What foods contain zinc and magnesium. Products with zinc to improve immunity - how does the noble metal help build human DNA? Daily value for women

Zinc is present in the body in the form of ions that come with food and water. This is a mineral component that is not similar in properties to a simple substance. The trace element zinc is contained in food products. Most of it is found in whole grains and bran, legumes, oysters, and calf liver.

Zinc is a microelement, the total mass of which is only 10 g, less than 0.01% of body weight. Tissues do not need metal, but its biologically digestible form - bound ions in the composition organic matter. Lack of zinc in the body leads to changes in metabolism, weakening of the general and local immunity, violation antioxidant protection cells.

The trace element Zn is part of the hormone insulin, regulates the activity of more than 200 enzymes, and is involved in the work of neurotransmitters. It is also known about the influence of the mineral component on the processes of hematopoiesis, respiration, and oxidation reactions fatty acids, regeneration of skin damage.

Zinc is one of the 17 essential “elements of life”, without which it is impossible to build all parts of cells and the most important compounds for the functioning of organs.

However, the intake of an “extra” amount of microelement into the body with food or tablets can lead to serious metabolic disorders. When the body contains 150–600 mg of Zn, symptoms of intoxication are observed: weakness, abdominal pain, vomiting. Harm may be associated with the penetration of zinc dust into the lungs, the ingress of water or food contaminated with metal production waste into the gastrointestinal tract.

A lack of zinc in combination with a deficiency of magnesium, phosphorus and iron leads to blocking the formation of nucleic acids, proteins, hemoglobin and other vital compounds in the body. Characteristic symptoms Zn deficiency is considered to be nail separation, deterioration of hair growth, hair loss, graying, skin diseases, slow healing of skin damage.

Insufficient microelement content affects general condition health, even on behavior and learning ability. Immunity decreases, the tendency to allergic reactions, infectious diseases. Prolonged Zn deficiency leads to changes in carbohydrate metabolism and dysfunction endocrine glands. Hand trembling appears, hyperactivity develops, attention decreases, and other neurological disorders arise.

Clinical signs of zinc deficiency in children are dryness and roughness. skin, susceptibility to pathogens, growth retardation and later puberty. Simultaneous deficiency of zinc and retinol activates the work sebaceous glands skin. More oily secretion is produced, and the exfoliation of dead epidermal cells is disrupted. As a result, favorable conditions for the formation of acne.

Daily intake of zinc

The microelement content in tissues varies depending on the age, body weight and state of health of a person. The flow of any components from food into the bloodstream is affected by the condition of the wall small intestine. Malabsorption causes enormous damage to metabolism and health. Man uses healthy food, but in cells necessary substances do not arrive.

Infants require 1 to 2 mg of zinc per day. Physiological need in microelement increases during periods rapid growth. Children early age need 3–4 mg of microelement. The requirement for preschoolers is 5 mg, junior schoolchildren increases to 7 mg.

Adolescents require 8–9.5 mg, girls and boys - 7–9 and 10–11 mg, respectively. Women under 50 years of age - 7–12 mg. The upper figures correspond to the needs of pregnant women and during breastfeeding. Men need 10–15 mg Zn daily.

Upper permissible level for an adult is 25 mg of elemental zinc per day. During physical activity, during the treatment of a number of diseases, the daily intake can be increased to 30 mg. This is what you do during protein fasting. profuse sweating, physical activity, treatment with diuretics.

Table: which foods contain the most zinc

If there is a deficiency of any element in the body, it is necessary to eat food rich in this component. Valuable sources are meat, fish and seafood, and bread products. From the table below you can understand which products contain zinc the largest quantities. Heat treatment leads to loss of trace elements.

Foods rich in zinc

Cereals, bread products9–0,7
Brewer's yeast8,0
Meat (pork, beef)from 1 to 8.0
Cheesesfrom 3.5 to 4.63
Fish and seafoodfrom 0.5 to 7
Legumesfrom 0.4 to 4.9
Brazil nuts4,0
Black tea3,2
Eggs(yolk –3.8; white – 0.02)
Condensed milk0,78–1,0

Zinc-rich foods such as wheat bran. When grinding grains, up to 80% of Zn is lost, therefore wheat bread much poorer in microelements.

Plant foods rich in zinc

The largest amount of the mineral component is found in grains and legumes, some seeds and nuts. However, plant foods, as a source of zinc, are inferior to animal products. It must be remembered that heat treatment may be accompanied by a decrease in the amount of macro- and microelements.

