weeks in a place out of direct sunlight. Drink 10 ml three times a day before meals.

You can reduce glucose levels in diabetes mellitus using the following nettle tincture: take part of the plant and 5 parts of alcohol. Choose young nettles with leaves, roots, and finely chop. Place in a dark place for at least one month for the medicine to be effective. Before use, you need to add the tincture to a glass of water, one tablespoon is enough. Take no more than 3 times a day.

To treat joint pain, it is recommended to use compresses with nettle tincture. The procedure is performed at night. By using effective way you can get rid of the pain, stop inflammatory process in the joints. The course of treatment is at least one month.

The tincture can be used to strengthen hair and protect it from loss. The tincture, before washing your hair, should be rubbed into the skin, then massage to warm it up for 15 minutes. The procedure is not suitable for blonde hair, a green tint may appear.

So, nettle tincture is healing agent, but it must be used with extreme caution. Remember that nettles are significantly reduced blood pressure. It should not be used during the lactation period or during pregnancy. Nettle also weakens the functioning of the central nervous system and is reflected in the action of some antidepressants that are used to treat insomnia.

Who doesn’t know the evil, stinging, prickly nettle? The question is, of course, rhetorical. Each of us has been burned at least once in our lives by touching prickly “hairs”.

But few people know what wonderful qualities this plant has, and how widely it has been used by humanity throughout history. Bags and sails, bow strings and even armor were made from nettles. It was used to make fabric for clothing. It was used to feed livestock and on the dinner table: in soups and salads, in sauces and pies, and in the form of tea. And of course, people did not ignore its healing properties. Nettle decoction, infusion, juice and tincture - alcohol or vodka - are still used in medicine and cosmetics to this day.

About nettle

There are more than fifty species of this plant in the world; In our country, two are common: stinging nettle (large) and stinging nettle. They have some botanical differences, but both species are used in medicinal purposes and have similar properties. (And both types are stinging.) And therefore, in our further story we will combine them, simply calling them “nettle.”

There is no need to describe it in detail - everyone who has ever encountered this plant will try to remember what it looks like in order to avoid further “conflicts”. In short, nettle - herbaceous plant with serrated dark green leaves. The stems and leaves are covered with stinging hairs. Blooms almost all summer.

It grows anywhere - you can find it in the city, in vacant lots, on roadsides, in dense forests, at the edge of the forest, along river banks, and sometimes in sunny, dry meadows. Nettle leaves contain, among others, the following beneficial components:

  • carotene,
  • vitamin C,
  • vitamin B2,
  • pantothenic acid,
  • chlorophyll,
  • glycosides,
  • formic acid,
  • tannins.

Some herbalists consider preparations from the root to be more effective than those from the leaves.

Application in medicine

The range of uses of nettle is quite wide. This is a good hemostatic agent for bleeding of various origins: pulmonary, uterine, hemorrhoidal, gastric, intestinal, renal and nasal.

It also regulates the functioning of the stomach and has astringent action on the intestines. Nettle cleanses the blood in diseases such as dropsy and scrofula. It has an expectorant effect and is good for fever and malaria.


Nettle leaves are sold in pharmacies along with instructions for use, but those who like to prepare their own medicine can easily prepare it themselves. Since nettle grows almost everywhere, the only problem with harvesting raw materials is its thorniness, which is easily solved by using gloves.

They collect it all summer; it is advisable to use leaves flowering plants. Dry in a ventilated area or outdoors, avoiding moisture and direct sun rays. Dried leaves are also stored in a dry and dark place. Their shelf life is 2 years. Nettle is used to prepare medicines and in fresh; According to many recipes, this is even preferable.

Recipes for nettle tinctures with vodka and their use

Important: for preparing and storing tinctures, it is best to use dark glass vessels, which must be tightly sealed. Infuse and store ready-made drugs Needed in a cool, dark place.

