The Wheel of Life Balance is a powerful tool for success and harmony. "Wheel of Life" - a technique for analyzing and planning life

When the boss or mother decides what time we wake up, how many hours a day we work, and when we go to the toilet, there will never be balance. We simply fill the day with other people's goals. We live by other people's values ​​and try to satisfy not our own desires, but other people's expectations. This is survival.

Balance in life is possible if you manage your present and future, manage your time. When you determine what to pay attention to, then it’s easy for you to bring your life into balance.

Life balance – an interesting, active life according to your own rules, not comfortable survival. To live an exciting life, you need to develop and try new things. Every day, be passionate about at least one or two activities that bring you joy. For me, a reliable source of joy is meaningful work.

You need to make a decision - gradually regain control of your destiny. Learn to ride independently without external help on the wheel of the spheres of your life.

The darkness of people does not manage their time, so the path to balance is closed to them. When they decide to take responsibility for their present and future, for their past decisions, then the road to a happy life will open for them.

Wheel of Life Method

To achieve balance in life, you need to put all sectors of your life in order. To assess the state of the parts of your life that are important to you, use this exercise.

The Wheel of Life is a technique for analyzing and planning life.

The exercise can be done once every 1-3 months to see progress.

"Wheel of Life Balance" online

Spheres of the Wheel of Life

To understand how to balance life, let’s consider satisfaction by area.

  • Health and sports

    A person without health and energy is a vegetable. Exercising, eating well and getting enough sleep is a must.

  • Personal relationships, family, children

    Family and/or relationships with a loved one. Relationships with those closest to you. It's difficult to live happily when there is no love.

  • Personal growth

    Developing yourself as an individual: intelligence, skills, knowledge, habits, character, reading books, learning languages ​​and new things.

  • Career, business, finance, self-realization

    First of all, this is financial wealth; if it is not there, it is difficult to talk about life balance. If your finances are in order, think about self-realization and purpose, go towards a big goal.

  • Environment and friends

    Our environment shapes us - a person is equal to the arithmetic mean of his friends.
    The formula for starting to form your circle: ⅓ friends below you, ⅓ your level, ⅓ above.

  • Rest, impressions, brightness of life

    You need to have quality rest, as well as work. Travel, new experiences, entertainment - all this gives energy and roundness to the wheel of life.

  • Creativity and hobbies

    Often brilliant ideas and breakthrough discoveries lie at the intersection of two areas.
    Develop in what you love, while constantly trying new things.
    I love trying new things. An example is tap dancing, where I was a complete zero.

  • Spirituality

    Everyone perceives this part of life at their own level. The search for something greater than man himself: the meaning of life, God, ideas, purpose, principle, moksha. Study of religion, philosophy. An often overlooked area of ​​the wheel of life.

    Spirituality is everything that can resist everything social, physical and even mental in a person. V. Frankl

The dangers of misinterpretation are important

The Wheel of Life is just an exercise.
The power is in the clarity of comparison with a physical wheel, but the same comparison is misleading.

No need to deceive yourself:

    Wheel of Expectations- a more accurate name for this technique.

    Some people feel disappointed when they see their crooked wheel and think: – “You can’t go far on a wheel like that!”. The name “wheel of life” suggests that on this wheel you roll through life, that this is your life.

    But that's not true. When filling out the life balance wheel, you take as your ideal what you think your life is like. should look, not what she is There is.

    Remove expectations and idealization of your life, and your wheel will be perfectly straight.– that’s exactly what you’re riding on.

    Our life is already great. We are so used to good things that we have stopped appreciating them. And we pay attention to what we don’t have.

    The trap of idealizing the wheel. The word “wheel,” automatically and imperceptibly, attributes the properties of a physical wheel to the flow of our life.

    In fact, a person understands that life is wonderful and he really loves to develop, set new goals and achieve them. In this case, scores from 1 to 10 will reflect its approach to goals in all areas.