Plant foods with relatively high Zn content

FoodZinc content, mg per 100 g of product
Wheat bran9,2
Pumpkin seeds7,0
Soy flour4,9
Buckwheat grain, peeled2,7
Rye flour2,5
White beans2,5
Corn grains1,7
Brown rice1,6
Whole grain wheat bread1,5
Whole grain rye bread1,3
Brussels sprouts0,6
ApricotsFresh fruits – 0.14; dried apricots – 0.4

Animal products high in Zn

Moderate heat treatment leads to an increase in zinc content in meat and fish. Animal products are recommended to be boiled, baked and stewed. During cooking, 35–55% of microelements pass into the broth. When extinguishing, this figure decreases to 7%.

Animal products high in Zn

FoodZinc content, mg per 100 g of product
Veal liver8,4
Pork liver6,5
Emmental cheese4,63
Gouda cheese3,9
Cheese Tilsit3,5
Chicken liver3,2
Pork sausage2,1
Fried chicken1,0

Meat, fish, and cheeses are rich in microelements; in addition, zinc is better absorbed from food of animal origin. Such products are ideal “suppliers” of the mineral component Zn to the body.

Features of zinc absorption

Carotene increases the bioavailability of Zn, and the latter is important for the metabolism of vitamins A, E and C. A lack of zinc aggravates hypovitaminosis A and E. Competition with other ions for the “order” of absorption by the intestinal epithelium is possible. Such “rivals” are copper, calcium, and iron. Zinc deficiency occurs when taking aspirin.

A variety of foods is the key to a sufficient supply of microelements. Zinc is important for healthy skin and hair, reproductive, nervous, endocrine systems. Deficiency negatively affects metabolic processes. Replenishment of stocks is possible by enriching the menu with products containing zinc in large quantities.

There is a lot of Zn in oysters, nuts, lentils, seeds, and dried apricots. Part minerals delivered to the body fresh fruits. The diet should be selected so that it contains all the necessary nutrients, taking into account possible losses due to malabsorption. If you have intestinal diseases significant amount useful substances does not enter the body, does not participate in metabolism.

If a micronutrient deficiency causes severe disorders, That natural sources not enough. You should take vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements. Unfortunately, manufacturers include substances with low bioavailability in the tablets, for example, zinc sulfate (Zincit, Zincteral). The same problem arises with calcium, Zn’s “neighbor” in the second group of chemical elements. Absorption can be increased by taking organic salts - zinc acetate, gluconate, citrate, picolinate.

With the modern pace of life, stress cannot be avoided, so it is very important to supplement your diet with foods rich in zinc. Products containing zinc help maintain vital important functions our body.

Zinc is essential for the good functioning of most internal organs, nervous and heart - vascular systems, he participates in the most important metabolic processes, affects protective functions body.

Basically, a person gets the required amount of zinc from food. Therefore, it is useful to find out which foods are rich in this mineral and, if necessary, review your diet.

In fact, the presence of this trace element in sufficient quantity improves well-being. And its deficiency can lead to disruption of the functioning of organs and systems, causing a person to feel tired and nervous.

To find a zinc supplement, after registering using the referral link, enter the name “zinc” in the search box on the iHerb website and select the one that suits you. Before ordering, read customer reviews.

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of zinc in the body, the symptoms of its deficiency or excess, and food products containing zinc in the tables.

Products containing zinc in large quantities - benefits

Knowing which foods contain zinc that is beneficial for humans is very important. After all, the presence of zinc in products performs many important biological functions. Let's list some useful purposes zinc:

  • Improves. It is part of most enzymes, participates in the formation and breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and affects protein metabolism.
  • Strengthens the immune system. Responsible for building the body's resistance to infections and colds, affects antibodies to diseases, leukocytes and hormones.
  • Participates in the process of hematopoiesis.

  • Regulates the process of division, reproduction and growth of cells. Slows down cell aging. Necessary for the growth of the child, as well as for the formation reproductive system, sperm and egg production during adolescence.
  • Promotes the absorption of vitamin E and is needed for the metabolism of vitamin A.
  • Outputs heavy metals and toxins from the body.
  • Improves the condition and growth of hair, nails and skin.
  • Accelerates the healing of integumentary tissues, wounds, burns.
  • Responsible for the functioning of taste and olfactory receptors.
  • Participates in the process of alcohol processing. Therefore, a lack of zinc may contribute to the development of alcoholism.
  • Necessary for gland function internal secretion who are responsible for hormonal background.