Recipe 1. Nettle tincture for various diseases

Shredded fresh plant pour vodka with roots in a ratio of 2:5 by weight. Insist for two weeks. Take a teaspoon shortly before meals three times a day. Indications:

  1. Bleeding of various etymologies, incl. with heavy menstruation.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Stomach disorders.
  4. Dropsy.
  5. Scrofula.
  6. Diabetes mellitus.
  7. Urolithiasis.
  8. Feverish conditions.
  9. Anemia.
  10. Avitaminosis.
  11. Boils.

Recipe 2. Expectorant tincture

Pour one tablespoon of fresh crushed plant (whole, with roots) into a glass of vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Take 10-15 ml before meals three times a day.

Recipe 3. Anti-malaria tincture

For a half-liter bottle of vodka: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped fresh root and half a spoonful of chopped garlic. Leave for 1 week. Take 1 tbsp three times a day. spoon, diluting with water. Rub yourself with this tincture regularly.

Recipe 4. Tincture for diabetes mellitus

Shredded fresh nettle with roots is filled with vodka 1:5. Infusion time – 1 month. Take 1 tbsp no more than three times a day. spoon diluted in a small amount of water.

The tincture is also used externally. Compresses are good for rheumatism and joint pain. To relieve symptoms, you need to apply compresses or rubbing at night for a month.

Nettle tincture is also useful for hair. Before washing your hair, rub the tincture diluted with water into the scalp. This warming massage strengthens the hair.

Other medicines from nettle

The infusion is being prepared as follows. 10-15 g of dried leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and left until cool. It is taken as a hemostatic agent. The juice of a fresh plant is also very effective in this capacity.

Possesses strong action and decoction. Nettle is often combined with other herbs in decoctions, for example, in the treatment of gastritis. Nettles taken equally, peppermint, St. John's wort and knotweed are poured hot water, then the mixture is brought to a boil and left for two hours.

Rinsing your hair with nettle decoction gives it strength, shine and thickness. It is not for nothing that it is included in many shampoos and hair conditioners. It is especially useful when oily hair.

Finally, I would like to say about the simplest thing medicine- broom. The use of nettle broom in a bath helps with radiculitis, rheumatism, and joint diseases. It improves blood circulation, tones and invigorates. This remedy, however, is not for sissies.

Contraindications for use

Since nettle increases blood clotting, it is not advisable to take it when varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis. It is contraindicated for hypertension and kidney disease. Nettle tincture should not be taken during pregnancy (for preventive purposes, pregnant women can take propolis tincture), and also, since it contains alcohol, during childhood.

Nettle is a frequent guest on our garden plots and vegetable gardens. This grass has gracefully shaped foliage, and the main distinctive feature nettle is that it can burn your hands. But the sting of nettle is not harmful to humans, because it sprays us with formic acid - and this acid is harmless to us. Nettle likes to grow in places that have not been cultivated for a long time - that is, on land that has not been dug up or watered. She also loves shade, that is, she grows under trees.

Nettle has various wonderful properties. IN Medieval Europe Nettles were treated with respect. She was one of the twelve magical plants, that is, it was used in various rituals of white magic. It was believed that nettle protects those who carry it with them from danger. Our ancestors were also sure that nettles protected the house from evil spirits. For this purpose, bunches of nettles were hung over doors and windows, and nettle rugs were also woven. Such a rug was placed near the door - and no matter who entered the house, he could not cause any harm to its inhabitants.

Nettle often appears in fairy tales and legends. Thus, in one of the fairy tales, a girl is forced to weave a shirt from nettles with her bare hands in order to get rid of the spell of an evil witch by wearing it.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. They actually made fabric from nettles. And the fabric is very durable. In the tenth century there was no nylon and cellophane, but there was nettle, which was used to make sails, ropes, and fishing gear. And medicinal properties Nettles are generally difficult to list, there are so many of them.

Nettle infusion is good remedy to strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff. Nettle is a storehouse of useful substances such as vitamin C, iron, copper, carotene, proteins, organic acids, essential oils. It is used for radiculitis, muscle pain, liver diseases, anemia, rheumatism, to improve heart function, etc., etc. In many countries, nettles are grown specifically. In France it is grown as animal feed. This unpretentious plant, and crops can be harvested frequently. It is especially often fed to pregnant animals and young animals. And young nettle leaves are eaten by people, in particular, it is included in salads.