    An important difference: a person already feels like a top ten! But he wants more, so he can put a mark of 6, where it would have been worth putting 16 a long time ago.

    Man has seen from his own experience all these dangers of interpreting wheel size. He understands that the circle has long grown, but his demands have grown along with him. We need to come to this.

How to work with a wheel

Bringing your life into balance, prioritizing is a major step towards a happy, self-controlled life. You cannot improve those aspects of your life that you do not consciously attend to.

As a rule, life becomes distorted due to the fact that we ourselves tilt it in a weaker direction every day. We strengthen our already strong sides, or we pay attention to things that do not bring satisfaction and growth.

The purpose of the exercise is to highlight in your mind the priority aspects of life for elaboration. To organize your life, you need to start with one area. If you learn to increase your satisfaction in one part of your life, it will be easy to transfer positive experiences to other areas.

The next step after identifying a priority area is to understand what exactly does not satisfy you. Then

When a person has everything to survive, but does not feel happy, the process of more subtle work on himself begins. It is balance that is considered a priority value. The Wheel of Life will help you bring well-being to the processes that take place around you and inside your soul.

Purpose of the method

In an effort to improve the atmosphere around them, self-realization, happiness and success, people think about those spectrums of their personality that they would like to improve. I also want to improve my professional skills. However, the deeper you dig, the more you notice that there is a connection between all processes.

If something is not going well in your work life, it is likely to be affected by your suffering personal life, and vice versa. Our psyche is like our body. For example, when one organ becomes ill, it can affect others. So you need to be treated not targeted, but comprehensively.

The Life Balance Wheel helps with just that. You can resort to this method in order to find out how much harmony is present in you, how realistic your plans are, what direction you need to choose for self-improvement, what is the root of your mistakes.

How to perform this task?

The Wheel of Life is a technique in which you will need to draw a circle. Divide it into 8 segments. These are the areas that are important to you and will be reflected in the life balance wheel. How can we use this as a tool for working on ourselves?

In each section, write down your values ​​and priorities. The Wheel of Life often contains data about career growth, health and family relationships, which are usually important to everyone. Then you can add additional compartments to which you attach importance. The life balance wheel can accommodate cells with rest, favorite activities and hobbies, development in a particular area.

We assign points

Then rate your satisfaction out of 10 in each area. The Wheel of Life is a technique for analyzing and planning your life, which can show that you are giving excessive attention to one thing and forgetting about everything else. Or, on the contrary, everything is in balance. Each cell can contain either 0, which means indifference to this category, or 10, which represents increased concern for this item, as well as intermediate scores. They give you a ten when you are satisfied with everything.

The Wheel of Life is a method for determining a person’s values, based on expert methods, so the basis for making assessments is purely your attitude and feeling. You should not rely on generally accepted standards, because we are talking about your destiny.

It often happens that when composing the wheel of life, people evaluate their income not according to the criterion of satisfying their needs, but depending on what is considered success in our time. So you strive for what you actually don’t need, becoming part of a consumer society. This leads to self-dissatisfaction and loss of self-esteem. Such processes need to be clearly monitored. Listen to yourself, because this is your life and you have to live it.

We get the final picture

When this part of the work is completed, we continue to compose the wheel of life. The photo shows how the drawing should ideally look. Now you need to set aside the segments so that the center of the circle becomes the zero point. The point at which the beam reaches the circle is taken as mark 10. Set aside the satisfaction scores inside the circle. To visualize the processes of what is happening to you, you need to paint over each sector, right down to the mark with the assessment.

The Wheel of Life is a method of analyzing and planning life that will help determine the level of harmony in different areas that you come into contact with on your path. If you are a balanced person with perfect balance, if you are happy, your schedule should be smooth. If this is not observed, then there is a lot of room for action.

Drawing conclusions

Take a look at your wheel of life and figure out which areas you haven't paid enough attention to. This method is very good for its clarity. Everything immediately becomes clear and understandable.