Thus, zinc is necessary for the development and functioning of all organs and systems in our body; DNA synthesis cannot occur without it.

Zinc deficiency is extremely rare with a properly planned diet. Products containing a lot of zinc fully satisfy its need.

If a person suffers from certain diseases or is exposed to certain negative factors, then the absorption of this microelement decreases.

Products such as caffeine, alcohol and dairy products wash away the element, preventing its absorption. Excessive use alcoholic drinks, long-term use Some medications (corticosteroids, estrogens, diuretics) cause zinc deficiency.

Excess lead, cadmium, copper in the body, vegetarianism, lack of zinc-rich foods in the diet, too active physical activity And increased sweating also lead to zinc deficiency.

Its deficiency threatens serious health problems, causing disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems of the body.

Symptoms of microelement deficiency include brittle nails, bowel movements (diarrhea), intense hair loss and dandruff, inflammation and cracks in the corners of the lips, decreased sense of smell and taste sensations, as well as appetite. Wounds and scratches do not heal well, increased fatigue and constant fatigue.

Characteristic signs that the body contains insufficient zinc:

  • Disruption immune system, frequent colds.
  • Impaired and decreased blood circulation, anemia.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Skin diseases, dermatitis.
  • Mental disorders and nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, schizophrenia, depressive states.
  • Violation menstrual cycle, infertility, risk of fetal growth retardation and development of pathologies in the fetus, premature birth and miscarriage.
  • Development of cancer.
  • Destruction of the retina, cataracts.
  • Decreased concentration, absent-mindedness, memory impairment, irritability.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

Products containing zinc for men

The largest amount of zinc is found in men's genital organs. Therefore, its deficiency leads to the risk of prostate adenoma, impotence and erectile dysfunction men over 50 years old.

What foods contain zinc - daily allowance

Zinc is best absorbed together with a large number vitamin A and proteins. You should also avoid consuming foods containing iron, calcium and lead. better digestibility zinc These microelements should be separated in order to increase the level of metabolism in tissues and organs.

Since zinc plays a huge role in the development and growth of the fetus inside the womb, women during pregnancy need more high doses this element.

In addition, you should increase the consumption rate during active sports, physical activity, severe stress and mental stress. So the norm daily use zinc in these cases increases by 0.6–1 mg.

An adult's need for zinc differs depending on age and gender. Hedgehog daily norm is:

  • infants up to six months: boys need 3-4 mg, girls 2-3 mg;
  • children from one to three years old up to 5 mg per day;
  • preschoolers from 4 to 8 years old need 5-8 mg;
  • schoolchildren from 8 to 12 years old – 8-10 mg;
  • adolescents 13–18 years old: for girls about 9 mg, for boys about 12 mg;
  • adult women from 20 to 59 years old need 12-13 mg, men of this age need 15 mg per day;
  • elderly women over 50 years old - 10 mg, men at least 13 mg;
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers need at least 15-17 mg.

What does zinc contain?

So, first, let's briefly list which foods contain the most zinc. Then a table will be given indicating the microelement content in milligrams per 100 grams of product.

What foods contain zinc? large quantities is food of animal origin, especially chicken and beef liver, red meat, oysters, shrimp, boiled fish. In oysters the content exceeds the daily norm by 4-20 times!

Also among the undisputed leaders are legumes, grains, nuts, wheat bran, dry and compressed yeast, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.

What foods are rich in zinc among fruits and vegetables: green vegetables, garlic, beets, sweet pepper, cabbage, onions, carrots, potatoes, radishes, apples, citrus fruits, berries, figs, dates.

The top table lists foods that contain high levels of zinc. In addition, there are many other products that contain this element in smaller quantities, but they must be present in the diet. These are various fruits and vegetables.

Zinc content in food - table

Causes and consequences of zinc poisoning

Excess zinc is quite rare; it is almost impossible to be exposed to zinc poisoning from food. This is possible in the case of uncontrolled use of zinc-containing drugs and disruptions in the body’s metabolism.

It is also dangerous to store and cook food in galvanized containers, especially acidic foods. Possible zinc poisoning through respiratory tract on industrial production and permanent residence in an environmentally unfavorable place.

Symptoms of zinc excess include vomiting, nausea, dizziness, pain in the abdomen, chest and muscles, headache, heavy sweating and weakness, rapid heartbeat, convulsions, shortness of breath, metallic taste in the mouth.