Nettle is an iconic plant for Slavic culture. It can be found in various beliefs and customs. This plant personifies the spirit of our native nature.

The name “nettle,” which is familiar to us, is translated into Latin as Urtica Dioica, which literally means “burning,” and we all understand why nettle was called that way.
The word “nettle” came to us from the Old Russian meaning of the word “silk”, or coprina. Nettle was an excellent raw material for the production of various fabrics. For many years, nettles were cultivated in fields and greenhouses specifically for light industry of that time. Proof of this use of nettle is the world-famous fairy tale by Andersen, in which the main character saved her brothers precisely with the help of chain mail made from nettles that grew in the shade and away from people.

The use of nettle in cosmetology
Nettle is absolutely indispensable in modern cosmetology for the skin of the face, head, hands and feet. The recipes below involve the use of fresh nettle, but if it is not the season, you can also use dry leaves of this plant, which are sold at any pharmacy.

Nettle lotion is an ideal remedy for oily skin. How to make it? Squeeze the juice from fresh nettles, take one tablespoon of this juice and mix it with one hundred milliliters of alcohol or vodka. Wipe your face with this lotion morning and evening for two to three months. You will see that your skin will become matte, fresh and healthy looking.

Nettle masks are very popular, which are especially useful for dehydrated or lacking skin tone. We start making a mask with 1 tablespoon of milk. The milk should not be cold: it is better to warm it up and let it cool to room temperature. Add ready required quantity milk to one tablespoon of nettle. It is desirable that it be dry nettle, which is easy to chop. Leave the milk with nettles for ten minutes, and then add a spoonful of yolk. Mix and you can apply to your face. You need to wash off the mask after a third of an hour, best of all. boiled water(not hot). If you have oily skin, then instead egg yolk use protein.

To tone the skin of your hands, it is recommended to take nettle baths. We take one tablespoon of nettle per liter of water and make an infusion in which we keep our hands for no more than a quarter of an hour. After the bath, hands should be thoroughly dried and soaked in cream.

The role of nettle in dietetics and healthy eating
Nettle is valuable food product from time immemorial. Possessing so much wide range positive influence on human health, this medicinal plant it was impossible to ignore and not add it to the daily diet.
Nettle normalizes the body's metabolism, saturates it with vitamins B, K, A and has a tonic effect, which is very important in everyday life full of stress. Having a choleretic property, nettle salads and soups should always be present in the menu of people with liver and gall bladder problems, as well as people prone to attacks of anger: when angry, it produces huge amount bile, which can be quickly removed from the body with the help of tasty and healthy dish from nettles.
Both early and winter-salted nettles, as well as pickled or dried ones, are used in food. Mostly leaves.

In spring and autumn, during the period of risk of vitamin deficiency, we begin to buy mineral and vitamin complexes, which often benefit only pharmacies and manufacturers. The main source of vitamins for this period is vegetables and herbs. green, which includes nettle. Greens contain a lot of vitamins and microelements, which are so necessary for life and more. quick adaptation body to new ones climatic conditions. To maintain tone and strengthen strength, to prevent acute respiratory diseases and to saturate the body with strength and energy, you just need to buy young nettle, make juice from it, and take at least 60 ml per day, which corresponds to 12 teaspoons. If desired, the juice can be sweetened with natural honey.

Antimicrobial tincture.

In summer, cuts often occur, small wounds. It’s good to have a universal antimicrobial nettle tincture on hand, which will protect against infection and speed up healing. It is very easy to prepare. We collect nettles, preferably in the forest, in a clean place. Take a large bottle with a wide neck and fill it with fresh nettle leaves. Fill the nettle with alcohol and close it tightly with a stopper. The bottle should be placed on a sunny windowsill. Leave for two weeks. Strain through cheesecloth and pour again into a bottle with a tight stopper. For cuts and wounds, moisten gauze in nettle tincture and apply it to the sore spot.

