What are some good habits? Super useful habits that change your life for the better

Today we have prepared useful habits for you to work on yourself.

List of useful habits for girls

Habit #1

Before you start plucking your eyebrows, always disinfect the tool and the area of ​​skin you will be working with. This is necessary in order not to introduce infection into the resulting micro-wounds.

Habit #2

It is better to use special antibacterial soap to wash your hands, especially if you have problem skin.

Habit #3

Great for double chin simple procedure self-massage using a regular towel. Make it a rule to repeat these actions morning and evening and the result will not be long in coming. For greater effectiveness, you can soak a towel in salt water.

Habit #4

Don't forget to trim the ends of your hair; updating the cut will help the nutrients to be well distributed throughout the entire length of the hair. The frequency of the procedure is individual for everyone.

Habit #5

Tablespoon linseed oil fasting will help enrich your body. You will receive the necessary women's health fats. But remember that this product has special conditions storage If not followed, it loses its beneficial properties.

Habit #6

If you find it difficult to follow the correct water balance, then use a little trick. When you drink a glass of water, immediately pour yourself another and leave it in a visible place, so every time. It will be much easier for you to drink required quantity water when it will always be in your sight.

Habit #7

One or two drops of lemon juice applied directly to your face in the morning toothpaste, will help make your teeth whiter. And also as a prevention against the appearance of tartar.

Habit #8

Develop the habit of doing some yoga asanas every day. Yoga is ideal for women because it is like no other health system affects not only physical health, but also emotional states.

Habit #9

Carry hand sanitizer with you. Of course, they cannot replace proper washing, but in situations where you do not have the opportunity to wash your hands traditional way, an antiseptic will help reduce the number of germs.

Habit #10

Check your breasts regularly. The breast examination itself must be performed every month on the same day. Somewhere in your native age, it is better to do this for the first time a few days after the end of menstruation, since at this time the mammary glands are the least sensitive and not swollen. More information on how to carry out self-examination, we advise you to ask your gynecologist.

Take it and start leading from Monday healthy image life is a utopia. By Tuesday you'll be out of your mind. But systematically, gradually, noting successes in the checklist, come to a healthy lifestyle by introducing healthy habits into your lifestyle - this already sounds more rational. So, print out the article or write down the milestones in your Moleskines. Let's get started!


Radiant optimists-athletes (whatever) advise avoiding the elevator and climbing only the stairs. But as we show in practice, no mountains of gold will force ordinary person crawl up stairs from morning to evening. What to do? There is a way out! Running down stairs is almost as beneficial and not at all difficult. Do it quickly and easily, like in childhood, jump over the steps and load your body with quite a decent load. With the right amount of effort (and a tall building), walking down stairs can even be turned into interval cardio!


A popular rule in the USA is: 2 hours of TV - 30 minutes of exercise. You can start with exercises so that you can give yourself every right for viewing. You can compensate for sitting around the TV after the movie. The main thing is to connect these two concepts in your brain. And remember: after 21 repetitions, the habit is fixed in memory, and taking care of yourself will become much easier!


Many people believe that breathing exercises- it's boring and difficult. Not at all - just holding your breath once a day is enough! Cardiac surgeon Academician Amosov, who himself lived to be 90 years old and performed breathing exercises, argued that every cell first of all needs load and limitation. It is enough to let all the air out of you and not breathe for some time. To make it more interesting, try to set records every day - hold your breath 2-3 seconds longer. Your body will thank you!


Getting out of bed, go to the kitchen, heat some water, add a little lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne pepper. It’s not difficult to remember, but the benefits of such a habit are enormous. You will immediately start your metabolism, and by the time you start breakfast, the “fire” will flare up properly. Lemon juice will give vitamin C, improve your microbicidal immunity, cayenne pepper will speed up running exchange substances. Tested on myself: this product seriously improves the condition of the skin. The only "but" (or advantage?): this drink reduces the number of active sperm, so if you are a man and want to have a child, abstain.