Excess zinc can lead to the development of many pathological processes, for example - to the appearance of autoimmune processes and dysfunction of the immune system, to deficiency of iron, copper and cadmium, to disorders of the liver, pancreas and prostate glands, deterioration of the condition of hair, skin and nails.

If a deficiency or excess of zinc is detected, appropriate measures must be taken immediately. In serious cases, you should consult a doctor.

Zinc has been known to us since school as chemical element, but few people know how valuable it is for our life. All hormones and enzymes in the body include zinc. Thanks to it, proper metabolism is carried out, tissue regeneration occurs, and blood supply improves. The functioning of the body's systems (hormonal, immune, circulatory, bone) depends on the presence of a sufficient amount of zinc.

In order for the level of zinc in the body to always remain within normal limits, it must be replenished. Most zinc is absorbed from food. The following are zinc-rich foods by category:

  • seafood- oysters, salmon, eel, anchovies, sardines, tuna, seaweed;
  • vegetables- tomatoes, beets, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi;
  • fruits and berries- orange, blueberry, raspberry;
  • legumes- peas, corn, beans, soybeans, lentils;
  • nuts and seeds- sesame, pine nuts, cashews, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, flax, poppy seeds, almonds;
  • meat products- lamb, beef, liver, tongue;
  • other categories- garlic, egg yolk, mushrooms, yeast.

A small table will help you find out which foods contain the greatest amount of zinc:

Oysters 60 mg/100 g
Veal liver 16 mg/100 g
Wheat bran 16 mg/100 g
Acne 12.1 mg/100 g
Beef (stew) 9.2 mg/100 g
Poppy 8.2 mg/100 g
Yeast 8 mg/100 g
Sesame 7.9 mg/100 g
pumpkin seeds 7.7 mg/100 g
Chicken hearts (boiled) 7.3 mg/100 g

Adding these zinc-containing foods to your daily diet will help prevent its deficiency in the body. The consequence of such a shortage could be various disorders, such as skin and hair problems, developmental delays in children, and blurred vision.

How much zinc does the body need?

Our organs already contain a certain amount of zinc. Most of it is in the liver, kidneys, and genitals. An excess of zinc is just as harmful as its deficiency, so it is important to know what daily requirement in zinc in various categories of people. Another small table will help you navigate this.

There is also an opinion that some people need more zinc than others of the same gender and age. This is for example:

  • athletes;
  • people doing heavy physical labor;
  • people exposed to stress;
  • coffee lovers;
  • residents of environmentally unfavorable areas.

In addition, zinc is especially important for men, starting from the moment they intrauterine development. Products for men containing zinc should be included in the diet from an early age. We can say that his masculinity depends on the zinc content in a man’s body.

Features of zinc absorption

Zinc in food is fully absorbed by the body if certain conditions are met:

  • absence of alcohol dependence;
  • sufficient protein intake;
  • simultaneous maintenance of proper levels of fluoride and calcium.

If these conditions are met, zinc will only have an effect on the body positive influence. If you consume enough food containing zinc, you will not have to compensate for its deficiency with store-bought pharmaceutical drugs.

Everyone wants to be beautiful and feel healthy. Often considerable efforts are made for this: exercise, a nutritious diet, vitamin complexes. However, it is not always possible to see a noticeable result, because if the body lacks some microelement, it will not function fully.

In today's article we want to talk about one of these elements. We will talk about zinc and its important role in the body.

It is especially useful for men to know about the properties of zinc, what products to look for it in and what its daily value is for male body. Since this important information will help not only improve your health, but also increase and strengthen potency.

Zinc in the body and its key functions

In adults, the amount of zinc is usually 2 grams. The main percentage of the substance is concentrated in the pancreas, liver and muscle tissue. In addition, it is contained in many enzymes, the most studied of which is the carbonic anhydrase enzyme found in red blood cells. It helps remove carbon dioxide from the lungs.

Key functions of zinc:

Normalizes the functioning of the prostate;

Promotes the production of sperm and testosterone;

Improves the absorption of vitamin E;

Significantly improves the condition of skin, nails and hair;

Removes acne and prevents the appearance of new rashes;

Participates in hematopoiesis.

Zinc in various foods

Products of animal origin (number of milligrams per 100 grams of product):

Oysters – 16 – 20;

Beef liver – 16;

Eel – 12;

Beef – 9;

Chicken hearts – 7.3;

Lamb – 5.9;

Beef tongue – 5;

Egg yolk – 3.9;

Anchovies –3.5;

Hard cheese – 3.4;

Salmon – 0.9;

Products plant origin(number of milligrams per 100 grams of product):

Wheat bran – 16;

Pumpkin seeds – 10;

Sesame – 7;

Peanuts – 6.6;

Cocoa (powder) – 6.5;

Sunflower seeds – 5.2;

Pine nuts – 4.3;

Oats – 4;

Soybeans – 3;

Rice – 1.