Useful nettle recipes for hair
If you have problems with the scalp such as itching and dandruff, if you are losing hair, you should not waste all your money expensive drugs- turn to nettles.

Dry seborrhea is treated herbal mixture, which includes nettle. Take two pieces medicinal clover and horsetail and one part each of burdock and nettle. Half a liter boiled water there is one large spoon of this collection. Wait for the mixture to boil and let it brew for one hour. After you have strained your new shampoo, rub it into your scalp once or twice a day for one month.

For oily seborrhea other herbs are used, but nettle remains the same. Take one part of burdock roots and two parts the following herbs: horsetail (herb), sage, nettle, hop cones, red clover (flowers) and oak bark.

The preparation of the solution and its use is identical to the previous recipe.

To give hair healthy looking, you need to prepare a decoction, including nettle leaves, burdock roots and hop cones. After washing your hair, use this solution instead of your usual conditioner, which will give your hair a healthy shine and incredible softness.

For oily hair, half an hour before washing your hair, you need to rub a mask of one small spoon into the scalp. natural honey, one small spoon lemon juice, one yolk, one small spoon of agave juice plus one clove of grated garlic. Nettle infusion is used after washing your hair. The recipe for the infusion is very simple: one kilogram of nettle per liter of hot boiled water.

If your hair falls out, it should be strengthened with the following infusion. Take two large spoons of dry nettle and two large spoons of coltsfoot, brew this mixture with 200 ml of boiled water, leave this infusion for some time and then squeeze out. This infusion must be rubbed into the scalp, especially into the hair roots once every three days.

Nettle story.
Kugno Galina (Zarya)
For methodological manual we took an article from the old magazine "Lefty". Unfortunately, in present moment We have lost the original article. Our story is structured in such a way as to correlate theory (information from the article) and practice (our comments on the stages of work). The article begins with detailed description collection and preparation of grass:

Harvesting of nettles begins in September-October, when the growth of the stems stops and the leaves begin to turn yellow and wither. Remove leaves and side shoots from the cut stems, tie them into sheaves and leave them to dry under a canopy.
Practice has shown that you can start collecting nettles as early as August. It is important to maintain the integrity of the stem, not to break it, and to collect as thick and old shoots as possible. Procurement of raw materials, as it turned out, was almost the most important moment in the whole process.

Nettles were collected in Kolomna from vacant lots. To get the winter one, we went to the nearest forest and picked up a little, just to compare it with the summer one. The calculation was made to immediately make something out of it. It seems they were talking about a shirt or pants. The required amount of nettle was calculated based on the following considerations: one meter of stem per one meter of thread. Experience has shown that from one stem it is possible to obtain a high-quality, thin thread 4 times longer.

Next operation- urination, when all parts of the trunk, except for the fibers, decompose under the influence of moisture during the process of acid fermentation. Nettles are soaked in ponds, barrels, as well as in kopanets or mochila - ditches dug in damp places. The thrifty owners finished the bottom and wet the walls with boards so that the raw materials loaded into them would not become contaminated. In natural reservoirs, the bottom was covered with birch branches or fascines connected from them. Sheaves of stems were laid in rows on the bottom prepared in this way. And so that they did not float up, they covered the top with wooden gratings and weighed them down with heavy stones.

Nettles have mowed down two meadows and a couple of alleys in a dacha gardening community. The resulting material was tied into sheaves, tied with rope and soaked in a bathtub, pressing down with stones and other heavy objects. They threw a small sheaf into the Kolomenka River, tying a brick to it, but most likely it was carried away by the current.
We soaked the raw materials in an old bathtub, it would be good to wash it, otherwise sand and other dirt will eventually end up on the nettles.

The soaking time depends on the weather. If it was hot outside and the water in the mochila was like fresh milk, it is enough to keep the raw materials for only one week. On cold days it will take at least two to three, or even four weeks.
Each batch was wet for 2 weeks. Then we took it out and, trying to get rid of the strong putrid smell, cleaned from the mucus that had formed. This is precisely what should not have been done, since together with the mucus we risk losing the fibers, which, in fact, are the future threads. You need to lay it out to dry immediately.