Make a new rule for yourself - go to the store only after eating. The difference in checks will be huge! On a full and even full stomach you will be disgusted to look at cooking and many marinades. Fill the refrigerator with clean, healthy, healthy food It will be much easier!


Fruits (preferably citrus fruits or apples), chopped and peeled vegetables, nuts, berries, protein bars, lettuce leaves - you should have a lot of this goodness both in the refrigerator and in your desk drawer. When you have something useful at hand, you will no longer go to the vending machine for Snickers. It’s the same at home: your conscience simply won’t allow you to relax.

We have heard (and even made) thousands of thousands of excuses. Everything is nonsense. Don't have enough money for a fitness membership? Is it far away? Don't have time? Work out at home, it's more than really. Visit big sporting goods store- You you'll be stunned from the amount of sports equipment that is now sold and how low the prices are. And one more thing: girls, don’t be fooled by online weight loss programs that are so popular now. You won’t get any super-precise customization for yourself and your needs from the “experts,” but sets of exercises that will easily help you lose weight with due diligence are all available online! You're welcome on YouTube gigabytes exercise videos. Just start practicing, and you’ll come up with excuses later!


Many gurus advise not to neglect fiber, but do not explain why it is needed. And as a result, beautiful slender girls who are on a low-carb diet and have long given up fruits, cereals and rye bread, can earn such an unappetizing problem as haemorrhoids. You won’t believe it, but by the age of 30, 40% of the population of highly developed countries suffer from enlarged veins in the rectum or anus. Isn't this a reason to eat a raw carrot or an apple a day (back to the point about snacks)!


A simpler and less painful version of dousing. It won't take long, but it will help you fall asleep faster, and your leg veins will be in good shape. in perfect order(especially important for girls).


Mom may not order it, but it has already been proven that the benefits of a solarium outweigh the harm (which can be minimized). Healthy, rested look, not bluish, but attractive skin, camouflage problem skin and cellulite, vitamin D - that's what you get by introducing short and pleasant visits to the solarium into your routine. What to consider? Don’t overheat, don’t apply suntan oils, don’t stand in the solarium without shoes, use a stickkini, a cap and glasses.


Unfortunately, no gels or scrubs will give the effect that you get from the hands of a cosmetologist. Yes, it's disgusting and sooooo painful, but it's useful and beautiful. The skin after cleansing (of course, not in the first few hours) will look simply amazing. There is no need to come to the grief room too often - as soon as it gets dirty, about once every 3 months, and the rest of the time use cosmetics with AXA acids.


Sounds weird? Not at all. We urge you to do a honey wrap not for some reason - no. Just understand: the body feeds not only through the mouth, but also through the skin. All skin cells are myriads of little mouths that can also absorb useful substances. Honey wrap will saturate your body with vitamins and microelements that may not enter the body due to the destructive effects hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice.


When taking a shower, increase the pressure to maximum and raise the temperature to top point your tolerance. Now direct this deadly stream at your face. No, we're not crazy - this thermal massage improves skin tone and elasticity, and also gets rid of wrinkles and relaxes facial muscles. This shower also increases blood circulation in the facial area. Wait for two minutes and then dry your face with a soft towel.


When buying groceries for dinner, be sure to take a couple of vegetables for salad. Chopping a few tomatoes is easy, but a large glass bowl of vegetables in the center of the table will give you essential vitamins and will quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger. Experiment: regular tomatoes-cucumbers-radish on Monday, Greek on Tuesday, cabbage + carrots on Wednesday... and so on. Use it to come up with truly delicious recipes.