Daily requirement for zinc

The norm of zinc for an adult male is from 10 to 15 mg. For athletes, the need for zinc almost doubles: moderate physical activity - 20-30 mg, during competitions - 30-35 mg.

Important details!

Zinc in an amount of 150 mg per day can help toxic effects on the body.

Birth control pills greatly reduce the level of zinc in the body, so this method of contraception may be harmful to your partner if her body needs this substance.

Many dairy products impair the absorption of zinc.

Lack of zinc. Symptoms and consequences

Zinc deficiency quickly manifests itself, worsening health and well-being. It can be caused by the following factors: taking diuretics medicines, stress, dysfunction thyroid gland, diseases such as leukemia and cancer, cirrhosis of the liver. In addition, zinc levels decrease with age.

The main symptoms of zinc deficiency:

Skin inflammation and acne;

Increased appetite;



Memory impairment;

White spots on the nails;

Hair fragility.

What to do?

You can replenish the level of zinc in the body with the help of food, especially oysters rich in this substance. In addition, there will be effective technique medicines containing zinc, for example: Zincteral, Zincit, Vita Zinc. However, you must first consult your doctor. It is worth noting that nausea may occur while taking medications, but this normal phenomenon, provided that it is not accompanied by vomiting.

Excess zinc. Symptoms and consequences

A large amount of zinc in the body can be caused by the following factors: long-term use medicines and active additives with zinc, unbalanced diet, consumption of foods that long time were stored in zinc containers.

Symptoms of excess zinc:




Metallic taste in the mouth.

What to do?

If excess zinc appears as acute reaction, you need to apply for medical care. It is often provided in a hospital. To relieve symptoms, an antidote is used - unithiol, which effectively neutralizes the effects of not only zinc, but arsenic, mercury, chromium, copper, cobalt.

Zinc, like many trace elements, is needed by every person. It's impossible without him good condition skin, hair and nails, as well as the full functioning of the body. The main thing is not to forget that zinc must enter the body in moderate amount, then it will not harm you, but will only bring you benefit.

Zinc is second only to iron in its concentration in the body. The microelement is contained in the cells of the whole body, continuously participating in vital important processes. Support normal level zinc in the body helps certain products food, such as meat, offal, nuts and other foods that are present on our tables every day.

The role of zinc in the human body is difficult to overestimate. It is responsible for immunity, actively forming lymphocytes and protective antibodies, increasing the antimicrobial activity of cells. Scientific confirmation has been found and antioxidant properties zinc The trace element is involved in the synthesis of enzymes responsible for digesting food, increases visual acuity and is an excellent remedy prevention of myopia.

Zinc is also required for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. With its direct participation, insulin is produced and, thereby, blood sugar levels are normalized. A sufficient amount of zinc in the body helps prevent joint diseases - arthritis, rheumatism and others. It is impossible without zinc normal contraction muscles, which makes its use mandatory for athletes.

The cause of prostate adenoma and male infertility Often there is a lack of zinc. For the male body, the microelement plays a leading role. It improves sperm activity, prevents hormonal disorders, caused by the undesirable activity of certain enzymes, is involved in the formation of male genital organs. That is why it is important to monitor a boy’s nutrition during puberty, enriching his diet with foods containing essential zinc.

Lack of this microelement in female body first of all reflected in the mirror. Dull, brittle hair, brittle nails, dry skin - all this indicates a lack of valuable microelement. It is especially important to support it normal amount during pregnancy. Zinc normalizes the hormonal levels of a woman in “ interesting position", helps to cope with the stress that arises during this period. Among the complications that can arise due to its lack are gestosis, which disrupts the functioning of vital important organs and systems of the pregnant woman and fetus.

The formation largely depends on zinc bone tissue. It is important to monitor the diet of a child whose body is just forming, saturating his diet with essential microelements, which are found in sufficient quantities in familiar products nutrition. At the first symptoms of a microelement deficiency in the body of a child or adult, you should consult a doctor, get tested and review your diet, supplementing it with zinc-containing products.