However, every extra day spent under water can negatively affect the quality of the fibers. Therefore, towards the end, the raw materials must be monitored daily. Once a day, one or two medium-thick stems are removed from the water and bent several times at an acute angle. If at the same time the outer layer in the place of bends separates freely from the wood core, then it is time to remove the sheaves.

To speed up acid fermentation, manure or wood ash was often added to artificial reservoirs. When the lobe was finished, the sheaves were removed from the water with hooks and dried in the open air or under a canopy, depending on the weather. Stems of fibrous plants that have been left in the field or soaked in stagnant water and then dried are called trusta. Fibers are extracted from it using special processing.
They dried it by placing it on plastic wrap near the leeward side of the house. The grass dried out for about two weeks, during which time it rained twice, but this did not bother us: if it was washed, there would be less smell.

In winter and in the first half of spring, ready-made trust can be harvested. The biting autumn rains, dew, drizzle, fog and winter thaw subjected the stems to natural soaking. Thanks to powerful roots, elastic stems and snowdrifts, nettles do not fall until spring. It can always be found next to outbuildings, near fences, on a boundary, in a vacant lot, or in a ravine.

Of course, nettle fibers, collected in winter, less durable than those harvested in the fall. However, the difference is so small that it does not matter practical significance. Nettle trust, collected in snowy alder forests or in a vacant lot near the house, must first be dried so that the stems break in the hands with a slight crack. Then check how well the fibers separate. Take two or three stems in your hands, knead them thoroughly with your fingers and break them in several places. They try to make the fractures as close to each other as possible. If the lignified parts of the stem crushed in this way are easily separated and crumble, then you can proceed to the next operation.

It's called crumpling. Since ancient times, nettles have been crushed using the simplest device - a mill. This is a deck with a longitudinal groove, mounted on legs. A slightly pointed beam at the bottom entered the gutter—the beater. A handle was cut out at one end of the beam, and the other was connected to the deck with a bolt. Lifting the beam by the handle, a bundle of trusts was placed across the deck. Then they pressed the handle, and the beam entered the gutter, crushing the stems. At the same time, the flexible and durable fiber remained intact and unharmed, and the lignified parts of the stem were broken into small pieces called brome. The better the stems were mashed, the finer the bonfire particles became and were easier to separate from the fiber. The quality of the yarn depended on how conscientiously the stems were kneaded. No wonder the peasants had a saying: “If you don’t crush it with a hammer, you can’t take it with a spinning wheel.” It was noticed that the woody part of the stem is crushed more evenly, and the fire is separated much more easily if the trust enters the mill heated, straight from the oven on which it was dried.

The dried grass was crushed in accordance with the article, on a homemade grinder and on a stump with a deep groove. The essence of mashing is to grind the fire, so the main condition successful work- dry raw materials so that they crumble and not just squash under the beater.

To crush a small amount of trust, you can use a small homemade mill, consisting of four parts. Two boards with saddle-shaped cutouts are attached to the base in the form of a 20 mm thick plank. WITH inside in the cutout areas, each of the planks is beveled at an angle of 45 degrees. The lever or beater from below is slightly sharpened and attached to the beater with a bolt. In turn, the base of the mill is reinforced with screws on a bench or other stable support.

When making a crusher, you should fit the beater and the stationary part as closely as possible to each other in order for future crushing to be more effective.

At one time, you can knead only one handful of trusta on the beater. They begin to press it from one of the ends, placing it in the saddle-shaped cutout with the lever raised. After each press, the trust is slightly turned and moved forward a little. This is done until the trust is completely crushed. It is very important to maintain continuity when creasing long fibers, that is, do not fold the stems in half, even if this is, at first glance, more convenient. When crushing a bunch of stems, do not forget to rotate it around its axis - this greatly simplifies the process.

Advice: if you have a predisposition to allergic reactions, it is necessary to protect the nose with a respirator or medical mask, since the “nettle dust” that rises in a cloud when crumpling is quite caustic. This is especially felt when “finishing” crumpling with your hands.