Oatmeal is the best thing that can happen to you for breakfast. Its only drawback is its fairly decent cooking time, if we're talking about O good quality cereal. Buy instant porridge We do not recommend it - this makes no sense: the porridge loses all its benefits, and it contains not “good” slow carbohydrates, but “bad” fast ones. But there is a way out - and this is the famous “oatmeal in a jar.” It’s very simple to prepare: buy yourself some nice glass jars, fill the jar in the evening oatmeal for 2 fingers, add nuts, fruits, berries (to your taste) and fill with milk. Place in the refrigerator. In the morning you won’t recognize your breakfast: the cereal will be perfectly cooked, the fruit will remain juicy. and the milk will be saturated with their taste. Yum-yum! We've put together some oatmeal in a jar, but you're certainly free to come up with your own!


If alcohol is a frequent guest in your diet, then during a hangover, as well as for prevention, take activated carbon- 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight. Coal is an excellent absorbent that removes gastrointestinal tract all poisonous and harmful substances, as well as salt heavy metals, poisons plant origin and toxins. But you shouldn’t use this remedy too often - it just as easily binds and removes useful substances.


Unless, of course, you are already taking it. This is a complete benefit for your body, and if you work in an office, then after you start taking it regularly, you will notice how your health has accelerated. mental abilities. In general, take it, this advice has no downsides.


It may sound banal, but we simply could not ignore this important habit. Water is life and it is your beauty. The more you drink, the better you look. Drinking a glass of water on time will reduce your appetite, make your skin elastic, and your hair shiny. Water is life. We recommend that you do not hesitate to go to the cooler at least once an hour or keep a bottle of drinking water on the table.


Why do you think cats eat grass? This is how they produce chlorophyll, the substance that makes plants turn green. It brings oxygen into the body, which cells so desperately need in our polluted cities. If you prefer to eat plant foods, which has already undergone culinary processing, you may seriously lack chlorophyll. And the pigment chlorophyll can be seriously necessary. This can be solved with the help of “green smoothies” (there are many recipes, it’s not a problem to find) or with the help of chlorophyll in the form biological additive. Chlorophyll improves immunity and has antibacterial effect, promotes the synthesis of red blood cells and prevents the development of caries. We see no reason not to start drinking it right now!


Another dietary supplement that you should definitely have at home. Main body modern man- these are the eyes. How many hours a day do you look at different monitors? Can you imagine how your visual organs are strained? Do you have any desire to support them? Natural blueberries all year round It’s a bit difficult to afford, but anyone can take blueberry extract. It strengthens the capillaries of the eyes, helping to increase blood flow to the retina. But the extract is useful not only for the eyes: blueberries prevent the formation of blood clots and protect the gastric mucosa.

Get better every day! Good luck!

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To make the positive changes you want in your life, you need to change your habits. First of all, daily. This is one of the main secrets.

In one of my articles, I talked about the habits that destroy us (). If you have not familiarized yourself with it, it is advisable to do so, since this article is a continuation of the topic.

But there is also a reverse “creative” path. The path of consciously forming useful habits in yourself that bring you strength, success, and prosperity.

In this article we will look at daily habits. These are all things that can/should be done every single day. The main components of success in this case are regularity and consistency. It is advisable to do these actions every day, no matter whether it is a weekday or a weekend. With small but regular efforts we create big positive changes and our lives really begin to change literally “before our eyes.”

Don’t try to introduce all the healthy habits described below into your life at once. Only the most “inveterate superheroes” can do this :). You can choose one or several and start with them, then gradually add new ones.

I gradually introduced the habits listed in this article into my life over the course of 2 years.

Of course useful daily habits there may be many more than those described by me. You will be able to choose new ones for yourself and introduce them into your life. I am simply describing my personal experience.

If you follow all the recommendations and habits outlined in the article every day, it will take approximately 2.5-3 hours. Do you think a lot? In fact, your Time Killer habits are taking up a lot more of your precious hours and minutes. Therefore, it’s enough to simply redistribute efforts :)

In this regard, I cannot help but quote once again my favorite saying:

“We make ourselves either strong or miserable - the amount of effort is the same” (K. Castaneda)

And not only effort. The amount of time is also the same.