If you have left some areas of your life to chance, it’s time to thoroughly take on them and improve them. You can be proud of those points on which you score high. Thanks to this method, you can really understand what to focus on.

Start with those positions for which the ratings are minimal. The sooner you fix these holes, the better for you. You need to make a list of tasks that you will complete to improve the situation. To do this, use your imagination and imagine how things should have been for you to give a 10.

Then, specific steps to achieve the goal will begin to appear in your imagination, and by implementing them you will improve your life. Everything needs to be written down carefully and carefully. Thus, mental work will take place, as a result of which the right decisions will appear.

This material will help you in the future

This is an important process and painstaking work, but your happiness depends on it. It often happens that we step on the same rake several times. In this case, you just need to improve your results, and the solution to a difficult situation will happen much faster than it could have been without them.

If new ideas come up, add them to those previously written down. This makes it easier to find a way out of situations of varying complexity. For each weak position, you need to write down at least three actions. Start with simple goals, don't make them complicated in advance. Long distances are passed in small steps, but for sure. When the first goals are completed, it will be easy for you to puzzle yourself with something more significant and serious. Sometimes the beginning of improvement is a complex process, and then everything goes by inertia.

More thorough research

It happens that it is difficult for a person to evaluate one or another area of ​​his life. In this case, we can advise you to draw a separate such drawing, consisting of 8 directions. You will be able to see what needs to be fixed in this area.

Don't ignore anything you see in the picture. To establish harmony, you need to treat all areas with equal care and attention. Only in this way will success be achieved and happiness found, and the path will become joyful and exciting.

An interesting fact is that, as a rule, an optimist and a pessimist perform this task differently. This depends both on the perspective of self-esteem and on the emphasis placed.

For example, an optimist tends to overestimate his successes and score high on a large number of points. The objectivity of his judgments is low. A pessimist will have the exact opposite picture - he will often devalue his own successes.

What does this give?

All sectors are interconnected with each other. Also, based on the results of this task, you can determine your personality type. People differ in their values, so while giving preference and paying increased attention to a certain area of ​​​​life, a person may be misunderstanding of those who choose another.

That is why it is very important not to stop at one thing, but to develop your personality comprehensively. Then the world will seem a more comfortable and favorable place. It is versatility and comprehensive development that make our lives complete. There is a misconception in our society that everything can be bought with money. But, as a rule, we are often more interested in selling our own lives than in acquiring the things we really need. It seems that they bought an Italian wardrobe and a Japanese car, but there was still no happiness.

Having dotted the i's in this task, many find something that really makes their life more enjoyable, and not just creates a screen of well-being, behind which lies the unfulfillment and rejection of their own needs. All the answers are already in your soul. You just need to bring them into the light.

– a very powerful tool of cognition. Not only the world around you, but also yourself. It’s not for nothing that they say: “It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times.” With this in mind, we have already introduced you to the Tony Buzan method. Today we will talk about another visual tool - the wheel of life, which everyone can use to analyze their life from the point of view of balance - the balance of its individual aspects.

What is the wheel of life

There are periods in the life of any person when he pays maximum attention to one activity or area - working on an important project, preparing to enter university, etc. It is a positive quality if you are capable. But it also happens the other way around: all the time and energy are spent on one thing, and the rest is rejected and ignored. And we're not talking about a week, a month or even a year. Someone devotes so much time to work and money that they lose or do not acquire a family at all. Someone, on the contrary, pays insufficient attention to their career and remains in an average position, although due to their talents and knowledge they could achieve much more.

Whatever the examples in this regard, the essence is the same - for happiness and a fulfilling life, a person needs harmony, the ability to find balance. Numerous spiritual practices talk about this and teach this. But to rethink, control and analyze your life, it is not necessary to start shoveling mountains of thematic literature right now. The “wheel of life” exercise allows you to get material for reflection and look at your life “from above” and without all this.