To remove the bone from a crushed trust, it is crushed with a special scythe, or scythe, shaped like a large wooden knife or mower. Trepals are cut from hard wood of oak, maple or birch. In the Russian North, craftsmen lovingly decorated these instruments with carvings, trying to give them a beautiful and convenient form for work. The nettle trestle is made more massive, since it not only knocks out the stake, but also crushes those parts of the stem that could not be crushed on the nettle (Fig. 4).

Applying frequent blows with a trowel to knock out the fire stuck in the fibers as cleanly as possible. Then they place it on the end of the stump and carefully pierce it. Usually, after such treatment, the remaining particles are easily peeled off. All that remains is to shake them out by hitting the beam lightly on a round wooden stick or the edge of a bench.

It is especially difficult to separate from the bulk substances located between the fibers in top layer stem. They can be completely destroyed and removed by sniffing. To understand the essence of this technique, you need to pick up a small bunch of crushed and frayed nettles and, squeezing them tightly with your fingers, rub the fibers against each other. Usually, tiny dust particles immediately begin to separate from them and fall down. The fibers freed from them become clean and silky. If you have to process significant amount trusts, then it is more convenient to hold its bundles not with your hands, but with special tongs in the form of two birch planks connected by a strip of sheet steel. When sniffing, one end of the bundle (weighted) is clamped in the beater with a lever-beater. However, it is much more convenient to use a special clamp with an eccentric roller for these purposes. Moreover, such a clamp will be needed at the next stage of fiber processing - carding.

We did not check how this described design works; all washing was carried out exclusively by hand.

Fibers prepared for carding are usually called slivers. As a rule, they consist of long, medium and short fibers. The longer they are, the thinner and stronger the yarn. To separate long fibers from medium and short ones, in the old days large maple combs mounted on stands were used. But especially long and clean fibers were obtained after repeated carding with the help of so-called combs - small combs and brushes made from pig bristles.

When combing the resulting tow, it is important to choose a comb with fairly sparse teeth, since, in our opinion, the main thing in working with nettles is not to achieve uniformity of the tow, but to comb out the remnants of the tow. O.I. Davidan gives the dimensions of a comb for carding plant fiber found in Staraya Ladoga: height 9 cm, thickness 2.5 cm, length of teeth 4.5 cm. So, take the board, place it on the table or on your lap, along We lay out the crushed stems on the boards, or rather what’s left of them (slivers)), and comb them strictly in one direction, trying, again, not to damage, if possible, the fibers and removing the “fluff” and fire. Here, at first, I made a mistake by unscrupulously combing out the “fluff.” After all, they are spinning fibers, but the extra nettle “cotton wool” gets in the way under your fingers and makes the thread uneven!

The process of combing and smoothing the earlobes was called mooing the earlobes. It required a lot of patience and perseverance: it was necessary to carefully comb and smooth out literally every strand. This is where the well-known expressions came from: “to poke around”, “to mount grief”...

Nettle fibers secured in a clamp can also be combed with ordinary metal or plastic combs available on the market. Before starting the operation, carefully place one strand next to the other. They start scratching from the free end, gradually moving towards the clamp. At the same time, short fibrous combs remain on the comb - raking out medium-length fibers combed out with hair brushes was called combs, and the remaining long ones were called tows. Fabric obtained from tow threads was used for sundresses, shirts, tablecloths, towels, bed linen and other finely woven products. From scraps and combs (razgrebya and pachesy) they prepared yarn for coarse cloth - wool, from which blankets, bags, all kinds of bedding and capes for carts were sewn. From the same fibers they spun and then wove fabrics with a rare interweaving of threads - rope and row, used for household needs. Ropes and ropes were made from coarse fibers and used as tow for laying between the crowns of a log house, as well as for caulking grooves between logs.

Canvases woven from tow threads were bleached in dew and snow, and also boiled in lye - a decoction of wood ash. Ropes, twines, burlap and other products from Zagreb and apiaries were sometimes soaked for a day in the broth oak bark to increase strength and resistance against putrefactive microbes. If desired, fibers soaked in oak broth can be dyed black. To do this, ropes and burlap were dipped into rusty water or a solution of iron sulfate.