Here is a map of all the habits discussed in the article:

So let's get started. Let's start with the first group of 10 habits that will make you healthy and energetic. I have already written about many of them in one way or another, but important things It’s not superfluous to repeat.

Physical and mental health, tone, energy

1. Don't eat before bed. The habit of not eating before bed will become one of the guardians of your health. It is best to completely limit food consumption after 19-00.

3. Drink more water during the day. Minimum 1.5 liters. Teas, juices and other drinks are not a substitute.

4. Play sports. Or visit gym. If you can't, you can just start running. At least 2-3 times a week, at least for half an hour.

5. Try not to get angry or slander. Watch your thoughts and words. Develop the habit of counting to 10 in your head if you want to “break.” The law of attraction works in the world. And the more negativity comes from you, the more it will come into your life.

6. Do a comprehensive morning routine. Immediately after getting up. It consists of four actions: brushing your teeth, cleaning your tongue, drinking a glass of warm, clean, unboiled water with a little lemon juice and a contrast shower.

Method contrast shower very simple: start with warm water, then hot, then cold, then hot again, and so alternate hot and cold several times. Finishing cold water and then rub yourself with a terry towel. The degree of contrast must be gradually increased.

7. Do at least a small set of exercises in the morning. I have as mandatory minimum"6 magical exercises" from yoga (four for the spine, "candle" and standing on one leg with eyes closed). Someday I will make a separate post about this.

8. Practice relaxation or meditation. This must be done after all morning exercises. And it's very important habit. In fact, in the modern urban rhythm, we have completely forgotten how to relax and are almost always tense. And tensions and pressures systematically destroy us. Even 10 minutes of daily relaxation will have the most miraculous effect on your nervous system, tone, health.

Turn on some quiet music. Sit cross-legged in a Turkish style (if you can and it’s comfortable for you, it’s better in the lotus or half-lotus position) and be sure to lean your back on a hard surface, such as a wall (otherwise you won’t be able to relax properly). You can simply lie on your back, on a flat and fairly hard surface (a non-thick carpet will do well). Breathe freely. Gradually you will relax more and more. After the session, massage the corners of your eyes and rotate eyeballs 8 times clockwise and back. There will also be a detailed post on relaxation and meditation techniques soon.

10. Try to walk more. Give up the car if the distances are not very long, give up elevators. Walk more fresh air, especially in parks, near ponds, etc.

The following group of 10 habits will make you a better person. They develop thinking, memory, increase your stock of knowledge, help expand your horizons and acquire new skills and competencies.

For this group of useful habits, I often use a smartphone. In my opinion, this is generally an ideal tool for self-development, if you use it for good and not for entertainment.

Personal effectiveness and self-development

11. Learn a foreign language. Spend 15 minutes every day studying foreign language. In addition to the immediate benefit expressed in progressive knowledge of the language, this is also very good workout brain and memory. I usually do this right when I arrive at work, “while the laptop is loading” :)

Make it a practice to learn 2-3 new words every day, do grammar exercises and listening exercises. I use a smartphone to study. For me best choice there are 3 applications from Axidep: “Polyglot”, “Words”, “Listening” (also available on Google Play and on the AppStore).

12. Take notes. Constantly write down your ideas, thoughts, as well as everything useful and interesting in a notebook. I use the very convenient Evernote cloud notebook for this. This is truly a very powerful and convenient tool. You can very quickly and conveniently add to it not only your notes and thoughts, but also various useful articles and other materials found on the Internet. To do this, I recommend using the special Clearly extension for browsers.

13. Listen to audio books. Now there are no problems downloading and installing almost any audio books on your smartphone or player. I listen to such books every day at any time: when driving, when in traffic jams, when walking, when waiting for someone or something, etc. Which books should I listen to? In my opinion - useful: books about entrepreneurship, books on self-development, famous classics, etc. This way I manage to “read” one or two books a week. You will learn more if you jot down key ideas from each book in a notebook.