Drawing your own wheel is not difficult. All you need is a pencil and a piece of paper. It is much more difficult to interpret it correctly. For some time now, a post about the wheel of life as a “1-minute exercise” has been circulating on social networks. But in reality, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It really won’t take much time to create a picture and identify the “axes” that are important to you. But to be honest with yourself, to fairly evaluate your life and, no less important, to understand in which direction to move next is not an easy task, but it is quite feasible.

The Wheel of Life is an effective and efficient technique, which is even patented in the USA, and is used by many personal growth coaches and. Despite its apparent simplicity, this method of organizing thoughts allows you to clearly look at the problem, see the imbalance and understand how to achieve balance. The main trump card here is clarity, which cannot be achieved when trying to analyze your life using the “kitchen conversation” technique.

Create your own wheel

The image itself can be drawn by hand or downloaded a ready-made template and worked with it in a graphics editor or printed. Moreover, this tool can be used not only as a wheel of life, but also as a wheel of work, study, etc., in other words, it can be detailed and sharpened for a specific area. Another advantage of this method of visualization is that it can be used not only to find balance, but also to control the progress or achievement of goals. Thus, at any time you will be able to understand and, if necessary, remind yourself what has already been done and what remains to be done for success in a global endeavor.

To better understand how the technique works and what should be included in the “axes” of your wheel, let’s look at a general example of the wheel of life.

Wheel of Life

You can see an image of a simplified traditional representation with characteristic axes at the beginning of the article. The technique is extremely simple - for each option you need to give an appropriate assessment of the current state of your affairs. Scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is low, 10 is high. For example, things are going well for you at work, you receive a high salary, which means that the scores in these two areas will be, say, 8. But you don’t have enough time to relax and communicate with friends, you feel a lack of it - 3 and 4. Having determined by follow the same principle for everything else, you will get a kind of diagram-representation of life and will be able to understand what you still have to work on and what you can simply maintain as normal.

There are no strict recommendations about how many “spokes” and what values ​​they should have. In our example, we tried to cover the main topics that, one way or another, concern every person and ask questions that will help you make the right assessment. At the same time, it is obvious that at certain stages of life their meaning may not be so important, so you can make the necessary adjustments to your wheel.


No matter how much we want it, work or study occupy one of the main places in our lives. And in the exercise it is important to evaluate them correctly. Not from the point of view of “I study or work, which means the grade is the highest,” but on the principle of satisfaction, the ability of work to reveal your talents and meet your needs.


When you come home after work, you sit down at the computer and continue working, turn on the TV and watch your favorite or spend time with your family, talk about everything in the world with your wife/husband, play with your children? Any family psychologist will tell you how important this is for happiness.


It's just as important as the work. To determine your level of satisfaction, answer yourself the following questions. Do you get enough rest to work productively? Are you constantly tired and are you resting effectively?


Do you care about your health? In this regard, one should mean a set of efforts - regular visits to the dentist, etc. There cannot be a static assessment here by default, so each time you should evaluate yourself in a new way.


Are you communicating and spending time with as much as you would like? Or every year there are fewer and fewer people who call you on your birthday? The question itself is a little exaggerated, but you must understand the essence and give an honest assessment of this aspect of your life.


Cognitive needs are one of the steps of the well-known pyramid. The desire to improve professionally and personally is a characteristic of a mature person who strives to move, develop himself and his abilities, and search for ways to become a versatile, effective person.


A hobby can be a form of leisure, a way of self-development, and a method of keeping fit. Often those who are torn between work and home do not find time for such activities. But in vain. Remember, for example, how much joy it gave you as a child to run around playing football in the yard with your friends.


An aspect related to work, but not always dependent on it. You can do what you love, but not earn enough. An honest assessment of yourself in this regard will push you to find a solution: additional employment, change of job, etc.