The tow is ready, you can start spinning. Prepare a saucer with water to wet your fingers: dry nettle fibers are an unruly thing. Fearing that the thread would be very fragile and would break all the time, at first I did not use a spinning wheel and spun in the most archaic way: left hand took the tow, and with her right hand she pulled out the fibers from it and wound it on a short spindle (pencil), which she also held in right hand. The result exceeded all my expectations: the thread was thin, even, strong, and because of the long fibers, spinning nettles turned out to be much easier than wool.

The situation with weaving from this thread was much more complicated, especially if the tow was unscrupulously combed. Coarse particles of fire, even very small ones, contribute to chafing of the warp threads: you have to weave carefully, practically without tamping. If you twist the threads into double ones, you get a very rough fabric. Conclusion: spare no effort and time to comb out the nettle fibers and, I want to believe, we will get a fabric that will turn any swan into a handsome prince!

This herbaceous plant is known to many people for its ability to slightly “burn” the skin. At the same time, the herb has an amazing effect on the body, because it has medicinal properties. And an infusion based on nettles has become very popular today among a variety of recipes. traditional medicine.

Although the plant itself, due to a small amount of poison, causes skin irritation in humans, for our body nettle is not harmful, but great benefit. In all kinds of traditional medicine recipes, you can see the seeds, roots, and leaves of this plant as components for medicines. This can easily be explained by the fact that each part of this plant has healing properties and has a certain effect on the body. To treat diseases, infusions and tinctures are usually used, which have their own properties. We will look at the recipes below.

Recipe 1

This infusion is full of benefits, and the preparation of nettle tincture is very simple and produces an amazing effect on the body!



  1. If the leaves are too large, you need to chop them. Then pour boiling water over them.
  2. Close the container with the infusion with a lid, plate or any other item of your choice and leave for 3 hours, after which strain the resulting drink and the nettle tincture is ready. Often used during menstruation.

Recipe 2

This alcohol tincture is universal remedy, suitable for the treatment of many diseases.


  • 200 g of fresh, preferably May nettle;
  • 0.5 liters of good quality vodka.


  1. Rinse the picked leaves thoroughly, dry them slightly and cut them. Pour vodka. Thanks to this, it will double the properties.
  2. During the first day, keep the container with the tincture on the window, then move it to a dark place.
  3. After eight days, strain the resulting drink. The nettle tincture with vodka is ready, and its properties have been enhanced.


The benefits of this herb for the body are due to the presence in it of many beneficial human body substances. Its properties are so useful because it contains:

  • acids;
  • vitamins;
  • tannins;
  • trace elements (such as copper and iron);
  • macroelements (magnesium, potassium and calcium).

And that's not all useful components herbs. Due to such a rich composition, the use of nettle improves immunity and helps to cure certain diseases and generally provides positive influence on the body. She also helps with heavy bleeding during menstruation. If you use the properties of nettle correctly, it will be of great benefit. But you can't overdo it.


This herb is widely used for many diseases, as nettle tincture has a diuretic, choleretic, hemostatic and restorative effect. In addition, this plant can be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also added to food. Obviously, the benefits are enormous, the main thing is correct application to enhance the properties of the medicine.

During menstruation

If menstruation is accompanied by intense pain, nausea and other symptoms, it is necessary to take one tablespoon of the medicine from this plant before meals. And in case of heavy bleeding during menstruation, you need to drink 50 ml of the drink 3 times a day. During menstruation, the benefits of nettle are enormous. But you can’t not consult a doctor during your period, otherwise the benefit will be small. After all, the tincture is usually used for bleeding, because nettle constricts blood vessels. But use during menstruation must be correct, and there must be instructions.

For bleeding

Due to the content of substances that have a healing effect, this herb is used in the treatment of wounds. If you want the bleeding to stop or the wound to heal faster, apply fresh leaves to it. Just rinse them with water first and knead them slightly. After this, bandage the wound so that the leaves fit tightly to it, only in this case will it be beneficial.