14. Watch useful films and videos. Give yourself half an hour every day to watch useful films and video clips. The subject matter is the same as for audio books. You can watch 2-3 movies in a week. A lot of useful videos can be found on Youtube (of course not in the tops :).

15. Plan your day. It is best to plan the most important things for the day in the evening of the previous day. In the morning - final planning. Throughout the day, keep track of what has been done. Again, to speed up and make the process easier, I recommend using specialized programs. My choice was the MLO program and its mobile application of the same name.

16. Don't put off what gets done quickly. Get used to doing everything that can be done within 2-10 minutes right away without putting it off on the back burner. Many such tasks can pop up every day, and when they accumulate, they then require much more effort and time.

18. Follow the news on carefully selected resources. As I said in the article about bad habits, in general, news is evil. Especially formats like Life-News or Vkontakte feed. But if you approach the process correctly, they can bring a lot of benefits. First of all, you need to keep track of news from the industries that you are involved in or that are potentially interesting to you. For efficient reading, so as not to be distracted by anything unnecessary, you can either customize an RSS feed for yourself or customize some simpler aggregator like Anews.

19. Keep records of income and expenses. Yes, it’s the hardest habit for me... Now I’m forming it for the third time, I “broke it” twice :) But, as my partner, a very successful and rich man, put it: “Money does not tolerate negligence.” If you want to take control of your finances and create the conditions for a constant increase in wealth, you will have to do it. Post income and expenses daily. Analyze and optimize expense items, etc. There are many programs and mobile applications to automate this process. I use RiseMoney.

20. Make time for your family and friends. Always, every day, try to make time in your schedule for people close to you. Call, meet, talk, plan, play with children, etc.

Good luck in forming healthy habits! If you have any additions or questions to the article, I will be happy to listen and answer them in the comments.

This and other topics are discussed in more detail in my books in the series "The Phoenix Code. Technologies for changing lives."

Habits are divided into useful and harmful. The former can improve a person’s health, as well as positively influence his life in general. Harmful ones lead to problems. Therefore, let’s talk about what you can do to keep yourself busy and at the same time have health benefits. Moreover, there are quite a lot of hobbies that can really improve your life.

Power of Habit

All human life consists of repeated actions. They determine character, form certain individual traits: will, endurance, patience, and so on.

Usually people do not think about repeating the same gesture or performing some kind of automatic movement. They act by inertia, unconsciously.

How does a habit appear?

Anyone can train themselves to automatically move. But first you have to consciously set a goal.

For example, a person wants to learn how to cook soup. For this he will be very attentive the first time. Select a pan. Carefully chop the vegetables specified in the recipe. Fry some of them in a frying pan. Throws everything into the pan in a certain sequence.

Consciousness will work very actively. But if a person continues to prepare soup every day, then after a while all movements will occur automatically. At the same time, he can think about anything, listen to music or watch TV. The subconscious mind will not allow you to make mistakes in mechanical movements.

The hardest thing is not to acquire, but to get rid of habits. A person must again actively connect consciousness. Bad and good habits obey his will.

Bad habits

These actions, developed over the years, can poison the life of both the individual himself and his loved ones. And it also happens that a habit harms not the owner himself, but his environment. Vivid examples:

    loud laughter;

    inability to listen to others;

    caustic remarks.

However, all of the above cannot cause physical harm, only moral harm. It's easy to get rid of this if you want.

What is a bad habit? This is the opposite of useful. It brings a lot of trouble and makes the life of its owner unbearable, even if he does not notice it.

Adverse habits

The most dangerous habits are considered:

  • gluttony;


    obsession toxic substances, drugs, pills;

    gambling addiction

Such habits can kill a person. They quickly develop into an addiction and a disease that needs to be treated in hospitals under the supervision of professional doctors.

These problems may appear due to weakened mental state, problems with the nervous system.

Among the indecent habits are the following:

    nose picking;


    nail biting;

    groundless jealousy;

    constant yawning;

    frequent delays.