As mentioned above, the wheel can be made more narrowly focused, for example, to assess the state of affairs in the field of work/career. In this case, your “axes” could be: salary, relationships with colleagues, growth prospects, free time, etc. By assessing these parameters, you will get a picture of your current situation and be able to draw appropriate conclusions.

To many, the wheel of life may seem like nothing more than a theoretical tool. And they will be right to some extent - the technique serves as a kind of reminder, and not as a method of solution. But, having learned to use it, you can go beyond the usual framework of assessing your achievements in one area or another and monitor not only the balance in terms of finding a satisfying state of affairs in life, but also monitor the completion of tasks that lead to it.


Dear readers, probably each of us thinks about a harmonious life. At each stage, we may have a rethinking of values, which is primarily important for us, what we can do next, how to work on ourselves. On my blog I often raise topics about our internal content and precisely this kind of work. I believe that true health comes to those who live in harmony with the world, with themselves, who can give their Love to family and friends, our children, who themselves live a full life.

Today, my blog guest Anna Rogozina will tell us about the wheel of life balance and our development in each area. I have already introduced you to Anya. There was an amazing article of hers on the blog. And not so long ago there were articles about I am very pleased with your response to Anna’s articles. I myself am very interested in all the topics that Anya and I discuss on the blog. Many of you listened to Anya’s webinar “Formula for a Happy Mom”. They emailed me very kind words about this webinar.

Today we will continue our conversation with you on a very important topic about life balance. I give the floor to Anna Rogozina.

Life balance or development in every area of ​​a person's life

One of the key tasks of any mother is to be in harmony with herself and with the whole world at once. Otherwise, it is simply unrealistic to become the support and center of the Universe for your child. How can a baby gain confidence if mom is confused and dad frowns? And so on day after day. Yes, balance is difficult to achieve, uncertainty and some kind of dissatisfaction with oneself are constantly present. Thousands of questions torment you, millions of problems deprive you of sleep, and what can we say about self-esteem, if even the reflection in the mirror is critically distorted!

Do you recognize yourself? Then this is a reason not to be upset, but to buy a stylish notebook, a good pen and a beautiful cup. Exclusively for yourself and as a sign of the beginning of a new, interesting stage in your life. Then you need to do preliminary work with the family. Explain to your family that you need some time for yourself. You can free it up by sending your husband for a walk with the child in the park. If the baby has grown up and is already a schoolchild, let them go together to additional classes or visit their grandmother. You can find a place yourself, but one where no one will disturb you and nothing will distract you.

To feel happy, a mother needs to have enough time for all the things that are important to her. Otherwise, her quality of life deteriorates significantly, self-esteem suffers and the desire to do anything completely disappears. Let's see where the problems are hidden, and which area of ​​life requires the closest attention. The result of the work done will be a clear understanding of what is currently happening to you and what measures to take first.

Wheel of life balance. Spheres of human life

There is serious work to be done next. If you simply draw the Wheel and hang the piece of paper in a visible place, there will be no benefit. In addition to the drawing, you need to describe in detail what needs to be done and how so that the angular figure takes on the outline of a circle, and life becomes harmonious and balanced.

Open the notebook and draw a nice big circle on the first piece of paper. Now we determine the most significant areas of life for us and divide the circle into the required number of sectors, apply a scale from 1 to 10 to the resulting segments inside the wheel.

The sectors can be named differently, but we suggest using the following categories as a basis:

  • Your health and that of your family;
  • Beauty external and internal;
  • Career/own business;
  • Finance;
  • Children;
  • Personal development;
  • Self-education;
  • Home and comfort in it;
  • Relationships with loved ones;
  • Vacations, travel, meeting new people.

Wheel of life balance. Sample

This is what it will roughly look like at the beginning:

And then the fun begins. Brew a cup of tea and thoroughly “dig” into yourself, reflect, think. What and in what area are you “wrong”? What confuses you? What would you desperately like to change in a particular segment?

How to work with the wheel of life balance?