Interaction with other microelements and vitamins

For better absorption zinc is necessary so that other microelements and nutrients enter the body in sufficient quantities. First of all, it is phosphorus and calcium. Vitamin A increases the absorption of the substance, as well as various amino acids. The combination of microelements with B vitamins is used in medicine for recovery normal operation nervous system - increasing concentration, improving memory and even treating schizophrenia. An excess of zinc makes it difficult to absorb other microelements, such as calcium.

Table of foods containing zinc, copper and selenium

The effect of selenium on the body is almost the same as the effect of zinc. That is why it is important to saturate the menu with products that contain both of these elements. Copper is also responsible for maintaining human health and beauty. Many pharmaceutical drugs often combine zinc, copper and selenium. Knowing the amount of these microelements contained in food, you can adjust your daily diet, making it truly nutritious and healthy.

Product Microelements content /100g
Zinc, mg Selenium, mcg Copper, µg
Oysters 60 77 15.7
Acne 12 25 4.8
Wheat bran 16 11 6.3
Veal liver 15.9 5 3.8
Yeast (dry) 8.0 - 2.7
Sesame 7.8 - 4.08
Beef 7.6 2.5 0.3
pumpkin seeds 7.5 9.4 1.8
Chicken hearts 7.3 4.3 3.4
Pine nuts 6.5 0.7 1.32
Cocoa powder 6.4 - 3.9
Chicken breasts 4.4 26.3 0.2
Egg yolk 3.9 5.6 0.7
Pork 2.7 33 0.5

This table contains foods that contain the maximum amount of zinc. In combination with copper and selenium, these products will help normalize the functioning of the body, maintain health and beauty, and prolong youth. The norm of copper per day is from 1.5 to 3 mg, the norm of selenium consumption is 10-50 mcg.

The range of products containing these microelements in quantities necessary for any organism is quite wide. It also includes many vegetables (beets, broccoli, potatoes) and fruits (apricots, persimmons, watermelons). Contains the necessary microelements of cereals and flour dishes coarse. Only proper nutrition, based on sufficient consumption of nutrients, will avoid problems associated with a lack of one or another valuable element.

Products with high zinc content

As follows from the table, maximum content Various seafood, beef, lamb, pork, dark chicken meat and offal contain valuable microelements. It is also found in sufficient quantities in products of plant origin - pumpkin and sunflower seeds, peanuts, pine nuts, sesame seeds. Yeast, cocoa powder, tahini and popcorn are rich in zinc.

But valuable substance, entering the body from plant food, is not as well absorbed by the body as micronutrients from animal proteins. That is why people who practice vegetarianism or regularly fast are more likely than others to suffer from problems caused by a lack of the most important micronutrient. If there are no seafood or meat on the table, it makes sense to contact a specialist who will prescribe effective complex microelements.

Daily intake of zinc

Zinc intake rates depend on the age and gender of the person. Doctors recommend consuming the microelement in the following dosage:

  • newborns (from 0 to 6 months) - 2 mg/day;
  • children (from 7 months to 3 years) - 3 mg/day;
  • children (from 4 to 8 years) - 5 mg/day;
  • adolescents (from 9 to 13 years) - 8 mg/day;
  • boys over 14 years of age and men - up to 15 mg/day;
  • girls from 14 to 18 years old - 9 mg/day;
  • women over 18 years old - 12 mg/day.

Often the microelement enters the body in sufficient quantities with food. If you adjust the diet, saturating it with containing essential microelement products is not possible and there is a lack of zinc in the body, the doctor may prescribe zinc-containing drugs in an individual dosage.

The following symptoms may suggest that foods rich in zinc are not being consumed in sufficient quantities by the body:

  • various skin diseases, acne, skin peeling;
  • hair loss and alopecia;
  • fragility, brittleness of nails and the appearance of white spots on them;
  • weakened vision at night;
  • loss of familiar taste and smell sensations;
  • long healing of cuts and wounds.

Problems with well-being can be caused not only by a lack of vital important microelement. Its significant excess, which can only be achieved through the use of zinc-containing drugs in large quantities, also negatively affects well-being. Among the symptoms that a person experiences when poisoning with a trace element are the following:

Chronic excess of the element can lead to slow bone growth and weakened tendon reflexes. Liver functions are weakened, prostate gland, all kinds of autoimmune diseases. It is important to know that zinc that enters the body from food does not accumulate, so eat foods rich in valuable element, it is possible without the slightest restrictions.

About the effects of zinc on the human body in the following video:

The consequences of a lack of zinc in the body are quite serious. That is why it is important to balance your diet by filling it with foods with high content of this microelement.



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