They are not as harmful as the previous ones, but nevertheless they spoil relationships between people.

Useful human habits

A person who succeeds in life has a whole series useful skills brought to automaticity. They serve him in order to achieve what he wants.

The most useful human habits:

    Go to bed early and rise early. To a normal person you need to sleep at least six hours a night. People who wake up earlier, when the brain is in the active stage, manage to get much more things done than sleepy people.

    Eat right. Active man builds his diet in such a way that the body begins to work for him. Vegetables, fish, meat, fruits, dairy products provide health and longevity. You need to develop good habits and don’t stop when passing fast food, don’t look through the window. It is advisable to avoid carbonated water.

    The ability to give thanks. This habit is difficult to develop. Positive emotions, a smile given to another person is returned doubly. Having done something nice for someone else, a person realizes his importance and remains satisfied with himself for the whole day.

    Get rid of envy. Being offended by others because they succeeded in something is one of the most bad habits. You need to learn to be happy for people. And achieve your goal.

    Live in the present. Planning ahead is very useful, but you need to remember how fleeting existence can be. What can be done today - clean your shoes for the morning in the evening, prepare clothes, pack your bag, prepare food, stock up on groceries - should not be postponed until the next day. There is no point in constantly thinking about the past or dreaming about the future. This limits your own capabilities and nullifies good habits.

      Positive thinking is the most useful skill anyone can develop. Any situation, even the worst, can be perceived as an obstacle that makes stronger than that who overcame it.

      Education. You need to study at any age. The main thing is to make it a goal in itself to learn something new in a day.

      Exceed the plan. It’s good when a person can do everything that he has written down in advance in his actions for the day. But it is better if he is able to exceed his own expectations and create useful habits from this.

    Getting rid of bad habits

    It was already mentioned earlier that any acquired skills can be fought. The main thing is to be patient and include consciousness in the work.

    It is easier to acquire bad and good habits, but this does not mean that you cannot get rid of them.

    What will you need?

      Time. You cannot make an action automatic and then eradicate it in a couple of seconds or hours.

      Determined attitude.

      All willpower.

      Control over your own behavior.

    Working on skills

    The habit will not go away on its own. To do this, a person must surround himself the right conditions. Remove the irritant, the trigger, which may arouse the desire to repeat habitual actions.

    A striking example: a person wants to eat less, but it is difficult for him to overcome himself. He is obliged to visit all confectionery shops and sweet shops, remove the basket of sweets from the table, and junk food from the refrigerator. You can ask your family to refrain from demonstrative eating of some foods.

    By refusing to buy junk food, a person begins to save money. Soon you may develop more useful habits - saving the amounts that were previously spent on groceries.

    Constant and vigilant control over oneself. If you rely on someone, you may never get rid of a bad habit. The brain must receive orders from a person in order to process them.

    A simple notebook in which a person will write down all achievements can make the task easier. It will be a second reminder of the need to control yourself.

    If an individual bites his nails, then after each time he must note the date of this process in a notebook. Day by day there will be fewer entries.

    Formation of healthy habits in children

    TO useful skills it is best to train in childhood. Parents should not only show positive example the younger generation, but also to ensure that the child develops the necessary traits in his character. Good and bad habits of children can be formed or eliminated quickly and painlessly.

    For each right action a reward system should be developed in order to associate the skill with a pleasant association.

    Good habits for children

    Basic instincts that need to be developed from childhood:

      Cleaning the bed should be done with early age parents, and then reinforced by teachers in kindergarten.

      Wash your hands after walking, using the restroom, and before eating. Mom or dad should wash their child’s hands themselves early stages his growing up.

      Brush your teeth. You can come up with a game in which the baby himself wants to use a brush and toothpaste to save his white teeth from plaque.

      Morning exercises. Accustom to physical culture The baby is needed from two years old. Exercises should be enjoyable and arouse interest. With age, this skill becomes quite difficult to develop. The school also encourages these good habits. 1st grade, in addition to physical education, actively spends health minutes 15-20 minutes after the start of the lesson.