Rate your satisfaction with each area of ​​life on a 10-point scale . What would 10 mean to you, and what would only 1 mean to you? For example, in the field of health, 10 can be taken as what you want to see yourself in six months, a year, five years. How will you eat, or what indicators will you achieve? Everything is purely individual.

Be honest. Don’t feel sorry for yourself, don’t embellish or idealize. Reflect the real picture by placing a dot inside the circle at the level of the point you determined on the scale. Having finished analyzing all the spheres, connect the points with segments, paint each piece of the sector in any color from zero to the selected level, and look at the result.

Does the resulting figure inside the circle look a little like an even wheel? Don't be surprised, most often this happens. At this stage of work, identify several areas of life, changes in which will have the greatest impact on improving the situation within the entire wheel. Where is the greatest imbalance? Start working in these areas. You can work with 2-3 sectors at the same time, and the rest will begin to change on their own or will require minor adjustments from you.

Working with each sector of life balance

For example, let's choose the health sector. Suppose it is he who is in a deplorable state. What can be done here, since you need to have the strength to do everything you plan, to raise children? Kids follow the example of their parents and it is very important to instill in them a good, correct habit of taking care of their health.

First, we determine for ourselves personally what we equate to 10 points and where we are at the moment. The “Health” category includes: my and my family’s well-being (many mothers do not share these concepts, this is optional), appearance, activity, energy, diet, weight, sports, sleep.

What do we need to do to achieve the goal?

  1. Find information on the nutrition system you are interested in and review your diet for tomorrow.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  3. Get up 20 minutes earlier on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and do bodyflex exercises. To do this, find and download lessons.

Indicate small time intervals in the plan. Optimally – a month. Then see how your Balance Wheel changes and write down your actions for the next month.

Secondly, completely switch to your desires and sensations. Don't worry about how others will perceive your efforts to change. This is only YOUR desire, only YOUR dream.

Visualization of our desires

To help you work in this sector, be sure to look for inspiring pictures. They will help you visualize your aspirations and desires and will wonderfully encourage you to take action.

In such pictures, write down your wishes in precise short phrases, and in the format of already fulfilled ones. For example, “I will lose 5 kg” is wrong, but “I have lost 5 kg” is wonderful! Avoid using the negative particle “not” and any negative statements. It won’t work out right away, correct yourself and this manner of expressing your thoughts will become a habit in the near future. Remember that good habits and skills take about 20-40 days to form. One of the main points of the whole process is that you should be as morally comfortable as possible.

Don't forget to praise yourself!

In addition to the Wheel of Life Balance and all actions related to improving the quality of life in areas that are important to you, make it a habit to praise yourself. In writing! Get used to doing everything in writing.

You can have a separate one notebook “My achievements” or separate half from the one in which you started working with the Wheel of Life Balance. Write down everything you did well today, what you were able to achieve, what worked out, how difficult it was for you in the first month of working on yourself, but you managed it and continue. These recordings are intended only for you, they greatly increase your self-esteem and build lasting self-confidence, and also support you in moments when everything goes wrong. Believe me, they will too!

Julia Cameron "The Artist's Way" The book will help us

In conclusion, I will recommend one wonderful book that is not as famous or as read as we would like, but is extremely useful. You need to read it thoroughly, if you don’t quite like the first pages, promise yourself to finish reading approximately by the middle of the book. And you definitely won't stop.

So, Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way." Don’t let the title confuse you, each of us becomes an artist when we work on ourselves. And it doesn’t matter how much we considered ourselves a creative person before. Moreover, having decided to “dig deep” into ourselves and improve the quality of life, to reach a new, more comfortable level, we all become very creative and resourceful people. So why not?

Learn from this book exercise called “Morning Pages” . It is because of this that I recommend this book. It takes no more than 5-10 minutes and works great. You will always want to do it, and it will be a great help in working on yourself and your successful future.