For other diseases

It will help with stomach or intestinal diseases, memory problems, fever and diarrhea. To do this, drink 5 ml of the drink 30 minutes before meals. Treatment should continue until the infusion ends. It is also possible to use the vodka infusion externally for rheumatism, furunculosis or radiculitis. Instructions for use for such diseases are quite simple: rub the product on the sore areas once or twice a day. Then you can note how great the benefit is.

In addition, it is worth noting that the benefits of nettle appear in diseases such as:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • kidney diseases;
  • bronchitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • asthma;
  • pneumonia.


For some people, the use of nettle is contraindicated due to the fact that nettle tincture increases blood clotting. Therefore, these properties must be taken into account. The use of this plant is not recommended if you have:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • tumors of female organs;
  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins

Also, an infusion of common nettle should not be taken during pregnancy or by older people.


(bug) is a perennial plant. Its leaves and stem are covered with numerous burning hairs. It has healing properties. Teas, decoctions, and infusions are prepared from the burning herb. But when exposed to temperature, many useful substances are destroyed, and water infusions They don't last long. Therefore, to save healing properties It is best to make the tincture with vodka.

Useful properties

The leaves and stems of the plant contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Taking potions from it helps increase hemoglobin, tones and gives vitality.

  1. The roots are dug up in early spring, when shoots are just emerging from the ground, or in late autumn.
  2. Wash thoroughly and grind.
  3. Fill with vodka so that the liquid level is two fingers higher, and leave for at least 2 weeks in a dark place.

To prepare an infusion from rhizomes and shoots, the plant is dug out of the ground in May, when the shoots are still young. The grass is thoroughly washed, crushed and the mixture is poured with vodka in a ratio of 1:1, infused for a month.

You can use vodka instead ethanol(medical), but it must be diluted with boiled water, cold water in appropriate proportions.

Important to know! Young nettles, although they have underdeveloped, stinging hairs, are best handled with gloves, as they can cause skin irritation.

Before use, you must consult a doctor and take the tincture according to the regimen that he prescribes.


Vodka tincture is prescribed as aid for treatment various diseases. Most often it is prescribed to use it 2–3 times a day, 10–20 drops. The exact dosage depends on the disease, and is prescribed by the attending physician.

Treatment of diseases

  1. For treatment diabetes mellitus The drug is infused for a month. It is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. Dilute 100 g of water and drink three times a day before meals.
  2. For pneumonia, the tincture is prescribed to remove phlegm from the lungs. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, and can be taken for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.
  3. For cholecystitis and urolithiasis, take nettle infusion when these diseases occur chronic nature. To prevent relapse of diseases.
  4. At gynecological diseases tincture is prescribed in cases where diseases are accompanied by abundant uterine bleeding. After childbirth, they can also prescribe it, but only if the child is not breastfed.
  5. To treat prostatitis, a tincture of nettle roots is prescribed, in in rare cases tincture of rhizomes and shoots.

Tincture of young leaves of the cauliflower is used as a source essential vitamins and minerals. To strengthen the body, increase immunity, relieve fatigue.

As an external remedy, it is used to stop bleeding and treat wounds. In the form of a lotion, it is used for the treatment and prevention of acne.

Important to know! Nettle tincture may be contraindicated for a number of diseases. Before using it, you should consult a doctor.


Alcohol tincture of nettle is contraindicated for children, pregnant women (how to take it is written separately), and breastfeeding. Due to the presence of alcohol in the medicine. In addition, it should not be used for thrombosis or varicose veins, as it promotes blood clotting.

  1. It should not be used for ulcers, gastritis, acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis. At individual intolerance drug.
  2. The tincture increases blood pressure. Therefore, hypertensive patients should take it with caution.

IN alcohol tincture more nettles are preserved necessary substances than in and teas. It helps with treatment various diseases, but must be used with caution, since nettle is contraindicated for certain diseases. Before use, consultation with a doctor is required.



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