      Cleaning. Any child can do the simple steps of putting toys in a box. Thanks to this, he learns neatness, love of work, and responsibility.

    When school is in session, good habits should be one of the topics discussed. Teachers tell children how important it is to eat right and follow a daily routine. All this will allow the child to avoid bad influence from outside.

If you buy healthy habits V at a young age, then it is more likely that they will stay with you for life. Here are 30 healthy and beneficial habits that you should have by the age of 30. And if you've already blown out 30 candles on your birthday cake, but haven't yet followed these tips, now is the time to start! Better late than never!


Physical exercise improves mood, normalizes sleep, and helps maintain weight. But if you can't stand them, then it's unlikely that you'll study. Therefore, choose an activity you like: swimming, strength training. And enjoy!


This helps to lose weight, improve mood, remove toxins from the body, and increase tone. First, try drinking one glass more than you are used to. If you don't like the taste of plain water, add a slice or a couple of mint leaves. Use mobile applications or an alarm clock - so as not to forget. Drinking a glass of water 15 minutes before meals has been proven to help with weight loss.

3. QUIT SMOKING (if you don’t smoke, don’t even try!)

You, of course, know that smoking seriously increases the risk of lung cancer and even negatively affects the brain. Studies have shown that women who quit smoking before age 40 live at least 10 years longer than those who continue to smoke into their fifties.


All more Research shows that the more time you spend sitting in a chair (or in a comfortable work chair - it doesn't matter), the higher your risk of obesity, hypertension and diabetes. And what's even sadder is that it doesn't depend on whether you exercise regularly or not. So add more motor activity on your working day. For example, get up when you talk on the phone, take every opportunity to walk, at least to get documents in the next office; send documents for printing to the printer that is located furthest from you; use a screensaver on your work computer screen with a reminder: get up and stretch! Or become a pioneer in your office and adopt the increasingly popular “standing desk” - a desk for standing up.


Consult your doctor about this - it is very important to make an informed decision on the issue of protection from unwanted pregnancy and choose the product that is right for you.


There are always a lot of occasions that are worth celebrating with a glass of wine: birthday, March 8, friendly party, etc. However, the recommendations of doctors and nutritionists regarding the amount in your life are as follows: up to 2 servings per day (130 ml of wine (15%) or 330 ml of beer (6%); up to 14 servings per week (930 ml of wine (15%) or 2300 ml beer (6%), and at least 3-4 days a week without alcohol. Regularly exceeding this dose leads not only to fatigue, but also to fatigue. feeling unwell, but also the occurrence of cancer and alcoholism


First on our list is a therapist: you need to visit him once a year, even if feeling great. A visit to a gynecologist - twice a year, a mammologist - once a year, and after 40 years it is also recommended to have a mammogram. Once a year we check our hormones with an endocrinologist and undergo an examination with a gastroenterologist. Visiting the dentist twice a year will not only relieve dental problems, but will also give you a beautiful smile.


Notice that it doesn’t say “when you reach your goal weight.” Your body does a lot for you, even if you are unhappy with some parts of it. Therefore, accept yourself as you are here and now - and you will become much happier!


Not only will this help you relax and decompress (which is obviously important for your physical and mental health), but it will also help you burn more calories. At least this is evidenced by the results of one study. So even if you are super busy, find time to meet with your friends and be healthy!


Recent studies have shown that if you know how to enjoy food, then it is much easier for you to follow the principles healthy eating for weight loss or weight maintenance. So go cook! This way you can control the whole process and monitor the amount of oil, salt and sugar that enter your body.

11. FIND A DOCTOR you will trust and listen to.

Recent research has shown that for women, women can be the best doctors than men. Of course, such a statement cannot be true for everyone. medical professions. However, the gender of the doctor affects how comfortable you feel during the appointment. After all, if you trust your doctor, you are more inclined to share with him the necessary information about your well-being and follow his instructions.