You know, for a long time I wanted to implement a project that would provide powerful support and strong knowledge to mothers, and at the same time I wanted to create something much larger than just a community or group. I want every mother to be a holistic person, to succeed in everything as much as possible, to find herself in life, to be happy every day, and to have life that is truly very bright and fulfilling! And for this there needs to be harmony in all areas of life. This is so important for every mother. I understand this very much, because... I myself have always strived and strive for this.

So, I want to tell you in detail about a new big online project for moms - UNIVERSITY OF MODERN MOTHER .

This is a closed educational club, where every month we will work to improve life in areas that are important to us, mothers:

  • Your health and the health of your family.
  • Cozy home, order.
  • Beauty is internal and external.
  • Career/own business
  • Self-education
  • Personal development (work on yourself)
  • Finance.
  • Relationships with your loved one
  • Recreation, travel, entertainment, traditions.
  • Communication, dating, connections.
  • Creativity, creativity

Every month one area of ​​the mother’s life is worked on. Each topic is addressed through efficiency and expansion of internal boundaries. 1 topic - 1 month.

The scope of the first month is the HEALTH of the mother and her entire family.

Interesting communication, belonging to the community of developing mothers, invited speakers every month - each professionals in their own topic, and a lot of other advantages.

All this awaits you very soon! Join us!

The club will open on October 23, 2015

More information about the club, all the privileges for its members, as well as subscription options can be found here. You can also register using this link to receive interesting information from the club.


All the best to you! Harmony in the soul, happiness and joy every day!

I thank Anya for the information.

And for the soul we will listen today Michel Pépé: La Vision du Coeur Everything is very beautiful. Give yourself a treat.

See also












The essence of the task is simple. Take a piece of paper and draw a circle of life on it (as in the picture above). I want to immediately warn those who are very lazy, they should not do it in their minds, but rather draw it. The next step is to determine for yourself 6-8 areas of life that have at least some meaning for you. Some of them are common to all people - Health, Work, Family/Close People.

Others may differ, for some people Money is important, for others access to Entertainment, for some Personal growth is important, or the presence of Property (apartment, car, etc.). There may be hundreds more different areas of life that are important to you personally. Divide the circle into sectors, each sector is an important area of ​​life for you.

Wheel of life balance.

Now think about how sick you rate each of them on a scale of 10.

Moreover, what is important here is not what you think others can estimate it at, but rather your assessment, your attitude towards it. This is an important point, so I'll explain it. For example, take a sector such as Family/close people; from the point of view of most people, success in this category is determined by the presence of a husband/wife, children, and close friends. Level of relationship with them. But if you live alone and are happy (at this particular moment in time), then evaluate this sector accordingly, and not from the generally accepted point of view.

Now, again, as in the picture, combine the ratings that you gave for each sector. You should end up with something like this:

The question is brewing: what does this life balance wheel mean and what should I do?

And not a single psychologist, coach or trainer can give you a 100% correct answer. Moreover, regardless of what happened in the picture. Only you can draw your own conclusions, but to help with this I will give a couple of explanations.

It is believed that if you have a truly more or less uniform circle similar to a wheel, then life is balanced. It may completely satisfy you or, on the contrary, not completely suit you, but in such a situation there is really often no desire to change anything. You are in harmony with yourself, your life and your environment. Of course, if the wheel turned out to be large, with uniformly high marks in all areas of life, then one can only wish further success and not stop there. If you have uniformly low grades in all areas, it means that there is a lot of work ahead, but it will only make sense if you yourself want to change something. There are essentially two ways. First, try to change something evenly across all sectors, second, focus on one/two and make a breakthrough on them, and the rest will follow them.

If you have a completely uneven circle in the picture, then, as they say, the problems and the necessary directions for development are obvious. At the same time, you should not violently regret the failed areas of life, but realize and appreciate what you have already achieved. After all, your successes are what has ALREADY been done, and failures are just what you STILL have to do.



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