It's not a fact that your mother will want to tell you that her father was prone to heart disease, her uncle suffered from mental illness, and her grandmother was a diabetic, but your health may depend on it. The more you know about what your family members have had, the better prepared you and your doctor are for what the future may hold. Therefore, ask the older family members these important issues, while there is such an opportunity.


It happens that you want to disconnect from all your problems. But this is not only “switching off”, it is reducing stress levels, mobilizing brain reserves and a lot of other positive side effects, for example, the absence of a tendency to do the unconscious (like how to unnoticed yourself eat a whole pack of chips that you never intended to get from the cupboard).


Here are a few reasons why you should experience orgasm regularly: it actually relieves headaches and also relieves any other type of pain due to the release of oxytocin; sex twice a week is practically a multivitamin: it stimulates immune system body, normalizes the cycle.


This is important!


Some studies caution consumers against purchasing multivitamins. Of course, your doctor may recommend that you take them in some cases. But in general, consuming as many vitamins and minerals as possible in your diet is much more beneficial. better reception them in the form of pills, including due to the lower risk of allergies.


It plays important role in yours everyday life and well-being in general. If you are experiencing serious stress or depression, do not ignore these problems and seek qualified help.


Experts say that weight loss of 0.5-1 kg per week is considered safe. This means the need to create a calorie deficit of 500-1000 kcal daily, combining the right balanced diet And physical activity. Your diet can be 1500 kcal with reasonable physical activity. More extreme measures could lead to shortages nutrients and the yo-yo effect (weight fluctuations).


Nobody talks about complete refusal, but the more time you spend watching TV, the more likely you are to gain weight. Plus, studies show that watching TV for a long time has a negative impact on a couple's relationship. Therefore, minimize your time in front of the TV and use the free time for more active activities.


Not just because it’s just funny to cry and tear your hair out over a chocolate muffin you’ve eaten. It can also ruin your weight loss efforts. The truth is that it's okay to forgive yourself for the occasional little weakness.


40% of women do not prioritize heart health. But the statistics are this: every fourth woman dies from heart disease. So healthy heart- it really is a matter of life and death. Therefore, take care of your heart: laugh every day (this reduces blood pressure), do not solve work issues at home or on vacation, include chicken, tomatoes, and bitters in your diet; do physical exercise.


There is no data yet on the effects on humans of various chemicals in the long term. But we believe that you should not play Russian roulette with your body. Therefore, choose your hair coloring products carefully, decorative cosmetics, groceries and ready meals.


...and start saving money. Rich people are often rich because they have the intelligence to save or invest what they earn. Financial well-being in the long term is something worth thinking about now. Start by putting at least 10% of your income into a savings account in a bank every month. If the phrase “long-term” doesn’t motivate you financial well-being“, think about the fact that you need a “safety cushion” that will save you in case of unforeseen circumstances: job loss, accident, illness.


Almost 4 out of 5 people say they go to work even if they are sick. Don't take over this one bad habit- and you will not pose a danger to others.


Women who spend more time outdoors are much happier, healthier and more creative. And for those who are their opposite, there is alarm signal: Doctors have already identified a group of “health disorders caused by insufficient exposure to fresh air.”


Recent studies of the human brain have shown that people who do not feel supported by their partner are prone to the accumulation of calcium salts in coronary arteries and circulatory disorders. Sometimes you feel: I MUST prove that I’m right! But believe me, it's not worth it!


Several studies have shown that the more time you spend on your devices, the more likely you are to experience sleep disturbances. Other studies have found a link between frequent phone use and poor physical fitness, and a link between the number of Facebook friends you have and stress levels. Therefore, more often - for your own good.




This will help you get quality medical care in case of serious illness.


None of us are perfect. So don't blame yourself for small mistakes. An increasing number of studies show that for mental and physical health It is important to have compassion for yourself and your loved one.

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